100 Million Dollars Worth ol Shoes' These are stupendous figures, yet this is the yearly amount that the South spends for shoes. As a curiosity these figures may attract you for a miaute, but the most euriousthin about thorn is th.it three quarters of this ir.onev is regularly sent aiy from the South and the South is that much poorer for it. You trade at a Sou.hern shoe store. You give the dealer your money. You probably buy a western or northern made shoe. When the dealer pays his bill, this money, less a small per cent to the dealer, goes north or west and the South is that much poorer. Keep your money at home. Let it work for better times, better wages, more factories, more work for Southern people. Ask your dealer for The Craddock Shoe. Made in the South, by white labor, for Southern gentlemen. The best shoe value offered by any maker in the land for $3.30 and $4.00. Money spent for Craddock Shoes stays in the South, and pays Southern labor, Southern grocers, oakers and butchers. It builds Southern factories, homes and schools. We can support more and better industries. Let's each do his part CRADDOCK-TERRY CO. Lynchburg, Va. Buy a House with Rent Money : five-room dwellings on Winchester avenue, lots 04x200 each, city water. Price each ?1250. We will sell these homes on monthly installment and easy terms. 1 five-room dwelling on Vann Heights for the same money and on same terms as those above. Also 1 four-room dwelling on Vann Heights for $700. An Al eight-room house and lot close in. Trice made on inquiry. Bank q Union Building Monroe Insurance and Investment Company G. B. CALDWELL. Manager Fire in Union county! The first question evey one asks is, "Was there any Insurance?" And if there wasn't, you say, "How foolish?" But, if YOU were to have a fire tonight, what would the people say? Don't take chances on being in the foolish class. Take a policy on your property with GORDON T INSURANCE .V INVESTMENT CO. fj RiOST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS FROM THE ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GSO WE35. 1 warns lt..iV. . vrv r ktvf H M 'Tf M KW ' " 1 1 T i i : H ' J ". M ft Uvea) tinHf. Established 1 868. Paid in Capital Stock $30,000.00 Wrrc tbfirt rftOff PIM PLANTS In 11 Kw h?mtcnlT thonad Mtlatva mtATTiT. Wniv frown tmd) n4 itfr cMtig pliait thta. other penoMii SanrtfMm ( xiwfclw4. WH Hr.UMonr pint nmt U of erv, roar Dinner tn k. Orl' f niw; It m iimf u n-, uw!w plant ta jroar teouos to ev6 tiUa mi If aUfbNr, tkmj tru um bmi mat sen rrcti mon mutvr. rmw mil HHPnt tbrrry Plant, iNtitt of th lHt TiriXii. rtifititiiiinr rain hi- tn'ormntlnn ntvtt ffiil nd rouble rmtmf. lrif am tsl'twur Flint In tot of lot at 1 1.8: lu to fa tl .At pr UkibmihI: unu u t.uao i.tt i tttnttMnti: ! ad ve jLM ptJtT MOBiud. IaIi Tudc8 UUm 9m ipilliHnriUfUmfwn l nf iw. Wi tow lhr tons of Cabbaga Seed par taason FtbiI trt mI ornjnfnti. Writ for (nnnAtalo of ff-t-nrf Utit of tb Win. C Geraty CtK, Box 431 Yongea Island, S. C The Princlpls of Conmljsiori Oov-crnmcnt. TCSlAntNT.TlPttS ' l-iv. II l PI V'-a- I- tl 8RiUYN Ei WE Xorth Carolina is all agog with! the idea cf a comtsuapn form government for cities and towns, several titirf, notably Galveston, Tex., tavin proven it an unbound e l ?uoces. Sarh Uivns as Wilming Un. Charlotte an J Rreenslxvo, n uere i .1 i i . ' an egregious failure, are uow talking of securing autboritj tVom the legis lature to try the new plan. Thoi:s:Ii . . v. . i a ,1... fact, this is a err of the people for tauie ' ,h. ",a " ,v",r'-.T democracy. It is not, as has been e r-; Th un.i t imri nmy uirj.iv h ive in errcnivusly supjwed.a demand that : F.jah ,nn.,Unr.a io tt. km imi no r.in business men as such take charge of i Xo 'M- i. i unui h-. MllllUilll. It W '111. ... in any vciit have th iuraiui th. t III ntlre prrlcnl f druth . r and a kalf jrrr.- like 4-5: Jnn Whrn th llt: en futrnt Uml !!iwtil Elijah 1 prrront hiniM-lf to km Al.ab. braiiM tli lliim liail com a Urn Jm1 wllllnx to p'li.-v th - droufhhfn a auf IT. DIBLE STDDIES- THE PRAYER -ANSWERING COO I Kins 18:1-4D-Ftbruary 12 Ttuiw ( M.t Jd k n.'4 '." io. CI1K rj of tta Lor.l cir.ie t i:lijah In th ihlnl fr Inoi rtilnK hun tu muuf ?t htiii.H-lf tn Kir.i; A!. ah. Ith a ! tb t nniiui;ii:i i f th Jmuth. Th;a may n tlio thirj our municipal governments. It is a demand that the people take charge without the negitivinglntluenccs of numberless aldermen and political bosses who too often represent only what they can get out cf it. The commission pkn contemplates that the ciy government shall be put , at nm of thnn naj trn raiioi to their soiiwk. ivmlml- Bclency of punlh I S mer.t hart conia uion l vK the Israelite! t..r their lW Inlqultli'i-when at '4-'- ffi el of their Covenant -aQi lth tlia 1-nrd and Kay, hit enKflKcment to 3L , !vw lug to tli'tr u!aU1- 1 J MS ence. On arrivln at the imlac- Klljuh call- " r ,''' ' ed for the lioyal Su- I ""1"'' I'""' into the hands of a few selected men, who shall have all power, all respon sibility, but be wholly amenable ta the people, holding their jobs only by doing their work well, cleanly, and satisfactory to the people. If tlie people want a thing done thCV ' p.-rinteml.nt. or Prime M!ni.-t.-r. Ot-a.llah. I t. j i ;f ai a a xlly mini and. of eonrae, uis- cau command that it be done, and if trwwfl, MMiltr,m; f ,i the commissioners fail, thev can be ' K'n amI l!,u t,"",n- ,f 1,0 tt:' u'" , nciently couraK-i)w8 to protest ii"iily. he turned OUt of Ctiice. If they fail the 1 a, nevertheless. cmraKeoim, fur. In a i i . ,i i - I time when tha gei-vanta tt Jeliovuh wera people knOW Whom tO blame. I U- Mug ,rseeute.l to nVath Ly ymt-n Je. der the present system aldermen ! u1 t:!b'"1'''1' of th.-m and ' i aui'i'llt il them with the mvn5:ti-a of l:fo represent ward?, and any iwni :s likely to contain enough jarrirg in teres'.s to prevent anything king done. The people have no redress except to elect another board with the same results. The commission form contemplates tho election by all the people of two or three men to do the administrative work in a business like and economical way, and by use of the initiative and refer endum let the people themselves pa!s on all questions of public palicy. The same principle is emphati cally coming to bear upon State gov ernments. In Xorth Carolina the Governor has no real power. Ilo has no veto power, he appoints no ad ministrative officers. His advice to the legislature is not binding. Pow er and responsibility is sd diffused that nobody but a political part can be held to account. This is why parties have come to exercise so much power. If the Governor had the power that he should have, thr people could hold him responsible for the administration of the affairs of the State. They would then know whom to praise and whom to blame. The framern of our constitution thought that by withholding ' the veto power and electing the heads of deportments, they were conserv ing democracy, but that has becD outgrown. It was alright before the complexities of modern development had been brought about. The fath ers thought, likewise, that by the election cf a grn.it many aldermen to represent small sections cf the town, they would keep power in the hands of the people. But this is no longer tho ellect. The tirao has come when the solution of democracy de pends upon more democracy ways for the people to act in mass, direct ly and quickly, and in so concentrat ed a way that their demands mu&t be obeyed. "I liml hen Innihlid iih crnjtipation fr two tenimnd tried all of the last hvM risn in l.ritol, Temi,.nl tl.ey ttiiilil'dii iiolhinx fir n.r." wridn Thix. K." Williiinie, MiilillelNim, Ky. ''Tan parkum of I linn bi !aiu' Slninarli and Liver TahltH i-iired tue.'' For sale hy all dealers. WOOD'S SUPERIOR Seed Oats We offer all the best and nioct productive varieties clean seed and first ch.ss qual ities. Ptt New Washington Burt or 90-Day Swedish Select Black Tartarian Red Rust Proof, etc. Wood'i Crop gives prices Special and our De scriptive Catalog fjives full in formation about Oats and all other Farm and Garden seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog and Crop Special mailed free on request. T.W.W00D&S0NS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. vl.lently ut the risk of his all. When OVa.liah in-1 Kli ah ami w is tuld to tell the KiiK tiiat Klljuh wan tliere to pee him, tihidluh feared to do fo. I! de clared that himself and oil. era had earchid tho entire country over most carefully to find Klljah ami f.iund him not. He re 1 1 lied Hat the I.or.l hnd hid den him. 11a protested that If now he would declare that Klljah waa ready to ea the Klmf, the prohabllitlei were that, by thn time ti n Kln would u t th' re. the spirit or power of the !rd would somehow rarry Klljah away. Then lha Kln. Infuriated, would cause ohadlxh'a death; but Plljah reasnund him. When the King met Klljah hla fleet word was. "Art thou he thut troubleth Israel ? Thia Is the worldly custom. The fearless minister who tells the Truth and relates the Divine prophecy rxaiieetimr the re wards of evil-doing Is held aecomituhle, aa though he had caused tha trouble. Hut Klljah wsi not Intimidated. Hj promptly answered, I ha not trouhlfd Israel, hut thou and thy parents' house. In that ye have forsaken tha comrumiJmeati of the Lord and followed Iual. Three years h--foro the Klnif would have prohtWy or dered tlie eiecutlon of Klljah; but tha ful fillment of hla word and tha nn of hunK'r had humhled him. He wus anx ious that the blifiht should he removed and responded to the demands of Kl'.Jah that the eiKht hundreil and lift prophets of Idolatrous Baalism should meet at Mt. Carmel and that thither all tha people of Israel, represented by their chief men should also atsembln. The design, evi dently, was a contest between Klljah, the representative of God, ami these murder ous priests of U.ial. proteges of Jeisebel. "Chooaa Ys This Diy" This fmtherlmc of thj priests and of the prophet.) required time, hut was finally accomplished. When the mettntr con vened Klljah declared that It was time to have a lifting and showing as to who really was ('.ml, Jehovah or Haal. The test was to tie that two altars were to bo built ar l two bullocks were to tie sacri ficed. Tho r.;.,illtes were to provi lu the bullocks themselves and to make choice of the one fur their own altar. Whichever God would answer by flro and accept tho offerlnn, would be acknowledged us tho only true God. To them came tho tlrst opiortunlty. They had tho noontime opportunity, when tho fierce heat of the sun seemed almost warm enough to set Itro to the fat of the bullock. They prayed; they shrieked; they cut themselves with knives, entreatln that Haal would answer by tire nrd prove himself the mighty god. ilour nfter hour this proceeded until evening, when they were forced to give over nnd admit their Inability. Then came Klljah's turn. He command ed that water bo brought and that the altar which lie was to use should he thor esiRhly flooded with water. No one must room to say that there wsa a secret mouMer of Are beneath. And, since the sun had ftona down, no one con I a claim a spontaneous combustion. Then Klljah prayed calmly, earnestly, rererently and the DlTlne answer came a fire from heav en coneumlnc tha sacrifice and lieklns; up the water In the trough of the altar. Then the people rwonlsel the differ ence. They fell on their fscee and said, Jehovah Is The God! A treat lesson had been learned. A lesson for us la that the musses of Christendom are deceived today, aa wee the masses of iBrael then. And when, by and by, God shsll open their eyes of un derstanding through the eaency of Mes siah's Kingdom, every knee shall bow end every tongue confess. The knowl edge of the Lord will nil the whole earth. Complying with tha Turd's direction throuch Elijah, the Isrselltea slew all the prophets of ltnal. We are not tn under stand this to represent the Divine com mand to us today Io put false teachers to death. Ws uri te remember, as before SUKXested, thlt Israel was a special natlna with which God dealt In a special niannee. Vte NIHI 1 1!" I H I 1 17 (H -S their doing. srvVsr Dlrlne dlrecUor, were rr J typical ot higher - things te be imi 14 PIUhedlnOod-sKIm- a .1. I'lllnu.tAl . A. or full epportuakf, every faase teeaber and seeiy wilfel ata ner will be dnetserad. "All tha wtclssd wlU God destref." The eWh of those prisma ot Baal ttrnhst owed Ike deatructkm In the I1111I DeaU ef an wna work InlitaUy; bet tbsae prteets themeelves did dot sWser tke ase. ewd Death. Like all the reBMOadar of Adam's raes. their reaarreatloa froca tbe sad waa provided for at Calvary, aad they, aa well aa all others, anaet be brought to a knowledge ef tbe Truth aad to an opportunity at raeoocUtattaa to Bod. Fottowtin the Lord's aaroonatsagsoa aama the lona-dealred tain, not only physasaltf refreshtna. but also showing a ret are of Dveine favor. It fell 00 the evil and on the tood. to make both better. Women s Secrets Tbrrc i" one maa in the I'natrd States who Im fcrhipa heardj 1 lore eo-ueo'i secrets than say otfcir man or r-e-? .n tn he c.'-iitr?. tnese tc-ets rs not ice Jta a: j-..it cr ' . sr., 1 ut f e t.-rj secriU of a:1e.-nj, anj thff t-ie hct.i cont Jed to !r. 'Li 't. . fierce in b.re aad eifKf.iim iJ adice uri Kel-. f Tu.. t 1 .1 - . 1 1 1 . . fA rcctatifs is pwvcd by tlw fact t!u:t ti!i.cty-ei;!it yt rtrr.t. il ell w.iTtcn treated by Dr. IVrce ho h?e.i at didciy and t!t( : .tt c ireJ. S-ch a record would) bo rcnsarLuhU.- ii tha 111 Iri-utd vtero cumbered by hundreds only, itet wnen ll '.t r.-crj arr: to ttc trer'menf more than hiif-s- mil-ti.-.it wo. icn, i.i provticc ff over iD lean, it it nhcr.omraal. rr.i! cn't:et l.-. t'ierr to tl:s 'rat-rude aceorded him by women, as lite first ol irct U!;..c ia tho troi.'mer t ot" women's diwjsct. Lxcry "ci. -.mja cu-y c- -..It IV. Pierce by letter, absolutely without rh-r',e. All replica a cu lnl, seeled in perfectly pU'.a envrlopea, ithoit ary p.-iclini or 3.Srrtiinj! whatever, upon them. Write without fear as with ut f-e, to Vr!d's Ui.;-.a.-y Medical Association, Ur. R. V. FLrcc, Pret., DIS. Pir.RCE'R FAVORITR PRFSCRIPTIOX ZawMlcoos V7ols,,'Wointu Stronr;, CUcJt. Women TJVesll. One Minute, Please! If you would have good health you must have comfortable, Warm Shoes SB I I We hiwe a stock from which we can fit and suit all in latest styles, black and tan, solid leath er, too every pair guaranteed. It is to your advantage to come nd see them. It is our pleasure to show them to you. McRae Mercantile Co. -The Store of Quality Tnon ft Tenet PM-i rs feuuu V I1U1I VlUga Phone 45. Mnnrno W f! 1'ivui vvy tn w g Like Most Towns, Wadesboro Did Not (Jet Alt it Expected. Ws.'.e-luro Mei-eii(:er ami liilelliBcneer. Wadesboro, like most cf the other towns in tho country, is net as big, according to the census returns, as its citizens thought it was. A tele gram received yesterday from Direc tor of tho Census K. Hana Durand, gives our population as only 2,370, while the general opinion has been that there were at least 3,000 people living in the corporate limits of the town when the census was taken. Like other towns, however, a goodly proportion of our citizenship live in the immediate suburbs of the town and counting these will make our population approximately 3,000. Our population in 1900 was 1,516, tho gain being G5 per cent. Ever 7 family lias need ef a good, reliable liniment. For sprains, tiruises, soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pirns there it none Utter than ClumUerlaiu'i. fSold ly til deiters. 1 bm susrttie. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of two mortgage deeds to me executed by M. A. Koss and her husband, T. S. Ross, one on the 27th day of October, 19o8, and the other on the Zlith day or Ir abruary, A. I). duly recorded in the office of Uejristcr of Deeds for Union county, North Car olina, in book A. M. on pajre 87, and on pe(?e 238, respectively, f will on Saturday, February 11th, 1911, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Monroe, N. C, that certain tract or parcel of land ly intr and being: in the said county of Union and State of North Carolina, on fhe waters of Beaver Dam creek, ad joining the lands of T. A. Pressley, llollis Nash and others and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Be ginning at a sweet gum, the division line, and runs N 2 E 28 chs to a stake by a pine anil two p o'sin Moore's line; thence S 88 E 2ti chs to a stake; thence S 2 VV 20 chs to a stnke; thence with I'Brker'a line S 80 W 27,i" chs. to the beginning, containing (u,!) sixty-three acres, more or less, excepting, however, a lot of twenty-one :md one-fourth (211) acres from above described tract, this day conveyed by deed toH. M. Sanders, leaving a balance of forty-one and three fourths (411) acres, mure or less, in tended to be conveyed by this deed. Said land sold to satisfy the provi sions of said mortgage deeds and rold for the purpose of paying the notes se cured thereby. This the 9th day of January, 1911. Ii. M. Sandkks, Mortgagee. Redwine & Sikes, Attys. mm m aa ansa alel King of tKiernais Stands supremo under every test. Feel se cure, keep Gowuns in the home. Go .vans al ways conquers Croup and Pneumonia and your doctor assents. (Voir. is 1'ivfi.iration nvijrfiwv on my fhilil whm it wn ili:-irr;itrly 1.7 iri7( I'w.niHtiia. Im:w!':ntrly n!Ur tlit fvinul v!'!lniiliiii mv l liYnu i.in fa.7ci unit Diiilmi; w ztt I an Kcio eMiciif (inlin-il lis roiitimirtlici'. Tin' fli, hi woven ruiilh: U.J.IH.CKI. .', Ih uwi I , UJ4 ,. St. Mligliru.r, I'a. BUY TC-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE KCME All DrntaiHis SI. SOe. 2.e. G0wN MEDICAL CO.. 0UHHH, N. C. taiTMhtt', l asrr ritu'lit by r 'assist DOCTOR H.D.STEWART, PHYSICIAN, MONROE, N. C. If vna deal re my services, esll me throngh Residence 'phone 141 ; Offlee 'phone Ml. Office hours II to Ii. a. m.,and from l:M to I fi. m offlceover t'nlon Urug Company's. Kes deuot on Lancaster aveaae. NIY McNEKLY. VANCI McNIELT. MiNccly k MGNeelo, AIIORNtyS-flT-lAW. Practice in the State and Federal courts. (ajrOffice up-stairs over PostorTice, J. C. M. VANN, Attorney -at-Law, Office in PoetofficG Building. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office op stairs, Fitxgerald Buildinc, Northwest of Coorthonse, Monroe, N. C.