HE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone N- l- tin Kih of A j.titulnT a tar Iklt th I Afil It. i tt.,lc,M il.ti. The County ulc. ! The lit ptuMn tut two TllKEE Ml'K'Dl-K CASES. Taeaday, November 111. I. auo. a laiye q uuuty oi Kuu Mu:-; loaLaLiiw. Ne .ul.ni a.,.1 en. hi ll-tf d.ir lnrf l-o- 1 - i .. v : .1. u .in S lit i rai !el the. hm:I,.r ap-rlwculsul K. Mills wotUvl.ii ! Ii Caretua is Vt Monroe fir Mmr. J. I. Li.s.ks lrH of ureakliig up ZTi 'Sirart u:uKisii jir blind Hirer den. He caught ach Vm-k tr l" r !.!, ."Jr. T!.. ..I.I.-, ami ':! .1. I . 1:1 (itnH1 .i e f!.i fUl-d.ll,-, B'dl Ml-M. X. C. I'lUV and V. O. II ig'cr I n.l-.ti..!.-'. The totr for Tatt ''.i-county VSjn .t; for Lijau. .'.".'-. For tiovnirir, "ii. Kiul.iu re rvi-.l '.'.on.; vote : Mr. Cot 701. The j;ii!-ri itmul tote ,y precinct in a follow , wl.i. Ii w.t. Mia. Mm. Archer of bhelby i tatting friend in town. Sirs. ('. K. Houston au.l i-hiUlii-L iimi a iiii.!nj of y ami tie are Tinitlug relativra iu lla!eiKh. posilel bnu on I lie chain (r.tii fr Jin, A. A. lUair is iM..; in d. ' "1u" i i.. in. 1 Iwk a i-w h.i al rlorrl p-n Mwbtil"- jticwcu anu aith Zh. I...I Mr. (1. Mcp.ride of l oword jabn a an lit! of font and gut away, spent a part of last week in Monroe. I Pretty n after this a nt;ro was Rev. (i. I'-dk r.iM!iil,r,,,-,e' Kichnioud, Va., a a praywiueetiiiK at the lrwd teiian , "-p-cius character, lu Li m j church Vedumlay uj;ht al i :'t. I scsk-hmi a an a kit of liur,;lar tools , Uml a way bill liuwiuKir,oUi.hip- iu-hforoiaja.ko: sbei, lH , Miurxl to .l,.hllM,ll,L again Uie lianner ieai rat ic tow u ,, v.,.,. i.,l th.i ""P- raee iu KicbmomL ccrtaiu tbal Ibei ',""K Mr. II. K. lUriier a ill le-ueM . neurit, Henry U.n, tu. imjili- ;XfB,.h'W " Hirmw for Anhi-1'ille. iu-re h.T .1.1 ii. M.rr ..t tl.u lll'V - koine aill lie. !i.-re. Mewrx Newman ami l-aney Mra. a A. HouMon ail .n, !""U,J crm. ai.d York to .r,,l m.n.e time. rlhie J '"her vU, a...l have :,ml . . ' ' that will doulrtlewti.ut. hi. - lTiela.liwoluieri.i.11"' '"' n,.:i. kii the irine for a loue timet ." win eomiiK-t a ruiiiiuiureMieiii uif ,,. ,lU Bjly an ollt wm, atoi room next to Momt riin.i jBl.,v hnidu-ule irtber. As for tare Co. Friday and iaiunlay. z.mV partuer. Uaann. he will Mr. II. A. I'rivelt bus oim-ikiI a a l"ii term in Ku-buioiid on grocery store iu the mom it va- jaeouunt of Uie burglar tooU. ted by Mr. Tadlork, oj.H,uetlie TllPre i(i , bi tw(en JuJge w et Loun na n nnj I..-:.! L.i.v K?l I oil T Utile Nefroe and tf.VrrI1Uiell, n One W hite Man Tried far rtur- cilinr,. is,llrd yesleiday. sh-a .- Jcr- I I'fUMI U!f gmui-d Ui Novniiber I Jine Webb Irjia a very busy yKr lt . ..i lilt.re jj !mii of rourt Iai4 Ve.i-ixIn) T (-umJ f, JJ...ViJ Lalfsi iiMHii.-i.g. The Mioaiiu; raw hate. Jrn.,.ut Tavlo'r of the National COTTON. jSpeeial Qotiees T Ciiiii. rs- Avxfij!i"ii xays: ""k-.ru I mi a irk;di.Hturlui; religion eon i.i. Hl i.ni; not guilty. "ji w-nt.T, l.ii'ie and Trawirk, for disorder it eoiidm-t near ehurrh: Travwirk followed in the lu.'.iu bt ';- ..r ui.d l-ini-le iilead iruiltv; judgment other kandiu4!cs - ibe Dim t.ile iu M;.sH'ii.lel ou liavuieut of rostx; uol eat h rM-1 I'm U.;. i eeoiid lor t'o: Wii.sou'a Sttire.. ,. Vlm West Sindt l.'idi and -till . I'M . I '. lie iiiiw as to laiiieiiter. I l.iiH-t W. Iluker. tri.tlmid found . 'gu.ltv at Auguitt term for Milne- . iiouiUMiKaveuoiieeotapiieaiami au, ,,,,, B rar.r ,ian ;.. Nmi... failetl lo follow up bwap- knan U f..re in team, there i no jM-i!, apiH-a.e.1 al ium term, aim w,,v ,he ,,., snoui(1 , ' lie even larjjT IKK kKKY at Ui ' t rrni. re duction uii N.iv.-ml-r lth. l'.th aiil I Uh. t ive afci Trn I inl Slore. lii il.li 'lal.-d uf.-ty hib. 1 -. ii at Ku.ltr.- . ' I Will I I) likr for tl.v i-- .f of the town ami r.Kjntr- to klmw tfiat I am arlliiiK Kr-. r on throiifr o site Ihf Mrh-. I a ill rvrtamlv lw tfUd to till your oriW-rv anv tun.. 1 Uie and that the .Tol. will lie 1 1 -1 "T " ,h"d k,,H, N.I. mi bale, not ir.ol.idins linter II A. fnvrtu r repa k. Tin is iue lower than th mI eKvUtt.iis. but the hiw' S":,'' k"r Tllk f. y.wr freh seem t.i W priu. ipaliy in hiuisiana! - ' a!id t IkUhnina, where the crop U thej ' -T nie Iwttutn viur old rhairs. I h.:Ut on record. The weather lia "' " r M'"r!'t J"4'- ,:u'h i , i,i . I rawforj, near ceim-t.-ry. been alimist u-rhvt for oter two! - ' till !!! lui li.w and w Ith plenty of labor ! WAN'TKIl Two f.l rwn to M il or 'ii triel: i.io.jau riniM.u. iriso.u ' ar sli.m tlljl ,1,,. haS U u tililie,! U Itt & LEE GOMPflHY. THE LEADING SET GOODS, lOnOIS, CLOTEIIG, GEITS' 1TRI1SEHGS, III A3D SHOE S7i"E II M05E0E. N'.neiiila-r I. thin teal. lij,Ul new potttuOice. Mr. Will Key, w ho hax U-en very tuck for Willie time, waa taken to the hoapital in Charlotte t eeterd.iy. where he will be oteratel on. MiaSudie Itankerville, w ho Ii.ik been v wiling her brother, Mr. W. H. ItaMkerville, ban returned tu her home in Charlotte. Mr. ColuiubuM Little and Min Anuie Kdwarda of New 8.ileiu townahip were mariied by lvi. M. j L. Flow yeeterday. 1T. A. J. Crane of N'ewells will preaeh at the rrettbyterian cliuirli lie it on inlay ninrniiig and eteiung ami will conduct the lueu' liilile elaM. Mr. C. C. Sike.1 left .teMciday ruoroing for the western maikels to buy stock for The isikin Compa uy. A car loaxl is expected Saturday. The old veterana of (ioone Cr'k are preparing to have a big tally at I ' n ionv il le on Than k g i v i ng day . The committee is making arrange iiienta. Mr. J. H Klird, the inaible man, has just erH'tel a very handsoini iiionuineiit over the grave o) Kev, 1. A. Hinder, who is biined at Faulk'a church. IJev. 1). M. Austin has accepted the call lo the pastorate of Moadoa lirauch church. Ho will pivach oil the second Sunday of each luniit h and Saturday before. Mr. I). A. Itedfeani, father uf Mr. Raymond lt ilfcai n of Moiiiih-, died at his home at Mt. Croghau, H. C., last Wednesday. He had been nick for several weeks. Mr. Hal H. Adams has liccii clii' ted town clerk and treaMircr in place of Mr. Xey McNeely, w ho re signed oil being elected to the leg islature. Mr. J. A. (inuible, the IVmo cratic nominee, was elcelcil coiioii weigher for Waxhaw, his iniijmity U ing 'Jtis, against Mr. Ill.tthc, in deix-udeiit. Mrs. J. It. Knglii.il will leave this evening for Florida to sh-iii1 the winter, lo join her sun, Mr. Frank English, who has lately bought a farm and moved there Tor hia health. Mr. I'iuk Fowler, who lives on Mr. W. A. CiilliU'ilson's place iu (Joose Creek township, killed tiling lust week which weighed :iln pounds net. It was only thirteen months old. The diamond ring offered al 8iuiison'l drug store by the liule M'ndeut lire company was won by Miss Alice Stack, who received ail.'JItft vote. Mrs. H. W. Hargii came next with 111, 05- votes. Itov. Dr. Chreitzbcrg w ill leave Thursday for Spartanburg, thence lie will go toAsheville to confer ence, which meet on the 1 7th, Kev. Mr. Clarkson will preach iu Central church on Sunday. The county commissioners met yesterday lo cauvass the vote of the achool lax election at Wingatc which was held on the seventh. The election was in favor of siccial tax. The registered vote was "ii, the rote for tax 47 and against Hi. While getting his automobile mil of Uie way of a horse Saturday Mr. W. 8. K raus struck curb with bia machine and smashed the wheel. Mr. K. W. 1'ointer, who waa riding with Mr. Krituss, was thrown out and painfully though not seriously hurt. The following commission of the Mecklenburg l'rwibytery, Kev. Menu. II. M. l'arker, (I. W. Ilclk, Geo. II. Atkiusou and Klder 1C A. Morrow, left this morning to or ganize a Presbyterian church at Tirzah Chapel, in Jackson town ship. Mr. W. L. Bulk of Iiuford nends The Journal a cherry from a May tree, which U the second crop this year, and 'Squire J. H. Winches ter of Sandy Uidge reports that he had fresh snap bean from his gar den on November 4th. The little four-year old son of Mr. Vance Laney of HiiTonl town ahip was horded very badly one day last week, ami narrowly escap ed death. Its clothing caught lire and the chest, fare and mouth were badly burned before (he mother could get to it. Mr. J. W. Jones, clerk of the Bear Creek association, asks The Journal to make announcement of the following appointments of Kl der J. P. Via and J. K. Williams: Lawyer! Spring, November l!"h; Pleasant Grove, Oth; WaUon, aist and 2'.'nd; I'liion (irove, 2 tnl; Lib erty, 34tb; High Hill, 25th; Crook ad Creek, I'liUi; Clark's CI rove, 27th. contending stockholders over the Clewett Falls property, where a great (Hjwer plant is lieiug put in ou the I Ye lVe river. The Wade. Isiro Messenger and Intelligencer tells a story of a hand to hand light by adherents to both sides that t.xik place for the possctkion of a house on the premise. The holders of common stock claim that those who hold preferred stock are trying to reorganize the company and freeze out the tortucr. Ltwycrs repre senting both sides were here la.st I Ii n ix lay to apiear before Judge W ebb, but the case was postHiie till Friday, when it will la heard in Charlotte. Kev. tieo, W. llelk, who preach ed in the Monroe Presbyterian church Sunday, and gave his line lii-lure. 'The (iosiiel of (iood Cheer,'" iu the oHra house last night, has Is-en elected general evangelist of the North Carolina Synod, in connection with Kev. Wm. I'.lack. He w ill probably ac cept. The Stanly 1 Intel prise says: 'The ticople and his congregation at this place would regret to have him leave our midst. In the event lie accepts, his locution w ill prob ably lie at Kaleigh. Mr. Ilclk is cspeciallv gifted iu this line of work, and the Synod has allowed its choice to fall uiost wisely." Kev. Singleton Little, one of S'ank's well known riti.eus and a minister of the Primitive Uaptist lailh, died on Monday of last week and was buried near liig Lick. He was So years of age, and was high ly esteemed by those who knew him. In his own church he stood high. A man uf great common sense, natural eloquence, genuine piety and commanding figure, he asa leader for many years. He in cached frcipieiitly in this county and there w ill be genuine regret at Ins death. Mr. Felix (liiflin of Marshville and Miss Ida Smith, daughter of Mr. S.inford Smith of Luncs Creek township, were married Wcdnes- l it- alti-nioon Ht the residence .f the bride's parents. Kev. K. C. Snyder perfoi ined the marriage ser vice. A iiiiiuIht of friends and rel atives of the contracting parties at tended the wedding. Mr. (irilliu and his bride are popular young people mid have a large iiiiiiiIhtoI liiends lo wish them well as they tuit out in life together. Hon. (). F. llankins of Lexing ton, who with Air. lockharl of An son was elected Senator for this dis trict, asks The Journal to thank the iH-inocr.itsof I'mon for the tine support they gave him. It was iiu possible for him to get into the county, owing to the bard light at home. Mr. llankins is a Ktpiare young man from top to bottom, has served twice iu the legislature, anil is iu every way worthy o( the sup port given him. Corporation Commission Here. Two of the three memliers of the Corporation Commission of t lie State were hero hist Thursday ami heard evidence iu a case that has been presented In them involving the use of a sidetrack at the Oil Mill. T. C, Lee & Co. wish lo use the sidetrack in unloading cant, and the question is whether the Oil Mill has a right to its exclusive use. Mr. .las. If. Puu of Kaleigh was here as counsel for the railroad, and Lee & Co., the petitioners. were represented by Williams & Lciumotid and Kedwuie & Sikes. fter hearing the rase the com mis sion reserved its decision till later. II .M ... Ml ! I.'l - II ! Ii:. l- I . 1 M i os -..;..' ! iii' j ii The Election Is Over. If you owe us any money it is due and we want it at once. Many of you promised to pay us just alter the election and have not done it. If you have not heard alsnit the election, this is to notify you that it is over and that Tuft was elected for rrestdeiit ana tirit- (ilh for sheriff, and that the time has come and is now here when we want ami expect you to show your manhood as a free citizen by com ing at once and paying w hat you owe us. I lie old tale about cotton U ing low is stale and out of date; what we want is our money, uot promises. Tbis is meant for you sud every other person iwho owes us scent; il includes rich and poor, white and black no oue left out Yours respect fully, Mi IUk Mkki AXTU.K Company. Monroe, X. C, Nov. 10, lftO.S. See our 5Uc. and 1 1.00 counter of china. W . J. Kudge Co. Flow's big cost sale of first clam clothing, shoes, etc., begin next Mouday. Just Received. A barrel of old time New Or leans molasses. John R Simpson & Co. South Iioom' Creek Kuto . Olive llran.h Marsht ille North Monroe . South M.niioe For Congress. Mr. Pajro received i2.0M and Mr. Walser i;7. For Slate Senate, llankins I K Lckhart .!7, Wall Love 7.1V Iemtnond and McNcily. for tin House, no opsi.s:t:on; the loiu.cr received 1, -''-", the latter -, The vote lor coiin'y oilirrs was as follows: Kegisterof llocds - Stewart 'J, 1 UllllMlll !','. Surveyor-Elliott 1. I Austin 7ti!. Coroner - I'lj Icr '-', l.'ii. Yai.dle lUi.'i. Sheriff -tiriilith -M7I. Kiggers' ii-'.. Treasurer - l.::iuv Ii.ii, I.a'h:;ii tiSI. Commissioners - Lonir '. 1 1 1. Cor don 'J, H.s, liaiicom '.'.L'lil, Fiiu licr liss, llniswell livs. Cotton Weigher fit Monroe Harden t,'.,li.,1 Condor ;7ii. Little Child Iturned to Death. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Weston, who left Monroe four oi live years ago to live iu Stalest ille, will Is- pained to h-arii Unit their little child w as burned lo death lust Friday. A press dispatch says: Odcna. a little daughter ni Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Weston, who live three miles nin th of siatesville, met death iu a honible manner yt sti r day, Is-ing badly burnt d uImiiI l' o'clis'k and dying a few hours later. The litlle girl was in the house alone, her mother was riven Into cuslislv ol slier I II and was carried to penitentiary last Friday to serve term of ."lo months. Spurgeon Waddell, the little ne gro Uiy, I'.' years old, who was tried for the killing of another boy on Sunday afternoon, last summer, was found guilty of murder in sec ond degree. Sentence not yet pass ed. The punishment for murder ; iu the second degree is imprison ment from '2 to .in teal's at dis !cretiou ol the judge. He wasgiveu ' '.' year on the roads, j liob Medliii, a w hite man, who .shot his brother, Alexander Med liii. of New Salem, on the L'-iid of !aM November, was found guilty of ( uiaimlaughter. Sentence not yet parsed. The punishment for this crime may range from four mouths lo '.'ii yeais imprisonment. The evidence was that liob Medlin and his brollier in law Kiser, went to Alex Medlin's, and the three were shooting a pistol. Alex Medlin i wxs Hitting lioti ngiitiy witn a w hip, and liob told him to stop, if i he ilnlij t want to tie shot. Alex turned and said, ".shoot," and liob .shot and killed. Dave Horn, larceny; Ii months. Tom Craw ford, larceny ;.s months. Kd Smith, larceny; I mouths. lid (itblis, larceny; f mouths. Charley Carpenter, larceny; 4 months. S. K. Duster, immorality; jury tailed to agree. Frank Cay, bastardy; submits; pays woman JU(l and cost of ac tion. John Allen, cruelty to animals; I months. W. K. licll, formerly local agent of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, submitted to charges of eiiilH'..leiueiit and forgery made against him by theSiugerCoiiimuy and the International Fidelity In surance Company, and was sen- trans; rxixTM-ne not neressary; nle lor partit-ulani. lion .T'l, M.mr.pe, N.( . llfl'MUKR .icLU. the lne. kind. g.iH at V. ier dozen at 1'itU-r & Ta.l-hM-k a. Come quiek or th.nie I'.1:. WIIKN you come to town ce II. A. I'rueit la-fore m-IIiiik your produi-e or "' X itaitlistandin the heaviest movement on record since ik-toU-r 1 1-. the market has advanml ?2 a r"r" " ! bale. Xcarly all the members of the UU)'"K w . i Xew Yolk aud New ( ir leans cotton ' 1 piece dinner -t. ukk punhn.se. f exclanae are bullish and have large , 't H' hues of contracts on the long side, I W ANTKIl I want ."si suinls of bee i the sales nearly all hedge against in Kowl oomlition, in old fashion or pat i the pun-ha.se of si sit cotton from the V"' un,s- Wri,e f '"' 'mi- J j farmers. As soon as the heavy niote-i ,ll"r "room- No:.,N MMh'-- NAJ ment is over the mills will buy this 1 WANTKH- A saw mill lumU-r truck, tvtton from the cotton merchants:- A- l,0K'- Mim-ral Springs. S. C. and these hedges will k bought in ) COTTON' SKKD 1 will l- rea.lv for and w ill cnu.se the market to advance ' handling cotton m-c.1 at im old stand at gradually to much higher ligures. 1 thl olJ V00 hoU!' "" Satunlay. and The Uilanceof this year crop should " '" "'' h'Khl!t ,,ri,V!i- J- U' N"sh- s ll for ll". cents ai d I strongly ad-i AI'tTKiN' SAI.K On Nov. 2n, p.sis. vise the farmers not to sell another ' '" " f"r r-h- t the ,, i.., 1 1 fJ ....i.,.,, ,... i.. .... fa"Tn of the late Mr. It. A. lotten, .!4 , '" " m'7'"""'"r miicH west of Monroe, mimlier of oi iii.t-1 join ounj;.iiioiis. farminit impk-nu-nu. watrons, harness. T0 big IliectlUgS are being held carpenters' IikiIs. blaeksniith tools, this Week to discuss the price of cot- , household furniture, a mower, hay rake, tun and to devise plans for lncreas- "inK ill I ,.. 1 I... I.,, W..KI, il. .. the Weston store located a short ! , ,,. Htute.8 l(riH,m to hard distance front the house, w hei r j j,,,,. ,M, WH tt1(.US(Hl f ,mvj , clothes caught lire liom an open ,..,.r,i ,i ,.w .,r i,, n,:-,!. persons iu I iiiou county to ficti tious leases of sewing imichiiieti hreplace. 1 he child itisln-d into the yard, in great agony an 1 set earn ing for help, and i.iu toward the store. The uiolher heard the .screams and on lushing out of the store was hoirilied to we her little daughter enveloped in ll uues. Mrs. Weston clasped the child to her and made frantic cllorts to save its life, and iu doing so l.ei hand ami arms were painfully biniied. The burning clothes were torn liom the child and while housch old reme dies were applied iiiiiuciiiaii ly. Dr. K. M. Yount of Siatesville was hur riedly summoned and did all in his power to ease the intense pain uiel save the child. The hums, how ever, weir fatal and aboil! I o'clock in the afternoon death rcli- vrd the little one's sulleiing. The child was four yeai-s old." Officer for Central Church. At a eonfcienee held iu Centr i' church yesterday, resolutions ol warm thanks to the rh jr were passed for their faithful services dining the year just closing, and the tollow ing nHicci were appoint ed for the chinch for lwi; Hoard of Stewards W. II. I'hi fer, W. S Hhikenev, (ieo. S. Lee, W. S. Lee, J. 1).' McK.ic, II. Ii. Shnte, S. II. (iieene, It. D. Crow, L.C. liickell, J. D. Faulkner, D. A. Houston, Davis Ariutield, J. K. English, O. W. Koehlitky. II. Ii. Adams, Jr., W. Ii. I.ovc, J. El Stewart, L. N. I'resson. lioaid of Trustees-W. II. I 'In fer, O. D. Ilrtsiiii, W. Ii. Houston, U. K. Adams, Sr., C. W. lit iiner, Jiis. H. Iee, D. A. Houston. District Steward- W. II. I'hif. r. Hecording Secretin y . W. Kuclit ilzky. SuiH'riiitendcnl Sunday ScIhmiI I'rof. J. A. Hit ins, lHdcgate to l,a ni in's Confer ence 10 lllis-t at Aslietllle, i ., November -I 'J'h l l. W. Kish til'iy, W. 11. I'hifcr. Negro killed in a Peculiar Way. We have nil heunl of the "man who was hoisted by his own pe tard." Wade Hamilton, n one legged iiegro of New Silein town ship, proves to lie that man, and he IS dead, lie used a gun that worked at both ends, and while he was breaking Ihe head of another negro w ith the butt end of the gun, the muzzle got into commission and nut a load of shot through his own stomach, from which he died a few- hours later. ade and Clark Sta ten had a tpiarrcl in a tenant house on Mr. James Austin's place List Wednesday night. Near I hem was an old time army musket, big bar rel, heavy walnut stock, mid iron IhiikiiI. Wadeseiz d this aud hit Clark a terrilic blow over the head with the butt. The blow caused the gun to lire and as the muzzle waa right against W ade's IkmIv, the load went into him. It made a great hole and tore oil' a part of the hip bone. The physician who was called in did all that could lie done for him, but he died the ne it day. The gunstis k was smashed, but the exteut of the injury to ( lark's head has not been ascertained, for as aoon as he regained consciousness he "bnrnt the wind down the road. as t hief justice now uescrine such action, and has not been bang ing around si me. where he had really sold the ma chines outright and converted the money to his owu use. The total amount of his eiuls-leinent was l,l,;i, and it is believed that his operations extended over several years. Hell has a wife and four children, the eldest only Ii years of age. He came 1 1 Monroe about lour years ago from Castoiiia. Monroe Medlin, assault and bat tcry ; pleads guilty; judgment sus pciided on payment of costs. The grand jury, composed of the following gentlemen, completed its work on Saturday: N. . liiveus, t'irciiiaii-, .1. (i. Kyrum, Kd Cox, W, C. Coau, J. II. Cook, S. D. Howie, C. A. lliiggius. J. Ii. Huey, J. ti. Il lies, J. J. King, J. S. Mullis. C. I'.. Morgan, K. L. May, J. M. Staines, C. A. Shunian, Elijah Simpson, .Lis. T. Shute, I). A. Simpson. Mr. P. A. Parker was ollieer. Will MrParland, the young ne gro Ihiv who killed anotherin Vance township, Vas found not guilty. Court will adjourn this afternoon. Cost Sale. Oa account of low price of cotton and di pressed business conditions I have decided to throw on the market my entire stock, consisting of T'J.'i.iiimI worth of high grade clothing, shoes, hats and furnish in us. Sale to Is-gin Monday liith aud conl inuei 110 days. For further information see next week's Jour ual. Will begin Monday Hith and continue .10 days. D. W. Flow. Fair Notice. You said yon wanted to hold your cot ion until alter the election. I he election is over and you have uot paid your account. We need our money and aie going to rnllect. This means yon. Don't think because you have paid part you are excused. Don't blame us if you have to pay some cost. We mean lo collect. Williams Ush Company. China, china, we have a com plete slock. W. J. Kudge Co. High Financier (lets Fifteen Years. V Y.,'k ll.U-ll,ll'i. I-'rom a cell in the Tombs prison, Charles . Morse now direct the efforts of his counsel to secure his freedom, he having been Unlay sen tenced to serve fifteen years in the Federal prison at Atlanta, da., for misapplication of the funds of the National Bank of North America, and making false entries in the books of the bank. Alfred II. Cur tis, former president of the defunct hank, who was jointly tried and con victed with Morse, was given his liberty today on a suspended sen tence. It was decided by the District com missioners yesterday to break up the strict isolUum of John K. Early, the leper, and permit him to live with his family in a small brick house near the Washington work -house grounds. Ho will be under the same roof with his family, but it will he arranged that they can live entirely apart. ing it. The Fanners' I'nion meets tisiay in New Orleans and the South ern Cotton Association in Memphis. Stout Wants a Depot. i'ro'is,narins. ,,f TI,.- Journal. ('apt. .1. 1.. Youiitz spent last Tues day and Wednesday in Sjicnccr on business. Mrs. Sam Wolfe of Albemarle is visiting at Mr. W. D. I law field's this week. Mr. .1. L. Haywood left recently for Oklahoma City, Okla., where he has a position as car insHvtor w ith the Western Kiihvay (ompany. Presiding Elder Si Icr of Charlotte gave the people of Stout an excellent sermon at Hetliel on the first Sun lav at .1:30 p. m. Mr. Fred Hayes spent last Satur day iu Charlotte on business. Misses May lirown and Mavme Halletitiiie visited at Mr. V. ('. ("iur Icv's Siiiulav. attachments, corn, f.-ed. etc. Mrs. I A. Tutten, Admr. Inn piece dinner fJ.lSi will purchase set at Kudge K. HKIHKST market price paid for hides, green or dry. I'lyler & Tadlia-k, at The llenilersun-SnyderCo. uld stand. LOST - Hetwetn Oil Mill and J. C. Maynor'a resilience, a white cashmere shawl with pink silk sthH.. J. C. May nor. IH)N'T forget our Siecial Crockery Sale on Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Novemls-r ll'lh, l:iih imp Mill. Five and Ten lent Stun1. NEW MARKET and Crorcrv Store We save you trouble and worrv. You lean order your meats and gnseriea all at the Mime time anil not have to wor ry alsiut their delivery. Nice lieef, sjrk and sausage, chickens, eggs, veg etables, and a full line of choice fresh grin-cries always on hand. I'hune P.. I'lyler & Tadlock, at The Henderson Snyder Co. old stand. WIIKN you need groceries of any kind just fall in line and come or phone II. A. I'rivctt. opposite the imstolticc. The Seaboard depot at Stout has Uur stock is fresh and new. Phone ITS. i 1 .. n.. . . i ucr i iiiou-u norm. supHiseuiy to CAHHAOE PLANTS gmwn in open I uuoii a Kicau-i. room irecns a uc-imr, weather hardened and will stand pot badly. The passenger conductors ' the winter. Price 3i cents a hundred. say Stout furnishes more passengers "r'J.T' ""'"sa'M- l-mon riant i .... We have anew and choice collection of the season's latest styles of Ladies, Misses and Children's Hats fur late fail and winter. The cleverest and nobbiest assortment to le found anywhere at anything near our price. We also have a hig line of Kuchings and new Collars, modeled after the most jsipular ideas of the dav. Lee & Lee Company. than anv town on the .Seaboard its size, and still no depot there. I'x-Tennessee Senator Killed In a Street Duel. N.l-lmn.-, T.-nll . IM.nOi'li. Mil. As a scipiel to the recent bitter Democratic primary for the guls-r-natorial nomination iu Tennesse, Hon. IvUaid Ward Car mack, form er Tinted States Senator from Ten nessee, wits shot aud killed iu a street duel here this alteruooii by K iliiu Cooper, a young attorney. Young Cisiper was wounded in the shoulder by a bullet from Car mack's revolver aud is tonight un der police surveillance in a local hospital, His condition is not se rious, Carmack was wounded three times, in the neck, the breast and the left shoulder. Col. Dune in li. Cooper, father of the young man, was w ith his son during the affray, but did not fire a shot. It is said he stood by with pistol iu hand. He is detained tonight at police headntiartcrs. The direct cause of the killing is a recent series of ed itorials in The Tciinesseau, a daily paper of w hich Mr. Cat mack be came editor after his defeat for the nomination for governor. The ed itorials in question had been vigor ous iu their comment on Colonel Cooper and his alleged connection with what Mr. Carmack termed the "Democratic machine" and its methods. Colonel Cooper, who is well known iu business, ncwspajM-r and politiral circles iu Tennessee; and the Smith, had, it is said, no tified Mr. Carmack that the refer enee to him must cease. Another such editorial appeared this morn ing. The men fought at close quarter and there were but few witnesses. It was past 4 o'clock in the dusk of the afternoon. They met on Seventh avenue north, directly iu front of the Polk Flats, a fashiona ble apartment house. Mr. Carmack had just lifted his hat to Mrs. (', II. Kastman, a friend, who was passing. In a moment the firing iiegau and Mrs. Kastman was a hor rified witness at close range. So close was she that one of the Coop ers is said to have charged Car mack wiih being a coward aud hid ing Is'hind a woman. Coocr's friend's charge that Carmack lired Ihe first shot, but the dead man's friends stoutly protest that his op Minent was the first to shoot The tragedy created the most in tense excitmeiit throughout the city and within a short time the streets iu the city were thronged. KJward M. Morgan, postmaster of Xew York city, was shot by an F.ng lisliman, a stenographer, on the street yesterday, for no apparent cause. Ihe man then shot inmselt throe times and droped dead. Mor gan may recover. New crop Figs, lates, Kaisons, Cuarants, Citron and Iirar.il Nuts at Hruuer A Iluey's. Marshville, N. C. Kolt RENT One two-horse farm near Monroe. II. II. Stewart. PAY' DAY has come, hut someof our customers have not coi.ie with it. If you uwe us we are exiecting you to pay now. Don't put it oil -sec us Ht once. T. C. Lee & Co., successors to J. W. Hill Company. MEN and hoys all wis, I odd coats and overcoats at a "price. J. II. Kenton & Son. FOR SALE- A fine farm, containing 1:11 acres, one mile south of Witxhaw ; SO acres in cultivation, balance in past ure; well watered. For terms apply to W. C. Broom, Waxhaw, N, C. SMALL FARM On main road, live miles of Miwna?, for sale on easy terms, tionlon Insurance & Investment Co. FRESH sand for sale by Molina Con crete Company, near cotlon platform. FOR SALE One of the most desira ble farms in the county, (iordon In surance It Investment Co. MEXICAN Liver and Kidney Cure, the famous medicine for the cure of chills and fever and rheumatism form erly sold by Lindsey Helms - in the hands of J. I). Parker. HUY your milk and butter from cows that have been tested and an safe. Ours are. 'Phone lis. I'ineland Hairy. McRAE MERCANTILE CO. THE LEADING GENERAL STORE Now has a more complete stock of goods than ever In-fore, and we know our tr"nls and prices are right lieeause the jieople say so in buy ing them. Our line of SHOES is equal to any! VYe sell the kind that are guaranteed. Your opK.rtunity to get A Suit of Clothes RighuMen or Boys We have LADIES' CLOAKS all grades, and the prices are right. Y'ou will need DLANKKTS for the cool weather that is coming; get them here. Come and let us show you our Dress (oskIs. We guar antee to please hi et thing we sell. Kespt., McRAE MERCANTILE GO. PHONE No. 45. LOAN & TKUST IIUILDINC. FOR SALE Several desiri.ble resi dences on easy terms. (Iordon Insur ance ii Investment Co. SALES AGENTS WANTED-lt.on per week or 400 cr cent profit. All samples, stationery, and art ratuloguc fne. We want one permanent agent in this locality for the largest picture and frame house in America. V.xa'riencc unnecessary. We instruct vou how to sell our goods and furnish the capital. If you want a permanent, honorable and profitable position, write us today for particulars, catalogue and samples. Frank W. Williams Company, 114 W. Taylor St., Chicago, III. Y'OU Nil MEN - If you want to know why you should become tchgrah osr utors and what school to attend, write to Southern School of Telegraphy, New- r free Catalog "A.' Every nan, (la., for I boy should read it. guaranteed, Positions osilive!y OPEN an account with The Savings, Iian and Trust Comiy. We are now taking dcosit8 subject to check, and will lie glad to take rare of the ninlf of our n-gular depositors. R. B. Red- wine, president. II. II. (lark, cashier. IF you want to buy, sell, nrexrhange anything, a few cents snt in this col umc will do the job. Try it. FOR SALE - flood warehouse site, m-Hr di'isiL (Iordon Insurance & In vestment Co. WANTED town pniertY for amc ings, phone ilil, Monroe. Tobuy farm, orexchanee J. W. Kali- SPECIAL Crockery Sale ! Three Days Only, Commencing Thurs day, November 12th, at 10 a. m. and continuing through Saturday. We will offer some rare bargains in Crockery ware. Plates, Soups, Platters, Mixing Bowls, Nappies, Pitchers and numerous other articles below factory prices. Teas and English Ware Inn dozen Teas in Engilsh ware. Decorated Illue and Green, regular price ll.lio set. Sale price i!0c. 100 dozen Plates to mutch Tens at 60c. set. Soup Plates Soup Plates, regular price 4oc. set. Sale price 2'.ic. set. Cups and Saucers Lol Cups and Saucers, regulur price, per set 40c. Sale price 2!'c. Bakers rt of 10 inch takers, regulur price 25c. Sale price 17c. 9 inch Makers, regular price 20c, Sale price 14c. H inch Hakers, regular price l.rc. Sale price 10c. 7 inch liakers, regulur price 10c. Sale price tic. Mixing Fowls 12 inch Mixing Hew Is, regular price 4."c. Sale price Hoc. 11 inch Mixing Howls, regular price Itr.c. Sale Price 2,ric. 10 inch Mixing Howls, regular prire 2.rc. Sale price l'.lc. 9 inch Mixing How ls, regular price 20c. Sule price 15c. Decorated Platters Decorated Platters and Howls, 1.1 and -Ti cent kind, sale price 10 and 1.1 cents. Soap Dishes and Slabs Soap Dishes, regular price 1,1c, 10c. at Soap Slabs, regular prire, 10c, at fie. With every $1.00 purchase we will give one of our 50c. Steak Dishes for 25c. Also with every $2.00 purchase a Decorated Steak Dish that sells for 75c. for the small sum of 25c. Come and see these goods whether you buy or not. 9hQ Five and Ten Cent Store, AUSTIN & CL0NTS, Proprietors. BETTER get that cotton gin insured, you know the story of the match. Gor don Insurance k Investment Co. ATT ASHCKAFT, M. D. C. (ret- erioariao), offers hit profession al service!. Day calls answered from The Enquirer office; at night, 'phone The Sikes i PCK j The Sikes j j Company, j pc $ Company, f jMal sQ lMMSMSMOMMSMl Horses and Mules. Our Buyer out West. Car Load Expected Saturday. Enough Said. THE SIKES COMPANY, Honroe, N. 0.