V i - WHAT A LEnER How a Message of Love Was Borne to a Lonely Heart y FRANK H. (MEET. C.-ruj!.t, l Anin Prssa larftle ami Ja. k were at the l""t..f t.-e when lb Hirf l'h sprasrllug. cvitu k4lu addrcw. Imm up ward, was tuudrsl out through Ibe window. Tb.-y lainihrd lu a surprises' erect trt aaure. She had a anai to German fa. browas-il by nasi natal itfe ana ami w iul. bat l ft- auft Hal af y.-alk kad toa let"' H, aud awe hruwa hair. Ii tcc sums as a In (ad4. "I duu t kaow," she auswered, aiutl inf. "Is k y.ssrs vr Autawla ' -.Veliber.- returned tbe girl -It b juorv .Var corns that II lT "ll lk a srtteeT screamed Aiuanda. Tudy'a eyea ut-od wider with slow asl.mlJliurlil l b. J w -ce aa Wix aa ibe ouruauwera uf U-r faiknlaud. "Why. tbera Wa t any on . write. aa aakl -ThUikT tusisted Untie. "Jioute rl atlv. auiu" A soilden light bruka or Thdy's fa-e. dimpling It aud making It aOuusi pretty tor a Bjouieut "I g"t ab teutured soft y "He's I .rot ber Bui he's l u-r lled-sran't way aa ile-y etauiiUMl It. while tu relative," tss-tiuastcr at tmi Ibrui Ihp-uch lb' a .ing window lth a aiuik u- n lua uuaitt many, and I nerersaw him k.leinu fa. ' writ lu uie" Tie been .imar tifieeu year.' j I... uie ceased questd-alii.; ami hand be remarked, "and H a th ttrM tune ed ber I be letter. "I na ba Ibat t..imr turned Ml' l my recoiiee- beard from him." ah surmised Tr t!..a k y.-u think It's a imlak '" i. ia coming lu my you." 14, tie drew . !.-r lu lit l.ri.lti.-rj (,T Mtt iTDjwture Trd lu Iw a aud fc-nitiiiuvd lln- incn.' ba.f am , tru ultr. TiMj'a UimIUt ua .m lb. I.hi.Ij TlM-rv aa Ti:.!'' unr In wvuu r.cu lb-u. lu a fv Ia;a II" unmlviiiL.il i.- . h-;iruiM. dfif b.' , hat a lirinclui; l:lm wnu d ar I surn-u hum . .u-.-tl t j llmk I'.ik ainl r(, tb Ion; J..unw : Tudy avuM a v u;iar slil.u Ui 'Mts MiiHUU S hWHier" i itiltmi b..iuv Ur 4 ra i "Wuu't ti I aniaj.iir" Ja- k "U k .f,;,,,! alMi ,-rnaluly ti.'t a imtii "W.Mi I !u If li. k'.'u: alu ly "Why. Ja.k!'1 bi i-irr t;rai,i.v lu tT.-'M'l "V"U d"Ul ku' l-tb.T tov Ur la K.Kd .T laid, ll may I h-rrid nr l.i-t' v Hit- ilmark " ""airt." ald Hb iiiiatrr fnuu tlilinl-o "It ' all Liurnxl uul Tin? aUmp U a ti.-riuuti un " till. lti t 11 funny Tll.li a lilt inc a burr-" Hn- wirl ra'laiuml. lnvakhiK l.r uf Hi family U U-u tli- i hii.lr.-u Uire n-LUd f U'lb IkiivuIb In ttr h.rt y.Nir II had Uvu h.T i-rcwik-v. likv a Man. ll null. Hut had trtir thriu tbivunh Ih lr..ul.l.-d al.-ra Another Ultt ian- to Tll.ly In frw dayA. I.ut thia utie waa ndtlrMM-d l.y auuiln-r hand, and n. l a imtiimu uiu- It u riii'ii hy Ilw uvrlu l.n.li'iit uf a tcrrat h.wilal lu Nra llil" aii'illi'T i-lmll lililf laiui h- U.I.I..I. "I nndr lm It fruiu " Tin- n.iukfst :u lu kii" t tu run huinr and tind uul." J i k anwTl. "Util."-!. uf .Mlim". yuu wlh tu ui.ll It. Whl.il UnUillll'l t irllj I'li'Ux' I in If Ji:nu" Slyly lnkli at tlif ntiii!i- t.T. hf UI lltt lU.VHti-liiHIS ll'ttlT lulu lii K ki'l .Hid aauiil.'r.-d li nanl ttk- d'r on tin- lliri-Mlmlil uf Ilk- munll t-ui lil liuj. wiili li n:i. !'lli ii uliin- aud imut iltnv. Ik- iaii.il. "If :iny niuiv l.-tlurii Tth-u Vurk. Karl tk burliWr. Tildy 'a hruih -in U- f-r. had arrln-d tu Aim-rka ery lil i I'hi- null- icave uo iaril. ulart, hut rv u.u.nti'd that TllJy imiim lu bur hruib i r ua iUh kly aa KawiliU-. s:i- n-ad tli h-tur lu thr llui-u I'hiM'l, alwre l.nltlr fuuud In-r a few Itiiiin. iita lairr allllug iu tin- H 'r altli lu-r f.i. Uurll lu h.r li.al. Tin ii;lit hr furluni, luulmulrHa ttiinrv mm a abia k tu Ilk- Klrl 1'U.ly a fuii h.u sb ralwd II hmkiHi iitifull train;.'. The Wllluua had vii It drliflit nllh auilli-a luaiir tiiii.-. hut n.-vur ti-ur atulm-d. All iliruunli that afti-rn.iuu, hu th- clrla li.-liil tn get t.-Ki-tln-r Hi ft-w aiiiiiua hi. to j Til ly tiwilwl fur th J.nirin-y In h.-i fur M:-" S.-hu.-1111'r mini iiJny," h allnl m tin- iiwtiiuit.-r, "tileaw" a-tul thi'iu it. " l:i. haw. ha"' th ld man lauciuil Ja.-k and hit. aWur tuind ir:iylv out. M-.-mlini tu Km.- a till.- uf laiuht.-r I.-, tiik-y aimihr -run. 1 ny wi-r nn liiml tlniu. I'h.-i ir ntur.lv. tin nniaWinia uf a israv n-ivt f-T hr liokntu i. inu la-Mkiiia and .i!ki-d tliat thy had nut kuuwii l.-fuf wlih a fnv. L-nnvru; u,.i.-iik-nt. Th A f:inu.T who lUiil m- tin- mad ha.l t:irl "f iii'il h. inlit f-r mi in -t t fffi ru.! m drli TlUly tu ll. -tatlni klxuvii ..-iir uf ai. but hr l.nitlir-- AH I'" 'lituiia Uum.it duu th-iM-ad n-a.-h.id .-.-i.-i l.r:il.!v nU.i hr. lrlv4y with hot- mut at.aat tail- Tin- liBlit li lii ii- III -Alii, h tn iun wan ii.-n n . in .iii. had ilmi-ii t u aa waltlui: -"t '''" "ik-r. in iu men ihib frtrod hax: Bow reiki ? H.V NOT ALWAV3 THE MtV roaid war ) Tka uaiy rwnfurt tkat ika ailral am Waxiat Oftra Take the Caka for rwM pur aa tk fact thai tferki Marked OiKMrlnv. acraarr arid hmrlf hachaawl la tht .... -, . . . bUa-.. .W. .. trvld. 00 U "i" J UjT "J mo mma4 after aa Interval ml Anncn mtn hue Ul man- drear; qui : Brn, Ming no gallant lo ruaa tlte : 1'aal a brgia to tw ihh! omra of our gl.TKHU land in that J nlaater Ibe Utile flrt aanfwated. pane eaXegorj, Ibry cannot brlp but nutk tug aaikaaaly. eian-tant wf a furbtd j tb uttrr Uk'k of wurW' Often di diiMi ftv ua UMik-a brow. Hut. i , tmvfluij rufmbera of tlie hr creat rWk-f. her akuer a-qulea-ed al fn,,ta""uk.W"l, " u"J"'Uo" " " j Women, perbap,, mot trtu- M.k hardiT kikxttK what thr e i ""00 "l UU Uvn IIK1- to . hat feellnj Terr cheerful at the UopoluiniC aj th fottlforls Uil t tura alTalra had takes. Jat larueeed j tmUoa 00 k car. with Utter lil re ed lo rata hla ajiirtta la nattt a luyhih gud. n.4 on! of the convenient. Bianuer. bat ba llnsered at the but tb nvnmea, of rthr ttavel- amkwardlr ltir he left lb ttiout. iera. An innUncw in point, whu-h i a.1 f .... a..l au . " rtea d rxert da. ia that of a w . n.i i ' - : . - - man mhn fthua aple n. 1 11 . h t. .gut nrst into to dreasing nxra. the d.T of which b krkeJ autst ten oth er wttnen, bo, litll liter, plead ed to be admitted. For more than an bour it mar have been two hour there was aa intermittent Up, Up, Up, upon that drenMinir room ilir. The Up were inaiateut, imperative. indignant. They were aooompanied by ten auvh moniloguea a "I'leaae let ut wash our faoea The neit nUtion i miue. I muat pt in fur a minute to wanh, and hi my hair. "You've alrrady had this room all the morning, other people have mime right to it "l hi ia an outran' I am going to rail the conductor. Nv b.xly ba right to hut every one else out, and nut even let them wash their face before getting off the train I'lease let me in to wash my face'" "I inmut that you open thia door at once'" Side romnieuts of a violently uncomplimeiiUry char acter were indulged in The con duo tor was waylaid and made to re mark to the closed door that ten other women wanted to get in. Tht number divreaned a station were reached until the tin.il destitution wa discernable. I'annengtTS bcgiin to collect their tiipccal and baU. when out of the beleaguered riim steped a woman glowing from bath and masf.ige, her hair beautifully marcelled, her face tinted and pow dered, eyebrow and lips touched up and hand freshly manicured. Her attire wa faultlessly arranged and thoroughly brushed. A bevv of dis heveled women glared at her as they deeuratrd rake fur Ira lulnctk yua know, whaw-whea a fl bruthi-r, ah aveiiitfd tu thi-lr atartliil and laid bi-r hand upon UN arm She ahull have a royal welovtue mm HiORSES 111 MULES! A OT WE IMS J-wOai rai " j fan ' ifT" TNAT kiaat 111 Dl ta AiTI 4LLT UalTt tuw i-aiii h'-in." lie iau.il. tluah in in lil'v Hut la.ttl un.li r-t.nl 'V will liai the dioiralrd take--and- III rviit," ah uumtrred vrutly. Thi-ii I. ui Hi- ut utcr tu wb.r Jn.k DHIl. th bef.-r th dir. Willi hlt I Kibhtu . tl.il t.. Hi l-ist. nnuneilly tniti.iill. j I'.-rlml ii'n.u th.- n:ii wnittsl a llti!.- iiu- i:ir nl.l k-lrl llh Dai.-ii hair. ; Mn iii-r a vrv wliio- ami ru!Hd Ity, had Inki'U hr fruin v lew illil r irn-tw iNi-ur lo mar th -a'. uf lliua.' lift N hli.d. "tnu mlirht hav driven her dun yiairM-lf, Juik." Lottie aaid reiruvlin! ly at n .-loud uf dnt f.id.il In th ill lainv. "Yuu .uu-ht tu hav kiml her." h r.-t.-rt. .1. ivlih a 'u- uf ImHctritlutt. Tilily. m-ttte.1 alun itml fn llnr len sad. iiutlml thai th eura wi-r HII.-il with iruud niittiml iw..il Miimliii! dear." hr nulil. snilllni:, though her eyea were tearful. ThPHiKh th real uf th day evry- thiiiu .utin.-t.-d lth the iltunhuua!pung(Hi jDU) nt(tm gnj nn.tched wa. teudiuf toward th -royal wei , refractory UvU or collars in un 0'."M , . ... ...... 'endeavor to make themselves pre- 11 nurprlM-d the lrl to and ho L,n, hl 1 i-hwrl.ua Tildy a Mum aU-.-ard w ben : wuu""r. they entered It. They had ueier! I lly l'rierty. e.-mrd to ta-fure that It wn tmn-j The tan buuki fur the t'Hy uf uf urnaineiit They i-arrhil In prelly j Munrue fur th year !""! h.ia li-u thlnir fpm tln-ir wu ruonw and j i ouiileted. Th folluaiUK ia a li.u laiik-hnt amuiik- tbeiurlvi aa they J' taiaMe iruk ity and u tat mail th plain apartment bright ntul i ea levied .... ... I...II.. .1 .. -.1 ! ,k .-uiuf.irtal.l. ll waa lluw who Ui-iiKbt ,. , " ,, ,, ,.! 1 , . ' ., . , ... , . , ulure.l I'ulla, lt, (i $4 ,,il , ..i. on nf the pat. hwurk guilt that waa made .r,M.r ow hy Whlt. a: of a thuuaaiid blta uf itay allk audi('it, i.,.,. k-2. tallied at .in: ilotwM, 2us 2n.Ni,". i'herlued lu Hi Vt limn buu.iehuld a a 1 1 .inure uf H-.'u!lnr talu Only un tale .aeailuiia aa a mark uf peculiar frmii auin ei. 'union. Th new a.in I hunur w.ia It hruucht furth, und when TH.Hl a I Ai H l.. KinKli I ll lfCI.I.V SlInM.K illmf..re. iin,l her luuiiih waa wn-athn with inllra. They all drove away rather Kluwly. Imh-jiiii old liobbin wa a litll him In un foot. 'J'he iKmtuiaater liaked after th trio with u lazy Interest. "It j uilirhty lucky fur tlirm that there ia a 'Miaa Schneider,' " lie ri lintiil. atlll aiull Iiik. "if 'tua'a't for her they'd I three time urphuna." Th W'lltuii chllilreu were an unfuil lU(C tnile of yinp.'itlitlc cnnorn ti tin .r nelKhlHira nud Irlendi, Their Iiuiik win autue dlstiiure frutu 1 th rlliuK ii ml waa n-ui In-d fMiii the Tottd by a craaa grown driveway. Mrmla-ra of the family utially walked this path to save th aviil Ikibbln ex tra inept. Thus It hai'ii'ilnl w lieu tha Knt waaiialned that l.ottl nud Ainan- iln ba'k th letter and went III search a shame a perfect ahnllie!" uf Tllilr. whll Jm k drove illnvtly to Jack and th llttl iilrla sank lan k In the atabl. In Hi orchard back of their w-ats. weakly aiirTenilerliiir la-fur. the holla Tilily waa illacoveml with. hr aweeplnis aaaertlon. It never or their other slater, lloae-a round fared. I rurred to them to )iietloli wluil ah. eurly ha I ml Klrl. ukler and Inrgi-r than ; meant. Something In her manner made Amanda, though Imt ao lull as t.ottle. J them utideritaud. Ttiey had felt the ThctJrrnisn woman iuiw Ijittle com unwritten pathos of Tildy'a nut, and tug under the tnnntlia Severn rods It hurt them vaguely, but they nntu away. Hhe tieaan lo aik Immediate rally recoiled from Lottie's nit wonts Jy without slichtltig Imt task. "Hhe'a been a aurt of slnvt to ua.' "!o yon wnnt your sprtirired mnsllr die snid quietly, and this Me, hurled dor up' fur the Mile party, or shall an suddenly, smote the llatnrs like s you wear your checked wool?" sh Mow. From nearly every eurner of sked. the room aoro reminder of Tlldy's little seemed to I In doubt, for h fulthiulnena twinkled before their eyea atood silent beside the stooping flgtirt aa they stood there breathless, with her banda behind her. "First "Re! She doean't even eipect any gveaa what I've fot," sh said. sympathy from ur Lottie went on i Tilily finished her taak and atood relentleaaly. "And. oh. she la the neat and th flying, unfamiliar landnap mlk-ht have mail this a nil letter day lu her eiirivr if her errand hint lavn a happier on and her heart bad lieeu Ii-. aiitiuua. 1'uor Tlldyl Th world sii'iiieil a very wide ou as aha hurried un and the strangers Jtlcd ber rudely mid luiix-deil her way when she tliuully pu.lnil through the great atnllon llul ut last ill atikal bnhli Karl's U-d In a long, window dotted hn.ih. Then th universe swuied iHiuinlcd by 111 wulla that clostnl aN-ut th alcwler lad She forgot ever) tiling le while nil bung uvr hiui and held bis hand lu a tender rlaap. II 'ki! but a few words lu hrr. fur hi days were ebbing fust. At tb i'li .a uf a week his shurt sojourn lu s foreign land hud nearly emlnl, aialou evening, still holding hla stater's hand and smiling lu her face. Ue started un another Journey. This lime Tlldy's brother found his way to a happier shore. Several days passed la-for TlUly. stiiuiud and helpless, roused herself t think of the familiar routine uf duly She wus too much wenrted to biiiiiiiioii tlioiiglita, but at last ah did write a short note to Lett I ill which sliessikr uf returning to th Wiltons and touch i-d iihiii her loss In a ipilet, uuohtru sire way. It was a lalaired epistle. which coat piair Tilily much effort, ami was writien with a lead pencil. Hut Ij.ltle forgot to make eveu a smiling rrllli lln upon It, and the humble sheet of pitr seined to tier to hold sum element that made It eloquent. All the family gathered lu th sit ting riaitu to bear this letter read. The elder sister delivered It with I gravity that made Tlldy's words du bly Impressive. A starrl.il trio star.il at hrr aa she rose after It was finish.! "I tell you." she said with a soli. "If. Now Is The Time To Start a Bank Account Every farmer in Union county ought to have one. When you sell cotton at the good pricee now rang ing, put some of your money in the bank where it will work for you if you let it We will pay Four per cent, and that ia much better than keeping it idle at home where it may be stolen. Call on us for information. :: :: :) :: :: :: :: u :: :: :: Tbe Savings, Loan 6 Trust Company R. R RBDWIKff H. B. Clark President Casiiiek l.ottl and Itose tog.-tlirr spread ll upon Tilily tied each felt Its pre nice to be a dvllcate attention that could not full lo meet Us true Inter pretatlou Amanda's off. Ting was a cluster of spring d"ers which won so assured ly th slump of her clumsy little tin gel. that I .oil I gave It a Kt of bull or, where It told Its owu story. Tildy'a train stopped nt tb station hit In the evening A Ucbt rain I .eat against th windows. The scene was dreary euo.iU ns she iecrd out un smilingly, but shr gave a alart of sur prise at the glimpse afforded her of Ihibbln's white figure standing out clearly through the mist. She bad not ripwtcd lKibblu. She bad bied tu reach th house In some manner, but to tie assisted by a burse so old and highly rs)i-tcd sa he was. at such an likiuiveiiieiit hour, was an uuwutit lil lion. r. And Jack, too lie must have coin.' tu in. '.t her. She Uluted ber amiKciueut to the young niau aa they were Jugging along and eipn-ssed rvln. tun. at making hhu so much trouble. Hut a greater surprise await ed Tll.ly nt the old atone wall. Lot tie and Hose and Amanda were there to help her alight from the carriage She could hardly lielleva her aeusea when Ilk- girls surrounded her and flung their anus about hrr neck "Oh. TlUly:" one or tbe other kept relating. "Oh. Tlldy The Unit woman clung tn them at' letitly. her heart I .cat lug wildly with bewilderment and a strange Joy Why ber yiKiug brother had drifted Into her life only to la? awept away again was a mystery that Tlldy could Dot understand, but there w-ss una sweet certainty that ber mind laid bold of and kept always. It waa suggested first at th station br Dobhln'a famil iar visage, with Jack beside hlin wait Ing In tbe damp. It seemed to shine out from th lantern that swung be fore them like a huge flrefly aa Rose, dam ing merrily along, lighted tbe lit tie group up the driveway to the bouse. I .nit I and Amanda, neattlng so rlse on either aide nf ber, mails the same thought an uudlsputed truth. This was nut the return that aha bad fane Nil; this meant more than going back tu servitude. It wss a home coming Nothing could matter now, aha told herself, trembling nervously. These yonng orphans loved her after all. She bad loved tliem for years ami years. They belonged to one another. That ulgbt when she fell asleep under the sUk patchwork TUdy was actually happy Na Ns. to Run. "I dreamed of you last night, aid Hoodie to hi wife over the break fist table. "What did you drem, dear?" in quired hit wife. I dreamed a dream, answered Boodle. "But what wis th dream r in quired Mr. Boodle oetulantlr. "I dreamed I caught a chip run- I in away with you." "And what did too say to him?" iiuiiircu nil wile. for. I asked him what ha waa running TH Tnrrh at Last tb, doctor. I H vary aaogeroa la willow eeaeatr "Very dsBgeeooa Indeed." And gutta prrcha, doctor r "Very serious." "Aad porestala oa, dorter, I It vary potaooousr -Eiruss me, tnadaa; have yoa at remrrte siricWsr ".No; I've swsllowed ( fa tor sseta."-rsaraoB'i Weektr. Mules, :.; 4,::. t'altl, IH o.lSo Hugs, i 1J Farming Tools :nr, Tools of Mii haul' a 1,1 on Household and Kltchin Karni lure 4S.li" t Protlsiona 4 Sit F'tem.i.8 l.it:S2 .-i. Icntifi. InstriiiiieiitK !i::;. Miiiii v un ha n il .'..tiki! So'vcn' .red i is 1M.MI t'l.tton I.:i:i M.i;..i' liiftriim.'tila I l.tim Hi-lues ;v 22s I'lutiil ali.l Si..i:ware 2 T:i V. ..li'ies ami .'.silly 6,:4ii Alt oth-r 'oirt., :!l2,:s Sunn- .ii i'.ji.ls, l.ss.'i.. I2T.I1I4 Total 1 1. :,7.'., Mill 1'HMH'ity (Ik to d hy I'olur.'il. (Ity luts. Mi. Miln.nl at . .l.'O.lTr. Morses, i: ;:. M.ils. 1 in Cattl. Ill 421 lions, l::, ;iii Farming Tisils Tikils of Met hunlcs 41 llous-hnM and Kltihen Fur niture sir. I rovtslons 21 Firearms 7S Money on hand 76 solvent credits 1 Musiral Insirunienls S:in Iliiyiles, 3 l Plated snd Silverware S IV'at'his nnd Jewelry I4:i All other property KMI Total 12.K.s Thi hy whites, properly, 2:i.t44:t 1'at by whites, on poll, . . 2.0"2 .'0 Total $2:i.247 1 'i ax hy colored, proierty, $ . : 2 37 Tat by colored, on Mills, . , 7,",ii on Total 1 1. US 27 Grand total by whites and lolored $20."9.'. ."il Polls and property tax Is il 1st -i ti ll led aa follows: Whites For general purposes, . . t S.41.1 71 For special I turn sr. For a. hiMils 6.732 .'.7 Total I2.1.2 47 1 3 Colored. For general purposes, ,, 3I7 For special 4.". 3a For schools 3i 23 Total 11.14s 37 Mules. Our Mr. Gull C. Sikes left Oct. 8th lor fresh car load Horses and Expected about NEXT FRIDAY, Oct, 15th. We will ip oi sell. Any Avay to please our customers. We have just enlarged and roniodcled our stables, making' it now the largest and most complete stables in Union County. We sell Buggies, Surries, Wagons and Harness. The Sikes Company, MONROE, N. C. CROW BROS. THOS.C. LEE. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. These arrivals and departures, aa well as the time and connection with other companies, are given only as informa tion ana not guaranteed. Direct Mm to the principal cities North, East, South and Southwest, schedule taklnf effect Hay 2, l. ARRIVALS. No. 40 at :50 a. m.- From Charlotte, No. .2at loatla.m. - From Charlotte. No, 44 It 6:06 n. m. From Johnson Wity. iso, i .m at i" sf p. m. r rom t. narioite. No. m at 7fl0a.m.-From Atlanta. No. o2at6 46p.m.-From Atlanu. No. 12 af 7 A6 p.m. -From Atlanta. No. 33 at 8 :56a.m. -From Portsmouth and New York. No. 87 at 10 JO p. m. - From Porta-mouth. No. 46 at tS6 a. m.-Front Wilmirar- ton. DEPARTURES. No. 44 at .10p.m.-For Wilminfton. Na 46 at t JO a. m. For Charlotte and Johnson City. no. i.T7 at 7:is a. m.-ror t harlotu. No, in at 1:10 p. m. For Charlotte. No. SB at 10J p. av-For Chariot ta. No. M at 10 JO a. av-For Atlanta. No. S3 it f .. For Atlanta. Bir- nincnani ana an points west. no. 17 at IU2& p. m. tor Atlanta, Birwararhan and all points Wast. Mo. at at TW a. as. For Hamlet. No. S2 at Iffl D. m. For Portamoith and all point! North. Wsek-md rstea to Wilmirtoa and and Johsassa Otr Sana on sals. The Reliable Old Stand In New Hands. You know that we have leased the well - known Shute Ginnery in Monroe, and avc are glad to in form you that the public have O'lvnn no n Jinn wnlnninn in fliic I!.' vii i.u tti iiiiv 1 1 cicvi ll v in fjsii3 Mold nf linsiiips Aiifl ir, is 1111- necessary to say that we are pleas iug the trade . A11 the old customers of the plant will be warmly welcomed hy us, and the new cus tomers that are coming our way are no less gladly waked on. We are going to treat you all right Your Cotton will be ginned at $1.50 per bale, and be wrapped in good bagging without any other charge. Remember, we pay the highest mar ket price for Seed Cotton and Cotton Seed. We will also buy your bale and give you the top notch. We are here to do business that will sat isfy you. Give us & trial. Meal and Hulls exchanged for Seed on usual basis. Crow Brothers & Lee. H. M. HIU, Afatit.