THE MONROE OURNAL Buy Them. AJvertue in the Srial N lire ruhimr. fur bat ym rml. Sumelaxrr has thrm anil rll thrm rheai. MONROE, N.C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1900. One Dollar a Year. VOLUME XVI. NO. 34. Sell Them. You have many things that you but not Bred, but that others an. lid. Somal Nutiee ruluran mil aril lirnm. The Person ho saves regularly a por tion of his earnings and places it in a bank where it will work night and day for him, secures a reputa tion for thrift which will help him in everything he does. Tfcnt M MM coaaalrreJ " mm it krmys k Mra mwj. Ready Money is a constant and substan tial friend who never de serts you in time of trou ble, and whose influence is doubly appreciated when occasion arises which calls for its aid. Others have grown rich by per sistent savings why not you? Yum wiO luiv aa fwr fritnJt by hartal a Kink accoaac. TalkWitJiMjtlt! SAVINGS, LOAN AND TRUST CO. R.B. REDWINE. H. B. CLARK. ... .PiwwuVnt ..Xatnm Good Offerings in MALE We Off l One House ) Three Lots on Vann Heights, In good loca tion. TELLi US YOUR WANTS I GORDON INSURANCE THE SHINGLE. (THE APPLICATION. THE APPEARANCE nTTiTmTraTriTMUri? For Permanent Roofs Roofs that will last as long as the building itself and never need repairs that are fire-proof, storm-proof, handsome, light and adapted for all kinds of architecture, whether it be home, church, school or any other building down to the humble bam -Cortright MeUl Shingles' fill ill conditions and the price permits their use on all. Now, no matter what your preference may be, don't buy until you see them, because if you want your house to have that distinguished appear ance that sets it apart from the others, you'd very likely be disappointed if you used slate or some other material while your neighbor had Cortright Metal Shingles. In beauty and long life, free from re pairs, they stand pre-eminent. Heath Hardware Company MONROE. N. C. Sentencing Boys te Suy at Horn Evenings. I A SIMirhiwetta judge lias pre scribed the home trvatmeut fori youth who wreak wiarbirf oo the at reel. Hoys brought before the court were released under condi-1 tioo that they be taken home ami j kept there from 6 . t. till morn ing. This it a wine judge and the Washington Herald thiuks: ''This uaguitrate baa exerted his diarretion ia the direction of en forcing parental responsibility. In reality it ia the fathers and moth ers, and the homes they make, rather than the children, that are on trial io this test. The eipcri nient will enforce, at least during its period, the presence of these boys every evening in the family circle. The influence of its euvi roument must niske itself manifest ia either marked improvement of manners aud diligence, o in sullen deterioration; for youth must grow, either upward or downward. It is possible that the trial of this meth od may disclose whether it is the parents who need relorniation. The presumption at least is sgainst them, aa it ia st the first appear arance of all suck cases. A fair judgment, however, would require intimate individual knowledge of character aud cirruniatances. liut there can tie no doubt alout the geueral principle that the home, rather than the police court or re formstory, is the normal plat's for the training of youth." It is the ex ceptioo when the reason for juve uile errancy cauuot lw dincovered in the elders." A Hurry Up Call. 'Quick! Mr. Druggist-Quid! -A box of Burklen's Arnica Halve Here's a quarter For the love of Moses, hurry!-Raby'sburned him self, terribly Johnnie cut his fool with the axe Minnie's scalded -1'a cau't walk from piles llillie has boils and my corns ache. She got it and soon cured all the fami ly. It's the greatest healer on earth. Sold by English lrug Company. S TATE u.ih i.mnm rnlta.-enn l-'ranklin street. within KM) yards ol the Square. Mod ern conveniences and a rare bargain. Two Lots on llayne street. and Lot on Charles street. AND INVESTMENT CO. METAL SHINGLES PVAYINU H)R RAIN IN CHINA. Bring Out the Image ol the Big 5nske In Dry Weather Rev. Ucorge Mevetis Tells ol Many Strange Things in the iJtni of China. A few days ago I took my Bi trip into the country on a wheel barrow. On the way there were so many strange things to be een, I was reminded to write to the young people of I'uion eouuty alamt some of the strange things going on ia China, on the other side of the world. How would you like to take a trip from Mouroe to Charlotte ou a wbeelharrowt It was just twenty five miles. We lelt Saturday morn ing aud were on the way about tea hours. When the road was bad or we were tired of sitting on, why we would just walk. It is a pretty stow way oi iraveuug oui n ia one of the ways here. They have no wagons or buggies and no trains in these parts. Mules and horses are not very plentiful, but donkeys and cows in abundance. I saw any number of cows to the large three wheeled carts aud to plows. They are used for work, instead of for beef and milk, though not a few are kept for milking and some are killed fur beef. This spring there has been pleuty of beef on the mar ket, however, for the simple reason that so many of the cows were sick snd dying of a dreadful cattle pest, before they die the owners kill them and sell them for beef and sometimes they are sold after dy ing a natural death. Ho you have to be a little careful about buying beefsteak over here. The donkey is lined for plowing and for riding. We met a number of uieu riding donkeys uot hardly as large as they themselves. They sit away back ou bis hips aud then their feet almost drag the ground. I think his back would be broken it tney sat ou it as we uo a uorse at home. I must tell you about a donkey rido Mr. Junkiu took. He started out with a Chinese hoy leading the niuiiil but left the boy at au iun hen he started next day. He had not gone far when the doukey de cided to go back. There was a mud hole aud ho seemed not to snt to proceed, so turned around. Mr. Junk in tried to make him go ou but he wouldn't go. The hard er he pulled back the faster the onkcy went, ins list uroppeo, and his umbrella, but the doukey aid no altentiou to his wonls. When lie got back to the iuu they all asked. "Why did yon come hue kT" "The doukey did not un- rstitnd my words," said Mr. I'ukiu. "What did you say to hitut" "I said 'Yu!'" "That means on," they replied. It is no wonder he couldn't get him stop ped. He bad told him to stop when he iiteaut go on ami go ou when he meant stop. None of the animals out here talk anything except Chinese and f you speak to tiieiu in r.ugusn hcv do uot kuow what you mean. call chickens as we do at home they don't kuow what to make ol it and are more nicely to rnn away. The dogs aud pigs also arem to be eouallv dull in catching on to my meauiog. I may say thoiign mat he roosters crow ami t he uogs baric like they do in North Carolina and this sounds fine. This is the way thevciill a cat: "Me, me, me, me, me." Ju calling a og mey use he same sound we do for urging a horse to go on. When a boy wnuts tocurscaaog or a uoiiKev, ue uoenn t ww mr name of God for he is not well enough known; he curses out that aii inn 's anecstois to everyuuug imaginable. Oo day not long ago William and IIouhIoii rattersou (sons of a missionary here) and I were going along the street w hen we saw a boy beating a dog and scoldiug at it. I could not under stand bis worus but the Doys saiu lie was cursing the dog s grauil mother. I inuHt tell yon aliout the proces sions that have leen marching by evorv day nntil last week. There were Iwys and nieu wuu oauners snd flags and a clay image of the Chinese dmgou which they say sends down the rain. The reason for all this is that there has been a lone dry spell and they are pray ing to the dragon for rain. They march about town aud then out to the various idol temples and burn incense to them. The mavor of the town, when Q Woodl Descriptive i Fall Seed Catalog now ready, t'ire the fullest Information about all Seeds for the Farm and Garden. Cranes and Clovers. ' Vetches. Alfalfa, . Seed Wheat. Oats. Rye, Barley, etc. . Alio tells sll about Vegetable k Flower Seeds that can be planted ia tbs fall to aJrantair and profit, and about Hyaolnthi. Tulips sad U Flow armf Bulba, Vafatable sad Strawbany Plant. PcoHrf . uppkas sod FarUllssre. txtrr Umrr and OiiSmiw tbrwJS M l num. l ! nitaijjMa la IU hlTiln" iiM J" ft" a mfltall BS mtUtory Fatal or (laiSca. Catatofu aiaSaS traa aa raaMtL WrllatarH. t, w. wood ft sc:s, Q dsmen, Rtohmosd. Vs. ( 'lUings were lay inning to look dea-' j prrate, crop drying up because of uo rain, went to the temple daily to burn incense. He al publish-! ed aa order that no more bogs could be killed, so there was a long! time that no pork wss sold on the streets. They say the rain does not come because the gods are au- gry. The gods are angry because they do not like to see the blood, so to plemas then they stop killiug hogs- The next day after rain came there was pleuty of meat to sell. tine strange thiug about this is that they do not seem to care about pleasing the gods until they get into duties, aud when it rsius they go on ia the old way. This dragon that they look to for rain is just a great big snake. It is up iu the black clouds tbey say. This afternoon we took a walk out scuth of town to see the new school building we are erecting. Ou our way back we saw a man plowing. He had a great big cow and a wee little doukey hitched side by side. At home we milk the cows and eat them for beef but out here they use them to plow and pull carts. My Chinese teacher thiuks it is just as bad to kill rows you do to kill a good horse at home. But I stsrted to tell you about the little boy with a ring iu his nose. There are lota of them with rings in their noses aud ears. I lis mother and father were work ing in the field and he was playing near. Now why do they put these rings in their ears! You could not guess, so I'll tell you. It is to make the evil spirits think the boy is a girl. When a child dies it is sn evil spirit that took him away of course. The evil spii it does uot want girls. Who in Chiua would want a girlt Bo they put the ring iu his ear or nose to make the iiirits think he is a girl. In this way tbey fool the spirits and save the boy's life. This is a great place to My kites. The men and boys all try their hand at it. There are some very beautiful kites made like birds and fishes and other animals. If a kite lights in a man's yard it is good-bye kite. It brings bad luck to the family and they think it is terrible. William l'attersou not long ago was Dying oue. The string broke and down it Hopped into a neighbor's yard. 1 Ins neigh bor wss stirred up. He cursed William and grabbing the kite rumpled it np aud burnt it. l!y burning the kite the bad luck is kept off. If ho didn't do that there's no telling what might hap pen to hi in. One more thing and I must close. There are ever so many graves over here, lou can see then on even- side. Tbey use great big coflius and do not bury very deep. Many small children are uot buried at all but just thrown out for the dogs to eat A piece of cloth or matting sometimes is wrapped arouud the little body aud it is cast outside the city wall among the graves. The mothers are not allowed to weep for them at home, so often they will go out among the graves where they can be seen swaytug their bodies to and fro weeping kod mourning for their loved ones. Oue comes to the wall near where we live aud wails for her children. There are many strange, inter esting things over here, but there is also much superstition, Ignor ance, sorrow and suffering because they have not the light of the Oos I"'1- ...... Women me I will write you anoth er letter. Yonr friend, O. 1. Stkvkns. Suchien, China, June 12th, WOO. Horrible Condition In Pennsylva nla Prison. The I'uited States government hss been investigating the pcuiten tiary of Pennsylvania, io which Federal prisoners are confined, and found a distressing condition. The population on the 1st or this month was 1,.I01," says Mr. I'.llis in bis statement "Ol this number more than half are at all times Idle, and more than half are confined two in a cell. The cells are unusually small and the cots take almost the eutire length or each, the room for moving aliout being a space eight feet long aud eighteen inches wide. There are more than three hundred prisoners suffering from tuberculosis, and seventy-nine cells are uow orcu pied by those showing advanced stsges of this disease. The prison is filled with vermin of all kinds, although the officials are making an effort to eradicate them. An unusually large number of the prisoners are of the lowest possible character, mentally ana morally and there is but oue general mess provided for all. Almost uuiver sat complaint is made about the quality of the food served, cepeci ally the meats." Night en Bald Mountain. On a lonely night Alex. Benton of Fort Kdward, N. v., climbed Bald Mountain to the home of a neigh bor, toitured by asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King's ew Discovery, thst bad cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medi cine soon relieved and quickly cured his neighbor. Later it cored bis son's wits of a severe Inng trou ble. Millions believe it'a the great est throat and lung enre on earth. Coughs, colds, croup, hemorrhages and sore longs are surely cored by it. Best for hay fever, grip and whooping cough. 600. and It. 00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by) English Drug Company. NHUKO AT THE POLE. Hensen, Who Accompanied Peary, Tells His Story of How They Reached the Hole, Camped and Raised the Hag. hoist rd the stars and stripes I a ice at the north pole," said Mat the llensou. Commander l'eary's 'colored lieutenant aud the ouly other civil ixed man, according to I Vary, who ever reached the pole. llenaen tonight gave to the As sociated I'rewt an account of the one night and two days he aud Couiuiauder IVary aud four Kki ttios rauiped at !SI degrees north latitude, Hensen personally a.ixt ed in raising the American tlig, and be led Kikiiuos in the cheers, aud an eitra cheer for old glory io the Kdnuio tongue. ''Having speut eighteen years with Commander I'eary aud a con siderable portion of that time io the Arctics," said Hensen, "I have acquired a knowledge of dialect of the northern tireeulaud Eskimos, who proltably are siiK-rior to anj othei. Aa is commonly known to travelers in the far north, the Es kimo entertains a strange preju dice toward suy tongue but one, and it is therefore uecessary for successful dealing with them to study their uuwritten language. "We arrived at the pole just be fore uoon, April U, the party con sisting of the coiiiiuandi'r, myitelf, four Kdiinios and M dogs, divided into detachments equal iu number aud headed respectively by Peary and myself. We bad left the last supporting party at 87 degrees 'hi minutes, where we separated from Captain Itartlett, who was photo graphed by the commander. Cap tain Itartlett regretted that he did not have a Itritish Hag to erect ou this spot, so that the photograph might show this the farthest uorth to which the banner of Kritiidi had breu advanced. "I kept a personal diary during this historic dash across the field. Our first task after reaching the pole was to build two igloos, as the weather was hazy and preveuted taking accurateohservations to con- linu the distance traveled from t'apa Columbia. Having complet ed the new houses, we had dinner, which included tea made ou our alcohol stove, and then retired to est, thus sleeping oue night at the north polo. The Arctic sun was shiuitig when I awoke and found the com mander already up. lliere was onlv wind eiioUL'li to blow out the small Hags. The ensigus were hoist ed toward noon from teut poles aud tied with fish lines. We had figured out the dis tance pretty closely and did not go beyond the pole. The Hags were un about midday, April 7, and were not moved until late that evening. The haze had cleared away early but we wanted some hours to take observations, we made three close together. "When we first raised the Amer ican nag Its position was Deiiiuu the igloos, which, according to our initial observations, was the post tion of the pole, but ou taking sub sequent observations, the stars and stripes were moved and placed 1 50 yards west of the first position, the diflerence in the oliservations being due perhaps to the moving ice. " hen the Hag was placed Coin mander Peary explained in Kng lish: 'W e will plant the Stars aud Stripes at the North Pole.' In the native languai;o I proposed three cheers, which were given in the Kdiinios' own tougiie. The Eski mos danced about aud showed great pleasure that the pole at last was reached." Hansen, who reached the farther north with IVary three years ago, said that conditions were about the same at the pole as elsewhere in the Arctic circle. All was a solid sea of ice with a two foot lead of own water two miles from the pole, News from Union. t'iirnMpon(tHfr nt Tli Journal. Mr. It. O. Clark of Waxliaw spent last Sunday at home with his mother. Mrs. W. P. Red wine spent last Tuesday at Mr. 1J. W. Clark's. Mr. Iiewisuordon of the Hebron neighltorhood spent last Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives in this community. Mr. It. L. Clark visited relatives in this vicinity last Saturday aud Sunday, Mrs. Julia Price of lharlotte, who hss been siiending the sum mer at her father's, has returned home, M iss K ate Clark of Wesley Chapel Academy hss returned home to spend the fall months. The summer school of this place, taught by Mrs. lielk, ended last Saturday evening. She gave her scholars a nice treat of assorted candies. The school was well at tended all through the summer months. Mrs. lielk made an ex ccllent teacher. Mr. It. K. Clark spent last Sun day eveniug at Mr. T. B. Moore's. Jack Do not be deceived by unscrupulous imitators who would havs you believs that the imitation pills are as good as DeWilt's Kidney sad Bladder rills There isn't anything just si good at these wonderlul pills lor the rebel ol backache, weak back, ioflamraation of Hit bladder, urinary disorders sod til kidney complaints. Any ont can takt DeWitt't Kidney tnd Bltdder Pillt tt directed in perfect confidence ol good results, Sold by Englitn urug lo It la no use trying to shine If yon won't take time to till yonr lamp. Eight killed, fifteen Hurt. As the result of a head oa colli- sioo between paiwengcr train No. 4 and fast freight No. .'!, oa the Nashville. Chattanooga and KL J louis railway, one mile west of I'egram Station, Teuu., Wed or !day, eight trainuieu were killed and fifteen passrngers iuiured, two tatally perhaps. No passengers were killed. The cars caught tire aud several of the victims were cremated. The collision occurred about s o'clock in the uioruiug. The wreck age at once caught tire. The bag gage, express and smoking cars of the passenger traiu aud several of the freight cars were burned. But one bag of mail was saved. Through the almost superhuman strength exerted by pMengers the three day coaches and the Pullman were pubed back from the fire aud the equipment saved. : Oo With a Rush. The demand for that wonderful stomach, liver and kidney cure, I Dr. King s New Life Pills, is as tounding. I irnggists say they nev er saw the like. It's because they : never fail to cure sour stomach, ! constipation, indigestion, bilious- j nees, jaundice, sick headache, and , chills and malaria. Ouly L'-V,, at English Drug Company's. It is barely possible that oue rea son some merchants do not get bet- t servue is because they fail to show appreciation when clerks do really try to do their best. This is not always the case, we know, but it might help sometimes. A remedy that limply gives truipo- rary relief is not Hie right remedy to ure 1 ilei. ton must use tonielhiDS that will uot only allay luflaiiiniatiuu ou the aurlace, but that will promptly act ou all parti affected. Manan, the great Pile remedy, dues this. It la couveuieutly applied by meant of a tube with uozle attachment. Sold by II dtugeists. Ignorance may be bliss iu some 'ases, but it certainly fails to de scribe the roudition of the ignor ant mau in the retail business. DeWitt'a Little Early Risen, the sale, sure, eay, geutle little pills. Tin original Larboliied Witch llatel Salve i DeWitt't. name is plain ly stamped ou every boa. It it good for cult, burnt, bruises, tores, built nd suuburn- but it it especially good for Piles. Sold by English Drug Co. Learu from your mistakes, but don't cry over them. We best re deem the past by forgetting it. Take care of your stomach. Let Ko- dol digest all the food you eat, lor that is what Kodol does, fcvery table- spoonful ol Kodol digests i' pound of tood. Try it today. It is guaran teed to relieve you or your money back. Sold by English Drug Co. Rheumatic Pains "My mother Is a great suf ferer from rheumatism, and Dr. Miles' Anti-rain Tills is the only remedy that relieves licr." MRS. G. DAVLNTORT, RoyccfUld, N. J. The pains of rheumatism are almost invariably relieved with Dr. Miles' Anti-rain Tills. They also overcome that nervous irri tation which prevents sleep be cause they suothe the nerves. To chronic suffers they arc invalu able. When taken as directed, they relieve the distress and save the weakening influence of pain, which so frequently pros trates. Many sufferers use thcin w henevcr occasion requires with the greatest satisfaction, why not von? They do not derange the stomach nor create a habit, Why not trv them ? Get a pack age from your druggist. Take it according to directions, and if it does not benefit lie w ill return your money. Valuable Farms For Sale. Oue tract, known as the Bibb plsoe, 44 miles south of Monroe on Camden road, containing ;4U acres. About 75 acres open land, balance in timber; on public road, tele phoue line, and rural route. Well watered, springs and creek. About ft) acres meadow bottoms; 2 tenant houses and outbuilding. Hecond tract, known as the Gold Mine tract, about 9 miles south of Monroe, near Allan, containing Ii7 acres. About 10 acres open laud, balance in timber. Any of above land will be divid ed into tracts to suit purchaser. For further particulars see O. 8. Lkk, U B. Lankv, K K. Kvans. V&lu&ble City Residence. We will receive sealed bids for that valuable piece of property, the Laney homestead, located on corner of Church and Windsor streets, in heart of city. Prcsipect ive buyers can get further informa tion from the undersigned. O. & Lkk, C & Lanky, It. E. Evans, THE PULSE OF LIFE The rtt-sMt-r publi)! by Thr I l-rt-r (Vininy art- mak upon the principle of maltua; thr hntt puillt- i -M r, rctrartlU-K "I rtwt, and Uirn Ukirar rhama on Kvltiiig bark Uk- ru( ami rmm fur our efforta. Whoever subarriU-a fur any one or more uf th-9 nn-r is not lay ing out an eiprfur arruunt but la making an invelinei-t. The w t r-4-umna carry Information tluit i worth monvy ami m ul do Iht- advertiM ing column. The buinr- man who will jt.-h tm-- column will lnal many an opportunity to turn an honest dollar in tr.i.le ami at the nu ll me give the other fellow w hat he u looking for. The newt gatherers of the ronipanv's iiublii-ationitaiv (ruined to gi-t and print newt uf commercial value. New buMiies oprt unities, new enterpriaea, change and developments in old enteqirtA-s vinere there is opportunity fur tnnle, are all carefully recorded. Any of these publication! are invaluable fur family reailinp Kvery body ought to have a good clean newiner. It is the e,uiak-iit of lin education fur those who cannot otherwise got at-hool or roilt-ge training and it ia the ronnerting link lielween the school or colliyiate training and practical life. The rmalero nrwiaper i the pulse of Iht- daily ac tivities and those who don't feel thi:. puUe are not fully alive to these activities. Five Observer publications and prices: TIIK DAILY OKSKKVKR Mornings, Lvery Day in the Year, tine year . . . fs.tai Six Months Three Montht 4.i"l One Month .7j THE SUNDAY OHSKRVKK Every Sunday Morning. tine year . liun Six Month I.iai Three Month.. ill One Month an THE SEMI-WEEKLY OIISEItVEIt Twice a Week. One Year Six Months Three Montht One Month . .50 . .10 We send sample copies on request. line it will pay you to see us and buy them this week. More goods same money, same froods less moncv. Our prices the lowest, ourgoods the best. We sell, and your cretin is goou. W. H. KERR. Jr., Monroe, N. C. EXCURSION. Hamlet - And Intermediate Points to JOHNSON Via SEA1SUAKU and C. U if u SEPTEMBER 23RD AND 24TH. Hplendid opportunity to visit Johnson City, in (lie heart of the Mouiitaius in Western North Carolina, also ollering opportunity 01 traversing the wonderful ('. t i nels, around Mountain Mules anil feet deep. SCHEDULE AND RATES FROM Leave HAM LET Leave BUCKINGHAM Leave WADKSHOKO Leave MO.N'KOK Leave CHARLOTTE Leave MT. HOLLY Leave L1NCOLNTON Leave KIIKLBY Leave KLLKNBORO Arrive JOHNSON CITY Returning train leaves Johnson City September 2ith, 1!K!, 12:00 noon, Kastern time, stopping one hour at Unaka Springs. For further information see flyers, call on your agent or write C. H. GATTIS. D.P.A.. Ralegh. N. C. JAMES KER. CPA. Charlotte. N.C. Drugs! Drugs! Drugs;! We have them both new and fresh. Buy where you can get goods from new stock. As for Prescriptions, we have at once jumped into the lead, be cause wc prepare them promptly, de liver them quickly, and keep two com petent, licensed and experienced pharm acists at work on them all the time, and charge only a moderate price for them Try us. THE UNION DRUG CO., A. M. Secrest, Manager. C A. LONG. PnmJmt. J. ID STEWART. V. Prewar.. 'Phone 377-day and night. THE EV E.MNii l llkONH'LK Every Day Except Sunday. One Year . '. . i.".i Six Month . i.r Three Months . I Sr One Month ... .fsi THE SATl'RDAY EVENING t HlioMfl.E One Year . . . $l.rl Six Months 7.1 Three Months .40 One Month .15 The Ob server Ks., Circulation Department Nil. A, OMR LOTTT. N. C. Wcnre making a spe cial price on Chairs & Kockcrs this week. If iipodinff anv of this CT . underbuy, we under- EXCURSION. Charlotte CITY, Tenn., O. lisilwsy, through iiiiiucrmis 1 un- ttirotign ueep uorges ami v uui eigmj SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL POINTS: TME. RATE. :lMl A.M. I.ihp A.M. " A.M. A.M. A.M. ,)' A.M. t:M A.M. U:" A.M. l-' " I' M. r.:.l0 P.M. 4.IM) :i.7!i XM .-1.00 3.00 .'1.00 2.75 2.50 HI

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