Remedies are Needed ' . f . mrm, - IMdiciaCS WOUld not ehtm Kc seeded. But co weakened. iP.J "J h ibtcb iiuiurrettuas bich have toe oo from che erfy through countlm fearratioas, rcmrvi.w are aeedea la id Nature ia conectios our inherited sod other i cquirtd we.kae. To res the seal t o! weakacu sad comequet d.ix trouWc. there n ooihiot m (ooal s Dr. Pierce's I'-oUea Mcd.rl Disco- er. ilyccno compound, exrreciea iron, -'- L rooti-told lor over forty with (seat ""i to .11 wer.. For k Stomach. B.lioue. UverCompUmt. P.. , ton,h .Iter r. - Hertbur.. B.4 Brcth. Bckki.. ol food. Chrome I),.rrh .J oKer "tcM.nU Derangement., the Uiwoery u umi-prvi. VT K TT Derangement., ine iiwuery u 'be genuine has on Its O rvw . .P ... . . .if.,i. . iiS.;'tMt kir this oon-.Ux W!ic. medicine or vo.x o.i. out ctcs) t5.ouUh the sirnt deeUf hereby make i Ixtic hicr pruftt. ... liver 1,10V Mic. medicine or vx c..r,.m.. out even ii.ouUn . Cherehy make Ixtic hnUcr front. . .. . llr. IVrc'l Helmut iViie: resume eu ini..,..- , Kmels. SutJf-cuncrJ. tinv nimil.-. wv l take . candy. iCoverly'sSubstitule; Appearances Were Against , - nim. Bv CIAR1SSA MACWL Reprinted from Insurance Register ef July. 1910. Net Cost in Life Insurance In the future the struggle amonjrst mutual life insurance companies will be to give insurance at the lowest possible cost consistent with the necessary maintenance of resources and a sufficient surplus to puard against contingencies. 1 he tendency in this direction began with the agita ion resulting from the New York legislative investigation in im. bouml S. sokency. assured ability to meet all ts. contracts 11 always be the first test of the quality of a life insurance com pany Next to this will be the cost at which it provides the protection afforded by life insurance policies. Below we give the experience which a policy-holder would have had if he had insured for $10,000 m the first half of 11106, at the age of 35, taking whole life policies, and using his dividends to pay premiums, in the companies named m the table: mMIUHS. DIVIDENDS. NET COST ytna ?1,1120 ? S7.30 $1,025 50 irtshir. 1,092.00 110.40 991.60 SnnectcutMuual 1.OM.00 109.00 945.00 Stable - 1.124-40 98.40 1.02C.00 Germam'r""::.-"" 1100.80 91.70 1.015.10 iS - 19870 107.20 991.60 John ftaSr. i2-f !?;! sis Massachusetts Mutual 1.095.20 141.40 j)3.b0 Mutual Benefit 1,054 00 8M0 91)0.90 J 1 115.20 121.90 993.30 NaSal 1096.40 118.60 977.81) SStMutual 1,092-00 12200 970.00 PennMuK-. 1070.00 117.30 955.70 PhanU Mutuai: 1 101.00 113.20 983.40 ProvidentL&T 1OC0.00 101.90 95810 St Mutual - 1 116.40 70.00 1,040 40 State Mutu! 1 192.00 131.10 9C0.90 ritanCeSai" 1075.20 135.50 939.70 n SS:..- lilOl-80 64.40 1,040.40 Philadelphia Life 1,027.20 103.00 924.20 Philadelphia Life Insurance Company Gordon Insurance 6 Investment Company, STATE AGENTS. Monroe, North Carolina. w In Every City thereisonestorethatsets thepace In Monroe McRae Mercantile Company's store is the standard. We keep right up with styles and prices and give our customers the advantage of it. Our stock is complete, some 01 wnicn &re Men's clothing, hats, fancy vests, extra pants, neckwear, shirts and collars, socks, etc., and the noted "King Quality and Morris Moes celebrated for their excellent wearing qualities. Ladies coat suits, sweaters, scarfs, raincoats, gloves, &U kinds of dress goods and many other things; also famous Selby shoe for style and comfort. Shoes our specialty. We can fit and satisfy from the youngest to the oldest person. Our Grocery Department is also complete. McRae Mercantile Co. -The Store of Quality inn a Tmtf Bldff. Phone 45. Monroe, N. C Copyist. W0. fcT American m i I'm porry. ElUhrth." aiJ KMi'b Cowly. "thai 1 w"1 6 Chl"V' ou i,usin for the firm ct FsIhui. 4 CoTerly." "Never minJ. ISalph. ty one bas Uvn lou-'.y, and I UaU nJ '. T.n.1ini5 a iiui.-t time UU ynur "Mi-lUiT will diltsliti"d to ron tier constancy. Au iuvaliU diir nr dull i-nouzk I'ut ibore 1 I an eMorly aunt tominjf tDtnonvw, a:i.l Tm you'll u.-t tuia it -ry amusing Ui 3t Aunt Atfutha nv.i mother. I've thought of a piau that you uiiglit nijoy the iuvkthui w jilanntnl auJ not nils any of tli cou certa or art g:ill.-rl or eveo the V-era." What ia that, dear! Really, hal. of the antlolitd pleaaur waa me knowlede'w that e were to be together." Italpa heltata. ana tuen. u. uilaslnB aoiu unworthy aouut mnu his mind, he wtd quickly: Vh, I've .poken to tabens. uo a UliShiy Cieer cunp ers-d lu all the thlngt you re inter ested In than 1 am. I'm auch a prac tical follow. Elizabeth. Well. I told Fa bens ail the things I'd pianneu we were to do the coming week and ask ed him to see that you uwu 1 nn any of the pleasures." "It's very thougbtrui or you. itaipu. The next morning when Ellrnbeth wanderHl downstairs to a late bn-sik- fast ahe found the expected Aum Agatha estal)llhed at the heaa 01 uie table. She was a stern vlsagcd lady, whose hair remained a shlntug bla-k In defiance of threescore years. ne vnLt stM'tactes with thick lenses. which magnified her dark eyes with startling results. An ear trumi-ei uuu gled from a ribbon over her shoulder, much like a powderhorn at the back ... m liiintnr "flood morning. Miss NeaV-or shall 1 sav ElUalteth? My niece lias wrlt- n nr n nd Ie seen your picture If you'll excuse my saying so. you're not at all the aort or 6in 1 idourui nalnh would marry! Ue always pre- terrA brunettes, like myself. Well in flekiB as the weathert It's too ,,! vart Is confined to her nwrn vr..i trin !w verv lonely." Miss Palo nmuat in take lirealh. Mm. Coverlv will enjoy having some one with her. She Is so much alone except for the nurse," said Ells- "I run't hear a word you say," as serted Miss Dale calmly. "It doesn't m.tter I can always guess what peo ni n tHlklne atwut at table, lou probably remarked that you wouldn't t nil Murine liai )U s ao- I know Dick Fabens. my dear and a more fascinating man I never met. Kalph Is very foolish to leave rnn In Dick's care. Hut. there, every one has his consolations, and that lit tle dark beauty Ralph was so crary about last year lives In Chicago There, there! Don't get emotional! Elizabeth, anery and amused, watch m1 her and when she was alone fin Ished her breakfast and retired to her own room. Later her brief morning Tlslt to sweet Mrs. Overly brought forth the fart that Aunt Agatha had arrived from her suburban home at nn early hour that morning. She had sur veyed the house from attic to cellar nnd had interviewed tbc nurse and the servants with praiseworthy results Mrs. roverlv smiled liululgently nnd touched Elizabeth's serious face with a dc rate forefinger. "Aunt Agatna Is nn nngel at heart, r.!l7iabeth, but her deafness has ncoentunti-d certain oddl ties in tier manner. niMl s!ie has adopt ed n freedom of swrh that Is some times manning. In't forget. I Khali exmrt vcm to come tn for our pa me nf chess every evening If you don't mind devoting so inucti time to nn 01.1 woman." Mirabel li's answer was to kiss the hand that cnresed her, nnd the next half hour was one of delightful Inti macy with the mother of her prospec tive husband. Aunt Acatha at luncheon was a rep etition of Aunt Agatha at breakfast. and her deeply voiced monologue left tho girl with a strante sense of deso lation. For the first time since her engagement to Ralph there crept Into her heart a vague dispilet as to Ms perfect loyalty. Woe was this dark beantv f whom Aunt Agstha Dale babbled? Twe o'efcxk lneckt Dick Fabes with tickets fr a nmtliiee. and. as Annt Aiatha was ;- rheamatic to go fsr atMd. Kltabeth went alone with Balpk's parts. Purtif their brief rids Is the earrtaire irirabetb leorned that Ur. Habeas wss feellnf much better and that the simple program rtnlnk ImJ lukl set Knoesled to his cfinvslsecest sy snd wind ss si Ins else ens id. Trtck Fabew was fasehtsttn. OMflr than Ralph. b wss strraetis by res- ann of his rMtrastlac crsr save sod youthfsl faoe fie wss strangely sy- pathetic to Elizabeth, and sbe found herself looking fe bias for osnflrnisttoa of sll her delight la each plsssurs that Es did "not fllrt'with ber; be aid sot mkk love to her. Ue was simply nai ! mud niisffected. sud by very res sosi of her enforced solitude at tbe rwrl hums Elisabeth turned to hint fgr couKenUlity and pleaitare during thsss sea days. Asa! Agstba suddenly disapproved of Dick. Fsbens" attention ana ei hr tnloa escb morning riiuhoth rams to take a wicked de- Ught lu Usteiiuig to those lectures, and frequent toriitioa of the dark beauty to Cfclrsgo ami Italph's weskness In that direction hardened her heart against .),. mimnt Wn-er. Ills dally letters were characteristically abort, and her jeaWus eyes read between ui uur. ht h w.s enlovlnr his stay In the Windy Clt- Then on Thursday the ii.ra riiMl romtng. ai.l Elliabeth M.itMe1 wrlt'.nr. On Saturday morning she took conn ..1 in l...e (ita mom and deelile.1 that ttml of her. If be Km.i B.rf len. If lie rea..y car-u for b.r. wofild he wl have hesitated at leaving a sultitnte for UU own M.nrt Wss It not to Justify his own t..r,ti..r to this other gtrl-wtiose name Aunt Agutha bad once admitted to le F.lse that he had provided a substitute? Fsbens spoke little of his artner beyond saying that the eovcieu contract bad ln secured by Ralph. Saturday morning Elisabeth went . tho iMinnlins si'hooL wnere .1,. .... iMu-her of music, out ue- r.M .ht. went she Inclosed her en gageuient ring in a tiny box. register ed It and sent It to Ralph's office, with hrtef note explaining tier scuon ! h,i. ail iieen s mistake." she said. Aunt Agatha's farewell, or ner was prolonged and affectionate at the late breakfast, several uours uuw u ...I ihr hot I teen sent. "Goodby. my dear Llirabetn. i irr.0.1 to love ou dearly, and watched you closely durlug the past week w hile Dick KaDens uas oeeu m in vmi out. and you are a most uu- usual girl. Ralph has woi a treasure v would have teen so uu knnm if he had cared for that t-isie -1.1 -wi ui her can for him last year. It s a good thing she eloped i.h !. h.'ioivmir ana werii w i n . for"- Aud bo on until Elizabeths brain reeled with t:is horror or wnai ahe had done. iir forewell to Mrs. Coverly was w.rfni mM brief, but she did not dare dirulge tbe fact of her broken en gagement to tbe woman wuo naa ia en tbe motherless girl to her warm heart. At Kerncliff the weeks passed arenr lly without word from Ralph. There was a picture postcard from Aunt k (mthtfi who had returned to uer home, saying she trusted the missive found Elisabeth In good beauu. men Elizabeth mailed a card to Miss Dale n.1 tmnnl that ladv was quite well, and so ended her counecuou wuu iu. rVi.erl fnnillv There came a day several moniua sfterwsrd when she receivHl cards rn, m.k p. lions' wedding to some irl from New Orleans. She luld It sway with o little sigh. It wss mere 1. .n u.i,n of flu. hariov life she bad ... W - . . . dropped out or. sue wameu newu i.i.t.,ri. f,,r liutentns to Aunt Agatha's luane chatter and knew that she had wrouged Ralph. And yet tnore uas the fact that be had ceased writing to her. That might be easily expmia- i ratter often miscarried, mere . -u. oveiiM for ber doubt or ner lover's constancy. She ought to nave trusted him against everybody in i. world, even as he would havs doue h.,1 th rne been reversed. Tmt amiie da? waa a half Holiday, i'iimMIi. wear? with the strain of teaching and very unhappy, stoie .-. to snend the afternoon alone in .1,. i,ntihil chestnut woods that .tr.ieht behind the school buildings Thm im were in their summer glory of gold nnd brown, aud through tbe scanty foliage there were glimpses 01 the clear blue sky. Where the trees fringed the banks of the tumonng river Elizabeth found a seat on a mossy rock. The rushhig of tbe river drowned nil other sounds, and It was not until be stood lsW ber that Elfcabetb knew Ralph Coverly bad come at last. From very Joy In his presence she was pow erless to move. He looked down at ber, pule and worn nnd quite unlike bis usual buoy ant self. "KhMbeth," ho snl'l desperately. "I've Inst had Fnbens" invitation. If it Isn't le. wlK) Is It?" "B-hn is wlwr OKked F.liwitth -..hi. mtlc breaklm? SB be eanht her hand. The one who came between us," mm rinitih hoarsely. "Aunt Agafl sinfhe wrote-lt was I nbsns. ana you were Jioth so happy, so I stopped writing and came home to nnn me rif, iw! vour letter. I was a besist to Pabrns thought be had cut me oni ith Tn-Biid then he stiffened p. nmA we've hardlv been on speaking nnutite of tmslness. Then this urniu I fouml his wedding IBVKS ttoa in me mall, and se I can dewn to And ent who the other maa la weald Imve staked my life yoar fulfh r.llciibeth!" "Ton may new. waft. Ralph, ti 1 4-ii ..... .ti" ihwl Kttsabeth. n JUksh dW s wslt nts sriM mhmt ber ssd her swnny nesa A..Mf wl)le she son red ont tlie nks- MAmunifew and misery ef those serea days. "It's turned ewt fnr the best, dewr. ha mmtnriri her. Tbh emrrraet WW a im Uibur. aad se I sra net gelmt hs . iw wwk for Ten. Jane Is toe far away. Give ti your posit" aaJ motor. Mother needs tos. and Is net dare rna the c be see of bnrtec io nssvkle snothsr snbstJtats.' "Or another vhdtfrsai Asa Austria," said auasheth termor. W!w-' io us for OTcr au ypr nas porno wo ml lias oern niauo uuh - lenislon ainre Its inianrj'. nns tndrrive you In thin. AU Counterfeits Imitations and" Jst-a-ro.Hlare but - - . m 1 . a 1. a ants Iff il llr KsiH-rlnu-tits that tritle vritit anurnuans , ........ - lufiinU aud ChUdreu-Esporleiic 8&liit l.spcriuteuU What is CASTORIA Castoriik is a harmless substitute for castor -m, .uy- aorlc, Prop and SoothUiic Syrups, it 1 1 h-.iu... . contains neitlirr tl'". iiorpnmo - nubstance. Its as H Hs guarantee. It destroys Morn and alLtys Feveri-hness. It cures Iiarrliua and Miua Colic. It relieves TeethiufT Trouble cures . and Flatulency. It assimilates tli F.hkI, rriilute tho Stomach and Bowels g'"J? cauny ui uukuu. Tho ChUdren'a lanacca Tho SI other's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of si A-HaSBBBBBSSLaSSS He Kind You Hate Alwajs Bra jit In Use For Over 30 Years. VM. ... ..BWIBV. TT .MUI T. mtw VO. Germany torou 2 nnn'i in unicruDuloui manufacturer! snd dealer fo'nt upon yon a lo-called Basic Slag Phosphate. There Is only on genuine-one fsee-from-all-aduheration, one in-every-way-a-gusranteed phosphate. R is THOMAS PHOSPHATE BEARING ON THE TAG THIS TRADE marr.- It Is imported by us from Germany direst to YOU. . s 1 I tL. .i.nJ kat rJ sJisi Opr. rr..nB yhnsnhara nn inn it neeii inv vu-w i .:w.M4. mw.,;. n - man viho are orld-onder at the art ol K"culur. They eisily iceoRnin its advantages over alt other Phphww-t it highly available Phosphoric Acid and big per cent ot Lim produce exceptional yields. Thoma. Phosphate cannot rwert or o back to insolub e compounds-snAr res il it miuhtd t-waj. Therefore its lasting results make it as cheip a it is good. Our booklet "Thomss Phosphate ana ns Uses," mailed free upon request The Coe-Mortimer Co., Spwclal IfTipDrSMSS, NEW YORK. CHARLESTON, S .a MAMIE txt viQTra if. ot. thn store with the hie: stock. We carry everything in tho lineot Provisions, Dry Goods, Hardware and Country Produce. ttt inA v, triTrm in pniiTitrtr nroduce SUCh as chickens, eggs, potatoes, hams, and every- thing gooato eat. it you uuu muuitcwevvuBiv Callus, wo have it. Big supply of new crop Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. wo hflndi a thfl Charlotte meal and hulls only. Ready for quick delivery. 'Phone us and we sena tnem quic&. Supply of Seed Oats, Rye, Clover Seed and Onion Sets. TU Viuir oil IHnrla rf nnunt.rv oroduCG chick- fins, ireese. ducks, offgs. hides and skins. See v i : . ' i, us ueiuro you bou. Come to see us, whether you buy or sell, for we treat you right because we know how. Yours for business, T. 0. LEE & CO. J. C. M. YANN, AttorneD-at-Law, Office ia V -f. fn fisi'diuu. W. B. HOUSTON. SURGEON DENTIST, Office up stairs, FiUgerald Buildisg, Northwest of Courthouse, Moor os, M, C. oams to her ia tht tfays Wtst rsJswea