t ooooo4ocOscoo ! The Conquest of the Pole! o o o o o t s E' Dr. FREDERICK I COCK CariaM. 1M. tK Nasa Yarti HsraM Cm". Rajtstaraal U Can la Accordant With Cap rsaM Act. CfrTgtil U Mu le Uf4sr taw af K RspwMia at Masica. Alt f,gU Raaaoaa 0 o e o o o o T1a Cook ripJ'tl" a I aquli-pad at Glawttr. Alas., aisl aaa rsa1y la atari an jmr a. I. Ceua aaa Huootpal Francaa as:a put asfiora al AnmMMoa. j OfwnUM. aita afTipat aloraa aid aurtna; thm aifctsr tnaua prapa;auana tor iter polar assh. tai Fray It. ISA. tha atata ipMltttua atan.4 tar tha buai mtia rias a im. W8 ass at4 aiavati haavii ktaa 4 tasta. litMiMt a littla narth at . tha rtir an slarrn, la raasiKsl Ilia norlh ara mm! of Mattel a UtabU. Mata Oat as padllKMi slvkjsd. bis nara ratarnma. Tha rrai ran lo n pola na bncaa. on March II tafnly-ats fnllaa rrt snails and ma nail any auty-ana Than laa mora of Ilia m.'U ratuftwa. ssavms only two young KxKlmoa lo aorampany IM Cook, with too luailad alaaaaa ana taraa-tr-ais oa- Oa March at atitaaa aiitaa want euvaral laenty-nltta anlaa on lha Sat. iwanlv-lao tha fltowuiti aay ana aftaraaru for aatatal dava aa a arasa of avvnlvan or atKhtwn. N i-ar lha aortliara adas of Uraut a opea lead a as aneuuntaraO. a inch traa crnaanl ailh noma parti on lh ouna Ira. bonta aUya later attar a arvrr aturia tha lea Wtl avan uiwlar Ilia neluo, and IT. Cooa In hia atavistic baa aaiiK into lha eravtca. aain ttraaavu to aalrty by tha young rIa:iuoa. Tha advanra aal hallvd ay atorma, ha ona of aliM-a list luts a bunrd and la anvthar tha m-n thamaatwa. To tha aaat a aaar land, liatntst ttrailley l-awl ty Cooa, a-aa altflitr.1. vitamlats; rrotii al da aTrvsa 3 nunutaa lo S u.icrava U mlnutao and rhiaa to Ilia ona hundrad and aacond msihlian. lr. Coo a own account of hia daah from Hradlay Land to tha pola la giau Iwlow J OVKU lite nenlj cllaeurcrid coaat lines a sis a rilU'U llmllrjr IjiihI. lu biur tif Juliu l(. Ilrutllt'j. tUe IfllcluUT of t laa cMKtll tlnll. Aa w e aail ui'rtU of I Ilia laud thrro a uullihii; auttauilul Uwu U lih li to Hi Hie eve. Tlirre wu at no time a x'ifivllj rloar bruun. but tha wauluer n CKd ruuuch tu in-nnlt fmiuiut nuull cat obat-rvaliuiis. linn da' after day tbe uianboa Wrr funrd. tin- lut ldrnt and tha h Itiuiia aprc rtHiirilnt. Uit I lie adrra-turi-a vera inuiiitly f'Tiilleo In til rwntul lilcui'h of the tint d iy a rllurt. The liljht of Aril 7 waa niadu Uotabl bj the iwIuk of the uo at midnight. For a uuuiIkt i'f ulkhla It made grim face at lia lu Its artllne. A leaning mint, drawn a curtain over the northern aea at uilduiKbt, bad glveu BraileyLaaa Tiuti Stram Tnm Froze Sea Half the Food Allowance TJied afai dtniaf Elect of Polar Glit ter Dnpair af AhwtlaJa, "Bejroad It ImponibU Li rc. rHttiKuicK a. cxkik. corloui adtnuiagoi for celestial alag lug; aeltlng Into this base, we wera Uuabl to delerinlue atiarjily the ad vent of tbe niidulKht sun. Now tbe great bulk was drawn out egg sboiied, with horizontal Hues drawn tlirmiuu It. Again It was press- d into a bailn with flaming Urea. burning behind a curtain of frosts: blue at other times, It nKared like a bug rate, aud It required very little Imagination to see imrpla and violet flowers. Tbe change was often like magic but the last display waa Invariably a racedistorted fiuea of men or ani mals were made to suit our fancy. W had therefore followed the sun's northward advance from Ita Arst peep at midday above tin aoutb lee of ine polar gateway to II sweep of tbe northern lea at uildulght. Kmm the end of the polar night late in Kebru ary to tbe tint of the double days and midnight suns we bad forced a trail through darkness, blood hardenlug temperature aud over leg breaking Ir regularities of an unknown world of Ira to an area 200 miles from the pole. I Now we bad tbe un unmistakably at midnight, and Its new glory was qnlt an incvutlve to our lire of ahlr ers. Observations on April 8 placed camp at latitude 80 degrees M min utes, longitude W degrees 2 minute, lo spits of what seemed like kior, marches we had advanced only lOfl mile In nine day. .Inch of our hard ftrork wss lost lo circuitous twists round troublesome pressure line and high, Irregular flelda or very old k. Tbe drtrt Ice waa throwing ns to tbe east with sufficient force to give as o me aulety. but with eyea closed to danger aud bardaliii I lie doable days of railgue and glitter quickly followed one another. The temperature, ranging between 86 and 40 degree below tero K.. kept persiatenlly near the freoilng point of mercury, and. though the perpetual an gare light and color to tbe cheer less waste, we were n..t Siupresaed wltb any appreciable sense of warnilb. O)0O0)0)0H50C0oc4 Indeed, tbe ranbeam arernrd tn make tbe front of the air pierce with a snore painful sting. There waa weird play of nrglea. seemingly una! Iiapreamire at this time rlooda of steam n from the froaea eras, la atarrhlng over the golden glitter snow arakla the face, while tbe nose la bleached with froat. In camp grip of tbe knife left polo fill burna from cold metal To tbe froaen Oncer tbe water waa hot. With wine spirit the Are was lighted, while oil delighted the stomach, la dream beavea was hot, the other place waa cold. Alt nature waa false. We aeemed to be nesting tire chilled flame of a ew hade. In our hard life there was nothing geottl iely warm. The congen ial appearance were all deception, but death offered only rold comfort. 1 hen- was no advantage In suicide. We should have enjoyed this curious experience. Iit wltb endlesa lilllvdl comforta. con him-d In aching muscle and an overt- iring langunr. there could be no real ya from tbe glories of na ture. The pk-aaure was reserved for a later retroainvt. We now rhineed our morklng hours from day to night, beginning nsually at 10 and ending at T. The big march ea and proloi getl hmra of travel with whkb fortune favored us earlier serf: no longer s:lle. Weather Crttull tlona were more Important In deter mining the day's run tbau the bands of tbe chronometers. When tbe storms threatened the start waa delayed, ami In strong blows tbe march was shortened, iwt In one way or another we usually found a few hours lu each turn of the dial dur lug whkb a march could be forced Is tweeu wiiida. it mattered little whetb er we traveled night or day-all hours and all daya were alike tn us-for we bad uo accustomed time of rest, uo Bundaya, mi holiday, uo landmarks cr milepoata to pass. To advance and ex pend tbe energy accumulated during one aleep at the cost of our pound of pemmlcau waa the one sole aim In lire. Tte observations oi April II gave latitude 8? degree JU tniuute. longi tude IK minutes ID seeouds. The park disturbance ef Itrailicy l.aud was less and less noted lu the northward move ment. Tbe tlelila lieeaiue heavier, lar ger aud has crevitaacil. We bad now passed the blghest reac hes of all our ptisks-csaors aud had gained the iuspiratlon of tbe far thest north for ourselves. The time waa at baud, however, to consider seri ously the necessity of an early return. Nearly half of Hie fisxl allowance bad been used. In Hie long marches supplies had been more liberally used tbao anticipated, aud now our dog tennis were much reduci-d In numbers. A hard nwesatty had forced tbe cruel law of the aurvival of tbe titteat. for the leu useful dogs were fed to tbe ateady working survlvora. Owlug to the food limits aud the advancing aea sou we could tint prudently continue the outward march a fortnight longer. We bad dragged ourselves UM) miles over tbe olar ea In twenty-four day Including delay aud detours, this gave an average of nearly thirteen mile dally vu an air Hue lu our course. Ihere remained an uuknown Hue of lot) miles before our ambitious could be satisfied. Tbe same average ad vance which we had made on the pack would take ua to tbe pole lu thirteen daya. There were food aud fuel euough to risk this adventure. In tbe diary of tbe succceillug days' doings there appear numerous tabu In t Ions of work and observation, lu the new crack the thkkuesa of the Ice waa meusured. Tbe water was ei atuiued fur life. Atmospheric, surface water aud ke teuiwruturea were tuk eu, tbe barometer was uoled. the i kind formations, weather coudltioua aud ke drift were tubulated. t watcbed dully lor posaible signs of daugerous failure lu strength, tor serious disability uow meuut fatal termination. A disabled man could neither cou tiuue uor return, but every axatniua tlou gave another res sou to push hu man eudurauce to the limit of tue strain of every fiber aud cell. The bard work wbk-b followed, under au occasional burst of burning auubeatua. brought lutcuse tblrst. I'orciug tbe bablt of tbe camel, we taauagvd to take enough water before starting to keep stiBkleut liquid tu the vein for the day' march, but It was dlttttult to await tu melting of tbe Ice at camping time. In two sittings-evening aud morning-each took au svn-age of three quart of water dally. 'J nut Included the tea aud also the luxury of an oc casional soup. There was water about everywhere In heaps, but It waa in crystals, and before tbe thirst could be quenched several ounce of pre cious fuel, which bad been carried thousands of mile, must be used. And still this water, so eiiwnslve and so ereaaary to ua. ultimately became tin? greatest baue to comfort It escaped through the pores of the skin, satu rate tbe boots, forced a band of ke auder tbe knee and a belt of fr-at boot the waist, while tbe face was early alwava lut-astd la a Irk la fruaa the been I fc a part of ear hard lut la life, ami ae learned to take lb lortnie pUiloaopaj Iratly. t'rosi tha elf bty seventh to the eighty-eighth parallel ae pausl fur twa day aver oU Ire wlth-HU urraMire tine ae hummock. There a- as no rls cernltile line .f dene real ion fir the eida. and It aaa quit Impon-itde la determine If we were na hnd ar are ire. Tbe barometer linlk-ateil ao ew rattoa. but tbe he bad (tte ami. wav ing surf-tce of tho-lal we. alia only oaf drial rrevasara. Tha aaler lait"-d from this aaa But .ilty. bat all ef the upper aurface of the a e of tbe polar sea make similar water, lb naaik-al observations di.l b.4 seem to Indicate a drift, bat nevertheless the combined tatMilationa do nut ws res tit tbe raaitive assert ka of ell her land or sea for this area. The k-e gave cheering prospect. A plain of purple aud Uue r-iu la ea undulation to tlw llmil of vi.k Doors and Sash. We have opened a full line of Doors. Sa-sh. Blind and Mantels in a a store room north of court house. promptly A Cast I y Quarrel. Koak-y. the to;lih viuliiuat. was hard ta brat a bin peraevrraai'e (gainat aue who had iarurred his HI , ant tloalry had a quarrel with horar dealer aamasl Itraut. It aaa a I trivial nailer, but Kwley took the! arxt bouse lu Kraal, set up a piaoo, ' uught a nwuet aud pruccrdisl ta mk , We can fill large or small onle-r-! ltnut Af1rt ", n c can iiumuk rsar, la nairt llraut aautrd. and can furnish odd sizes in I Ws and Sash. We also; itoaiey bought out n- et dour, aeurhbur ami f.dk.anl aitb piano aud keep at Our shops north of town a full Stock of rorurl. rtrant went to law. tut found he cod Id ao Bothl'i ratline ae iwa t detached h-uiv. Tbea Itoan-y hired ' trass band and orcao and aasalled , httu. Tbia waa actkable. aud Uow , ley aid il.taai for hi reveuge.-Leo j don Taller. r " HV " ! A i )? o In fact we can furnish everything you need to build a house, and can do it quick. Bring us your lumber to dress, we guarantee our work to be the best Come to see us when you have lumlier to sell. Gut our prices before you buy; no trouble to figure. Porter-Myers Lun)ber Co. pa. cook t!( a Bono cosTrug. without the usual barriers of npllftcd bha-ks. Over It a direct ulr line course w as possible. I'rogres, bow ever, was qnlte a difficult aa over the Irregular lack. The snow was crusted with larue crystals. An Increased friction reduced the Sieed. while the surface, too hard for anowshoea, was also too weak to give a secure fuotlng. The loneliness, the monotony, tbe hardship of ateady. unrelieved travel were now keenly fell. It Is not often that mnn'a horscpow er la put tu the test as our waa We were compelled to develop a working energy to the limit of aulitinl capacity. Lay after day we h:id pushed aloti at the same steady pace over plains of frost and throuvh a mental desert. As the eye opened at the end of nn Icy slumber the (Ire was lighted Utile by llllle, the stomach waa tilled with liquids mill aollda, mostly cold -enough to last for the dny, for there could be no halt or wnste of fuel for midday feeding. We next g"t Into harness and pared off the day' pull under the lasb or duty. We worked until stand Ing became Impossible longer In light winds, shorter In strong winds, but al ways until the feet became numb and beavy. Then enme the arduous task of build ing a snow house. In this the eyes, no longer able to wink, closed, but soon the empty stomach complained, and It was Ailed tip agnln-not with thine Unit pleased the palate, only bnrd fuel to feed the Inner Are, while the ear ought the soft side of lee tn dispel fatigue; no pleasure in mental recrea tlon, nothing to arouse the soul from Its Icy Incloaure. To eat. to sleep, to pros ore fisil ahead of tbe other, waa our slemly vo cation, like the horse to the cnrl. but we had not his advantage of an agree able climate and a comfortable stable at night. Word and pictures cannot adequate ly describe the maddening Itilluenre of this sameness of polar glitter, com bined wltb bitter winds, extreme cold and an overworked body. To me there was always the Inspiration or antici pation of the outcome or ultimate sue ceis, put for my young savage com panlons It wa a torment almost lie yond endurance. Their weariness waa made evident by a lax use of Hie w hip and an Indifferent urging of the dog. They were, however, brave and faith ful to the bitter end. seldom allowing elfish ambitions or uncontrollable passions seriously to Interfere with Iho main effort of the expedition. On the morning of April IS a slriln or agitating torment reached a break lug point. For daya tliere bad been a ateady cutting wind from the west which drove despair to Its lowest reaches. No torment could be worse lhan that never ceasing rush of Icy air. Ahwe- Isb bent ovor bis sled and refused to move. Ilia dog turned and looked In quiringly. I walked over and stood by his side. Kluklshuk came near and stood motlontesa. staring blankly at the southern skies. Ijirge tears tell rrom Ahwelah'a eyea and piled a little frost or sadness In the blue of his own shad ow for everal mlnnle. Not a wH was uttered, but I knew that each felt that the time bad come lo free the tet ter of human passion. Slowly 'Ahwe Inh said. "Untie slnlg pa-oo-ah loiile I o-dorla" ("It la well lo dla-beyoqd ! Impossible'!. Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, lialustcrs and llrackets. :: :: DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD of Greensboro, N. C, Expert Physician, Surgeon and Specialist, j will visit Monroe (4th visit) on Saturday Nov. 6th, at Gloucester Hotel, and every 4th Sat urday regularly thereafter. .. .. .. One Day Only rK'1 BrltlshCanidlan MidlealEipirt, Surjion ind Diagnostician. Br. Packer! hss beea Ssacanra w ass pr le aitt fcaa sn srrt kssertsb) aaa caHsstt St ( srae sad amenta. Special CawaiaarOaited lutes Ptasiss Ian. CsatsHstaMana tisai- iaatiss frat. rnitsC a Stncrtf Caslistslisl. caul lakes Sf trsstts' aitksat I ! Ma at iisaisitiss cae tttttxiea f Mtsnisw. Is mt ar Isaasu am ar tarraiaealaatf laataas tas Wo caralaSf . N rai as a isa teass. sin a a iki loans atw aiN II -wjw-a, , ."; . I , 8:00 A. M.tt ! 6:00 P. M. Midleal Eiptrl In Tnatmtnt el Chronlo Dliiasiiof Mm, Wamin and Chlldrin. h. arkarf ks BMrfl rcaarkasi caret I ttstts (ta. Ks iacatwli cttal takes ha IrcitiMst. U cstts tskea tar Irtalswsl will at faaf ntcea i cart, I ss stiatl is srtss. II tahttihrlet M sitiitaatt saplavad wtnittti Consultation & Examination at all times FREE and Invited. aal. ar wnt atasal Smv satisa aststl hi l I rs l .l.r mri-a aar rata I tk f"r m,Hlitrtv rrr-Lrra' Is t -re ("W siissts I lr.iliu.i.1. Kuriml I trt-.l i:S"Ui M iswi prraoar 10 . r ... i "- - .ratios ur suit, mix. Wilhout klh-r r I 'hit.- Ir..nl.. hryni the siJ ( Ik' eerl Ire , ..nM Itu.inoa. ur litn,n,-r Aiul if na have Iriit rvrvllottf I el.. ilit failed. Slid it yu want lo .-! sthII I This Nnrt CsrollBS IKii-tor. eini'-n a ms asms, i, '- r - - --- T.U.. Kn.-rlal snd I'kronir l.i..r. l dm. ataliaa Wk. ll lli-r. i a rare lr .a will Wurara so Ckildna, Tn-.lt all Bis rillraia itmh It .'.no ana .r.-n.r si.t.nl. to at.! 11 III. re- m- Swo-M rr,n,inv bft.. A Piano is an inatnimrnt bought once in lifetime. In buying one do not depend upon nuke merely -inquire aa to it in most parts, ita tone, volume, its action and (feneral con struction have an expert play it for you, brine; out ita sweetness and strength of tone, and teat it in every w ay. We invite you to visit our salesrooms - give our I'iaratt your most rigid examination nd you will be our customer, for the StietT always wins out. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Self -player Pianos. Southern Ware room S Wert Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH. Manager (Mention this pajs-r.) n ...., 'a hir.l A.tl.l .M.n.il..l,IT. Mr trt. th. lultoauiit Ins. as.- t .lily: AH Ntvoos liit,-a.rt iurl i .N.-mst- Ih.nla, ,M-iirtii:is. w lasri"!!., . i I.,!., Ki.ir.l lrtit.tms. ll..-riS. I'.vitv.is. Koili-ety. tit or nintif itiri.o-, tiiui.s, t-o. .o huh an has ais.trrt-tt and ha at hit No MATTER WHst t-mir llmi-nt tn.v ti. : XO M Ml Kit Kal othr sisr has tUI Kit or I'.lllnt Hn-kn-ta, t lioi.s. . .a Jl.ll.-r wimi t..or aa-rirnra .... Illlllitraa. rll.-rlilrssn.-aa, lleaih.ha or Ml- hY b.-'S s-lH Oilier l-K.vtlrltlis. llo.imal.. m-.iiir Hrsrl lutes. . 1'k. pslpitttifn. in- rl.nllsrnisit. liitloulios or I'strat Mfdivins. rrtl Wnkm-ts or .oiVililt tp.ll.. lrs.. .nl ll sill ti. to 'ur aStsalsre la f "o l- III. BliJ or KIub Ilk" An.-nii.. arr'iluls r.. la- aiarkaaie ma-i'ir r. r....,,. , . i.. r.-, . . ,.. ,r l lri-r. 'lumiirt. Itrowihi. esrioi.s ari.n..H-H.- 01 v iii arr.,r., ... oimDh . etc lis wsnlt to ai.-.-l sll ti. k e r- M.d.r.l I ,-srnine is th s;..rl. ti. ; tun who su(t.r trurn t'hmma t'ontuiisiiiia, thru, snd Int. it fnreaar lll.d la rar mud (ihitipntioa, lnlMlnisl IrnltlM.n, l.idif .li-.n. it )r rM- I en. for whirh s tare rn liv.p.n.ia. I iri-rilloo or itiiin 01 in- w n.u. - , - 8l'omrh ar Inl.itin.t, lteraia, Kuplurs of oit on lrr.lis.nl at onr.. and ir. )nu all II,. lloafla, Ansaadlcllis. I tie. Itrl.,n l.lmd- tie h tnesli-in-s nr reaiistirt snd pn-psrallflns n orntrodin or im.rnol la t'h.rs.l.-r. nf.-.li-d lo r(l. four or.. II in. ur.iU. II. I tprwmai liisrasrt ol th. Iir.r, tui h t .a- will l.ll f" to. ana sir. job torn man- ltrr.rn.-nt or di.pltrra.nl. or rnnj. -.ilea, sri ti .1 tow ..10.1. !....,. ,. .. I irrh.itit. htrnVniuf or in.orjrm.nl. ln. a.- .BCMCMBER Tint i not a w-hrnj. or ratrh M ot th. Kidoryt hk. Bri.-ht linos... Ins- er tnur to . )tr nv.n.-jr tml mo. ss it brt.s, lir....v. llrsr.l, 1'iir Arid, riril.lni .o oil.-n Ih. rs.. Thit it a trtllimtl. prop nr hnraina t rine, ll.d w. ltin or la frrqiietit e.ili. a and ).. .1- il with your liorl.r aur- I'rinalion S. tusl Impolrnr.. wrtkai-.l or Irro arlf snd dirrrt. Kx-rr etstrm.iil h.-r. mart, lability. inra..i ol lha Mad.l.r. I'atsrrh la Is ruatinlrrd si Tro.. A Titil tor ton.ul- III lit fora Purulrnt. diwhsnina or hry talion and rttiamstinn will roil y" oath- Clttrrh o( Ih. h.-d. Thrnst. iungn nr llron- in, and impli.-t no ehliastinn srhtl.srr. If rhisl tall.. Htomsrh. Hlsdd.r. Kidney r li-.lm.nl I., divided on and air.a foil. It Hy.l.ailr. Thlt rn.mr af Ih. aiisltn rs... will retlara ra to perfrrt keallh. tnd aity He il sow sM. lo rur. ta a tliorl tun. tr m-.n th. tarinl of four lit.. A .ominsl Irr an nrliiml snd ni-w arlhod ol d.m.11 t or aill h. rharm-d only il lha Cits caa as trral- al.ioritioa. Attaaia la sll Ita forots IW nl ailh a tow to a rare. : ;... r 11,. ,.,.v tt.a.t. A Car. soar- Ho not put off this duly yna ow lo Tour- ....L if 1. th. ..rl' ai.ir.a hrforo dptlrur- a. If. Your I'tanlr. your rnrnd and your ..... .. ,.. k.. ..t ,n Iw.rn... ..n..d r.l.iiv.i who ara now or aity v.. u t k.r. fund IrMiu.nllr la 80 mm- I.- .ua.Tinf hn-sut. ot y.oir n.-trrl to a ut.t 8..nn-tim.iarrnaipniad l.y Hrad anl.rs, ll..-.-- not iiroi ur. ll.:iUh wiinoul I'lir.-a to tlsy t'uril. lli.st.s ot Vl oin.-n, I. it. in.l.-nd ot a 1'l.atui. brrom. a florin, or tlrsnsn are aiott surrrttlully Lie tnd ptinfiil Hunl.-n. -v.i.-d. DupUcrmriiU la say loria ara lia- Kiuirnarr lha lala and l'ltca. I. .-I.l whi.h aitt-r. Now Is The Time To Start a Bank Account Every farmer in Union county ought to have one. When you sell cotton at the good prices now rang ing, put some of your money in the bank where it will work for you if you let it We will pay Four percent, and that is much better than keeping it idle at home where it may be stolen. Call on us for information. :: :: :: :: " :: :: :: The Savings, Loan S Trust Company R. B. Redwine President H. B. Clark Cashier Special Low Rates Via Seaboard Air Line, account following special Occasions : ATT.AKTA r.A. Account Automobile Races. Nov.6-13th. Tick ets on sale various dates from Kov. 7 to iz inclusive; nnai return limit NOV. 10, exiennion, nowever, can ue necurtru uuui isu. ov, i?oia from Mnnrno $ 20. Rates on ttame basis from other points. WILMINGTON, N. C President Taft Day Celebration. Special trains and exceedingly low rates, Nov. 9. Special rates and schetl iiIph of Bnecial trains will be announced later. Tickets to be sold Nov. 9, limited returning to leave Wilmington Nov. 10. CHARLOTTE, N. C. -Account Mecklenburg Fair. Oct 26-29th. Tickets on sale Oct 25 to 29 inclusive; final return limit Oct 3th. Knto fenm Mnnmo. SI 4,ri. Above rate includes admission to Fair. SAVANNAH. GA.-Account Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons. Nnir tn 1.T Ticket" on sale Nov. 6 and 7; trains scheduled to ar rive in Savannah before noon Nov. 8. Rate from Monroe, $7.75; rates on same basis from other points. RALEIGH, N. C Account Farmers National Congress, Nov. in o KvMMwIiritTtv low rates from all Dointa. Tickets on sale Oct 31, Nov. 1 and 2 and for all trains to arrive in Raleigh before noon Nor s- final rptnrn limit Nov. 12. Fare from Monroe. $5.35. NEW ORLEANS, LA.-Lakea to the Gulf Deep Waterway Asso ciation. Oct 30-Nov. 2. Tickets on sale Oct. 27, 28 and 2!; final re turn limit crood returninir 15 days from date of sale. Rate from Monroe f 25.05; rates on same basis from other points. RAI. Kir. II. N. fI.-North Carolina Industrial Association (colored) Fair. Oct 25-30. Tickets on sale Oct 23 to30 inclusive; final return limit Nov. 1. Special low rates and extra coaches providca on reg ti ae train tn accommodate all. For further information apply to nearest Seaboard ticket office or address the undersigned. C. H. GATTIS, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. C. A 'RockMnt Chair will sometimes last for ages. If it does it will be one of the Weil-Built Rocking Chairs sold at this store. My! how easy theyare. Won't you please call in and see them : 1 hey re all good. Little Rocking Ch&irs. Big Rocking Chairs f bought here are good. They're made lor service and comfort. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. W. H. KERR, JR., MUNKOE, N. L. f FLOUR hlOBPINAEYf Above tbe Ordinary is a high altitude to climb. That's where our (lour is, bag and all. Flour that Rises when you want it to is humane. F.vptv cook likes it We have that kind. Flour made at this mill is uniform, and always above "ordinary." Every sack guaran teed. Henderson Roller Mill Companj Always Growing In Popularity. Thtst is what this store is doing. Why? Because we sell iood groceries at living prices, and Deliver them when you want them, and guarantee satisfaction. Try us. Ihe Doster Grocery Co. Purity, Accuracy and Skill are the three essentials in eonimunlin Prescriptions. aVll of these yon tt hy having your work done hy C.N. Simpson, Jr., DRUGGIST. All Ready FOR A BIG FALL TRADE. We have started -just owning up the most up-to-date line of Dry Goods and Notions ever shown ON THE CORNER. Ladies' Centlemens' and ChiMn n's Sweaters, a full line. About 25 of the prettiest Out Suit ever brought to town. Come and get your selection. The prices are right. As usual, our line of Shoes is the best We fit thnn all, lmth old and young. We have the prettiest line of Men's Clothing we have ever dis played. Why buy the cheap kind when you can get the liest by buying from us? HcRAE MERCANTILE CO. Phone 45. Loan and Trust Building. 1 Listen To A Few Facts. " (7, The new additions to our Sta bles are about complete and we now occupy more space than any stable in town. If it's Horses or Mules you want, we've got 'em at bargains. If it's Wagons, one or two horse, we are selling them lower than the lowest. If it's Harness you want, we can sell it as cheap as the cheap est. Just received, two car loads of nice, up - to - date Buggies and Surries. Remember Our Motto: -Sell Cheap Md Thereby Sell a Heap. We are not going to keep this stuff, but are going to sell it re gardless of cost so come along and get your bargains. Fowler arid Lee, The Leading Stable in Monroe , a ISee Our Window! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU SAID- " We have always wanted a coffee percolator but the prices were prohibitive." t -ROCHESTER YOUR OPPORTUNITY - iyi n -Va. c V t a ir a i Simplest W Popular Prices Tested Proved The above cut illustrates the success of an attempt to meet the increas ing demand for a good coffee percolator at a price within the reach of all. This percolator is made from the best copper, nickel plated, has no small parts to lose, no valves to get out of order, makes delicious and uniform coffee. Perfect Coffee Assured i FULLY GUARANTEED 5 CUP SIZE 2.00 LOOK AT THESE PRICES: 7 CUP SIZE 2.25 8 CUP SINE 2.50 Chafing, Serving and Fern Dishes, Cream and Syrup Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders and Butter Dishes, Salt and Pepper Shakes, Trays of all sizes in same quality ware. & 0 0 Heath Hardware Co. WHOLESALE. Incorporated. RETAIL. a

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