Special Notices. We want to buy Chicken. Egg nd an Kinas 01 country produce, and well you farmers your urorenei. Willianu & Gathings. Ground Bone makes hen lay in win irr. n s nave plenty 01 iu I'lyler k Walter. Try our whit pine cough remedy with menthol and tar. Best on the market lor iTC. The I mon Drug Co. Lost - On Return to street, pair npectac.es. Mrs. J. J. Crow For Sale One buggy and harness. 1 cotton planter, at a bargain. Call and see inem. J. L. Benton. Just received, a fresh shipment of II. S. KstriJgei Co. Notice I am prepared to sharpen your worn-oni cr.si plow points. rices right. Leave Lee & Co. s store. 1 ates Medlin. W'anted-An engine and boiler, from j 10 w ll. l'.. in good repair. W. C. Broom. Waxhaw, N. C. 'iie o-room nouse, lot IMXSHS, on Windsor avenue; good barn and gar- uen. Appiy 10 uavis ArmhelJ. We are in need of more Pork. If you nave some nice hogs to sell, see us. Tlyler & Walters, Monroe people will find it to their advantage to 'phone 253 for all kinds of iirocenes. V illiams & (Jathings. Come to us for cough and cold tab lets, croup aud pneumonia salves. Phone us your drug store needs. The Union Drug Co, 'Phone Austin & Levy for nice stall fed Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fish and Oysters. Phone 91. Buff Orpington eggs for sale, $1.50 ior ntteen; guaranteed pure stock. W. W. Carroll, Phone 202. Monroe, N. C. One Chattam Incubator, 120-egg ca pacity, also urooder, for sale. Original price U; will take S10. 'Phone 257. II J . II .1 n hi. aniea aii ot tne cross lies you will bring. Will pay 35 cents for first Class and lo cents for second class. J. B. Nash & Son. Big lot, 130 feet, over 200 back, be tween T. J. Gordon's residence and town limits, for sale cheap for cash. Monroe Manufacturing Company. For Sale-Several thoroughbred An gora goats. J. T. Yarborough, Monroe, R. F. I). 5. Trained Nurse 'Phone 2-9. located in Monroe. General line of heavy and fancy Gro ceries. They are not to keep but to sell. You can please us by calling or 'phoning for what you want Williams & Gainings. We can't fill "scripts," but prescrip tions are our line, and we do that to perfection. Best ingredients, most care ful compounding. Bring 'em to us. The Union Drug Co. We have the best Meats, Sausage, Oysters, Pork and Steaks that the mar ket affords. If you trade with us vou don t have to ask from time to time -kA,ll . V.... I ...... A...1 f in your absence it cannot grow. 'Phone ijh. riyier at nailers. For Sale T. J. Caudle 4-room house on one-half acre lot, in southern part oi town. rranK Artnlitid, Manager. For Sale Four-room house, barn and good lot. Apply to A. Blacker, We pay good prices for Beef Cattle, Pork, etc. Austin & Levy, 'phone HI. Swap Your Seed-We will give 100 pounds of that line Elba Meal for 100 pounds or cotton seed. J. B. Nash & Son. For Sale Two good lots on Benton Hill. J. II. Caldwell. I am prepared to do your Plumbing work. Phone tiO. D. W. Clontz. Recorder's Court. John Nelson, colored, assault and cattery, fj and costs. OI Cauthen, larceny; 4 month Appeals. T. E. Shubert, injury to personal property, cutting belt at Monroe Cot ton Mill; 30 dava. Re. Casque, false pretense; bound to court Z.X. Kindley, violating ordinance o. io; ?i ana costs. hen you hiTt) a cold ret a botile of hanilwrUiu s t niith B-uIt. It i on tit you till all riu.it and w ill vanl ofl ior tendt-nry lnanl pm-uimwia. Tlii rrniedy cutibniM no opium or other nairnix aiul mar be gin-a as rviit'xlrnlly to a baby io an autiiu ruij tv an a.nirn. You can get guaranteed cotton seed meal - bolted -at $1.50 per sack at the Monroe uu mil Just oiK-ned. fresh barrt-l best srrai i orio ivico sioiases. II. S. Estridge & Co, Twenty thousand home raised rh. oage rlaiita, winter hardened, for sale. J. A. Austin. For Sale Two lots, joining railroad ngnt-oi-w ay, northern part of city. U. U. Caldwell. Wanted Some rood briirhL four- hand ties Fodder. Vann Funderburk. will wav more for anv kind of Fur than anyone else. A. Blacker, Monroe, N. C. 'Phone No. 311 when you need Plumb ing oi any kind. Money to Loan -On re J estate or .good security. Walter K. Mahone. 2 and 3 Loan & Trust Building, Monroe, IN. C, ForSule One good horse, two mules; one new buggy, and one two-horse wagon all cheap for cash or on time. M. K. Lee, Monroe, N C, I have bought an interest in the Meat Market of Mr. E. S. Levy, and will be glad to have my friends cull on me, I. Our 'phone number is 91, and if you r will send your orders we will treat you right. F. 11. Austin. and hulls ready for quick delivery. We send mem in a nurrv. t none us wnen you want them. T. C. Lee & Co. WANTED To do all your soft shirts at 5c. each. Monroe Meant Laundry. 'WATT ASHCRAFT, Veterinarian Day calls 113, night calls 382. Monroe, N. C. Hospital on Hayne street, north east of court house. Dr. E. S. Green's dental office is over Krauss' jewelry store opposite Belk Bros. Office phone 182. Furs Wanted Mink, opossum, musk rat hides wanted at Cash Grocery Store. For Rent Brick store room adjoin ng new Journal building on Jefferson street. One of the best stands in town. McRae Mercantile Company. When you need good Apple Vinegar, all 195. II. S. Estridge & Co. Tabard Inn Coffee, the kind that Inakes you love your neighbor as your- elf, st tasn urocery niore, pnone w. W. W. Hargett For Rent Five-room house at $6 rer monm. j. w. Richardson. Hurry up with your jug and get your 'ui t vi vur uiu lime new wneans aio- iisses; it gets better. II. S. Estridge & Co. Supper for the benefit of the Episco- ai cnurcn, at Maddry & Willsong, .hursday evening, January 19th, be ginning at b p. m. Oysters. Hum. thicken Salad, Naw, Celery, etc., will oe served, ah ior Zoc. Nice bolted cotton seed menl at $1.50 per sack. Monroe Oil Mill. Notice of Administration. Having this dav nualilied before the fcuperior court of Union county, N. C, as administrator of the estate of Wm. Horn, col., deceased, all persons hold ing cluims against said estate are here by notified to present the same to the undersigned administrator on or before the Kith day of January, A. D. 1912. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their right of recovery. A II Dcrsons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment promptly. This the 16th day of January, 1911. J. N. I'KICE, Admr. of Wm. Horn, deed. Report of the Condition or thi Savings, Loan & Trust Company MO.NKOK, N. 1 ., tt the eliiMnt Imnlnemi Jan. Ttli. loll. KKSOf Kl'KS. Loan and Plaruunt !;i7,?U.Kri Overdraft", wurH 1I17.W Iinurgncr liivratmrnt l.HKi.im Kurnliurrand flxtuws 1.kjo.ii tHMiinim i.oaittf . .i.iHm.im Due from Hunk" ami Ban ki'M hash :i Cah li nn a'jiinti liold ooln lto.mi Silvrrt'nln, liK'ludliiKall uilmir cur'y, 13'; National twiik ami other 1'. S. tiotct .'.Ml.im Local and Personal. Miss Eliztbeth Shelley of Waxhaw has a position with the Lee St Lee Company. Mr. V. D. Cribble of Norfolk is risiting hi father, Dr. V. II. Grib ble. Mr. D. P. McLarty and mother, Mrs. Sallie McLarty, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with Ucr. H. K. McLarty in Cireensboro. Mr. Sam Uedwine, who has been head clerk for the Price-Hemby Com pany at Weddington for the past two years, has moved with his fam ily to Monroe, where ho will be man ager of the Tnion Trade Company, one mile west of town, owned by Mr. U. II. Kedwine. The Governor Rome days ago post poned the day of execution of Chas. I'lyler to February 1 ". In the mean time the three negroes now in jail will be tried and I'lyler will be used as a witness. What eilcct his con fession and evidence will have on his own case is not known. Mrs. Dorcas.GriHin. wife of Mr. J r. Grimn, died last Friday at h home in Lancaster, S. C. Mrs. Grif- hn 8 maiden name was Pnvette and she was born and reared two miles east of Monroe. She moved to Lan caster twenty years ago. She was lit) years old. Mr. William Privetto is brother and Mrs. Kllen Trull of Monroe is a sister of the deceased Mr. i . 1 4. liOve, carrier on mai route o. savs tnat a all over seers wera like Mr. J. T. Cook, who has a 2;, mile section on the Con cord road, we would have much bet ter roads. Sometime aco Mr. Cook plowed out his ditches, threw the dirt up, and has boon using a King drag, which he made himself. The consequence is that his road has stood the travel and has been in fine shape all the time. Tho stockholders of the First Na tional Bank of Monroe held their an nual meeting at the banking house January lUth. A semi-annual divi dend of 5 per cent, was declared by the directors on January 1st and checks were mailed to all the stock holders at that time. After paying tnis dividend a nice sum was placed in tne surplus iuna ana a good amount left in the undivided profit column, the following were re elected as directors: T. C. Lee, J. II Lee. J. M. Belk. J. J. Crow. J. K, Ashcraft, F. R. Ashcraft. J. Ii. Eng. ish, J. v. bikes, J. It. hubanks. J I. funderburk, . A. Lane, A. M Crowell, C. W. Bruner, ll. V. Hous ton, T. J. Gordon. W. C. Heath. O Heath, K. A. Morrow, P. V. Flow, HER PAINFUL LIMP. it Thtn but T.'lal 1.UHIUT1KS. Capital Stock paid In Snrjilm Fund t'nillvlilrd I'mllts PlvMrnd 1'npald. N'ntei and Mil redlwtiuntt'd -.- TlmrlVrtlnVatrn of IVkmU PcrMMita aiilijeot toi'hivk, ... Saving Dyrtnient Canliler'a I'hn'ki OiiHtandtni;-- I i.'.iw.) .. i.kit.:. UNI 4il I M.S78.W U.W 71 111 sx Trunt Fundi g.iiv'i Total i:l.;;isn4 Htatr of North Carolina, County f I'nlou, n: I. H H. Clark. Cahlrrof The SnvtniM, Loan and Trut Co.,-!oolf-innl,r mwoat that thia)Hv-f ptianipnt it true to Hi U!t of mv knowleitK ami wiiri. ii. u. i.akk. canuirr. Corkkit Attunt: i H O. Ht.llR. Ii. A. Hoi lo', Plrei'tora. 1th SntKorllivd and aworn to Tfore me, thU day of Jan., lull. W. C. Ckoh ki i Notanr I'ulillo REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK of UNION, at Monroe, in the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business, Jan. 7, 1911. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $336.1.19 0(5 Overdrafts secured 1,927 43 All other stocks, bonds and mortcasres. 4.197 Insurance premiums M8 45 furniture and fixtures 4,954 66 Demand loans 18,224 23 Due from banks and bankers 34.320 72 silver coin, including all mi nor coin currency 1.665 90 National bank notes and oth er U. S. notes 14,223 00 Total $416,221.21 LIABILITIES: Capital stock ; 50,000 00 Sunilus fund $12,600 00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses, taxes paid. 6.602 31 Dividends unpaid 550 00 Bills payable 10.000 00 Time certificates of deposit, 137,131 72 Ueposita suhject tocheck... 195,181 23 Due to banks and bankers.. 3.811 86 Cashier's Checks outstanding 444 09 For Bent-Five-room cottage, mod rn conveniences. Walter Henderson. 'Phone Austin & Levy for nice stall ed Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fish and ysters. Thone 91. Cabbage Plants, wholesale or retail, w ready. Union Plant Co., MarahviUe, N. C. Total $416,221 21 State ok North Carolina, I . Uninty of Union. I, W. C. Stack, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. C. Stack, Cashier. Correct Attest: J. R. Shute, J no. w. Neal, E. C. Winchester, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16th day of Jan., 1911. M. L. Flow, Notary Public i Brought Htr Sympathy and Something Mors. It may sound incrediLIo here's what happened: At the height of a rush hour Sat urdny afternoon it statuesque young woman in a now frock limped pain fullv but rapidly toward a Euclii avenue car. From her manner of walking tho observed was obliged to ninnn flint. nnr of fbpiii was short ,l.liiiii.pn ., . , . . .,i D lioii So 1 IIIUII VIIU Vlllt.ll 4WW". Pit v. '"How snd that she is hiinc!" whis pered some of tho women who no ticed her. ''With such a figure too.' 1 ho statue.'iMe voiinc woman stepped aboard tlio car imtl was car ried along the aisle by the stream of women entering behind her. All tho passengers in the forward end of tho car were women. They ali noticed at onee the lameness of the statuesque young woman, and sev oral of them smilingly rose ami of fered her their places. She took om of tho seats with a gracious oli-you are-8o-good-to-tlie-alllicted inelina tion of the head. Tho other women ctolo surreptitious glances and men tally commiserated her. When the car stopped to let her off tho statuesque young woman limped to the platform, and tho women craned their necks some more. Yes. it does sound a whole lot in credible, but The statuesque young woman, ns soon ns she reached the street again, strode off like any Diana hound for tho hunt. There wasn't even so much as a trifling sugges tion of lameness in her gait. But there was a naughty little twinkle in her eye as sho looked hack at the neck craning women and smiled at them. "Well, did you ever!" gasped the women in tho car. The pleasant faced little woman who had surren dered her seat to the statuesque creature looked stunned, and an other woman had to poke her with her parasol before sho realized that her seat was vacant. Sav, wouldn't that just fairly cripple you!" murmured the con ductor to the grinning men stand ing on the rear platform. Cleve land Tlain Dealer. BEE S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KKkllVIB COUQHS AND COLDS COTTON. Cotton went to 13 cenU Friday ana since men much has been sold on this market. On Friday 2U0 bales, Niturd3j 211, and on jester day 216 bales were sold. The census report of bales ginned to January l, is 11,087.442. as com pared with the same period last year oi :i,ii,j.'. The number of bales of cotton weighed on the markets of this county during the month of lecem ber was 3.M1. the different markets getting the following number of bales: Monroe. 1.11711; Wahaw.8.".o; Marshvil.e, ltl, Wingate, ICO; In dian Trail, CO. The total number of bales welch ed up to January 1, 1911, is 23,12, the different markets getting the fol lowing numbers: .Monroe, 11,121, Waxhaw, 5..T.;: ilarshville. l.2"J."i: Wingatc, 1,3;)3; Indian Trail, 700. On January 1, 11110. there had been sold on the markets of the county 1?;1. bales, and on the dif ferent markets the following num bers: Monroe, U.2S9; Waxhaw, 4, 512; Marshville. 3,1174; Wingate, 1, 104. When Tnnr frt are wet ami cold, and Tour UhK chilli il iliri.nji ami through from ejHiiiv, lake a iI.mj of CliamWrlaiit's tViiich Iti'nxtlv, hail. vonr fwt in hot water U'fure going to hrif, ami von are al inifrt errliin t" :inl nil a aevere'cvlt. Kor Me hy all uYalrra. No. 8712. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF First National Bank Of Monroe, al Monroe, North Carolina, at the close of bill- uwu. Jinuaiy, 7. 191 1. RESOURCES. Loam and DiKountt S404.74) 04 Ovodttlu, itemed and unweured .. none L . S. Bondi lo tecure circulation ... 75.000 00 1 remiunu on U. S. Bondt 1.136 2 Banking house, furniture and futures 7. 165 00 Due liom National Banki (nol re serve agents) 23.234 28 Due from approved reierve agents.. 3 1 .9 1 0 89 I hecks and other Gash Items Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents '. I jwlul Money Reserve in Bank, vit: Specie $ &,4i0 00 Legal-lender notes $J 1,13500 29,625 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Trcai urer ( ol circulation) 3,7)0 00 Total $576.8S9 6I LIABILITIES. Capilal slock paid in $100,000 00 Surplus fund 1 1,000 00 Undivided prolils, less expenses and taxes paid 4.794 63 National Bank notes outstanding 75.000 00 Due toother National Banks 2,223 83 Due to Stale Banks and Bankers ... 32,t55 58 Dividends unpaid 1,595 00 Individual deposits suliiecl lo check 209.764 55 Time certificates of deiwMl I '8.694 87 Cashier's checks outstanding 1,161 15 bills payable, including certificates of deposit lor money borrowed 10.000 00 Total $576,889 61 143 70 159 45 State of North Carolina. County of L'nion. ss: I, Koicoe rh.lcr. Cashier ol the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true lo the brt of mv knowledge and belief KOSCOEI'lllllR. Cashier. Correct-Attest: R. A. Morrow, J. M. Belk, K. B. Ashcraft Subscribed and sworn to belore me this 1 3th day of January. 1911 HOKACLB. CLARK, Notary Public What Kind Do You Give Holiday Presenter that are useful or the kind that are put away soon for gotten ??????' You will find in my stock of urniture some very pretty and useful presents: Pinanos, Ograns, Phonographs, Dining Room Sets, Nice Rockers, and a Good Assortment of Couches and Lounges, Book Cases, Room Suits, Ladies Desks, Gentleman's Desks, Li brary Tables, Art Squares and Kugs, Lxpress YV aprons, Tricy cles, Velocepedes for the boys and Girls. Come early and eet first selections. T. P. DILLON LEE & LEE COMPANY. THE LEADING SIT GOODS, I0TI033, CLOTHUG, GUTS' rCillSRUGS, HIT AID SHOE STORE II IOIEOL A Unique White Event wi&e$;. wkUi Friday and Saturday, Jan. 20th and 21st. Long ago, when the plans for this event had their be ginning, we determined to make it forceably demonstrate the superior resources of this store. Our efforts have been singularly successful. Looms have never woven better white goods than we now present. From sturdy domestics to dainty garment material, the selections embrace a complete range of white fabrics for ev ery personal and household need. The Undermuslins are Exquisitely Dainty. They are fine in material and making, accurately sized and perfect fitting. Tasteful and durable trimmings have been applied in novel and attractive effect. The scope for selection is almost unlimited; the money saving advantages are many and important. We invite your attendance at this event. Lee s Lee Gompanu. More Mules and Better Mules Just received this week. Come and take a look at these mules, they arc a fine lot, well broken and well finished. If you need anything in our line come and sec us and save money. Kemcmber that every animal sold by us is guaranteed as represented. Jan. 17th. Armfield Brothers. The Famous J3aj& is uie Lump vi Atui ueuuiy because It gives the best light of all lamps. The Rayo gives a white, soft, mellow, diffused light easy on the eye because it cannot flicker. You can use your eyes as long as you wish under the Rayo light without strain. The Rayo Lamp Is low-priced, and oven though you pay $5, $10 or $20 for other lamps, you may get more expensive decorations but you cannot get a better light than the low-priced Rayo gives. A strong, durable shade-holder holds the shade on firm and true. This season's new burner adds strength and appearance. Once a Rajto User, Always One. .DmJpv sAkWfvo'v. Jf sff fo&wt, asr As 4t9&faMt$ Standard Oil Company OBNtrpentaw 1 -iL ay 1 4h