ISE HONROE JOURNAL G M BEASLEY BKO..PVM.IMIM. K. f. BEASLEY. Eortos. Tdmy. narck 30. A Cwwwty Arwitd br OooJ RoeJ The Luington Dispatch, a paper of great enterprise and rorrv, ha tackled the road question in it coun ty. Some time atf tbe PUpak-h sent, at iu cn upease, a d U"tr.itt.o ff its farmers to Chariott to spend the da; and view the good road -f Mi'k knburg. The Dispatch d nut say ao, but the great intereat in ruaJ. tin proTemcnt in Pavidsoo come fniu the rff .rU of that paper. It saj s. Tbe groth of sentiment f. r cind roads in Pvidn county u truly amazing. The DispaUU has iit-vrr ov o such a demousmtion f.rany- thiag in this county. A trip out itiU the country will convince any nn; that the farmers are tie 'ermine I t Dut an en 1 to their iru 1 ta and t. build decent highway our whiiu. they can haul their products t mar-1 ket, or on which t.'wycan travel ws'.h: ease if only for pleaure. IW Se are slirrtd op a they have n a public question before. - Lett just aimply get right down Mk,. (,irllli. , it, gentlemen, map out a ca:npai,'n. au,lll!in m..,t; an. I adopt our plans, vote iKnjs, so.eci gooa men w rovTric i,u i.;r ;arV).l . 11S a.h in a i t!.e .t uvts county commissioners m siH-ndmg1 ,.lt. ,!m.,lU ,n his Urn made. (A the money to the best advantage, and j 0IIua s ti;tssi.arv ci. tv i orn build good Mads in laviJson county. Uni all j Ill)W 'Sph njid 1 -Jmi There isn't but one way to p. at ".VhurchamipVtcl The writer wishes nd that w the right way, and now is , .M p .rrtithetualiv. that a muu the time. 1 here ought to t a pre-; i ir cnm t!l , ,,aRV 0'f ,i:0 c...m,; liminary meeting of representative f t!,e tV inU. an, n,,n, larmera ana ousiuoss men in uie court house, an connnittees appoint ed to take up the various phases of tbe work. The merchants of la'vmg tnn and Thomasville, tiie Karnii-rs' In ion, anil farmers troni every sec tion ought to meet and aree on aomething, and then pitch in for a good roads campaign. Meanwhile. While much i U'tog awomplish- let every citizen do something to ad- U m lVrm r f !hl. t lltVi Vt., ance the cause. nmch l!t t,, te done. Some 'evils Under such stimulation Itavidson! must I exterminated, mere att.n is bound to improve her roads. Why j tion given to the training and euu Shouldn't she? There is no reason ."" of U' V"""g "-ople, a grow th .... ' in the patriotism of tlie commutrtv oo earth whv any live. progresne . c , , ., , ,., , ,! . , , i fostered. N me of the in. st faithful county like Uavidson or I uion could all. to f,,,,,,,! in ltll!l heastern not have the best rmds if the people, comer of thecoim'y: smeof the salt would only decide that they wanted them. The legislature passed a lull per mitting the road commissioners of Monroe township to call an rlivtion on a bond issue of -J,'. ikki for the extension of the road 'ik iu this township. This lull was introduced at the instance of a numlier of lead ing citizens of M mri1 township, 'alio want to see the work of permanent road improvement go on faster than it will ever be possible without the modern method of ImuIs. Another bill, introduced by Itipresentative McNeely, and pissed, provides that ah election may be held f r the w hole County on the question of a s:'iki,(K bond issue; that in case it p.vwos.the chain gang shall become a county iot'itulion, tbe county commission er shall have charge of the woik, that the money shall he spent in each township proportionately to the amount of tax paid by each, and that free labor shall be aUilished. It is discretionary w ith the commission era when either of these elect urns shall be held, and neither will ever be unless the citizens g t interested and take the initiate. The city of Raleigh is enjoying municipal campaign that outshines anything in h eal politics in theSut in many years. The belligerents are roughly divided into tax payers and tax eaters. The tax eaters have been in control oi ir.e city government tor i long time, and it is pretty well un derstood that no town could have been worse governed. Things had come to the point that a citi.ens' league, composed of many of the leading men of the city, was organ ized tome months ago for the pur pose of trying to reform the city gov ernment. Among the leaders in the movement are Joseph ns Ihiniels, K. II. Battle, Jas. II J'oii, J. W. Hailey. Joseph 0. Drown and others well Miown. So hot lias the Tight become, that the chief of police has been sus pended, and Jas. II. Pun declared in t speech yesterday that it had now become a question of who was going to the penitentiary. The primary is in progress today, and it is expected that the old office holding ring will be put out of business. The discussion of the tariff bill, designated by Democratic speakers at the "pillage ot humanity, goes merrily on in the House. Chairman Payne, who a head of the ways and meant committee is nominally re pan ible for the bill, opened up days ago in a nine hour' speech, and Champ Clark, the Democratic leader, replied with a fire hours' talk. Since then the email gum have been popping at random, and after time the bill will be taken up section by section When the committee was having bearings everybody was on band for aomething except the consumers, and when the bill becomes law every body will be protected except the consumer. That ia what protection iator. m m m Crtxy Snake, an Indian chief of Oklahoma, went up to cee Mr. Taft inaugurated, went home and organ ised band of Indiana and negro kail breeds and outlaws, and began a war to re-establish the Indians rihtjL Officers are after them and a number hare been killed on each aide. Prof. Crazy Snake is destined to more hi blanket from the reser titkn to the jail house. Ureal ProtreM in rUwnt Mortals Community. Tbe service of the Sit. Moriih Baptist church will be held on Mi.v ?:id. msU-aJ of April 4th a formerly announced. This sen ire hid Ut'O eiwUnl immediately after the Mtr.pUtton 4 tl.e church, but cireumsUo-Y have n-.ade it impos sible. March tbe 3:h a a rod let U r day iu the history f tin church, hich l one of the vl.iesl in t'aion county. It m.vkt-d the rca'u.itu nof cherisit-d hope and t!i cii:mit;atin of many carneiJ tlr:s Oil t rul iy a.t- rn vn the painting of tae lu- buiM.tu, U ::i without and within. Mr S N t,( ,.,,,, j.r,, '.lie rk the s.t':fai 'ton of ui,. erv I liis is dun H.str n of a w ii.'er'ul i i:rw!h hi l!ie c 'I'm; :u ;'i's life. Wi'ilua the l.i.-t fttitifn a spUiul.d tiew crgati !i'lvii install ed ia the i h'ir. li A S md.o .o h xil h-t Uen cafed c:i t.c vc inctiili in the tear ci r h.i.l never ex- e wmti r and lit car's re- irt irive .in an-ratfe of i.iti. tv. A m.10j,it,,.t n!v to its spirit u! life, but also to the general awaketi iii alon educational lines. The coii.tnunity has maintained a splendid sch.vol fir mx months dur- mi the year, and it is U lieved by tn any that a spcial t.ix s.'!nn'I will , in' voted in the future. ,oi me earin nas lom; t'n tindiseov ere.!, vv uti tiie entire suppri'ssion ol some existing evils, ,m.l a .vutin uaiiee in tlie present mora! erowtli this section is destined one day to U a leader ill the county I'. lV K. COLLECTING A DEBT. An Cfttcti.t Mtthod. bdt Oft Friuj'.t With Emiiarrjumcnt. "1 met Mr-. l:.-!.t on t; train g-ting mtrt t.twn t::i mor-iin.', . a ualiy remarked 1 n.t-u at the .1 n- ner tal'le. !ie had f.Tijotten pure. he a ,l..;:r fr li,.'." Mrs. l''.i!tou la ijliaiiv .- r5ri be so ed that ibe was afraid it niiue t-.nie Iwfore her bu- .. a his dollar again. "Our tie,: lkr ha rather poor menu in some a ol ie added. "o!i. -hc';i j.jy m.' u'l r.-! t. You kt;o, often .-. If-r ii tram." I'll! glad Vielf' ! . ruitoii, with a eilii, Mljd th ill slv'o, Mi f..r -he evv:i in of eotf. h:l.l 1,1,1 ;.. r.ell en of !:, r s. lW'.fc'ht how! . ( hutier that ,e,r w iv luek to iv evemri.'t later 'and if he had ,'i.n. let! ng M 'ad lie.. r found t en. A fe d her hie I'w-ht ; her k.t- I -he il-Ke met Mr- "Y.-: tw We,::-" "1 think llortllf" on are ri-ht a'"ut the f her memory, for. thou.-h . ie .untied verv pieaointiv. she hdn't mention the dollar." "1 guess you'll have to .barge it I t prolit anl loss.-' "I won't give it tiji quite so seon, though 1 may have to i;,, mto bank ruptcy yet on aeeoiiut of loaning my Mirplus w itlmut interest," The weeks went by. and Mr. and Mrs. I'uhon continued to joko from time to time alxuit the ab.-ent dol lar, and one evening, after having ridden all the way out from town in the same sent with Mrs. Ilwiht. Fulton admitted, with exaggerated mournfulness, that lie was begin ning to feel very muih dicouraged about ever regaining his dollar. "Ioe it make you feel bud, pa pa?" asked bis little girl, who al ways listened to the conversation with prave attention. "Of course it does, Hilda. A dol lar is a whole lot of money. How would you like t o lose the dollar you have in your bnnk?" "I I'pose it would make me mot ick," !e answered. And her par ents, exchanging amused glances, said nothing When Fulton sat down at the din ner table the next night ho asked, as he saw a shining silver piece at his plate, "What's this?" "Your dollar," answered Hilda triumphantly. "I went to Mrs. Dwight's house today, and the door was open, so I just thought I'd go in and ask her if she'd 'tirely forgot your dollar, but she wasn't around anywhere. But it didn't matter, for I found your dollar on the desk. I s'pose she kept forgetting to bring it home, so I just tooked it myself for you, papa." "My country!" exclaimed the as tonished father ungratefully. "What shall I do?" "What can you do hut return it and explain, said Mrs. Fulton, who was laughing almost hysteric ally. "What a thing it is to hare a serious minded daughter!" Wt say without hesitation that De Witt's Kidney sod Bl.dJ.r Pills art unrqualed (or weak kidneys, back ache, iofUmmitioa of thi bladder aod all urinary disorder. They are anti septic and act promptly in all cases of weak back, bsckacht, rheumatism sod rheumatic pains. Accept no substi tute. We sell aod recommend them. English Druf Company. Foley's Hooey and Tar cure coughs quickly, strengthen th longs aod ei- pels colds. Oet tbe genome ia a yel low package. English Drag Co. THE EXTRA MILE, Tbe Fir Mile ta the Travel of CompulikMi. the Result el the' l. ami Evcaol Duty; the Scc-I ami ftile I the Eapressioa of' Ucneroaity, el Manhood, Broth- erly kindness and Christianity, Ke. t A. li. Thomas preached Sunday morning from the kit, "And , whoerver shall compel thee to go one nii.e, go with mm twain, and the dicoure wa an unusually stivng and beautiful ripositicii of the real dn!rine of I hrtst lie said iu part The law of retaliation u the law of the brute I lie law of non resist auce, generosity and love t the law for the citizen of tiod' kingdom. The one is the law which the aver age seltish man uses, tbe other is the law for the christian. If you retali ate you are living the life of the ani u:al not that of the christian. If you are living the law f love and Utterly, you are rena'tng the religion of the U.rd. The fruit rvv.als the tree, it.e practice of walking the evtra rrn'e is ca.lctl "the rcl'gion of 'he v nd mile." If every professor would travel this mile it would rev.v lt.tioui.e the world and make the church the most popular body ia the world Pentecostal power wvuld eon e upon the churvh and every tiieir.ber would lie hippy. Theinuo' of the t. t tell the story. In the olden days a traveller in a s'range country, meeting one who knew the way and going in an opposite direc tion, could .s'ii:e! him U turn about and guide him. The law made it obligatory for the man who knew tbe way to lay down his burden and go with the s'rano r. II wever uriHirt- int and imperative lit mission, he I trust turn and go one mile with the I stranger Then he could step and I go back He could not be compelled ; to go farther. 1 he tirst mile was! law-, the second love, the first mile i compulsion, the second choice, the iirst nule inevitable, the second priv ilege, the tirst mile irreMstible, the second opportunity, the tirst tieees -it v. the second loving consideration T our fellow being hi the great work f benevolence there should 1 no compulsion, but willingness to do good to all men, even bejon .1 their reipiests. If im pressed mto service, give and do more than asked, go over the line of dutv in fvervthuig. irtvc th.e runninc ver r.easire in rvery thing, lave j "I ,nl!1 ::en his arm is tree and his the life of loving and abundant sr- l'int unlvund. Yet in the mtdt of nee. I.ove must come from the rich this material achievement, the pre ness of one's own heait. not Uvause ' enee of this convention is pr.sif that f the of the obj. ct. Wei1 his triumphant way man has not must love t.'ie ntilov. !y Ion't lx tool forgotten his weaker brother." The r. ady to c titend f.r'right. nor all ' '" of -Miss Sullivan, h-r her, you have a right t v l.ove due neigh-:; not bv'ing strong enough to make fx rs stieuiii reiHh y. n;r iti'.ir.ies I'he Pest way an I only w.iy to make 'he rngg'd pa'hway if d .tv snoot h is to render willing!) more than duty requ.r.s. !:'!. ad of In. king at the v'oii'puUorv services and life s mew- tables as In, Hens n them as pi iv lieges and . ! it ie. view i ppoitunities' 'o t- ateilut.ilit'y use.1, then U.e iie happy. Uei ace that von are will able! to Iv-ir the weak, that ymi have -In ngth t carry them. This is far I m 1 1 r than Icing Is rne by others. Who i f us ! ;, travelled the Iirst miie'. II 'w many answer the com pulsion of dutv ti) get eXi'USed ' Some thmk it smart: from service, othets! perform duty m a perfunctory and piiticlilhoiis tiianner that g''S so far and no farther M st people walk tin lu'.le i T ci rt;puiion slowly and grumble every step i f the way. In every life there is the mile of e. m ptilsion; we must go one mile. Slow or fast, we must c. Sotnegomider pntest, others rebel. I'aul kicked igamst the pricks, but he had to go li.s miie. The weariness (if the com pulsion of duty is awful. Submit to the unreasonable demands of life, rather than make war in your heart. The lowest slave is the one who does only duty, lie is an unprofitable servant nnpn ti'able to self, em ployer, society. The man w ho does his work w ithout enthusiasm and in terest of employer at heart, is un profitable. Such service makes the ii an inferior; yet the world is full of such people. A man of line parts who had given years of service to bis firm, said to the manager: "I have served you faithfully for fifteen years, yet 'my alary has never been increased one dollar, nor a mure responsible posi tion given me." "Xor ever will be," replied the manager. "Have I not served you faithfully?" he asked in ainaement. "Have I not performed my duty in every particular?" "l're eisely," said the employer, "and for that reason you are unprofitable hi me. Y ou have never taken the least interest in improving the business, m devising labor saving methods, or methods by w hich the pn tits of the business or its sc.ipe be increased So far as your work is concerned, the business is no better off than it was when you eutered our ofhee. You have earned your salary precisely nothing more." He had travelled the first mile finely, but unprofitable. This is the answer of the business world. What will be God's answer to such a rec ord? Few reach the end of the first FOR MI-FIEverybody Corner lot 100 feet wide. Best proper ty on Church street or in City. Will di vide up in two or three lots if prefer red, or sell as a whole. Easy terms; low prices. Write C. F.LOWE, I WINSTON -SALEM. N. C mile Trttelliog the first mile i gv ing to church once a week to ease called atingy. or eten with jour neighbor. It is trying to get to beaten aa cheaply a possible. We ouijht to ask oure!e about the stvond mile. Ilow fcw enter it' Thi ia the mile of s.dunUry service In it are life awertest joy and it grtatest usefulness. Not many wil - ungiy trarei unmne. naiipwork never kilt, neter worriea. It i the Crst mile and fa;L I,et u all go to! unwilling that prwses u down. In! the soewnd mile and we ball win life services work ha but little II be tirst mile of law conine!. but ' lvalue uutil it pa- tbe tirst mile, Uvause there t no b-art in it It and redeem the life. IV4 It U'uri i the compulsion of duty. The re:thmiarul years travelled the law, but, n men fail w Ucause they liuger! when hecl..l!ied hiuiwlf i;i the r!-sh' It Km. Tl.. . . stay in bis first place he! has never entered tbe second mile. ! He hwe his place f,r tlie satee rea- siw. Iive never gut tt the send mile, tt hat an ipfsrtiimtv lie had at hi own gMt! Cain did not. He i-ked, "Am 1 my brother's k.vnry" lie was hts brother' murderer. Lt did not. He wei.t iut.) Stl ni and remained there till the angel l.-, lam out for the sake of the man who travel led the second m.le. The rich fool did not naeh the stvond mile, neither did the rich young rul. r. bu' Abraham, Isaac, J.weph, Moses, la vtd and others travelletl it g'adlr. hstaer did when she said, if I p, r - ish, I perish." Taul joyfully went the whole way. 1 he N.i inne went miounu u.r wvoiui .,r. Ml. trial at na.-livilie it figured much; p,.rthat we might I rich, hungry tht. claim m.-st urgently put for that we might to full, thirsty that j ward for thedefeiidaiit's vctus that we might be sitistied, weary that we thev wen gentk-men. aristocrats, might rest, died our death that we Mm'-blo.hls. of the U-st t.looj of micht live his life. : .1... 1 ...I..,. ,...i. .... i . oiotu i ..ex imier iioai; ttie 1 "newsboys' friend." travelled this ! nule for forty y. ars and saved nmWj titudes of these lit! ones. The see- oiia tune is 'iietest ol our religion, commendation. It shows the world whether we have religion or not, and hat sort it is. The second mile says give little more than is asked in everything. Not to give more is to fail to grow, (hung the second nule broadens the visi in, ex pands the life and enlarges the Hi ll u nee. It banishes bitterness and develops fellowship and friendship. At the St. 1-oiiis Fair in the audi torium. Helen Keller said "All these halls of ir. aclinicly, power und art are the achievements of the strergth every one near, rresui.nt rrancis stepped forward and in louder tones r. pealed. "On his way, man has not forgot;, ti his wc.ker trot tier. 1 here stm in the j hearts are more than coronets audience the deaf and dumb who land simile faith than Norman could not hear Then Alvin Cope, blood." And yet there are standing on a high platform, repeat those in this democratic country ed, "On lus triumphant way, man ; whore rank is not recognized and has not forgotten his weaker broth- j where titles of nobility are for er." Still there were thnr like .Miss ! bidden, who show a tendency at Kellar, blind, deaf and dumb, w ho J times many to regard the aeci co ihl n .t hear or see, then the dent of birth or the fortuitous fnends with the pressure of hind, j inheritance of successful aeuuire repeated ngain, "On his triumphant i ment of wealth as being the cir- "ay, man has not forgotten bis "eaker bro'her." Those to whom Miss Kellar pays th..- tribute arc the; to be abused, and yet if the deli nun and women who are travelling 1 nition id Thaekery, that prince the stvond mile. Those win speed i of English nouelists and a cul ah ng its bright way never forget j ture.l and kindly gentleman him their weaker brothers It is the ex- self, is to be accepted, how few tri mile that counts in every depart- juf us in this day and generation ment of life. This is the walk that may plume ourselves upon being wins men. doing the hr.-t n.uV; gentlemen and sustain the claim counts but little, for you are com- with just iee. Thaekery says, and pelled t) go that, it is the second we commend his definition to all: mile that impress, s men and tills the "What is it to be a gentleman? story of your heart. It is to have lofty aims, to lead a A Sunday school superiM. ndetit pure life, to keep your honor vir asked a boy to pi to Sunday school, i gin; to have the esteem of your "Nop." said the boy. Hut we have fellow citizens, and the love of pretty pictures and interesting pa- your fireside; to suller evil with ers. " Nop," answered the lny. constancy; and through good or There are also good books and tine evil to maintain truth always, singing. "Nop," replied the boy. j Show me the happy man whose With kind and tender words the life exhibits these qualities and superintendent turned away disap- J how we will salute as gentleman, pointed. 1'rescntly he In ard foot w hatever his rank may be." Driving' is here, and when you take a drive you want a turnout that does credit to your taste. Our teams are newest and best in town; good horses and easy riding buggies, good harness and ev erything that goes to make up first class Liv ery service. Prompt attention given all orders. Buamti ami We nave fcr s! a car load jjugyies ana Qf Rubber and steel Tired tiarness. Buggies and Surries. Also a lot of good one and two horse Wagons, and good Harness. Give us a trial. Telephone 308. FOWLER LEE. Who buys Groceries from us is pleased.... WHY? Because we make it a business to please. Wc give you what you want, we charge you a little less, and we see to it that you get what you order, when you order. All kinds of Groceries and Country Produce Doster Grocery Company .Zjphc: tepi behind and turning u the' boy. who a-ked: -Jlister, are yooJ the nsn. "Well. 1 11 be there." And he im, the rut Sunday. , Paper avi ! and music are . the first n::le yt mut hate them, j cn"t run a cLo4 without them.; Hut the k and tenderness of the' 1 upermtendent wa the thing that jwn; it aa the aecond mile. We, tryt ) tirii tuns nJ nien with the : tlw snvnd mile of loe win the lost ' ... 1 ..1 .. ... 1 , t.. ... ... . . .1. . mark the limning of the evtra mile of iv!.-em:ut love Le won I j When he went the. tia mile U seek and to save us. lie won i;ir love and rice. S let u cj the second mile and we shall win the .tUvk to ,ii I the n. r'd wid be glad wuh us tint we are travelling th ivtra nule. WIUT IS A ULNTt HMW? Thackery s Ikfiniiiun CommcndcJ to the Consideration of Those Prompt to Claim the Title. . IVrh.n.s no iv.r.l In tb- P mrlUh language is so abused as the word jrent Ionian. In t ho famous Cooper vnv, ni... ...ui-i n.i aiiaill nonsense. It is usually the cast' that he who has least claim to the- title of gentleman is the first to make claim and is the most in itent in his demand that he is a gentleman. Your true gentleman .bvsn't have to make the claim. It isn't necessary, if you aro a true gentleman, to tell folks about it. They will know it and the character ill be recognizivl. All this is preliminary to submitting some apt and timely remarks from the I'anviile. 'a.. I!ee on this stibjivt. Says tho Ioe: "In Knglaml the term is given a spwitic or technical meaning as applicable to those of noble birth, but even there many men have leen broad enough to assort the right of others than those fa vored by circumstances of birth to this term. As far back as llootl rev t Imucer character and conduct were retrarded as the true basis for a.-crilung the term gentleman, and Tennyson. Kng hin.l's loved laureate, himself elevated to the peerage by his uu.H ii for his merits as man and literatetir. declared that "Kind terion of the gentleman. The term is too good and useful a one Time W. H. I W. II. 3E Notice of Registration. : Th books fur the ryi.tratiim of vot-, er In the flection of the Mavor ami Alilermen of the t it v of Monroe, to Ikm hel.l on the tirrt Monday in Mav, l:"'.'. ! will be open for nvist ration of voters . .., ,1... ...1..... ,1... ..1.1 . 1 ,iv til- n j oiu. r 111 iinr vim jnii on roi unlay, Marvh -7, and for earh of the thnii' Hurreniine Saturdays there after, U tiseen the hours of h o'elin-k a, m. and rundown. l)n Saturday. Mav I 1, Usui. U-tween the hours of (i o elook a. m. and sumlown, st the winie plaee, the said luniks will be oin'n for the in flection of citizens ml for ehallfiiir'i'ir , i lie richt of any Mrotl to vote in kiuI j election, this Slarrh 17. I'.'.'. J. C. III.AkKNKV. 11 .Ristrar. Hlil( K-An cheap you can buy anywhere; let us quote pnees on any amount vou want. Monroe Itrick t'o. li. V. Hmiton. President. 11. T. I'ate. general Mnnaeer. (lllice and shipping point: Monroe, N. C. STOCK llHKSK-lliKhiandUnl. will known IIimnI horse, will he at Monroe I.ivery Stable (in front of Gloucester lintel) this season. One nf the bout all round horses ever in this section, per fect qualities. Austin, Kichnrdson i Co, y OAF E LaFayette Strwt. Thone 223. European plan. Catering a Specialty. Now open for business. Meals served on quick notice, cooked to order. Private dining room for ladies. Open from S a.m. to 1 pjn. H. K. Hough, Manager. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Trains arrlvt at Monro at follow: No. 40 at 5:20 a.m.- From Charlotte. No. .TH at 5:30 a. in. - From Atlanta and local pointa. No. 33 at 9:05a.m. -From New York, Washington, Portsmouth, Ktleig h, Ham let and local stations. No. ' at 1(1:50 a.m. -From Wilming ton and local pointa. No. 62 at l:46 p. m. - From Atlanta and local point. No. 44 at 5..rsl p.m.- From Charlotte. No. V.U at 7:S0 p. m.-From Kuther furdton, Charlotte and Inril point. No. XI at 7:45 p. nt From Birming ham, Atlanta and local points. Departure No. 38 at 5:35 a.m. -For Hamlet, Ral eifrh, Kichmand, Washington and all points North. No. 33 at :lo a. m. - For Atlanta, Birmingham and all points West. No. 1:13 at :15 a. m.-For Charlotte, Ruthcrfordton and local points. No. 63 at 10:55 a. m. - Local for At lanta. No. 45 at 10:55 a. m.-Local for Char lotte. Na 44 st 5: p. m. - Local for Wil mington and intermedial stations. No. 32 at 7:60 p. m. - For Hamlet. Portsmouth, Richmond, Washington ana all point North. No. 41 at 10:30 p. m.-For Atlanta. No. 30 at 105 p. m.- For Charlotte. Conner tion. are made it Hamlet with all through train for points North and South, whw-h are composed of Pullman Vrstibul Day Coaches. For inform. tion. Urn Ubln, r'r vatiora, or Seaboard descriptive litera ture, apply to j BELK & BEO. mm 23 tTGQSSb RALSTON SHOES are diffent from any other shoes in the world. To be sure, some are al most as stylish but there are none quite so comfortable. There's a reason. :: :: :: Just say "Show Me." BELK & BRO. liENEFIT Monroe Fire Department No. 1 . Kritchfield's Big Production, Ten Mights IN Under a Big Tent. Mnxrpni? at n ONE Friday, 40 PEOPLE 40 Band and Orchestra. Beautiful YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD! W. H. KERR, Jr., Monroe. N. C. Shoe A NTfJHT April2tl. Scenery! Three Quarters Still Doing Dollar Duty Here. ? If it's a rocker that you want, you could make no mistake in get ting my price before you buy, and then you will always wonder how we sell them so cheap. Money saved here will buy something else.

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