HAS HQ SUBSTITUTE Absolute! Pure Tho only baking powder made front Royal Crapo Cream of Tartar K3 ALUM.N0 LIME PHOSPHATE Come On, ConcorJ. Cone M Time.. Mr. Editor. What the people cf Concord ought to do and do at once is to build a railroad to Monroe. Steps should be taken to get a meet ing, determine on immediate action, secure a charter from the legislature now in session and get busy throw ing dirt. We do not want any more roads built around us, do we? COM'ORDI.XN. Notice of Administration. Having this day qualified as the ad ministrator of the estate of the late Mrs. Henrietta F. McCauley. this notice is for the purpose of letting any one having claim against the estate know that they should be presented to the undersigned before the lot day of Feb ruary. 1M2, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. Those in debted to the said estate are notified to make prompt payment of the same. This the 28th day of January. 1911. ANNA REDFERN. M. E. McCAULEY, Administrators of Mrs. Henrietta F. McCauley. Pastor Russell's Prophecy is Dra matically Challenged. When Pastor C. T- Russell of the Brooklyn Ubernac'.e, Brooklyn, X.Y.. speaking today at Convention hall on the milleniura, announced that Christ would return to earth in 111 15, he was dramatically challenged by W. A. Cuddy, an evangelist cf At lanta, li. In the rapid tire exchange of words that followed, the crowd became excited and a panic was vrtA.I nn!v bv the suppression of Cuddy, who" was led aside ly friends. More than I.UV people nnsea ana hooted when Cuddy interrupted Rus- n,l dtvlared that l'.M5 was alto- I gfther tv soon for the milleniura. I "lit him out " shouted st-vtTal in the auditorium, "l-et him stay, he's ail risrht," cried others, T,T When Pastor Russell was able t proceed, he declared that the B.ble supported his contention that the milleniura was due soon. Cuddy burst forth again, charging Russell with "rank heresy" and with attempt ing to foist his views on weak-minded and ignorant people who never read the Bible. The crowd resented this and Cuddy was jostled about m the hall until he was out of hearing range. When the meeting was concluded. Cuddv stationed himself outside the hall near the entrance and resumed his refutation of Pastor li.iMPir remarks. The police threat ened arrest but Cuddy defied them Finally the police decided anotnei way to" accomplish their end would be to disperse the crowd, and Cuddy walked angrily away. Notice. Having this day qualified as adminis trator of T. P. Sinclair, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of my intestate to present same to me duly proven on or before the 20th day of December. lsll. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make prompt settle ment with me as administrator and save costs. This 10th dav of Decem ber, 1910. T. E. SINCLAIR. Admr. of T. P. Sinclair, dee'd. Williams, Lemmond & Love, Attys. NICE Fresh Sausage. Mountain Dried Fruit. Fresh Hams. And many other good things. M. Waller A Welcome Chance to Those who Suffer C jming to MOXROE, X. C, en Saturday, Feb. 11th. to stay at Gh-uaster Hott l. Dr. Francis S. Packard, of Greensboro, N. C,, Consultation and Examination Confi dential, Invited and FREE I t-i Pi 1 K- Trim t Liu tifib To see all of his regnlar Patients and sncb now Cases, as may wish to coiuult him Dr.rackardtnjoysa state wide reputation, among the profession and the 1'uMic of North Carolina, where for more than 25 yean he has devoted his entire time to the Study, Treatment ami Cure of Chronic Diteaiea. The Doctor has had wonderful success in his choten work, that of curing chronic sufferer. Men, Women and Chil dren. The Patients he has restored to Health after they had given up all hope of being Cured are numbered by the Thousand. He is a kind, pem-rous, democratic gentleman to meet, of lii;h scholarly attainments, and dignified per sonality. Coupled with Brotherly inter est, in all who seek his advice. He does not take a 1'atient for Treatment unless he can foresee a Cure of the Case. The most commendable feature of his work, and one that appeals to the ordinary sick person, is the fact of his charges being so reasonable and moderate as to make it within the reach of even the very poor. At no time do the charges amount to more than $7.00 a month or about $1.50 a week. He gives his own medicines, and there are no extra Charges. It takes him never more than from fonr to six Months to Cure Case nnder Treatment. All Cases, rven those who have been riven op as Incurable or Hopeless, have been Cured and restored to perfect health bv this Brilliant Physician aud the wonderful method be employs. If you want to meet him and have him examine yon, go to see him, and talk the matter over with hiin. It will cost you nothing if he does not pnt you nnder treatment. If he takes your case, it will cost you a very small sum to get weiu Remember the Date. -py. 1 1 fV m,A rmn. rl. X 6 U. 1 1 bU Important Supreme Court Decis ions. The bank guaranty laws of Oklahoma. Nebraska and Kansas have been declared constitutional by the Supreme court of the ' United States. ', The court has declared uncon stitutional the "contract labor law" of Alabama. The law in question provided that if a labor er with intent to defraud entered into a contract to labor for anoth er and quit before money ad vanced under the contract had been paid, he should lie guilty of a misdemeanor. The quitting was made by the law a prima facie presumption of intent to defraud. The Supreme court held that the law in operation furnished a convenient instru ment for the coercion which the constitution ami the act of Con press forbid; and that it was "an instrument of compulsion pecu liarly effective as against the poor and the ignorant, its most likely victims." A similar law exists in several other States. ; The court has also upheld the new policy of law, making an ; initial carrier of interstate com ' merce liable for loss to shipments while in transportation, not only on its lines, but on those of con necting carriers. The policy was incorporated in the so - called "Carmack amendment" to the Hepburn rate law, enacted by Congress in 1(.HH. Justice Lurton announcted the opinion of the court. Strangely enough. Justice Lamar, who recently took his ; seat as a member of the court. : argued the case before the court ' on behalf of the railroads. One i objection to the law was that it interfered with the freedom or contract Justice Lurton replied that there was no such thing as absolute freedom of contract. With Quality Unsurpassed. " i ---ssMaejM W M&ve old Cm Loads f M "a. uuies ounce Christmas We have a few mules left from the last ear which we receiv ed. These are large Kentucky mules and a nicer lot has never come to Monroe. Our buyer always gets the best on the mar ket. Wc sell or swap just as cheap as we can afford and our terms are reasonable. Also we carry our regular line of horses, wagons, buggies, surries, etc. Car of Hackney Wagons last Friday. We sold 125 of these wag ons last year and they have given almost perfect satisfaction. We also have a full line Buggies, Surreys and Harness. We continue to sell our full ca pacity every day. TVio mill L-pptw mnnintr mprri- ly day and night and the end of our good times is not in sight. This is because all over the rnnntrv dealers who are selline 'our product are having a great aemana. It is because the people are buying more and more of the fa mous brands of Invincible, Golden Cream. Bakers Choice. Every year dealers are calling on us for more. And this is what we strive to do-to make our flour liked by the consumer so well that he will insist on having it. Our flours always guaranteed to give satisfaction. Henderson Roller Mills Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Horses, Mules and Vehicles. What Kind Do You Give Holiday Present that are useful or the kind that are put away soon for gotten ??????? i You will find in my stock of I urniture some very pretty ana uselul presents: Pinanos, Ograns, Phonographs, Dining Room Sets, Nice Rockers, and a ' Good Assortment of Couches and Lounges, : Book Cases, Room Suits, Ladies HpsWs f.pnMpman'a Desks. Li brary Tables, Art Squares and ,Kugs, Lxpress Wagons, incy rlp. Vplnrpripdea for the boys and Girls. Come early and get first selections. T.P.DILLON gale OayE Watch Indian Trail Grow! PSJext Friday and Saturday wc will put on sale one nice $60 Top Buggy cadi day for $43.68, spot cash, between the hours of 10:30, a. m.f and 12 o'clock. Be on time and get one of the bargains. You can not get the above buggy at the price only on the above named days and hours, so don't forget the time, as others have done on our special hour sale, and want the goods at same price. We sell just as we advertise, if you get left it is your fault, not ours. We will also put on sale on the above two days our entire stock of Furniture, consisting of beds, bureaus, wash stands, tables, dining chairs, rockers, bed springs and mattresses at cut prices, as we are going to close out the above line at present. Also a lot of kitchen safes, the best you ever saw for the money. Watch this space; we will offer you some thing else next week. INDIAN TRAIL SUPPLY CO. Indian Trail, N. C. HORSES MULES Quantity and Quality can both be found at our stables. No waiting till the next load, for we always keep plenty. We arc handling more Ilorses and Mules than ever before, which proves to the people that our style of doing business is the best way. Wc strictly guarantee every Mule and Horse to be as represented. If you owe the old firm of E. M. Griffin come in at once, as the old bus iness must be settled at once. Yours for fair and honest dealing, E. M. GRIFFIN & CO.