IEE HONSOE JOURNAL G. M. 1;kaslev& Dko., Publhers 1L F. Ueasi t:, KJitor. Tuesday, January 31, 1911. Let's Have the 5a!ibury RoaJ. The Journal desires to say candid ly that ia its t pi-ion the propositi, n of the Salisbury railroad ieop'e 1 1 come through this county, expectia z eventually to get a southward con nection, is the best thing that has been c:Tered in a Ion: time. It is true that they ask the townships concerned to use their credit to a certain extent to aid in building th? road, but this :s coupled, as an ab solute guarantee of good faith, with the condition that we issue our bonds only after the trains have been run ning regularly over the road. This takes the question entirely out of the range of uncertainty, and nar rows us down to the simple question of whether we are willing to put forth a reasonable effort to get a rail road that all thinking men must see would be a vast benetit to the town and county. We believe that this road would mean great things for Monroe and all the territory through which it will run. Transportation is the key to modern progress, and those com munities that have fewest railroads are the least prosperous. The cur rents of commerce are fixed by the railroads, and as they are now being fixed they will probably stay for generations. Hence no town that has a chance to get an additional road ever misses it. But every argu ment that applies to Monroe, doubly applies to the country outside of the town. Poor land near railroads and good wagun roads is becoming more valuable every day, while fertile lands so located that they are with out hope of such facilities are get ting relatively los valuable. Tins writer drove through a rvh country one day last s urnuer. Tho farn. were growing up in rich cbver, tim othy and blue gra. It was a rich soil, but there were few people to b:' seen. "Where ;ire all the pcplethat shuiild be oa this rich lanu?" was asked. "Why," was the reply, "they dispaired of evir getting a railroad through here au.l tluy have cvjvc.! away." True, we mi:d ;uy s-;no ::i mey t-1 get ivu'r.-ads. and we also lave t pay L r stnns ;;ud sidewalks, and church's and scW.3 but wVn we par ve hive wL.i we jay f.T. S it- t';is. We r ; :::. in r l.r t ; Aud, I v t Are We Ready lor Ii? .tin visited the city last week and it U needless to saj that ii eir enter Writing of the bill introduced by feft nohiDg to Uoa. Ashley Home, and now pend-jThe fo!kj there like wew ing in the Hoc and Senate, to erect fcl a vi .ltor anJ AfJ a building ferS'..!e purpose in Ual- ,.. ,. tim Kf, . r . . - . i - - ei-;h to cost l.tVO.UtO. a corrtfpon-' manently, they will make him wish dei.t of The Journal asks these ques- he c ,u,j A (p:rit of e(vcmiotl tions: ' Sl.auld the State of North Car lini put a million dollars in brick and u.orUr at Ualeich hile her pec pie travel the public roads often hub deep in mud und wait r. and has oa!y fcur months of public schjol durin the rear, while many of her is building the town. It is already one of vast industrial accomplish ment, an I its products are as varied as could well be wished. The board of trade directory shows a list of "six ; hundred civic patriots, who are ac tively interested ia the civic devel- t.t.ti.a -i?tni.t Pu4.l n.i n pita' on.l there are manv orphans and unfortu-j 1,rBU'nt and industrial growth cf nates, with young criminals, all to : N inston Salem; public spirited citi be better cared for and reformed; j zer.s who are giving libi-rally of parasites that claim so many victims tfc0jr time and means to promote tverv vear : do aesirovea; ami worse, a worm long enough to reach from Richmond and Jacksonville all over the State of North Carolina, sucking the State's purse and de vouring her social, physical and moral life? With all these, to over come, are we ready to put a million dollars in the tine house at Raleigh?" The Journal does not think this measure wise at this time. While this purpose through their member ship in the board of trade and their co-operative interest ia its activity and elTorts." Progress in OuilforJ. We don't know of a county in which there is so much real progress as that of Guilford, which has all the need of it is real, it is not so ; come about in a few years. Why is pressing as others, and should wait! this? They are developing the young its turn. as well as trying to make monev. Their latest movement, and it will Time for Senator Overman's Bill The b:ind looters are trvin: to pre-, vent the legislature of Nevada from u1 01 ,ieaun j succeed, is to p'ace in the public; schools tf the county a superiutea- a commissioner of repealing a law which they had agriculture, and a supervisor of do steaked through a previous session Ins,ic wiencc-all to be employed comp. lliag tlu Governor to accept fl,r ful1 Many counties in the gifts of repudiated bonds, and thus Statc ought t add thes3 three ctli become a colli cti.m agency after the cij!lJ to the present educational force manner of South Dakota. We under- j anJ tl)C.v cou!J more th stan;! that Senator Overman once b? Placio ,he ofli ' introduced a bill in Congress pro-(a salar' basis iu the larger counties. viding for an amendment to the con-; rrrrr??-- .. stitutiuii of the I'nited Statis so that the section which forbids an indi vidual from bringing suit against a Nate in anv federal court, sua forbid a State to bring any suit for a claim acquired ironi an individual by pfi or purchase. It should be possible to get this anu'cducut.and It is the ',:.!y tl.iug that will put to sleep f'.'ivvi-r tho attempt of these sha:ksto c-'lleet repudiated bonds. Winston-Salem. Ti.e hustling new town of Win- st n and the g vA (-Id town of Silent, ni ilie a tw ia city ioaly a street di vi lt s theiu that is a credit to North Cau-liiu a:i i the South. l"p there lh:y do things, and do thorn rk:ht. 1'l.ey .to rev Lin : ". t be thu big-i;e;-t city i:i the State, rn 1 if the 1 .!:'' census d i:-s r.nt :) -t then there s ;:ie "tliu- t.'-.v-H :..u-t ill s.-me l.'i;:;. Tit" ' ..;'i C'o;it.a edi- 'I i King of ( E:dcrna!s Is t'lp one Standard rcp nralion nnivrmlly ami enthusiastically endorsed by Doctor, Druiilst, lay man. (iOWANS CiiretJ l'nmmnr.i:t, Croa?, Colds', Coulis, Mcurisy aad all ailuirnts caused froui In flammation or Coajieiilion. Oow.nif l? '' inf of t'.. ' t luost e f.Vi.'(t(i.(,r s :, s i,( any v'.ir.ifiu'i rmvi-.1 i'i unr stark. ' H's ci-WH.'t'f it a JllL'MUHU.iY i.KlV,CQ.t' Co!iii,:bli,S. C., July 11, HH) EUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All Pr-iatUla.'. SI. .'.Oe. 2J. CIVVAN VEDICHICO.. DURHAM, N. C. Cui'l'.ttH nwir rtjnd1 bf (W,f S unit Ladies, Your Favorite Is fere The Famous V. B. Corset in all the latest 1911 mod els. You are urjjed to inspect and compare the W. B. Corset with others and see for yourself the superiority. Corsets Are the Base of Stylishness m i LlilJ And rt" Mi a liMwtu l. your pNl lutilili if )u tin not k-I mu tual suiti Jitnr iui li imlr kIi:ih. It 'uld Ih Win In mi iiiiv.iMI iijr for you ihI i riml h iMtumiiiK k)wh in our uv mI,. W'e "st-l!jr riNimiiiH'tiil our KKDlS hlm)i for huiikii. It rttluttxt fiMiu in ,1 iui'lM-i. Itun't Ut taniljr lil you lulu Miuill a N'i" p"'l. I'uiilia-o W. It. t'rs ami ;i't Style Comfort and Durability Combined. ill Stylish Shapes in Medium-Priced Corsets We Imve an ' i plinniilly Mkinj lino of Medium Priced Corsets in u HtvM vaili'ly of Mylei mill slmn Unit i t!u mo'-t ixipuliir ,V) rent I'ctailcr li;i rvrr !mun wf We Will Take Pleasure ifl sliowlnj; ymi our ilifr.'rciit sljli-s In rm-sols lit any li:m-. Prices $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, and $3.00 W. H. BELK & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BIG V ft 17 UH vl in- pco; .o arc : 2H i-.i t.: 1 ur.-t z-: in m :::), : ipiT.irs that fvrl!)-ly uu;ierstan.ii viiC ; uc'". i. a. :mMM.ore Mules and Better Mules Will Vet Shine in Its Own Light Ilc-fi'rrin tLe statement ly the editors of the New Yerk Ju'irnal of Commerce that ellorts haJ at dilTt-r-ent times b-ea made to bribe tl.e paper to erase its flht upi the ship subsidy idea, an 1 to join th? foices that are trying to hocus poc'Js Congress into this scheme, the Char lotte Xewi says that "Things begin to look a little gloomy for subsidy seekers," and that at tha previous lession of CdEgrcss it was revealed that "the organization backing the ship subsidy bill was made 'ip prin cipally of ship builders and ship owners, who would benefit greatly by the funds secured from the treas ury. It was further charged that a lobby was maintained in Coneress to promote the cause of the subbidy-ista." We are unable to see but three clas?'' of pple who are howlin for this latest device to make all the people pay tribute to a few: di The ones who expact tJ get in on the ground floor and those who are psid to work ; , 2 the second class com prises that list of growing members who sneeze when the interests take snuH for the purpose of attracting atten tion; (3 1 and the third are those who have taken the statements of the others in good faith and are deceived thereby. Certainly no argument has yet teen put forth that convinces the country that the scheme is anything but a raid on the treasury, and be cause it is such, those who expect to profit never let it die. But it will undoubtedly shine in its on light some time. Car Load will Arrive Tomorrow from Kansas City. "'T - " Femember that every :.v-- .-l Ls ViVf aniTal ve sell is iSuar- U 11 x , ' ?4vMv WJTy ftA ( &5 :f ' . j by- k - ' I'll - v" I r j ' -' i in - "ir " - ' i ' ' - - - - -'' ii i''i Beqinning Wednesday, Feb, 1st, 1 will piece my entire stock, ol Men's and Boys' and Oiificlren's Clotliiicj, Men's aod Women's and Children's SIhoes, Overalls, H3fs, Caps, SSiirls, Underwear, Hosiery, Ladies' Ccats and Coat Suits not a singrle item reserved at and less tlian cost. I mention only a few of tttie many astonislr- ing bargain i us; Come and take a look at these mules, they are a line lot, well broken and well finished. If you need anything in our line conic and sec us and save money. Kcmember that every animal sold by us is guaranteed as represented. Vrmfield Brothers. SUITS One lot Men's Suits at Men's $12.50 Suits at Men's $16.50 and ?15.U0 Suits at.. Boys' $5.00 Knee Pants Suits at .. ioys 4.00 Knee I ants huits at .. Boys' .1.50 Knee I'ants Suits at Bys' 2.50 Knee Pant3 Suits at .. HATS Men's 2.50 Hats at Men's 2.00 Hats at Men's 1.50 Hats at ...2.1S ... 8. -18 ...10.90 ... :us ... 2.K) ... 2.C!) ... 1.81) .$1.98 . 1.50 . 1.18 OVERALLS Men's $1.00 Overalls at 75c COAT SUITS Ladies' $15.00 to 13.00 Coat Suit3 at....$l0.00 SHOES Men's $5.00 Shoes at 3.68 Men's 4.00 Shoes at 15.25 Men's :?.50 Shoes at 2.75 Men's 3.00 Shoes at 2.48 Men's 2.50 Shoes at l.8 Ladies' 4.00 Shoes at 3.25 Ladies' 3.00 Shoes at 2.48 Ladies' 2.50 Shoe3 at l.t8 Ladies' 1.50 Shoes at 1.10 Shirts and Under wear Men's $1.00 Shirts and Underwear at 75c Men's 5''c Shirts and Underwear at 35c Hosiery Men's, Women's and Children's 10c Hosiery, 7c 25c Hosiery at 19c Ttiis sale will continue until fur ttier notice. Take advantage of this money saving opportunity. Yours for barflalns,