Facts for Weak Nwe-tmtb cl ail tlx aitrkaa-u el nwa it due to nm dcraafcomt nr dia- ttK of lh orf4M tfutiacUr (eauaiae. Such wckacas cm be er4 ia cer4 tary day Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Slek Women Welt. It arts directly oa the orfaas affected and it at tha a lima a feocral mtore tic Ionic tor the whole a?teaa. It cure icaiala coanplaint ri(bt ia tha privacy H borne. It make Bncicry tha dajrcaMa queanaaial, eeaiatiowa and local treatment m iraivcnalljr limited upoa by doctors, aad M abhorrent to every modest woman. W thatl not r-artirujarue hen aa to tha symptoms of iHote peculiar effcrtums inciJeat to women, hut I'wae tiaiinf lull information aa to their avmptoma ami latent at positive cure a-e referred lo the Peuple's Coot moa Scaaa Medical Aivier par, nely riJ tad up-to-date I'dilit a, acat fret oa receipt vt 21 one teat atampa to cover coat vl mai'mf aa.V; or, ia cloth tindiaf I. 31 i'mr. Addrnt I)r. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Springj House Painting. When all the world seems to change from the dull ness of winter to the brightness of summer, then is a good time to change the aspect of the house and put a little brightness into it. Paint it. Put new, live colors on it that will not only improve its ap pearance, but will also preserve the wood. The purity and quality sort is the class of house paints we recommend, and we have them in 32 colors and tints. ENGLISH DRUG CO. The Dependable Store. Have You Did you know that in case of total disability, our new 18-payment pol icy not only pays itself up automat ically, but becomes an asset? (J It is better, in case you lose your earn ing capacity, to have an asset rath er than be troubled with a hopeless effort to pay premiums. If You ought to investigate this proposi tion. Call on us and talk it over. GORDON SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. 81'RIX'i SOHEDI'I.K KF'EC'TIVK 12:01 A.M., Sl'SDA V. Al'KII. HTH, 111. Arrivals. No. 40, Charlotte to Wllmliifttnn S:lSa.m No. US. Ririutnirhain-Atlanta to forta- mouth-New Yora :10a.m No. 48, Charlotte to M'inrue :Ma.m No. U, New York to Birmingham H:SSa.m No. 4&, Wilmington toCliarlotto 11 Mi a m No. M, Atlanta to M on roe (loral) t:W p m No. 44, Charlotte to Wilmington . Ip.i No. 182, Ruthrrfordtotl to Monroe : p.m No. 82, Birmingham to New York M p.m No. W. Wilmington to Charlotte 10:Wp.m No. 11, New York-Portsmouth toAt- lanta-Blrniingha:n 10- p.m Departures. No. Hi, Charlotte to Wlluiington 6:50 a m No. 5, Klrmlnhim Atln:to l'or'H. Biouth New lork 6:lSan No, N, New York to Birmingham IMi.u No. MS, Monroe to Kui.Vrfordton :ia.m No. 4S, Wilmington to Cliarlutte U:lua.m No. Ml. Monroe to Atlanta (local) ....11 :(6 a m No. 44, Charlotte to Wilmington :00 pm No, 4, Monro to Charlotte :10 p m No. 12, Birmingham to New York.... :40p.i No., Wilmington to Charlotte 10:i p m No. 41, Birmingham to New York- HiirMinmuth IImWmm No. U and 2, Atlanta-Birmingham Special. Steel, electric lighted Pullman Drawing Koom Sleeper between New York and Mempbla, Steel, electrto lighted Hul'maa ObnerTatlon Sleeper between New York and Birmingham. Electric lighted Pullman Drawing Boom Sleeper Charlotte to PorUtaonth. Train) No. 41 and W, ateel, electric lighted Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper betweea New York and Atlanta. Pullman Broiler car lor Car between Atlanta and Birmingham. Tralni Noa. W and 40, Parlor Car between Charlotte and Wilmington. W. A.BKNTON.JR., Telephone U. Local Ticket Agent DR. B. OREW1SRNTi DBNTIST. Charges reasonable. Satisfaction enarantaad. OSes one door sooth of C.W,Brooer.'aJ Will be at Marsbville, N. C.on first and third Mondays of each month, and at Matthews on second and fourth , Mondays. Pbont in Women 41 Seen t? IXSUKAXCR fc IXVKSTMEXT CO. Land Near Monroe for Sale Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior court of Union county, made in tne special proceeding entitled jonn Kj. MKes, administratorof Monday Starnes, deceased, et al. vs. Jerrv Starnes et al. ; the same being No. 513 upon the special proceeding docket of saia court, ine undersigned commis sioner win, on Saturday, May 27th, A. D. 1911, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in Monroe, worth Carolina, ofrer for re sale to the highest bidder, the said land lying and bting In Monroe township, North Carolina. Beginning at a pine by two pines and BJ, Monday Starnes corner in raiient line, and runs said line N 111 W 65 chains to a stake, I'O, BJ and 2 pines, Robert Moser's corner; thence wun ma nne w 4t.&u chains to a BJ by a PO, RO and dogwood in Lee Helms' old line; thence with said line S 114 W 21.50 chains to a stake by a PO, hick ory ana t pines, rJ. stancil'e corner; thence N 564 E 21.75 chaina to a mb by a WO and 2 RO's; thence S 744 E 9.40 chains to a hickory by a WO, R0 ana mapie; mence a m fc, U.75 clmins to a PO by three sweet gums by a pond; thence S 19 E 27.25 chains to a suae dv tnree fO's near a drain; thence S 35 W 23.90 chains to a rock by a PO, said Standi andJ.F. Doster's corner; thence S 75 E 15.87 chains to a stake by a pine and BJ in Monday Starnes line; thence with two of his lines N 12 W 12.50 chains to a pine by a pine and PO; thence N 78 E 20.50 cnains to the beginning, containing 161 acres more or less, less 38 acres cut off saia tract on north side. See plat and sub-division in clerk's office, to which reference is hereby made. The said tract being known as the McCorkle tract Bidding to begin at fl.750.00. Second Tract Consisting of about 51 acres, adjoining and being a part of a tract conveyed to Monday Starnes by Lee Helms on December 7, 1880, and recorded in Deed Book 36, page 492, in office of register of deeds of Union county, to which reference is hereby made. Biddiw to begin at $490.00. Terms of sale- OnA-haif ..k a a. of sale, one-fourth in four month. thereafter, and the halanea or before the 1st day of January, de ferred payments to bear interest at the r"t..8.Per.cent' nd I118 retained until all of said purchase money is paid. ims zaid day or April, A. D. 1911. JOHN C. SIKESCommiasioner. i DIAGNOSING A JOKE. " k teamed Eaey at First, hut tha Caaa Proved Hepeleea. Tie name of the author of tha fol lowing alory la U-nor kuowa for poet ry thai pruae. ll-err. here U what 8. E. Klaer I'eri-etrah J at a roovcu tim of American liutnorlma: Taw and nia w were Kitting In the Jltine room uue evruiuc. and retlj aoon paw began to la It. "What's wruuer luaw eat. Tlila la one of the U-at Jroka I crer Me," paw aara. "I.lnwii and I'll ro 1 1 t to yon: 'Wl-v I the mistake of a tlljcr it lU that of a t'iim:r lo you Li.owT' paw Hit. "No," mw told blui. "Itwot," paw ml. "vh fai titl the oiIht nil in il:. r. "How c!. tlioy ! fluty linn .-t Ikxiwi mey iiin.ii- , itU-taLo, paw anwrvtl "Whirli dor?" rnnw iA?. It tb of them." p.tw lo'd ber. "That's why t!it laista". p "f t!u df k ter Ir.r.ent a I'.:nl ta t!ic tleni'isT." "Why ntV ay maw. The tlix ktor only Vila Six foal." paw tola her. anl tu tl i:tur.t !!1U An eker." "I d.m't understand About the feat." maw eI. 'Why do he Wl six nf thetu nml What dies he (.'.I them wlthr Paw lpnn lo look k'nd of play out of hi cyca. tnd he l the jtvik n pi I n lo himself So he would be cure he Didn't make enny mistake. Then he : "Why. you aee. If a dooktrr would make a mistake It mile lie fade, and ao he would (ill alx feat of earth with tnnn. bo'tiuo the man would lie olout six feat tall, you no." "I don't aee mutch to luii?h a bout uoh a Joiik." maw told him. "May lie It miten't t n man at all. Or he mito he tiliort." "till, well.' paw aaya, "they just pre tend Ho would In a lx fiwier ao at to Make It come la with the nkcr." "Why do i hoy want to do thatr maw nst. "Th;:!' tho Joak." paw aya. "Whl-h is":- maw told him. "Why, the nkcr," paw nnsercd. "Where are they enny Junk nbotit that?" maw nsf. "The denlust fitN It. you no." paw I Md. but he Didn't wine to be very aure I alxnit it lly that time. I "Yea." maw nays, "but you red that he mailo A mistake." "Don't you know what nn nker Is?" paw nst. "A tooth that You till Is nn nker. mi l They have nkera of ground." "Ititt where does the mistake come In?" maw sod. "Why, he I'l!ls the rotiR one," paw answered. Wiping his forrld nnd kind of looliiiiR Around like If ho una try ing to sim If the escape was nil cut oft. "Well, then, Imw doe lie 1111 the aker." maw nst, "if the tooth he Fills Is the run-,- one And duraent like?" Theu paw Rot up nnd tore the Al mntink'k In two nnd Threw It In the waist basket nnd sod: "They nre no use Trying to brlnn enny sunshine Into This fambly. Let' drop the subject. The man that rote the joak Was a fool and the one that printed It was a worse one, but I'm not Rolng to rong Either one of them by unjust Btisphhens. Stubby they didn't every try to tell It To a woman." New York Tost. H At th Hay. liicro nri( Mill some mighty enters left. Xot long no a Berlin market porter undertook for a vnirer to put awtiy nt one kiHiiik' six mutton clions, twelve cu'ks. n pinse, a duck, tdx pounds' of iKitiitno and twenty-two pound of liiiy. lHIIlculllen were aullc' llHited with Hie Inst course, nnd largo sums wore laid iiKiilnst the nccotu plislimont of tho feat. The iugeulous porter solved tlie dillkully by calling lor a cigarette after he had flnlstiod tlio duck. He then set light to the hay, pounded the ashes up with the potatoes and swallowed the lot. Aft er a heated discussion the referee de clared lilra the winner. London (iloUft. Haavy Rollers at 8t Halana. If the sea were to break on the shores of Coney Island lo time of calm weather with the same force as ooes on toe snores or St. Helena sec tions of South Brooklyn would be un Inbofbltable In all likelihood. They bare at St. Helena what are known as calemmas, or heavy rollers. These rollers are particularly bad In time of calm weather. They strike the island with such tremendous force that the spray Is sent over Goat Pound ridge, which Is Bcveral feet above sea level, Scientists nre of opinion the calemmas are caused by seismic disturbances be neath the ocean. Exchange. H's Record Not Claar. inanes smitu, a jovial negro, was arraigned before Judge Fawcett lo the county court, Brooklyn, on a minor charge. "Smith," asked the court, "did yon ever commit a crime beforeT Tbe negro pondered for a moment "Well, yo' honnh," be answered slor ly, "Ah can't cactly say. but Ah dons got married one time." New York Times. Plenty of Company. "Tea, she went craiy over bridge.' "A sad case," "Oh, no great harm done. Tbey put Iter ia a fashionable sanitarium, and sbe Is playing a better game than ever now," Washington n era Id. Tha Last Hole. Figg That was a mighty appropri ate text tbe parson took for poor Drassle's funeral sermon. Fogg What was it 7 F1gg--ne baa finished bis course." Boston Transcript Happiness Is not the end of life! character ls.-Beecber. OnevetVcaaof 'this coftee voull find this .printed guarantee: rif idle r I'sirtf the ettfutatiH ? MtA tens a irus caaw are f - rut saiiafird in rverv re-WJ ) vn;l tri n'oei nA for il ft teace Nesotiations ia Mexico. Kl I'iisi. Tex.. A.ril Tli. selection o , raso its t he tilm- ior ihikiui the i urinal lK-ncccon- 111. ,1 M IVrinee Jin. I the iijiiiiiiitr nf )iiilri' Francisc.i t'atliajal of ti'e Mexi can Suiui tne court as the Fc i. rai cotiitiuNsHiiur, vt important lcv'liiniictits in the ixace situu tioii totlav. .Iiiiliro ( iirahal is known to Ma cro lv n til;ition only, hut th insiinvcto 'ail or considers the appointment as satisi'actorv. JIc .Mexico h'st niifht is traveling via I.arcdo was nd hit the City of hut wlie! her lie lliijjlt Pass or stilted. iciierai .avarr.j s letter !o Ma l'o tolhiws: "I have lieeti inst rtn-teil liy my tfiivcnimi'iit that the ptveniineii! eeedes In your wishes willi iv- t;atil t I In1 meeting place of the lenee eiiiuiiiissinliers to viil! on llic Mexican siile of the dat'.i ly in li.-tue-n the citv df .hnrez id vofir camp. I inn ulsn in- tnicteil lii inform yon lluil tin oliilnis;,iii.T n reprcsi'lils the U'ovrnimeiit la 1 1 Mexico City l.tsl I'iirlit." Ca iied Liquor in a Walking Cane llellj. li.lile, chief of poli.-e of Cnmdcu and T. .1. Smyvl. .r..put a slop to I lie prospering "Mind tiirer" business of I'rimus Wil ioii. a mulatto, on Saturday by a clever piece of detection. (.i Saturday llic police burned that lie had received two (.'.dims ol' iliiskey from .liiekscii villi', nnd ib-cid.'d lo make n search at once. They found iintliiiiK and were about to jrive lip the search when Mr. Nmyrl !icna t ) examine Wil son's walking cane. The stick iis'li' was v.ry innocent lookiuir, lull .Mr. S.nyil Mu'eecdc'l in pull in'.' the top off. The slick had In i ii hollowed mil mi'! contained a pitu of whiskey. Wilson wa; not obi 'unuri to uk 1 :i slick, I'll! had been cat n il:': one !'"' soMie tunc, especially vneivy!' he could find a crowd of m-irroes nii.i was prospering on s'lliri'r drinks nt 1 ciils t ach. lb' wo arraigned before Ii.- city ive.ird cr on Monday and let off with a fine of 25 mid a lecture. New Schedule on C. C. and 0. It is generally iinders;o.id that a change of schedule will soon be nmioti'iepd that will provide for tin- Seaboard and (.'.. and . morninp connection at Hostic. The Seaboiinl train No. 1.11 ar rives nt Hostie at 1 ::!" p. in., and the ('.. V. and O. train No. 4 pulls out for Alta Pass. Johnson City and other points at 11:4.'! a. in. There is connect inn on the afternoon trains. No. ." of the ('.. ('. and O. nuikiiif! clos' connec tion with Seaboard train No. ''2 at 4 : 1 -" p. in. When this morn ine; connection is nmde it will jrreally tHPilitate travellers de siring to rtinto Alta l'ass und Li'- tle Switzerland and other resorts for a few days stay. Accordinu: to tlit present arrangement it is necessary to lie over in I'mstic for several hours. The Primary Vote. At the Democratic: prinutrv held last Tuesday afternoon for the purtHiHo of nominating a may or and five aldermen for tliecity of Monroe, the following were nominated: Kor mayor, J J .Crow: for alderman, first WHrd. T. ('. tpv; aeeond ward, L. Howie: third ward, W. A. Lane; fourth ward. ('. K. Houston; at large, J. I'd ml. The vote w as aa fol lows: For niavor, J. J. Crow . 14!!; J. I). MeHae. 12! for al- lerman 1st ward. T. C. Lee.lUG; J. W. Connell, 76; for alderiiiHii, aeeond ward. W. L. Howie, 1(:J: O. Hlair, 114; for alderman ;lrd ward, W. A. Lane, 142; C. II. Richardson, :7; for alderman fourth ward, V. K. Houston, 16; (1. Henderson, HO; for alder man at large, J. t.. Mini, .'.id. mwEm iiS ThsReily-TaylorCo. ney Mil Damage SuiU Against Bcru&l Co. Through his attorney. Kohin sm it t mile, ami IWkiiart & iJlllilap. Mr. John T. lloue-l has brought Kiiit aptinst V. II. I sal & i-o. for f IOKH) iat!iiir. on account of iiijiiri-8 m-ivt.l in an acciilctit at Hlcwctt F.IU while Ise was working for a- felnhllltS. Tll MCrideli; oceil-rcl! l).-tvmU-r r.Ni,sf ami Mr.JIow-i II allejfcs that, as a -vault of the ncgli(f,-iHH' of the ltoiiK.il C i.. he I was knock.. I off th,. ,a ii t the, falls Hinl remained in the ual. i two au.l a half hours before be-j inj r-M ueil. At a result of ililsj exMisinv lie tmiher iille'.s tiint he has Ixin in pour li-alth ever sin. e, his prin-ipal complain! I e- mg rtieiimatiMii. II,- is flu. 'it years ol ajro jiml liis lu.ir at the: lime of the ncciiieiit was black.: Now it is almost on! in ly p';.y.' Mr. lloucll lives on T. C. Cix.-'s' place 111 LllesVllle towilsllip. I wo men, Mr. John S. I'lirk. ami a Mr. Little of I nion count j were knoiketl off the dam ir.to the river at the same time as Mr. Howell and drowned. Their bod les. tlioujrli dill!j:eiit search was madefor days, were never iveov- ere.l. .Mr. W. II. C ark of I. cs- ville, father of .J..hu S. Cl-rk. has a suit iicmlinir in the Stioe- ior tourt ot tins county, as ex ecutor, ajrainst lionsal k Co. for Hl,IHKI dillliafres Oil Jieeoilllt ol the death of his son. or. liime, wile ol the oilier ..! .... man wlio was drowned, compro mis.-il, we limlersland, with l.un sail & t il., or .IKH .Y.i. , s bom Messi'iiL'i'r-lll1ellii'i'i:ceiv t c State tf O! I.i, rlty of Tulojo. i Lucus County, i Krank J. C heney mak.'S oath tli;it l. l si nii.r puitri. r i f tin- tirm i.r K. J. cii,.H,.y & Co., il. Injr l.uslii.'ss in the Citv ,.f T. l.il.i. County nntl Stato uf.irriu'iM. ,ul thai mi.I tirm will pay the kiiiii of i.; lH'XIiliKK Dfil.l.AltS fir o.uh nn.l .v. -ry caw i.f Caiarrli Unit c-ann-.t h i ur.- t ly the use of HAl.t.'S I'ATAUItll CCuu. ritVNIC J. i l!KNi:v. Pworn ti h. f.rc m- nn.l Fnli.Tiln.l In n.y nr. tl.Ut tth d .y of 1 -ember. A. I. is4 t'ul) A. W. ni.r.f:.lS'. N'-.tary Public. ITnll'a Cntar'li Cure In t 'M.'i-n IliltiriTiiTw nn.l ncla ilir . tly un-.n the t.1,,.,.1 nn.l in i. '.ins surf'l. . ..f 111.- svstrm. S, ",l f .r tcf tlnionlaix. f.p. V. J. CIIKXKV CO., TVlcdi. O. P..I1 by all Pnufttaia. " Take Uttll'n Family Tilla for ronstlpaUon. The Part He Liked. She (at the piano 'i Listen, hr w t!o yon like this refrain? . s He Very much. The. r.ioie yo:' refrain the belter I like it. Tlie quicker a clJ is froltcn ri'l f t less the iluiifjtr frmii piuiininia ami mint .-rrioiis diseaMS. Mr. Ik Vi. I. Jhill, e! Wavrrly, Vs., lavw '"1 lirn.lv believe t luiln lierlain'LCi'iiiili Hniieily b ie absolutely lie licst prepanilien i II tlie nmrket fur ("l.'.s. 1 have rt'cdiunieiiiled il to lay frirmlt uml thev all agree ith nie." tor sale ly all ilealem. The Same Trouble. "WbRt ore you doicf,?" aktd (he convict of the reporter who was writ ing an account of the prison build- "I'm taking notes." "Humph. That's what brought tne here." CANNED GOODS. There is a difference between fresh canned goods and old sU.ck. Only the newest is best having that delicate natural llavor of the fruit or vegetables. Knowing mis, we buy only from factories which can their goods immediate ly after they are picked or grown factories which are known to work under conditions of perfect cleanliness, lou may rely abso lutely on our goods. We keep a large variety rather than an ex tensive stock constant renewal being our policy. Next time vou use our canned goods note the fresh, natural taste tho charac ter of them all. Specials This Week. 15-cent Tomatocg 10 centa 3 pounds best Kraut 10 cents 1 gallon Apple Vinegar 35 cent 1 gallon Georgia Cane Syrup.CO cent H S EST RIDGE & COMPANY. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified at executor of the CBtate of W. H. Krauss, deceased, late of Monroe, Union county, N. C.thig ia to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waxhaw, N. C, on or before the 20th day of April. A. D. 1912, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their repovprv All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pajrnent and sava cost. This the 18th dav of April. 1911. J. M. NIVEN, fexecutor , j . "Jf W" H" Kn,U8S dc'i Redwine 4 Sikes, Attys. ' DON'T CARRY A LIST If you keep your prorH-rty in sured and it is burned, your friends won't have to e'arry around a subscription list in your behalf. Tiie insurance company will pay you the cash. Get a policy. :::: :::: N. C. ENGLISH, At Savint's, Loan and Trast Cos. Invincible flour, (High Patent.) Golden Cream. (Fancy Tatent.) Baker's Choice, (Half Patent.) Graham flour, (Absolutely Pure. ) Buy flour with a reputa tion. Just good, plain, hon est home-made Flour. A flour that ia actually good as can be made from selected Valley of Virginia wheat. For sale by all grocers. Henderson Roller Mills Company Ktieumacid IT CURES )thrumntlm ami tlloml Dlaraara Tli i-iuipp of rhocniatisni Ih cxivs-a ntii' iicl.l in the l.l.'nil. T. i nn ri.i-u-inutixm tl.in ni'UI must e ix..-ll. .l from tliv rymi-in, HlxumutiMii in ,oi lilt I 1ml iHm?uh' nn.l tt'iitlre an inuruM ivmc.ly. liuliliini; wtli oil. inul l.m nirhts may nst llic ..iln, t ut th.'y will hit inori' Hire rhi tniiiitiHic tlian paint will i haniri' tho til r of ml ten w.i.l. 4'ihxm Mht'iimntlHin 'l'u Slav I iirc.t. H. iiui'i' I,'! ihmiivcreil a rorfiv! n nt ciciplrti' I'liio i allf.l llhi'iiniii.'litH. 'I', : t i .l in hiimlii'.l i nt rnsi'S. it h.,s r(V.- .1 limr I.. ns i .nt'. li.i. tinia.-i.! f. i.m II... -m... nt tin' j..:si. tln:i t:. j!-!.li'. iv,...s tin- l..ls..!;i , t:t tit' Ii.. t v.'. hl, toll, s up t hi- ..li'lilH.1', ivi: -i i. I... Mils mill kl'll. ".'.. Si. I I I.V itf.. f at i.i-.l ; t : ei tit. t.i..l- t t.'ici i.) au.l .".. I.y until. l'..i..;,l. t ir.f. I . .!):-. t ml. -i! r.i.. :.ilu:nr.. .M.i. (.it At 'l:.!- .I. I:M 1'roiu '1'l.v lnidr. iltCT VUti a IT CURES Notice of Administration. Having duly qualified as administra tor on the estate of 11. W. Soatare. de ceased, all persons holding claima apainst this estate are notified to pre sent the same to the underpinned ad- miniBtrator on or before the 5th day of April. A. I). 1912. or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are notilied to make immediate nav. ment. This 31t day of March, A. D. 1911. The Savinus. Loan & Trust Cn Administratorof H. W. Sustare, Dec'd. A.M. STACK. J. J. PARKER Stack & Parker, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, ' Monrur, N.C. Randlr civil ImKlnrta In all ai.i. .nH r.j ral Oimrt. Kimilal attrntu.n tlvn to mn Tn' J 'or Kiutor, Admlnlatra- Mr. l'rkr will nr..l,, in all ih. rrinu.i Court", aithr for fur itat or the dpfrimr. "rricM In.Uw Building (A. M. Mack oolccal. ' J. C. M. VANN, Attorneu-at-Law, Office in Loan A Truat RniMino Phone 29. Rooms 2 and 3. H. B. ADAMS, Jr. ATTORNEY.AT.LAW. Practlra In tha Ktata and rdrl OIBcct 11 and 11 In tha law Building, f HONK NO. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office op stairs, Fitigerald Building, Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. HIT Mc.NIILY. VANCE McKCELY. MGNeem & MGNeely, flUORNtyS-AT-LflW. Practice in the State and Federal courts. "Office up-suirs over Postofflce.