THE MONROE JOUBNAI .a VOLUME XV. NO. 41. MONROE. N.C., TUESDAY DECEMBER 8. 100S. One Dollar a Year. A 'Bruin Ami Cupid. i 1 & & 3 KKCORU t!KLAKIi Tilt; consi.vftion ruinr. IN CMAiHnXS I I I.I K S COMMI.NT OV THE KLHKNS. HHiti cunrs in in kii am. ;ixx:xxixxx::x:xx:zxxx:xxx:::xix:izi:xi:ii:i:xzxx:xy An Inttitutkm Helm F-MahlishtMl The KYu!t ot t!te !' llevti.n in Tvery Other Dav in the I'nitrJ North Caroliia-ho tJcm 5taUs toKitlit OreaJ Disease. ocratic Mrenth anJ a I niteJ. Kterv i.tiunlav a saxitoii ; Militant P.irty. inn. mmmk mt or tli-twiiMiy for; li liniMii K.n r hyphen int. n : For Townspeople ! When you need Wood and Coal you w&.nt it at once. We are prepared to give it to you ready for your fire whenever you call. The great stock of dry and green wood, o&Jc and pine, and coal, and our draying facilities make it possible to serve our trade when you need serving. All you have to do is to 'phone us. We put the fuel right on your prem ises, cut any size you want, give you a bill with it, you pay cash, the transaction is closed, you have nothing to do but to enjoy a good fire. Try us. The MONROE OIL MILL While a Colored Wedding I in Proves of Consummation a l'-iE White Hear Appear in the Friday ni''lil llin Unit ut of tl.f livaliui-ut or prvvt-itti..ii tl lu !:..l,l.lim Hhmk .Tf tr-:e Ihlllir la-It ,.uiillMit..i m iiu ru !lniiiif iu a little flnm-lt f..r r..i.'i.l try. i a stittem. ut rt i t!y iv.ii; i iu ..i,.. A w.d.liu.' a lh on hand. ' lv tilt" National . I I " ... . . ... : . r r..i. ...... jaiitl. an oii km.. Ii:" v!..i.M Jvwiy mhu rrvtemmu i iTOirbr lltrtriltrr It.vm nediKnirs mi4 at li-. Otirunr the ni-nilnot S-p iNl'.N( ;: !mt-il!iMlifil 'ifiiui i.iU Ti t" vii au.l OiloNr, Hi -- -in : kh.1v i I fixation hail arrived an I Hit- turn. I't uwiatoria, mot dix-) T;u. . It hurt h wan i.nki-1 with elt l.tnt penstries if started t.r proviit.n , ,ri., , pH!. Tlie parson mart-lied in for in tin- 1'nitiil SUttit, making a ith ..ileum rfiunitv. a Ui;t his, of achievement in auti ami 11... M':wmii. m.d l.IVS . ttlllMTTUltmU activity tiever .Mi: I":' Haiti l:i lV", 1 I'. 'l.. I .... I iaiiouf..ii!.f .':,M, -T.I-. il,,' 1 .' .t- : SI:.' : l i ! ii-i IU !." III. "If entlv itli appropriate i p in ; ciu.iuti in any i-.itiniij 01 m camethe happv liritlnl purtv. (i.tth Uorid. The stimulus for this wave erinR alxiiit them, the older folks of philanthropic fiitifavtrlianlH-fn ti.... i," .....! "mif '..m" um! il.. ilriivfd larirt'lv fitmi tht'ivtnit In v I .ft1' rVh-.h T. " t!i T T JfVV l a r -TAmrr i mi The City Taxes arc now due and the money is lmdly needed to meet current expenses and to pay interest on bonds. If your tax ianntnnid liv December 1st. I am eomiiiL' around to see you and. call for payment of same. ThiM nnnlios to everv man or woman who owes a cent of tax to the City of Monroe. "A word to the wise is sufficient." Are you wise? This is no "blulT." W. L. HOWIE, City Tax Collector. WE ARE STILL BUSY, w if vnn u-nr.r imp of our hidi class Life Insurance policies, one that increases each year, or the premium decreases -a Twenty pay life that, in case you leave your dividends with the company, is guaranteed to mature in Fifteen years, we will take time to write ., tv, inciiranrn Our mmttanv is the larirest in the Isuuth, has One Million Dollars assets, and is managed by experienced under writers. Further, your money is left in North Carolina, your home State, and is alwavs available in Monroe and Union county if you should need it. We write one form of Endowment when1, after you have paid Seven pre mium you can Ret a paid up pnlioy for the full amount; or pay fourteen premium and One Thousand Ilolliirs i paid over to you; or pay Twenty years, the full term, and we pay you the full face of your poliey, t.jtether with all the guaranteed accumulation l,4iU cash -all in your lifetime. Make a little investment with uit and tliua nccure iirotcctmn for your fam ily and for yourself an well. If you are Koin? to huy inaurance you miKht aa well buy the bent, for it ia the cheaet in the lontf run. We write all classes of Insurance; deal in Real Estate; negotiate Loans, and are always ready and willing to accommodate our patrons. GORDON Insurance and Investment Company. The Heat Equipped Aifenoy in the South. liverett etinjrial illations. 'Honey, you show tlotn look luk a liii.le," sin! one old mammy. 'Man, you is ilrtuseit to kill," sail! a fi ieml to the (iroom. "Pat's tie hansiiiiitt coiiply 1st seetl sine tie time Sn ike lut Kill wiiz married In tlat yallergttl ly on old Marsi' JoIiu'k plantation 'lore tie wall," said another. Keat'him; the altar, the aiiin.mi eeiuent ws made to the parson that all was in reuiliiiesn lor the fateful words that would forever hintl two Kotiit.-t ami two hearts. Ailjustiiiir his spin's, e'.tiirini; his j anil opening his liil.le, the I parkin mailt' ready to proceed, when a fluulow Hitting aerns liis range of vision, caused him to raise his head in time to see a nigger, win) was fitting near the altar, and also near a w indow, gi thrmigli the window like a shot, head lir.-t. The paison was naturally very in mil suipnsed. .1 lift then a pierc ing M'ream ipiivereil on the haliny air of night, tun! all looked to the limit, where, iinon their horrilieil eyelialls smote the image of a huge w'hitf laar, slowly iiunlM-i ing in Ih rough the door. In less si'iiiiids than yon can count the church was in mi uproar. Men nnil women, their only means of exhit cut oil', went through win dows like buds. Panes of glass were shivered to hits. Old then matie niggers wore window sashes like garlands around their necks as they sped lh rough the darkness. Ilig fat ones hit the ground and saiil, Tniph! I 'dare In' (iawil!" Kit h one expected the white la-ar to lie at his heels and tlidn t look luck, but strained his neck back wards till his chin was pointing to ward the slant, and ran like nil the devils were light iu li.diiud him. Women cr;ished through the bushes screaming lis they went. "OC.iwd," they prayed. "Od.iwd: keep dat while vaiuiinloU'en me!'' The first nigger who saw the bear hasn't liccu heard from since he drove through the window back ol the organ. The bride and groom immaL't'il to keen tin their lines ol coiiimunieatioii and crawled under the church. The parson shinned up a slim pine sapling in the tip most top of which he waved liken jit) bin). The congregation just simply incited away, ami the while Ivar stood in deep wondei inclit. with the whole chinch to hini-iell. It was bruin and ( lipid, and hruiii won. The boar lieloiigcd t. a wander ing foreigner who was asleep up the rond, and he soon tiiisseil his source of revenue, came to the church, collected the Ih iiI' and was off. One single nigger had nerve enough to hang around fearfully, and saw this last act in the comedy. Realizing it was all over, lie sound oil the call and soon from surround ing biush came niggers of all iiges, kinds mid sizes, peeping out like wild things, and sniilling the nir. The bride am! groom were dragged nut from under the church, the pai'son was lowered from his peril ous pcich, and the scattered con irrccatiou gathered with fearful glances towaiil the door, mid watched with half an eye the con cluding of the happy event. One nigger was missing, though, the one who saw bruin liist. Me is Niipiies.'i! to he running yet, and will iloiihtlcfS reach, the (iulf of Mexico wiiiie day this week. Another one says; "I 'clar' to' (Jawd. nigger, I nuver, I nuv-vcr Tiila-rcit ti. k t . -irrt, .i .i mai'inl The Stale tu-k.-t ;..-t tri.-t !e. '.' .1 mai'-nl i . Tlw Stat.1 liik.t i.k-t lb trit t I.. I I majority. I'.Vtept oil pifM.I.'litial -:! . the Kighlli tlistrict is llein.K'iatie. II ir rim: :i t-dosial eorrnistion fund, the r.nsi'ieer Molt Shot to iKa'.h tm liis Oincat Anoth er AllviiTl at ."ttirjcr the 3ine II r. . -t'.i'. I tn hum is toiiicht d ;na t;liB iu and m)ei) of tlf crime .hut the git-alt-l th it eu-i over ; . i .'ti.i til's ti.iirlll'I'lllV. l.egi , ... r .1. A. Ib.'t, gfi.eia'l) kl.i. II as l'r-d aiii.'i.g It l:i.-o.l on' the one t'l the In t t lig'iitt'lv of the s.'iilhein i I .nil) niui-ii led and asstssii.aletl at the, coal hiite, lielweeu liirh;l!ii ami i'tit 1'niha'ii, tl.i iiioining alsuit i Another i i k. lie was sl.ot Ijoi.i the iut k an. I da d in alsmt thirty uiiu ntt s. Moie than a lain.hed shot peuetiattd his IxhIj, must uf till-in eatt ring the cavity. t ..ilpled with let-entile Haste ternatiotial t'oiigit'.- on losis. From one end of the country to the other, inea and worn -u of ail rank ami classes are rising up to light in the battle against tubercu losis. Including the recently form ed s.H'ieties, there are at the pres cut time 211 ass'H-iations for the sliuh and prevention of tulierculo sis in the I'nitcd .States, with a to tal membership of over Jii.ouo, all engaged in an active war on con sumption. Never liefore in the his tory t.f the country has aiuh an army lx-cn massi-d to light against disease. And, with the present rate of inci ease sustained, it is csti mated that the army will be doiihle in si w ithin a year. On January I, i:'o.". there weie in the F idled Stat e4 only I associations for the st ml v' and prevention of tuheivulo sis. l!y January 1. 1!"'. theiewill iiudoiiiltfdly lie ,.,.'ii such associa tious. The States whiih lead in the number of associations are Mas sachiisetls with Ji, New Jersey w ith J'J, New York with l!, Michigan with lii, and Pennsylvania with 1 1. Thirty live of the forty six Mates have one or more associations. Ihese associations are all phihin thronie in organization, and are compose.) in piiysictun aim ia men, both men ami women, win are anxious to see the nmulicr of deaths from tuberculosis reduced That such organizations arc instni menial in saving lite, may lie seen from the reduced death rate in sev eral cities. Ill lioston the death rate was reduced from 2 1. TO to ll'.til per ten tlioiisund, largely through the etlorts of the local associations, lu New York it is estimated thai the campaign against tulierrulosi has saved to the city annually al lea. t .'1,000 lives, lu (Tiicngoasini ilar reduction iu the nuiulier ol deaths from tulic;ciilosis has been allecled. At the head of the great cam paign iH-ing carried on throughout the country, is tlio .National asso edition for the iSludy uml Pieven lion of Tlllierculosis, with Presi dent Uoosevell as one of il.s head.- and with nearly '.'.ooo inemlH'rs in everv State in the I'nion. Allied with the national body me '.'7 Stati assot -bilious who lire lighting tu berculosis iu their various Slates. And under these State tious, or independent of them, there are neatly L'OO associations in the principal cities ol the country. The increase iu the tiiiinlior ol sanatoria at the present time is also particularly noteworthy, since the need for IhmIs for tuberculous patients is evident in every State. There arc at the present time 2."iO sanatoria mid hospitals making special provision for tuliereiilous patients, mid the entire bed capaci ty of nil these institutions is but r.i,UnO. When it is considered that there sre in the Fnited States at least ir.o.oiK) people sullcring from tuberculosis, one third of which nuiulier ought to lie in sanatoria or hospitals, the lack of lied capacity is very evident. The dispensary movement, one of the later utilises iu the unti tuliereuloiis campaign, is also re ceivinir a im-at impetus. Four years ago there were only 10 tlis iieiisarics in the United Slates; al the ineseiit time there arc 1 .". and . . . .. ...i : .1.. ..I ... new ones are ocuig csiaoiisiieu in the rate of one a week. These dis pc usuries me places to whi' h any one who thinks he has consuiiip Tenth district lssiif.-ly le. ,) ,,,. j,, ,i,., mie would tie Apart fiom local ami pei..ual eon !ilVNts. tired into the home of M. tes's that lu.iv come to any pi'tv (in-fiila-r.', in the soulle ro part f at any time, the Filth distrut is a ria-k ribbed stronghold of hem.' racy and will remain o. ! The ltepubli.-rtii vote this year is a mere . spin t. It is abnormal and cannot ta- maintained. It was then las! opportunity l tool and trigm n the illiteiiite Votcalwut tin- snl- fiage aiiieiidnient. Il was their last ind golden opportniiit) to practice duplicity in regai.l i i b .ih rail roiid and pt .hioir.ou legiN.iitio'i. It was their eur to um- lh.' hi i i ot eomuiercialisiii in points I'l igliteit the honest and timid and to purchase tin- piiicn.isiii'e. The I). iiiiH-i.tlic gain this year. i grca! as il npM- ll. is noimai ail'. Mill Is- maintaineil. I lie I Vino crat it- party is to rasi a large vote t acit eleciion, liecau-e It has w in thy measures and men to lie voted lor. Not so 'villi the lie- iil lieans. Since ls'Hi thiuisiiuds uf Kepublicins have refused to vole beiiitiso they hud no sloiiiath for their parly. This time the) weie tb'.e to sit up and take their medi cine even iu rniiipuu) Willi a laige of the brothel lu black. The IVinocrut.s have taken no tice and are glail to know jiisi wnai the utmost strength of their oppo neiits is. They me glad for the pi o pie of Norlh Carolina lo know that they ar- sale only so long as thi ll lie 1 V illiteracy remains tine- tun to principle, true to patty unit) and true at the ballot box. I he) are glad for the people lo be re minded how easily the benefits of while siipicmacy cm be lost - lost irreparably the moment the negroes present themselves lo their old allies in charge ol the registration and e'n el inn laws. The chief boast of the lh-publi cans is that I'.rvati s minority is only .'L'.si:!. In I!hi it wa only ' l.nno, with a much smaller vote than he received this jear. Judge Parker had u larger majority in l!io I, but his vole thill year was Il'I.Il'I. Mr. lirvan's vote this year is l:hVrT, a gain for Mr. Ill) !in on the presidential otcol U son. What hope for lit publicans or fear for I einot rats spi lngs from the sec saw record of the l.ighlh and renin districts? F.xaininc the table: sth Hist. lnili I'ist. pmti . . . Hepul.hi'iiti Kepulilit'iin l'.Mio DeniiH'i'iitii' licmiK-rntii- ... . Kepuhlit'iin llenioi'iiilio HllHi I I. miKTiltll- iM'l.lOi'flltl.' loos Uepulilii'iin Uepiihlicaii What Kcpiibiiean is so bold iisto count on victory; what Democrat so timid as to fear defeat in the legis hit are with the following table be fore him? Ykak. Senate. House Ham I'.ml pun; 11 mis Fresn Fruits and VCKJfltdDlfiS mm tioii. or knows that lie lias the tils- wuz so skis-red hi nee I liecu bawn! ease, may go ami be examined and Dat b'nr looked like to me he wuz.j given proper advice and treatment biggerin a boss! An' 1 ties mint i free ol charge, or lor a very smut iii.f-Mlf on llelll winder nanrs. 1 1 sum. The emphasis in these ins! i failed on de hack ov me neck an' tut ions has been laid iu a regular coin iced runiiin' dat way. an' I and sanitary lif:f on the part ol the specs I done went a mile liefo' I patient and on his sleeping iu the gut wer legs in ileriglit pontoon to open aii do business, lint, man, wtien I tuti; I Hewed, dat's dts whut I . , I I au no n ar on um nean jeann cnu er kntchi'd me, no suh! 1 wakes up nights ) it, an' nier laigs is des a wuckiu' an' a wuckin' and I li tt ler git up an' tie nm down ao.o 1 kin sleep wif lucr haid!'' F.vciy caeof backache, weak back, bladder ii.lUtiimation aiiJ i he iiuiatii naiua i Jaiieiroiis if ni'Kleilid. lor sin h tiouhlea ate nearly alaays due to . y weak kidneys, lake IVWilt's Kidney ' , ' a i. k .. i . t v. : I.I ,i IIOUU .OUfill iTH-uitiiic lur viuiuii.ii. canned bv the best and most reliable canncrs in this country, we arc receiving now for our fall and winter trade. Ticked fresh and put up by the best process, our canned fi-uits, vegetables, fish and meats are as delicious as when they arc in season. DOSTER GROCERY CO. now at hand and too much care can not be used to protect the cliililrcn. A child ia nuirh more likely to contract diphtheria er scailet lever lieii he has a col.1. I lie quicker you cure ins cold the leu the risk. Chamlirrlaiu's Kenietly is the aole reliance of many motlu-rs, aJ few ot tliuse ho have ti iiil it aie willing to use any other. Mr. I . F. Marcher ot Kiplry, i., sayf : 'l have never used any nilier llian rhaioberlain'a Couiil) aud Hladdet Tills. They are antiae-p-, K,mj.. ivcliililien and it has ai de and aoolhe pain quickly, maisti jvr0 .j,,,,,. This upi.u PeWilfi Kidticy and Kladder telneJy collaii no opium or other Villa. For weak kidnrya anJ infljin-L,rcc lnj ,ay , Ken as mation of the bladder tlit-y jlty to a child aa to au adult." Fur equaled. Regular size oc. Sold here j l(J b Df s j Welsh. by English Orng Company. A man a frieutls make him pleas The beat way to lnUnnce an ac j i( aiJ ,ita UemiM nmke hm count w to stpiare it. ; H,roIlg nat we Know is nine; wuai we dou't know is inimeuse. Joint. ;i'i in; let llein.K-riil.-t X 17 -'" Kepul.llCllll!. ;l J ;, pupulisi 4:1 lu:! ll'l I tfmii.Tots ti 17 Ui'j.iildieoiis 1 I Inilepenil't il'i 11:! llemoiT.its ii 7 Kepuhhi-ans .pi '. 1 1 1 PcmuoriiM l -jo Kepiihlicans Jl 'a; p!; II. mi u' nils il I'.", !!l Kepiil'lit'iins The legislature of l.v- was lost to the Oelnocrats of this Slate fol lowing the prohibition election o! I vM. In ( ihio and Indiaim the l publicans this year had to bear the brunt of a prohibition election, and they went down in defeat. K-n-k riblicd Maine barely escaped. That the lVmoeiaey of North Carolina has giapph-d wilh this problem and wilh the other great problem of regulating public scr vice corporations ami has cmeiged from the conllict w ith ils vote in creased Ul.s:i over two years ago (IT.1 jmt cent.), and with ils great majority iu the ltgislaluie uu scathed, may well eausp our critics to pause and ask themselves if the wish is not father to the thought. when thev talk about D. iu s ialic tlefeat. Mrs. AUHaney'a Experience. Mrs. M. MrK uiry of I'ltntiaa, Miiw mitrs; "1 was t oiiliui'il lo my hcu lor three months with kidney ami bladder trouble, and was treated by to pliy sicians but failed to tet relict. No hit man tongue can tell how 1 soillercj, and I had given up hope ul ever get ting well uutd I begau taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. Alter taking two hot tics I felt like a new person, and feel it my duty to tell anlit-riiig wonim whit Foley's Kidney kemcdy did tor ine." English Drug Company. Kvery dollar should lie made to pay for a huudred cents' worth of life. Utility of Counterfeiting. the city about uu hour niter the killing of the engineer. There arc some who believe that the two crimes were tloiie by one s ron. bill these arc lew. Mos! ia-lieve that theit- aie two separate crimes -tint the I'itt that both came close tcg.'lht-r is ui re of a coineiiieiice Mian a consp:..icy. The crimes have greati) shocked Durt.iim and cicry i'lli'1 1 ol the l uce ha- b'tn licit simvthe news of tile shooting. The fai l that .vilhiu three mouths there have Ifcu lite niiinteis heie, two now in jail and threo ul Luge, also one ciiminal ussaiilt case, m j.til, and several oilier lesser crimes. has made the situalioi. here one oi a carnival of crime. The assassi n il ion and the alteuipt to iBilider a family has made the story one that has stii'ed all of this section. It ha been all the la!k today and Ihii ham is iu the limelight for a dastardly crime that was never an iieipalt l by the autliot ities and ne that could not have liein pre vented. I'.very means is now lcing uvd to get hold of I he guilty party. Knginifi Holt was shot lu.iu his hack while sitting in the cab wilh hss hand on the throttle, lb' was preparing to move his train out lioin liie cull chute, where In-stop lied to get water and coal. Tin man who did the shooting was seen standing under the chute iuitnedi att ly aller the gun was tired and he did not make any gicat 1mm in gelling away. He stood around and while the conductor and Mag man. wli were iu the cab with the engineer al the time, and Fireman I'avlor. who Wiisout getting water lor his engine, left the train for tear ol being shot, the assassin walked oil mid disappeared in tin darkness. The lireman then maim ed the engine and while the con iluclor held up the head ol the dy nm man. the engine was run down some lour or live hundred yards. There In lp was called and the au thorities notified. In ashori while Mie shcrill' ami several of his ilepu ties ;i t :t i a nmulicr of police t. liners utiii the coroner were on the job. Since then the men have not eaten tun slept ami ve' the matter is mystery, l'vcry pos-iliie clue ha hii'ti followed. Hut as a matter ol fact, there were hut few clues ti follow. Tin- man was shot from the back, iu the dark, assassinated ami all his li'ieiids say that he did not have an enemy. Thai makes it all the worse for the ollicers. Nothing to wink on, Three Condemned iu Magistrate's Court and Lynched. The little town of Tiptonvillc Teun., bordering on Itoellool lake which has been the scene of h mam .stirring litcuienis me past mouth, witnessed the lynching late l uesilav ullernooii ot three negroes who were arrested that morning for muidei ing Special hepaly Slier ill liichiird JniTiiss ami fatally wounding John Hall, a deputy hei ill. The negroes are Marshall I'. Iwiii'i! and .Inn Stiuebaek, broth eis. 1 liev created a insturiiaiict ,it a ileum religious meeting neat Tintnhiillo Saliiiihtv night, am when I he two ofheers attempted I ai rest them, a light ensued in which l he ncgi'ocM came out victnrioil: and made then escape. I hey wen pursued, captured and placed in iail. As a Ivnching w:is imminent au unusual course was taken. magistrate opened court, summon ed a jury ami alter hearing theev deuce the prisoners were condemn ed to death and hung, (ioverum Patterson ordered it company militia to Tiptonville as soon as he was advised of the trouble, but the in 1 1 i t ul v ariived too lute. Hoarse coughs and atuflycoldi that mav develop int.) pneumonia over More people aie taking Foley'd Kid ncy Kline. ly every year. It is consul ercd to l: the most ellrrtive lemed) lor ki.lney ami I. ladder troubles that medical science can devise. 1'olcy Kidney Keinedy corrects nr t gularitie atul builds up worn out tissues aud ic stoics lost vitality. It wiil make you letl well and look well. Diug Company. There are a lot of people iu busi iiess who have no business liciug there. Hedicine That Is Medicine, "I have Miliered a good deal with malaria and stomach complaints, but 1 have now found a remedy that keeps me well, and that remedy is Klectric Bitters: a medicine that is medicine for stomach and liver troubles, aud for run down condi tions." savs W. C. Kiestlcr of Hal- Of VCs For Farmers. The Advantage you Get hy Let' ting us Have your Seed Cotton. The man who feeds his raw seed loses money. The man who swaps his seed to us for meal and hulls makes money. V'e grind the seed, use the oil and pay you for it, and you still have more real feeding value than you had in the whole seed. All agricultural authorities w ill tell you that this is true. The oil in the seed has no feed value, hut really injures the stock. You can sell us the seed for the top market price and then huy meal and hulls or you can swap the seed for hulls and meal. Here is the way to trade to your own great advantage : Uring us, for instance, at this date, one ton, or 000 pounds of seed, and get for it: "A U pounds of hulls and 000 pounds of meal, or a total of J,04(5 pounds of feed for the 2,000 pounds you hrought us. This is ahout the pro portion you should feed, hut we can varv it if you wish. Progressive farmers everywhere Know that this is the best way to dispose of your seed. Feeding cat tle this way, if it is enly a few head, means building up your laud. We w ill he glad to talk further on the suhject at any time. lUUxiuuuwTi mm ibuhusxui The Monroe Oil Mill. M M M M N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M H M M M M tiXXXXXXXXXIIIXIIXXXXIXIIIIIXIXXXZXXXIIIIIXIXXXIXXXiJ How's This? low Boy Tobacco by the caddy, 27 1-2 cents. Two sacks good Smoking Tobacco for 5 cents. Two pounds loose Soda for 5 cents. The best home-made Molasses you ever stuck your "taster" to, 50 cents. We buy al) kinds of Produce. Monroe Supply Co. impson s 0 Is the place to buy Drugs and all articles that go in an up-to-date and First Class Drug Store. Our Prescription Department is unexcelled. C. N. Simpson, Jr. ra.sing counterfeit money is no morse I jy., Arj .;le,.trj,. vn purify man . ...... t j V J i , i antl curieli the WihmI, tone tip the Nearly everybody know, PrW.tta ; n.Ktit arc quickly curi oy r niey j 0rim. rrmetiy 7' 'wrvtMmd impart vipor ami ener- 1 ttiit tar v Ki,ra are ine tif 1 puis nogr, iuu 1 ... h n....w iini.mc4 1 - ft- made. Tliey are little liver nlla. Company viaers are the Ix-l ri" n 1 "'. ' "",e "'" J "J Tr- ne eon i1"J c"iJ .. . th,, wPak Yonr UK,npv will ,re .nt.ll. Pleaiit. Mire j membrane,, the lonRt, ami e- renietly that cure, the mFt obMn.ttte K ' 1 . Sold by linclish Hroi !! tl e cold from the aytem. Eng. 1 coKh nd heala the lungi. tngln-h rcf in Int if it UU. to help you. Lh Uruj Company. I Drug Company. 50c. at Knglihh Drugetmipaiiy g. McRAE MERCANTILE CO. THE LEADING GENERAL STORE We are always ready to offer our customers the best goods at the right prices and guaran tee to please. Our shelves are all the time run ning over with the best line of Shoes in town. We have the best line Ladies and Misses Cloaks in town at the price you au can wear one. Come and see. Our shelves are loaded with all kinds of Dress Goods. They are for you at prices that will tickle you. We invite you to make our store your headquarters when in tho city. Respectfully, McRAE MERCANTILE CO. ' rilONE No. 45. LOAN & TRUST BUILDING.