The Famous The Lamp with Diffused Light should always b: used vherc several people sit, bectuse It does not strain the eyes of those sitting far from It. , The Rayo Lamp is constructed to c'.ve the maximum diffused white light. Every detail that Increases its lifiht-giving value has been Included. Toe R U a low-tricJ Ump. You miy pty $5, $t6 or even $2o lor other lamp an4 f.i more expeoie container but you cannot get a better light thn the Key give. Thi kHM i Ravo ha a new anJ strenet... ene4 burnt. A trong, durable shade-hoUier keera the abate on firm and true. Easy to keep polished, u It is made o( solid brass, finished la nickel. Once a Rayo Uaer, Alwajrt One. to tfcf amo ttt Standard Oil Company lincnrponraai ?T- 111 JIT THE Banfc of Union W. S. BLAKENEY, President W. C STACK, Cashier. J. R. SHUTE, Vice-President C B. ADAMS, Asst. Cashier. Capital S50.000.00. Surplus 820,000.00 No Bills Payable. The attention of the business public is invited to the foregoing offi cial and financial statement, and it is such evidence of the strength and stability of this bank as to warrant tho belief that new business must AmA it from tYwtoA nr.t V.prptnfnrA wpH A(iviArl Of informed. Those not depositing in banks at all would da well to come here for saiety and become acquainted witn good DanKing memoas. tt e aavise ont inrila itrsrrnna tint Hninrran in hrinJT his monPT trt the Bank. We aUU .U 1,W V ' - . J KSU.. UV. m""fl w " " " f guarantee this policy and think we could convince anyone it is the thing to do it allowed tna opportunity. e nope our custuiuers uuu mcuus will have a happy and prosperous year, and we are ready to help on those who try. KsTime io igure on Fertilizer Arc you going to buy "tons" of fertilizer or pounds of plant food ? Are you figuring on a so-called magic brand, or on buying what your land needs? r You must have soil of the ripht consistency. The elements lacking In your toil must be put in, and most important of all, they must stay in. IXpS " Nothing Equals Thomas Phosphate Thomas Phosphate does more than Just supply the plant food needed. It makes the crude Potash and Nitrogen in your soil available. One trial will convince you that it is worth several dollars a ton more than one dollar a unit. We are special importers of Thomas Phosphate and headquarters for materials for home mixing. Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of Potash, e Nitrate of Soda, Sulphate of Potash, Imp. Fish Guano, High Grade Dried Blood, High i,rade i anuage. Our Formula Book and "Thomas Phosphate and Its Uses" sent free upon request The Coe-Mortimer Co., NEW YORK. CHARLESTON. S. G Aootlhier in Union county! The first question evey one asks is, "Was there any Insurance?" And if there wasn't, you say, "How foolish?" But, if YOU were to have a fire tonight, what would the people say? Don't take chances on being in the foolish class. Take a policy on your property with GORDON INSUKANCK ; INVESTMENT CO. GENERAL EFFECT OF 5ANI- TARY PROQKESS. Health Talk No. Y1IL DOCTOR H.D.STEWART, PHYSICIAN, MONROE, N.C. It vnn i5rlr my wrv'i, nil me t h -u ? !i Kotdenee phone 14! : Ciiiee 'phone iu. Office bourf 11 to li. a. m.. and trnm Sr i'1 toe It. m. Oili-e over I'nlon I'nig Coniau;'. Kea. deuce on Lam-aster avenue. SKY McSEELY. VANCE McNKELY MCN66I0 & MM fliiORNtys-Ai-iniv. Prurtiee intheStateand Frdcrnl court j. RSTO:'i!1' 0'" f'aiv five f'- nlliee. Ideas to Bs Presented The Individual as an Fcnnomlc Lia bility and Asset. 1 tv Sanitation from a Business Standpoint. c'The General Effect of Sani tary 5c i: nee in Increasing the Average Duration of Life, d Increased Efficiency. From an economic standpoint, the averaged met ica child U a liability until its seventeenth year.after which time it becomes an asset. That is to sar, it is ctwsiry for the individual and the public t contribute to the physical, mental ana moral develop ment of a child until it reaches its seventeenth year. After the seven teenth year the averags American 1 a. i - J cnuu oecomes sen supiHming ana, in addition to in own support, be comes a source of revenue for others, individuals and for the government or public. Ieath before seventeen means a knancial loss of ail that the individual and public have invested in the child; after seventeen, the longer death is delayed the greater the returns on the investment Any thing, therefore, that diminishes the probability of death before seventeen and increases the probability of life after seventeen is financially and in dividually a public blessing. Such a blessing is sanitary progress from a business standpoint. Going back to the oldest reliable statistics in existence on the dura tion of life, we find that in the six teenth century the average duration of life was 21.2 years; at the begin ning of the nineteenth century about 30 years; at the present the average duration of life is U years. During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the most active period in the growth of natural science, the average duration of life increased at the rate of 25 years per century, and, between 1800 and 1900 the increase in Massachusetts was at the rate of 40 years per century. The following table summarizes present progress in the lengthening of life: Present rate in Massachusetts, 14 years. Present rate in Europe, 17 years. Present rate in Prussia, 27 years. In India, where sanitation is un known, the average duration of life is 23 years, or what it was about 40 years ago. Just as the light of sanitary sci ence rises nearer the meridian of perfection, so the shadow of death shortens. Chaptcrnf Accidents Hr. Griffin's New Venture. MsM.ville Home. Flint Kidge, a church belonging to the colored people and which was located I miles southeast of Jlamh ville, was burned Sunday night be tween 3 and 1 o'clock. The building was a new one which had just been completed. The old church build ing standing nearby was also burn ed. There has been ill feelings be tween some of the colored people of that community for some time. The Holiness movement struck tho neigh borhood a year or two ago and a hall in which a Holiness meeting was being conducted was burned some time last summer or fall. It is be lieved that Flint Ridge, which was a Baptist church, was burned by an incendiary. "Buster" Carelock, a small colored boy of this place, had the toes on his right foot ilatlened Thursday by the wheels of a box car at the east railroad crossing in Marshville. He started to cross the track just ahead of a moving freight train and either failed to get on the track or was crossing backwards and didn't quite get oil before the car wheel struck his toes While Hal Hasty, son of Mr. J. W. Hasty, and Edith Thomas, daughter of Mr. J. W. 1 nomas, both ,5 year-old children, were playing with an old fashioned feed cutter Sunday, the lat tcr's right hand was cut almost en tirely eff just below the wrist by the knife, which fell from the little boy's Land. Mr. E. C. Griffin has taken stock in the mercantile business of Griffin & Simpson. Tho capital stock of this firm will be increased and other lines added. The company will sell fertilizers and do a general mercan tile business. Mr. Grillin will be a valuable addition to this popular firm. No Early Rising for Him. A city chap went to work lor a farmer out in one of the western counlis of Kansas recently. At 3 o'clock tho next morning the farmer called to him to begin the day's la bors. A few minutes later the young man came out of the bedroom carry ins: his crip. "You ain't n-noin' to take that grip with you t-i work airyou?" ask ed the farmer. "Naw," aiwvo rod tho man with a fine soorn, "but I'm goin' to find s;me place to shy all night! 1'rorr fv.mily l a.-i in-ed of n pioil, M'lialle limm-f t. 1 r :-nii:., hrui.-fn, nimn-s t f the miw'.-H ai!l rluMiiiisiir p.iii.e there h nnnr teCor than Cliainlwrlaiii's, (njIJ y all i!' ulcr. You Ought to Know If you expect safety if you desire satisfaction you've got to know all about the drug store you trut your pre scriptions with. All drug stores are not equally safe. All drug stores don't guarantee satisfaction. Dut what about us? Let us fill all your prescription;?, and supply all your drug wants and you can rest assured you will kit every atom of satisfaction in both goods and service that is to be of fered by any drug store. You will get the results from the medicines -because they're fresh and new and strong, and because they're put up right. Now that you know where satisfaction lies, you will trade here surely. C. N. Simpson, Jr. DRUGGIST. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. WIMEB tJ IIIM Lt iTETIVE Tit'Oi MMiAV.MVI tSV MM,l:i. Arrivals. v Vb ri '?tr t' M't!'' la 2ti. JVn-RVLth to Uam . m m i , W i!nsit.uti ! har...t a m 5.'. At.i.U li Mn r.-- . U. i Uu Vr : Vi n.irV'-! - Ifi'V r..rttin t ! .... ' Hirntitif fini u i r!-Buu:h . , M timing it: ( i .! ll. I'oii-m.-u'h t ;.'-! rii -1 Departures. 1 So fvi is.. ; -s" ' S.i i !' m ! , N- f .i ! W i n. u-.-!'ii :' a sa 'V.- ..V Ktrmii'hitni 1 l..l-m.-u!i . ? a 1i V Si, l'rl-lu'L?h ! Ht-!i:;!i--;iar!i-. V iti ; Nu. J3. M.inri !' Kinh-rf.mli..n v m : S.t. i l iini:ni-t-'ii i" r'ff!! 11 .: a i:i No. M--nr.4- t.t .tinu 1 1". -' a in Ni. (I hari..(ir I" V limiiuri-'ii . .... i ; . m I N.i.,' tt.'har:..-tr l" j m ' N.. ii. Birtuiiiiijiam Ut -..nni.u-li . h m j No. 3. limn.,-'. !! ! hr!'.m- pm j N.i. (1, I'l.rt.Binulh to Hl-miu.'liaal..l! . ra N.i. a anil So 41 liamllr lhmut!li lrep ! U-iwren NfW York and A:iauta. I N. XI an.l So. XI will han.l'r tht.ut-li V ! en !vrtmiuth ami t'harloti. U-twtH-n Si-w Yurk and M-niiliU. iMniiiel'arbrtvfvn Ham. 1H and Atlanta. So. W and So. 4" will handle Pullman traw inic Room I'arlor Oar ltren Wilmington and Charlotte. Telephone 1J. W. A.BESTOS.JR, Local Ticket Atrent. STOVES AND (GRATES We tiavc a laroc variety ol lieat Infl stoves, from an oil heater to a hard coal base burner. Portable flrates, can be shoved Into any fireplace, Sl.SO to S3.00. Three - piece artcs beautiful designs, $2.50 to SG.SO. FIRE BRICK and FIRE CLAY Low prices and prompt service will greet you at HEATH HARDWARE CO. WHOLESALE MONROE, N. C. RETAIL WHY Piedmont Buggies are the height of perfection in huggy building. To build a buggy that combines style, comfort, finish and durability has been our aim since the first conception of Piedmont Buggies. Our fac tory is located in the famous Piedmont section of North Carolina -the best timbered section in this country: our machinery is of the latest improved patterns; every man in our shop is a skilled mechanic, and every inch of material used is carefully selected and inspected by experts. These are some of the conditions that go to make Piedmont Babies the height of per fection in buggy building. We have studied careful! v the riYuin,ments of buggies in the South, and endeavor to construct our Piedmont Budgies to meet these com! it i ns-they are built in the South, by Southern people and for the Southern p.-ople. Piedmont Buggies will give you better service, last longer, and cost less to keep up. For sale by Heath Hardware Co., Monroe, N. C. Most every body else is paying a year in advance and getting a fine pocket knife, a rooi razor, or high grade scissors, why not you? The Journal has a fine line of these and can suit you to a T. M f . r. . i i ft k- . ft... 1. I it'' f.t Pi i- f: ft- t t- It I'

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