'HE M onroe Journal " Volume XVI. No. 50. Monroe, N. G, Tuesday, January 11, 1910. 1 - - . PAR5IFAL TO BE GIVEN HERE. Magnificent Wagner Musk Drama to be Presented in Hon roe on Thursday, January 13th. ine Beautiful Mory vnne Dollar a Year. Tell Where This Was. The MoLroe correspondent of the Charlotte Observer wrote the follow. in story to his paper on the Gth, and a little more light is needed. TnA rVPrArvnnAni Li a t . i The story of "Parsifal" is one of hinTarf in ZZZltZXlX. 5J"S intense interest In the Castle of the where that to7n We en iSSSfht1 frm f6 haunU of alibi for MonS But here is oen, two holy relics, the spear and his story: me cud. are marnVri hv k,,l f tw . n . . . I ui Heaven Appointed Knfchtl Tnl .J? 5 e4llh d K but to no avail Death of Mrs. J. R. English After two years of lingering and curuiuij iimess, Mrs. j. r. Eng lish died last Wednesday Last winter she spent much of the ume in norma m the hope of im provement but received onl a r . porary oeneni. ror the cast thre months she was not able to lphAr safe blovon i.i "c,..i- i mnm fik- -..J. . i. i . .u .Z' . V. jean hif i, i-rv . 7 8 0 Dgtu Icr T nifini "atcnman of the post neaitn and hfn hut m. ia-. k..;ij. t . ...... BOY KILLS TWO CRACKERS. Safe Crackers Undertake to Rob rosi utllce but Bite the Dust Boy Killed Them after His Hands were I'p Tallahiww, ri , Mp.ich. h. In a struggle early today with two years COTTON'. Local market today, 15 00. The Speculative Market. y' where Uncle Jpe thing. AndV got a lick. ' The first resolution provided that the Speaker himself, who l ... ,i: . . .'""'" Bull speculation had plainly ben Z ;?'F llDc.hot overdone and the sharp dec in,, nf "u:. pememoers oft& Wednesday and Tknr,., " " vuu"n Bl" as Sw York lip,i,h. 7ih Bull roe are grinning over the tuneral washe d Thnrta.f. hns in .k- k. r:v " - rciaumy nigner. i. . . i . .. . - - u4n.iuuuu i iuo uosciut-ut nr in nmM i .vim thA hir. ,.n j . .. i lesuuoi aiatinehnmo v r ni.-t ;n tu : " ""'"ea u to tne of the local ducUDtl.7r;; "M V sl.ghtlv present level are beginning to feel .k.v " tK-oi- -"""u. 1UC iwocracKsmen. hnth timid. Sn nnon h.P. i." ' rri":. Honorary-W. II. Phifer. of whom were white h J k"; fri k" J.V.T UR' iown. ine II. B. Adama A M rn..n v v in me jasi naif of . . auia noa a ment to the bulls. their ujficj uiaa spiritual strength, movumnnt nn goes forth against Klingsor, a magi- W. C. T. U. to stop the cian of evil repute, whose chief de- ardent spirits into that r; . l.u.cuwinPass me aowniall or union appointed weivnignts and the destmrtion nf .-.7; , " """Jf or .iii.i- .i!. . .. . . . i ", w uiaiiicu ana one sinciA i m Kajr ..; u n ... u..i. .i . . . --v oa uo'7 "lings, i ne fall of Anfor- to co down tn th ....7"' o V .. v. r. " tu" na w" n the basement when ednpsdair.n Tkj --- w.uuiii.iw. out as that meant -! minder that even if th: :i! TOmm,"wtDat would take Bullia ditions this season a "k7k" Pr DdTafts views for jure, the i ill l ill i . iii Knniirimnn. . . r- - iumiijs au(J Lfmp- crats united and pass An arronai. ment over Uncle Joe's regulars. pf awmmitteeof three Simpson, Sr., F. B. Ashcraft "and X tas comes through Kundrv. half wo. an. "",". 1'" .8,V,"OD v- Uth, Davis Armfield. man half witch, who under the spell jucs u thwwmMii 7 Vkl V4 i. l.,?U8.,?n ana B- c- Ashcra of Klingsor is 'transformed Tin. t SrSVi11!- L.11."- W was the daughter being of transcendent beautv. k'lin Latinn Vm7-;C! . iaie a. r. Stevens, and wM born lolTlgauls was on duty for his he heard .u " .'.p tu air. ana jura. Kntriiah n of the names of the parties to whom child being of transcendent beauty. Kling oui secures me sacrea i by Anfortas and inflicts incurable wound in tha knitrkfn ."..v.u ui mo givr HID. I liOI ffnnn far in lk . i " " ua in .in 1 1 L .1 . . . wucu me married ones that their husbands had and the unmarried lady names of her two brothers nn th same number of jugs. A number of Armfield. be heard a knock at the door and ket has already had (more or less If !S , 1 Ch re prepa Ashcraft CPing by a cot, took up a pistol be feet Traders in orde? to pmtec ? w,Dtf rind " ughter of ore answenng. When he reached their holdings of stocks liaKSi lu' rt Cn?ted. a8lonisl iding that the House itself shoul nrtiiinl 4 n ' . i , I F""" ius tTJIIim 1 hie ifi. diaannnint .k t' I , "wlc ul lue that aisappoint- the Republicans who are resentim trust rule of Cann, preparing to gite was sui-ce?- hincr internet The vr f,n .k i- I "ie ooss and - - v tun tu tun niih'i mar. ..j in i one on the outside cotton. When the price tfU T id 1 , l '.a"d' and hirlSt?u , v anrp y nrAnr nif-i nuu. me aoor some a mail nnurh hail kuonlpunla etnn j .1 picked up in the s.reet and he open downward rapidly, especially as sun p -5 LPlo8on occurred wh?n ehrta..Til- . withdrawn KsK acooramg to the lad's km, m rapidly increasing nrf Meaismissal of IM- b . n 1 vuwk i i i it 11 uin n nn a aA f a . a auw mo isuer caa gotten Senator Deliver to read one of Jfls hghting articles on thn flvr iJ n j ,"uiuuip s a man gl .1 I II..4 .... ..w , iiiiihi pnnnnr inrlitnA rwn a . - v aun UD attLfj sianamg ror Koo6evelrn saving the public landv, vuai neias, etc., IrttTn vestigate the reason for such a sud- lived a ouiet they found the facts her inflnpn set forth. O temoora n ih knma t:J":Z7V."i T. ,w "u,u. luc.'r rasP- lonS interest. Drastic liouidatin; ' I . ........ . nil it i if 1 1' ii ii, irriiuiii i iual ricrv Bnnr rnm ,nH I i rt i . lvuuuiuciui juts. A numnpr nf l JkSi : "2 ad aiM Nellie Ste- Position and fired The shot evi sive tactka nf h,,u VLIfX ha?. of ladies hurriedlv H.na ."."kT ri. "ro8- . . . a.ent1' effect, for only one of success and enconra k" k- 7:"" P lcies ,n . ...!.... ' . . n"uuu' tnKU8n was ampmbprnf fko tne men e nno n mn t j . .i . ua "" water dow 1 1 iui mcr lnspecuon. ann immi in in. M0k,. I , . ..." ' o iu- uciuuuiai lorn by physical weakness and pangs of remorse, Anfortas' condi tion becomes desperate, when, at length, in answer to his supplica- wua, a ceiesiiai voice is heard prom lug uim reuei. Parsifal appears upon the scene, mere youth, ignorant of the ways the world, yet noble born. Klingsoi rears that he may prove to be the TLlT! lDfor.ta8' 0H?d Men departure they found the facia p.tFBua mi uim snares oi a to DO as most seductive kind: beautiful ornr. 1 mnmol" dens, maidens of wondrous charm. . 7Z and Kundry herself transformed by . ren 1 The' Beauties? magical means into an pnehnnf Jn I We believe The Monroe nymph, who tempts Parsifal, not by ?Tthe Prettip8' wkly paper in . frge ,ci sensual means alone, but by influ. P",rth Carolina. Don't you? And ends cm wnicn traverse the whole scale Ul luc w important features of human emotion. l"at makes it so is the number of AgHinst all these allurements, how Ires? anrt interesting ads. which it rpn vcpro rinm .ii t i 1 I aritk k.'. f.ll M . . 1 investigation, R. L Stevens of Monroe W VRtl. he 'harJu.f T "V n Uverpoo, are light. discovered vena of Charl,,t,0 n, a a V.I. A.-.a" "1". . '"ai" ? dUU ine . P? nas oeen seller. Follow- . . .w.., . u. i oicvrus "'"ri K.auie iu iianns nn inir m h.,i;,io aiueapiece. orMonrnflanH n n o.. .xr. i . ' . -.v uwhu otuuiy Business in found th; n. . OUJ Lj -uu:ineuyMtiieypounc this country shows less animatinn l.i . . . . Ti o iucuuittceu tuny ui uieir opponents had rAanlf .u l- . ' .-, cit.. imn church from childhood and my pistol on my shoulder and fired edin an undunSdcJand ?he th,ev and that Ballinge r is not ISfiM,lfc,!rtiV Tto theearr tidies, after which the accumulation of 1 , SSldS haT? Tlith "h policies aifl nee privately, quietly, in I was free from the r eraso" lone interest rw; -1 y flas fooled Taft famili, on ;lkk.i.' .j Tk- vi. . ..': . "s "rere81". Drastic liquidation p;j t. v.. .. , i a iLniuciiL i hi I. una nan i i . rrraa u . 7 . , ,T uui luo miy B ff. vauJO il&O & IldSn IrOm ft r ABr filrn -L n uutu Uj, miry a Sj .bhewa90fbht mind and volver hit its mark is shown by bul and for a time pricesZmed S htl 7th Ctaaon and Aldrich. d d SilnteSii!l,dAer et1hoe9,i? dead men. One has no bottom .SS t" t wU1 Iet no i8urt . and counsel will be sadly missed bv holes in his forehead anH h ka.,. k l wa wrest- Republican have anv fcdfral n9trnv rele of family, relative's pie, while the other Tsht mnh bothTrad , Farmer Kills Family and Himself 11 ia believed that a third party Bulimy, Tex., piip.u.h.wth. was on the outside, for whPn n, r. d. iimDier. a nrommpnt farm, roooers ciothinc was sparr-kon fk, ever, Parsifal is proof and his purity carries- Newspaper readers are fond e,r.livinK in the northern portion of At,ttntic 00881 Line mileage books muiupus. .waa wun disappointment 8,11 u nua; "cause they form in- ru,a uuuuyi tinea nis wife, his six- "0 Iouna ,n 'ho pocket of one, sup irai um son ana 6 year-old da ugh- M io oe ine leader of the gank shot thrnnok I both fraHn mil nu..l.i: . th atnmk .. 6" " rA'cvu,olive lUiereSIS - " " t.u. UUUIU k-i, prwuusiy wounnfirt hia n ..o aged 20, and ended his own life bv i- HiiiK uis mroat from ear to par I nn a pocket knife, at davlicht thm - fviiiiuuui , an- and rage, Klingsor hurls the sacred valuable guide and help in buying spear at Parsifal, but instead of )el'8 what each merchaut has to of- piercing, it miraculously hangs sus erf and kpeP8 the fresh trale news pended above the head of the youth, before their p.ves- The Journal will who, graspinc it. makes Hi not cumber its columns with iWt the cross, whereupon the magicians' and unattractive advertising matter, monfi- Kimbler had been in bad spensare broken. The garden with aaQ.wnen 8n advertiser is inclined uea"n I0" a couple of months, but its wonderful beautv falls to ruin to Ipt his announcements bpcnmp ot UP at the usual time this mnm. and Parsifal is seen, high tip on the . he is PromPtJy requested to ,n .and was assisting his wife in consisting of drills, nitro givcerine" uiwudi wan, in triumphant posses . a.BD tuu"Boraisconunufl. That mu,l"K ures. no stepped out sion of the holy spear thus recovered 19 fl.)r nis own ProGt and for the pro and secured a hatchet, ostensibly to from the powers of evil. te?tion of our readers. Live adver- c,lt kindling- Returning to the room Again the scene changes to the ,t.,8in8 is as useful and essential as w!)pre nis wife ffas starting the fire muai uuu oi ine uastlc, and once " '.cauiuK mauer, ana t he Journal U,D "aicneun nis hand, he said more Anfortas is borne in upon his containi both. Then the artistic set "Wife, we have all got to go," and weary litter. The Knights demand tinS and display of advertising mat- 8pllt her nead Pen with one blow of mat ne uncover the Urail, but as V .m u.'e8e columns add greatly to u' uaic"ei- oing over to the bed Fhese books werA nnrhaanH in Broadway station, New York, Janu S.s3P.IDS nunitered cousocutiveh 80190 91 02 and bear the names . I Martin, J. K. Walters and J. M btronr., A CUiiililetO Outfit fnr aaf.t r:kl.;nn IUSeS, CaDS. SOan. uav and ol.mi.i Searchlights. Was found fnnml nn iko bodies of the men. Recorder's Court. Will Purcell.larcenv! 4 , . I - ---'... vu ruuas. Tom Crawford, assault and hat. with each uncoverinz his awmv in. their efficiency and to the interest nt where the children were asWn k teT &ni PraJ'er for iudement L J I . I T . . , .. . , . - "v . , . T., l.i uifasos, nereiuses and ma paroxysm r rs' wo "P-w-date business " u ineir Drain9 out with ihol v , S1, of despair, calls upon the Kniehts to maa faiIs to take advantage of news- Patchetand going to his niece's room esloy Iiofiers. assault with dead- slay him and end his misery. Un- PaPer Publicity; it benefits them, re- Pe 8truck her several blows on the wePn; Pra.ver for judgment con observed. Pflrsifal duces the cost of rii httr ind'nn tn'tt.. I head and arms Hu ikio I tinucd to June 1st, bearing the sacred spear. He touches uP,scnbcr8' and aves them many yunS man. a nephew of Kimbler. ;an lels. druerly conduct; ina : 1 . i . . . t n ara in tht t.. ii . - who armionsf i. i , . i m. uw tiiii I'riura m, 7UUU uu imnieaiateiy it is , ,"' " bo oi me year Dy "'7iU ue anu tne Dad y " n . cotton nrnhki itk k-T;V 7 v healed Then he proclaims himself 'ellD the when and where to buy wou"ded young woman made their &lanno' larn: not ui1 Eg ffi shorts to Jll al" King of the Grail and orders it un- Cast your eye over The Journal and "W: fuming to the room where 7r 5 Sf rnef violating ordinance J J Vole and It h I themf,vf8 covered. Ascending th altar k- ee what beauties our ads. am. nis wife lay unconscious on th fl l)L and costs. "n ie ana the slump of 81 to Dropped $5(H)i Bale Ve terrf New Vurk IU .Hli'h, lmh. Lnder nressurpnf pnnrmnna i;..; Nation involving the sale of appmxi maieiy i,iwxw bales, the New lork cotton exchanc was karri k; I I f-- uiva 4111 by a bear raid todav with w.u... Ugh as ? 1 80 a bale. William I Brown and Frank 15. Hayne. who are credited with hfimr l.-aders in the bull campaign, which, of late, has taken profits estimated' tl.iw.iJW. wee on the floor of iue excuange as active figures in one of the most exciting sessions in its history. May cotton, which recently has been as high as 10 19, dropped as o iii oj; aiarcn toue rt i s nit ai us lowest point, while July open ed at 15.80, dropped to 15.32 and ,ra point blcr- "ay close ij ok ana aiarch at 15.11. The bears fought bitterly and so ai an enormous scale, several brok ers eacn selling ra.000 bales. The bull element, seeint? thn Hriff t things, took profits on a large line of Haye Ascendinc the altar, h raises the sacred vessel in all its crimson Deauty. The Knights kneel to uo mm his feet in k-imki, ,,' r- -7?-:"i;uur Sam Hall ..Mit ,A - Powu resulted Sudden Death of Mrs. Colllna I UIO UVTll 1IIM. II rLM;: ? y Hved for five osix hours bu !any! 30 days. , i i in r i 'sir a ' un AAJJa. 1111 iiii'Hiinn nrtf his own lifft Mr k-;mku. -j .u. and costs, repentance and i; Tk?,' a aiea 8U(ldenIy the six-year-old boy was instantly L rinK fc IS tDk2 Sft" arB1 ' the home killed. The young woman ?ni 1? months homage; Kundr dies at Mr Jm "l I ColiinV S T f the joy of repentance, and last" .l"d .e. a whit d 7ii.;"7",7rT '"""aay morm dome of the hall, hovers over hia ll'l .ifi?.11, ? Lmel Ck, serious condition and her recoverv k.j v:i. i...: . "were sne was visiting Rhn nTMr...kf.. uwu, nue ivnients ana sinffera n..k-. cm ...i. :. . w "mmui. -".nuuiernas Deen nn.. K J . I w . o I "aivo ab o.ow ocincK anrf anma nf in . i i , ouuiiu. Hymn0r pra.se. Ithemembers of VtVA'I. "".UJB .W 9 her, but when she wali -Toi n Lo-" AV" Iacr, a county It was reported that some nf f ka mosi imponant Wew Or Wna traor. . ... imvcuj, 0w ua . ,, "'"' 'ink Cook, fornication and adul- 'e"Ka T -b ,g.eD inests ; 12 months on rorl i nn.. . were abandoning the bull side of the bond of $500. ' martet or were at least liquidating Kimbler h9 Un ii c....L. : "i ""08- mr: lailen and his it. . " Ii..:.; "V1 Plnners Adopt Prices. If enas. among others, were credited is the sorrow and suffering 3 hnTJH wai caIled . oflk ty and redemption of purity faith ir V t J an8Wer 8D(1 on was intelli and love. Pnty, faith gomg to her bed they found her neighbors. Parsifal ,, announced foroneper- Mrs. Collins w.., r, Jni Carr's ChTisTTRernern. S. er.Vi'3"0 w.v l JMIS (.., I . , -vmiu. Ml OV-UW;i4 IUC Determined if nossihlA kr,-nJwith having sold heavilv during tko K. i w.w.w wv iii in. , ...v a.. 4 . i .... . Blnatr Kama.i. .1 -1 1 . . auvui, imurovea conniMnna in k u uiamoi ciosea weait at a in the Farmera' 'n!nn75 ,wut improvea conditions in the j ','. . u,lttrKet ciosea w telHgcnuS industry represent, the dochJne . 54 t0 53poinU tei agent and popular with his spinners of the South, in ennTf Pad with last Saturday. ai unariotte last week, launched as com formance at the Monroe opera house old now on sale at Knglish Drug Co.'s, on Thursday, January 13ht. Sea'ti Z V.- "SL!W.i!! iawj air. Anav lie ms. Nhn iko last of her family. Mr. J. Horace oouins ot Marshville township and Mr. T. C. Collins of Monroe are sons oi me deceased, and Mm v m LIVELY IN WASHINQTOV L.,, I . -vmiu. Ml OV-UW;i4 IUC " DranCcS. I nnr-na nf rim., .1 .. ..-i- . I ""hi uiau cain itiv in nrtpaa a-PA 11 more people, however, than h'n T LT 1 T i':ura?,e. Penain if -.-.." "lul'i iuo icuiiu en nprrr A Useful Invention. Capt. W. II. Hargis has invented and had patented a "ranid tiplroi saver and is destined tn wwiiiw luitu iii . i 4 ii 1 1 n u era a inn vMnn..-i" r -uuu iru-ucin nc n mi . universal use. It is a verv aimnia I nui .wk..i Yx v. ' s. . I being put ud to send frionii a . ine report of the census hnrean clip to be fastened on the' .3k -ine U3PlISM relatives everywhere Smithfi, d 98.ud Way shows that 9.W6.285 rt... .... ' ' I - " uu Luuuifu i nr I mmnni t ... - . ... , , K . Julian 8. nrr vnr ",k" . Dlu "cer times m the ing gifts all over the earth. A caq- ' ual drop into his office saw .-?5 and Report of Census bureau. Astir About a Fumnnc iin.ri vuui I VI in Official Life Taft Hitting "n a Lively nand. The old fiffht h.t Republicans m Concress who ar w-vnjuL. UIU UldU aJUP I ..ITl nnTl a ntin of running the House and the coun- window. IDOUIIh her mimmnnn k : . j , . ' . '"muciu Ko. . -uuw. x 1CKei8 W1U De run off a came 6iid. .- u ana Dig turiceys are his unfail- ,C."V' WHUU. counting round bales r":r. up.on? n one long to meet it. The iremains were Tb ried S1?.,M S l08er fnds d 0nlti mu uuBaei, mus saving the at Faulks church feU ,rom uurnam to New York es, were ginned from the agent the time and work of number ing separately, assorting and gather ing up coupons, and enables him to do his work at the window in half tho time. as bale growth of 1900 to Jan. 1. 1910. as on nearly every evnrnsa compared with 12.1C5.298 bales fnr denool Apportionment. The ceneral haH nn n.,M. me crop of 1908; 9.951.505 fnr ik We congratulate Superintendent c,ise8 but in the doing of good, like crop .f TO and n,,039 for the Nisbetandthe Board of Kdimiin the spirit of the Bihle h lta n croP of 1906. .... d rr , kJ- k j '. . . . ."I . uir-pnio i. i. it av. j. v.. Kmnm tnH uis ukui iiauu Know wnat. f ho inr ' wiu tauvi , .... v a. vJ II, I . Conjrratulates Monroe. Biblical Recorder. L. E. Marsh, on their ability tn an. docth. Kverybodv has alwava tnnn i: - .. . z. - y r n.. i. " ' " imiuou a per capita Of S2 in r ih " ue is me most cenernna man in Hf knnl okilrlrr. il . . Itlia Slutn :.. .1 . Wfl enrrtnl0ia ik- p;.i n..-.. 1 ul luo wunty, wnicn ".r",vv.-.. V"1U 18 ai"osi an in- a w vwtvuiuhv viiu a 11 ab aiii iL 1 nl 1 nvno nnna at ikm i aanntr tit h tim church of Monroe upon securing fts . i. iE V ! " weeK: "'v dered oeptioSIIcrin J- rpontMorgan and associates important pastorates and as the con- the tnwnah Z Trr"Tu oulora? conlro1' trough further trust schools a township 1 will k li - a - . . I Olive and Warsaw sainti will g v JS e a e UDn ImeS. ? iT0 8,Um ofm?210,000,j(X) in deposits .him up with, regret Monrci ?S g ! maSy affiK i' . : . i imaiuisu in. rawn nv n. iiiiiii ii . - -n w.eIcom and "P1" cal tes, besides good local f , nd. .7Bn: -tt5. "8 . .ae.P9,t8. aia pppormnuy ior usefulness in in all theleadinmmn;,:;;TC: i:Z 1""""" ty. i 0 unwwuit larcesi nnancia mat tniinn .n WUHly- I the United Rlnlia " -" wvwwOa that thriving city and section. Mayor (laynor, the new mayor ol i-ew torn, has appointed Robert Aaamson, a newspaper man, hia pri vate secretary at a salary of $6 000. Aaarason, who is 37 years old, is a uawe oi ueorgia and has worked on newspapers in Atlanta and New lors. James Middleton. a farmer and principal government witneaa in a night rider case set for trial in the Federal court at Mobile Ala thi. month, was shot from ambush near his home in Baldwin mnntv H.in. day night He died Sunday morn ing while being brought to Mobile or surgical attention. try, is all attune in Washington nrHQin n rwl V, rLl ' . 1 A-.u, ai tuo 1JgUi is maae more nveiy py anotner one which has been eoing on a long time, and which 1 resident laft brought to a head rnaay Dy dismissing from the gov ernment service GilTnrd Pink chief of the division of forestry in ikd r., 1 . . nuo ny,,aiuiipiii 01 Agriculture, and 1 wu ui ms assistants, one of them Mr, A. U fctiaW. a Son Of Pnl Jnkn 11 at .. . . . At, csnaw 01 laKaingham. Mr. Pinchot has bepn -n-iivn . . " 11 w aa a leader in the effort for lkv . f i . . . vuo luicAis in me country, the public lnnlri rt.l T I J 1 auua, ixjai IieiaS.flC. He hflB arnna. ed the inveterate enmitv of the land thieves and all the ieve that steahnir from the nnhU. uu uarin. ne nas coma mtn .1 iok with Mr. Ballinger, Secretary of the Interior, whom he charcna wiik ; vu m conaucung his omce as to aid the thieves, rather than to thwart ikon. in their designs. This fight had be come so warm that Congress last Week took it un and nnnini.il . commission to investigate the whole amaiipox and Those Who Been Exposed to It. At Marshall I .I ((!(' anil Pran'Ir ... , . -" " "" "TO Mxon s, in Goose Creek townahin The following are allecnit n k-i-,n been exposed to smallnnx- Pv v.cvciniiu neims, aiamie Il.igler Anna Hauler. Shoat Pusser. Sjlomflu Collis. Howard Osborne, 8am Stew art, Frank Nixon. Robert McClanathan and family in southeast Monroe township Ca Mrs. Nannie Cuthbertsoa's p'a.Ta. About fifty nerrroea. :icr,.rri;?i their usual custom, have been in to see the cases. These negroes b im. students of medicine and curiosijy mongers, couldn't let such an oppor tunity pass. Three factors are concerned in ft n Ireaa cr smallpox: Promiscuous and unrestricted social intercourse concealment of cases of smailpor refusal to be vaccinated. There is a sanitary regulation against each or.o of these offenses. The law requires vou to call n A. lot n any eruptive, febrile disease, failure to do so is a misdemeanor whether you know what the diseao is or not. Visiting cases of eruptive disown is strictly forbidden, whethnr t,. know what the trouble is or not Refusing to be vaccinated ia mm. demeanor. Those who visit small pox or needlessly expose them to the infection, will bo reonirpd tn go to their family physician or tn ti county physician and be vaccinated at once. I am giving you fair warn inr nnm so that he who runs may read. Tho maupox situation, when the disease 9 sparsely distributed, is hrJ handle. It is almost as lmnnauihln to apprehend and vaccinate all tliQso who expose themselves to the dis ease as it is to catch all the raM,;!.. and squirrels. It is needless to rplf scared negro not to run. The following in southeast Uini township are alleged to have h,n exposed to the disease: Chas At. brooks, Jim Williams. .Tnnn It iitraof uu ue, jane ferry, Kdmund Cla'i dy, Harriet Crowder and daughter Bob Forrest, Mob Howie, colored Charley HaW- tk Medlin, colored; James Richardsou, llobert Brooks, Jule (Gcacliy) C,W ooiomon Richardson, Lacy Crawford Steele. Mac R. da Crawford. Frank Plvlinrn or (I wife, Mary Cuthbertson, Delia Perry Jim Williams, Charles Alsbrooks' Phronia Crowder. Geo. fvkkQ-i t.; Forrest and wife, Geo. Gregory 'and wife, Alf. Knight and wife. It is advisable for all thpn have not been vaccinated kav ;t attended to at once. Landlords and neighbors are asked to insist on it.. vaccination of those exposed nnn1 tn report if any refuse. ery respectfully, H. D. Stewart, County Supt of Healtn. It is optimistically noted that thA expression, "Oh, you kid!" is dying a natural death. This thing to what it ouirht tn hat iim,. that is, died before it was bora.

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