iilii. i vlONRQE P N A. VOLUME XV. NO. 4L MONROE. N.C., TUESDAY DECEMIJE!. So. I T'Oc!. One Dollar a Year. JDont Sumr Just scratch a maUh. !ij!it t!ie Pctftiti.m Oil 1 I al- r an J stop sluveiing. hct ever you have a loom llutt'i hard" to lieat that tlic fur nace doesn't leach there you'll need a PERFECTtON Oil Hcafer (Equipped with Smokeless Dcvicct Jest the lliiiig fut W'.'.tf J Utk- or Ie Iwrrn i-aons. It traul glowing hel nuke any rcm cheerf jl nj eery. No smolt no vth II smokt k-5 erne prevents. iwf f.it Mt 4 quart of oil burning 9 hours, r in. tshcJ in j.ivin an J nn-lcL Lvery heater warranted. Givrt a restful, steady, soil Lht which is mikh appreciated by workers and studrult. Mule ii brasn, niikrl plated with the Litest improved central draft burner. Kwry lamp warranted. lite our nearest agency (it dr. cripme (irculir if your dealer cannot uifiply llie I VrfettKin Oil I lealer or Rayo Lamp. St.mdnrd Oil Company Incorporated) MEMO irnaaai When Time are Hard Trade Where You Can Save Most Money We claim that our store is tin place. Our stuck is fresh and up-to-date in every way and we will :-eil anything you want in cur line almost at your own price. You shall have a bargain if you will come to see us. Our stock of Shoos is the best and cheapest to ho found anywhere. We will buy your produce - any thini you have to sell - and pa the highest t price. I to no; fail to see iw before you buy or fell. If ycj have sord cotton or cotton seed we will pay you the lushest price for them. If you want hulls or cotton stv.l meal' we have them and will sell them as cheap as ymi can buy 'lu'tn anywhere in Monroe. If you can't come to our place, phone us and we will deliver anything you wish without extra cost. P. S. Pawn's and Tics and Seed W heat on hand. Yours for business, T. C. Lee Co. Near Monroe Oil Mill. Tr)2 Banl of Union MoMoir. vc. Progressive people everywhere rojrard Banks as business necessities. Those who fail to patronize them incur unnecessary danger and do themselves positive injustice. llltlllMIIIIIMHIIHIIIHMIIMIIIMMIIIlfflMIHIMIIIIItMlllllim lltll; : Deposit Your Money in the JJank of Union.! l. , inilMimillMMHIIMMtnMMIMItllMIMtlllMHIIIMIIIIlMIII'nir It was expensive, but the Dank has a Corliss safe and prospective depositors would do well to re member this. Everything possible has been done to earn the confidence of the people and make their money safe. Call and confer on any financial matter. Y'ou may learn something to your advantage. You are always welcome. j HoN Had Money. I 1'ui in-wan Sipeli tV plie l.nl a t . j ti- in d -ii'i' 'iciH 'iitlil irI !M-Mr'ijr trim N. i i!'t. I The pliuUd e as hu!illcil up ou tlte !irt bini'l ui'd u I ikii.; t ti lint iiiip wln-u ibe.i-r invit led tint In n interview. He ni !! 'no protest, but walked hIoi'U :!'i M'H coiiimeul to the i ity l a !. Af Iter enterm-: tin s!l cinder Mr. Siceh if cxplaiiwd his pnsoier that if he bait any money H!"l nil jfitto keep it MT lil'ht llit i"l h-niiuh'iI no i-nr -il-lity. Ii lie U-arstl to etitiust it to tin- ctViivr. In v lurthw h1v;I, the latter i onl.l I n cponsi'ii l'.r i's iriiirn. I Tins espliinaiioii iMala maileto i prisoiifis mut s a rule Kiev tn a rustiHlian for their tumls cotiitiiir iicioss i!li miiiim vur j i ujr Iroin ti n nuts to twenty ilolbim. It as f ler p.ittinj; hi;. priitiT i" on this scon' that Ottin-r Sitviell had an attack of bin eyr. "The iVllew rvai tie l down in hi piK'ket," iijs th .Hici'r, "and puKiil nut a walh-t, rematkt:ii;. 'Well, I guess on may ki'p it for Hie." I H'tuii the wallet to count the liiimey in his precncv and the rivst lliitu: my li'll uHin wan a eloo note. I'tnli r this were two liftien and in the next layer twonlieH as thick as leaves mi a tree ill spti uptime. All tuM the fellow iiiiint have fully eVKi." "Whv in the world do you want to ciM'iiil the niL'lit in the lockup i w ith all this money on ymi.' I ask linn, . "hi in... . . i.'.i. "Well, what can I do!" he re plied. "l'nt up a ?i lamd." 'Of cniirse I will. Heiv's ynitr five dollar, tmw willym In- kind enough to diit-ct lue to a good ho tel!" Mr. HieelolV tiatued the vat ions hosteliies and ten iiiiiiu.es liter there was registered at Hotel Van derfotd in legible lintulw riling the name of Adolph A. I.inder. I'har lottesville, Ya. lie spent the niht at this hotel, checked ofl t!is aim ri intf and resumed his j'Uiincy south ward. To Ollicer.Sieeloll the only stale ment I.inder, if that is really his name, would make was thai he was on his way from Charlottesville, Ya., to Chat lotto, and desired to save car fare. He is a young man of perhaps thirty, was fairly well dressed and talked intelligiMitly. Hoarse coiifilm and slutly colds that may develop into pneuin una over iiuiht uie ipiiskly emed by Kuley's Honey and Tar, as it suo'.lie inllauieJ intniliiaucs, lieals the limBs, anil ex pels the cold from the lystem. I'-iin-list) I)i us Company. The reason why men who mind their own business succeed is he cause they have so little competi tion. (iullty of Counterfc-iting- I'aFsiuK ri'imterfeil inouev u 11" weii-e than suhstilutini; mnie uiik-inwti and worthless remedy tor 1 nicy's llor.e and Tar, the k" eoiih and col.l remedy that cures ti e most ul -tmate cousin ami lieals the Itiur.s KiiKli-b Prus Company. Some people spend lin ney just as if they had earned it, hut those w ho have earned it do not. $500.00 More A Year for Average Southern Farmer. It Is a Wonder. Chauiherlain'a l.iniment is one o( the must remarkable prepaiations yet pro duced for the relief of iheuniatic pains, and tor lame back, sprain:, and bruises. The i tuck rein I tiom pain j which it altords m r.ie of iheiiiiMtisiu is alonu worth in my topes its o st. j Trice .'5 cents; Ure sie 5'1 ccuU I -or sale by Dr. S. J. W. lsh. The Seasons Sensation! That's what Flow's Great Cash sale is proving. Far and wide our customers come to take advantage of the rare bargains. We have heretofore explained why this sale is on, hut we repeat: This store is the recognized leader in Union county for stvlish. first rate tfoods for men and boys, and we have no old stuff to work off on you. Our, stock is abreast of the times. And while we have too many goods and are going to get rid of them, we simply bought more than the depressed condition of business warrants. Now we are going to turn them loose at actual cost at a time when general hard times will make such a sale high ly appreciated by our customers. Terms of sale strictly cash. SEEING THE POINT many customers are laying m a two season's supply. But this stock runs at the bottom as good as the top. No specked apples in the bottom to J)c worked ofT! J! Parents, now is the great chance to get a suit for the bovs. As we have decided to quit selling boys' suits after this season, we will give you the nick of 500 suits regardless of cost. We guarantee satisfaction in all particulars and the goods that you buy from us at real cost during this sale are just as stylish, as up-to-date and fitting as you can buy anywhere at large profit prices to dealers. Sale con tinues to Christmas Come for bargains! D. WILL FLOW, The Leading Clothier. A Practicable Program Of Progress And 'hut It Would Mean To Every Southern Industry And Interest. IKroin j..; n.t'r-4 !.- Clirtp-t1 H. ' tin,..- of ih- Procre-ow K:ir-m-r io'.I S' ltlH r-i t mil i. i eti.. i..f I;., I. ich. S t .. a- ! M.-rkvilie. Mis. I. Iner--l U-i'ore Sen item t o:-e. r, i I t,i fn -, VV a-l'i'Vlon. I'. Tai sl:.y ul'i-rwion, iinii-lT Po. j "Tilt: captamsand the king de-: part": our hanker, oar inatiufae-1 turns. mr merchants, our lawyers, r a;l these have brought their reports. , worthy, inspiring, notable, and all ; of thi-M-men I hoiiot ; hut here at j the hit I bring to you your forgot-J ten in im, the mail who, of all men,' is i Imiidiiig and must rebuild the S Ii- the man behind Ibeplow. Thiity eati ago and more that great ln aited and t invingSnilh j em met, Sidney I.anier, give u: the kenote of Southern develop ment and thebiirdi-ii of my addiev in a paiagraph that evi rj South ern schoollKiy etiglil l learn b heart: "A tital revolution in the farm ing ii-oiiomy of the South, if it is actually occiii ring, is necessarily carrying with It ail future politics, ami Sou! hern relation.-, h'ld South ern urt, and such nn agrirultuia! change is the one Mi'istantia! fact iimiii whiih any really New South can l' predicted.-' It is Lanier's old message that I would bring to you today and yet I bring a new message too: that at last we have definitely set about the fulfillment of his dream. To tell von what this means to oii and to the South ami to ask you I'm jour supiort in ranying it to sue cess, is the object of my coming. Average 5outhcrn l arnier 5liould Make $5(KI ."lore a Vt?ir. As a background of my story and in order that we may sr.. its large meaning in the tight perspective. 1 must first nl all call your alten tiou to two statistical facts. r'iit. iis to the over helmiii,: predonii nance of nu ll interests in the South, Iheeensu-show ing that more than per cent, of our population is iiiral ami that the S.iulh is today t ho one set t ion of A mer ica of w h ich it is true that there are more peo pie engaged in agriculture than in all other occupations combined. Second, as lo the efficiency and earning power of these people here toliire, the last census showing the average annual value of products per farm in the North Atlantic States its ?:si, in i tie ."soum .Mian tie as s, or exactly ."ih per i ear less; in tiie .North Central States its l,n7f, in the South t en tral. .".".; or $.:is per year less. And with this as my basis, I am ready to lay down three or font propositions which I wish to ham mer home to your minds: I. To bring up its earning pow er ?.iim more a year tor eacn .-siuiin- ern farm is the supreme task and opportunity of our generation. . It is not only our supreme task mid ambition, but it is a real iziblc ideal, a workable, practica ble program of progress. ;!. It is not only our supreme tak. and a realizable one, hut is one upon whose success depemN the prosperity not only of the South as a section and Southerners as a whole, but also (and more import aid) the prosperity of you yourself as an individual, and of every in dividual Southerner the farmei im mure than the banker, the mer chant, the railroad iiuin, the law yer, the preacher, the teacher, the statesman. The prosperity of ev ery trade, art, and eralt in a emu inanity anil the prosperity of ev eir individual in the community. from the bov on the street who blacks your shoes to the master mind who organized your railway systems or governs your Stale the prosperity of every man, I say. de pends upon the prostH-rity of the average man, this average man in the South Ivcing a farmer and this is the greatest truth that I hope to bring you to see with me this alter noon. f. And then the hopeful fact the fact that already earnest men and women, working here and theie in dill'erctit lines of endeavor, have developed almost unconsciously the several component partsof a fairly comprehensive and well rounded Hchcme of ruial deve'i pment, a primary and essential part of which is this getting $.Vo more a year j fanning in the Southern Slates-a scheme of education which em brae s young and old, not only the j farm boy in the school, but the adult fanner and the farmer's wife as well. An Appeal to the South' Cummer cial Interests. And now. as the spokesman of the South' agricultural interests. I come to you to appeal for your support, to ask you an citizens and as lenders to join in a great move ineiit for rural development in the South. And I ttm'goinp to base my aignment not on any plea a to what this development will mean to the Smith an a wet ion, or to Southerners as a whole, but upon what it will mean to you a an in dividual. My ln jie is to show you thai your individual prosperity is dependent upon the prosperity of the aveiage man iu the South, this average man I repeat i lieing a far mer. Too long, my fellow Southerner. - -t . : a'., ti i ' ti. .!' ' '.an'. :' 10 i".- .1 i-?i, . I :fu si. .M Ml..' Til- a ad nl u a 1 (t-i. ell !lii-.l eht- i-lied if si I . tmi l,.. i:ill I,., "If I me a iio-ii HtaMairr, ;n.i tH:k 1. io r I r-e eM-ep-, of ail Mi--!' aarl'i-r ii'"ni. not. w l.i tlier ;!) f i IS i;'l.i!.to! or bli u leg or i.-?i..g: id:' g or siiii. tiii." I e 'llie to y-'U t."! that tins i-1-. lis-li.a. the Snith , in! -slci'. wn'mien! U,:it h;s ! e-i t:r i. fill te-turvs. .rf i-iimi'S-iiv ;i ;.it ture, our edui ati ui -. I. it Ki- ki'p' line and all of lVi"- t ! .'M-d iio i to llie licprnlil.tbl. level ot ..in I!" pn litidil avei i;'e m . etir i-.a Is-l.iad the p!o. lien eaining e-ipaeitj and -i t!i.' earning cap teny ,.i i er woi ker in tin' s i ir'i : :"i from the ill. ii lis of iiici: oM! ill- luixl.rerred. !ai 'I'. . cut the hind' ring sii lei olhi r wotlhy tiitei- in h.S iif.h cru Staler. Ah. if our -' I'esiueii ai d puV.ii men iu the S : ii ti. -- - iat tin:t earscoeid only haw i-al".i'd liie fiii.d iiiii iital tiu.h in l.-ttin i's m ii'i'.iuee "A vita; tevolu: !,!! in tin farming eeuuouiv of u'ii is neci sai ily c i n ,ug w ii I: ;t a'i I'u ture Sunt in ra pihtr-- eioi S up h eru rclal ions ;nnl i ll tin a ait. ami such siu agi ii uiiai ii i-h.i'ige 'silo one Mili-'anl I. I l'n t upon vlmi; any ri'al'y New South e.m b- pie dieted;" Ah. if lie-y c -mid ool have tcali.isl thil the pM-.pii:: of eieiy man ih-petids upoo tin pr .sperily of'it.ea i ue mm; Prosperity of f.erv ."Ian DenenJ- ent I pon Pru-pw-rity of ihe - rrnve Man. I do not know win ilier or suit ii has e'er been Woi!ed iul as a principle ol p i! it ..!! cciuoiny. anliov it is nu'pii'stiiiu-ilily tin thai weall'i is by n.iluii' not arislo era' if. but lb-mo 'lalic. 'I in poolei eveiy oilier man is. lie pool, i oii are. The richer everv other h i1. is, the i'. her veil ate. F.v i I 'an w hose e n ; ing pow i r is I .'low pur. Ih'Iow iiiirm.il, i a I . 1 1: : -n on ! :i- in i in II n i I : he drags ii ovn the wh ile level of IP", and eveiy other man in the coicm in;l y is pnoivi by reason of I'is piesi liee, wliethel he be w bite man. er la-gio. or what not. Your iiutiaiii.Ml, ii eiVn-ieiit man is not only a povei'v In.-e ii i lor himseli', hut tlii- contagion of it eiirs -s every m .1 in the c uunui nity that is guilty of lt a ing him utitrailied. The law of changeless just i-e decrees t'mt you mu-t f se or fall, decline or pr.wpi r, witti jouriieiglib.il'. on will Ii-rich er lor tr.s weaaii, pooler lot nis poverty. And so today evei y man who is tilling an acre of land in the S .Hi!- so that it pioiiiii'i'.s o'lly hall wli.i' inlelligeiitly direcfe.l labor Would get out of it, is a burden on tin emuinllliily. is ilia.'git 1 down tin level of life for eveiy oilier ncm in llie community. Suppose joti are his fellow citizen: t lic'i because ot his inilliciency, his povetty, l cause of his failure to colli ribute to public funds and public move ments, jou must have poorer roads, poorer schools, 11 me mer sihool house ami couit house. 11 shabbier church, lower pi i oil htids; your teacher will be more pinn ly paid, your preacher's salary will be smaller, your newspaper will have a smaller rirciilat ion, your t"n will have a poonr maikei, join riilroad smaller Ii illic, your mer chant smaller trade, jour bink s'lialler deposits, jour manufai' taier diiuinishi d patronage, and s i 011 and so on. Negro Must IWcome ."lore nficient or liive Way to ImmiRratiun. The rainiliealionsare iuliuite, tin ending. And the doctiiue is fine whateier the co!- of Mie man. The ignorant ncgrWin the S iiith is one of the greatest economic bur dens with which any people has ever had to contend. 1 10111 d 1 'g t ! p: , - I .;. it!.-. s. .' U, .,!'!, ci '... ..... 1 p.t'rot.s he i ...irni led ! : j P: I 1 is 111 ll.l- ,:i;s I tea I to I i .l-' hl'e I lo -1 -iiihg si;. fi'iS :!;! I .- - ! iMie. ' !. s'.ii. -iii. :. i. is Ml iv. le g t.ii... ocly : 1 d.e i-.i.-: ! by hii-plf 1 ; ' ei.11c.1t. re.ol his bi .-!... . -a! loo p.n 111 pi ..pi 1 1 v 1 i . lie '''ii-i.i to l"S CCC10! , Wl.i , - M l'lel a, II: .C1I l(M-! ill ';.. llllsh.ll l.il I y these a. en -.1 1 -rtor , are t.inn ;n -ing an I si n , ; Writing edli.nals in hippie I t.i ti.- at '.s rat if instead of tl.e tl.-'u is" 1 t.itie Ihcoty ol indilsii y, tile ! .r I. .is M.,. I. is p.;!. lit outs !'! ! fail of support. hen j . ;-i tiained i!id eilu. ited p I ' would hare brought hlui wea as th" head of a piosieroiis daily l-'.g'i'iu; pt;!i'u- tavi.iou lir ts't ii i !-! ,m tin-W i-s.-ihag at:-, ;.,' u:i. . 11 s: fat ii:-rs; 1 i-m;ki?v. if 'ii w.l.. :i' ! 1 I t!-e pr. fi.'s ,.ii u'iu ili and o P . ' .tits . Maiii,j,M-l'n,-ts 1 a ti.oii sim! f ! !-- ! ! iili theie ! :i.. , 1..1 ; ,1 1 -!.'., ,- nit in rii m o ,r s!ii, have; u-n mir !' t' W M I' I ' di'.g l.mtll tor "; e'e -1 :i. -"I i- n t.i i i v. h Ii l'nt '-. ! s.'i p i i. I f ;!:! r he "eslcj for Sm'kin? Cigarettes. f 1 tec s-ho training Is and ai:! etn : it lid ui.-t!iods ot j hu.g ihe aveiage I strut Man. olir III. mill. li'lllli'l has ig'nl along with a st:,al business when a prosperous uviage man ' would h.n .' g:eu us gn at imius i'-ies like tli..s- iu the NotHi ami West. S'lll aiguing that idtieiitio'i and t.iiiiing would spoil the woi king man. and Ilia! "clieap labor" Is what we iieoil, jour banker has complained that the S .lit h oilers no oppottiiuilies f r Ihe great tttainiir. foigi-tiing that cheap, inipi iispe roiis lalHir means small, inipuispf roils banks. Opposing taatioii for bettei sehoo"i. the lailroiids Iiauhiig col i-n 1:1 the la" ati.l low grnl" terti !:rrs iii 1 1,0 spru.g. have fought pas. either rate iidiu'lion as a hie l td de. t!h mailer when a well train ed people would supply tin- aii 011s tiiitlic and the heavy ii; 1 ciends I I he ol her seel 10:. s. Your lawyer, d.'tot, preacher, 1 ,k hi r - each falling in line With he alien nt heresy, has paid the : aii'v in iliminis'iiil salaiies, ill :i i 11 1 iiiiiin-iii'e. ';cliius o Ihe vici. -Us teaching I ..ni pointing out. join inea of til- "III 41! i ls , .seUlptol, )IH't. oi.itoi, have tooollen lied toofhet sections, or else ha e died with vision iihlul- iliied among a people untrained t" ippiec.ale Ihi'ir genius - when but I a these, jou might see statues nl Southern leaders in every South eru city, the work ol itilla rii ar lists in the world's glealest galler ios, the thought of the Southern pin t the common hoi da; c ol man kind. Il is not that we have had no mighty dreams; it is that thej -i "i'p 111 ncgli i ted graves trampled under loot by war. and waste, am error. Now w:'.t' and waste, flunk (iod, are Im In: I i-s. Let us also put er for beh.n.i n-. . We men. I a:n' 1 'i-i. Hi nt. rn "ill 110 ioi:g. 1 ewe aiiegiincc l.i other sis-tioiis but our own t ii 1111 I.ll Itisl :t ut i..i,s lee,.iHf the eijiials of anj 11. Ann-ta a. liai in -pa; rs w :ll gum- gn- iter w :ih -lloiigei tt I -s. 1 1 jit n t: .11 ii adveitis ing patronage, and N-a li e-,1 m.-ii and women will Iv-giti to read Southern magazines not Southern dailies, U 11 1 tl loads ni double h.. k old lines I 1 supply the new demands, and new ii e-s will ! built to iii:c!:i'ii d. ad si ctions into lite. Abie lawjers woi no h-ngei go N'ar'li to (hid b:g I.l" foreign pulpits Will no ionger Is-able to tile mil' Mrong religions leaders I'olM us. ni.r ;i s t souls .i id artist s.alswill tind bete at last Ihe al inosphere in which I bay In si can lloin Isl), our si itesi,.i will spftik with potent voices iu the councils I ihe nation, am! the ee of every Southern schoolboy will spirkii :th a ki flier ptlde lis he lea' ns the story of a general ion that has wiought as wcli ii, p-ai-' us the lalheis fought invar. Tiiese an the Ihitig: we have now set out to w in: lhe.se are the things w hich are lo come ulmiit with that iigriciiUu till levolutioii upon which alone cm any i-eally New South be pre d 11 tod.' vt-i a'ui.' I Ii iy 1: e -uiok-i v n-e M In -f :. .1:1 a " :ii 1-r The !ir' nrr.-." in!tnatie- pi. li b;t sevenr.sn jcjcs i. eigl'e'tl in .1 pell. niii-le when I'll sp ! ;.. a ,. 1, n4:. .l.i a a' t.n-'t " ill h.s lit. Hi !;. The rnliiutic , it is litidi rs.,.. J. iii l.eia-el'ot I 'l is- -t ! i t ! y rufous I. It provides to il any mi. iimlor . etitnoi jeais. i f age eu stitokiog on tl.e s'luts hi in any pn' . place sha'l U arrested and lli.-d. The Im i! . 1 f aldei inea p is-ih t'o oidinatits all ":t siv 111 mlhs ago i'l eomplHiiis. with a slroiig pnli'i.- j tiiion ii- iii!-' minors smoking . ti i'-e stt.sts. ps pi j in l'V olij.ft : . ol co.irsi., t ' st '.ui; out the n 1 ctg iretti-s H id lo prevent Voii-.g liojs fiom aeiUiriiig (he habit. are Cilia.: '. , v-,'- V. ! y evi l v v. ir. It is coa. he e -t 1 " . t:t- re'-o 1 .' .01 ! I i.l 1 -i t; otil.;. s ',..t -., : e t ' il-'vi -e. I' )!e . 's : i ,tv r. in t.i it n cnUr'tK-s up i i.iij'it tissi e. a:iJ ri vilii.ic. It sail iiiuke v o'l J 1 ..' well. Eueli-h Diuk - '- I- 'J :k-v c:i ly eie.l t 1 I - , 101 i 1 fuel at 1 . 1 . . 1 . -, I K 1 J 11 - Kt- : i ii: .1 l-i '-.- --;res l-.-t ' tf-ef W I il 4' L, U'j'.oiy. Anything is literature if it ex presses a heart throb, and nothing is unless it does. The man who knows .just what t do can usually tind some one to do it for him. The pleasure of the feast doe depend upon how some of gliosis got there. not the WE ARE STILL BUSY. but. if yn;i ward one ot' our high class Life insurance' policie.t, one that inc'eascs each or the premium th 'creases a Twenty pay life that, in case j,m ioave your dividends with the comjiany, is .guaranteed to mature in Fifteen years, we will take time t write ymi tin- insurance. ( )ur company is tl.e largest in the South, has One Million hollars assets, and is managed by experienced under writers. Furthiv, your money is left in North Carolina, your homo State, and is alv.ays available in Monroe and I'nion county if jou should Heed it. We writ,- .nt" fiir't: ui' Kndow Pu 1:1 licr.'. iit'ter you have ptiiil Seven pre 111:::. ti. voti i-iiti fi t 11 .:,i. up policy fur the full i'lnoiim; or pay Fourteen pre nu ii'iis a .1 U'.c I u..'..-:i':d I oiliirs is piii.1 over lo you; or pay Twenty M'irs. the full I'-rtn. atnl we .:.y ou the full face of your policy, together with all the c 0:11-1, nt. i d 11. vimni'l.'ition SI. .Ion. on cash nil in your lifetime. Mai. e a hi',!.' investment with us ami thus secure protect ion fur your fam ily mid for yourself as well. If ymi are going to buy insurance ou might as well buy' the Lest, for it is the ehcajs t in the long run. We write all class's of Insurance: deal in Ilea! Kstate: nogrotiate Loans, and are always ready and willing to accommoilate our patrons. GORDON Insurance and Investment Company. The P.cst Kiui..cl Agency in the South. I Iw impson jr i? Is the place to buy Drugs and all articles that go in an up-to-date and The Smith's (lreatcst Of all oai ."....' has U'eti tl ! t: a the fact tii. 11 I lie pi cry man depends ii itj ol the livei.lgi many cases the of tin doctrine r.rror.s. our greatest " I 1 t'ecogni.e 'i. fit V of ev i: i iie prosper man - and in actual acceptance that the Stale is and observation in ten Southern States. I have almost wanked it out as a principle of political eeoiionij that, other things Is ing npial, States and rniiiinutiiti.'s ate pin peeing in propoitiou to their white population. I do not know what we are going ta do w ilh the in gro. I do know that . must either frame a scheme of education and, training that will keep him fiom dragging dow n the w hole level of life 111 theSoiiih, that will a ike him more ellicicut, a prosperity maker and not a povetty bivub r. or else he w ill gel out of the Soii h and give way to the white immi grant. No acre of land will long own as its master the man or the race who mistical it and tn il.es it unfruitful. Kither we 11111-1 hae the negro trained or we must not have him at all. Cntrained. he is a burden on us all. I'.ettii mil lion acres of 111. tilled land than a j million m i cs of uiistillcd land. Ix't us rememlier then that our economic law knows no color line. White or black, the man whose of ticietiev is almve par Is a lieij Item fifed by ha iug cheap, llti trained labor. We have seen on the cont rat. v that such labor is a curse. And our second gteat error ha 's'l ii like unto it flic belief that even if the pnispci iij of every man does depend upon the prosperity of the average mail, we are too pom to train him. The truth is, that we are too poor not to do so, the fullest and freest training ol Ihe aveiage man is the one and only positive glial anlee ol 'Southern prosperity, and by this I mean the prospeiity not only of our section and of out institutions and of socie t as a whole, but the piosperilv ol every individual - every fanner, eiery laborer, every ticichanl, ev ery inanulailliier, eveiy proles iivcl ! sioual man. every inhabitant as I have said, from the boy w ho blacks shoes to the master mind that builds your railroad s steins or governs your state. And having once accepted this doctrine con rt ruing the aveiage man and the aveiage man in the South being a larmcr we shall not In slow to put into c fleet I hat hirg and conipre hensive program of rural develop incut which earnest men and wo nn 11, not king 111 Itiaiij dillereiit lines have gi.clu.illv brought into shape a program whit h looks to the ultimate doubling ot theoiitput and the more than i-nudi upling of the prolilsof thai occupation w Inch engages the attention of more pen pie of the South than ail other oc enpations combined. Ihe (ircat devolution That tins Now Itcgun and What it Will Do. Then indeed will the South bios som as the rose; then indeed will the long ambitions of our fathers r ime at hist into glut ions fiuilage. Not only will the common farm hollies in the South lie supplied w ith all the conveniences our city ; brethren new enjoy, good roads nud telephones and line stock and First Class Drug Store. Our Prescription Department is unexcelled. C. N. Simpson, Jr. McRAE MERCANTILE CO. THE LEADING GENERAL STORE We are always ready to offer our customers the best goods at the right prices and guaran tee to please. Our shelves are all the time run ning over with the best line of Shoes in town. We have the best line Ladies and Misses Cloaks in town at the price you all can wear one. Come and see. Our shelves are loaded with all kind3 of Dress Goods. They are for you at prices that will tickle you. We invite you to make our stoi o your headquarters when in the city. Respectfully, McRAE MERCANTILE CO. rilON? No. -15. LOAN & TRUST BUILDING. Fresn Fruits (Hid vegetables : w title or black, itie man wnoseri- I lleieuey m below par Is a btmlialice. ; wwfi ,,.,.;,. u,,. .A eym of I Some Oreat I'allacles and What an awakened itcnple; but eveiy in I They Have Cost I s. dutiy know n to our Southland 1 - . 1.1 .-ill !...!. mill. .....e -i...,. ifl I tie larnier, ine roiumon laoor- in uuoo .uu im- - ( . .. . . - , . . !erof auy sort, needs no training. '. fwsh IiIikhI had been poured into; OUf Iilll UUtl WlllllT liaUC. lalucate him ami you spoil him. its veins. Iin-at mercantile linuscs! . t-i . . i,i... ii.rt ei.a, 1 u-i!l f-i.or 1111 iniioiu. 11s rivaliuff 1 , 1 111! piHIICI JOU ITI II. Ill, 1,11- 1 o .1- , - p.- "I IS I- ft a 1 1. 1 ' 1 ... . . 1 . 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I . It 111 1 .1 H. ,li,l.n,A1111 llfl er will be the upper Usi.' I liese inose 01 me .win ami mim, Ypgi-iillHfg-- I1SI1 JUKI HIClllS Hi U ila UIIKIUUS bavelKeo,,r,a.t tallaciet, And Southern merchants j fliovi.rnin SPM.nil. a long tune nave iney isen preacu ok i"fhi. ".i ivme on .o ..r.. nV v,j ed. Hugging this vampire del u- Instead ot tne small proms nievii-1 ion, the Southern plantation own- able with small sales. (Merchants. 'canned bv tbc best and most reliable eanncrs 'ff in this country, we are receiving now for bdo'our fall and winter trade. Ticked fresh and !riv'S put up by tbc best process, our canned fruits, ables, fish and meats arc asaciieiousas they am in season. DOSTER GROCERY CO.

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