Better Not Get Dyspepsia If 70Q can help it Kodol prevent Dyspepsia, by effectually helpinf Nature to Relieve Ladigeatioa, But don't trifle with Indigestion. A tU Mif peaela who knl a partial Wt-t4 Bayslta Bra trtBed wits. lndii-tva. kit Bees mm tfiitvMtn at JL aorrr fur It wtkea BertHia or I alodol M perfrt tfter. It chroele eyspejala raault.iL uJ roa touli aaa Kodol ill-eeuarr they Bit bni able I. mr It I'm Koaul ami prwtrat katrtnf Dyspepsia. tier-Ton ( subject to hi 4! tloa. Stomach VraBceot fulaiwa stomach abuse. )um aa aataraJly and Just aa surely aa a oua4 and stealthy eiomach results upo tba valine of KoduL Wbn Ta eiperleara omrarM at siomn-h, belchine of KU anil BlUBeattiig luliL bliMtl sensation nm rii" la to pit of the stomach, heirt barm IwiIWi. dtirrhues. hettlirtie, dullae or ehronlc V.r& feellnc oa ard Ko doL And thm th quicker yoa Uke Kodil the better. Kit what you Vint let K0J.1I dli-eat It Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tab lets, rhyslcs, etc.. are aot likely 1 vua. In I of ntk k beaeflt to you. la Kodut It prepared at tha labors? difesUr ailmcBta. Petals la oalj lorlBof K.CDl'iU Ca.,Cfckaa Sold hy Kti)f! i.-k Irti IVnipinv. particle of food, at all a'.Dda, la tha (las teat tube la our laboratories. yoa would know tkit )ut aa U as do. Naiara asd Kodol will always rara a tick atoaaark but la order 10 ba eured. tho stomach sst iwi That to wait Kodol due rll tha stomach, whll tba atoaurh tela clL Just aa simpM aa A. B. C Our Guarantee ymmr asa. r aa I' Baku. Tk w aMMd I rallr l ( hm Vli if JO S inny n, tt It Ui ww Ium r ft f wi U WHU t4rui u4 M VIII rtM4 Mktf Wllvu . u. ir. a wui - par u ir r1" K IM WXI 1. i feMllM, k I drucfjiats km Ifcal I fumiii w fw4. Tina ujtvr plfe tu tk m v.4U MMif u4 w But uu la B fvaiiir fbm Urgm bu I mwlAluallB 111 mm mmom BB ftftB Bitf A Fish JCT Story Two Quratioaa tha Judaa Wa Calbnl L'poa to ttocitl. 1 NuiBi TiTiImB rii . CrM. im Br Awurtowd l.M N-irih rm!ir. I'mon t'uun'.y. Nolkc. !n SuH-nor Court. NOTUK. Rhii-h' Stiirtic ' Thv at.if iianuni iK-ff i;iint. IvHniif St.ifit's, A til tnki r.olue that n action 'iH!tuni as .ilwtvt hn Uvn oitniniriiivil in Iht Su& rmr Court of I'mon oiHjuty. for h Jminf from the hihiii of matn niiiny now 'isiii.g lietwwn :iw ilain 1 1 :F ami il fi'iulant. and the mi id ik'frn- 1la.1t will further tike notu-- that tiv m'r Satterrti'ld, niiuirvil to ainvar at thr n-t term ot fiMniantu tlw Sn(K rior Court of said county, to lie hi l l on the first Monday in Novem Ur. at the court houiie uf aaid county in Monnie, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded" in said coniT'hiint. 1 hut the List dav of Sep- .Notkc. North Carolina, i In t he Superior Court. Ilium Count v. i Before the Clerk. The Savings, Loan and Trust Company, Admr. of C. W. Aiexander, ik-eea.-.el, vs. NuTIrK Mi iV a ret Alexander. ufSekvii i: or Kva Alexander, Karhert St KB..NS Ht Alexamh r. John Ales- 't m U ATIov. ander, Mrs. Minnie Sat- 1 terheld ami her huauand temlier. !i. 0. A. HOI !T0N t ierk Suprior Court of aid county. A. M. Stack, ritlf. Atty. North Carolina. 1 In Sum'rior t'ourt. I'mon County. 1 lie fore the Clerk. Myera Meiilin. A lmr. uf l.voia V. Meiilin, deceajd, The defendanta ataive named will Uke notice that a special proci'eilinit. as alwve entitled, haa been instituted in the Superior court of I'nion county, in the State of North Carolina, before the clerk of said court, for the purpose of si'lliiiir all the mineral interest, riirhtn. privileges. prop.Ttvand estate that the I.. Medlin, Ainanda Aslicral t and her hus band, U.K. A-horaft. W. K. Carelock and M H Can-Uvk. et al. Norn K UK Si KMi K I'K St MaoNS M l'l HLIi ATlllN. said C. W. Alexander owned at the time of hi death in a certain tract of land. Kmtr and beinK in the Stale of North Carolina, county of I'nion, fully ik'scnlied in a deed made hy the said C. W. Alexander to J. W. Klow.July lsth. I WX, which said ileefi is duly recorded i in the reif ister of deed' ortice of said ! county and State, in Book 111, mgt ltl7, .etc., to which reference la hereby rnaik I fi'r a full itcarrtption. And the ik-fend-' ants will further take notice that they jare retiuired to appear before the clerk I of the Superior court at hi office in th court house, in the city of Monroe. The defendants above named w ill take i county of I'nion, State it y o of .V orth Care The willow tree leaned ao far oat rer 1 he water thai all that kapfwavd in 11 n hi 1 mired In iW faea f ike "mm There an rdsl.i at the tree r4. wlik a deepWh l under neaih Trout liiriM In the pool au but and ry they were the Despair of a'l beiabtNHiiid hsherwew. The l.niiia boy. of course. Bad lokl M iiun-r all alvul I hew. Wtliuer. la deed, had f. uud the Ud Biuck Ilk a kval chronk le. In the week nine k bad eaiablmhed bln.-s.-lf al ike Knula farnihiMise be bad lieen tmosevned of at least half the Ins aikl out of It rush creek neiichlairhiii-d. WMnier was a tamant B taiioiier; really be was Waikina oni for reiuuaiil tmelt of kardw-nM tinil .1 new railway waa mooted, not yet even lu tlie air. but In I lie miud of certain uien. Ih-fore building It they w luted lo make certain of Bill and itikk return. Walnut, white oak. cherry and ah in snnVlent ainoant woud furmab n'b ret urn a. Wllnier had I pen told to pend 1 f'lnmht ks'kim; for limber Now. at I be middle of the fuMuitht. be knew be need kk no more, to lie w as cirttu: hi whole mind lo the enjoyment of Oshiiii;. beia-e tislay ricuraion lieaun at sunrise So far the el- tirsKui bad lieen fruitless The Kniils boy distretwnl He bad rather ttrafred of the iort they were to have Be tide. W I liner hail promised him a all ter dollar If IbeT mauaited to latch even oue bit; trtiut. Wiluier hd hi reasons aside from natural liberality He was on the etl-e of falling lu oiv with a girl, lira put guarded The tlrair-'O a crusty uncle whitae Bole eiitbtiaiasm was for fish and fishing. If Ullmer ciuilil M'nd off In the nlghl mail a anaimhot of even a two pounder, alons with a chatty account of the dace where such hsb might I onutfhf. be knew lie would conic near to estab llsltitig hlmaelf In the dragon' (ood graitst. He would also do well for his Immediate priin-ikals. aituv tba Jracon waa among tbecliWfeat of those notice that an action entitliM as alsne una, on the Uthduv of Nuvemlier, A has lat n cormiiciiced in the Superior 1 l'.. and answer or demur to the com court of I'nion county, before the Clerk, plaint or ctition which has lawn tiletf tor nnai settlement tti estate 01 i.wna in sain cause, wmcn prava tor an orue H. Mcdhn, dcceasiil: and theilefetiilunts ; aulhiiri7.ini; and dinvtniK a sale of th will further tike notice that they are proiertv horeiiinefore naml forth required to apn':ir la-fore the CU-rk of ptirosc of creating assets with which the Sus-nor court, at his office in the: to pay the debla of the said deceased court house 111 the city of Monroe, conn-1 And the defendanta w ill further tak ty of I'nion and State of North Cam-1 lattice that if they fail lo answer or de una. on the th iiay of Octols-r. l:iH. mur to said a'tition, the tetittonerswi anil answer or demur to the complaint ! apply to the court for the relief or petition for final settlement and dis-1 mandril in said petition. clianre nf plaintiff 111 said action, or th plamtitf will apply to the court for the reltcf liem.inded in said complaint or tH-tition. This the iMh ilav of Septi m ln-r, l-.tu. i A. Hul STUN. Clerk of the Suienor Court. Alorso Medlin. Atty. furl'ltff., Ham let. N. C. Notice of Administration. llavii'C ituilitied U'fore I). A. Hous ton, clerk of the Su nor court of I'nion county, in the State of North Carolina, ua administrator of the estate of C, W. Alexander, tieceasetf, all ersot!8 hold ing claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same duly luithentii'Hted to the lindersiirneil au t iim tnttor on or In-fore the lMh day of tvtober, A !. HMO, or thia notice will j lie pleaded 111 har of their right of re-1 covet v. Ail persons indelittil to mini estate hit notuietl to make promiit pay-; ment aril save cost. This the l.'th day of Oi toLer. W'V. Til K SAVINGS. LOAN At Tlit'ST CO., Admr. j of C. W. Alexander, di-c'd. , Kedwine & Silii-s, Attys. , This the l.'th dav of October, l'ksj. H. A. Hol'SToN, C. S. C. tf I'mon county. N. C. Keilwine A Stkea, Attys. RANOtR, HEAVY, wlP RtV0t,VIN Th? Monroe Brick Co. SKLLS al! the Brick th.-y make. Why? BECAUSE they make the lst brick tin the markft and sell the cheapest. BECAUSE they treat everybody alike and make one price to all. BECAUSE they give prompt attention to all orders and don't let you wait for brick. TaCaaMRiiDaBI i rtuai I m uu .h rMf . 1 111 yOt KALB. tl J KANSAS CfTY, MO, " Union Lock Poultry Fence rkq'Mra) rln aaaah TW ray-,n, fac oa Ifya taartat f.t amiHrt tefa aetar4 tar u a eo traatMr aaxt vhaai Mnfc lur raimw f lev ' r ll nnoa riRoa 0. ltaian ai .VaM.errt tu Kr (.fMU.Kiir lr MVa" Ant I I'd In 111N Electric (Bitters Succeed when averythiof flat bn. In nenroua proatratioa and femala wrakntsBn they ara tha tuprtm rtnwdy, aa thouaanda bava tcauhed, FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE k la tha beat BMdicina teer Bold ovet a dniciiu's coantar. Mothers Endorse It Children Like It Bees Laxative Cough Syrup A Pure, Wholesome and Harmleaa remedy, beiof pleasant and palatable to the taste, it is equally pood for children and adults, in the treatment of all Throat, Cheat and Bronchial trouble, and ia especially recommended for children, aa it contain no opiates, narcotics, nor poisons of any kind. Good for Young and Old Cuts the mucus, strengthens the inflamed parts and gWtt tigor and vitality to the respiratory organs. Removes the cough, and by its gentle, laxative effect upon tha bowels, rids the system of the accompanying predisposition to cold. We ha? a ao much eocfidanea la tha nariu of Beat Laiallve Coufh Syrup that wa fuarantea U to five aatiafactioii or refund your Boaey. Buy a bottle from your dealer Bod If U doc bo do all wa say yoaraMoey will ba refunded, eatewato e JOHN W. KENNEDY & CO. Chicago, U. S. . Sold by all Druggist. JcH'iidcd ou to A inline tint new line. Si In- .nine to the willow tree with tonielliiiii; beyond -rtsjii:iii enrr-u.-ss Approach l it wa m4 dlreetly noun tlw water side, but acrowa a liny promontory of craved)' turf. He I uclt ainoiiit the liiul upstandiiii; r-ts tretehiiii; back of II. made ready but tto-k. billtltiK It Willi tlie choicest tulle uow lu the bucket: then, inhuming inertly, still lu shelter of the trunk, tlutut It midstream, a Utile way up urretif. so Hie eddy ituulit uek It richt ucer to the depths Then, watch litk' the ripples spread and turn the water mirror's piitnrlns to xroteiue cnrlcattire. he laiattie aware that the hole waa pre-empted -lltere wa lH-tneiii.i.le hue of black fl.11 thread, with a cork, likewise homemade, dan ulliu: from the tree, the cork ll-lilti aud dippltiit In esactly I he middle of the nsiI. He dans! imf s-ak. The Kniiis lad had narned III 111 a word was death to hla thane.- The buy also had Been tlie Hitmitiiie line, lit awlft panto inlliic. by IhrowiiiK himself prone and lylim at ease, be eonttselwl YVIIiuer lo Mar It . gis rouimel, V Miner dis-hlisl He si,, fast. keeidiiK well away from the bank and so tnaiwu verliiu his ro.1 a lo keep hla bait irl?rly lu uiotlou. The wltly was hi and slow, o Blow It made one aleepy to watch It. The mounting May sun was wuriu and vital, the drone of tiec In the baas wood Iok or oier I he stmrae while clover blisuii a lulling cltuiit. There had li'ii n ruftllug breee, but It bad died to ntler stillness. Wllmer walch ed bis flout and liar holtieiuade one uu til be grew dronay And I ben some thing hnptteued that made him wlklly awake The bungling cork wcul under with ruh. The neit second there leaped to view, half his silver length aborr water. inousler trout, tlie moat beau. titui unnier nml ever seen, lie was fast, hut lug boiled the book, but that clumsy line would never bold him. Moreover, if np-iircd to br but llgltllf fled to a swaying willow branch. No doubt some rustic had left It thera. There could b tiolasly In the tree. However the water mirror bad been shattered. It bail bad still moments duriug wbk-b Wllmer bad studied II Close, yet seen nothing but the gold green leafage, the uelted Intricacies of Blender hough, the rough and weath er beaten blackness of the trunk. What wonder that he scrambled up tba slop of It, made lo Ding himself loaf It and reach for tba Hue: That Osb moat be landed: It was a prlae be yond hope. His Angers were sin upon tba cord wheu he snatrbed them back is If from lire. Another baad bad reached for the line one small and sunburned, wltb strawberry stslo ed Angers Ibat yet were beautifully ta pered. It was 1 girl's baud -a very pretty girl's. II saw that at a glance as be said rather breathlessly: loo't lose him! tike him line as Utile is yon rati: Heaven, bow he flghta! Vou-yoo bsd better com down-nr let Die land hltn for you." Ton belter look at your own book.1" tb Knnll boy abouled. Wllmer bslf fell from the tree. Hla Five Years of Hoart Trouble Cured by Dr. MHea' Heart Remedy "Before I began taking Pr. Miles' Heart Remedy I haj been suffering from bean trouble for oer five year. I haJ pain in my left side, and unJcr my shoulder blade, could not sleep 00 the left side, and was so abort of breath the least exertion lit.- .1 ... wrouiti onug on tne ntot uitro- ing palpitation. I had Mkrcely taken a half bottle of the Heart Remedy before I could nee a marked change in my condition. When I had taken six bottles I was cured." MRS. C C COR KEY, Northheld, Va. If there is fluttering or palpi tation it is an indication of a eakness of the nerves and mu cin ot the heart. It i not neces sarily diseased just rak from over-work. The heart may be weak just the same as the errs. stomach or other organs, iou can make a weak heart strong by taking Dr. Miles Heart Rem edy. Oet a bottle from vour druggist, take it according to di rect ions, and if it does not bene fit he will return your money. CALENDAR November civil Goon Monday. Nov. 1. 1909. t ! a r i ujti PH..H a. 1 a a 1 iufti Mi a. iau sane lUHBiunt CwatBsas a c aiwai J t asins ana anBr living- . iiarsw waautsrtanaa 1 v f i ftllus a U Ms-maul Cw .- a 1 t w It 1 a m Mart a at a a a t k . . a as aek a a u.k S a a s 111 si u.-k . II :i a 1 a.-k W I . III u .. .."i 1 . f 4ur a Sr .a WM WBfWetaMBI . to a l-4ir ..-.Ul BisV atidl T W. B. HOUSTON. SURGEON DENTIST. Odea op stairs, FiUgsrtld Baildiag, nor to wast ot toartooaee, Mooroa, N. C. ET McNkELY. VaNCI Hi HggLT MGNeelu & Melu, niiurintyi-fti-LAW. Practice in the Stat and Federal courts. ruffles upstairs erar PwtofBca. IRslI WULLIO, CItH Xaalaaer. Paoita 44. WwaaTi, N. C CentSdsM af rroaeeBn IB rarlaa fms Um ImmIIm MSps I B O. T-mrw nM ia SaUwag, MbbMbbI aad In DR. B. C REDFEARN hi. 1 tm 1. Charge reasonable. Satiilaetios loarsntaad. OSes sue door south of C.W.Br aoar'i Store, Monro. N. C. ' WUI b at MarahriU. N.C.aa ir4 aad third Moadays of sack aanth, Bad at Mstthaw aa Moadays. Bitat wss ililTlng. dam-lug. dl apiearlug. roming Ui again, to the aiiwt maddeulng faabiou. Hul uo sil ver n.b broke, lamvlike. through Ine sbiuiiueruig waters. Instead, tug a be might, there was a sense of sooie- tblug beat y. yet alive, at the other end ot the line. Ills own battle absorbed hloi. yet sot lo Ibe degree of making him forget the other. The girl from her perch was at an ohrious dtaadvan tsge. Still she knew the game. Hack and forth, up and down, weaving side wlae. she let the big nsh play. W II liter watched ber almost euviously. He must himself have booked the grand father of all trout, but It was nothing like so game, "HI. Ibar. you. up tree! Ton better route down"- the Enuis boy shouted, but the Bsberwoinau remained luvls Ible. "That's noUaly but just thai little Jo lane. You know, I've told you an wasn't otore'o half a gal," be contided In low aside to Wllmer, wbu nodded coutirvhension. lie bad been heurlug things about Joe, a wild piece, motherless, brought up by a mad old grandfather, to the scandal of all the overgoisl. for she bad never been sent to sebisil aud bad done eiactly as she pleased all through her uilietceu years of life. More tha that, she had a way-a way that fetch ed all the fellows lu the rouutryside. only to be sent about their business sgain. eveu Steve liaison, w ho had store and three farms. The big I rout moved sluggishly. It was simply marvelous bow Ihat flat line bad beld him. Wllmer was wild to ask what bait bad lured hi 111 eveu though bis own nuarry filled his bands II was reeling lu deftly, but slowly, making gulus uow of a foot, now of an Ineb. lie had not yet got sight of bis prise. Suddenly. In spite of reeling In. tb line slsckennl. He saw at the wa ter's surface the snaky bead aud neck of a big snapping turtle. An Instant the creature held fust, permitting Itself lo be drawu toward ths bank; then It severed the Uu ami sank back In lis fnstuesa of roots and rocks Tlicr came tinkling laugh from th willow tree, followed by a merry voice crying: "Tleiise go away, you two! 1 want fo eome down Ik-fore your big flsti comes and eats tip mine.' "Let us help yon; you'll never land him alone. Wllmer called back. "Oh. I can't-nol nnlll you go," Ibe tok-e returned. At Just that moment tlie trout gave a wild, running leap, showing clear In Hie air, then sounding viciously Toe Asberwoniau held fast, but In Hopping bis rush Inst her tta-aitce anil went splash Into the pool. A she fell Wllmer understnod-her feet were b solutely bare. lie plunged In. The pool was well over his bead, but It was nothing to tiring the girl safe to the bank. Khe still held the line. The Ktinl boy snatched II from her and plunged (a himself, winding line as be tml water across half s tlotten yards then, with a quick dire, reached the tired trout, held him fast and scram bled Id triumph lo the Istok "Confess that yon envy blm." the girt said, nodding toward the Ennl boy. 8he stood dripping, Imf happy. making do effort even to wring the wa ter from ber skirts. "1 rin'l under stand why you chose fo pull me out lostrad of Ibe fish." she went on. "I fear you ire no true brother of the sn gle." "W'ell. yon see. It was your Ash. and t wanted It badly." Wllmer pleaded In eicuse. Tb girl shook ber besd. That' a question." she said. "True, t booked the trout, with, oh. such s big worm for ball, but I didn't land him. Oran dad will have to decide lb point of ownership. He used to be a Judge. you know, and Is. I'm wiser than 8olomon." "Tak m lo blut it once." Wllmer commanded. Tlie girl nodded and darted along 1 footpath, beckoning the others to follow, Hoon they came umn S red brick house wltb wide, hospitable platus and open doors. Judge lane sat at ease there, amok Ing and dipping Into a big shabby vol am of Itn.k Walton. He did mil seem shocked si Joe's plight, ill. 1 UKk ... Mack ... m at. I Waller l--4a t S a lansVairsv I M titt. v a a Mads Snn l1silfwMVBsal IT Stallta J It v H a Bllllsasbi )r. in leesisB . .. J. S kewaa Jurr. lti w.l. laatia I. w. MBik iviatasnv JehsW Howie Tuesday, Nov. 2. Raallaa tnsleawal CeaBsai I W aobrn Llul Ida. v I Me) 'sis K.-S W.-N Pr W D. Wilier J I. Hi-Mlej a4 J.n rmler D S Pavts s M unas w MrD uitenia VS J. A . T t Sell br nest trtC I I Bk vs 1 S i'.Klfl D M Nuwle t. I.lirr ""I I'- M T Stalling. s t.-k snd Sell I sail H.J fuador Wednesday, Nov. 3. I V and ku busier v M Ktigll.k snd S. O. Slalr a I J I stt.1 k IHMw. trsdlnas.'nw Srus vs 'k Ie llres wc and a J A litis Hsrker v. Bel - . . Ralph Srauai 1 W illiam U. VsaUlbler la-'k . Uek .. M J A a as i-i si..-. . Ill SUM'k . Ill a i. A I.. St.k l a as a i.. ad a as. A I RAs stark 114 v J a stsek lis Has a . IIS A a I J I W H Sillies - II J sadOdsMB Hlsaua t. IHr uf Montii Thursday, Nov. 4. (Illsoa Ashrrsfl vs J. A iiulleila a I. Cniw.ll sail hu.baad J. A. I'fowel City uf Monroe - KiulelK eteslsr Vs Ji Prealai I Falrler snil W i HuilxMi Hailing as J. II. K.lrlrj. ... a. t l. a a sadr.r. ky r H. M .irmwel v. K tam-sstrr Wllllssi.. B llle Waritrlit. K r PuBiwa, rtrelver. a. a. l. Railway. CHINESE ART. Tw OiBtiSMt MstSMMls ba IWSM Burns mt Malar ad Lsv. Ctiine paiatiBga are f ul-j vtf that until very reoentlt were but slightltr knowa to videntjl tu dent of art. Yet recently lihl B this subjevt bImws tint tnie of tiir Chinne artists as esrlv a I In- tiM rruale had treated aintni not onl cleverlv drawn ami uutsterfuHt colored, but filled ailh that subtle artutie sense that u unii-r-!l un derstosw) and anre. iatel lv cultur ed mankind. Chinese templii hai.- furtiis!ie.l the het rumple of I him -e pjilit inga, ju-t as the jcreat catliolrals ol Kur-e have (ftvcu t western rivili tatton the lr-t picture fnuu tlie brush.- of lite llalian, l reri. ii ami Flemish artists. Tlie-se issniitui- ere nxitl I'huiive IstuUsj- al though the hunting pklure ( I hi-i JJeng lu, railed "M-'iiol Hun! mg, one of the most famous I lu. Bee pu-fure. Nature stu.iic, e-pe rially of lunls, are fnttieiit. nut the mot singular ai-l inter esting point shout I Imicse paintui; is perhap the fac thai the two dis tinct method were Used. The firt as railed the "kakemono' ni. tli-sl. ia whhh the view was s.tpiHiMil t- be the same a if one ctood ou the ton of a lull and looked down on the painting, in place of standing in front about on a level. This method, coupled with some queer views as to n-iMvtive val ue, I what raue ( lunese iniiiiI ing to have their weird appearand to foreign eye when the beholder has never studied t'lunese art nielli- od. The "kakenntno" ntctli.vl is scime- time uses), and in thee aititine the method used is practically the same as in our own school of art. The finer elements of painting, inch Bl feeling, repression, rolor sclietiic, etc., are said by art critics to be su perbly demonstrated by a nunitor ot the finer Chinese artists. So kine Spokesniin Hcvicw. I Meiilin 1.-4 i.-k ... Ill it; KA Mnllln and hulad J.D.Medlla v. . J I., t-srelirk Friday, Nov. 5. Kdna llarae Haas SiarB. Puck Kuily tt I.ifii. HI Hull A TUoaiw . rrsnk Hhlllp. I.lllte I'rlre et al J kobert I'rlc Mark Mckllibss V. McN and W k I. B. A. bsvl. W.AI. It Slresll. lilatr.Msl v. H. B A jr.. snd KUW'k laursHurs Brewer . t'lisrlnlt t'issi t'uls Boltlln Work. hi vs R A s T J eric. Irsilln as Moarur ling Wurk. MOTION'. C. Broiia A Sua Hsrvry Startle. J. Mi Stephenson W llll.m kedmond l si stack. A. I. A Jobs H. Mtll,adar. Ie v. ttke. Sylvester StrswB llnrsslsr Metrsntll Custpsnr V. Ril t'sulBen I.I a snd suu k . i A stack J7 A.J. A V J A. R A H. . R A a. . A M i kola. Starne. Un-eawil, II A . W At... M A I A Joka Suu-Bt al Hlraa rrswhird H. H.laietsl Kiaek p V.ilrlOo v B A S TH Aaalls Witnesses need not attend onlv on uay set I or inai. II. A. IIUUSTUN. US,C Notlc ot Land Salt. Under and bv virtu of tb nroviaion oi a certain need 01 trust eieeuted on the "th day of December, A. D. Haiti, by Harvey Cure ton and wife to J. K. Heath, trustee, to secure s not or bond sure, much payaDi u in a. w. ties in uompany im , mm urns Mini . n . neaui 1 holder of th bond thereby secured; and wnereaa in said J. fc. Heath, trustee, is dead, and the undersigned W. C Heath and A. C Heath are administra tors uf said trustee, and under and br virtue of section luRI of the Revisal of limb, w will expose for sale at public action, to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Monroe, N. C, at u o clock, on November HHh, A. D. 1909, -ion, miss. Bar no sort of claim to the following- described real estate: AD of th undivmad one-half tb flab. Von lost It disgracefully through Eve's sin of curiosity." lie said. "Aa fur those others. I think they ens settle It between tbeni. Hut, bark yow. Jacky Konls, you'v mid s great raich-oa that ought lo be worth l least 12." Wllmer paid more, but the trout wis not sent iwsy. Instead It wss cooked for dinner la lb Laue kitchen. And soni sit month later Wllmer came asking the Judge foe Josephine. The old man listened In Bileoe and it the end Bald wltb twinkling eye interest of said Harvey Cur ton in and to on cer tain town lot, lying in th town of Wa- haw, adroining the land of C. H. Har ris, B. C Broom et aL, and bounded as follows, namely: Hea-inniraT its staka. i corner of lot 7 f th town of Wig. haw, N. C, snd run N. 81.41 E. 106 feet to s stake, comer of lot No. 79; thenew wit s line of lot W N. 8.21 W. 36 feet to s stake, B. C Broom's cor ner in said mt line: the nee with said B. C Broom' lot tin 8. 81.41 W. 1(16 feet to a stake in hne of Broom street; thence with a line of said street 8, a 11 E. K feet to th beginning-, containing. 1-12 of an acre more or lews, being tb Humph: It seem that fish rase Is mighty hard to settle. What If you lot conveyed to did Dull Jno out nf the wlr-4' I George Htlnson b k.iu. . k.- h. in.. . I dated the 14th day of December. 1904. Bpnn.idr. I and duly recorded in th office of reg-is- Harvey Cure ton snd George Htinson by G. S. Tyson, by dead Who t... . a. .1,1. i.v svit I T' - ""It mmlinM In liMft 17 mer aemsBoea. her oof. It far Jacky tb flab. Barely yoa don't mesa to rarer yourself?" No. foe If I did I might b re-re-wed." tb jadge said. tubing soft ie SB-Ma. Vrnt a HekUs ne Ms. Boewad sad foartb ' dent, srd Joaephln always haa had Phon sj her owi way." of l .fnlin. In Rm 17 CB mm-m "Toa admit I did pall Reference is also mad to the offiea of wa oa that ground yoa of register of deeds for Uruononunty to Book Al. dbsT 173: her is resnstered th dead of trust under vrhkh this sate is to be Baad. Term of aaJa: cash. Thia October 15, 13. W. U HKATH and A. a HEATH. Admr. of J. E. Heath, dee a. truate. Redwin k Hikes, Attys. You need out be troubled io my wis with lb slomicb, if you will sim- ply lake Kodol it those limes when yoa (eel that you need It. Kodol is guirmteed lo reliev you. If it fails your money will be refunded to you by lb druggist Irom whom you pur chased il. Try il today on this guar antee. Sold by English Drug Co. Unapaesiktd. IXibsoo la au sort of fa ther." 'How so?" "Ills blby threw bis gold watt h front the third story window lu the pave tuent. aud be didu'l see suylUIng cute lu ll."-Bualun Herald. Rings I.iltl Liver 1'illa ar very asy lo tak, sr gentle in aclioo ind ptoduc s very pleisiut elfecl. When ever you need I salve, us I'inrsilve Carboliied. Then ia nothing better lor cuts, burn, b.ils or bruises. Sold by ill druggisli. Wall Thught Out. klau (who baa lieen refused I -Ihin't you Iblnk that a girl anuietiinc saya "No" without BuBicleul consideration? Girl (who isn't bat ing guy proposals! Of course not. Why, the matter bss always recelred consideration long be fore th man proposes To drive a cold out ol the system, you should tak a good, reliable, de pendable Isiattve like llees l.intiv Cough Syrup. This well kuowo rein ed y gently moves the bowels snd it th sim time it stops the couth by illiying inflimmstion of the throil and liingi. Sold by all druggist. Grass and Gravy. "It I always a l.isk." say! one wo man, "to take off Ibe grease wheu one is msklug gravy lu I hurry. It lu.iy be don almost luilnutly by going over tb top of tb pail with a bit of ice. Th grease adheres to Ibe Ire aud harden at nor This applies to soup stork or any but liquid front which one wis lies to Bernte tlie grease without waiting for II to get rokj." For B clear bead, a stout heart snd stroof mind, DcWitt'i l.ittl Early Risers, gentle, sale, ess, pleasant. . littls pills. UeWitt's Csrbolied Witch Hiicl Silv is unequilled fur any thing wher i salve it needed, snd ia especislly good for piles. Sold by English Drug Company. fCT.TiitTnr.T HI'. Jll lai i" : WJtt Jm, ANefrtsbsr PrraaralioiiforAs siauiaiinfj fatFoixlaf.lUrtfuta-hit5i)acasMUowlsaf 3C !V)rBisD.f(oxiramf nrvs and HrM CoaUum nruhrf tH4arphine nor tsuuaL Not Nahcotic. vatVAVJMCJB. fiasVs BJ Apertrcl Rrnvdy forronslifsv (Ion. Sour Stosh. Diarrhoea and Loss or SLEEP. tagSs-sa SiCnarue of El ill. EXACT ensTOEiia Tor Infanta and Cbildrwn. Th3 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the SignatnrD of If In Use For Over Thirty Years UCQSTOEiUl Don't Read This! For it will be useless to da so unless you are one of the many who appreciate that a dollar saved is a dollar made. We are making your heijrhbor money every day. Why not you? Get in line with him and let us help you make money. We carry a complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing. Shoes, Hats. Notions, Trunks and Groceries, and from this line we positively save you from 5 to 25 pur cent on your purchase. ou ask how can you do this. You certainly do not buy your goods cheaper than do other merchanU. No, not that. Hut here is how it is done. We believe in short profits and quick sales ami are enabled to sell for less than do city merchanU on account of being out of town and not being burdened with the heavy expenses and tax with which the city merchant has to bear. Listen To This. We sell Overalls for 90c. that you pav $1.00 for elsewhere. We sell Shirts for !.'. that you pay $1.00 for elsewhere. We sell fili-inch Blue. Black anil Brown Krilliantine for4re. ner yard that you pay SOc. for same everywhere. We sell all the btamlard 10c. Percales. Ginirhams. Flannelettes. Suitings, Bleechinirs. Shirtinirs. etc.. forSAe. ner vard. Kverything else in our different lines, as above stated, we will save you money on. J. H. BENTON & SONS. YOU CANT PUT IT OFF ANY LONGER The season is now on when every wise man must insure his proiKTty. Fires occur much more often now than any other season. Don't delay taking out a fire policy. We have a long string of the best companies and can give you the right rates, tj Don't delay too long in taking out a life policy. Any day you may get w here you can't get one, or you may die and leave your family unprovided for. Ask ot about the Cnck-i-Jick Policy we five yoa In The Philadelphia Life. Gordon Insurance and Investment Company Just What You Need Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets When you feel dull after eating. When you have no appetite. When you have a bad taste in the mouth. When your liver il torpid. When your bowels are constipated. When you have a headache. When you feel bilious. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach and regulate your liver and bowels. 35c; all druggists. rtK BAI.I BY ALL HKI t,UlSTS. . ill 1 SSUMBBUS. ejptal Branmar. swans. 1 ewssra ISH.U rmtcm m carta j-UitU n-sar Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy Acknowledged everywhere to be tlie most suc cessful medicine in use for Bowel Complaints. Can be depended upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. REMEMBER ALWAYS CURES CURES QUICKLY MONEY RETURNED IF NOT SATISFIED roil UAUS Id Y - i.i, DHUOUlfsTa-