BELKS WERE ACQUITTED. SOUTHERN GIRL $2.00 SHOE $2.50 is built to fit the foot snugly and comfortably, as even good shoe sVulJ. It is built along the most fashionable lines, as you have a tiht to expect It wears like iron which cannot be saij of some shoes at this price. The parts that show are honest on their face nJ cve to the foot a trim and stylish appearance. The parts that take the strain 2tid wear away insiJe and out of sight are just as thorough, just as honest. Look up our dealer in your town and let him tell you how we can make such a good shoe for the money. CRADDOCK-TERRY CO, Lynchburg, Va. look for tbt Ktd 0ft oa ffct It. Are You Hard on Shoes? Many a woman thinks fhe is hard on shoe's when the fact of the matter is her shoes have tricked her. If your shoes go to pieces unreasonably soon it's the fault of the maker. To meet competition he has skimped and scalped and substituted inferior for honest materials till there s noth ing left but looks. The v Tkit tame skot in mr "Aultgraph" brand, S2J0 and Sj.OO u CteJytar math ifwtd. In Our CViViv Wtmtn't Walking Skte, Sj.OO SijoSf.oo, it fijuali tkt btit (utttm make. Everything in the Insurance Business we do. Also everything in the Real Estate Business. See us for all kinds of business. GORDON lKSi- CO. rrived ONE SOLID CAR -Of FURNITURE... The nicest furniture for a little money that we have ever shown on our lloor before. Get our prices before buying we can save you money. : : : : : T. P. DILLON. IBIS Jury Remained Out Only a Short Time Prisoners Released But Held Under Bond for Assault on Stack Judge Alien Gives De fendants Advice. After beine out about four hours last Wednesday, the jury in the case of Gus, Will and Winifred Belk, charged with the murder of Ben Hunter, returned a verdict 01 noi guilty. There is no question that the verdict was a surprise to me public. At the request of the solici tor the men were Dut under bond for appearance to stand trial for as- siult upon waiter Macs, me man who was m the ngbt wten Hunter was killed. Oa giving bonds the defendants were released and soon left for their homes. On dismissing the defendants, Judg5 Allen said: "1 do not think that you should go out with a fueling of exultation. I have been trying cases over North Carolina for eight years, aad I have not been in the habit of criticizing the verdicts of juries, and I will not criticize this one, but I have never seen men make a closer escape with their lives. I was not sure that the jury ought to have brought in a ver dict of murder in the first degree, but I did net expect an acquittal. And had they brought in a verdict of less than murder in the first de gree, I should have sentenced each of you to 20 years in the penitentiary. You ought to go home now and re member that you have taken the life of a fellowman, and stop carrying guns and pistols and lead a new life." When The Journal weat to press last week the evidence had been concluded and the lawyers were speaking. Kedwine & Sikes for the State, and ilcNeely iic.Neeiy and Williams, Lemmond & Love for the defense spoke during the day on Tuesday, and Judga Oiborne for the defense and Solicitor Stack spoke at night, it being after 11 o'clock when the solicitor hnished nis argument. Judee Osborne becan at 1 :M and occupied more than two hours. His address was a masterly presentation of the case for the defendants. The solicitor SDoke a little more than an hour, making a powerful argument in behalf 01 the State ana terribly arraigning the prisoners at the bar for what he called the most coward ly murder ever committed in North Carolina. Judge Allen charged the jury Wednesday mornine. his charce being very clear and impartial, and the jury retired at 11 0 clock, re turning their verdict at three. George flahew Gets New Trial. dsorae Mahew. the nesro convict ed last August with Charles B. Ply ler for the murder of Walter Parks, was granted a new trial last ednes day by Judge Allen. At the time of the conviction last August, Judge Allen did not sentence Mah.;w, be lieving that there were grave doubts as to his guilt. In granting the mo tion for a new trial last Wednesday. Judge Allen stated that he had gone over the evidence very carefully, and as Mahew was tried with another man, he thought he was justified in granting the new trial. Mahew was rnlpasedon bond of S 400. Counsel for Plyler are making strong effort to get his sentence commuted to lite imprisonment. WHY Piedmont Buggies are the height of perfection in huggy building. r 1 tiiei in a banking service is a diffi cult attainment but not an lm- . possible one. It characterizes ; ; the service of :: :: :: :: 1 The Savings, Loan and Trust Company. Every precaution is taken as trt Qflferv. Everv investment made has wise and careful con W nr sideration. Loans while liberal are made with precaution that makes it impossible for a heavy loss to result. Open an ac .,f Voro Yriir mnnpv 13 safe with US. 0 0 0 0 VUUHW iliVt m V V H. B. CLARK. Cashier. R. B. REDWINE. President. 1 Report of the Condition OF Tim Savings, Loan & Trust Company MONROE, N. C, Jat the close of liuslnef Nov. 10th. 1ft!1). KEjOUM'KS. Losns end Di-oounts, :ST,7W.H Overdrafts, secured X'tM Insurance Investment l.imo.w Furniture and fixtures Due from Bank and Bankers liu.4Wi.77 Cash Item 75.Ui Hold coin l- W SilverC'oin, Including all minor eur'j, 1U7.75 National bank and other V. S. note 3.0K100 Total 174,M.20 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In t 3S.000.00 Surplus Fund iJtotM Undivided Profit 3,0"0.00 Dlfldendu I'npaid I"00 Notei and billi rediscounted 8.WK).00 Bills Payable M.oOO.oo Time Certificate of Deposit !M,r2.81 Deposits subject tocheck 67.881 8ft Saving Department 13,414.17 Cashier's Checks Outstanding Ml ' Truit Funds ,:. Total 174,4M.lr0 Stat of North Carolina, County of Union, ss: I, H. B. Clark, Cashier of The Saving, Loan and Trust Co.,doolemnlr swear that the above statement Is tree to the best of my knowledge, and belief. H. B. CLARK, Cashier. ComntfT Attist: 8. 0. Hi. ah. ) J.D. McRaI. ' Directors. D. A. Hoi STON. l , Subscribed and sworn to before me. this day of Nov., 1V1U. W. C ( Ron KM.. Notary Public EMie Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous pros'ration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY. LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ewe sold over a druggist's countei. To build a buggy that combines style, comfort, finish and durability has been our aim since the first conception of Piedmont Buggies. Our fac tory is located in the famous Piedmont section of North Carolina the best, timbered section in this country: our machinery is of the latest improved patterns; every man in our shop is a skilled mechanic, and every inch of material used is carefully selected and inspected by experts. These are some of the conditions that go to make Piedmont Bugles the height of per fection in buggy building. We have studied carefully the requirements of buggies in the South, and endeavor to construct our Piedmont Buftfies to meet these conditions-they are built in the South, by Southern people and for the Southern people. Piedmont Buggies will give you better service, last longer, and cost less to keep up. For sale by Heath Hardware Co., Monroe, N. C. CKOW BlROTIHl EIRLS' CASH STORE Monroe's Biggest, Busiest and Best Store Is now ready for business, everything in and marked down to the lowest pos sible price. We want and are anxious for your trade and if low prices for good merchandise will get it we will do the business. CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! ! For Men and Boys The stamp of quality is affixed to every ar ticle that we sell. Not only the best, but more than any other house is showing. The new brown mixtures that are so popular this season in a wide range of styles and patterns. New Hats, New Shoes, New Overcoats, New Underwear and at prices to suit any pocket. A look will convince you that we can make good. wl 11? A Hat for Every Head We have a hat to sust every head. If you are hard to please in a hat we would like to show you before you buy; we know we can please you. Our strong lines are $2.00 and $3.C0. Any size you want in the nobbiest and newest shapes. "L ii win i 3 WASH FABRICS FROM 'FOREIGN LANDS Wash Dress Goods This seasons styles in wash dress goods seems to have outdone any previous one for the' styles are pret tier, the assortment is larger and the weaves different. We have a splendid show ing for 10c per yard up to 25c and something to suit every one. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS. All the new Dress Goods are in and the display surpasses all previous efforts. The Black Dress Goods stock is the larg est we have ever carried and most every known weave and fabric will be found here. This is a store of quality and shod dy goods find no lodgment here. SHOES! SHOES!! We still carry the celebrated Walkover shoes, they still hold their reputation for good serviceable wear and for style fit and finish they have no equal. Alsc a full line of Craddock-Terrys Southland Belle shoes for a cheaper shoe and every pair is guaranteed to give good wear. All styles and prices. SWEATERS! SWEATERS!! Nothing so comfortable for these cool autumn days as a cood warm sweater We have a larger stock than ever before and can fit any size lady, misses or child, all colors. SPECIALS! SPECIALS!! 1,000 yards of yard wide extra good bleaching worth and sold elsewhere for ll'Ic our price while the lot lasts 10c per yard. 50 dozen ladies white (all pure linen sheer and) handkerchiefs at 5c each, have had 5c linen handkerchiefs before but never so good as these. CROW BROS., CASH STORE.