THE MONROE JOURNAL TckptMtM No. I. Tacaday. Otister 26. I0. Mr V. K. MhoM kaa cum fc Philadelphia and Sew lork on bu larm. Mr. Guy (lillt-Uod is spending arvrral days in Abbeville ith friend. Iter. II D. L PrwUr "ill preoh at Macedonia Sunday t II a. m. tod at Sandy llnge at 3 p. m. Mayor J. IV MrKae. who wu dan gerously ill for lo or three merit, cam up town Saturday and baa moor Urn alle to be at the store. The mid term exercises of the Wingate School, consisting of de late, reritatMot and music, mil be held Friday night, the '.".th. The Journal is asked t announce that there will not be a Union meet ing of the Baptist association thin month, nereral iwl-mm preenting Mis lioma Alexander of Monroe has Uen employed as teacher of the Marvin public school, and will begin work neit Monday. Kev. A. 0. IUker. who baa lately lieconie pastor of a Baptist church in Columbia, S. 0., ipent a part of last week in the county on business. The achool at Carmel w ill begin nest Monday, November 1st. Misa Anes Stewart is principal and Miss Nina (Mark ia assistant Mr. Miles N. Bivens has charge of Trow Bros. A Lee's gins ia Monroe. Mr. Bivens has heretofore been at lip & (iritlin's m.U two miles east of town. ' The rate for registering a letter or mail package lias bmi increased from eight to ten cents. But the in demnity baa been raised from $25 to f 50. The date on which Dr. Packard will lie in Monroe is Monday, Nov "' . instead of the sixth. Klsewhere : !'' " """' his advertisement appears as the b been sick several weeks her ... .i . . -n.ili.nth avaa nnl vn.vfMl an aimn Slip sixth, but notice is given tnai no win be here on the Sib instead. Mr. A. Blacker has a novel adver- tising scheme, which he shows in his advertisement mi wee, ror every two dollars worth of goods he sells the purchaser is given a free ticket to the Dixie picture show. Mr. V. ('. Kedwiue. an old sales man who dm iraveieu ten Blk-knion.Norrw Aloof New Or- leans, h i yenu ruay ior xuieus. ; and will put in the reason selling1 molasses to the Georgians. Tlio coinmittee of College Hill school, in Jackson township, has em ployed Mr. Foster Starnes as princi pal and Mr. J. B. Godfrey as assist- ant teacher for the next session, SUujCnce. Ho pit aches the sweet whieh will ox n some time this fall. DPMi e powe, allfi tho beauty of The annual session of the Baptist region in a most charming manner. State Convention of North Carolina , The meeting promises to be one of will meet with the Baptist church at deep spiritaul revival. Wailesboro Tuesday, December 7lh, xe county commissioners wore and continue through Friday, Do- 4 m grssMn yesterday to act eember 10th. I Upon the petition calling for an elec- Mr. L. E. Ktaves, manager of thejtion on the question of a bond issue Waihaw Drug Company, has bought i of subscriptipn of stock in the pro a drug store at Itarford and will j posed South Atlantic and Transcon move there. He will retain his large jlinental railroad. Final action was interest in the Waxhaw business, and may move back there later on Mr. II. B. Adams is enjoying the use of a genuiue meerschaum pipe brought to him from Germany by his daughter, Mrs. W. C. Houston of Concord, who returned from abroad last week and is now visiting her parents here. Esq. U. W. A. Roger, whose fine molasses was spoken of last week, says that he ia not the maker, but that Mr. John Garland is the mo lasses maker of his neighborhood, and has made a great deal this sea son. Mr. C. II. Ijwery, mayor of Jef ferson, and his bride, Miss Lee Brown, were ir. Monroe yesterday on the way to the Mecklenburg fair. They were married Sunday night at the home of Mrs. Flora G. Miller, Rev. Mr. White olliciating. Manager Jack Kid J asks The Journal to say that tho curtain will nut rise at the opera house Friday night till S:l, giving those who want to go to church beforehand the opportunity of seeing the "Merchant of Venice." A new pump, driven directly byi cog from the electric motor, has been put in the small well of the town, aud a similar one is being put in the large well. These pump make 21 strokes per minute where the old one made eight or ten, and they will be able to lift all the wells will supply. The Ansonian says that Mr. Archie Wiufield, who has been in the Foil ed States navy for several years, and for sometime being on the battleship "North Carolina, has recently rfr turned home, hi time having expir ed. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs John Winfield and grandson of the late uov. A. li. Caudle. The farmers who sold their cotton last spring at ten cents for fall de livery, have bad amplo time to re gret their action even if they madi enounh cotton to fill the contracts But in tome section they didn't make enough on their farm to get the number of bale they bad sold A newt item says that some big far mers near Spartanburg fell so short on their own farms that they had to go out aud buy as much as 30 bales to fill their contracts, paying 13.50 for it to deliver at 10 cents. Tullia. the little 3 year-old child of Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Estridge of Waxhaw, was right painfully hurt last Sunday evening, says the Enter prise. The little girl ran out to meet her papa, who was driving up in the lot in a buggy, and about the time she reached the buggy the horse be came a little bit unruly and by some means she fell before the front wheel which ran over her arm twice. She received a severe cut in the head and (lie horse stepped on ber body mak ing a bad bruise. Mrs. Jane Urdiin. who lived ii North Monro, died la-4 Friday, and there were such persistent rrttft o! ill treatment among the neighbors by her husband. Turn Medlin. that an iniesUgaUua by the cotooer mm deemed now awry. Coroner lit let tummased jury, and County Phr sa'iaa Stewart made a p( mortem exaraiaation, summoned wilnesae and queelkioed Mtdlin. They 'give out no report, and no arrests were nude Neighbor said that the neglect and ill treatment of the woman was fear ful. She leaves one child, a little girl some eight or nine years old. Mrs. Julia I'rivett. wife of Mr Luther Prtvett. died at her home in North Monroe last Thursday. She was ( daughter of Mr. Samuel 1 laney. and was ?5 years old. She had been sick for a long time. She is surviv ed by her parents, brothers and sis ters, her husband and one child, a bright little girl. She joined Faulk Baptist church in early life, and was a good woman. Her family desire to thank the many friends whoso kindly gave them aid. Mr. Joe Ailcock, who lives on Capt S. II. Green's farm two miles south of Marshville, lost his barn and a part of its contents, including a wagon and two thousand bundles of fodder, Saturday night about K 30 oclock. The family had g ne to bed and had it not been for the barking af the dogs would not have discov ered the fire in time to save the stock and cattle. It is not known how the fire originated. The third series of stock in the People's Building and 1wn Associ tion will be open November 1st There is no better way to save money than to put a small sura weekly in this association. You can save la few hundred dollars in six years that you would spend probably if you did not bate a place to put it weekly. Call on Mr. Y. M. Gordon for further infortion. Mrs. II. Kerr,Sr., of Green wood, S C, died Sunday evening of l .A I .1.1 was G." years old and a member of the Presbyterian church. Besides the husband, four daughter and two - - - - j" , ", wng .urvjve, one of them Mr. W. 11 j, uf Monroe. Mrs. Knox Hargett has sold her house and lot on Washington and Windsor struts to Mr. Henry I ney. Mrs. llargett and her sister. Mrs. Nannie Wolfe, will move to their farm in Jl.vklenburs. 8 miles ofl charlotte. They have many friends in Jlonroe who regret to see mem leave. The meeting iu Central Methodist church began last night with a ser mon by Iter. D. Wolling of Newher rv I In eomnletelv cantivated his postponed till a subsequent meeting. Richard Perkins has installed a machine in his blacksmith shop by which he can swing a wild horse clear of the ground and hold him while be is being shod. Hu can shoe the wildest horse or mule without danger to the animal or himself, On last Tuesday night a new ma sonic lodge was organized at Win- eate. Rev. J. W. Rowell is master and the lodge will meet over T. L Brewer & Company's store. It will be known as Meadow Branch lxidge. The tale of lota of the J. W. Hasty tract in the northern part of Marsh ville last Saturday was a very suc cessful affair. The lots sold well at auction and showed that folks have faith in the town's future. The cotton market has not yet reached I'J.'.K) as The Journal re ported week before last, but it's climbing, and we may coax it up to that point yet. There will be a public debate at Wingale Friday night, October 21ltb, between the Gladstone and I'bilo- tophian societies. Mr. T. L. Crowell is visiting her mother, Mrs. Tadlock, in Marsliville township. The Merklenburg Fair opens to day and I'nion county will send plenty of visitors. Public High School Opens the 8th, l!orrpondrnc at Thf Journal. Wesley Chapel. Oct 25. -The pub lic hicD school at this place will open Nov. 8. It is hoped all pupils will be present the first day. Miss hvlyo Nichols of Greenville, 8. C, bat been emnloved to teach music in the school. She comes highly recom mended as a music teacher and chris tian ladv. The fourth quarterly conference for this (the Weddington) circuit was held at Hebron church last Sat urday. The presiding elder, Rov II. K. lJoyer, preacned one 01 nis usual good sermons at 11 o'clock and Buod reports were made to the conference in the afternoon. The pastor, Rev. J. II. Bradly, reported ibout eighty new member on the circuit during the year. Quite a number from here will at tend the fair in Charlotte this week Prof, and Mrs. Yeargin spent Sat urday in Monroe. Mr. William Fowler will enter some nice colt at the Mecklenburg fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stewart of Mon roe visited Frof. and Mrs. Yeargin last Sunday. Miss Bright Richardson visited at Mr. B. C Reader' last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Lester Winchester hu gone to Charlotte for the winter. Mrs. Lizzie Houston of Florid visited at Mr. W. D. llawheld's last week. Dr Mlkta" AnU-rla) Fills rrtlrvs Bat. Set era! Social Event. !tbe ball Tuesday evening, where a . nr-t- I'fcjiuu ok ! large lumber of couple were in at . . , , . . , , jtendance. Last evening a smaller The beautiful tKtoher daw bate enjoyable dance was urro Liitru l u oumurr m kaw j aiTair of various kinds, w inter is coming on with its a UI and gloom. hot the spirit of entertainment is in the air and party follows party. Al most every day some matron gather her friend about her for a few hour and while many affair are quite simple and informal, they serve to keep alive a spirit of hoxpitality and friendliness. a e a Mr. II. B. Adams and her daugh ter. Mis Pat Adams, delightfully en tertained a large number of friends Wednesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon of last week. The ever iopuUr game of forty-two was play ed. Miss Alice Scales won the prize at the first party; and at the second Mrs. Frank Umy made the highest score and received a little jewel case. Dainty and delicious refreshment followed the games. a o Several of the bot.k clubs have re sumed their winter's work and prom ise to afford much pleasure a well as improvement for the shut-in days of the cold seaton. There have been so many porch parties and out door affairs that it seems really and truly cozy to gather once more around an open grate or fireplace, and especial ly is it charming if one looks around upon the old familiar face. The Sorosis, which is one of the pioneer book clubs in the Slate, hav ing been twelve or more years in regular operation, met and reorgan ized Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Italy will be studied this year and the Bay view course will be used. There are many treats in store for this club; for there is no more interest ing and attractive country than Italy. It was decided at this meeting that elaborate spreads would be tabooed. So "limited refreshments" will be the new motto. 0 u o The Thalia Book Club, which is made up chiclly of young ladies, had a most delightful meeting last week with Miss F.dna Harris, at the home of Mrs. L. C. Bickett An in teresting program was carried out. :i O 3 Thursday morning from 10.30 to 12:30 Mrs. James A. Stewart gave a beautiful domino party in honor of Mr. C. A. G. Thomas, who will go next month to make her home in j noir, here her husband will be pastor of the Baptist church. It was , dr(..rv m,,rnini but the attractive cottage was very inviting. The prize fell to Mrs. S. II. Hudson, who presented it to the guest of honor. The score cards were hand painted to simulate dominoes. The ice cream was in chocolate and white; while' the cakes were made after the fash ion of dominoes, white and chocolate icing being used with good effect. O 0 o Mrs. X. C. English and Mrs. Es- clle Stewart entertained Friday af ternoon in a very charming manner. n the series of games Mrs. 1 nomas Capehart won the prize, a box of candy. Bonbons were served during the games and an iced course 101 lowed. A cood part of Monroe society heard Victor's band Thursday even- inc. This concert is the hrst of a series of entertainments secured by the Jackson Club. It was a most, nlcnaina and successful performance. The young people have had their share of merry-making of late. Mrs. B. C. Redfearn gave a beautiful par ty one evening last week, compli mentary to Miss l.tu lielle sevens of Albemarle. A large crowd gath ered at the beautiful suburban home of Mrs. Kedfcarn and enjoyed her harming hospitality till a late hour. There was a delightful dance at PEOPLE'S BUILDING ASSOCIATION Third Series will be onen vemberl. Doit! While this is only the third series of the new association, it ranks with the foremost in Union county. Being purely mutual, its ex pense are practically nothing, ami the gross earnings therefore go to you. Twenty-live cents lor one People's Building and Loan Association, At Office of Gordon Imurance and Investment Compiny. After Sending for the Doctor The next important step is to follow his directions. Be sure to get his prescription filled promptly, accurate ly and with first-cless ingredients. We will do it and charge you only a living price. Two registered pharmacists. Union Drug Co., PHONE iTTDAY OR NIGHT. boine of Mm Com Mrs. Thomas Capehart entertain- ,ed about forty of ber friend yester day afternoon, ine prize in uie game of progressive fortv-two fell to Mrs. Kosroe Phifrr. Iielighlful re freshment bruught the party to a rkwe. Mrs. Julian Grillin was at borne to a large number of friends this morning and thw afternoon. Wlngate New. Miss Augusta Watson returned last week from a visit to friends and relatives at Wadesboro and lilrs ville. Mr. Gray of Monroe visited her daughter, Mrs. J. Brigh'. Grillin, last Mrs. F. C. Stewart and son. Mas ter Bob, and Mr. K. M. Sanders went to Jonesboro Sunday to visit relative. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hamilton of Jonesboro aie visiting relative here. Miss Connie Armtield of Marsb ville visited Miss Odessa Williams last week. Messrs. Boleridgeof Lancaster and Clarence Ieonard of Anson county have recently entered school here. Mrs. Jack Bishop returned Friday night from a visit to relatives in Wilmington. Ivev. J. L Bennett attended the Chester association which convened at Harmony church, near Cheater, S. C, last week. Mrs. Addie Joplin and daughter, little Miss Naomi, visited relatives in Charlotte last week. Mrs. Dora Bushing and Miss An nie lloggan went to Charlotte last Thursday on a shopping expedition. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bivens of Mon roe spent Sunday at Mr. B. D. Aus tin's. Mr. I. B. Mullis of Cuntey, S. C. visited his mother, Mrs. Tiney Mul lis. last week. Itev. J. L Bennett will preach here next Sunday at 1 1 a. m. Mr. Vann Grillin, conductor on a Tennessee railroad, visited his fath er, Mr. William Grillin, last week. Miss Minnie Funderburk, who has been in school here, went home last week to teach school. She has been employed as teacher at Mineral Springs, in north Monroe township Since our last writing a change has been made in the postmasters here. Mr. J. J. Ferry, who has served us to faithful for seven years as assistant postmaster, his father, Mr. T. J. I'erry, being postmaster, is succeeded by Mr. T. C. Stewart as postmaster with Mr. T. K. Holms as- Bjgtant. Mr. Terry was over kind and courteous hi bis patrons and it is with regret that we give him up. Messrs. Stewart and Helms are also gentlemen of kind and courteous dis positions and will doubtless serve us satisfactorily. 1 he ollice has been moved into the building formerly occupied by T. L Brewer & Compa ny on the north side of the railroad. Another important event has trans pired since we last re ported. On Sunday, Oct. 10th, Mr. Jame E. Liles and Miss Mattie Stewart sur prised their many friends by going to South Carolina and navmg r.sq J. C. Mangum speak tho words that made them one. Immediately after the ceremony they returned to Marsh ville and went to Hamlet on No. 44. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. I . Stewart and is a bright and attractive young lady. She will make Mr. Liles a good wife. The groom is a son of Mr. Thos. B. Liles and is a promising young man of noble character. He has held a po sition as talesman with Mr. E. N. Rhodes at Hamlet for several months. We join with their host of friends in hearty congratulations and best wishes. AND LOAN from now until Monday, No Do it right! Do it right now! snare, von 1 wan nnui in ian nay given at the Fairley. SPECIAL NOTICES OIW l ElXOw.Saie hereby nuUlird that the hour of mrrtinK "' Monrut- Unig hu Iki, rhan(ri U T JU. rXH'.ND A Pythian rin ami a lure kev. AMly at Journal uflirr. HlK SAl.K 1x4 Ml tttarVa tn-t. AmJv Ui J. y. Milium or Mr. J C. Krimmuit;-r. Kal Uh ittnt I, t har krtle. N. I . MUSKY till' Nil. in l-urkt-t buuk in Mmrw l-t- 3. I. Owm-r ran frt t by dt-arntunK fully to t lurf of Wm- lain-). I. C. Ijoiry. 1.1 1ST In Munna- tlrU Ztni. hand purar mntainiia; immry ami haraikrr- hief. KrsaiU lor rvlurn to Journal office. HAKKKL of hnr Ounria rawayruu. Rnnc your jue anaind ami get a f allon fur (he children. It mill du 'em good. John K. impaun ( o. IXIS T Fail to e J. ti I'mUr for riTt watch it'iiniit;. TltKKK wilt be an inuarunt nieet- raj of the aturaboldrra of the t'o-oT-tive Mt-rcantilr Company, alma railed meetini; of the (ioar t'rwk Karmrra' I nion at I nionviile Saturday, Urtonrr th. at I o'clock, tvrry mrmbrr Ir lyrd to be prvm-iiL 1. U. rnce, 1 resim nt. MAC'ltlNK SHOP We are on-pam! to repair your engine or other nuu-hin- ery, do your plumbing and other work in OUT line. rinii near iiriKm Austin & lorrelL LOST - lletween Methodist church nd home, a roid pin with "It. U. W. U7 on it. hinder please return to M. C. Ijang and be rvwardrd. Una Ixwg. NUTICK The stuck holder of the 'enple's Huildinc and lan Association will hold their annual meeting, Tuvwlay Nov. ;tth, at 3 o'clock p. m. at theolhce f the lionlon Insurance and Investment ompany. W. M. t.ordon. Sec. KOR RKNT-Tounfurnihed rooms on I'rowell street U C. I'olk. SCHOOL NllTICK - All I he iiuniln who interul to gu to ML rroiect Kurtil iraded bchuol the next ' salon will please meet the teachers at the achool house on Saturday, Oct. at S o'clock m. Ilnng the Imwks used last mu tton, ne w ish to tsvcrlain how many and what kind of books each pupil needs, o their imrcnta will have ample l me to gvi incm oeiore ine session opi-na. w e want all ine learners pres ent Parents, don't foiyet to send your children. C. A. l'lyler, I'riiwiiul. Oct 21. WW. FOIl S A I.E - KSi bushels purple straw wheat II. 1- I'nce, Route A. FINK watch repairing: a secialty. E. I'reslar, corner door below John R. Simpson & Co. 'a. HAVE you tried Tadlock ' tine Sau sage? if not you should buy some to day. ltlNY and BuKKy for anle. C. H. flardcn. CARRY vour beef cattle, pork and hides to Helms & Helms, on Kenton Hill. GEESK Wanted - Hiehest market price paid for gevte. T. C. Ia- & Co. LOT of nice I'hcatnutii, at Luther Williams & Co. NICE fresh Dried Anplea, at Luther Williams & Co. 'a. KOK SAJ.E-My homi'place ut L'nion- ille. Twenty-three acres; two-ntory building; good well, outbuildings, etc. In heart of village. J. T. Hamilton, unionville, M. c. YES, Tadlwk makes the beat Sau- snge you can get. He also supplies his customers with choice beef, groceries nd produce. KKKSII lot of Moil and Hulls. Hrst claaa atuir, to be trailed for seed or to be sold. We can do what you want and guarantee aalmlactmn. I. row liroa. & Lee RAW Hidei wanted, and we will pay highest market prices. 1 . 1. lee & t o. Ituv vmir ahm-a from the Indian Trail Supply company and gel a .iu grapno- .... -. - ---- pnone 1 rev. REDUCED prices for good work, at the Monroe Steam l-aundry READY to aunulv you with hard and oft eoal, any quantity, and only tint laai atun. Monroe ice c run lo, PLENTY of cotton aeed meal and hulls fur vile or exchange for seed. t row tiros, a Lee. I BUY my groceriei and meata from K. Tadlock. He aenda bill with every purchase and keeps your account correct. riliS-Duroc-Jerscy piga ready for delivery; pure bred from parent that have taken many prizes. 4. 1. larnornugn, Willoughby 'phone. Monroe R.r'.l). 5. BUY a buggv from the Indian Trail Supply Comiany and get a !0 gmpho- pnone tree. WE are now selling Wood and Coal, Can deliver on short notice. Monroe Oil Mill WE'RE Johnnie on the spot on coal, Monroe Ice & ruel lo. WE arc overstocked on Tobacco. Will make close prices. Luther Williams fi to. HELMS A HELMS will pay higl.est market price for cattle, ork and hides. Benton Kill. THE account you owe nic is now due. I'lease call and seme at once. K. h. Evans. IP vou need Flour. Mill Feed, or any thing in th grocery line, we will make it to your interest to see us. miner miliums a 10. CALL on Helms A Helms for best fresh meats. Their market is new meats fresh and fat WE will awan hueeies for cattle mules or norm s. Indian Trail Supply t o. WANTED -Chickena and eggs. Will pay top of the market Lutner w imams a 10, MILL in good shape now to grind your corn, nring u nioiiK. : i I row nros. f iee, onuir gin. Dmn t - : .. j... . .. .1 . :..u. 0111.1. ginning ruiiun unv ink" ine people are nigniy sausnru wuni work and so will you be. Try us. irow uros. si un WHEN ou want to trade any old thing bring it to the Indian Trail Sup ply Company. EVERYTHING Washed at our place is su-ralized and handled by the latest sanitary methods. Hon roe steam iunary J. J. Lock hart Manager. WE are selling the celebrated Jen kins Bros'. Short at SI. 90, and all oth ers in proportion. Try us for shoes. 1. l lM tO. CALL 2tf for genuine Union county Hrst class Honey. Luther Williams A Co. LY1D DITK'T.TMrA ?-mnm kliH Church strset; newly painted, electric lights ana Dam, gooa neignoornooa. Mrs. U A. Totten. WF. ail' uv a mut-h fur uurCottun Seed afti S-t-U Cotton as anbtarjr. ttnrar us all ! nave. Vtr will map Hull and Meal for seed ur ( rash Mr have hulls tuuae and in aarkv J. it. Nash Sun. THKuW av yuur old unafcinr tire- plam ami maud burnrra and have a nullv aalixfartonr tire. Try roaj thu inter, it a fine, rrormmiral and aat- a-farturv. Munn Ir Kirl Cu. 1-LkK A4lr Vinrgar, JZ, rrnU per VI L- LI - gallun, at WATT ASIlrttAlT l.l'nnirun - lay rail. li t. night ralla 3ni tonrue. Si 1' IIiMiuf mI imi Havn atnt- north eaat of court huuar. CALL on V. B. Aihrraft fur timr. crment, piastre of pan, ftuud fiber plastrr. amngk-a. Ulna, etc Uruvercd anywhere in city. THE Uunroe Concrete Company ia now prepared to take ordVra lor build ing bkirks to rnrluM yard, erntrtery lota, foundation for reMdenn-a, retain ing walls, etc.; alto paving blurka for alka. Sampk-s ran be arrn now at the orka near the Cotton platform. KIRST oiioortumtv to rvt lanre ror- nrr lota on Nelson Wrights. Sre J. E Stewart, at Register's other. The Cheapest Meat Yon caa buy is our nice MULLETS, at 1 1-3 cents a pound. The fall catch, been in salt just lonir enough to lie fine. Ilest fish on the market. Try us for all rood thing to eat. nd country people will lind us always ready to buy their pro duce. M. WALLER, The Grocer and Produce Man. A Good Investment A lot aluiut 140 x 180 feet. Within 400 yards of courthouse. Has two tenant hounes on it. Can be divided into four irood lots 70 X 90 feet. Price less than $1200. For terms and full particulars apply to he Savings, Loan and Trust Co. Insurance Department. THE TUNGSTEN LAMP imp 1ism rnrrent and fives a lxt ter liht than the old style elec tric liKht. It is the biggest im nrcvement in electric lightinir in twenty years. Have us install Tungsten lamps in your place. Thpv are aneh mnnpv Rflvera that to be without them is to Drove yourself behind the age. We do every kind of electrical work M. C. HOWIE. KILL COUCH mo CURE thi LUNC8 Dr. King's WITH Now Discovery rtrr sv a u sa TiW a.K trm S 111 THSOaT AN0 IUM TROUIlEt, OUARAMTBSDSATISrACTOail Uualification 1 for compounding conies I from long exierience, 1 careful training and I the means for selecting I drugs of the best qusl Jl ily. Our facilities, our I equipment, our exeri- 11 II ence, and a complete II stock of all drugs and If II chemicals especially in- II II vite your prescription I II trade here, II u English u u Dru If Company. II u The Dependable Store. II LEE & LEE COMPANY. THE LEADING BIT GOODS, I0T1OIS, CLOT 111 G, CUTS' rCUl.IIIGI, I1T no shoe stohi h ioi&ol New Fa) Suits! Now is the time to buy a Fall Suit. Our line is complete and in buying from us there is always an assurance of of a fit. We represent the foremost makers of the country. Purchasing our clot lies is no speculation. Prices from to We offer an especially attracthe line of black suits this season. Lee & Lee Company. Cents Grow Into Dollars When invested in the Special Notice column of The Journal. TRY IT! U is the medium of exchange for everybody who has anything to buy or sell in Union County. An Opportunity. One acre of ground, first class fi-nxmi dwelling, a good store house; all necessary outbuildings and wa ter. One of the best stands in Monroe, annual sales being from $15,000 to $20,000 and can lie increased. WILL SELL present stock of goods and all the proerty, or exchange for a good farm. A good big farm close in, 2 miles, have been asking $3,500, will take $3,000 during the next 30 days. A good one, 140 acres, right along the Concord road for a half a mile or more, close to school and churches. Will cut in half and sell right for quick buyer. A beauty, 92 acres, best home sight in county, 2 miles out, public road, for 3.5(K). We got a good applicant for a 50 to GO acre tract, on public road not too far out. It don't make any difference about complaints you hear of Union county dirt being too high, it won't come down any lower. Now's the time to buy. Monroe Insurance 6 Investment Company (i. H. I'ALIWKI.I, M..usk. All kinds of Insurance and Real Estate. Cost Mark! Come and buy for yourself what they cost us. Every Article In the Store Is marked with this Cost Mark: HELFUNGOTA 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 0 We are positively going out of business and so you can bring tbis cost mark with you, read the cost of every article yourself, and buy much of it At 1-2 to 1 -3 off. The date that we have fixed for closing these doors is January 1, 1910. Before that date you can get goods that are first class at prices that will enable you to buy. Men's and Boys' High-grade Clothing, Overcoats, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings. They will go! Qet your part of the bargains! D. Will Flow. goods and know