TEE MONROE JOURNAL Trlcphnoc N- I. Tswtday. September 21. IW Mr. X. & Mattbewe haa fiaiitheal two wall bMM in the auuthra aulxirlm, ia the oil I on J roL Tl Fartuera I'aloa at High Hill nil aiM-t Saturday at four o'rlisk to traiiMM-t important bust Th ur stiwt lights rr torn fdoaat &-:M Saturday, aud they are beauties. Monroe ta really lighted np uow. Mr. A. marker of lloekiugliam ha oaMied a dry goods store ia the Filigr-rald building, opposite the (Vntrul Hotel Mr. II. V. Webb ia in rharge. Mr. a 1L Kiker and Mum Blanche Ortuoud were married last Wed nesday by K. J. Wilson ileluis, at the home of Mr. Klarkiaon Itir Biinirhaui, in Vance township. The Monroe Insurance ami In vestment tViiuiutny has paid to If. J. M. I'.tair l."0, the auiHut of insurance Tarried by theui oo the small hoiiNt' lately burned in north Monroe. Mia Ktliol Koxiler gave a de lightful and instinctive talk at the Presbyterian church yesterday af Utuooii oh her work iu t'orra. A gathering of lad tea were pres ent. The noise aud misbehavior that niauy rhildreu indulge in at the picture shows ia not at all nerea Miry to the enjoyment of the other visitors, and tUw. not necessarily imply a rompliiueut to anybody. Mr. It. Frank Secrest has been apH)iiitd carrier on route one, to uiccrcd the late B.iiiire J. a. l-l me. Mr. Sccrest has been sub-carrier on route five. Mr. Heury Presson haa been carrying the mail on number one swee SUire Little a death. Itov. W. S. ltone, a native of the Hamly Kidge section of thin coun ty, died atahtmpital In Kichmoud, Va., Sunday. The body a an buried at HaiMon church, iu Mecklenburg. He was a presiding elder iu the North Carolina t'onfereuce. The proceeding of the llccord er'n court are published by The Joiirnul U'CHiise the people are en titled to know what goes oil in their court. While it make some folks mad and they iUit taking the puier, all the names will lie irint h! juM the wiine, whether big, lit tle, old or young. Cider T. It. l.itllcof Kison, Ark.. ho left Hum county yeaii ago.will mi live Sul imlny to visit hia broth er and bister, Mr. J. U Little aud Mm. Keim Little of limine Creek. He will preach at Crooked Creek on the 4th Sunday of thin month. All old frieniU and the public geu e rally invited. A party fi-oiu north Mouroe were fishing iu Hear Skill creek last week, when Mr. C. M. Ikyt grab bled from the rocky bottom an old 1 1 ii art cau that had eight catfish in it, ranging in si.e from ti to H iu dies in length. Mr. K. It. Helms brought the cau aud lish to town Just us they were taken from the creek, 1 ho ginnery plant, consisting of si J gins, a double press, elevator, etc,, of the Marshville Milling Com pnny was destroyed by fire alsiiit 2 o'clm'k Wednesday iiiorning. The liiiuliiiiery iu Hip building cost fl, ooil and it waa comparatively new. The entire loss is neatly "i.lMKI. The insurance on the destroyed proH'ity is fl.OOO. Iliiitys'x years old aud never walked a step iu hia lite and never sii a town U foie last Thursday! That is the ruse with Itoyce Moscr, son of Mr. Jasou Moser of liuford township. He was paralyzed in infancy and hits always been haul i ed alxiiit in nn arm chair. He en joys good health and weighs ISO pounds. For some time petitions have been circulated both for and against the pardon of W. K. llell, an ap plication for which ban been niade to (iuv. Kitchin. Ilell waa aent to the peuitentiary laat November un der a sentence of S year for euiltei cling from the Singer Hewing Ma chine Co., ol which he waa agent here. Attorneys Hikes, Stack and Ann Held presented both sides to the (lover nor yesterday in Kaleigb and Mr. Kitchio now has the mat ter under advisement Mrs. Bailie Little, wife of Mr. William I Little, died Weduea day at her home iu Lanes Creek township. She had been sick for year. Mrs. Little was a daughter of the late Mr. Darling Ktishing aud is the last ol ber lather's fani ily. She lived all her life at the Kusliing homestead. She was TO years old. Mrs. Little was a lady of fine sense and good judgment. She was a member of the Baptist church from ber early girlhood and was a devoted christian. The ltalcigh News and Observer of this morning says: "lie v. b. K McLarty, pastor of the leading Methodist church In Greensboro, last night preached the first of a series or seimons in revival ser vices at Kdenton Street Methodist church. He is Union county man bv birth and bas within a few years won high place In hia church Home days ago, referring to the fact that Mr. Mcl-arty waa to preach in Kaleigh this week, At torney General Hickett said to a friend: 'I conirratulate you that yon are to hear Mr. McLarty. if there is an abler preacher of his years In North Carolina I do not know him, aud I know Mr. Me Larty well. He Is clear headed, scholarly, able, eloquent with true eloquence.' " Shoes! Shoes! When yon want shoes dou t fail to see us. Collins & Illggers. Uow would yua like to be at the bottom of a uWp well and bear the nisn at the top a ho had jiwt laud ed a bur tub of mad and traah sing out, '-She'a roue!' That's what baptised to Mr. W. 1. Farahart a lew daya ago. Mr. Karuhart bad tried ia vaia to get a hand ho would go lo the outturn and clean out hia well, he went doaa him-1 Mr. 1. Mnllin of lUtnk-t prt Thura self. When he heard the negro " Munrur on hit.t Uuim-. at the top jell -be'a gone," he Miw l-na Cm-ne. Anrn Knlwinr "srniutchrd" over to oue aiile as f U muck as possible aud the tubstrw k ju,e NurnuU iUk CrrrnUru hia ahoulder. The U.al of tlie! " lt M.y PUir hft Urt Wd pipe labia aiouth wa.ru! fn.ni l'Z mM iuiU' stent, a keg ia his baud waa smash-1 " 0 . ... . ed, and he hine.f was laid up for ,hVM two daya. ! railitiaded U twelve Var. u m.viiw ha.-k to hi. (arm f.r Id Mr. taruhart, "ami never gut a arralrh, but fur the oue year I've been farming I've been nearly killed twice." School Notes. The enrollment of the rity school ha shown a steady iucrea.- since the opeuiug. la the two weeks which have itassed there have liern added to the first day's enrollment name, making at present a to tal of ;.Hi. The first days of the school term have been, from every standpoint, encouraging. Hutu teachers and students, iu a great majority of iu stances, aeem iutent upon their work. More Intense earnestness is rarely seen iu a school of like size. The young men aud women or;toI, , ,wd time withhiaaon. the high arhiwl have organized taojKcv. K. II. Urooin. literary societies, aud hope to make thia phase of their woik better this year thau ever before. An organization of the Senior class haa been etlected, and the class is at present considering the advisability of iuauguratiug a high school magazine. If present plaus do not miscarry, it is boied that there will soon lie going out from the school a publication which will be a credit to the school and will take due rank among similar pub lirations throughout the State. The .crowded condition of the North Monroe school brings to light a need which the city has long suflered. I.et's have a larger house and an assistant teacher at that place. Some steps have already been taken ill that direction, and nothing should interfere with the completion of arrangements which will give to that portiou of the city s populatlou a proportionate share of school mix antages. Visit the school. They are yours and you have a right to know how they are being coudiicted. Itecause they are yours, too, you should le interested in them. Are you! The frequency of your visits might l regarded as a test. Act so that you will not be misjudged. Preparation! lor Masonic Meeting. On next Thursday there will be gathered together iu Masonic Hall representatives of all the Masonic lodges of the I .'it h Pistrict of North Carolina, which iscouiposcd of An son, Cniou, Kiehmoml and Scot laud counties. Monroe 1alge is making prepa rations to entertain the delegates to this meeting. At II o'clock Pr. II. F. Chreit. berg will deliver the welcome ad dress in Ma-iouic Hall. After the resiMinse, etc., Mr. W. F. Harding of Charlotte will deliver a public address. The public is invited to these exercises iu the forenoon. The afternoon will lie taken up by work in the degree ami will Is ojien only to Masons. At ti o'clock supiter will be served iu the banquet hall. At S u clock the Oxford Singing Class will give a concert iu the courthouse. The reception aud entertainment committee consists of Pr. II. F. Chreilzlierg, .1. P. Mclbte, W. C. Crowell, F. (I. Henderson, J. Tip Helms, J. M. Fair ley, W. A. l-ane, 8. H. tiroi'iie, Pr. Watt Asheraft and J. W. Itowcll. The banquet committee consists of (I. It. Caldwell, W. C. Wolfe, W. C. Crowell aud H. H. Greene, alio have everything relative to the banquet in rharge. Mr. J. W. Kowell will bo here until after Thursday to lecture the degree team and every Mason who can is urged to inoet him iu the hall from 2:'M) to 5 o'clock iu the afternoon and at 8 at night, Death of Mr. John U. Barton. Mi. John (1. Itarton died at his home in this place laat Tuesday afternoon after a long Illness, at the age of seveuty eight years. He is survived by his aged wife. Their only child died many years ago. The body was buried with the lion or of the Masonic order last Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. liarton was as trne a man as ever lived. He was a native of Lancaster county and was the first volunteer from that county to join the Confederate army. After the war be settled In Monroe aud followed the trade of a brick mason in which work he ex celled. When ho finished a job it waa done right. It was said of him that it was not wotth while to ask him the price of a job, for be would make the figure the same after it was done as if had been bargained for in advance. He followed his work with the old time love of the master workman, and after reach ing the age ol seventy years would to to the bin of high chimneys. Whatever cause he espoused fonud in him the true soldier, faithful to the last He was a member of the Presbyterian church and was the type of christian that supplements the true faith with bonest work. A brave, true, modest, four square man baa gone to bis reward, leav ing behind him the genuine re 4prct and admiration of all who came in contact with bim, whether rich or poor, high or low. We still lead in the Shoe busl ness. Collins & Bigger. i i Mr. John C. Msynor bas a posi tion aa manager of the livery de oartment of the Fowler & Lee stable, and will be glad to see bis friends. PERSONAL. HnB.1 Mom and tittle son. Urn. viatunj ia Wadrrtiuro but week. Mr. Cm, W. Rnlfrarn ment t UW--illr Ul wrrk bt rrhwhruthrr-in-hiw. Mr. J. M. TtkwiM. aha la at a trri um " . miK- norlhwr ol Munrur. Mr. . J. Hivrn of KWI m visit- inT her parrnu. Mr. mni Mrs. J. It. raulknrr. Miaa tlra William returned to I'har kXtr lat wrek after twitiiar her m renta. Mr. and Urn. T. t, Willuma, in raat MtHirw towiuhi. Mr. tieo. P. MurruorGaiwjviuV.Fla.. n-nt two days laat wm-k at Mr. K. K. lU-aalry'a. He waa on hi way home flum aiK-nding mmiw time on thr Thou aantl llaiau) in the St. Lawreia-e nvrr. Miaa Nell Bulla ha returned to Mon n aiai haa a pui.ition aa boukkeefier in Meaara. Stark 4 lludauo' rot Ion ortire. Mrs. Klk-n Fowk-r and Mauler Jur Fowk-r have gone to their new home at Ixnulk, tia., after aimlinir aome time with Mr. S. E. liowey Matthew. Mr. (a. D. Broom. ho waa 8rt veara old yestrruay, left Satuniay for l.itlle- Mr. J. B. Baaa ami family have been down several day with measles. Mr. A. A. McDonald, who lately came from Kaleiirh to take s position in rount barber ahoii. wiu move h i fam ily here and occupy the house on llayne all-eel next to Mr. r. II. AahrralU Mr. ami Mr. J. A. Bivina returned Friday night from their honeymoon in ine Iortn. IW. C. E. Phillip nnt Saturday ami ."Numlay in rheity. Mr. D. A. Covincton will k-ave next Tuesday for leiKir to visit her daugh ter. Mr. J. rl. Craven, thence to Kome. (a. Miase Mary and Susie Covington will goto Newark, ()., to vinit friends, thence to Terrell. Tex., on a visit. They will join Mr. Covington at Kome anil all come home Christmas. Misses Eva Belle ami lcwic Ml Cov ington k-ft last week for Shorter Col- age at Homo, (!a. Mrs. (iuv tiillilaml and Cant, and Mrs. Iten Cason are visiting relatives in West Virginia. Mr. Rsv (iriltin. who has been with Dr. W. II. Smith at Cnionville during vacation, will return tomorrow to the I'hiladelphia Medical College. Mrs. Hugh McAllister of I.umlierton ia spending some time here with rela tives. Miss Gertrude U'sterof Jacksonville. Kla.. ia visiting her sister, Mrs. II. K. Mahohc, Mr. W. 11 Clowncy, suiierintcndent of SL'rnries, ami Mr. Jurkaon Muloney, manager of contract, or the l hiluucl- IH-ia Life Insurance Company, Isjth of 'hilailelphia, ami Mr. J. Holland Mor row, at'ent at liastonia, s-nt Saturday m-re, viaitinir the State agency of the conqiany, the Gordon Insurance and In vestment Company. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Davis of Ijike- lanil, Kla., am visitinK thmrsister, Mr. , r.. Vhaclir r. Misse Bertie Iceman, Mabel Ijine and I .aura Heath left this morning for Spartanburg to enter lonvvraelollegc. Mrs. Mary Johnson anil children of Wilminelon are visitiiur Mesars. A. ('. Johnson and C. II. Ilanlou, To Make Hig Improvement in non- roe Telephone System. Flaewhere appears, a notice to stockholders of the Monroe Tele phone Company to meet for the purpose of discussing a proposition to incrcaae the capital stock of the coin puny. Ollicers and slock hold eis of the company are talking very frankly of their plans for im proving the system, which must la? made to grow to keep up with the growing demands of the town. W lib the present equipment the company has reached its maximum of clbcicncy, aud to provide for new dcuiHuds finds it necessary to limbic the capital stock. Mouroe has outgrown the old system of ten years ago the "common wire" system over which everybody can hear what everylaxly else is say ing. The business of the town is demanding the full metallic system which is the latest and most ap proved in America today. All the present wires aud 'pboues will be taken out aud replaced by the bet ter system, aud the work is expect ed to be begun within the next few weeks. It will probably require three or four mouths to complete it. Monroe will then have a sys tem equal to any in the land. The company will have to spend ten thousand dollars or more to put in the new system. The new' phones will not have hells, but each 'phone, being connected with Its own cir cuit of wire, will have the light signal arrangement which calls central when the receiver Is down. The company is simply preparing to give the town the bent that cau be had, because the time has come hen such is an imperative neces sity, and to do so it has to go luto the pockets or its stockholder lor a large outlay. Teachers' fleeting. The next meeting of the Union County Teachers' Association will be held in graded school build ing, Monroe, Saturday, September '.., io a. m. I. Opening Heading and pray er. II. How to teach Literature to third and fourth grade -1'rof. J. T. learglu. III. Women's Betterment Work Discussion led by Miss Lilly l'resson. IV. To what social claims, out side the school, should students re spoiidt-l'mf. It. Y. Tyner. V. limiting In the country schools General discussion. VI. Grading in the high schools Prof. W. R lteid. Kemember the time: Saturday, September 2.'i, 10 a. ni. K. N. Mkhkt, J 're. Something pant. special in sample Collins ft Diggers. SPECIAL NOTICES. WE are now rlbng Wood and Coal Can drkver akurt aubre. MuamOd MiIL WE are better tttrd to (i your rottua than rvtr - and fta a rhraj. aa anjrbuiy. brua; it on. Ike guar antee our arork. W. T. lanry t Comiany. WE aril the FfrpMia - MrKinnry dm ahtrt. the brat anirt ytai evvr aa fur In auory. Colhna bw. X you want to aa munry on your Srwinf Markine? It ao, are tSr unr that the W.J. KuV t a. la rkauns; out at boiraalr pnrra. yl'IT the old labunuu way of churn ing. We will aril you a rhurn that make yuur buttrr in three minutr with bttlr work. Call and are them. Baa A Eatrnkre. WE atill want to buy rhtrkrna, durk aral r.rar. Hnif thrm a Ion;. Fundrrlwrk-WiUum tooimn)r WE are overstocked en Tobaero. n ill make rkaar pnrra. Luthrr William A Co. WANTED-A kuatlins; mrrrhandur broker to take rare of a good aceount on commission. Aduma The W adaworth Co.. Cinrinnati. O. THE lint mrrting of the trk hold ers of thr Co-tlprralive Merrantile Co uany wiu oe sera ia Monroe, ti. v., on Saturday, September at 12 o'rktrk. lel u atorkholuer be preaenL ('.(Will vm,n hone, 4 year old, fur Apply to J. I". ale; well broken. Apply I Kitch, It mile wet of Stout. HNE match repairine- a aoerialtv. J. E. Frealar, corner door below John K. Simpson ft Co. a SCHOOL Kapair and Furnishings Greatly Needed. In consideration of r really needed repair, tome buildiijr and outer pressing need of the arhuois of the county, we are rompelk-d to adopt the same policy a that followed last year in regard to fuel or wood, and ask that the district bear thisexjienae. We are making this known in time an that the committeemen and patrons may have time to make the necessary provision. R. N. Ninbet, Co. Supt, Til E account you owe me i now due. I'lease call and settle at once. K. E. Evan. IK I you need a tire proof Safe? If an. see Kudge'a. Will sell you one for 111 per cent, direct from the factory. IF you need Flour, Mill Feed, or any thing in the grocery line, we will make it to your interest to see us. l.uther William & Co. SOMETHING apecial in drea ahirt. Collin A Bigger. FKKSII shipment of good CoiTee just in. I rice right. r underburk-W ilham Conqmny. G(M)I) Roasted CotTev at 12 rents per pound. Baaa & Eatridge. FAKMEItS. if you want your proia-r- ty insured against loss by hre, wind and ugntning, join ine rarmer muiuai, which has membership in Union coun ty of five hundred ami twenty-live. It ia the cheapest insurance, ami absolute ly safe. Those wanting protection can get it by calling on the following auper- visors: B. F. Parker, Lane Creek township. T. C. Eulisnk, Huford township. W. R. MrNeely, Jackson township. G. W. Sutton, Sandy Kidge township. J. M. Harkey, Vance township. G. W, Smith, New Salem township, A. R. Edwards, Marshville township. W. E. L. William, Monroe township. 1 u i v "r .. ;l . .... t L' i... I.. . t... inn mm b. ii.i.i v'i expert Witch repairing. SEED oats, rye and clover eed, at Collin k Bigger . TO the Taxayer of Union County -I now have the Ux book ready for col lection, i'lease rail in and pay a early a you can make it convenient John Grillith, Sheriff. -FIKE ritO)F Safe direct from the factory. See Kudge and get prices. SEED OATS, st l.uther William ft Co. 'a. l'l'RK Apple Vinegar. 30 cent per gallon. J. B. Nash ft Son. LADIES -The Journal ha just re reived a hig supply of pretty I'earl Handle I'en Knives, regular little beau tie. Also dainty Scissors for lace or fancy work. Your choice free with each sutiacription paid one year in ad vance. SECOND-HAND safe and S Show cases and other store fixture for le. D. W. Flow. YOU get a guarantee with each Fer-guaon-McKinney shirt (old by Collin ft Bigger. "CAR load Charlotte Cotton Seed Meal just arrived. Will sell at $1.55 per sack or exchange for seed at $1.60. J. B. Nash ft Son. FARM FOR RENT-My three-horse farm in Sandy Kidge township, within one mile of Weddington School. Kent, 2,500 pounds lint. Good house, etc. Apply to E. W. Thomas, Weddington Church, or myself, Mia Liriie Morrison, 801 E. Ave., Charlotte, N. C ""WANTED-A lady and s boy (white) to work in tailoring department, P. Lee, Merchant Tailor, Thone268; Box 114. Monroe, N. 0. A NICE line of Go-Carts juat ar rived. Monroe Furniture Co., H. E. topple. Mgr. PURE Annie Vinegar. 25 rent per gallon, st M. E. Flow's. WANTED-To buy or rent, a amall farm with good building near Monroe or Wingste. Gordon Insurance ft Investment Co. A LOT of beautiful Rug for your inspection. Monroe Furniture Co., HEjCopple, Mgr IF you want a drea shoe, don't fail to see our Beacon, the best on the mar ket Collin A Bigger. I WANT to huv all the Cow Hides you have, and will pay highest market price for green or ury one. T. F. Tadlock. NEW goods constantly coming in, Monroe Furniture to., II. E. Copple. Mgr. WATT ASHCRAFT, Veterinarian Day calls 118, night call 382. Monroe, N. C. Hospital on Hayne street, north east of court house. CHICKENS and egg wanted all the tima. in anv ouantitv. st T. C Lee ft Company'. pricea, at Rudge's, for one week. T. C LEE ft CO., near Oil Mill, lead the town in the purchase of chicken and eggs. Naturally, it will pay you to see them before celling. They alway give the top, every day in the year, and tak large or small quantities. A NEW lot of Mosquito Canopie. juat in. Monroe Furniture Co., H. E. Copple. Mgr. FIRST opportunity to get large cor ner loU on Nelson Height. See 1. E. SUwsrt, st Register's office. SCBJl.CTS at the Baptist rfcunrk nrxt Sunday: It a. bl, "1 iw Suprraar Tratof tlx Chrutian Life"; su. aa.. Serrrt Sina." Sunday arkuot, 3 :l p. at. Wednesday, S p. a., prayer iHrrt ing; aukjert. "Kaithful toUowrra." Thr aubhr rurdiatly imitrd. NOTICE I will far m Munrar thr kalanr of thr year, repairing arwing tackinra. tjravr nnk-r a 11 S Kogi-nr larvy. at t'arker'a Market. N. K. I'-vy, Jdurnrman Kefairer. W ANTHl t ha-kena and egg. W ill pay top uf thr market. Luther William 4 Co. I lllt It KM Sit nam huuar, lth large hall. rat Wimbur Hirer I. nrar A. I . Johnaun a. J. l. Mntlin. UK. W. II. W AkKKIEI.Def Cluir- katr will Ur in Monrue, at thr Gtuurro-U-r. on Thurmlay. Ortula-r llth. onr day only. Ilia practice i limited to thr mrdicat aial surgical treatnient of dia raae of thr Eve. Ear. Noar andThnt and Fitting Glaaars. W(N.)1) For Sale Four foot oak and plnr wotal. dry and gtaid. W. U Earnhart. NOTICE To l-'jgk- Kegular mret ing Wedrw-mlay night. Full altrmiancr drirrd. HuMiiess of iniH-tawr. De gree work. COME and er our Beacon shoe. Collina & Bigger. NOTICE. St.s khokk rar - There will he a meeting of thr stock holders uf the Monroe Tek-phonr Exchange, at the of fice of thr company over the store nam of The W. J. Kudge Company, at S o'clock p. m , on Fnday. the lat day of October. lii. for the lajroooe of de termining whether the capital atock of the company shall bo increased so as to make needi-d repairs. All stockholders are urged to lw present By order of the board of directors. Sept 21, lis. J. I). McKae, President. W. H. Nor wood, General Manager. WANTED- Fresh milk cow. Luthrr William, Monroe, N. C. WE are paying 311 cent per bushel for Cotton Seed, and want all we ran get Our scales are true, and we will furnish stalls lor your stock, lours for business, J. B. Nash ft Son. CALL on F. B. Asheraft for lime. cement, plaster of pans, wood tiher plaster, shingles, laths, etc Delivered anywhere in city. TARRY vnur rhirkena and ernrs to T. C le ft Co. They want 'em bad enough to pay you top price. THE Monroe Concrete Comisiny is now preiarcd to take orders for build ing block to em-lise yards, cemetery kits, foundations for residences, retain ing walls, etc.; also aving block for walk. Samples ran lie seen now at the works near the Cotton platform. WANTED Success Magazine wants an energetic and responsible man or wo man in Monroe to collect for renewals suit solicit new subscriptions during full or Kp.irc time. Exwrieneeunnceeshar. Any one can sturt among friends and acquaintance and build up s myingaiid icrinanent business without capital. ; complete oullit and instructions free. Aiklress WIN, .success sisgaxine. Room IU-!, Success Magazine Budding, New York City, N. Y. , BOYS! Girls! Columhi Bicycle Free! Greatest offer out ! Get your friends to subscribe to our magnzine and we will make you a present of a $4l.(sl Colum bia Bicycle- the best made. Ask for particulars, free outfit, snd circular telling "HowtoStsrt" Address "The Bicycle Msn," 2!-:tl Esst 22nd Street, New York City. N. Y. $20,000! Closing - Qui A Twenty -Thousand-Dollar Stock of Men's Clothing. Shoes, Hats, Etc., to go at prices that will move them! This is a genuine sale. The "proof of the pudding is chewing the bag" i? jS? Come and see! This Clothing is made by such well known clothiers as Strouse Bros., Schloss Bros. & Co., and Kirschbaum & Co. and others. And we are going to give our old customers something to remember us by. Read some of the details below: Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. In this sale there are Shoe bar gains that will simply astonish you. We have always handled High Grade Shoes, consisting of such well known brands as Stet son's, Shaw's, Hamilton -Brown and other well known brands. Any of these are too well known to be described here. Their rep utation sells them. We are sim ply putting a big stock on the market at prices that they can't be bought at wholesale. Here are some sample prices: Stetson's $5.50 and $f.0) line, at $4.50 Snow's $1.00 and $5.00 Shoes, at t;l.00 and $1.00 Hamilton-Brown'sf&OOand $3.50 Shoes, at $2.50 and $2.75 Cheaper grades in proportion. Hats to Suit Everybody. In this liicr sale we will throw on the market our entire stock of Hats. These Hats were made by such people as Freeman Bros., and others, and the price is about hall what you win pay etsewnere. There are literally hundreds of bargains The people of Union county know that they can rely on what this store tells them, and we say emphatically that the bargains here offered have never been duplicated. Call On Us. A t Arfeat'a WA An Autrwa pnoee otier sent hi fen ant to a painter reiusrkabi fur hi k!nn4 a sell at skill and gave bun a pulure to ropy. It a the p.ntiiig of an old fariuhoune. In a frw djy tlie erv!it went to nt a hat pro'jn-d had been nude au.l on bis return informed the priik.e that all aa done but one chlliinev, ou !ikb tie tuiuter was then ein ptuied. A seek pasaeil, snd the pic ture not returned. The pruur thru rcaolied to go Kiln If. He did hi and found the artist still st the uuCnidird cliunm-v. "How I til! said the prince aevenly "all this tune rniploved on one thimnrv? "I have been obliged to do and undo it several times, said the art ist. "For hat reason?" Ved the priiKe. "Itecause,' .J Uie arti-t coollv. "I found that it smoked." Mt Wandarful Tat I. Woc-ler Why. Ulsa Sooi.prr. bow roafumr roniplrtrly alter people! 1 kirdly kurw y. him r.uurr-io 1 ksdi u-k a fright, tnm? W heeler -Oa lot rouirary. yoa look amsl charming -Illustrated Hns North Carolina, I In Superior Court Cmon County, i Before the t'lerk. Mver Medhn. Ailmr. of I.yuia P. M.dlm, I dereaseu, va. U Miilhn. Amamla Asheraft and her hus band. B.F. Asheraft W. E. Can-lock and M. It. Can-lock, rt aL NoTK'S up Skkvh'K ok Si huons sy Pt HLI ATION. The defendants above named will take notice that an actum entitled aa above haa hern commenced in the Suprrior rourt of I nion county, before the Clerk, for final settlement of estate of l.ydia P. Medhn, deceased; and the defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Ck-rk of lis: Sunerior court, at his othce in the rourt house in the city of Monroe, coun ty of L'nion and State of North Caro lina, on the 3.1 h day of OrUdier. 11 N. and answer or demur to the complaint or ictition for final settlement and dis charge of plaintin in (ant action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint or la'tition. This the iMh day uf Septem ber, !!'.. D. A. HOUSTON. Clerk of the Superior I ourt. Alorzo Medlin, Atty. forl'ltlf., Ham let. N. C. Notice. North larolhia, J , Surior Court Union County. ' Edna Slarnc i v. NOTICE. Kansr Stames I The atsive named defendant Itanse SUirnes. will take notice that an action entitled aa atsive ha Is-en commenced in the Superior Court of Union county, for a divorce from the bonds of mstri inoi' now existing between the plain tin" and defendant, snd the ssid defen dant will further lake notice that he is required to appear st the nest term of the Su'rior t!ourl of auid county, to Iss held on the first Monday iu Novem ber, l'.sr.i, t the court house of said county in Monroe, N. ('.. and sn, -r or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the 21st day of Sep tember, ltsftf. D. A. HOUSTON, Clerk Sufwrior Court of ssid county. A. M. SUck, I'lllfs. Atty. Men's Suits. Men's New, Up-to-date Suits, sell everywhere $20.00 to $22.50; Sale Price, while they last U5.(H)and $16.00 Men's High Grade Fashionable Suits, standard price $18.00 to $20.00; Sale Trice $12.00 to $13.00 A WORD PERSONAL. To ttu Proplr of Union County; 1 have wild gooda in the nw tand for aomcthinfc like twentv flve yrara, and. in all moik'aty, 1 believe 1 rsn say that I have eatab liahvd a reputation for reliability that I not quetioned. 1 have alwayi told you the truth about good and hve never feared to aee s cuatomer aifain. Now. I am going out of buine. I haven t got rich, but I have worked hard snd long enough to earn some rest, and I am going to take s vacation. 1 have given myself to Jan. 1. IHltl, to sellout my tock. In thia sd. I give price that you can rely on. Kvery piece in the house 1 worth more than 1 will ak for it, snd the ale ii now on. I rsn sell the whole Mock st once, but I prefer to give my old customers the benefit of closing out price. Thi la not a "eot aak?," but s genuine, sll wool, going out of business sale -and cost doe not cut sny figure. 1 Invite evenr one of my old customer to com in snd get the best bargain ever handed him over s counter. I thank you for the iwst patronage, snd ho to see you while the good thing lU Your, for busine, D. WILL r LOW. All Kinds of Shirts All the reirular dollar and dollar and a quarter Shirte have been marked to 75 and 85 cents D. WILL FLOW. sf- Ltt tf Ltt bUMrnny. THE LEADING BIT C098S, lOHOIS. CLOT US, CUTS' rcmsiiiEi, I1T 119 SHOE STORE II I0EEOL Ladies Coat Suits. We have received our lint shipment of ladies fall coat suits and will take pleasure in showing every lady our line, embracing the newest fabrics, colors and cuts. In ladies shirt waists we offer a very attrac tive bargain in a tailored waist for f 1.00. We are also showing n beautiful line of black, cream and white waists in net silk and wool batiste. Something that every woman in Union coun ty should know about and take advantage of is our 10c 27-inch suiting for 6'iC. This suiting is extra weight and in any color you may desire. To see it is to buy it A lot of 1 1. 00 Lion Brand fall shirts, coat at tached cuffs, for for 75c. Should interest the thoughtful man. L66 & Lee JUST FOR YOU Central Men's Suits. All $15.00 and $10.00 Suits going at $10.00 to $12.00 All regular $10.00 to $12.00 Suits, biggest bargains you ever saw-- $7.50 to $8.50 All $7 R0 tn J10.00 Suits, marked at $5.00 to $7.50 All Kind j c Shirts. All fifty to sixty cents Shirts will be sold at 40 cents V W V here for men. Come 1 -ft Mat Gompany. That's the secret of jtom1 clothes -they must 1? mauV- jTST FOR YOU by skilled hand tailoring. We announce with pleasure that we have now on dis play our now Fall Line of Scotch Mixt ures U-auties, too- come in today and be measured for a Suit of Overcoat. We will make you happy all winter. Come inandgetaFRHKSOrVKNlK. WOOLEN SAMW.KA NOW ON DISPLAY. Come Soon. P. LEE, Tailor, Hotel Building. MoDiot, N. C. $20.0001 Small Size High Grade Suits. Two Hundred small size, from :UJ to 3ti in numbers, at 50 cents on the dollar. Let us show you these Suits. Their quality can't be excelled, and if we can fit you you will get a good Suit at a real bargain. Boys' Suits. In the stock there are some 200 Roys Suits, which will be sold for half their real value. Bring the boys up and have them fitted. Odd Pants. In our big slock there are a large number of Odd Panti, to be sold from one-half to one third oft". The Terms of this sale are strictly Ca,sh. No goods charged to any body. 0 m m m 0 and lay in a supply. Sale !