THE MONROE JOURNAL. VOLUME XVI NO. 4. MONROE, N.O, TUESDAY MARCH 2 1900. VA One Dollar a Year. FERTILIZERS. I Home-Made I TvAMr rnffnn nlanfA Liti; tuiiuu jjiauibs lauvj vuuuu atvu. Cotton seed makes cotton seed meaL s Cotton seed meal makes Fertilizer. The Southern Cotton Oil Company makes the best Fertilizers made with cotton seed meaL j Therefore, contain materials ttnu nut uiuy pauuniicc uuiue inuuo- tries, but patronize yourself. WRITE Tne soutnern cotton on 60. They will advise you where you can obtain an immediate supply. 3BBE The Splendid thit has been accorded u by the trading public hat caused u to congratulate ourselves that we have opened business In Monroe, that It it Drug business, that we are located In the new Postofflce building, and that we have the prettiest store In town. Come to see us at our place. We will take pains to treat you right In every particular. UnionDpuoComDanu A. M. SECREST, Manager. fifrnriririrnrnri You Owe It To yourself and should be paid as conscientiously as you have paid all your other debts. If you are a wage-earner or a business man you owe yourself and family protection, comfort and care in case of sick ness or distress. Our Savings Department solves the problem by accepting small amounts weekly or monthly as you like. Try this plan start an account with a dollar the first week, two dollars the second, three dollars the third week, and four dollars the fourth week and you have ten dollars saved. Start with a dollar strain, and bo on; and at the end of the year you have $130 to your credit Part of the debt you owe yourself will have been paid. Try It! THE SAVINGS, LOAN R. B. Redwine, Pres. REMEMBER! Time Is Take time to get Dillon's prices on Furni tufe. Druggets, Rugs floor coverings. Musical Instruments of all v "r- kinds. Wo guarantee ... !. interest to see us before buying Furniture of any kind. T. P DILLON. Nitrogen, j 7rav rntinn roar! tbe best Nitrogen for Buy Ferti lizers which you raise yourself I Reception WE PAY YOU TO SAVE. 6 TRUST COMPANY. H. B. Clark, Cashier. Money! and different kinds of that it will bo to your 1 ! 't !a Yours for business, 1 Doctors Trying to Make a Han of I an Infant. Nr York Wadd. lo a ertuw, the doctors in I he lUrk-ut Hospital are trying to 'age" Harry Needh-maa. ISoru twruty seven yesirs ago, he U iu physical growth and mental drvrl oiiaieut an infant of six. It may take years lo age him, tb,e doctors say. That is, from being a kid who should have a nurse, ry may suddenly fiud hiiuM-lf Henry, a man of forty. Ilia father. Max Xeedletumi, iaa tailor, at No. 117 K4 One Hun dred and Thirteenth street. When Harry was six months old he fell from bin high chair aud lauded on his head. Dm. Jneohi and tUchd operated ou him and found it nee exMtrj to remove his thyroid gland. Tho thyroid gland is an insig nificant looking anatomical object in the human trsebea, the top of the windpipe. The most learned physiologists do not know precise ly why man ia blended with the thyroid gland. They suppose its functiou has something to do with the blood and with the format ion of mucin which forms a larjre part of the fluid which lubricate the mucous membranes. Anyhow, after the child's thy roid gland was extirpated be grew very slowly and remained extreme ly adolescent. Harry baa been playing with childreu wben he should have been associating with men. He basbeeu at school for ten years and is the despair of his teachers. His moth er sent him on an errand lat Fri day. As he waa crossing Third avenue a wagon hit bim and touted him few feet His face was rut badly and an ambulance took him to tbe Harlem Hospital. There lrs. Herrity, llennettand Mosher discovered that Harry had no thyroid gland, Studying him, mentally and physically, they saw that he suffered from cretinism, a disease, that is found oflenesl in Switzerland and Savoy and such mountainous countries. Persons who have cretinism, tbe wise doctors sav, are stuuted in growth; often have goitre, a wrink led skin, pale complexion aim a vacant aud stupid countenance. And Harry has most of these symp tOUIS. 80 the Harlem Hospital doctors are trying to "age'' bim. They are dosing him with what nature does uot supply bim, as he baa no thy roid glaud. Tbey are giving him freuueut five grain doses of a txiw- der made from the thyroid glauds of healthy sheep. It may take years, out tue uoc tors hope that Harry will kick out tbe end of his crib one morning and exclaim in a grulT voice: "I have wasted some years, but, by Jupiter, I am a man!" Not to Be Any flore Hangings. So far as the House is coni-crned (hero will be no more hangings in North Carolina, but felons sentenced to pay the death penalty will be put to death bv tbe electric cnair meiuou at the State prison at itale igh, in tbe presence of a few invited guests and physicians. The committee sub stitute for the electrocution hill in troduced by ItepresPDlativo I'uder wood was passed Saturday, and w ill probably pass the Senate. Among the provisions is one that prisoners convicted of criminal assault shall be broiicht to the penitentiary fur safekeeping, but others arc to remain in the county jails until after final iudements in case of appeal. If the bodies are claimed Dy relatives, mey are to be sent home at public ex pense, otherwiso Ihry will be dispos ed of for scientific purposes. The bill will go into effect from its ratiiica- tion, but will not apply to cases pend ing. The Lurid Glow of Doom was seen in the red fare, hands and body of the little son of H. M. Ad ams of Henrietta. Pa. His awful plight from eczema bad, for five vears. debed all remedies and bat tied the best doctors, who said 1 lie noisoned blood had affected his lungs and nothing could save mm. "Hut" wr tea bis mother, "seven bottles of Klectric Bitters complete Iv cured him." For eruptions, ec zema, salt rheum, sores and all blood disorders aud rheumatism Klectric Bitters is supreme. Only .V)c. Guaranteed by kngiish Drue; Company. Rivers Are you on speaking terms wltn ltuggieti iirooss wn, va. li.n.vpr we meet I tell him he's a sueaking scoundrel, and he tells me 1 m a uaranu a siauuerer. Chicago Tribune, "My three veer old boy was badly- constipated, bad a high fever and vat in so awful condition. 1 gave bim two doaes of Foley'! Orino Laiative and the neit morning tbe fever wan (ooe and he waa entirely well. Foley'a Orino Laiative aaved ina life." A WoUuab, Caaimer, Wia. Euglisb Drug Company. The nriaoner was downcast. His lawyer said, "Cheer up: I've got a jury of twelve men too stupid to find out that you're guilty." aatu rally the client took a more hope ful view. Philadelphia Ledger. This ia tbe mott dangerous time of the year to catch cold and the hardett time to cure It. It yon anoum iae cold, a few doaes of Kennedy's Laia tive Com h Syrup will act very prompt ly. lis laxative principle cures the cold by diiving it from (be system by a senile bat natural action of tbe bow els. Children especially He Ken nedy's Laiative CooKh Syrup, as it tistes so good, nearly like maple sugar. It ia told by English Drug Co, TBE POISON OF THE STREET. . I'.m ikiov's M . wink of New , York has begun a fight on the Wall street gambling outrage. It starts' out with the follow iug aswrtious:. Margin gamb'ing is at the bottom! of our baulking insecurity. j Maigin gambling makes wah sales Hissible. , Margin gauihliug makes mere: paw ns of hne prerties, w ith the control shirting over night Margin gambling gives opportu nity for made to order panics and Black Fridays, aud black failures and suicides aud social unrest. It is surely worth while to in quire into the methods of Wall Street if its operations can result in the loss of place aud income, and the locking up of the savings, of even the humblest workers, iu remote corners of our country. If Wall Street ran at will decree high I rices or low, and w ith them pro perity or adversity lor us all, is it not time that the people should tee to it that undue and unrestrained power is not lodged in the hands of a few, that tbe game they play is a fair one, aud that tbe livelihood of all of us is not imperiled by uufair or gambling methodi-f Tbe followiug extracts are made from the February and March issues: A "Harriiiian market," a "Stand ard Oil market," mid a "Morgan market" each differs from the others In important respects, be cause of different manipulative tuc ties. Behind each one you would fiud, if you knew where to look for it, a tremendous battery of tele phon -w A Ilarriman market is, daring, prolific of inci dents, lull of the unexpected, and often very dangerous. It was a llariiman market tbat collapsed so disastrously iu the autumn of l'.HIli. wheu the rates for the use of money became prohibitive. Tbe bull mar ket which liegan iu l!ot really cul minated iu Jaiunry of lwiti, when most of the big bull iuterests, in cluding the Morgau people, hav ing held their positions doggedly through a money stringency iu the preceding autumn which caused call rates to reach 100 per cent, cleaiied up anil stood from under. The Harriiiian group hud a big conn" in view and intended, by tbe tremendous e fleet of increasing the I'uiou Pacific dividend to ten tier cent aud placing Southern Pa cific common on a dividend basis for the first time iu its histoiy, to have control of the market dm iug the summer aud make the heaftt howl. Money had tieeu very tight in the preceding autumn aud would be tighter iu the autumn to come, but rates would be somewhat re laxed during the summer, and, moreover, there was the Union Pa cific treasury to fall back upon. The I uion Pacific Company at tbat time bad an enormous cash fund, resulting from the sale of its holdings of Northern 1'ueillc and Great Northern stocks, aud was lending its cash balances on call in Wall Street to Mr. Harriman and his associates. They lielicved that tbey had provided against all con tingencies, and so they had against all which could be foreseen; but iu the spring came the Sau Francisco disaster, which so upset things that they were thrown back at least two mouths in their plans. That made it impossible for them to execute their campaign during the summer, as they had intended, and they were obliged to recast it llie risks were enormously increased by having to curry it into the early autumn, when money would again Itccome very tight 1 bey brought out their ucs (the I'nion Pacific and Southern I'acilic dividends) iu August, and carried prices very high during the first fortnight of September. The consequences are historic. There is nothing more sordid in Wall street than the use that is made in the stock market by iu-siders-fdlrectors, bankers, and their like) of information accessible only to themselves. They have the first information of changes in earnings; they are able, to anticipate divi dend changes months ahead; they know what financial transactions are impending, as, for instance, an increase of stock. If they made use of their knowledge in adiiect way, as by buying on favorable develop ments or selling on those of an un rtel Wooi's Seeds for The Garden 6 Farm. Ttiirtv yearn iu buaiDeaa, with a steadily increasiaK trade every er unul e have to-tlay one of Ihe lartf.nt husineswe in aeeda in tliia country is the beat of t-v. donee as to The Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. We are headquarters for Gran and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes. Seed Oati, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and tJl Firm Seeds. Wood's Desorlpthre Catalog- the moil uarful sod valuable of t.arrlrn and farm seed Catalogs mailed free on request. T.W. WOOD I SONS, Beadsmen, . Rlohmond, Vs. favorable nature, that woulj be bad enough. But wben, being iu pos srssion of favorable kuuw ledge, tbey begin by manipulating the stock down to induce others to sell that they may buy more easily, or, on unfavorable knowledge, pursue tbe upiioaite tactics, it is iudefeu- sible. This sort of thing, however, is so iiiucn lakin lor gnauieu tbat pro- getting iiimn-ll talked alwut so feNsiomtl Slock Kxrhauge traders much in such a short time as that habitually sell a stock on any fa- j worthy. It will lie muruils-red voralile announcement which the that Cline came herefrom Mates insiders must have known was com- j bum, (ia., nearly 1.' mouths ago ing. Why? Because tbe insiders , aud opened a veterinary olhee. have piolmbly loaded up with stock He had not Iieen iu Wadesboro at lowr prices and will tow be long w ben he was arrested on war willing to sell. Hence the axiom: 'rants from Statesboro charging him "Sell on good news; the insiders I with carrying concealed weasus have discouuted it Buy ou Iwd land defrauding. After a long tight news, and for tbe same reason." To be right the (Hid time in five is all that any eierieuced specu lator hoiea for. The margin lie tween profit aud loss ia very slen der. 'No less an authority than Jrmes K. Keeue has said: "With all the money I speud for informa tion slid with All the eiiienee I have, the best that I can do is to be right four times in seven. If I could be right three times in Jive, I would have more money than I should know what todo w ith." The dillerence between four times iu seven, bis average, and three times n five, which was more than he could expect, is once in thirty-five times. Ponder this well, ye w ho wonder why you lose money iu Wall Street ! What chance have you for tbe odd time in live, which satisfies the pro fessional, against meu who com maud tbe machinery of manipula tion, have all the information brst, aud a great dual of the time control the news that makes prices go up and dowu' The enginery of manipulation cousists largely of telephones. On seeing the interior of a big manip ulator a plant for the first tune, one might U-lieve that it consisted w holly of telephoues. Two small rooms, one furnished with some chairs, a tuluV, a stock ticker, a uews ticker, and a shelf of Finan cial Chronicles which are never opened; and one furnished with telephoues tbat is all the plant atiy otera'or needs. He would uot kuow what to do with more. V lib tbe telephoues there is room for a book keeper or two. The telephones, twenty of them, thirty of them, uiaylie more, ruu in a row around the wall. They communicate di rectly with the brokers who re ceive and execute tue manipula tor's orders. F'-nder this matter of the tele phones and you gel the key to the w hole thing. The capacity of one telephone is practically unlimited if you desire merely to buy or sell stocks iu a direct simple manner. Just think bow much stock you could buy or sell over one wire iu the course of the day if you were straightforwardly investing money iu securities which you wished to buy aud keep, or selling invest ment securities out of which you wanted your money Iwck ! Why, then, twenty or thirty telephones ail in a row in one room, all com municating directly with brokers, for no other purpose than to trans mit orders to brokers and receive their reportsf There you have it. Wbyt iiecause the manipulator's business is neither direct, straight forward, nor simple. He deals in what doesn't exist; he creates a market today where there was none yesterday and may be none tomorrow; he must give the market the impression tbat he is buying or selling heavily when, iu fact, lie is doing the reverse; he must scatter his orders so that none may follow what he is really doing; he sends ten brokers into the mar ket to sell what he has sent per bsps one other iu to buy. He plays upon his telephones as a musician plays upon the keys of a piano, Teuof them may communicate with brokers known in the Street as of a highly speculative class, aud two may communicate witn conserva tive brokers whose relations w ith certain "banking iuterests' cause the Stock hxchange to attach im portance to the orders they rxe cute. Then if the manipulator should waut to sell stock without depressing the market uuiluly, he might distribute over the ten tele phones orders to sell 50,000 shares of stock, and over the two "con servative" wires ordeis to buy '.'5, 000 shares of the same stock. The Stock Exchange would see a lot of rash brokers selling heavily and two very strong houses buying steadily, and the report would go ! forth: "The selling is evidently ol a speculative character, and tbe buying looks good. It is probably a iK-ar drive at the stogk." 'Ve eiy without hesitatioo that De- Wilt'a Kidney and liladder Tills are une-inaled lor weak kidneys, back ache, infUmmatioo of the bladder and all urinary disorders. They are anti teptic aod act promptly in all cases of weak back, backache, rheumatism and rheumatic rains. Accent no substi tute. We sell and recommend them. English Drug Company, Muggins So Bjones is dead, ebt Say, he was a hustler; he never let the grass grow under his feet. Bug gius No; perhaps if he bad it wouldn't be growing over bis head now. Philadelphia Kecord. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure soy case of kidney or bladder troublo ; tbat ia not beyond Ilia reach ot medi cine. Cures backache sod irregolari ' ties tbat if neglected might result iu Bright' disease or diabetes. English Drug Compauy, DR. CUNE HEARD FROM. After a Brief CourUhip He Leads a Young Lady ot (iainrst ill. I la., to the Altar. j l'erhai no man w ho aiuouuied to so little as lr. A. F. Cline, the veterinarian who limited here ser-! era! mouths ag, ever succeeded in ! he was finally extradited to Ocor gia and died, but was acquitted of all the charges against him except that of carry iug concealed weaoiia. He paid the line of the court iu this rase and ret u rued to Wadesboro in high feather. He again opened an olhee and tried to marry oue of (lie liest young ladies of the county. He failed in this because it was discovered tbat he had a living wife iu tieorgia from whom, it was knowu, he had uever leeu divorced. While I'liue was is jail here dur ing his light against being extra dited to Georgia he, in some man uer, got hold of several saws and attempted to saw his way out of jail. Iu this State this is an indict able ollense, and the grand jury, at the January term of criminal court found a true bill against him for attempting to bleak jail, ('line, bearing of this, fled the State be fore he could be arrested. This was the last heard of bim here uu til the news of his marriage, con tained in a sHcial dispatch of Feb ruary 17th from Gainesville, Fla., to the Jacksonville, Fla., Times Cuion was forwarded to the M. it I. by a frieud living iu that sec tion. The dispatch telling of the marriage is given below: "After a brief but affectionate acquaintance, Dr. A. K. ('line, who recently came to Gainesville, and Miss licrtha Cook, the accomplish ed daughter of Hoyal Cook, were married Sunday, K ibbi Victor ("aro of Milwaukee, Wis., having the honor of performing the ceremony which joined the destiny of two hearts. The affair was a very quiet one, only a few of tbe most inti mate friends of the contracting pur ties lieing present "The bridegroom, lr. Cline, is a veterinarian, and established his office here only a short time ago. liy his clever, allable manner, bow ever, he has not only made many friends but has established a fine practice. The bride, who is yet in lier teens, has resided iu (iaines villas since early childhood, and has many ft iends among the young people, all of whom extend con gral illations with tbe wish that hei married life will lie one of con tinued happiness and pleasure." Baptist Preacher Started on Heth- odist Congregation, but Had to Skedaddle. The Uev. Frank Uiymondof Ilun- couibe county, a liaptist pieachcr, got into a Methodist church by tins take, but opened up on the (lock, which bucked liefoie he got through. Mr. Raymond s new pastorate al ludes, besides the Clyde church, one at Rock Spring, some ten mill distant Having been ou the pas torate only a short time, he had never had occasion to visit this church until Sunday night, when he was to preach there. Ou enquir ing the way, he was told that it was a small frame building on the right of the road ten miles away, tbat he couldn't miss it if be tried. Night was coming on and thedi vine bad almost decided ttiat be had passed his church w hen he saw a short distance away the lights of a church. The congregation had already gathered aud he went iu aud took a buck seat when lteacon Mark McCracken recognized him and asked him to take a seat in the pulpit. He then gave out a hymn, announced his text and began au outline of the liaptist beliefs. He paid little heed to the surprised looks of his hearers, u, indeed, he noticed them. Finally Deacon Mc Cracken could stand it no longer aud, with profound apologies, en quired of the minister if be had not lost bis bearings. ben the dea con explained, the preacher beat a hasty retreat, leaving bis sermon unfinished. Driving down the road the be lated minister met a uutuber of hie flock, who explained that the) had giveu him up and were returning borne. It was said tbat tbe congregation of the Methodist church were with out a preacher for the night and when Rev. Raymond came Deacon McCracken thought he came as a visitor and knowing him asked bim to fill the pulpit for the night. Near Death in Bit Fond. It waa a thrilling experience to Mrs. IdaSoper to face death. "For years a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering," she writes, "and several times nearly caused my death. All remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick relief and a cure so perma nent that I have not been troubled in twelve years." Mrs. Soper lives in Big Tond, I 'a. It works won ders in coughs aod colds, sore lungs, hemorrhages, la grippe, as thma, croup, whooping cough and all bronchial affections. 60c, and tl. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by English Drag Company. yn cy s , c Absolutely Pure t The only baking powder Q made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. qI Toil and Sleep and Dirt and Toil. I h.rlr. K.U.nt kii.U in fcrrl.H) Nun Dirt and neglect and noise. Over the stone pavement of the neglect ed street, long out of repair, tilled with holes aud old ruts, the great ( iructs iniiniiereit an uay long, ami on a decrepit track one of Mr. Ry an's ancient horse cam Ismnced ami jingled, licyond belief, beyond endurance iu unaccustomed ears, was the roaring i.f that dreadful place: tbe clanging din of traffic mixed with the yelling of push cart peddlers and the baliel of the vast throngs that ovei (lowed the side walks, made up a torrent of mad dening sound whereat the nerves quivered iu lost protest, rrom the demou of that uproar was no cscaie; iu any room along the thor-oughlai-e the turcult resounded; even into thn fearful rear rooms tbat were shut in and walled around agaiust air aud light ami health came this hubbub; au day and all the hours of it, roaring streets and pounding trucks and jolting cars and screaming children and yelling men. Ami in tbat nightmaie of dirt and noise and foul odors, with scanty food and scanty light aud scanty air, with out one glimpse of beauty or com fort, ou the bare rock of grim ex istence, uIkoi'ImmI in a savage and primitive fight for bread, these of the next generation of Americans were Is-ing reared. Toil and sleep and (oil and dirt aud toil. Ameu. After us the deluge. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, slreiiKllirns the luni;s and e pels culJs. Cict the genuine iu a yel low package. English Ding Co. How io Increase the Yield of Fruit Ini-reaard Iruit crops are more often the result of good manage merit than of good hick, r run trees and Iruit plants need a liberal mildly of Virgin ia-Carolina Fertilizers The treea alnr! plant foods that is, nitrogen, phosphoric scid and potash Irom the oil just the same as any other crop. Experi ence has shown this over and over again. This truth has become so well recognized that " return to the land what the tree removes if you would expect the bcNt results " has become an axiom with the best grim era. Apple, pear, peach, orange and olher fruil trees soon respond to careful fcrtili'aiion. but be sure to use the best fertilizers. " 1 made a test with other companies' fertilizers," says Mr. H. O. l.owry, of Manatee County, Fla., "and youra proved to be the beat. '1 he yield where I used Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer, was just twice as much as ahere the other two companies' fertilizer waa used." Hundreds of users say Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers are cheapest Iiecause of their good qualities give better batisfaction and quicker results. Many facts of great interest and value to fruit growers are pub lished in the new Hum Farmers' Year ltook, a copy of which will be scut free on application to anv nf our sales offices. 9 Yirginia-Curolina Chemical Co. Rkhniond. Vs. Notlolk. Vi Clumli. S. C. Atlanta, lit. Ssvantuh. (is. Hflmphis, Tenn. Tle Barn flviliifci Qia'iiilaiarolijiiu hcnu" -.WOSKOE.S.C.r- Progressive people everywhere regard Banks as business necessities. Those who fail to patronize them incur unnecessary danger and do themselves positive injustice. ttltlUIHIIII)IHIiniOliOIHIIIIIOIMtlHiOtllHMMMSHIHMIIMa j Deposit Your Money in the Bank of Union. tttfrlMMttMIIMflMMI It was expensive, but the Bank has a Corliss safe and prospective depositors would do well to re member this. Everything possible has been done to earn the confidence of the people and make their money safe. Call and confer on any financial matter. You may learn something to your advantage. You are always welcome. To OurMany Friends and Customers: We want to thank you for your most liberal patronage during 1908 and solicit a continu ance of same for 1009. We will do our best to make our dealings both pleasant and profitable to both. Make our store your store. We are always glad to have you call in. I C. N. Simpson, Jr. t R 9. 'Baking Powder ftore Than Natives Could Bout A native born American member of a party of four business men who often lunched together, took great delight iu joking the others on neir foreign birth. "It's all very well for you fel lows to talk about what we need ia this country," he said, "but wben you come to think of it, you're only intruders. Not one of you. was born here. You're welcome to this country, of course, but you really oughtn't to forget what you owe us natives who open our doors to you." ".May lie," said an Irishman in the party, thoughtfully. "Maybe, lint there's oue thing you seem to forget: I came into this country w id me fare paid au' me clothes ou cutback, ( au you say tbe samel" It Saved His Leg. "All thought I'd lose my leg," writes J. A. Sweoson, Watertown, Wis. "Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could uot cure, bad at last laid me up. Then Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured it sound and well." Infallible for skin erup tions, eczema, salt rheum, boils, fever sores, burns, scalds, cuts and piles. at English Drug Co.' s. "He vowed be would love me al ways, no matter what happened." "Well!" "And got mad five min utes later because I bad a pin in my belt" Pittsburg Post The best known pills and the best pills made are DeWitt'a Little Early Kisers. They are small, easy to take, gentle and certain, and are sold by English Drug Company. Salts Ofiai Durham, N C. Chutolon, S.C. Haltinxira, Mi. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Shrercport, La. of Union

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