THE MONROE JOURNAL' w M- G.M bEASLEY BKO..Pvlaiaa. R. F. BEASLEY. EMTom. TeU. October I. fir. Fultoa Uriffia Pardoned. GREAT CROWDS AT C1RCI S. AtUaU Uuked IJW it Mad Been .Tany Profit Hert Plu toScc Btf- HomMrdeii rlctvctorfntHer mim Bailey at Charlotte, th South. Uoaroe will be well represented at ..terrific Urm awert oer ea CtoUh not VtoberSiln (then Kar- Teoneawe, Alabama, tlma-ci and, a urn Bailey greatest aUovou earth purtwtuof .VrkaDsa Ute Tbursd.iT ieihtbiU then on that dale, (or a Sir. r'u!t'0 t.fill n uriwJ in lln .I'tfDini and mhL Sj for Krt ' grat tiiaiij ul our itiztiu hate al r Saturday fnnu IUWih, berv he'indaale fifty or mora dead and mil- j reaJjr rxiimtrd ttwm-lv,i as hat bad rrnt mi mouth in the Sute liof crufrrt; tWtroyni. The hail io tuatie up their nuuU toaiktMl. penitentiary. He baa gun to IWk" torra 10 Atlanta u thu dtumbed A n'stae at tbe lint of wonder to b to work for thel'.l". andO railroad. , by the Journal: j rvo ilh Una biu abu would Imd He waa a happy wan, and in greet- j I Ui Intone weighing from i oun- jone to believe that the limit in Irv ing hit friend Mid, "You are not era to pound, many of them Urje r : mendoua ie a rll an numbrr of half to happy a I am. for I'm a free than jfe w crahed into Allan- DoTrltira t be een baa liually two man " The Newt and Observer nays , ta at an angle of ii degrtr during reached. Itarnuiu A Ilnley reaenl "W ith auvououa effort made m a trrntie thunderstorm huh burst tliiavrar under liirirrttyof It avraa hi behalf by the beat people of Kkh-jOver the city Thursday afternoon at' of teuu m.w thing ne than have mood county, bite delegation bar-, live minute r.ut 5 oVKvk. and coo-! htvo offered by all other aUw in ing r mil. si iSofemor Kitchiu in hi tinued ten minute, ruining piper-! vears. '"Jupiter, the tu!Un horse." behalf. II. F. tln!! n. the policeman 1 ty rutimated at $ smashing Karolly troupe of l(i Hungarian of Hamlet, was vetterday granted a the heaviest plate elan window. coal biark Ulaon. the m usual eie rdn knvking down chimney, breaking' pliant, celebrated Koiiyot troupe of "(ritl'.o w;i sentenced toon year 'sk light, twisting roofs awry, Ung teuetriaii. even troupe of foreign in th State prison and hat served ling elei-tric wire, wreaking untold : acrobat, four troupe of aerial u month (if hi term. He was ! damage UNm trees and slirublrrv. and hundred of other arrnie novel convicted in Richmond county in 1 VVten heaven' artillery ceased. ; tie ail go U complete a eireu t-r- March, r.Nt. of nuolaugliter. and U;e ncenes of havoc and terror in ' foruiance that ha never been eoual tiovernor hiUhin say that later evi- central Atlanta producel the mid, led. The big menagerie has been denee ha caused the trial judge illusion that the city bad been be j augmented by the addition of many my that with thi the re would have .sieged by earthly batleric l.wded new Strang beast and is larger been a veniut of ai'iuitta'. the plea 'with grape and cannister. Mima all the biological garden in of self defence being sustained, j Window of t.ill ottice buildings, this country combined The ireet "The reason assigned by tJovrr-Jon rVachtree street were riddled as parade o gorgeou and o tremend nor Kitchm for the pardon are these if with iiunnie balls, Knderou ou in siw. beggars decnption and " Tnder the testimony ofTered at , weight of plate glass crashed to the , in all is a fair index to the wonder the trial, prisoner was prer!y con-1 pavement and were splintered intojful performances that follow. ic!d and sentenced. There ha 'frainnent hysterical women, scream- ame to light evidence winch in the' ing and praying, sought refuge be-! opinion of the ludge would have prtvlneath the first rof where t her could! d need a verdict of ai'iiuttal. had it, find shelter, aud then nisLed out. Thi H.rmi,M Amnui been submitted to the jury. The so-! into the storm agun for fear the A,ihm9 kut Grc.M. liciUir and every member of the jury ! buildings would topple upon their; I neer tare t" h.i a gimiTe recommended pardon, as do hun-: heads, negro teamster left theirl A a sjiumwi lie i unnatural un dreds of citizen There is no pro- drays, while maddened mule and !- m'unuil a he t.uiil.and tand test against it. I risoner. wtw was a nurse careening around sharp cor-' "V tK mu-outii unle- policeman, in arresting a negro, shot ; ner heightened the danger. It! "lie found h m mie mu !i lila. e t him. Hi prison lorord i ginxl. ' semed almost a nnraWe that acci- tand in a the ntuiula if the tapi- Owing hi Ins good char.i '!er, the ret-- j dents were rare. I til t ashnigton. ommendations tiled, the letters oi the . ventaUle reign or terror existed l t )-"iru:!' n i.m om to ; rrn judge and solicitor, deeming that his' in the i uarU'r of the city inhabited i uif can tell hw old he i-- mu I Just Received a Car Load of Horses and Mules. THE UNGAINLY GIRAFFE. punishment has been sulhcient un der all the circumstances, esiwially in iew of the fact that his plea of self-defense would probab:y have been sustained with the evidence now shown bv alhJavits. I pardon II. F. rit!in." Chopped Off his I'ather-in-Law' Head Then Burned Himselt. sjim-!! w ciirl,.ui nrvr. iiii. About3o'cliK-k thi morning, near by negroes, many believed the endllder pr.Oia'.lv than the elephant of the world had come and rushed; And no one would dream of sh""t out into the street, praying and even I n elephant were he not pndr singing; other fearing the detrutive to the farmer hailstone would break their thin ' mid were his tuk not worth a treat siungie rois ma memseive in ivi lars and beneath bed mattresses Sandy Ridice Woman Insane from Pellagra. Waft.w Kittr'j.iiM- Mrs. lid II 'gers. who lived ill Bethpage church, six miles west of ! IV'nd'stinive neighborhood and who I.incolnton, Mr. W. S. Wise killed hi father-in law. ,1 Hallman, with an aie, then ran in hi own home barred the door, undressed himself, tired his home and a incinerated. Mr. Ilallman's head a entirely sev ered bv the ae. Mr. Wise appeared rational up to a few moment before lie enacted the shocking tragedy. He awakened at an early hour and hi strange re mark caused Ins wife to become alarmed, so she st in. one of her olul dren to her father' home, a half mile away, and asked for some of her people to come to her aid. Her fath er, who was a man of Til years, was returning with the child when W'ise met him and with the axe proceeded to kill him instantly. Mrs,. Wise and the other children in the meantime run over to a neigh- j bor's for help. When they returned they found Ilallman's headless body in the yard and the door to the house barred. As the demented man was armed they were afraid to enter They heard him breaking up the fur niture and soon the house was a mass or names. It is supposed Mr. Wise undressed himself and used the furniture and kerosenco to start the tire, as his nude, charred body was found in the nuns of his home. What frost would do for a flower accusations will do for love. Kliminate the grouch or the grouch will eliminate you. No physical beauty can compen sate for an explosive temper. N'T Above the Ordinary is a high altitude to climb. That's where our Hour is, bag and all. Flour that Rises when you want it to is humane. Every cook likes it We have that kind. Flour made at this mill is uniform, and always above "ordinary." Every sack guaran teed. Henderson Roller Mill Company THE TUNGSTEN LAMP uses less current and gives a bet ter light than the old style elec tric light It is the biggest im provement in electric lighting in twenty years. Have us install Tungsten lamps in your place. They are such money savers that to be without them ia to prove yourself behind the age. We do every kind of electrical work. M. C. HOWIE. nas ueen a:"U'iei witn pellagra ror several weeks, was Liken to the fir the insane at t'olumhia last Week. Mr. W. 11 Wilkin of i now with the Wahaw pnig tVm pany and will move his f.iiiiiJy to thi place in the near future. Mr W ilkin is a registered druggist with experience. Mr red Stevens, who lived in the Camp ('reek section of Lancaster county, came to a very untimely I death about 10 o'clock Saturday nmrning. He waa feeling as well as usual the night before when he ate some canned gixnls, and was taken seriously sick some time after midnight. W hen his wifea-ke he seemed to be st.-e.ts;ling fur breath and before she could gel a ihietor he was in an unconscious condition. It is thought that he was poisoned bv eating the r.mned goods. Mrs. Mary Matthew of Wedding ton. who is now visiting her grand uaugnier, Jirs. ,i. i. Williams, in the community of Wax haw Hintist church, say she remembers verv dis tinetly how Ilalley' comet looked seventy-live years ago. She was Ih a girl thirteen years old. Mr Mat thew says she is some older than lr. liedwine, who is looking with much interest to see the comet again Mrs Martha Tarleton died Sunday night at ber home at It.ick Hill after an illness of several dav. I'aralvsi was the cause of her death. Mrs Tarleton is survived by her husband and live children. They lived in thi community until about a year ago when they moved to Itock Hill The remain were brought to Wax haw li.iptist church Monday and buried there at I o'clock in the aft ernoon. 5chool of the Hecklenburj Presby tery. .VIlTtimrle Knt-' irl r'rotn a small school established in Albemarle twelve years ago, the total capital invested at that time being out -ana this invested in a small frame structure , to a model institute of learning, occupying five acres of ground and commodious buildings, the whole now valued at I2 ),(XIU; from 12 pupils in 18;i7 to "5 now; from the average curricu lum of a country school then, to a complete college course now. Such, in brief, is the history of the Albemarle Normal and Industrial College, situated on I learne Height, its tower overlooking the entire city it AiDemarte, and irom which can be seen a large portion of Stanly county with its stately hill. Xhe story of the gradual develop ment of this institution is not only interesting it is remarkable; and doubly remarkable in that it waa founded and developed to its present magnitude by two women, who have reared a monument which will serve as a memorial for years to come. And the two women who have done so much for the girls of this State are Hiss Frances E. I'fford and Mits Helen J. Northrup. Let their names be written in capitals. The work of the college is under the supervision of the Mecklenburg Presbytery, composed of 51 churches f 1 A- M LI 1 in liiiou, ausod, necaienDurg anu Stanly counties, and the institution is controlled by a board of trustees of which J. M. Morrow is chairman. Rev. Geo. II. Atkinson, pastor of the Albemarle Presbyterian church, is president ot the college. It has a faculty of six instructors, with a lady in charge of the domestic depart ment and an assistant, for the girls are also tangnt dress making, cook ing, millinery work and in other ways equipped to take up the respon sibilities of womanhood. A music department is also maintained, being in cnarge ot a competent teacher, lour body will scon be where your aspiration ia, provided yon hold j uVai of mne. liut the giratfa u perlcct.v haruuess. He a never I known to hurt any cm his living utT the ui'per iu;;!i of thorn trve. whi. h no one can reaih I but himself and noU.dv c!e would i eat if he could rea. li them. To see the gira:Te's beautiful!) t mottled i-lon lowering up among 1 and ioer the flat green thorn tree , i vircly oi.e of the Mraiigci.t am! ! tno-t iM-mitifiil sight t!i4 annua I world ofrcr- man. . he stands and i di; and U-in and twiN Ins nine I foot long nii k m ami out among the armed brain lies of the tree he is , gru.e perointi,.,. I w ui-!ung ' seven of t!ie. ( feature, the king. , his harem and h.s i hildren. uil gath , ercd around one green toind tn e t 1 rom seven vuiits of vantage thev dipjied into it at once. Mooninc ' mi. ior an i;ti i-iianv i!.in:v arm- j lmiigh 1-nd'tig on snoiher. Their "ie. lis seemed to t.i.-t lu.i or three as at on, e. I l.,id the g..ud f.,r tm e to ! nb'e t.i emne verv without iil.iriuiiij them- U-.s i!ian hundred van!-and with my gla.e 1 ion:.! see them a though thev were not in. re than leu yards nav. Hu! ulii-n lit l-t the treacherous hreee U'lr.-ive.l us and thev plunged into flight- e!l, ii.. ,., eonid i all tlieir movements graceful. The nil mcii-civ long ,ire legs are thrown foraril, a von m c a verv high step- p'ng hor-e sometimes throw b o're ie- lorvvaru nil tne ii(t tor the fra t ;oii of n se. ..n.l j4 M i nto straight out ill front. The giralTi makes tips motion with a sort of Jerk at the cud of it, n though li intended in the tir-t iii-taii.e t O:.. . 1 : . I. t i mug ins root a lar innvan: as he ' oiihl. and then with a sort of after thought brings it to the ground. As it reaches earth he flounders for ward with Ins high shoulders and lifts ungainly hind legs togeth- Iifting and planting them to- c f - ."lv i -s -4 ' : ," - -T-g.P- . lenenber that every iniaul wt sell is ur aateed as represe nttl s. ! t' . -: ' 1 (HQ (-1 AN . Xo of tat&lDfc- wrawWw IW frrtlrj vrnath I be roadild ftar. Ikar eOilnlj la a k af bw; la mtl.' tkr ttnrt rtlslnf bmlaf. joawf r Ikr4 ibr tiMrlU -X.v . ttartljr. kat aa aatookiMiv n orrr 4W-4 ral a Trw m- tea a?. m4 la Ma whb Ike big pfrtw-tra nrrr tiN rrva r4 Ml nn4 a-iixlnl h a S air Mf " "l ii 4lr Thai a4 an aHvt h f. a r"l xml rair." "Yes. bat. aituer. the nlf .ub' wjU. Kow, If I rau voljr miimI la fwwt of latxbrerair ahtla be fyis ran 'er l b rlfht la It. be cmh "-Chi rata Newa. To Our Customer: We start in the market thi season with a new lot of horses and mule pprsonally selected by our buyer and bought for the cash at rock bottom prices; therefore, we have no summer feed bills at tached to the prices of our stock, and no swapped for stock on hands. Owing to these facts, we can and w ill sell you mules and horses cheajier than they can be bought in this section. These horses and mules are close built and will suit the farm ers of this and surrounding counties, (live us a chance and let us save you monev. ARMFIELD BROTHERS. cr. geiner or almost together. 1 here is a great antediluvian b?ard known to ns that had two brains, one to move his body unci another to move his abnormally long tail. It looks m though the giraffe, like the long lizard, needed two brains also, one to more his hind legs nnd another to move hi f.ire leg. W. S. Rains ford in Outlook. Th GoiimI Oak. In the village of Pol-ten,!. Suffolk. Englaud, utatuli a famous uak wbk-b tbe rector tins proved to be ,ouO yean old. Tbe tree lint n girth of tbirtr li fett aud has tireu knono alwut a tbe a"!"! oak. aiuca uwler It tbe first Christian luisslminrle preached to tbe beat hen Saioim thlrlini renturle ago. Tbl unit Is ronimi-oiornted eaeb rear bv a aiclal wrrice beid un der the trw SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Theae arrivals and departure, aa well aa th tima and ennneetmn with other companies, are given only aa informa- uon ana noi guaranicea. Direct line to the principal cities North, East, South and Southwest, schedule taking effect flay 2, 1909. AKKIVALS. No. 40 at 6:50 a.m. - From Charlotte. No. ir.2tlll-.20.m.- From Charlotte. No. 44 at K.-06 d. m. From Johnan ?: . no. i.mai I'Mmp.m.-r romi tmrlolte. No. an at 7:00a.m. -From AtUnta. No. 52 at 5:ri p.m. From AtlanU. No. 32 at 7 fi p.m. -From Atlanta. No. S3at8:.'i6a.m.-From Porlxmenik and New York. No. 37 at 10 JO n. m. - From Port. mouth. No. 4S at -3& a. m. From Wilmina-. ton. DEPARTt'RES. No. 44 at :10 p.m.- For Wilmiriirton. No. 45 at :30 a. m. For Ch.rM i. . Johnaon City. no. i.n at 7:15 a. m.-ror Charlotte. No. lfa at :I0 p. m. For Charlotte. No. 39 at 10 JO p. m. For Charlotte. No, 63 at 10 JO a. aw -For Atlanta. No. 33 at 9:00 a, m.-For Atlanta, Bir mingham and all pointa West. No. 17 at 102S p. av - For Atlanta, Birmingham and ail pointa WeaL No. M at 76 a. m.-For Hamlet No. 32 at l.-OO p. m. For Portamoutb and all pointa North. Week-end rataa to Wilmington and Special Low Rates Via Seaboard Air Line, account following special Occasions : RALF1CH. N. C. -Ai-count State Fair. (Vt. 18th-i?r.l. Tieketa to lie sld t t. l'th to Itfrd inclusive; final return limit Oct. 25th. Following round trip rates includingone admission to the Fair: Char lotte. ,"io; Km-kinirham. S.'I.T5: WailesUvro. 4..'Ci: Monnve. 5 i'i. AI1.AMA, ttA. Account Automohilo Ibices. Nov. t-l.tth. Tick 1.x on sale various dates from Nov. 7 to 12 inclusive: final return inut .Nov. Hi, extension, however, can bo secured until Nov. .'ul. hate from ,MonrtH, ?,S.o). ites on same basis from other points. IL.MlNdTtlN, N. f.-rresu ent Taft Dav Celebration. .Suecial trams and exceedingly low rates. Nov. !. SiHcial rates and sched ules 01 special trains win Ik? announctnl later, i ickets to be sold .Nov. i, limiteil returning to leave ilnungton Nov. 10. CHAKLOTTK. N. C. -Account Mecklenburir Fair Vt o.;.90ii Tickets on sale Oct. ii to Js inclusive: final return limit C-t. 150th, luite from .Monroe, ?l.l i. Above rate includes admission to Fair, SAVANNAH. HA. -Account (irand Chapter ltoyal Arch Masons, Nov. 8 to 13. Tickets on sale Nov. ti and 7: trains scheduled to ar rive in .savannah In-fore noon Nov. 8. ILite from Monroe, $7.75; rates on same basis from other points. KALKltill. N. C. -Account Farmers' National Conirress. Nov. 3 a. 4k L . 1 1 m ta .. . " . hi r.Aceeiiingiy low rates irom all points. 1 ickets on sn o (k-t M, Nov. 1 and 1 and for all trains to arrive in lialeiirh bofor nmm Nov. 3; final reiurn limit Nov. 12. Fare from Monroe. SLl.Ti. NEW ORLEANS. LA. Likes to the Culf I een Waterwav Asso ciation, Oct. 150-Nov. 2. 1 ickets on sale Oct. 27, 28 and 2; final re turn limit gixMt returning l.i (lavs from date of sa e. Kate from Mon roe 2.1.1k); rates on same basis from other points. KALEKiH. N. ('. North Carolina Industril Asoci:ition fcnlivroill Fair. Oct. 25-110. Tickets on sale Oct. 2.1 to.'SO inelnaive' final roturn limit Nov. 1. Special low rates and extra coaches provided on reg ular trains to accommodate all. For further information apply to nearest Scuhoard ticket office or aihlress the undersigned. C. H. C ATT IS. D. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. It is up to you the new store with new prices for dry goods, clothing, shoes, ladies and gents furnishings of all kinds, to sat isfaction of every one that will only come to A. Blacker's store. A call will be highly apprecia ted and will save you money. You Can Buy Them for CASH OR CREDIT. Respectfull. A. BLACKER, Whitfield Building. Monroe N. C Always Growing In Popularity. Thavt is what this store is doin Why? Because we sell food groceries at livinf prices, and Deliver them when you want them, and fuaraatee satisfaction. Try us. Ihe Doster Grocery Co. A Piano i an inatrunx-nt fought one in a lifetime. In buying one do nut drRm Uon look a awrrly-inquire aa to ita in moot part, it tone, rolume, ita anion and general ron atrurtion - have an rxart play it for you, brina; out ita awertnera and ativneth of tone, and teat it in every way. We invite you to our aak-arooma - give our rianu your moat rigid examination and you will be our euatomer, fortheStirffalwaya win. out. Chas. M. StiefT Wanufac turvr of the Artistic Stieff, Shaw tad Self - p layer Pianos. Southern Ware room S Wert Trfcd. Suad Charlotte. N. C. C. H. WILMOTH. Manager. (Mention thia pnnr. ) VJTT with a few h v- ly hurt with hales burned, would had' cotton at present prices. TI7 rj representing a very strong line of in surance compampies, will he glad to write you a policy. Ask for rates. The Savings, Loan & Trust Co. C H. Richardson and N. C. English. Managers. All Ready FOR A BIG FALL TRADK. We have started-just opening up the most up-to-date line of Dry Goods and Notions ever shown ON THE CORNER. Ladies' Gentlemens and Children's Sweaters, a full line. About 25 of the prettiest Coat Suits ever .brought to town. Come and pet your selection. The prices are right. As usual, our line of Shoes is the best. We fit them all, both old and young. We have the prettiest line of Men's Clothing we have ever dis played. Why buy the cheap kind v hen you can get the best by buying from us? HcRAE MERCANTILE GO. Phone 45. Loan and Trust Building. few A -Rock-- log Chair will sometimes last for ages. If it does it will be one of the WeU-Built Rocking Chairs sold at this store. My! how easy thevare. Won't you please call in and see them? They're all good. Little Rocking Chairs, Big Rocking Chairs if bought here are irood. Thev'rs made for service and comfort. YOVR CREDIT fS GOOD. W. H. KERR, JR., aiuiNitut, n. 1;, Listen To A Few Facts. The new additions to our Sta bles are about complete and we now occupy more space than any stable in town. If it's Horses or Mules you want, we've got 'em at bargains. If it's Wagons, one or two horse, we are selling them lower than the lowest. If it's Harness you want, we can sell it as cheap as the cheap est. Just received, two car loads of nice, up - to - date Buggies and Surries. Remember Our Motto: "Sell Cheap a,nd Thereby Sell a Heap." We are not going to keep this stuff, but are going to sell it re gardless of cost so come along and get your bargains. Fowler and Lee, The Leading Stable in Monroe 44 4X See Our Window! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU SAID- " We have always wanted a coffee percolator hut the prices were prohihitive." "ROCHESTER' YOUR OPPORTUNITY aaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBBaaBBaaaa i bbb bBV I -aw h. Simplest V Popular Prices Perfect Coffee Assured 'aaHaV FULLY GUARANTEED Tested Proved The above cut illustrates the success of an attempt to meet the increas ing demand for a good coffee percolator at a price within the reach of all. This percolator is made from the best copper, nickel plated, has no small parts to lose, no valves to get out of order, makes delicious and uniform coffee. 5 CUP SIZE 2.00 LOOK AT THESE PRICES: 7 CUP SIZE 2.25 8 CUP SIXE 2.50 Chafing, Serving and Fern Dishes, Cream and Syrup Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders and Butter Dishes, Salt and Pepper Shakes, Trays of all sizes in same quality ware. & & & Heath Hardware Co. WHOLESALE. Incorporated. RETAIL. J then unwaveringly. a no 4onnaow V4T now on aale. B. M. HILL, Ajwnt.

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