Special Notices. GOOD Cour.trv Honey in the comb. FuncJerburk-WiUiara Co. MONDAY. Wednesday and Fridav Fig Newton at 10 cenU pound. The bargain of the week. J. B. Bass & Co. JUST received a fresh shipment of Swift' Breakfast Bacon. II. S. Estridtre & Co. FRUIT Jars! Fruit Jars! Cet 'em from us. Luther William Co. CALL for coupons and save them and get a premium at Kudge'a. DO not let your watch run for two or three years before you have it cleaned. Brinjjit to us and we will rive you one of the best jobs yet W. J. F.udge Co. THE Perpetual Building & Loan As sociation, which for the past twenty He years has leen doing business in Monroe and which has been of untold benefit to the masses, has openel new series and offers safe and sound means of layintf by your savings, or of build ing a home. See J. R. English. President: or B. C. Ashcraft, Secretary. FOR SALE-Large full stock Jersey milk cow, with third calf. Mrs. Eliza beth Plyler. 'Phone Prospect No. 20. LOST-A small gilt back writing pad used in pocket book. Finder w ill please leave at Journal office. Mrs. R. F. Beasley. FOR SALE-The Dixie moving pict ure show. P. Smith. TEN-CENT can of Orla Molasses still going at special price of 5 cents. J. B. Bass &. Co. FOR SALE Two-vear-old full Jersey bull W. L. Earnhart. WANTED Every customer of ours to call for one of our nice palm leaf fans, gratis. The Union Drug Co., A. M. Secrest, Manager. BRICK-YARD For Sale -24 acres, Five Mile Siding; No. 3 steel mill and fixtures. Waxhaw Real Estate Co. W. H. Helms, builder and contractor, is prepared to do good work on short notice. Phone Chapel Hill, No. 24, or address him at Monroe, N. C, Rural Route No. 2, box 75. FOR SALE The Cadieu house and lots on McCauley Heights. Good neigh borhood. See N. C. English at once. FRUIT JARS-J gallons and quarts; Jar Rubbers; Fruit Powders, 25c. kind for 15c., will preserve 40 pounds fruit. It will pnv vou to trade with us. Phone ill. The Union Drug Co. FULL line of fancy and staple Can goods. Funderburk-Williams Co. STRAYED-Green parrot with red head. Any information gladly received. Miss Nan Wolfe. SOMETHING NEW-We have put in a line of staple choice Jewelry. Ev ery piece is guaranteed to give satis faction regardless of time worn. J. B. Bass & Co. LOT good oak barrels suitable for molasses, cider, wine and kraut at Eng lish Drug Co. Come quick and pick the good ones. FOR SALE 183-acre tract of land in Sandy Ride, known as S. W. Stew art place. 75 acres in cultivation, bal ance in timber, 300,000 feet of timber. Great bargain to quick buyer. Gordon Insurance & Investment Co. DOES your Watch need repairing? See J. E. Preslar. FOR SALE Moving picture show. Apply to P. O. Box 426, Monroe, N. C. FOR SALE Second hand Victor talking machine at the Dixie Theatre. NICE stall-fed meat all the time at Plyler and Walters' Market. PHONE 199, Plyler & Walters, for best meats. FRESH fish and the best meats at all timea at E. S. Levy's, Parker's old stand. WE give the best meats at once when you phone 199. Plyler & Walters. WANTED-A lot of dry pine wood. Monroe Oil Mill. BICYCLES repaired at the Piedmont Buggy Company repair shop. AUTOMOBILE supplies furnished by Piedmont Buggy Company. TRUNKS, Trunks, Trunks! Monroe Furniture Company. MANTELS You blunder seriously if you do not see the Monroe Furniture Company before buying your Mantels. FRESH Cakes and Crackers just in from the National Biscuit Company's. H. S. Estridge & Co. S WE the fruit! We've got the jars and you've got the fruit. Get em together; Luther Williams & Co. WATT ASHCRAFT, Veterinarian Day calls 113, night calls 382. Monroe, N. C. Hospital on Hayne street, north east of court house. NEVER slackens: our demand for chickens and eggs. Highest prices all the time. Bring them to us. T. C. Lee & Co., near Oil Mill. HAVE your buggy and wagon tires shrunk at Piedmont Buggy Company's repair department Can shrink any size set of buggy or wagon tires in 15 minutes without taking tire off of the wheel. Can shrink tires from to 4 inches. FOR RENT - Two neat cottages, convenient to business part of town. R. Redfearn. DON'T fail to aee J. E. Preslar for fine Watch repairing. FINE Lot for Sale-For sale for cash or easy terms to right party, the fine lot in west Monroe adjoining T. J. Gor don and fronting Dr. B. C. Redfearn. Lot is composed of Nos. 1 and 2 in Welsh survey and will make splendid home ite. Bound to be first class residence section. Apply to C. W. Bruner or R. A. Morrow. Local and Personal. lira. James McLartr is spending a few days is Charlotte. Mr. II. F. Wilhelm of Sumter was a visitor in the city Sunday. Mrs. Xealie Mills of Atlanta is in the city for a few days. Miss AnnaClarkson of Red Springs is the guest of Mrs. L. C. B:ckett Miss Annie Morrow of Albemarle is visiting Mr. U. A. Morrow. Mrs. II. W. Harris is spending some time with relatives in Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Y. W. Horn return ed Iat night from a short stay at Wrifihtsville Beach. Miss Eugenia Johnson returned this morning from" a two weeks' visit to Wilmington. Miss Kate Morrison of Wadesboro is staving awhile with her grand father! Mr. W. C. Ogburn. Mr. II. II. Horn of Montgomery, Ala., is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. I). McUae. Mr. Waldo Nelson of Jefferson spent a short time in the city last week. Mrs. Jack Kidd leaves in the mornias for a few days' stay in Charlotte. Mr. F. A. Ogburn of Durham is spending a few days with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. X. S. Ogburn. Messrs. D. C. Morgan and Xesbit Crowell are spending the week at Newbern and other points east. Mrs. T. T. Wells and little son of Hamlet are visiting at the home of Mr. Joe Benton. Mrs. John C. Blakeney and daughter, Mrs. C. D. Meacham, have returned from an extended stay at Spruce Pine. Mr. W. A. Stewart and family have moved to Hamlet, their future home. Their many friends regret to see them go. Mrs. J. J. McIIugh and little son of Atlanta are expected tonight to spend seme time with Mrs. McIIugh's mother, Mrs. Atha Stevens. The usual prayer meeting at the Presbyterian church will be omitted tomorrow night in order that the congregation may hear the opening sermon of the district conference at the Central Methodist church. Miss Kula Benton most delight fully entertained a number of friends at her home last Tuesday in honor of her guest, Miss Hinson of Char lotte. Some novel forms of amuse ment were introduced which added much to the enjoyment of the even ing. If AiCII ICJUII1IIK Bb VUl Mate. !- ery one guaranteed for one year. W. J. Rudge Co. FOR SALE-A lot of remodeled Bug gies, in first class condition. A lot of them are practically good as new. Call at Repair Department of Piedmont Buggy Company. EVERYBODY is talking about "Nine O'clock Washing Tea." It gets the work done so quickly and so easily that your labors are cut in halves. No rubbing on boards, clothes washed eas ily in half an hour. It will do the work or money back. Try a 5-cent package. Luther Williams & Co. WHEN you want pure Lard, call H. S. Estridge & Co. They have the simon pure. HERE is the best yet: 3-pound can of finest sweet Potatoes for 10 cents. Makes the best 'tater custard you ever tasted. J. B. Bass & Co. SAVE your coupons. They are worth money to you in premiums at Rudge's. ALL interested are requested to meet at Shiloh Baptist church, 4 miles north of Monroe, on Friday before the second Sunday in August to clear off cemetery and grounds. Clerk. TRY a 10-centcanof "Old 76 Coffee" at Luther Williams & Co.'s. MASONS are hereby notified that there will be a meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock of Monroe Lodge 244 for the purpose of conferring the third degree. Please meet promptly on time. G. M. Beasley, Sec. NOTICE I have just received a let ter from my exchange saying that all the pictures for the next 10 days are extra good. "After Many Years" and "In the Border States" are specially fine and can't be boosted too much. There are also some good comedies among them. P. Smith, Dixie Moving Picture Show. NOTICE-1 will be at Faulks school district Thursday July 2fth at 10 o'clock for the purpose of letting contract to build school house at that place. R. N. Nisbet, Supt. JUST opened a barrel of good Mo lasses. Luther Williams & Co. SEE our beautiful Mattings. M on roe Furniture Compa ny . WANTED A lot of nice country hams at once. T. C. Lee & Co. MACHINE SHOP-We are prepared to repair your engine or other machin ery, do your plumbing and other work in our line. Shop near freight depot. Austin & Correll. GUNS and Pistols repaired at the Piedmont Buggy Company's repair shop. FIRST-CL.SS dried beef at Plyler & Walters' Market. E. S. LEVY'S market is the place to buy your fresh meats and fish. Miss Anna Clarksen of Maxton is visiting Mrs. L. C. BicketL Mrs. J. W. Rudge returned last Wednesday from a trip to Scotts burg, Va. Mr. L. S. Plyler of Black Hawk, Miss., returned to his home yester day after visiting relatives in this section. Mrs. Wilmot V. White and daugh ter, Miss White, of Cincinnati are guests of Rev. R. F. Kirkpatrick. The annual communion and foot washing at Liberty will be held on the 4th Sunday in this month. Mr. T. C. Collins and family have gene to Hiddenite to spend some time. Mr. J. R. Byrd and family are moving this week from Monroe to Hamlet. Superintendent Xisbet will speak at Belk's school house, in Lanes Crtek, next Monday night on the subject of local tax. Misses Maud and Elvira Wall cf Wallburg, X. C: Emily Boyd of Charlotte, and Janie Bivens of Win gate are visiting Miss Pearl Xance. Mrs. M. C. Long and daughters, Misses Ona and Mary Hazel, left last week for Newark, ()., to visit Mrs. Long's sister, Mrs. W. B. Phifer. Harold Monroe, the 3J-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar II. Gor don of west Monroe township, died on the 14 th of catarrh of the bowels. Mr. J. M. Porter and family have moved from Monroe to Matthews. They have been living here several years and have a great many friends who regret that they have left. Mrs. I. B. Bourn received news of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Ham of Charleston, which occurred last Wednesday. Mrs. Bourn had been to visit her recently and her death was expected. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Sikes of Albe marle and Dr. E. W. Sikes of Wake Forest are in the city. Dr. Sikes de livers the address at tie centennial exercises at Meadow Branch church tomorrow. Dr. Thomas Duncan, a young phy sician, has located at Pageland. He is native of this State, but has lately been living in Charleston. He is well equipped for his profession and comes highly recommended to the people of Pageland. The Monroe Insurance and Invest ment Company held a meeting of its directors Thursday and after paying the usual four per cent, semi-annual dividend, placed $2000 to the sur plus fund, making a total of $5000 in this fund. Miss May Harrell of Atlanta, who had been at Mr. Eugene Ashcraft's for the past two weeks nursing a little son of Mr. W. O. Harrell of Marshville, left last week with her patient for White Sulphur Springs, in Alexander county. The little boy is much improved. They were accompanied by Mrs. Harrell. Mr. Bob May suffered the only cas ulties of the excursion to the moun tains last Wednesday. While stand ing in the side door of the refresh ment car Bob got his ear in the way of the door as the train stopped sud denly and that ear was pierced, making a hole about half an inch slam bang through it. Two Monroe citizens sustained se vere accidents last Wednesday. While engaged at his saw mill at Marshville. Mr. John I. Lonff had his leg caught in the crrriage and broken below the knee. Mr. G. E. Porterfield, an electrician employed by the city of Monroe, came in con tact with a live wire and was pain fully shocked. John Henry, the seven-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Presson of Monroe, died last Monday after noon. The baby had been sick all its life and death was sweet relief to it. Funeral services were conducted last Tuesday morning by Rev. R. F. Kirkpatrick at Mr. Presson's home and the interment was in the ceme tery at Smyrna church, in Buford township. One of the most unique ways of giving the young people a good time was brought forward last Tuesday when Mr. and Mrs. X. C. English threw open the doors of their home to a crowd of friends who were dressed in the most ridiculous cos tumes to be had. It was indeed a ticky party. Mr. Kirby Hough was awarded the prize for being the tackiest among the tacky. Mrs. R. W. Williams, chairman of the ladies' institute committee for this township, requests us to an nounce that the ladies institute will be held in the Jackson Club rooms over the Bank of Union, and farm ers' wives and their daughters are requested to attend. The ladies of the town are also requested to meet with them. A cash prize of $1.00 will be given for the best loaf of bread baked by a farmer's wife or daughter and also a prize of $ 1.00 for the best ten biscuits, and the ladies are requested to compete for these prizes. The Wades boro Messenger and In telligencer says that a sensation was created in Richmond county last week by the discovery that Mr. W. L. Steele, a candidate for county treasurer, had paid his opponent seven hundred dollars to retire from the race and thus insure Steele's nomination. When the matter be came known the executive commit tee forced both the men to retire and a new man will be nominated. Mr. J. M. Griffin, who moved from here to Charlotte twelve years ago, is spending some time in town en gaged in cement work. Announcements. For Commijslcner. I hcrcl.yannour.ee myself a candidate for re-vlection to the office of commis sioner of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. H. T. liaueom. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-t'loction to the oitiee of commis sioner of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. W. G. Long. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of commis sioner of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. T. J. Gordon. For Representative. I beg to announce that I am a candi date for representative from Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. John C. Sikes, Monroe, N. C. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of commissioner of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Jerre C. Laney. For Constable. I hereby announce mvself a candi date for constable for Monroe town ship, subject to the Democratic pri mary. I. A. Hunnicutt For Cotton Weigher at Monroe. I hereby announce myself a candidate for cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. W. J. Walters. For Recorder. I hereby announce mvself a candidate for re-election to the office of Recorder, subject to the Democratic primary. R. L. Stevens. For Clerk of the Court. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of clerk of the court of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. u. A. Houston. For Register of Deeds. I announce mvself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds for Union county, suojeci 10 me Democratic pri mary election. J. David Simpson. For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce mvself a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds for Union county, subject to democratic primary. J. tA btewart. For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the office of Register of Deeds for Union county, subject to the Democratic primary. M. C. Long. For Cotton Weigher at Monroe. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. C. B. Barden. For Cotton Weigher at Monroe. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of cotton weigher at Mon roe, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. Luther Williams. For Cotton Weigher at Monroe: I hereby announce myself a candidate for cotton weigher for the City of Mon roe, subject to the Democratic prima ry. John Thomas Helms. For Representative. I hereby announce myself a candidate for representative, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. R. V. Houston. For Representative. I hereby announce myself a candidate for representative, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. w. a. ixve. For Representative. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of representative in the next General Assembly from Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. b. Broom. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of coroner of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. s. riyier. For Cotton Weigher at Marshville. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of cotton weigher at Marshville, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. B. F. Black. For Recorder. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Recorder of Union county, subject to the action of Dem ocratic primary. C. Vance McNeely. tor surveyor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of surveyor of Union county, subject to the Demo cratic primary. R. W. Elliott For Recorder. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Recorder, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Lee M. Howie. For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of register of deeds of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Raymond C. Griffin. For Treasurer. Subicct to the Democratic primary. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Union county. J. Walter ljiney. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of sheriff of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. John Griffith. LEE & LEE COMPANY, THE LEADING BET GOODS, I0TI05S, C10THUG, GEITS FUEHSHIIGS, HIT AID SHOE STORE II MOIBOE. After tr)e Fourth Prices Shot to Pieces Scan Them Men's, Women's and Children's Low Shoes. Never before was such bargains offered the people of Monroe and suis rounding country. 1 X J 't J in $ . jt J '. i ' . . I Ol w ; A We have it at your Lee & Leo ft m Meredith College, Among the Foremost Colleges for Women in the South. Course in Liberal Arts covering nine departments, and including elective courses in Education and Bible, which count for the A. B. degree. School of Music, including Piano, Pipe Organ, Violin and Voice Culture. School of Art, including Decoration, Designing and Oil Painting. School of Elocution. Academy which prepares students lor college courses. Physical Culture under a trained director. Full literary course per year, including literary tuition, board, room, light, heat, physician, nurse, ordinary medicines and all minor fees, $210.50; in the club. $50 to $53 less. Next session begins Sept. 14. 1910. Address. President R. T. Vanx, Raleigh, N. C. BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1910 THR RINOHta W'HWL. iihariU.. K C. hu r.prl few fa 11' TtiH liMlTf Kmtod o. U iik-rill. n.w... I Mm from en. OrfuunWim MIUT4RV tr DLSflPUKt, CONTROL tod CakkuoE. ft' 71 ipIM Iron othw Ktwull tot newnd. Tlrim koji Mawtti WtlVB 4lK4Wl. HulBf tbtolUltlf tlCltldl. . liina COL. . IIMIUB. Sopi.. I01 tj. BAIN ACADEMY, MINT KILL., N. O. Ideally located In the Piedmont section of North Carolina. Prepares for college or business. Experienced teachers. Special course in music. Expenses very moderate. For Descriptive Booklet, write to J. W. Scroggs, Matthews, R. F. D. 10, N. C. Davenport College LENOIR, N. C. A High Grade School for Girls. Courses in Mu sic, Art and Expression. Expenses moderate. Ideal Climate and Surroundings. Twenty miles from Blowing Rock. Send for catalogue. JAMES BRAXTON CRAVEN, President. Union Institute The fall term of this school will open on Monday, August 1st. 1910. Faculty are all college trained and highly competent for their work in every respect. Board easy to be had in the best families at the lowest rates that can be afforded. Thorough practical training in the essential fundamentals of educa tion; and no mistake will be made by patronizing this school. For anv desired information, address O. C. HAMILTON, Princial, or ) UnionTiile v C A. A. SECREST, Chm. B. T., l-nwimJ. Etlabluhod ia 1894. Th lm of the school b ckrty Mt forth br ita annnrrt "Thorough inntrucUon under poaitirely ChrUtiao infliwneei at th lowwt JV1U 1 1 U: pouiblc roit " Thetchool wmaoaUblwhed br the Mfthodint Church, not to make mony, but to farniih s place where eirla can b given thorough training in body, mind, and heart at a moderate coet. The objoct ha been m fully carried out that a a nrcill T. 1( toKlay. with ita faculty of 82. ita bwrding patronage of 300, and Ita WOULli building and pounda, worth $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA. $150 Kya all charge for the year, including the table board, room, light a, team at, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition in all subject except music and elocution. Apply for catalogue and application blank to REV. JAMES CANNON, JR., M. A Principal. Blaclutea. Va. UN Ler 7z An iaei christian Homesrhoou preparatory and Collegiate eonnea. Art, Kxpreaslon, Physical Culture, Pedagogy, buatneaa, etc. Conservatory ol Music lllfc-h atandard maintained by large staff o( ex perleuced, college- vim Hniumiuniuuniia iHm? i u ixn(uurs ana ieacn.ee the innlvlnuaL, Unsurpassed health record. Brick bolldlnga, Hteam heat. Excellent labia. large gymnasium, farlc -like campus. Couoerts, lecture, tennis, basket tali, i rite lor our catalog beforeselecUng taeooUega for your daughter. aHL5YJI10E8TOClCAD.A.H,rra, BaUUb..C BEES LAXATIYE COUGH SYRUP RILIEVES COUGHS AND COLDi i Par Shoes, assorted styles and sizes, priced 51.00. your tnoice ow me pair J' WvfV V . 1 V. Co pair, worth from 73c to 2.50. ...:.r..:. pa-4i. :- :pev;ju (jiiic uvc iue pair " 4 i- t t PA ji.it) wwv,vu saw in Low Cut Shoes. price The Hat You Like. Company. A School for Boys and Girls. PIHEULES for the KId.itys 10 DAY' TRIAL FOH ai.OO.

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