r I. Special Notices. Good Boarding House for SU- Hav ing dec idrd to U-ave Monroe, 1 olKr for cute my boarding house busini-s n4 furniture. About SO guod boarders bo pay promptly and don't want to Wave th bouse assured to the right rr.an. This ia the finest opportunity you will gvt to buy an already established busi neg Possession given immediately. J. T. Mallard. Special enamel ware rale at S and 10c Store Friday and Saturday. Oar buyer has been in Kansaa City the place to get Rood Mules nevtral days and has picled out some extra fine ones. They will be here tomorrow. Armtield Bros. Hie lies t prices paid for Chickens ai Eex. t boater & Doster'a. and Now is the time to exchange your seed for meal-W0 pounds meal for 2U00 seed. Monroe Oil MilL If you buy your groceries here you get the freshest and best and pay no more for them than you often pay for the other kind Vann Funderburk. Card of Thanks. Being strangers in your midst, allow us through your val uable paper to tender our thanks to the good citizens of Monroe for the kind ness shown us in the sickness and death of our beloved mother, especially the members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Monroe lodjre. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Torter. Eggs for hatching, from high scoring Rhode Island Reds and White leghorns. Fifteen for $UK. W. C. Stack, Monroe, N. C. For Sale Fifty-one acres land i mile of Stallini'sville; 23 acres in cultivation, 15 in original forest. No buildings, but timber enough to build. Call and see it or write. It will go ut a bargain. J. II. Ilurkey. (Stallingsville) Matthews, No. 2. For Kent The old honwplacc of the late T. C. Eubanks. Will lease for three years if desired. Eubnnks Bros. Home-made Kraut just opened. It is fine. lKister & Doster. There will lo a call meeting of the Farmers' Union of Indian Trail on 1st Saturday evening at 4 o'clock. SiK'cial business. All members are requested to be present. J. 1 Boyd, See. Good ones Mules and Horses on the road be hero Wednesday. Come to see them. AnnlklJ Bros. "KMora, the Fruit Grower," "Jeane (the Vitagranh dog) and the Waif," and double acrobatic comedian acts ut the lixie tonight. 2"ic Articles for 10c at 5 and 10c Store Friday tuid Saturday. Tho e owing the Porter-Myers Lum ber Company will please pay up. us the death of Mr. J. M. Porter makes it im perative that all accounts be paid at once. J. II. Myers. Plenty of Cotton Seed Hulls. Come and get while they are plentiful. J. B. Nash ii So;. Yry our white pine eouirh remedy with menthol and tar. Best on the market for 2"c. The I'nion Drug Co. Sivd Cotton wanted. Will pay high est price. J. i'. Nash & Son. One ('.-room house, lut ',)."x:i.M, op i . i i . i Wii sor avenue; goi mini mm nnr Anplv t 1'avis Armlield. den A.i lia & I-evy's market is the place i b'.y your M.-at.i. The best the nmr- to kel i.oiMs always mi ii.iim. i none vi. Try s-iiiio of i;;' t;nv tlow.i eastern Yam Potatoes. Poster & DosUr. Coir,'' tu us for cough and cold tab let;', i loiip aud pneumonia salves. Phone us your 'iruj; More m i lls. TI.e Union Drug Co. I!mr Orpington eggs for sale, $1.."0 for liKucn; guaranteed pure stock. W. W. Carroll. 'Phone 2tC Monroe, N. 0. Wanted All of the Cross Ties yi u will bring. Will piy :o cents for lirst clas3 and 13 cents for second class. J. B. Na: h & Son. Big lot, PiO feet, over 200 back, be tween T. J. Gordon's residence Htid town limits, for sale cheap for cash. Monroe Manufacturing Company. For Sale Several thoroughbred An gora goats. J. T. YHriiorou;;h, Monroe, R. F. 1). 5. Trained Nurso located in Monroe. 'Phone 2!H. We can't till "scripts," but prescrip tions are our line, and wc do that to perfection. Best ingredients, most care ful compoundiivr. Brinjr 'em to us. The Union Drug Co. For Sale T. J. Caudlu 4-room house on one-half ucre lot, in southern part of town. Frank Armlield, Manager. For Sale flood 6-room house on Mor gan avenue, lot 1)5 by 2W; good barn and garden. Davis Armlield. Swap Your Seed-We will give loo pounds of that tine Elba Meal for 100 pounds of cotton seed. J. B. Naih & Son. I am prepared to do your Plumbing work. 'Phone Oil. D. W. Clout?.. Money to Loan-On real estate or good security. Walter K. Mahone, 2 and 3 Loan & Trust Building, Monroe, N. C. Big supply new crop cotton seed meal and nulls ready for quick delivery. We send them in a hurry. Phone us when you want them. T. C. Lee & Co. WATT ASHCRAFT. Veterinarian Day calls 113, night calls 382. Monroe, N. C. Hospital on Hayne street, north east of court house. Dr. E. S. Green ' dental office is over Krauss' jewelry store opposite Belk Bros. Ollice phone 182. Swap your Cotton Seed for Meal and Hulls. We have got plenty of each. J. B. Nash & Son. Remember that every Horse or Mule that we sell must be as represented. More good ones arrive tomorrow. ArmiieM Bros. if you need a pair of overalls buy the loast IS rami from W mums A: uaiiungs. i e navv ine cmiq'.t-icT.i tun: i cenes that we have ever had. Ev tl.irg you want may be found here ti- i , ... i . . i: . f irro- rv- and Vann Funderburk Minw MmiI than SiMvt Will five VOU 22uO pounds nice bolted meal for .V pounds seed. Monroe Oil Mill. Fifty rents Jar of best preserve for ..i cents wniie iney nun. c Bass Co. A call to 6:1 will give you the things vou want in the grocery line rurhta-a-. Try it. ann runuerburk. Our buyer will arrive from Kansas City tomorrow with lot of tine Horses and Mules, uon I Duy tin you see them. Armlield bros. Just received a shipment of Chtmpion i':n r lour. n imams at jainniga. It will be expensive for you not to at tend the enamelware sale at 5 and 10c store Friday and Saturday. VL'a wilt tritta Olln rimil, nil-A KnltMt cotton seed meal for 2o"0 pounds of seed. fiionroe un aim, You can get guaranteed cotton seed meal bolted at $1.50 per sack at the Monroe Uil Mill. Twenty thousand home raised Cab bage Hants, winter hardened, lor sale. J. A. Austin. For Sale Two lots, joining railroad right-of-way, northern part of city. G. B. Caldwell. Wanted Some good bright, four hand ties Fodder. Vann F'underburk. Will pay more for any kind of Fur than anyone else. A. lilacker, Monroe, N. C, Mules and Horse -A not her big car will arrive tomorrow. Don't forget to come and see them. Armficld Bros. For Rent Five-room house at per month. J. W. Richardson. Nice bolted cotton seed meal at $1.50 per sack. Monroe Oil Mill. Sweet potatoes at Williams & Gath ings. Want to buy 1,000 pounds of Country Hams. Highest price paid. Doster & Doster. Phone fti for your table needs. It is our business to supply them. We please you. Vann Funderburk. For Rent-Brick store room adjoin ing new Journal building on Jefferson street. One of the best stands in town. ItlcRae MercftntiL- Company. For Rent -Five-room cottage, mod ern conveniences. alter I londerson. Single Comb Brown Leghorn Eggs ror setting; fl.O'l for l.. Davis Armlield. 'Phone Austin & I evy for nio; stall fed Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fish ami Oysters. 'Phone ill. Cabbage Plant.!, wholesale or retail, now ready. Union Plant Co., Marslmlle. N. C. For Sale Two good lots on Benton Hill. !. P. Caldwell. Resolutions of Sympathy. Whereas, Mr. Mark B. Yam !e is a most wurthc a;,d honorable member of Price's Mill cntnp No. K. Woodmen of tin- World, ar.d whereas nn Satnnlav, December Jl'.ii, I'll'), he hail to pi.rt with his dear ly 1 cloved wife, the cause being death i'ft.-r intense suffering, and us n last n;.ir of respect and sympathy for the lo. t one and for Bro. Vnndle, it is Resolved, By Price's Mill cemp, W. O. W., that he has ou- most heartfelt sympathy in his sid loss ;,nd try as best ve can to help him bear the grief. We shall ever hold in pleasant remembrance the nveet memory of our loved one, remembering her many good deeds mid words of encouragement to the Wood men of the World, and may we emulate the many good traits of our departed sister. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to our giief stricken brother, a copy be sent to The Monroe Journal for publication, und a copy be spread upon the minute. of this CHmp. Respectfully, Wm. Riggers, W. L. Craig, J. N. Price, Committee. Trustee's 5nlc of Land. By virtue of a deed of trust executed by Walter Grillin and wife, Julia Grif fin, dated 22nd day of January, lima, and registered on page ps. Rook A L, in the ollice of the register of deeds of Union county, North Carolina, I, the undersigned, as trustee, will, on Monday, March fith, 1111 1, at 12 o'clock noon, at tho court house door in Monroe, North Carolina, sell at public Buction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land: All that tract of land lying and being in Lanes Creek township, Union county. North Carolina, more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning nt a stone in the S. E. Belk mill road and running with said road as follows: 1st, N. 37 E. C chains to a stake; L'mh N. 2tl E. 0 chains to a stake; thence N. 11 E. 20 chains to a stake in a branch; thence up the branch S. 8'J W. 4 chains to s. stake on the east edge of the Horns boro and Monroe public road; thence along with said road about S. 4 1 E. 2.l chains to the beginning, containing 40.8 acres more or less, being land conveyed by W. S. Walden and wife, by deed dated 23rd September, P.08. recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Union county, in Book 41, page 749, October 17, PKM. Said land will be sold to satisfy a provision of said deed of trust. This 28th January, 1!U. W. S. BLAKENEY, Trustee. AHOHNKY.AT.LAW. Practice In the Suit nt flrrl Courtn. Olllcd 11 and til In the Law Building T110.NE Su. COTTON. "Local ntarktt today, 13.00, seed, IS cents. Notice. There will be a meeting ia tie Law library at 7:00 tonight for the purpose of organizing a Business Men's Club. Kvery man who wants to gee the town grow should bo out The Cullege Hill camp, W.O. W.. will meet Saturday nibt and all members are requested to be present. Begin at Home. As the year closes the citizen recalls its events in such domains as agriculture, manufactures, ed ucation, labor, science, art, law, politics, and religion. He asks himself. "Was the twelvemonth darker and drearier than its pre decessor, or brighter and bet ter?" There can be but one answer an emphatic "Brighter and better," says The Outlook. If this is true of society in general, is it true of the individ ual? It ought to be; for there are perpetual correspondences between the, world and the indi vidual. Heaven knows that in the world there are still false hood and indecency and inhu manity and meanness and selfish ness a-plenty. But we also know that never has the searchlight been so effectively turned on these things as during the past year; that never have truth and decency and justice and right eousness and peace held as much sway. If this is true in the world in general, it ought, of coure. to be true of the average man. His individual life, we must believe, is growing richer, not poorer; stronger, not weaker. And this is something that ev ery man can do for his country: he can be strong and noble him self. For the country is made up of ninety millions of individ uals, and it can be made strong and noble only as they are strong and noble. Iso sound house can lie made of unsound timber. No honest country can be made of dishonest individuals. We are constantly tempted to put too much emphasis on methods and too little on character. The say ing of Stevenson, which we quote from memory, not with verbal accuracy, is worth constantly re calling: "There is but one person whom it is my duty to make good myself. My duty toward the rest of mankind is rather to make them happv." What can I d to make the government honest? One thing I can do is to treat the govern ment with honesty not cheat the tax collector or the custom louse. What can I do to put an end to this detestable graft? One tiling 1 can do is neither to pay it nor to receive it. What can I do to purify politics? Ono thing I can do is to vote for the public welfare - nut for any pri vate in terest. Moral reform, like charity, be gins at home. One way to make i'io next year the best year that merica has ever seen is tor each individual to make his own .war the best in character that he has ever lived. That is a very simple recipe; but it is as radical and as far-reaching as it is sim ple. When vniir frt't arc w t and cold, and vnnr I x n 1 v chilled llin nli mid through from xpoKtirc, take a hie duso of C hamU rl:un t onsil Utiut'ilv, l.uilic your feit in hoi Kiiti-r litfore "iiig to IkM, and yon arc nl most rci l.iin to ward oil' a severs cold. For nle by all dealers. BIG LOT OF I from 5c a plug up, or 25c a pound up. Come in and get ck. bargain. J. B. BASS 6 CO. Every family ha nerd of a Rood, reliable liniment. Fur rain, bruiex, torrncM of the imwlcfl and rlieninMie pnin( there it none Ik Iter thau Chauiberlaiu't. tfold bj all dealers, TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TECMCR5. Examinations for Seventh tirade Will be Sent-Those Who Pas Entitled to High School. We wish to call the attention of the public school teachers of ilarsh fille, New Salem and Ijnes Creek townships to the fact that we shall, in the near future, send tj each of you a list of questions on the various subjects taught in the teventh grade of our public schools, and that we shall ask you to hold an examination at the close of your respective schools and Bend the wotk to us to be gra ded. Kvery pupil who passes this examination successfully will be al lowed free tuition in the ilarshville Ilih School. We want to insist that you bring this matter before your pupils at once, and encourage as many as possible to complete the work this year and take the exami nation. Respectfully yours, Kimjar U. Skttle, Principal Marslmlle High School. Jan. 30. 1911. When Ton hare a cold fret a bottle of Chamberlain' t'ouirh Kenied. It will on tix you up all riuht and will ward oil any Ivmlem-y towunl pneumonia. lint remedy conuint nooium or oilier narcotic and may be given tt ciitidently to a btby at to an adulU Sold bv all di alert. Mortgage Sale. Bv virtue of two mortgage deeds to me executed by M. A. Ross and her husband, T. S. Kofs, one on the 27th day of October, llX'S, and the other on the i!!ith day of February, A. D. im, duly recorded in the ollice of Register of Deeds for I'nion county, North Car olina, in book A. M. on page 7, and on page 2SS, respectively, 1 will on Saturday. February 11th, 1011, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Monroe, N. C, that certain tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in the said county of Union and State of North Carolina, on fhe waters of Heaver Dam creek, ad joining the lands of T. A. I'ressley, llollis Nash and others and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Be ginning at a sweet gum, the division line, and runs N 2 E 2S chs to a stake by a pine and two p o sin Moore s line; thence S 88 E 20 chs to a stake; thence S 2 VV 20 chs to a stake; thence with Parker's line S 80 W 27.25 chs. to the beginning, containing (ikil sixty-three acres, more or less, excepting, however, a lot of twenty-one and one-fourth (L'U j acres from above described tract, this day conveyed by deed to K. M. Sanders, leaving a baianceot iony-one ami tnree fourths (Il acres, more or less, in tended to be conveyed by this deed. Said land sold to satisfy the provi sions of said mortgage deeds and sold for the purpose of paying the notes se cured thereby. This the !'lh day of January, r.Ml. K. M. Sandkks, Mortgagee. Redwine Si Sikes, Attys. r..i- h ""'Vc SHI' yr?f$ Mexican Mustang Liniment For Poultry Ills. Try it before you apply the hatchet to a sick fowl. It's cheaper and more satisfactory. Poultry raisers have found it an unfailing remedy for Roup, Pip, Canker, Gaps, Scaly Legs, Swelled Head and Eyes, etc. This testimony proves it. CAMIlKIIMiE Sl'KINi'.S, I'A. CiKSTI.rMEX: 1 will tell vmi of n cure 1 made last wee's with Mexican MumtanK Lini ment. Had a hen m bail from a void that her cars were swollen out nlar:ciisa hiekorv nut and full of matter and thick ran. Applied Mexican Mustang Liniment four times mid to-day turned her out with the llock a well hen. Last Winter cured a vcrv had case of canker with three appli cations. 1 use it for tv.irlv everything. Respectfully vours, H.L.LAMR Fall direction with rrry bottle. At drujgists. Three sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1. LYON MFG. CO.. 41-45 Si Fifth Sl, BROOKLYN. N.Y If I T I WM T i a' U LI 1 1 ''If!'! II BHi 111 WASH DRESS GOODS One lot lied Rock Zephys. 12Jc values, at 10c. Amaskez and other standard brands, all colors, 10c. Big assortment in Bates Ginghams, plaids, stripes and solid colors. Thrifty Mothers desiring to economize can find the best Shirting Percals, 84 count, here. Neat, new styles for making shirt3 and shirtwaists at 12'c. Big Lot New Laces Allovers and Darned Net Laces 2.50 the yard. Call on us for anything in our interest. Lee & YOU ARC A HORSE FN A TREAD MILL WHILE YOU i tfAwQiVtWfeii vou earn tx PUT YOUR MONEY INTHE BANK nd YOU WILL BE A FREE If you earn 810,000 a year ami spend SI 1,000, you will fall behind. If you earn ten dollars a week and save part of it, you will get ahead and there is no other way to do so. Get out of the tread-mill. If your money is idle bring it to us, and we will put it to work for your benefit. Wc pay liberal interest on time cer tificates of deposit consistent with safe ty 4 per cent. Make our Bank vour Bank. Under Government supervision. The First National Bank of Monroe R. A. MORROW, President. ROSCOE W. C. CROWELL, Assistant GUARANTEED TO FitOM 1H ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GSO WEKS. T'AL L MARK EsUblished 1 868. Paid riw t?inrt rnoJ phw n.HTi in w n w wwonr iwrn't inowq moan.'a rntrtmm. W hi " ffrnwq mn4 old mnrt rhhirr ftlanti lbH all othrr prrrmtn tk wrin immi h)i4. WflW KM'auur(irit4i niul ii or i'nt yi'iir ttintiiT tim-fc. Orl.'fO"w; H m Kmc 1 1 i tl' iinn to yuuricUua tonvt vxu- uljr cLUu;c mud Uk j mrm ttta otutm Wt low thres tons of Catbase Seed per season tSXZr1 Ktf. Irutt trn mn.i trnnntntAtfi. ilf 1 -r fr-f i jitfU.ta' ff l-pr,'f I'.unt of the Iwt tiriiiin, iNnttninr luMtnn,mttrti ..nt fruit and viv,tl truwinr. I'nw n'iilhr l'lnt notofbftt $1.09. 10j tri brt 1 i j-r ttioimiMi: ftitw to .o i iwf t hoiifiinil : tUHl ur $UWwr Uiout&oJ. t a b. Yatn Ui.ukL 9m oil rmtm tlmf U wtf . Wm. C Gcraty Co Box 433 Yonges Island, S. C with bands to match. Prices 5c to line. We will make it to your Lee Co. J. R. ENGLISH, N ice-President. PH1FER. Cashier. Cashier. V. H. PHIFER, Teller. SATISFY CUSTOMERS iQfTH , In Capital Stock $30,000.00 is