THE MONROE JOURNAL Tuesday. October 12. Mr IWa Armficld hi e weM 1 1 buy : k ! A-mfulil Bn. Je ifOT'l f Mtil statistics lor ley 11 yming Begm, who bail r Jl. tn kU- tli.-t i ii It tJ di ath j tendril "u tiuj bill of money when c-vurnoj in inr qui in rMriuir. K.-r. K C. Sny.'.er tll press-h ai M i le Sprier" hraJ h wise Sunda) iliirMn at 3 Vkvk Or. Mr IMlnn will pnh at l'.rt.ut 11.11 svhoul l.u! oa Sun tlar, t Molar II o'elork. ribler I b ury Taylor will pinch at the Asa Kyrs old lMmmtrad oo Sunday, -iubrr Sltb, at 3 30oVlork 1 .k. . ...L. . f O . i I -- Mr. J. V. Fowler rt turned last nitlil fiotn tbe t wbeie be bou eh t a uumler of. niee burses for Fowler it While coniinjr, from Trow bulk last Friday, Iho bor that Mr J J I row was limine chilli and threw Mr. Crow out on the wheel and broke two of bin ribs. Mr. W'.V. Kip ha brcn appoint- rd constable of Monroe hiwnship to till the um tpired terra of Mr. . t. Jirnton. Mr. Ilipe it a good man and will make a good officer. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.duin of I'nion ville announce the marriage of their ilaiiirMer, Miss I-anme Jeanette lium, Ui Mr. Oscar Thompson Moore, at the home, at 3 o clock, October l'i tb. Mr. J.J. Patker is in lam-aster aa an attorney for Cecil llroom, the young man of this county held there under a cnarge oi criminal assault. The trial occur thia week. Mr. J. M. Keziahhaa void hit farm in Samly Ridge to Mr. II. L 1'rice and lias bought a small farm from Mr. II F. King near the Tindle place. Mr. King will move to Florida. Mr. J. K. Liles of Hamlet and Miss Mattie Stewart, daughter of Mr. T.C. Stewart of W innate, were married by J. ('. Uanguin of Chesterfield last Sunday. Mr. B. I. Clark and Miss Klla IVnningcr, daughter of Mr. F.. 1'. i'enninKer, both of Monroe, were married at the home of the bride last Wednesday at U o'clock, Kev. J. II. Bradley olliciating. Those interested are requested to meet at the hanicl Rogers old place to clean oil the cemetery next Satur day mornina. I'.lder II. Taylor will preach at the above place the lourlh Sunday in t cujber, at 2 30 o'clock. Wadeshoio is making things for Monroe as well as other places. The number one nicking chairs adver tised by Mr. T. 1'. Dillon this week were made by our neighbor, and they are good ones. Mr. T. L. Davis was severely cut in the face by Ben Hunter of Trades ville last Friday, the knife going tn inch and a half through the jaw into the mouth. The dilliculty was about a mule which Davis "had papers on," that Hunter had traded for. Chief of Police Lsney spent part of last week in Wailesboro as a wit ness in the rase of I-aura Little, a colored woman, against the Seaboard. She jtimx'd off a train at Monroe two yeais ago, got her foot hurt, and sued the road for f 5,000. The jury award ed no damage. The Stale Bank of Wingate will be ready to open its doors on the 1.1th. The' building, which is a beautiful one of white brick with plate glass front, is about completed. A Mosler burglar proof, screw door safe has been bought. This is the best safe madu and one of them has never been burglarized. lUinfall for the first nine months of UK'S was much more than for the same period this year. The govern ment station at Rock Rest, 4 miles east of Monroe, showed a rainfall of .W !I7 for that period in 11XM, includ ing the flood of August; ami for this year, including the drought of Aug ust and September, it was 31.78. Rev. C. A. O. Thomas tendered his resignation as pastor of the First llaptist church of Monroe Sunday morning. The resignation was ac cepted, to go into eflect November 9. Mr. Thomas has served the church for three years and eight months. He has sii other calls under consid eration but has not yet decided where he will go. Marshville workmen were victims of unusual run of accidents recently. Mr. F.rnest Richardson's wrist was rut oil in a buzz planer; Mr. Marshall Nash was struck on the brad by a niece of timber and seriously hurt; Mr. J. C. Bailey's foot was mashed in the same way and Richard Row land was kicked badly on the head by a mule On the nitht of the 4th, between three and four hundred cords of wood were burned at the siding known as Houston, five miles west of Monroe. The wood had been placed there by men in the neighborhood for shipment, the largest amount be longing to Mr. V. F. Alejander, who carried insurance, but other owners did not During a severe thunder storm in the Belhune section of Ubesterheld county Wednesday, lightning struck the bed in which Messrs. Malcom and Duncan Mcdougan, brothers, were sleeping. Mr. Duncan WcUougan waa instantly killed, and Mr. Malcom Mdloucan was severely shocked. These men were well-to-do farmers and lived about four miles from Be th une. Red Buck in Charlotte Observer "It is rumored that Solicitor L D Robinson of Anson has tendered bis resignation to Governor Kitchin and would retire from tbe field of poli tics and become a captain of indus try. It is further noised around that James A. Ixxkhart has been rec om mended as the man to succeed him. It is believed, however, that a I nion county man will be appointed as that county is due the honor. The name of A. U. buck is suggested. IjlA Saturday, IUII Ktibin an old darker who lires on Mr W. It MrSeelry's farm in Jka kn stap. cxa. to tomn and J a bale of A string 5xBK negro about tbe pLthirm tolunlnrrd to belp bin unkavLaod tboo went with him hi get tbe nn ncr. A Ibe old nun a rluiui!jr baiidliui; the tuoo- aming up town witn wine, loij bun U let him have fifty dollars to get change and he would pice him half if tbe money he had found. This llillie did and taw no more cf hi new friend. Tbe police susvrrd ed in spotting and arresting I lie trance negro, and the lUcorder bound him to court, but the nuney wan not recovered. The tax books for this county show that the taxable valuation uf preper- tr in I nion county year is i, 1 7 1 .70.1 Kl Of this amount ?.1.5.1. X: is in real estate. ?.! I is in personal property and $1,15,- is listed by corKrations and bank stockholders. The books show that the increase of valuation of all taxable pnerty in the county this year, as compared with last year, is t l'.17.CiJ y. Tbe increase bring in real estate $G'.l,NM, in ersonal prop erty f 10,178 and in corporations and bank stork lll.JKi.lti. In l'.MtS the following was the valuation of property listed for taxation: ileal estate, J3.4SI.I7l; personal proper ty, $2,4M,; corporations and bank stock, tl,tM.Oti3 57. The fall session of the Bear Creek Primitive llaphst Association was held with the Crooked Creek church in this county October 2nd. 3rd and 4th. Klders T. B. Little of Arkansas. Broadawav, (iillmore and Davis of Abbott's Creek, and Taylor of Silver Creek were , present, beside home preachers. There are now twenty two churches in the association, two new churches having been added during the past year. One of the new churches is at Concord, and the other at Broom's drove in Cnion county. The next spring session will be held with tbe Concord church in Concord and the next fall session. convening on Saturday before the first Sunday in October, will l held at Liberty, 3 miles south of Monroe. Dr. K. S. Green has bought the practice of a retiring dentist at Lit tleton, and will move there this week, lie will be the only dentist in town and is assured of a line practice from the s'art. It is to be regretted that Dr. (ireen is to leave Monroe. Dur ing his three years' stay hero he has nlaje m8lly friends as well as proven himself a competent dentist, in love with his profession and enthusiasti cally keeping abreast of the best thought and work in it. He is per sonally as clever as can be and a gentleman of line character. The colored folks are looking for ward to the annual meeting of their conference, the Central North Caro lina A. M. K. ,., here on November 1 7th, which will be the biggest thing of a religious nature that they have ever had. The conference extends from Virginia to South Carolina and embraces many churches. The ven erable Bishop J. W. Hood of this State will preside. Manv distinguish ed colored divines will be present, including Bishop Smith of W ashing ton and Bishop Caldwell of Phila delphia. The conference will con tinue a week. Mr. Archie Iee has gone to Atlan ta to accept a position on the Daily Georgian. Iast Sunday he resigned as Superintendent of the Sunday School of Central Church, a position be has tilled creditably for several months. He is a graduate of Trini ty College, a clever young man, and carries with him the best wishes of hundreds of friends. For a long time the railroad has been hauling water from VanWyck. Seven water trains have been going daily. The Richardson Creek sup ply gave out long ago, and now they are going farther down the G., C. & N. than anyck. 1 lie Monroe Oil Mill, which has been supplied by the railroad is threatened with ius- pension for lack of water. Waxhaw has received a total cf l,f50 bales of cotton this season, and Monroe a total of 2.24S. Lyceum Course. It will be a source of gratification to the entire community to learn that definite arrangements have been made for the presentation here d ur ine this season of some ot the beat attractions now appearing on the ly ceum circuits in the large cities. The fact that these entertainments, of the highest class, have successfully stood the critical test of great audiences in a number of places insures their mer it and makes all tbe keener the sat isfaction with which the announce ment of their engagement for pro duction in Monroe has been roceived- A local committee from the Jack son Club has taken charge of the ar rangements and, with the cordial as sistance of all the people of Monroe hopes to make tbe concerts a great success. That these gentlemen will secure the co-operation they richly deserve goes without tbe saying F.ntertainmenU of auch superior quality aa these promise to be have not been so frequent as to cause mem to grow commonplace and the oppor tunity of enioving a rare pleasure at small expense should and doubtless ill win the good win ana support of all. Indian Trail Items. CorrttpondeM of Tbt Journal. Mr. Davis Long, who has been sick with fever for six weeks, is improv ins. Mr. R. K. Orr is very sick with tvnhoid fever, Mr. P. D. Dry has completed a res idence at Stalling. Mrs. Bessie Fisher of Spartanburg, S. C, is visiting at her father's, Mr. J. u Benton s. Mr. Amzai Howard, who waa strict en with palsy several years ago, is worse and is now helpless. Ws sell the best quality Home made aboea. Col Una & Bigger. HcrsaoaJ. Mrs. lizzie Houston of Fturid is pen.lingne time with her daugh ter. Mrs. IUiMph Kt-dleara, Mrs C. II. Kiehardi-n returned Saturday from an extended visit U Seattle. Wash. M'us B ttie ILiwie Lis a poeit; at Ie JL lr t. Mr. O. W. km Vitjky has gM to Greensboro to attend the wedding uf h r n.-u-r. Mr. J. B. Bass, who with bis Um ily hu been down with uxaotes. u able to be at bis busum agaiu. Mr. W. D. C. Gathinir. wbo has been sick w ith fever all summer, was able to go to church Sunday for t lu ll ml time in many werks Mr. Barnes Sale, who is a student at tbe Georgia Military Academy. spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sale. Mr C. C. Sikes is in the West buy ing horses and mules for the Sikes ( ompany. Mrs. Jas. II. Williams left Friday to visit her father, Mr. A. T. Marsh, in Alexander county. Mrs. Vann Sikes is very sick with typhoid fever. Dr. Watt Ashcrafl is spending the day in Wadeeboru on professional business. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bivins are moving to Raleigh this week. Mr. B. A. Horn will occupy their house. Mrs. J. 8. McNeil leaves this week to join ber husband at Lumberton. Mr. Robt J. Dillard has returned to bis position at the F.nglish drug store. Recorder's Court Henry Strawn, failure to work road; judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. Pink Wallace, failure to work road; judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. Dr. Burk, practicing optometry without registration; judgment sus pended on payment of costs. Geo. Pipkin, drunk, judgment sus pended on payment of costs. F. J. McRan, disorderly conduct; J and costs. Major Houston, drunk; judgment susended on payment of costs. Lizzie Houston, assault and bat tery; not guilty. Gill Stockton, assault and battery; $ 5 and costs. Bertha XlcLarty, assault and bat tery; !.r and costs. II. M. Hill, disorderly conduct, 3 and costs. Ben Threat!, drunk; 2 .r0 and costs. May Iloustou, assault and battery; 5 and costs. llattie Morris, assault and battery; ? 5 and costs. Daisy Gray, assault and battery; 2 and costs. Dock Yow, assault and battery; $3 and costs. Kugene Roddy, beating train; 30 days. Benjamin Garris, beating train; prayer for judgment continued. Frank Cook, beating train; 30 days. Our Eatravsginct. IUwusmIiik Enifluud mid the Kngllsli from n American iliit of view, a re cent Anierlcin wrller In Knfhiml ob trrvra: -.NiiltiMlr, from lUe Vng down, In el llwr sstiiiiiied or afrnlit to W wnnoni k ill. In Knuluml a inn" or woman In thotifht to lie a fool or a vulisiirl.-iii who Is not careful of rxH'iiilllurc. while In America our wallers have been clever fiioukIi In make II iiiH-iir Unit economy is nirsii, un.l n a nation we suffer ai-conlliiRlv. We are fools to Iw foolctl in tbi manner. " A Light Dinnir. "A clever criminal of glultouous pro cllvhlcs." said a prlsou iit-rliiteiiileut, ome rouched a coiniilaliil In rather neat terms. "My iiisiHH-tor. entering this man- cell one day, found It very hot aud sniffy. 'Why have you got your ventilator liosiilV lie anted. "The burly and gluttonous prisoner aimnered plaintively: ' "Well, Insiwotor, yer honor, tbe last time t had the ventilator open a n' flew In, you see, nml earrled off my dinner w hile my ba k n turned.' " Joy Riding. Sltihb-Tluru goes llulb.x.'k 10 hht machine. Where U be ring In mn a hurry? l'un-Joy rldli'g. Klubb - Joy riding? 1'euD-Yes; be l going to take bis wife to the station, and she U going to be gouo two week.--Chkgo .News. 'Comprehensive stocks of choice, selected drug store goods - drugs toilet articles and pre tions, supplies and helps for sick room, bath room and nursery. Here are creditable goods sold with the guaranty of a depend able, trustworthy, repu table store behind them, and at no advance in price. English Drag Company, Th Dependabli Stora. COTTON. L-ral market today, 12 . Last Friday's kevkrw. There is a struggle for possrsskit of tbe market in which thus far the season the bulls have had the ad. ant age. It has been nip and tuck dnr mg tbe past week. On throne hano big receipts, however, hedge selling by the South and some decline a spot markets have militated against a rise in future. On the other hand t!ie exports are enormous, t xoeeding those of last year thus far. somecot ton goods have advanced in price. American spinners who had been holding aloof for some time have bought more freely and of late there bate been fears that another tropical storm might strike tbe Mississippi valley- and probably bring with it the first killing fnwt of the season This question of the first frost is one whose importance it would lie hard to exaggerate. Sometimes it comes in the second week ot October and sometimes not until the but week in that month and in some parts not until the second week ot November In l'.Mi. however, it happened in parts of Tennessee, M ississi ppi, ( eor- gia and tbe Carolinas on October II and October 13. During the past mouth and a half, however, the weath er conditions on tbe w hole have been exceptionally favorable, so much so that picking has been unusually ac tive and so has been the marketing of the crop and especially !'!0 to f b5 a bale has been a strong incenl ive for the farmer to sell as fast as possible. The big movement and heavy selling by the South against the actual cotton and the unusually high prices for this time of the year have been stumbling blocks to many who might otherwise have felt dis posed to push things on the bull side. In Fast India the crop pros peels are good. In Philadelphia yarns have been dun ana snarp breaks in the stork market have not been without a certain moral eflect. But it is impossible to disguise the fact that F.urope has gone ahead and bought with a free hand despite the unusual dearness of the price. Kuropean exporters and spinners have evidently been alarmed by the bad crop reports from Washington. the latest was that ot last Monday which put the condition at 5K5 per cent, as against a ten-year average of October of t!7 per cent This offset the fact that the ginning up to Sep timber 25 was about the same in mantiiy as that for the same period last season on the high record crop. The market had evidently become j overbought and for a time prices sagged under the weight of veryl heavy Inundation. Moreover so lar as figures go, the bulls will get no further help from the government, reports until the December crop es timate appears. Meantime, however, they argue that it is a mere question of supply and demand. They be lieve that the crop is not over It,-, 000,000 to 11,500,000 bales at the; most while they look for a consump tion well over 13,000,000 bales with the logical results, as they conceive I of very much higher prices before the end of the season. Hears predict 12,500,000 bales added to 1 ,100,000 bales carried over from last season. The question for the future to de termine is whether the cHocts of a short or moderate crop will or will not be neutralized by curtailment of production which some American and foreign spinners are now begin ning to theaten and which bull lead ers are treating as mere buncombe. The Southern farmer, it is claimed, is unusually well off owing to the big prices he is getting for cotton and cotton seed and if prices are re duced will resort to a holding back campaign as they did some years ago. As the case stands it is a sea son that seems likely to be crowded with events of more than usual in terest. Today a moderate net decline was due to a report that spinners at Char lotte, N. C, had unanimously recom mended curtailment of production, raiding by local wars and scattered liquidation. Spinners Resolve to Curtail. Charlotte, N. C , tVtober 8th. The board of governors of the American Manufacturers' Associa tion today adopted a resolution favor ing a general curtailment that will effect every spindle and loom in ev ery mill numbered among those rep resented in tbe membership ot tue organization. The curtailment reso lutions are as follows: "That in view of the disparity now existing between the price of cotton and cotton goods, we "Resolve 1. lhat a committee ot five be appointed to formulate a cur tailment agreement. "2. That we recommend to every mill which is in position to do so, to sicn this agreement and enter upon curtailment until the price of goods become on a parity with the price ot cotton. Allen's United Minstrels. A. G. Allen's I'nited Minstrels were in the city last night and with the Labor Day crowd running loose, eager for amusement, the audience last night could not be accommodat ed. 1 housands of people, white and colored, were turned away from the door because of the overcrowding of the large tent. It was estimated that 2,500 people were in the audience, and 1 .500 or 2,000 were turned away Tbe performance was free from all objectionable features, and they who naid the small admission lee seemed more than satisfied, if one might judge from the uproaroua laughter which greeted the actors throughout the evening. The program consisted of the us ual first part, followed by buck and wing dancing, monologues, banjo nlavins. contortionist work, etc Taken all in all. the show could be well recommended as a clean, wholesome, boisterous production. Tbe above is an extract from the Columbia State, Columbia, 8. C. This company will appear in Mon roe October 14th. Even the most learned of us never realize how little we know till small boy begins to ask questions. SPECIAL NOTICES. BOYS. THIS IS THE COI.l'M.V Ir rati want anvthinr dunr for you. wawhudy whs ran h the job to best Mivaolagr ia rt-adingi Irus eutumn; If you want arnne money, thrre are !hur mHlinsr this wbo Mir H ini Ihra what vu have ue. hance fur it Ir rvi want lu buy anything what erer. a nian who la anxwua lu aril I ha I wry ante a-, ao anxaxi that he would tell it rl-ai. would read jour L in thia column: Ik yuu want tt w-tl anything- and rveiVbudr haa aumethiiar thry murht II to advantage there is aumr unr ho would snap uu the bargain if you would only lei him know almut it. It n is the piare tu teli him. (.I T in the habit of n-adiiKT thia rol timn to are what others are doing and uar it to tell other what you want to n. Oik rent a worn, coui.t em ami end the run. WR S AI.K - My home4aee at I'niun ville. Twenty-three acres: two-tor nuikling; goid well, outbuildings, tie. In heart of village. J. T. Hamilton, t ' nion v die. N. C. ATTENTION. I. (. O. P. There will he a apeeial meeting of I he Odd Kelluwi tonight at H o clock, tor oegree work. Every member UTVt-d to attend. T. U Crowelt, See. TWO Buggies and a Surry for sale: alao some harneM-all at a bargain. J. W. Kk-haruaon. WANTED-At once, one aerond hand rubber tire buggy. W . T. Laney. hope txchange or Koute lu. FRESH lot of Meal and Hull, first rlaa tulT, to be traded for seed or to be aold. We can do w hat you want and guarantee satisfaction. t row tiro, c SHEEP Strayed -Two white ewe. M. II. Kichardaon. CAM. at Baaa 4 Estridgc's and aee the Challenge butter maker. Jt'ST received, a lot of Swift- I're- mium ham. S. R. DoaU-r. FOR SALE One coal beater. J. E. I'rohlar. WE will have a ear of Cotton Seed Hull in few days, and it will pay you to aee u before buying. J. II. Nash S Son. UAW Hull- u-unteil aiul w- will mv higheat market price. T. C. Ie & Co. CAR load of Horse and Mule to ar rive thi week, tioud stulf and good bargain. Armtichl Broa. LOST -Medium site black dog, white on breast and tip uf tail. Reward for return to W. II. Helm. Route 4, Waxhaw. FOR RENT Three-room house to good colored tenant, near freight dcHt. . (i. M. Iteasley. LOST UirddoR. English setter; ilark brown curs and tail, body white; had wires on ears and Hips caused from mange. Reward w ill la- paid for deliv ery to Isoin I'lyler or J. T. Mallard, Monroe, N. C. IF you buy your gnweries and frenh meat irom i. r. lauim-a you gei wiv best on the market at cheajivst prices. Buy your shoe from the Indian Trail Supply Comwny and get a $-' graphp phone free. ALL iartie8 owing me by note or ac count must settle at once, as we are winding tip the business. This applies to vhi and not the other fellow. 1). Will Flow. REDUCED price for good work, at the Monroe Steam laundry. I WILL thresh cane seed at my resi dence in Monroe on October IN, 19 and 2oth. If vou want me. to thresh this season, please bring them on these day. W. J. Trull. EXAMINATION - At theeourt house, Monntf, Thursday and Friday, 14th and l.'ith innt.,an examination of applicant for public school teacher' certificates will lie conducted. It applicant come early so aa to give themselves plenty of time for the work. Thursday for white and Friday for colored teachers. R. N. Nisbct, Co. Supt. Pi ill HF.NT A irnod two-horse and one-horse farm for rent; new building. My farm near Allan. J. w. Mi-t ain. UL'I,- W S K'rmiH linfnn vou have your watch, clock or jewelry reired. unnV In Minolv von with hard and oft coal, anv Quantity, and only first class stuff. Monroe Ice A Fuel Co. PLENTY of cotton eed meal and hulls for sale or exchange for seed. Crow Bros, ft lee. TADLOCK'S for best groceries, freh meats and country produce. PICS-Duroc-Jersev Dig ready for delivery; pure bred Irom arcnia tnat have taken many prizes. j, r. xarnorougn, Willoughby 'phone. Monroe K.K.D. 5. tifTV - fmm thtt tn.liun Trail Supply Company and get a -i grapno phone free. YOU need not wait to ask about Brick. Come and get them, we have a large lot on hand. Monroe Hrirk Co. WV. mrt nntv aellinir Wood and Coal. Can deliver on short notice. Monroe Oil Mill. WK sell the Fenruson McKinney dress shirt, the best shirt you ever saw for the money. Collin ft niggers. WE'RE Johnnie on the t on coal. Monroe ice ft h uel Co. Ill) l' K i:RPVM IVntiat. will be at Waxhaw the tirst and third Tuesdays of each month, at walkup nou i. WK are overstocked on Tobacco Will make close price. Luiner miiiania iu. BE sure vou see W. S. Kraus and get hi price before you have your watch repaired, fcignioen years ex periencc. T. F. TADI.OCK ia the man who aells groceries, fresh meats and all good things to eat, ami pay nigneai price for country produce. FINE Watch reiwiring a pecilty. J. E. Preslur, corner door below John R. Simpson tUi Tils' .fi-mint vim nwe me ia now due. Please call and settle at once. K. t. tvan. you need Flour, Mill Feed, or any thing in the grocery line, we will make it to your interet to see u. Luther William A Co. SOMETHING perial in dress shirts. Collin t Bigger. WE will swap buggies for rattle, mules or hone. Indian Trail Supply Co. DON'T fail to ee J. E. Irelar for expert Watch repairing. STOCK HOG-Si month, old pure Duroe-Jeraey boar; a bargain for aome one. i. T. arboroiujh, Willoughby 'phone. Monro R.F.D. S. A LOT of beautiful Rugs for yoor inspection. Monroe Furniture Co., ri. e lopyrB, igr. WANTED Chickens and egg. Will pay top of the market. Luther Williams Co. LO.-T. StrayrJ or Stuirn- From Uun- rur. ri. I" on tut Honda?. Ortobrr . on bay mare and buggy, tmm mi uf krrr's furniture store, starv about right IM yewrs old and about Mi ar I j hand high, will wrigft about"' pound. In order. Mnau otate ia rare, aumrwhal w ater on nwr. M alter arai on ma. Blark mane, tad anal Ir-. Swift walker in name. The buggy at a ntw l)sun ft Junrs buggy with red running gear anil end suing. I wilt pay J.S.I1' reward for the recovery of unr and buggy, or a liberal reward fur infurmalMm tratiu! up to rerovrry of aamr. M. 1-alhan Kk-hard sun, R. F. D. I. W axhaw. S. C. kill I in .-. I ui H..MT l.i writwl jwt cvrik. til ui a - I row (tru. ft 1-re. nule gin. CTIl I .i., .i .1 ' ' ..-I. M.M, IMJ UlgUt. The people are highly atulM-d with our wura aiai au win you oe. iry ua. I row nm. m ur. BARREL of baa IVkela. brat you ever w. X It. ihaurr. MAKES HEN LAY" eturkesTf! twenty-five rent box, at naa Mirwige . WHEN yuu want to trade any old thing bring it to the Indian trail Sup ply Company. EVERYTHING washed at our place ia sterilized and handled by the latest sanitary method. Monroe Meant laundry. J. J. Lorkhart, Manager. WE are arlling the celebrated Jen kins Bros'. Shoes at tl.Sai, and all oth er in proiortion. Try u for shoe. 1. C. Lc ft Co. CALL 2Tv'l for genuine Union county first rlaa Honev. Luther W illiam ft Co. 1I1TT11W Url'llU' k.v mit Ik... . v . . . w . ...... - K ' at cent per bushel, and want all we can get J. B. Nash ft Son. BROOD MARES - Just received a shipment of the finest brood mare, well broken, and will be aold without the extra cost of a feed bill. Remem ber, we sell cheap and sell a heap. row ier ft Le. FOR RKNT Two 7-room houses on Church street; newly taunted, electric lights and bath, good m-ighborhood. Mrs. U A. lot ten. THROW away your old smoking fire place and wood burners and have a really satisfactory fire. Try coal this winter. It line, economical and sat isfactory. Monroe Ice ft F'uel Co. SEED OATfl, at Luther Williams ft Co. 's. YOU get a guarantee with each Fer- guaon-McKinney shirt aold bv t ' l "li: v uiiuia at niggers. A NICE line of Co-Cart just ar rived. Monroe Furniture Co., H. E. topple. Mgr. PURE Apple Vinegar, 25 rent per gallon, at M. E. Flow'. FINE Watch Repairing done by W. S. Kraus. Prices aa low aa any one can to first rlass work. Eighteen years exnence. NEW good constantly coming in. Monroe Furniture Co., H. E. Copple, Mgr. WITT ASilirllAhT V..t..rinni.n- Pay calls 11:1. night call 3X2. Monroe. N. C. llosnital on Havne street, north east of court house. COM E and sec our Beacon shoe. Collin ft Bigger. DR. W. II. WAKEFIELD of Char lotte will Is) in Monroe, at the Cilouce ter, on Thursday, October 14th, one day only, ilia practice is limited to the medical and urgical treatment of dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fitting Glasses. Pill mi r K A.h,vaft fnr lime cement, plaster of paria, wood fiber plaster, shingles, laths, etc. Delivered anywhere in city. IF you want a dress shoe, don't fail to see our Beacon, the best on the mar ket. Collin ft Bigger. THE Monroe Concrete Comuanv is now prepared to take orders for build ing blocks to enclose yards, cemetery lots, foundations for resilience, retain ing walls, etc.; also paving block for walks. Samples can be seen now at the works near the Cotton platform. SEED outs, rye and clover seed, at Collins ft Riggers'. A NEW kit of Mosquito Canopies just in. Monroe Furniture Co., n, c. Loppie, mgr. FIRST opportunity to get large cor ner lot on Nelson Height. see J. r.. Stewrt, at Register's office. Notice of Administration. Ilavinr nualitied before D. A. Hous ton, clerk of the Superior court of Union county, in the State of North Carolina, as administrator of the estate of C. W. Alexander, deceased, all person hold ing claim against said estate are here by notified to present the same duly authenticated to the undersigned ad ministrator on or before the 15th day of October, A. D. 1910, or thi notice will be pleaded in bar of their right of re covery. All persona indebted to said estate sre notified to make prompt pay ment and save coat. Thi the 1 jlh day of October, I WW. TiiK SAVINGS, LOAN & TRUST CO., Admr. of C. W. Alexander, dee'd. Redwine ft Sikes, Attys. Notice. North Carolina. I In the Suierior Court, Union County, i Before the Clerk. The Saving, Loan and i Trust I omiarny. Admr. of C. W. Alexander, de ceased. VS. NOTICg Margaret Ale x a nder, orSKRVirc or Eva Alexander, Egbert Si mmons ry Alexander, John Alex- 1YR1.U ATION ander, Mr. Minnie Sat tertield and her husband Jasper Sattcrfield, de fendant. The defendant above named will take notice that a stiecial proceeding atmve entitled, ha been instituted in the Suerior court of Union eounty, in the State of North Carolina, before the clerk of ssid court, for tlte purpose of se uur all the mineral Interest, rights, privileges, property and estate that the said C. W. Alexander owned at the time of his death in a certain tract of land, lying and being in the State of North Carolina, eounty of Union, fully described in a deed made by the said C. l ' A I ... I ur fl 1 lg,L 1903. which said deed is duly recorded in the register of deed' orlice of said county and Stale. In Book page 1U7. etc., to which reference is hereby made fur a full description. Ana the Helena nt will further take notice that they are required to appear before the clerk of the Superior court at hi office in the court house, in the city ot Monroe. county of Union, State of North Caro lina, on the inn day or November, a.u. lmiy. and answer or demur to the com plaint or petition which haa been filed in said cause, which pray for an order authorising; and directing a sale of the property hereinbefore named for the purpose of creating asset with which to pay uie aeots 01 um aaia aeceaeea. And the defendants will further take notice that if they fail to anawer or de mur to said petition, the petitioner will apply to the court for the relief de manded in aaia petition. This the lath day of October, 1909. 0. A. HOUSTON, C 8. C. of Union eounty, N. C Redwine A Sikes, Attys. LEE & LEE COMPANY. THE LEADING BIT COODI, I0TI0IS, CIOIMUS, GUTS' iTUlSEUCI, 11T 119 SEOE STOEX II 101EQE. New Fall Suits! Now is the time to huv a Fall Suit. Our line is complete smd in buying from us there is always an assurance of of a tit. We represent the foremost makers of the country. Purchasing our clot lies is no speculation. Prices from 8.) to $20. We otter an especially attractive line of black suits this season. Lee & Lee company. Minstrels Coming Monroe One Night Thursday Oct 14 A. G. ALLEN'S Big Minstrel Show Clean and More Pleasing The oldest, largest, bly known Minstrel Show extant. Admission: Children 25c Adults 35c Doors and Sash. We have opened a full line of Doors, Sash, Winds and Mantels in a store room north of court house. promptly, and can furnish odd sizes in Doors and Sash. We also keep at our shops north of town a full stock of Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Balusters and Urackets. :: :: In fact we can furnish everything can do it quick. Bring us your work to be the best. Come to see Gut our prices before you buy; no Porter- Myers 'Next fall you shall have it.,, Haven't you lold the good wife furniture she has been wanting? You can redeem your promise now easier than ever before. We have just received a car load of medium price Beds and Bureaus. Good, substantial furniture that looks well and lasts. Special Rocking Chair Bargain. Never before have we been able to offer you such a bargain as you can now get well made, strong, well polished, good looking, cane seat rocker for fl.75. The same good points, with cobbler seat 2.00. Nothing like these ever offered before in Monroe. Fnrnitgre. f P DILLON Underfajda Refined. than a Circus. and most favora We can fill larpe or small nrderj you need to build a house, and lumber to dress, we Rtmrante our us when yon have lumber to sell. trouble to fitrure. Lurr)ber Co. that very thing about the bit of