THE MONROE JOURNAL Tuesday. July 27. IW. Mr. P. K. Gom of Kaoirille spent Thursday brother, Mr. V. A. i)re. Mr. O. W. Hurpe of 8neocer came dovs to illrixl the funeral of kia ancle, Mr. U. M. Uwj. Mil Mildred Btepbenaoe ku goue to Kuby, where ah will en gage to leaching till next spring. Mr. a a Kirhardaon apent last week with hi daughter, Mm. C . C . Bennett, in V adesboro. Mm. Kclieooa Kedfeara of Nor folk ia wmitinar her parent. Mr. aud Mm. J. C, laney of Kuford. Mm. 3. M. ltouglaaa of Atlanta ia Tuutiue her son, Mr. J. A. Dooglam. Tkeie will I a Farmers' I'nion rally aud basket picnic at Mt. Prospect Saturday, August 7th. Mr. emu i urillia win com teoce a singing school at liellelield school house, in Monroe township, today. Mr. Prank Osborne of Stanly eouuty will begin a siuging school on August :trd at Pleasant Hill, in Uouee I reek. Mm. II. M. McAlister of Lutu berton spent last week in town and was joined Saturday aud Sunday by Mr. McAlister. Mr. I. A. Helms, who lives four miles south of Monroe, baa bought land near rmiect and will move there this fall for the benefit of the tine school. Dr. J. J. Taylor, a well known preacher of huoxrille, Teun., will begin a meeting iu the llaptist church tonight, hverybody Is cor dially invited to attend. Mr. Curtis Itivens, sou of Mr. and Mrs, K. J. Itivens of east Mon roe township, and who graduated this year at Triuity College, will assist 1'rof. M. It. Dry, principal or the I ary Iligh School. Itev. D. M. Austin aud Dr. J. (. Adams or Charlotte will begin a protracted meeting at Meadow Kronen on Thursday. There will be service iu the morning and the afternoon each day. There will be a big Woodmeu and Farmers' I'uion picnic and barbecue at Price's Mill on the iifith of August. Everybody invlt d to attend and bring well filled baskets. Prominent sjieakere will lie present. Mine Lillie Shields of Charlotte, MIhs Ardrey liivena of Monroe, Miss Kli.aU'th Shelley of Union, and Miss Annie Banders of Win gate form a house party spending some days with Miss Allie Kodnian of Wax haw. 'Buiitre Henry Slew horter was iu town a few days ago, aud said the dogs hai brought him down to one sheep aud be had to keep it tied in the yard to keep tbein from getting it He says that be is mighty glad that The Journal has got on bis auti dog platform. Mill Grove ramp Woodmen of of the World will have a picnic at their ball on Wednesday, August 4th. Public cordially invited to at teud and bring well filled baskets. There will be shaking in the after noon by Metwrs. W. 8. Charles, W. A. Short aud others. Mrs. II. F. McDonald lea Fri day to visit relatives at Riverside, S. C On arriving there she found that one of her children, who had gone down some days before, bad diphtheria. Mrs. W. II. Kerr, Jr., who was with her, went on to Greenwood, 8. C, and Mr. Mc Donald left Monroe at once for Itiventide. There will be a township rally and picuic by the Farmers' i'nion, aud an educational rally, at Union Institute on Friday, August Oth. All friends of the farniera and of education are cordially invited to attend with well filled baskets to enjoy this social feast of reason and good things. Itev. A. J. Burrus, pastor of Unionville circuit, announces that protracted nieolings on bis charge will begin as follows: Oak Grove, on 1st Sunday in Angust; Mill Grove, on 2nd Sunday in August; Smyrna, on 3rd Sunday in August; and at Grace Chapel, on the 4th Sunday in August. Mr. J. M. Black of Charlotte and Miss MittieGrilhn, daughter of Mr. N. W. Griffin, were married Wed ncsday afternoon at the residence of Mr. Sauiuol Walsh. Itev. C A. G. Tbomas performed the marriage service. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Black left for Charlotte, their future borne. They bave a large number of friends to wish them well. Mr. Edward E. Beotoa and U. Jane Hoostoa were married ia Moan, at the mudeoce of Mrs. 8. G. Houston, at Bve o'clock hut 8onday afWnooa. Rev. C. A. U. Tbomas officiated. The eereaKkUY was witnemrd by a aumber of friend mad relatives, Mr. and Mrs. lienloe went iuturdutU-ly to the Commercial Hotel, where they will board awhile before beginning housekeeping. The groom has been a ritiien of Mouroe fur three years, and bas a position with the Mon roe Manufacturing Company. He is as upright, energetic young man, well liked by all who know him. The bride was reared in Monroe rot a n. laney dead. tearful Suffering and Death the Result of Wood poisoning 5im mon Came Without Warm ing. Mr. George M. Laney, the treas urer of I'nion county, died at bis home a mile east of town at one o'clock Sunday. Much Ira than a week before- he was well and had no thought of death save that which occurs to men on ordinary occasions. 1 tenth rams from blood poisouing, the infection being taken in on the upper lip. Monday night Mr. Laney noticed a little pimple on the left side of bis lip, but paid and is a most worthy young woman no atteut ion to it. m Tuesday he ia every way and will make Mr. Benton a most estimable wife. Mr, and Mrs. Benton bave many friends who wish them much happiness. Wingate will have bauk. A large number cf citieua nxat yes terday aud signed article of agree ment and application for charter. remarked that be bad scratched the place and was afraid that it might be sore. ' On Wednesday be weut to his farm ia Buford and Thursday he siient at the court house, walking home late Thurs day afternoon. The place had by that time began to get very pain ' OVER ICEMORLEE WAY. .Todd Mill and YUlr and Things a Humming Power Company furnishing Electricity and Now Ready for Other Plants. the powerful voltage from the weapon; not guilty. rallies is reduced to smaller u,uaa- Jaa. Covington, colored, drnuk: titles to be used. Outside are aoaie 30 days. arrangrmeuta fur protection from Sam Jowera, drank ; 'M days, electrical sturm. The power at Bennett Blakeney, arnault and present ia coming, not from the battery; Urk-i ted bond, $-5. If yon want to get a big idea of nrnt p'ant 09 ' CaUwl. Kirk McDonald, George Hiuson, the new things that are going oo!w,,M"' " m i Irs tnim here. Mil ; Allen r.nglum, Steve w euti, assault for the anbuildinc of Monroe. ri fmUt KorkJ r"k M mih battery; continued to August over to the Iowa of Icemorlee I it s ,nu lM""t Th Impression) connected by a new Brooklyn bridge over the sometimes dry bed of his toric Bear Skin) and look about Here will be seen a Southern cot ton mill in best condition, a new mill, equipped throughout with modern machinery, driven by elcc The 110,000 in stock was more ud to swell, and on Friday a poysirian was suuiuioneu. ine trouble had begun to develop rap idly aud fast became alarming. Sunday morning the lip and face bad swollen fearfully, the paiu was agouizing, and it appeared that death was imminent Though sut fering intensely, Mr. Laney remain than subscribed. Mr. li. A. Mor row presided over the meeting, which was enthusiastic, nearly ev ery business man and many farm era taking stock. Messrs. J. I. Austin, W. M. IVrry and J. w. Bivens contributed a lot near the depot for a building, which will be erected at once. The following conscious till a few minutes be- building committee was appointed: W. M. Perry, J. W. Bivens, Sam Hiusou, J. H. Lee aud John II Williams. A meeting will be held August !Uh to elect officers. "Picnic are not so popular this summer aud are not as easily got ten up as usual," said a geutlemau who has been noticiug. Think as little of it as you please," be cou tiuued, "in this land of plenty the high price of flour is cutting off the bread of lots of people. I was at a big picuic recently aud for the first time iu my life noticed that bis cuits gave out before anything else." Squire T. W. Secrest of Osceola came np today with a load of wheat fore death and spoke to the friends who called. Tbe funeral was held on Monday morning by Bev. Mr. Brinkman, and the body was buried at the I houieplace in Buford towuship, ouly a couple of hundred yards from the house where tbe deceased had lived many years. The ser vice was attended by a very large crowd. The pall bearers were Messrs. W. 8. Lee, D. A. Houston. J. K. Stewart, T. C, I"e, Davis Artufield and W. J. Hudson. The deceased was Si years of age. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Ida Dillon, and by seven children, Messrs. J. W., Luther, Clayton, Ward and Thomas Laney, and Mrs. Lee Byrd and Miss Cor for the Henderson Holler Mill. He nelia Laney. He was one of the Nothing In tbe progress of this section bas been more marked than the iucrease In banks, especially it. mall towns. Chesterfield, Page land, Jefferson, to the south of us, bave thriving banks. Waxbaw and Marsh ville, on either side, like wise. .One is being organized at Matthews aud one at Wingate, At Lilesville tbe local bank is doub ling its stork and changing to a national. 1 'each laud and Polk ton hav bank. Mr. Tbomas Harrington of New Salem township died Saturday morniug, the 17th. He was sick but a few hours and was thrashing grain Friday afternoon and while at work became suddenly desper ately sick. Deceased was about 70 years old. He was a good citizen, member of the Methodist church, and a man who will be greatly missed In the community In which be lived. Mr. Harrington leaves a wife, three sons, Messrs. Dorsey Harrington of Tennessee and Cbaa, and Henry Harrington of New Sa lem township; two daughters, Mrs. Frank Thomas and Mia Amelia Harrington. reports that a tremendous crowd will be at the picnic to lie given at his place on Wednesday of uext week by the Farmer's I'uion of Lancaster county. It will be a general Union rally. Mr. F.llis Bennett and Mi Con ie Bakir, both of I. sues Creek, were united in marriage on me tb, at the home of the bride, A arge Dumber of friends and rela tives were present, and Itev. J. L. Benuett officiated. They are pop ular young people and have many warm friends who wish them well. Marviu, the little two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. r. M. landlc of Stout, died Sunday moruiug of whooping cough. Several other cases are in the family and Mr. and Mrs. Yandle have the great sym pathy of friends and neighlsirs in tbeir distress. Mr. W. S. KraiisB and a party will start for Washington Thursday in bis automobile. They will goto best of men. He was a faithful memlier of Triuity Methodist church and for years was the superintendent of the Sunday school. He was pleasant in man ner, always bail a smile, and gain ed the confidence of everybody. He was always iiiet, good humor ed, fair and honest iu all his deal ings, and could tie counted on the right side always. He was elected: couuty treasurer last fall aud was filling the office carefully and satisfactorily till his untimely death. Iu lieeeiiiber last be moved with his family from the old home in Buford township to the Moore place, a mile east of town He had made friends rapidly all over the county and his death is not ouly a sad shock to bis family, but a source of regret to people all over the couuty. Miss Putch Entertains. CnrmNinilnc wf The Journal. The Four Leaf Clover Club had a most delightful meeting last id reduced it to service, yet in its!" ""r.wucuapoioreu woman rvilmle so powerful, so splendid 10 N,ort,V w7,,,w, tMUW K,rlh,""'1 d so feaiful. is inspiring. The lvr4 mhu ". h,w fiu"' Charlotte and take tbe route thatiThunt(Ia., af,.rI1oon with Miss Cal I . . - .1 , . I - v A" I. I . has been selected by the New York Herald and Atlanta Journal for an automobile road between those two Cities. Mrs. T. B. Sale and Mrs. T. C. Anderson aud children bave re turned from a visit to their father, Capt A. J. Barnes, at Waccaiuaw Lake. Mrs. Krnest Neill of Batesville, Ark., aud Mixs Marie Gary of Ab beville, 8. C, are visiting Mrs. Furman. About thirty-five members of the fire company, and others, went lo Wrlghtsville Sunday and will re main till the latter part of the week. Mr. James Itogers will conduct singiug service at Broom's meeting house the Uti Sunday in August, at 9 o'clock. Mrs. C. T. ("adieu of Johnson City, Teun., aud Mrs. Kir by Helms of Charlotte are visiting relatives here. Miss Sarah Whitfield ami little Miss Martha Gore are spending the week at Wrightsville, Misses Lilla Briggs Prather of M t. Airy and Jessie Pepiier of Dan- bury are visiting Mrs. A. M. Stack. Mr. aud Mrs. H. Preslar of Char lotto are spending some days in town. Mr. J. II. Perry left last week for Wilmington, where be will work for tbe street railway company. Itobert E. Fauning, a wealthy society man, Sunday night waylaid his beautiful wife near New Bed ford, Mass. He hacked the body to pieces with a tomahawk aud oouoealed it in roadside bushes and went home and wrote to the New Bedford chief of police about the crime. He delivered the message personally and then blew his brains out before officers at tbe station bouse, dying instantly. He gave drink as the cause of the crime. lie FuU-h. Mrs. K. G. Winchester served refreshing claret punch as the guests arrived, wbilo delight ful music was rendered by Mr. W. J. Ituilgc. At the appointed hour dainty little domino score cards were distributed aud soou all were busily engaged in a game of "forty-two." Little Mis Julia Putch busied herself keeping score. At the close of the game Mrs. Win chester was found to have scored highest and was awarded a beauti ful amethyst belt buckle, while the "Isioby" fell to Mm. Will Horn, a domino box filled with candy. Then Mrs. i A. G. Thomas recit ed "Paul Keere," which was greatly enjoyed. Last but not least came the good things, for which Miss Futch canuot be excelled. Lemon frosted cake, and vanities with lemon cream nlierliert were gracefully served by Mrs. J. C. Fletcher aud Mrs. K ('. Winches ter. Then a big old fashioned pound cake, beautifully iced and placed on a silver tray, decorated with sweet peas, was passed and brought forth many compliments. About twenty visitors were pres ent besides the club members, aud all voted that they meet with Miss Futch agaiu. Tinaulet ar for all kidney, liver, bladder, rheumatic aud urinary com plaiuti. Tbey assist in Mpintiut lilt and water with their poiiont from tlx blood. They act promptly. Sold by all dcilen. V&la&ble City Residence. We will receive sealed bids for that valuable piece of properly, the Laney homestead, located on corner of Church and Windsot streets, in heart of city. Prospect ive buyers can get further Informa tion from the undersigned. O. 8. Lkk, C. B. Lanky, K. E. F.vans. THE BIGGEST LOT OF BUGGIES you have seen in long time; splendid variety to select from. Also full stock of One and Two-Horse Wagons. PLENTY OF HARNESS. You have heard that we are doing the Livery Business, haven't youT Well, you heard Right, we are doing it. Call on us for your wants. FOWLER & LEE. We Great Fire SsJe Is Still in Full Blast and happy customers are carrying home loads of bargains every hour of the week. They will be here till the last. Everything goes. Don't fail to get yours. Ihe Cash Mercantile Co., The House That Saves You Money. iliea, the last one for years, and she was buried in the cemetery plat oltbta (anally. Ihe following prom ineut gentlemen were pall bearers: Hon. . W . Wiggins, mayor of Weldon; J. A. House, sheriff of Halifax county; Hon. W. K. Dau iel, for twelve years solicitor for tbe twelfth district; & M. Gary, clerk of Halifax Suerior court; A. K. Wilson, son o( the former chair man of the Bail road Commission; W. I. Staiuback, traveling sales man for Garrett & Co. of Norfolk. SPECIAL NOTICES. 1KINT forpet where to buy your Rru-k whtMt you go to build. Vte have them all the time and sell all the time. Monroe Brick Company. THEKoadOveraeera of Buford town ship are requested to work their sec tions ami make report to the Supervis ors at W. O. (irimn'i Monday, Aiurust the 9th. J. C. Laney, Chairman. The iniprvstoioa that :11st. one tint receives on approaching Kev. July Gather and wife, Flora tbe station ia that it ia n mighty I Gather, selling blackerry wiuej .ti insignificant aftair for so much and cost. Hiaer. But on goiug in and r- ... v. ,. .. ,. . maiuing a bit ail this change. "Aunt Iy' Kersey, an oldcol You begin to feel cieepy. Tbe I wo"'" vt Mua bo thought that maa has so harmwd T f J" ' "ulwrJ , . , . ,..rl,rfBtiiaf. ". au lueuiusi rrouiaote iuu ine power gvuenue., sixty ,;" 1"T,1, T .. 7-V.. I era! ever acrted a colored woman stit. smaner sum mini v mni."" " ...-., j-. - up adjoining, which will more than double preseut capacity, aud a sur- roundiug village made comfortable and attractive for tbe mill workers. The new building is now ready for the roof and the machinery is ready for the doors. Spiudlea will be waiting to turn as soon as the new cotton crop is ready to feed them, Last week the big engine and boil era were made useless by tbe appli cation of electricity and are being taken out and shipiied away. Tbe boiler and engine rooms now add space for other purposes, as the uiotois which receive the lis) horse power of electricity add apply it to the machinery, require little space, The two mills will consume bet ween 40 and SO bales of cotton daily. which, with the other two mills here will consume three fourths of the cotton grown in the county. Kverythiug about the mills and village is neat as a pin. The white brick of tbe walls give a good im pression at first sight. The village streets are laid wide and pleasant, cement pavements are on the side walks aud np to the cottage ste. Ample yards and gardens are al lowed each cottage, and the size of the village will be doubled by the completion of 40 new houses now in course of construction. The mill has Its own water system and supplies tbe village from an arte sian well in which a pump runs all the time. The Icemorlee folks are doing something all the time and it all looks good. A short distance from the mill is the station of the Catawba Power Company. If you are at all care less about where you put your bauds, better not be about there much. The iUickest way on earth to commit suicide is to luy a hand on any one of hundreds of places in arm's reach inside the station. Iu the small concrete house there is next to nothing in the way of equip ment as one used to the old ways would thiuk. The cables going iu, several large cylinders and some switchboards that's all. The cyl inders aie filled with oil, in which i aud knowledge that yon have only to lay your baud upon an unprotect ed spot and your exiateuce will be snipped out likeasierk of dust, is uucatiny. As soou as tbe town aud the oth er plauts get ready, the power is waiting for them. Pine Chance to See the Greatest Scenery in Nurtu Carolina. An opportunity will lie given the people of Monroe and surrounding couutry to visit the mouutains of Western orth Carolina on Aug ust 1'Jth at a very low rate. Mouroe Division MI4, Order Bail way Conductors, will run an ex rursion Monroe to Allans and Spruce Pine and return on that date, over the Seaboard Air Line and Carolina, Clinchlield & Uhio Itailroails. The train will leave Monroe at 6:.'UI a. m. and arrive at Spruce Piue at I ::I0 p. m. Keturn ing, leave bpruoe 1'ine at a p. m. and arrive at Mouroe 1 1 ::I0 p. m Tbe rate for the round trip will be two dollars. All who go on this excursiou will have a chance to view the most beautiful seeuery to be found on any railroad east of the ltocky Mountains. The road itself is one of the most wonderful feats of en gineering ever worked ont by man. Wiuding through valleys and around mountains, it gradually works its way to the top of the Blue ltidge, allordiiig a variety of uioiiutuiiious scenery to the travel ler unsurpasse.l iu this couutry. Three of the most experienced conductors will go along with this excursion to look alter the comfort of the passengers and to keep order. Recorder's Court- Gabriel Helms, immorality; (0 days. Kelson West, assault with dead ly weapon; V aud costs. Thus. West, assault with deadly weapon; costs. John West, assault with deadly LEE. & LEE COMPANY. THE LEADING BIT COODS, I0n0IS, CLOTEIIC, CUTS' rUlHSIIICt, 11T IIS SHOE ITOEI II I0IR0E. An Especially Attractive Offer in Children's Shoes We have just received a big lot of children's iatent h-ather strap pumps that were bought late ami at a W reduction. This is the nit popular style low rut hoe that has lieen put on the market for years and this is an exceptional offer and one one that you should immediately take advantage of. :::: Misses, 2". to 5 inclusive. $2.ort strap pump for ... $1. Misses. II : to I inclusive, strap pump for . Children's, fel to II inclusive, ei.Oo strap pump Infants, 5 to 8 inclusive Infants, 2 to 5 inclusive 1.2.1 l.ii XT. Shirt Waists. We have a big lot of fancy trimmed ladies shirt wuiat to close out for . ..Kk and $!.( Something that every lady should see is our new lino of shirt waists that have just come in. A secial value in $!. tailored w aist. A few mors Parasol and 1 r A few more Wash Suits Ut 1-Z priCC FRUIT Jars and Jelly Classes to fill all orders. Better see us before you buy. Williams t Benton. L66 & Lei! Gompanu. NOTK'E-The annual meeting of the members of The t'nion County Farm ers milium t ire insurance lomiiany win ne neid in ine court house in Mon roe, N. C. Saturday. July the 31st. at 2 o'clock. Kach and every member is expected to I present IienisN-tfully, W. It. I'hifer. President FOK SALE -Three irood second hand Kill nets for sale. W. r runderburk. I RESPECTFULLY invite the nublic to call and inaiiert my fall and winter line of all wool Suitings, which 1 make to order from un. Anv ntvle quired. Perfect lit guaranteed. The largest line of woolen goods everdia- ilayed III Monroe. Kepresenting three muses. P. I,ee, Merchant Tailor. NEW lot of picture moulding. Bring us your pictures. T. P. Dillon. FOR SALE glJICK-2adioiningloU corner KngliKh street and rairlev ave nue on Vann Heights, r or information apply to A. F. and W. W. Boyte, Bear C'reck, N. C, R. F. No. 1, box til. COVER vour Hoors with mattins-from Dillon's furniture store. lie has the best. CALL T. F. Tadlock for best meats. groceries, etc. Prompt delivery. r WANTED- First class man to run a blacksmith and woodworking and horse shoeing shop, at best stand in county. Man with family can get a good house and farm in connection. Good school S months. W. P. Plyler, Monroe R.F.D. 4. 25 cents, at Williams oV Benton's. THE Overseers of Goose Creek town ship are hereby notified to meet the Supervisors of the township at Union ville on the first Monday in August at lit IU o'clock. 1. A. lonti. FOR RENT-6 room dwelling near in. 11. H. Wilson. HUGS and druggets at T. F. Dillon's. Handsome patterns. FOR RENT- ell street 3 room house on Crow M. L. Flow. NICE cut of Rib or Brihkct Stew Beef at Parker's Market, at 7 cents a pound. SEE our line of framed Pictures. D 11 .... L- I ti 1 . UKB, " i-r ovts, riiu iinillllluCRS. A lot of Matting just received. Monroe furniture Company. PAY your account at Dillon's if it is due, and save being troubled with the collector. ENGLISH DRUG 60. TH6 Dependable Store. OUR SPECIALTY IS THE FILLING OF PRC5CRIP TIONS. ASSI5T YOUR DOCTOR IN CURING YOUR TROUBLE BY HAVING HIS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED WHERE YOU KNOW THEY WILL BE FILLED RIUHT. WE QUARANTEB OUR WORK AND U5E ONLY THE PURE DRUGS. THone Galls Promptlu Attended To. Teiepnone 39. WE are in need of chickens, ecus. and all kinds of country produce, it will pay you to see us before selling. T. r . Tadlock. HOUSE Rent gone up. Brick gone down. Cet busy and go to building. Prompt attention given to all orders. Monroe Brick Company. FOR nice beef and sausage, 'phone Parker's Market No. HI. CALL on F. B. Arheraft for lime, cement plaster of pans, wood fiber plaster, shingles, laths, etc. Delivered anywhere in city. IT is a pleasure to us toavll you your furniture. Kindly reverse-make its pleasure to pay us, if due. T. P. Dillon. W ATTIlcFATTTeterinlrian Day calls 1 l:t, night calls 382. Monroe, N. ('. Hospital on llayne street north east of court house. CHICKENS and eggs wanted all the time, in any quantity, at T. C. Lee & Company's. OUR Sewing Machines are among the very best and at lowest prices. Monroe Furniture Company. BEST cut of Steak arparker'i Mar ket at 12 cent a pound. T. C. LEE A CO., near Oil Mill, lead the town in the purchase of chickens and eggs. Naturally, it will pay you to them be for selling. They ah ilways give the top, every day in the year, and take Urge or small quantities THE Monroe Concrete Company is now prepared to take orders for build ing blocks to enclose yards, cemetery lots, foundations for residences, retain ing walls, etc.; also paving blocks for walks. Samples can be seen now at the works near the Cotton platform. CARRY your chirkens and eggs to T. C Lee A Co. They want 'em bad cnouga to pay you top pneea. FOR RENT - J. W. Rollings resi dence, on Crawford street S. C. Snider, at Belk'a. 1 WANT to buy Beef Cattle. Don't sell till you see me. Want best kind. FJadlock. i iiuinc to ranter s Market lor a nice Roast Cut at 10 centa s pound. WHEN you want the best rubber heela O Sullivan- see Ckmti A Warlkk. Tortured on a Horsa. "for ten years i couldn't rule a horse without being in torture from piles," writes L. 8. Napier of liug less, Ky. "When all doctors and other remedies failed, Buckleo's Arnica Salve cured me." Infalli ble for piles, burns, scalds, cats. boils, fever sores, enema, salt rheum, corns. SAo. Guaranteed by English Drue. Company. Move Quick on This! For the next Ten Days we will take all White Oak and Post Oak Crossties that were cut last win ter that can be brought us. Move Quick if you ivant to sell now! T. C. LEE & CO. QD u An A splendid farm, 350 acres, good land, well located, at a low figure. One hundred acre farm ofFcrcd at a bargain. Several good pieces of town property, improved and un improved. See us for quick sales and good bargains in Real Estate Gordon Insurance & Investment Company Plenty of it Here Now! "INVINCIBLE" is the delight of the cook as well as the whole family. The Flour that is made for Monroe folks: the kind they love and thrive on. v v v Henderson Roller Mills. 44Bw4tlll4lllllMiti44M t The Best Ice In ITheCarolinas! I Is being made in Monroe. It is made : from the far-famed Artesian Water, which is boiled and reboiled, doubly distilled and purified for the purpose, j : Ournew plant is right up-to-date, and : with all these advantages it is no wonder we are selling it as fast as it can be made. t Local trade supplied by Mr. T. J. Price, j I Wholesale direct from us. :: :: ;:i MONROE ICE AND FUEL COMPANY.