Special Notices. 75 boxes all sizes R. R. Mill snuff that must be sold. Bruner t Huey. We are still selling Fino Coffee. Nothing makes a more pleasant drink. Bass Co. Car of Charlotte Elba Meal just re ceived. J. B. Nash & son. A nice line of Iron Bods, at Dillon's. See Williams-Long Co, at once if you need a good mule cheap. Don't fail to ret 20 pounds nice clean new crop rice for one dollar at Bruner F. 11 uury a. I have purchased an Electric Sweep er and am prepared to clean your car- pets, wails and curtains in me isi manner. K. fc. Oaraner. Highest prices paid for Chickens and tggs, at uoster & lfoster a. Now is the time to exchange your seed for meal ."00 pounds meal for 2iuO seed. Monroe Oil Mill If vou buv vour groceries here you get the freshest and best and pay no more for them than you often pay lor the other kind. Vann r undertmrk. Eggs for hutching, from high scoring Rhode Island Keds and hite l.ghorns. Fifteen for f 1.00. W. C. SUok. Monroe, N. C. For Sale Fifty-one acres land J mile of Stiillingsville; 25 acres in cultivation, 1") in original forest. No buildings, but timber enough to build, t all and see it or write. It will go at a bargain. J. 11. llarkey. (Stallingsville) Matthews, No. 20. Tempo Tea is the best. A present with each package. t.ass & l o. Corn -Some damaged corn, will sell at 50 cents per bushel as long as it lasts. J. u. .Nasn &. son. Uni- n ernntl Matt iron from Dillon Ti.ey help you to get a good night's rest. Fresh lot Kingun's Reliable hams and breakfast bacon, also a lot of tine coun try hams, all sues. Uruner & Jiuey For Rent The old homeplace of the late 1 . C t.uiianks. ill lease ior three years if desired. Eubanks Hros. Home-made Kraut just opened. It is fine. Poster & Doster. Austin & Levy's market is the place to buy your Meats. 1 he best the mar ket aifords always on hand. Thone yi. Try some of our line down eastern am rotatoes. Hosier & i'osier. Big lot, M0 feet, over 20(1 back, be tween T. J. Gordon's residence and town limits, for sale cheap for cash. Monroe Manufacturing Company. For Sale-Several thoroughbred An gora goats. J. T. Ynrtairough, Monroe, It. F. D. 5. Trained Nurse located in Monroe. 'Phone 2W. For Sale T. J. Caudle 4-room house on one-half acre lot, in southern part ot town, trunk Armheld, Manager. Swap vour Seed for Meal. We wi give 100 pounds of Elba Meal for 100 p muds tieed. J. H. iSasn & son, A beautiful line of Druggets and Rugs, at Dillon s. ti cans sardims for 2."c. t! cans potted meats for 2-V. ;J cans sausage for 2")C. I cans 10c size French sardines fori'c. 12 cans Vienna sausage for !0c. 3 cans tomatoes for 2."c. H boxes Argo starch for I'V. 2J pounds new cron rice for $t.0(). Roast and corned leef 15c a can. Bruner & Huey. For Sale Hood (i-room house on Mor gan avenue, lot 95 bv 2.'i'i; good barn and garden. Davis Armheld. Money to I.oan-On real estate or good security. Walter h. Alahone, 2 and It Loan & Trust Building, Monroe, N. C. Big supply new crop cotton seed meal and hulls ready for quick delivery. We send them in a hurry. I'hone us when you want them. T. C. Lee & Co. WATT ASHCRAFT. Ve rin'arian Day calls 113, night calls 382. Monroe, N. C. Hospital on Hayne street, north east of court house. Dr. E. S. CJreen's dental office is over Krauss' iewelry store opposite Belk Bros. Ollice phone 1S2. Swap your Cotton Seed for Meal and Hulls. We have got plenty of each. J. It. Nash & Son. FOR SALE My house and lot on eist Windsor street, in McCauley Heights; good neighborhood; 8 large rooms, bath room and closets; lot 112x 180 feet; good well pure water in back porch; good wood and wash house in yard; good barn and stalls; large gar den, well improved andean raise plenty vegetable; nice bhada trees in yard. Also my stock of goods at oil mill con sisting of heavy and fancy groceries.dry goods, notions, shoes, hats, etc., and one horse, one-horse wagon, delivery wagon, surry, etc. Bargain for quick buyer. Jesse W. Hill. Your Eyes don't neglect them. Dr. U. Smith can be found at his ollice in Monroe, N. C, from this date until some time in March. Dr. Smith will sake a scientific exsmination of yours and fit you with glasses of the latest sad most up-to-date style. Will you not come and get those glasses you have been talking about so long? that headache you have been suffering with can be cured forever if you will have as proper glasses fitted. Don't neglect your children's eves. They never mske bsaght scholars if their eyes pain them when studying. Examination free. Of fice, Fitzgerald building, next door to Dr. Houston's dental office, Monroe, N. C For Rent Brick store room adjoin ing new Journal building on Jefferson street One of the best stands in town, McRae Mercantile Company. For Sale- A lot of rood meadow hav and tome good clean wheat straw; both baled. it. U fnc. Monrw, N. C. R. F. D. No. S. Wanted All of the Crows Tie yoa will bnr.g us. Will pay 35 cents fur r.rst class, 1j cents tor second class. J. I!. Nash & ;n. For Sale- Four good work mules. Williams-Long Co. Moved The Singer Sewing Machine office has moved next door to the Bap tist church. J. W . louic. Big bargain in green cott at Bruin r & Huey s. A barrel good Saur Kraut just open ed, u. naiu-r. If you need a pair of overalls buy the toast Brand from Williams 4 Naming. We have the completest line ef gro ceries that we have ever had. Every thing you want may be found here and it is in the proper condition. Vann Funderburk. More Meal than Seed -Will give you 2200 pounds nice bolted meal for 2oH) pounds seed. Monroe Oil Mill. Fifty cents Jar of best preserves for 25 cents while they last, l ome quick Bass & Co. A call to 63 will give you the things vou want in the grocery linerighta.vay. Try it ann t underburk Best hand packed Tomatoes, 10 cents a can. Bass & to. Seed Cotton wanted, est price. J. B, Will pay high- N:u;h & son. 25 boxes nice large prunes, best prunes grown, at Bruner & Huey s. Just received a shipment of Chimpion t lour. W illiams & (lathings. We will give 22mi pounds nice bolted cotton seed meal for 2'HKJ pounds of seed. Monroe Oil Mill. You can get guaranteed cotton seed meal bolted at ?l. er sack at the Monroe tin Mill. Twenty thousand home raised Cab bage Hants, winter hardened, Tor sale. J. A. Austin. For Sale Two lots, joining railroad right-of-way, northern part of city. tl. B. Caldwell. For Rent month. -Five-room house at $i jut J. W. Kichardson, Nice bolted cotton reed meal at $1.50 per sack. Monroe Oil Mill. Sweet H)tatoes at Williams & Gain ings. Want to buy 1,000 pounds of Country Hams. Highest price paid. Duster & Doster. I'hone ti:l for your table needs. It is our business to supply them. W e please you. ann funderburk For Kent - Five-room cottage, mod ern conveniences. Walter Henderson, Single Comb Brown Leghorn Eggs for setting; $1.00 for Davis Armlield. 'I'hone Austin & Levy for nice stall fed Beef, Fork, Sausage, Fish and t'ysterj. l hone Cabbage Plants, wholesale or retail, now ready. I mon riant t o.p Marshville, N. C. For Sale Two good lots on Benton Hill. (i. H. Caldwell. The original Tabasco and Eagle Tu b iscn I'owder. Bass & Co. Plenty of Cotton Seed Hulls. Come and get while they are plentiful. J. II. Nash & Son. Vann Camp's and Peerless Evaporat ed Milk, three cans for 25 cents. Madaren's Imperial'Clieese, 15-cetit size for a short tune at 10 cents. Three 3-pound cans Big Hominy, for 25 cents. Five-pound cartoon Domino Sugar, to close out, at 40 cents. Velva Syrup. 5 cents a can. Summer's Early June Peas, 10 cents a can. Franco-American Potted Beef, three cans for 25 cents. Chipped Beef, three cans for 25 cents. Bruner & Huey. Trustee's Sale of Land. By virtue of a deed of trust executed by Walter Griflin and wife, Julia Grif fin, dated 22nd day of January, 1009, and registered on page 98, Book AL, in the ollice of the register of deeds of Union county. North Carolina. I. the undersigned, as trustee, will, on Monday, March 13th, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Monroe, North Carolina, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land: All that tract of land lying and being in Lanes Creek township, Union county, North Carolina, more particular de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake in the Marshville public road, leading from Marshville to S. E. Belk's mill, Mattie Thomas' corner, and runs with said road as follows: 1st, N. 37 E. 51 chains to a stake; 2nd, N. 29 E. Ci chains to a stake, Victor Baucom, Mat tie Thomas and R. II. Brooks' corner; thence a division line N. 18 E. 22.25 chains to a stake, W. C. Horn and R. H. Brooks corner; thence S. 67 W. 19.40 chains to a stake in the Monroe and Hornsboro public road, W. C. Horn's corner; thence S. 34 E. along with centre of said road 25 chains to the beginning, containing 3t!J acres more or less, Wing of the tract of land conveyed by M. K. Lee and wife to said W. B. Walden, by deed dated 24th Octo ber, 1907, registered in the office of register of deeds of ssid county in Rec ord of Deeds No. 41, page 296. Said land will be sold to satisfy the provisions of said deed of trust W. S. BLAKENEY, Trustee. This January 28, 1911. II. B. ADAMS, Jr. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. riMlln la ta. Stela aid Fatlaml Coarto. Offers 11 sad U la tha U (mllalac . 'mom St. Local and Personal. Mr. n. D. Kllerof Uockllill.S.C.,1 was in town Monday. j ' I Mr. W. O. MoBride, who has been j living in Concord several years, has, moved to Marshville. Miss N'elie Rivers of Charleston and Miss Maggie Mclean of Maiton are visiting Mrs. John F. McLean. Mr. J. M. Lowery, who has been in Arkansas the past three years, has moved to Wingate. , ....-. There will be an old time singing at Nashville school house, in Marsh ville township, Sunday at 10 o'clock. Miss Ora Williams of Charlotte spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Williams. Prof. D. L Sharpe of Charlotte is teaching instrumental music in San dy Itidge community and has a good school. Mr. Charlie Funderburk and Miss Dora Tyser of north Monroe were married Saturday by Ksq. A. C. Johnson. Hon. It. V. Houston, representa tive from this county, has introduced a bill in the legislature to pay spe cial veniremen. Misses Ona Long end Hallie Hen ton will go to Charlotte tonight to hear the noted siEger. Alexander Ileinemann. The record of vital statistics far Monroe shows that eleven deaths occurred during tlio mouth of Janu ary 7 white and 4 colored. Mr. David Futch. who has been traveling in Arkansas for a clothing house, spent some timo with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Futch, last week. Mr. S. B. Stephenson, who lately sold his property at Mineral Springs, has gone to Washburn, Ark., to make his home. His son and daughter live there. The ground hog ccitainly saw his shadow Thursday, for it was a f.-.ir day, and the skunk lias certainly turned in a start for his six weeks f bad weather. A basket ball team from Clru'otie played a game wilh a team from tlu Monroe graded schixil hi rc Frid u night. The FCore wa. 30 to 12 iu favor of Monroe. Capt. W. T. Uo?se, who has be e with the Seaboard here a long lime, has accepted a position wi;li tl Southern railway at Charlotte. 1 1 it- j family will remain io M.inroe for llit present. The Trinity local Farmers' I'uion will wet next Saturday at 2 o'clock. It is desired that all memom be present, as the buying of fertilizers for this season and other important matters will be discussed. All interested in I'nion county having a poultry show the coming fall, are rt quested to meet in the rooms of the Progressive Monroe lAigue on Thursday eveuiu at S o'clock. Mr. Iredell Hilliard, lately cf Mon ro?, but who has been living several years at Georgetown, S. C, holding a responsible position with a big lumber company, is doing editorial work for the "Georgetown Daily Item." Sheiiff Grillilh left this morning for Raleigh to carry the negroes Mayhew, Funderburk and Richard son, convicted lor the murder of Carter Parks, to the penitentiary. Charles Plyler, who was convicted for the same crime and sentenced to be electrocuted January 20:h and was respited until February 17th, will be electrocuted on that date unless Governor Kitchin interferes. The county commissioners met yesterday in their regular monthly meeting. In the forenoon some un important matters were disposed of. Immediately after noon the petitions for and against the new township to be formed from parts of Marshville, Monroe and New Salem townships were heard. A large crowd was present and both sides strongly con tested. Mr. It. B. Redwine appeared tor tne petitioners ior tne new town ship and Mr. W. B. Love and Mr. Ney McXeely against it. The case consumed the entire afternoon. The commissioners decide 1 today not to grant the new township. Jolly John Larkins, who enjoys the distinction of being the funniest of the funny, is the comedian with "A Trip to Africa," which appears at the opera house next Thursday night. This very funny negro com edian, who is known the land over, will use his latest and original dit ties during his engagement with "A Trip to Africa", where he enacts the role of "Ras Jenkins" and "King Rastus". His rendition of these character! is said to be extremely fanny, and seems to keep his audi ence io nprorious laughter during his occupancy upon the stage. Lar kins is a whole show in himself, and never fail to convince that they will truly get double value for their mon ey while ho is entertaining. A DROVE OF BULLS. n . , " th 0Err,'e, s'' Quaint Lattar. The fo!!o in- was written br the eccentric :Sir li..vle Hwhe. a mem- lcr of the last Irish parliament. The lt-ttt-r was adlnMsl to a friend in Loudon, and it is old enough to be new to nine -ut f ten raiers: "My I'ar Sir Having now a little peaif and quiff n, I Mt down to inform yu of the dreadful busile and cunfiiM-m we are all in from thoti bloodthirsty reluls, i:it of whom are, thank ;!, kilW and dispersi-d. 'o an1 in a pretty in-s.; can pet nothing to cut imr any wine to drink, except whii-ky, and when we sit doan to dinner wc are oblig ed to keep Uth hands aniiM. While I write this I hold a sword in each hand and a pistol in the oilier. "I eoneluded from the beginning that this would be the end of it, and I see I was right, for it is not half orer yet. At present there are such goings on that everything is at a standstill. I should have answer ed your letter a fortnight ago, but I did not receive it until this morn ing. Indeed, scarce a mail arrives without ltein-; r.ibld. The b;ig had been left behind for f-ar of "acci dent, and by good link th"re was nobody in it but two outside p:is senger. who had nothing for t!i thieves to take. Last Tuesday no tice wa given that a gang of rebels was advancing here, under the French standard, but they had no colors nor any drams except bag pipes. "Immediately every man in the place, including men, women and children, ran out to uieot them. We soon found our force much too lit tle. Wo were to near to think of retreating. Death was iu every face, but at it we went and lieg;ui to be alive again. Fortunately the rdnds had no guns, but pistols and pikes, and as we had plenty of muskets and ammunition wo put them ull to the sword. Nut a soul escaped, ex cept some that wro drowned in the adjacent bogs, and in a very short time nothing was heard but silence. Their uni forms were all d liferent colors, but mostly green. Alt r the action we vent to rummage a f rt of earn p which they had left behind them. All we found were a few pikes without heads, a parcel of empty littles of water and a bun dle of French ciinimi.-.-jnn.s tilled with Irish names. Troops are sta tioned ell iiroiii-d the country, which exactly squares xiiih my ideas. I have only lieu- to add that 1 inn in a gre;it harry. "P. S If you do not receive this, of course, it must have miscarried; therefore I Ug you will wriio and let me know.'' One of the lust acts of this strange, individual w;is to introduce a bill into tin? British parliament entitled "A bill to provide that every quart bottle shall hold a quart!" London Mail. Travel Was Slow. An excursion train started one Saturday for the scene of an im portant football game. This train, as is sometimes the case with excursions, went very slowly and hud numerous stoppages. Alter a time the excursionists reached a station called March and were brought to a stand there. Whilu they were waiting mi ollieiiil was strutting up and down the pUtform calling out: ".March! March !" A passenger who was a bit of a wag put his head out and said to the ollici.il: "What is it, old chap?" "March," said the otl'icial. "Ah, well, it may lx March now, but it was January when we start ed." Chicago Record-Herald. The Coinaga of Money. It is generally understood among those who have imperially studied the subject that the coinage of mon ey began in Asia Minor. The Ly dians are credited with Wing tlie inventors. The oldest known coir ro the cleetmtn coins, stamped on one sido with a lion's Itettd or the figure of a king with bow and quiv er. Theae were repll by King Croatia with a coimviv of gold and aflver. To (Vus wow probably 4ms the oldost gold eoins of Eplto i. The system introduoed bv some unknown Lydiiin king ndttplud iy tiw Greeks and so piinsxl on down tha ny. Nu otk Anwf- Twwiy Told. tTt Dev. Thtwne Vfa fr a 0od at ecJan) and MourUj was sxsasvrbssl an tip about the boy's aame. Bo he toad him w b sure to iakvgiapi. the, Besuk. When the Mealfci weaa dedarod the oi sent stis father Qm Ail wring message: mvm dtt fifth ves ks too Tha axiom JhOh hoeCh kok- sd np the Iwii arid ftxraf these ronV: "Sonow wraafebadC kabor PM laSBwrf . - GCCC VS- WASH W GOODS One lot Red Rock Zephys, 12'c values, at 10c. Amaskez and other standard brands, all colors, 10c. Big assortment in Bates Ginghams, plaids, stripes and solid colors. Thrifty Mothers desiring; to economize can find the best Shirting Percals, S4 count, here. Neat, new styles for making shirtsand shirtwaists at 121c Big Lot New Laces Allovers and Darned Net Laces with bands to match. Trices 5c to 2.C0 the yard. Call on us for anything in our lino. We'will'make it to your interest. Lee & Lee Co. mo ACCOUW IS YOUR. W. L. Douglas, the great Uoston shoe manufacturer and former Governor of Massachusetts, lirst saved and Hanked 8000 he got for making and mending shoes. This was his start in business. Today he is worth many millions. We pay liberal interest on time cer tificates of deposit consistent with safe ty 4 per cent. Make our Bank vour Bank. Under Government supervision. Kemember 85.00 will start an ac count with us. The First National Bank of Monroe R. A. MORROW, President. J. R. ENGLISH, Vice-President. ROSCOE PHIFER, Cashier. W. C. CROWELL, Assistant Cashier. V. H. PHIFER, Teller. 11 u. a. FREE VOTING COUPON Good for 25 Votes for M. Postoffice Route No If voted in Iht Carolina Contest before -4 i t r IBI V Void After Feb. !3. State Democrat's Great Piano the date hereon.

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