mjjQNROEJODMJHL; Tuesday, September 21. 1900. j aterauoa'a perfurmince and cany aaajr delighted with ti entertain ment There U an abundance of many making downs, wtiile each and erery art is worthy of uhJituI ual coomneDdaUua, tonie bring of such novel and extraordinary charac ter a to deserve special ntruuua. Tfc DadJies Beat the KUs at Ball. Wesler Chapel. S-Pt 20, WJ.-' The kg dry spell butting about ' among which are the riding seals. f.irtr days, wan broken wild eocHllhee wouderful aequutic creatures rain ImI week. If fnwt stays oil late j perform a series of marvelous acta, the raio will help the Ute euro. The They actually ride on Kan-back farmer are preparing clover and ' hone, play ball, juggle and balance rye patchea and Qe are sowing raU. the recent run having put the land in nice tit for plowing The school here ban closed tot the rotUin picking aeanoo. It will open various objecta while riding on the back of licet horse. Thi may aeetn increeulou yet nevertheles may be i toe-wed at eh peiformaoce. "Another act that deserve more again in about six week. The past ; than passing comment is that of the two month the average atteutUnce ! American I lercule. The strong man, ha been the best in the hi.unr of! Warren Lincoln Travi. tue phe the choJ. Prof, and Mr. Yearg;n j nomenal feat, thowiug the wonder- ba-e gone to hmisekeeping and will ful muscular power of the human remain here during rn. ation. Mia frame, both aatomab and and arnae Bright liicbard.4n returned to her home in Buford township. Mi! Mary Stacy, who taught mo de in the li xil here last year. ta iled friend here last week, return icg to Waxbaw Friday. Mr. John Header spent several dv in Monroe last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. House and Mrs. J. M. K'-zuh visited relative in Charlotte Silurdav and Sunday. Mr. J. O. M're of lluford .eiit Saturday uij:ht with his brother, Mr Cleve M're. Mr. Jcnuiogs Keervst and family of Shiloh M'nt Mtur.uy night and Sunday at Mr. K. M Moore. 'Squire T. XV. Socrest of Osceola was here last week. Mrs. Fannie CUrk and daughter. Miss lassie, of Mourn? seiit last Tuesday here. Misses Amanda Winchester and Mary Stacy nient List Thursday evening with Miss Kate Clark. Mr. K. T. Winchester is buildiug a new barn. Mr. Clyde Bigsera and sister of Charlotte spent a few days last week with their sister, Mrs. ChlTord Fow ler. Miss I.izie Fowler of Monroe spent Saturday night with her fath er, Mr. William Fowler. The Wesley Chapel and Stallings ball teams played a match game on the latter' ground list week, and the seor was 10 to l. in favor of the Chapel boys. On last Saturday evening the Chapel old hall team, consisting of boys that played ball away back ten or fifteen years ago and who claim to bo out of practice, challenged tho younger and more up-to-date players for a match game The vouths accepted. The game was played, and the mvuv stood ti to 13 in favor of the olds, or "d iddles," as they call themselves now. The youths say they must have it over next Saturday. The people hero regret to give up their old mail carrier on mute 3, Mr A. C 1'enegnr, who Ins carried the mail so faithfully for the past six years. It made no Merenco wheth er it was raining, snowing, cold or hot, we knew that our mail would be on time, lie is clean, polite and ac commodating and always ready to do anything reasonable for bis pa Irons. Tli.' patrons of any route should bo proud of such a man to handle, their mail. We wi.sh him much success in hi new work. JOHN ROBINSON'S B1U CIRCL'S. The Oldest and One of the Very Best 5how on the Road to Be In Monroe. The Shamokin, I 'a., ltily News of June 1 1, l'MHI, says: "The" street pa rade was perhaps the biggest, bright est and best that ever passed through the streets of Shamokin. The horses were fat and Meek, some great big ones and some little tiuy ones, and all to be admired. Three bands fur nished exceptionally line music and the gold decoruti-d wagons and daz zling costumes of the performers, the big herds of elephants and cam el all went to make the pageant a delight to every one of the hundreds of happy spectator. j "A large audience attended this! the beholder The elephants which dance, waltz and perform various feat subject to the master mind of their tramer, were pronounced to be the best performing nerd ever seen in this section. An admirable fea ture was the six horse act. The rid ing, driving and managing of ix horse by I Gordon Orion is a moet wonderful display of equestrian dar ing. In fact, every ait presented was of the highest order of excellence and skill after it kind. "Tae menagerie was one of the largest and mcst comprehensive in its make up ever brought into this section. "Taken as a whole, it is recog nized as one of the greatest shows that has ever visited the State and such is the unanimous verdict heard from many of the thousands who tlocked into the city to see it." W ill exhibit at Monroe Mondav, October 4th What th Editor Cannot Do. I'u't thiiik be -atiM! the ri porter ees you (.'ettiii' mi the tram that he oc.'lit to know ! you are and whore you arc goiiiif or if he sees yU greet some friends that he knos h ho they are and when1 they are fnun. We aim to vt all the news, hut you may ho the one we d.n t happen to know. We try to Wmiie familiar with names and f.ues, if His.ilile. But diiriiii: the yours ut we have kill to church and failed to sec you there. We hare huiu' around the t own pump, hut some of you weren't there We have ltHfed on the street. We've even riked our reputation on Unit street on a dark nisilit, hut you weren't all then". And we'll be hiin.-ed if wo know where to iin.l v n all. S.i if you ure going or emiuni: or knew ynihojy cutting up ipieer rapiTj let Uj know. Norton (Kan.i Telegram. The iimi Work t tk Flll 014 Pimm liinnov The lat of the great frontiers men ia America a. Christopher Canon, better known a Kit Car ua. lie was much the tame type of man as Ianiel Boone and ley Crockett simple, brate and honet with himself anj with all men. lake Boone and Crockett, he was both feared and lorej by the Ind'an. and hi fame a a hunter anj trap per wa known from the Columbia river to the Kio Grande, through all the Sierras anj the Hockr moun tains. The field of hit operation was larger t'.un that of either Boone or Crvvkett. They were etaentiall; baA-ktcVhlsmen, trained in the for ests of Tenmss-"e, Kentucky and North Can!uia. Kit Carson wa ranker of the tast ira''ru and the great mountain! of the far west Where the two former traveled hun dred of m.le K;t Caron trsvele.1 thousands, and where the former had adirutures with a few trtUt aafuJ tutlenng and barahu rver knoaa by a party of adventurer in the wet tince the davt of Suanih ronouutaJorei. Wbeaever Kit Carson accomria Bird as expedition it was luuaiiv lueretoful. Hit power of enduran.-e eiw remarkable. He roulj io f t dtyt without food, but he always kept moving toward hi destitution, whether acroa the heated and and deertt of Ariiona or through the blinding tnow bliuarda and drifts of the northern Sierras. 1U wa a boat in himself, and hit presence al ways inspired men who otherwise would have given up in despair. At a hunter and trapper ne prob ably bad bo equal Bolon Ulolw. wogy. "Poetor, that ointir.ent yna left for my husband to use on riia rheu matic elbow may I all right, b :t there1! no use telling hist to rub it ! in. He wont take the trouble to do 1 that. You don't know him as well do. .r i w, r.r,n i,. t A.:.h ' 1 do. a,,.t n.-.i,ilO.rM tV o c-,irt fr,illl I think I .i.- c.. - w.u ..I -.,l,rn! ome ttuff in that ointme Mexico to the Comanche. I'jjers, Utct and other of the north. Bione led civilisation to Ken tucky; Cmckett led the way mti western Teniieee and later into Texas, but Kit Carson wat one of the first to Maw the ay over the Rockies and Sierras to the Golden Gate. The places tltat Fremont ex plored Kit Carson had discovered year In fore, and on all but one of the noted exploring expedition of Fremont Kit Carson was the trut ed gu: !e and intimate friend. That one cpi"ilng exjs-dition which Kit I'aiMin i! .l not j;uide w fraught aith ten ih'e di-u-ter and the mot madam. I put nt that wdl make his elbow itch like fury, and hell have to rub it." Chicago Tribune. Aa Ovortignt. "Waiter," said a puet at a hotel at be inspected hi bill before leav ing, "there is one item omitted." "What item, tirf" inquired the waiter. i "The manager said 'Gwwl morn ing' to me ye-terdav and has for gotten to charge for it!" laindon TelegTaph. j Not fawiopod. "I d Dover go ui In a balloon j "f eourae not. Where would you i g,4 I lie mimI -I'hiladf li-tnw ll-or SPECIAL SALE IN SEWING MACHINES We to have decided close out our Sewine Ma chine stock and we will give those who want to purchase a sewing machine the bene fit of the wholesale price. The list below is what we have in stock, look over same and see if you cannot get one that will save you money. Littlo Holp For Awning Makort. "Our greale-t benefactor," said a local manufacturer of uwnings, "is the ol'ice man who sit and smokes and throwt his cigar stub out of the window. If it' at the time of vear when awnings are up on the oig omce oui mugs u is noi im- , ..... , ,t,-y, c v. u-; t -to i .i i . .v.. .: ... .ii .n ... ' me Wheeler W llson, former price $4S.(t, Sale Price J.'.'.Vi prunaiiio iiuiL llic llfcar will lull I . t an awning and burn a good sized "' Ih-mestic, lrop llea.l, former price $VUH Sale I rice J W.iki hole. I'ossiblv it will full aguinst a Three Silver King I r.p Head best made, was Sole price $17.50 roll of the canvas and burn through 'une Standard Shuttle Machine, was $.i.S.(0 Sale Price .'n.tsi several folds. Look at some of the (me Vnion ,;ranJ former ,,rice $W.tW. Sale I'rice 2S.tW awning over tne smrci on tno ground floor of buildings and notice j Every machine that we sell will be sold with the the little round holes that have -.-,,.-, aa it,,t , V,, ,U9Ui aivn uitVi thf m.i. CROW EROS. THOS. C. LEL 8 lieen ft tilis 1 ,,,i i.- i,a r,n;n,r These holes, of cour-e, great- 'chines, and it you use them tor tniny aays ana una out y hasten the time when the awn.ng that vou not want them vou can return and get your must he replaced. -Nearlv everv of-i ... . , . , . Ceo building in town has suffered money. Every thing must be satisfactory. ( leveiand Now is the time for you to call and get one 01 tne best bargains in the sewing machine line. tin Fame damn. Plain 1'oaler. Wirt Hairpin. The wire Imirpiu " lirsl inn, to In 15l.- lu KiiKlnnd. Trior to thai wood en sliowis-s were iisel. BEE S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP f LllVit COUQMt HUD COLO! THE W. J. RUDGE CO. IP The S Things I m .That I H ICount: I If modern equip I I ment. facility. I know ledge and I Vv) experience and a I ? big itock of pur I fi. I drugs count, then I ftTO bring your pre- I Kriptlont to ua. I ENGLISH I gtgWDRUG COMPANY I -wa1! T DfnJabk Star,. I mmmm The Keliable Old Stand In New Hands. You know that we have leased the well - known Shute Ginnery in Monroe, and we are glad to in form you that the public have given us a fine welcome in this held of business. And it is un necessary to say that Ave are pleas ing the trade . A11 the old customers of the plant will he warmly welcomed by us, and the new cus tomers that are coming our way are no less gladly waited on. We are going to treat you all right Your Cotton will be ginned at $1.50 per bale, and be wrapped in good bagging without any other charge. Remember, we pay the highest mar ket price for Seed Cotton and Cotton Seed. We will also buy your bale and give you the top notch. We are here to do business that will sat isfy you. Give us a trial. Yours for business, Crow Brothers Lee. I'lii rHiiiiiiimmiiiniimiHiiin I'i BtMMnnnnMHiiuMtmiiHMia)MfnmmMtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim mi MmtlMHUHt MIMIIUMIUUltlMltaUJIUM MtMMMB Another Cut! Another cut on all low cut Shoes, piled out on tables at about half price. Men' a Regular 1.00 Low Cut Shoe, now at 12.0(1 Meu'a Regular f 1.00 Low Cut Bboea, now at II. TS Men'i Regular Low Cut Bhoea, now at tl.SO Lacliea' Regular 'UK) Low Cut Shoe, now at I1.&0 Ladies' Regular t'2.00 Low Cut Shoea, now at tl.25 U(W Regular I KM Low Cut Shoe, now at SS. Mimea' and Children! f .'.OO Low Cut Shoes, now at 11.25 MiaW and Children's ll.r.O Urn Cut Shoes, bow at "Sc. Hisses' ami Children's 1.0(1 Low Cut Shoes, now at 5Hc Cash Mercantile Co. ii St r3 We have enlarged and remodeled our already large stables and are now ready to serve our customers better than ever. Just received two car loads of Buggies, all new and up-to-date. Over 100 sets of Harness to be sold at cut prices. Big lot of Horses and Mules for sale or exchange. Remember we keep the finest livery rigs south of Baltimore. PHONE 95. THE SIKES OOMPANY, MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA. U as 3: iiWHiinmwifrimtmwmwwmiiMiMiiiiMaiii MM WMMIMUUMI IMMUI MHittWtlMMMI iiMMmniiwiriHmiwiininmMitnwiiiwirtrrrftiiwiiiiMiiiaiiliiH'ii I lIMMIIHWIIIIMIMiawiMMIIIMIIHItMIMaaajaaSIIaaa "Did you happen to notice that dark, handsome lady who went out just at you rame in" queried the bookseller'a auistant to a chance acnimintunre. "Ve," amwered the chance ac quaintance. "What about lierT "Well," uid the bookieller'a a itant, "ihe haa a very intereiting history indeed. The other miled the knowing mule or the born goMip and tank hit voice to a whinner. "An interesting luntory, eh f IIow do you anowf "Rccaute I told it to her a few minute before you came in," said Hit mart shopman. "Ws'ts got inme more left Like to e oner But the chance acquaintance had departed. London Fun. Are aup DifMtiM.f There are varied opinion about the digestibility of aoupa. Some phrticiana diuppror of them for weak atomacha. and all Dhvticiani condemn them for obeaity. Hilk or cream aoupa, pureea they ar called, are wholeaom and eaaily digetted, but meat soup hat a tendency to tire an overtuppiy or une acid, loit k lid meat itaelf. Therefor thou with a tendency to rheumatism or, diabete ihould eat (paringly of it Soup i thought to b mora digeeti bl if it is eaten very slowly. Ilold each spoonul in the mouth for a few second befor swallowing. This iimnle preeaution baa ta many ease enabled tho who thonght the could not eat any kind of soap to TO THE FARMERS OP UNION AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES: Now is the time you realize on your season's work. As you sell your cotton you should deposit your money in a good reliable bank, where you can always get it when you want it Pay Your Bills by Checks which makes the best kind of receipt, and you avoid the worry and danger of keeping your money at home. .: .: .: .: Absolute Safety, Liberality and Courtesy Our Watchword. If you are not a customer of this bank, let this be your invita tion to become one. We want your business. The First National Bank Or MONROE. Regulated and controlled by the United States Government. OFFICERS: R. A. MORROW President J. R. ENGLISH Vice-President ROSCOE PHIFER Cshier W. C. CROWLLU Assistant Cashier W. H. PHIFER Teller If II II el S3 S3 si Uke it without tad effect .New York Pre.

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