Arc You Hard on Shoes? Many a woman thinks she is hard on shoes when the fact of the matter is her shoes have tricked her. If your shoes go to pieces unreasonably soon it's the fault of the maker. To meet competition he has skimped and scalped and substituted inferior for honest materials till there's noth ing left but looks. The SOUTHERN GIRL $2.00 SHOE $2.50 it built to fit the foot snugly and comfortably, at every good thoe sVuld. It it built along the most fashionable lines, as you have a right to expect. It weirs like iron which cannot be said of some shoes at this price. The parts that show are honest on their face and give to the foot a trim and stylish appearance. The parts that take the strain and wear away inside and out of sight are just as thorough, just as honest. Look up our dealer in your town and let him tell you how we can make such a good shoe for the money. CRADDOCK-TERRY CO., Lynchburg, Va. 7 (.mi br rat Ki4 M a rat aVa. V This imi ihtt im sue "Aulrafk-' k-rtnd, fj.JO and Sj.00 it GttJyiar wtlt irwtJ. Im Our CtlUtp H'tMi't Walking Sk, Sj.OO SiJOff.oo, 1 tjak lit best tuiftm mail. Ladies Coatsuks at $1 0. To move the remainder of our stock of Ladies' coatsuits quick, we will allow you to take your choice of our $15.00 and 18.00 suits at - - - $10.00 Mens Suits. $15.00 Wiiiter-wright Suits at 10.00 812.50 Winter-wright Suits at 9.75 810.00 Winter-wright Suits at 7.75. Overcoats. Men's 15.00 Overcoats at 10.00 Men's 10.00 Overcoats at 7.50 Men's 7.50 Overcoats at 5.50 Men's 5.00 Overcoats at 3.75 Yours for Bargains. W.W.HOEN A CIRCUIT RIDER'5 ESTATE. njor Part of it Invested in Heav enly Securities." Says Mis Wife. i (.r.'.a Nr and Coun.r. Mrs. Cora Harris, author of "The Circuit Riders Wife," has filed with tt F. Hunt, clerk of the county court, an inventory of her late hus band's estate that is probably unique in court record, says a .Nasnvuie dispatch. Her husband, the Key. Lundy II. Harris, who was common ly supposed to be the real "Circuit Rider" of the story, killed himself by taking morphine at Tine Lodge, near Cartersville, (la., on September IS. The county court clerk asked for an inventory of his estate, and Mrs. Harris has written a letter stating that the major part of it w&a "invested in Heavenly securities, the value of which have been variously declared in this world and highly taxed by the various churches, but never realized." She writes to Mr. Hunt: "I find it impossible to give you a complete and satisfactory inven tory of the estate of Lundy Harris. The part that I give is so small that it is insignificant and misleading. At the time of his death he had f 2.35 in his purse, f 116 in the Union Bank and Trust Company of this city (Nashville), about four hun dred books and the coffin in which he was buried, which cost about "The major part of his estate was invested in Heavenly securities, the values of which have been variously declared in this world, and highly taxed by the various churches, but never realized. He invested every year not less (usually more) than 1,200 in charity, so secretly, so in offensively and so honestly that he was never suspected of being a phi lanthropist, and never praised for his generosity. He pensioned an outcast woman in Barren county and an old soldier in Nashville. He sent two little negro boys to school and supported for three years a fanr ily of five who could not support themselves. "He contributed anonymously to every charity in Nashville; every old man interested in a 'benevolent ob ject' received his aid; every child he knew exacted and received penny tolls from his tenderness. He sup ported the heart of every man who conlided in him with encouragement and affection. He literally did for give his enemies, and suffered mar- tydom on September 18, l'.llO, after enduring three years of persecution without complaint. He was ever recognized as one of the largest bondholders in Heaven. You can see now large nis estato was ana how difficult it would be to compute its value so as to furnish you the inventory you require for record on your books." Shot Noted Author and Himself. New York I l -paU-h, lrd. David Graham Phillips, editor, publicist and novelist, was shot six times today as he approached the Princeton Club by Fitzhuch Coyle Goldsborough, a Harvard man, who immediately after committed suicide. tonight Phillips is at Bellevue hospital in an extremely critical con dition, but, as relatives hopefully ex press it, with "a chance for life." The body of Goldsborough, whose career at Harvard was brief, lies in the morgue. Apparently insane, be had a fancied grudge against the author and sought his life. He was only 31 years old. Phillips is 43. There you go, snapped the as- sasin as he opened fire, and "here 1 go, he echoed, as he sent a bullet into his own brain. He used a ten- shot 32-caliber automatic pistol and all six shots aimed at Phillips took effect. One of them perforated the abdomen, another pierced the right lung and came out at the back, a third shattered the left wrist and a fourth drilled the right thigh. Two of them dropped from the wounded man a clothing as he was being un dressed at the hospital. He died sson afterward. Notice of Almini5tration. Having thin day qualified as adminis trator ul the estate of Monday Surnes, deceased, late of Union county. N. C. this is to notify all persons having ! claims aeainst the estate of the said 'deceased to exhibit them to the under ! signed at Monrue, N. C, on or before I the -th day of December. A. D. Wll, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of 'their recovery. All persons indebted i to said estate wiii please make imme diate payment. This the 24th day of December. A. D. 1SHU. JOHNC. SIKES, Admr. of Monday Starnes, deceased. 3DR. B. C. REDFEARN.t DENTIST. Charges reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office one door south ol C.W.Bruner's Store, Monroe, N. C. Wiii be at Marsbville, N. C.oo Erst and third Mondays of each month, and at Matthews on second and fonrtb Mondays. Phone aja Machine Shop other luay liintTT. tiu jour p;amt'tutf ':J titbe-r rl ia uur Hue. hop a-ar ihr frt-urht u-t AUSTIN & CORRELL. off c- -p o. Notice of Administration. Having this day qualified before the Superior court of I'mon county, X. C, as administrator of the estate of Wm. Horn, col., deceased, all persons hold ing claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same to the undersigned administrator on or before the Hith day of January. A. D. 1H12. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their right of recovery. All persona indebted to said estate are notified to make payment promptly. This the 16th day of January, l'Jll. J. N. TRICE. Admr. of Wm. Horn, deed. A. M. STACK. J J PAKKEK Stack & Parker, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. Moo rue, S C. Hn'1 elTll ku.lnra la all Stat and Fd- rl CiurtD. Sprclui titration " Ul mig. amnl of !( lor f. xeruujrt, Adminiaira ur. i.uartlian. and Tninni. Mr. farkrrwlll prartir la all lh. Criminal Court, nther for 111 Mat or Uw drfenn. "nu n In Law Bulttiac (A. M. Slack's offices!. Wood's Seeds For The Farm m Garden have an established reputation extending over thirty years, be ing planted and used extensively by the best Farmers and Garden ers throughout the Middle and Southern States. Wood's New for 191 1 will Seed Catalog 5e!pj:.ou to determine as to what crops and seeds to plant for success and profit. Our pub lications have long been noted for the full and complete infor mation which they give. Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it T.W.WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. DE3E Twelfth C&ir Load Just Arrived That's selling 'em some. How do we do it? It's simple. We buy what the people want. We ask a price that they can pay, and we turn them quickly. The public has learned our style of doing business and they like it. (J Car load before this one lasted just two days, and no one man got over three. We are trying to get the stock average up in Union county, shipping away old worn-out stock. So if you have any junk you should get rid of, just see us, and we will give you clean, good animals in exchange, f We are agents for the well known Columbus buggy, Studebaker and White Hickory wagons. (J "Talk is cheap," but we have the goods and we'll treat you right whether you trade or not. Fowler & Lee Co. Leading Dealers and Liverymen. G JL Crow Bros. Cash Store. Thie Pencil Curl. That is the newest thing in Hats, and we have the Spring styles. They are beauties. All the new shades and colors. Come in and see the line. The Velvet Shoe. It is the newest thing, also. Both low and high cut. If you buy your head and foot gear here you get as up-to-date and correct things as the best dressers anywhere in the United States. White Waist Goods. We make a specialty of buying the best things for the Ladies. Full line that will do your eyes good to see. Crow Brothers Cash Store. 11 T DC