I V Jan. 14. raid 12 cost of walk at Dr. J. M. Blair's, .... 104..9O Jan. 17. 1'aul Will iiaither 7 hours work at Krauss store .. 1.75 Jan. 17. Pail J. K. Wallace for eruslh'J rook 75 April 13. 1'aid 1-2 east f rt-mt-nt work at J. I). Meliae'g, 51.47 : . 07i7.94 Kt-ed -Vot'ouiit for City Sto k. May 4, l:H. Paid Sikes Co., account for feed from April l'Ml to Jan. 1H10, viz: 1 52 bushels two 1W..9S 12l hiwhela oat , IHUKl Jtf hal. s hay 122.0S May 10. W. K. lmmond, 14-'kjHHinda hay t.58 Jiiue !t. T. C Le fo.. C sacks mill f.td lrt.'n) T. C. '., :L"i hushels corn T. C. Lee Co., :ti Imshels uats W. K. Lemmond. I'M ponds hay .. June !l. Jillie t. June -May Spt. :K lK-c 5. Dee. 22.75 Monro' Supply 'Co., 4!iahs liny Ke-d for animals V. O. StanifS estate, tii l'aitl Sikes Co., for fcviivuu.. uul ftKhhr . to Dee. rli. XUi 177 1-2 liushels corn 10-1 litili-ls oats . . . , M' l-ales hay 2'!"kJ p tiiniis hay -De. 'Dee. .'an, IV. Feb Mell Apl. Aid ii ..kit is n. .1. l.. iraic. i.oii ins. nay, 2t'. i. W. Klynn. tXNi bundles f.nMer, 11, 1!U.. Feed for auiinals o. T. ". Lee ('., coin, oats and mill :'ee. 2. K. L. Helms, 275 bundles fodder, .. . LI. J. M. Tusser, :12 hales l.i.y 7. J. .M. l'usser, :2 hales hay, 12. Feed for animals, t.o. J ,. '..72 .. 42 .. l..'M ,. 10.70 ..Io'al: ,.il:.in .224.:;.". , . ;:.. .. ,. 17.5' .. 1.50 .. :'.o.25 . 45 . ;. . 1.5 Salaries. Ann. 2, l!10. Davis Annfiehl, part salary as luiildiing in spector 25..( Dec. J. Davis Arsnfield. Ial.. to June, l!M UNi.dO 15nvn McCorele, janitor to Fire Co. I I nioiitlis, Lt.tHi Spe.-ial police f.r the year, lis.ti.-! Ii. L. Stevens, ltecordcr 1 year 270.00 .1. C. .M. Viinn. Solicitor 1 month 2".(Mi II. 15. Adams. Jr.. Clerk and Treasurer 1 year Oimi.imi T. L. dwell, Tax Collector 1 year 72(Mmi T. 15. Lanev, Chief of Police 1 vcar S4.tWi K. F. ISarre'tt, Policeman, 1 year 720.00 .1. A. Williams. Policeman, 1 year, 72il.no J. D. McKae, .Mayor, 1 year -oo.imi C. Lee. Alderman. 1 rear 125.00 S. O. l'.lair. Alderman, 1 year, 125.no C. Sikes. Alderman. 1 year 125.00 F. ii. Henderson. Alderman. 1 year. 125.on Paid interest coupons on bonds, , Paid discount on note for lrrowd moneey, ltuntfs redeemetl, 6.270..00 , 2.0"n.X' Au. 2, 1!10. Keal estate purchased from A. M. Crowell, "new well" lot 475.:I5 Aril, l!'ll. Cash paid on eniut home projH-rty ::hnmm April, 191, Notes given balance county home property 5nnn.no 475.:!5 These notes Wing counted as outstanding and charged to the City, the City is given credit for paying for lots. Totals of Disbursements. M iscellaneoiis 2.V1 7 lire Department 2.' 17.n5 Concrete sidewalks u.77.!4 Iced account for City stock l."Vt.:!ti Salaries 4.'!l..; :', Street work 5.4js Water aud Light Plant 17.727.2 Sanitary work .. !cVl Cctneterv work l-4 Paid interest coupons on 'ton. Is tiJTn.i lionds redeemed 2.""o."0 Interest and discount notes mihcv borrow. -.1 ts Keal estate bought 5.0Xt M H I j.iii.i be notes d:ie iK:. I'-'U aud 1912., 475.:5 ir59.515.40 Outstanding; Bonds. Water aud light bonds, :;o.mm.io traded ScIukiI bonds 9.i 'ini.iki Funding bonds C.immi.ini Funding bonds 40.imhi.ini Funding and water and light bunds 25.uni.oo lpl.UMI.00 uio.s:! Outstanding notes May 1. I'M!, 4,991 .: Street Work Account. Paid for street labor for 1 year :l.:il4.9 Jlav 4. Paid Sikes Co. .teams for sprinkling. 1909 acct., .. Ll:l.5ll Ma'v 4. Paid Sikes Co.. teams for street work, 1909 acct., 5(1.(15 Mav 4 to Oct. );ik lumber for bridges 2G4.5" April t Oct. Concrete and terra eotta pipe, 552.90 Aoril to Oct. Repairs for rock crusher 1S8.00 .April to Oct. Nisseii Wagon, street brooms, lawn mower and repairs ami tools used in street work, and cement 1M.S0 Jlav 21. Work on rock unary outfit, 19 Aug. 17. Monroe Concrete Works, for 'M tons sand, .. .. IS. 00 Dec. S. Sikes Co.. for teams for sprinkler 10S.50 Dec. S. Sikis Co, teams for street work, 200.2 Dec. 15.. Austin & Correll, workon crusher ls.7 AiiKt in & Corrcll, culveit grates 4.00 1911. Heath Hardware Co., nails, tools and iron.. 29.40 CoiicreW. and terra cotta pipe ;!05.'I0 Kcpairs for crusher , 2.07 i; ,.li bidbist for streets 1.0 15 cress ies for bridire sills 2.2 Fo!. r 1 Lee, bills .May 27 aud Aug.:J 1910, teams, 11.7 Dee. 15. Jan. 27. Jan. 27. Jan 27.. Jan. 28. Feb. :t. Fib. 21. JO J&42S.88 Water and Light Plant Account. IVd for oeal and .'"reiirht for 1 jour 1309.45 Paid for permanent improvement to the W. and L. plant, such as street transformers, wire for street lines added nn.l lamps 19:19.7 Paid for pipe and fittings used principally in new lines from main, for rectifier bulbs for transformers in power house, lubricating oils, and other goods used to keep up nlant. but not permanent improvements P:14.5:l Freight and express charges 145.2' .Machine shop work done for plant 170.2 Postage account 10.(12 Phone messages and telegrams 4.2- .Miscellaneous items t Paid Monroe Ice and Fuel Co., for water pumped from their well 3.75 Paid J. Shute & Sons. 1-3 the collection made for crvek water fi'JL1 Paid for well near J.. Lowe's 535.00 Paid for well No. 1. Crowell lot 345.25 Pai.l for well Xo. 2, Crowell lot 345.25 Paid for well No. 3, Crowell lot 563.00 May 4. Teams and wngons and drivers for work done in 1909 for water and light plant furnished by the Sikes Co., used in putting in new light lines, etc Oct. It. Insurance on boilers Oct. 20. Piping, meters, iron roofing, iron buckets, ce ment, sand, files, batteries, etc., furnished by Heath Hardware Co., April to Oct.. PHO Nov. 20. Lumber, doors, etc., for houses at new wells, from Monroe Manufacturing Co . Dec. 9. Teams and wagons and drivers for work done for W. aud L. plant, furnished by the Sikes Co., Jan. to Dec. PHO 247.ll 1S.00 449.67 S29 69.00 Dec. 16. Monroe ManufacturingC'o., lumber 2.4i Jan. 27, 1911. Iron piping, cement, saud. rope, packiug, and hardware furnished by Heath Hardware Co., Oct. 1910 to Jan., 1911 143.8S Feb. 22. Overcharges in water and light bills repaid, aich. 27. T. P. Dillon, for glue and roll paper Apl. 4. F. I!. Ashcraft. for cement aud saud Apl. 7. W. J. Kudge Co., stationery aud books, 1 year, Laborers' wages, 1 year Superintendent's salary, 1 year, Paid Southern Power Co., for electric current, 17.24 5 . 12.05 . 22.35 2.842.40 1,039.92 5,145.90 17.727.2S For Sanitary Work, Cleaning Stteets and Back Lots and Hauling Off Trash Piles: Jlav 5, 1910, Paid Sikes Co. for teams, wagons and driv ers, from Apl., 1909. to Jan. 1910 Sept. 17. 5 hands scraping gra,ss off streets 16 1 Dcc. 8. Sikes Co.. for teams Jan. to Dec, 1910, ... Paid for labor for year, 719.91 114.25 davs, 16.50 . ".. 76..25 Cemete ry Work. Paid for labor at cemetery, Paid Heath Hardware Co. for tools, .. . 926.91 151.90 2.75 An analvsis of the water and light plant ; ount will show that the expenditure there for permanent improvements were a lotit iM.7n0.00, and paid for running expends ;,ml transient ma terial about $13,1 KHUN i. As the receipts from water aud light collections were about $12,500.00, this will leave a small defic it, which would be more than wiped out if a credit were given the water and light plant for the street lighting. This item would amoiiut to some .4.nni.oo, or perhaps $4.500.(Hi, us we have 7S street are lights and 35 Tungsten lamps, and the usual price for arc lights is .f 50.00 per light per year, and for the Tungsten $16 per year. Another Statement. Amount in bank May 1. 1910 1.903.13 Collections from all sources 60.296.90 62,200.09 Paid for Keal F.state, Permanent Improvements and Con tracts F.xisting: Keal estate 8.475.35 Cement walks 6.77.94 New wells 1.7s.5(i Permanent at Water and Light plant 1.939.71 Permanent Fire Department 1 .450.no Ponds redeemed 2.nn0.no Coupons and interest paid 7.254. (IS Southern Power Co. for current Cash in bank May 1, V.'ll,. , Paid for street work , Paid for salaries , Paid for Miscellaneous , Paid for Fire Department , Paid for feed account Paid for Water and Light Plant., Paid for Sanitary work Paid for Cemetery work 5.145.90 $5,428.88 . 4.991.63 . 2,661.67 . 507.05 . 1 .089.30 . 8,853.17 . 920..91 .. 154.65 34.c42.08 2.684.69 37,526.77 24.673.32 62.200.0!! The above shows that out of $62,200.09 on hand tnid collected the sum of $34,842.08 has heciipaid out for investments, perma nent improvements and for existing contracts and $24,673.32 has been paid out for purposes shown in the last division of the a- bove statement. Of the $6,787.94 represented paid for cement walks, property owers have paid back to the city $1,749.43, which is account-d foe in itemized account of miscellaneous collection and is included in the $60,296.90. Hooks audited and statement prepared by A . C. Aolfe. Examined Hiid approved by S. O. 1 Hair, James A. Stewart. T. C. Lee, Finance Committc. We Offer You a Policy of fire insurance at a reasonable cost. Better let us issue you one. You are as likely as any one else to have a fire and your turn may come tonight. The pitcher that goes often to the well is sure to be broken. If you keep on put ting off the fire insurance ques tion you are apt to be "broke" too. Plenty have'. Tornado Insurance Why not insure against damage from wind storms? We write this kind of insurance and will give you $1,000 insurance on dwellings, contents and barns for five years for $6.00. Call and let us explain this form of insurance to you. Gordon Insurance 6 Investment Co. Our 'Phone Is 200. Trinity College. 18SO 1802 1010-1011 Three memorable dates: The Granting of the Charter for Trinity College; the Removal of the College to the growing and prosperous City of Durham; the Building of the New and Greater Trinity. Magnificent new buildings with new equipment and enlarged facilities. Comfortable hygienic dormitories and beautiful pleasant surrounding. Five departments: Academic; Mechanical, Civil, and Electrical LY.gineering; Law; Education; Graduate. For catalogue and other information, address R. L-. FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N. C. 134.65 Trinity Park School. ESTABLISHED 1808. Location ideal; Equipment unsurpassed. Students have use of the library, gymnasium, and athletic fields of Trinity College. Special attention given to health. A teacher in each dormitory looks after the living conditions of boys under his care. Faculty of college graduates. Most modern methods of instruction. Fall term opens September 13. For illustrated catalogue, address VV. V. PEELE, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. IVJL Loose sweepings. Paper bas leak, strength, freshness and aroma. LUZIANNE COFFEE In its air-tight can 1? rhisr-frrp lroncf '? fresh and of per- fect quality. V .-rtStiirTiYuf Co jr, Invincible Flour, (High Patent) Golden Cream, (Fancy Patent) Baker's Choice, (Half Patent) Graham Flour, (Absolutely Pure.) Buy flour with a reputa tion. Just jjood, plain, hon est home-made Flour. A llour that is actually jruod as can be made from selected Valley of Virginia wheat. For sale by all grocers. k I II i- y .'VJ I Henderson 9lJUST J Roller Mills Company IT CURES IthcvmntUm and HIimhI DUnr Tie .i.iM- f rm-UMiuti.-tn i? "S lTi ' ;t ;! in t:tp IInI, Vi mi- n ;i l -i.i t'uM a-U inns! In- ;..-tl f i "i :h- ; Jt'iti. Klx uuiutiMii j. .in fiiu iiuins an ;:i't i : I ! ! iv. Uulti-:ii w.tli oils .! ii i;u n ay ;e ih l-.tm. l;it y w A n n (tin rheumatism tltun i-acii I MriK liMrnninllMm Tti May ( it ml. S i i' (iiis licti-i-( H if(:t-.'t . j ! i 'hv t ;IJ K'irtn'. :). '!'. i i in lriiilrI j it n 1: is ift'.t ! I'lUl V "' JU S, Jih UMi.f'M' 1'' tii ti.v, (kM-ls at tin i-i;rtji li' .-.i thu HVt-i tii' iMtirHiiiS , i.t ni !i,t sy-m. s tip tho Ftntiut. i ih.. . M f I ' W.N ami klilnryR. hhl t.y V.st at Hiul $!; In te till ! ! -! i:i iit -'" . ; nl v ., liv muil. HtK.k! t f -. lit.l.U't rni- nl O.. I: i!(i-!.. ;.i !. (rtn At Jolnla Krutit 'Ihe luIWf. JUST Kheumocide IT CURES For Sale by English Brag Co. Fine Watermelons arid Fresh Canteloupes Everything Else Good To Eat That Can be Had M. WALLER 1 YOUR U1S OVEK." II lr--rf.-..-J-il IDRRI5 kal ATLANTA -m EXCBISITE CANDIES FREE DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY, MY 8 Our patron are cordially in vited to visit our cstablibhmcnt and to personally sample -Vom't' Exquisite Candies. H This line, for which we have accepted the apency, is regarded as the most artistic in America. The packages were designed by real artists. J The Candy is the product of America's master candy maker. J Ypur inspection is solicited without any obligation to pur chase whatsoever. UNION DRUG CO. Firlutlva Aranta. Re-Sale of Valuable City Property. Bv virtue of an order and decree made by the Superior court of I'nion countv, N. C, I will, on Saturday. July L'Jnd. A. D. 1911, offer fur sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Monroe, N. C, that certain lot lyinjc and being situated in the city of Mon roe, N. C, und known as the E. C. Hicks residence, being the property of Miss Julia Hunter at the time of her death. Those desiring nice city prop erty should look well into this proper ty, as it is probably the most desirable residential property that can be bought in the city. Bidding will begin at $3,450. Terms or sale: one-third of the pur chase money in cash and the remainder on a credit of eight months from date of sale and title retained until all the purchase money is paid. This the 16th day of June, A. D. lstll. R. B. REDWINE, Executor and Commissioner. DOCTOR H.D. STEWART' PHYSICIAN, MONROE, N. C. It yon dMtr my rv1c, nil m throngb Rammer 'plion 141 ; OttUt 'phnnp 7. (title hnurn 11 to lj, t. tn.. and from 1:90 to 5 p. m. l11ir (ivcr I'lilon iruK (.'oniptny'ft. Kp lrirncon Lancaster vrnu. Valuable Lands for 5ale. North Carolina Union County. Matilda Alsobrooks et al. vs. James Perry et al. By virtue of an order of the clerk of Superior court of Union county, made in the above entitled proceeding, which is a proceeding for the sale of the here inafter described lands for partition among tenants in common, I will, on Saturday, July 22nd, 1911, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in Monroe, N. C., sell to the high est bidder upon the terms hereinafter mentioned, the following described lands, to-wit: Lying and being in Mon roe township, adjoining the lands of C. N. Simpson, Erwin Medlin and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake by a pine and p. o., Medlin's line, and running thence S. ti5.:4 W. 12.40 chain with said line to a pine stump in said Simpson's line of his Robt. Stamea tract; thence with his line S. 2." chains to a stake by a r. o., pine and b. j., B. J. Whitley's corner in said lino; the ws with said "Whitley's line S. !8 K, SJ.:Vi chains to a stake in said line; thence with the division line between this and the balance of the Steeles tract N. '1.25 W. 25 chains to the beginning, contain ing WJ acres more or less, being the lands conveyed to John F. Perry, now deceased, by W. II. Phifer anil wife by deed dated 22nd March, 1S9S, und recorded in the registry of Union coun ty, N. C, book of deeds 27, pajr WS etc., reference to which is hereby made for more particular description of said lands. Sold subject to dower righfa of Amanda Bland, widow of John P. Per ry, deceased. The reversionary inter est in said dower rights will also be sold. Terms of sale: one-third cash, remainder on a credit of four months; title retained until all of the purchase money is paid in full. This the 19th dav of June, 1911. K. W. LEMMOND, Commissioner. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. hI'KISH sWHEbl'LE KKFEiTIVK A.M., M'NI'AY. AI'KII. eTH. li'll. Arrivals. No. in.Cliarl'XtriuWilniiniriiin ii ro Sn. :)!. Hlrii'lnirham- V;antu t" I'urti- n.mi!U-.fv inr . :!! a.m Nn. i. Char!n:tp id Minn S: o .m No. aa, York to Hlrminitham ... s::m a.m So 4",. V i ; in irtl'iii tn Chat-lotto II ia u". So. ttl, Atlanta tn Monroe (IihbIi ;,:4JS p.nv So. 44. Charlnttr ti Wllmtnittiin drrmp.av Sn. laj. Iluthfrfiinitiili to Mimrop M:jp.in So. .'. Birminirliain to Nw York.... t:.v p.nv So. 8, Wllmlnirton tnf'harlott l:w p.m So. 41. Sew York l'ortmouth toAt- iania Birmingham 1(1 :V, pn Departures. So. 4i,'liarloUioViliutnrton. f -10 a.m. So. SK Birmingham Atlanta to Hortn- mouth'Nrw York :15 am. So. M. Nw York to Blrmlmrham.... :m a.ru So. Hut, Monrnr to kuthrrfonlton 0 ;ur. a ra So. 45, Wilmlnitton In I'harlntt 11 :10 a.nk So. M. Monroe to Atlanta (local) ....n :o(i a.m, So. 44, charlnttf to Wlimlniton (liOp.m So. 4v, Monro lo ('liarlott a :n p n So. 82. Blrnilnham to Krm York.... :40 p.m Sn. i, Wilmington to Charlott mart p.m No. 41, Birmingham t Kw York- roriniouiii u no p.m Sua XI and i!J. At'ania Blrmlnitham MkiI. ftiml.tin-trlr liKhifd I'ullman Dravinc Koum slor Mr liarrn Nw York and Mrmpht. Mel,potrlc llehtcl I'ullman Oharrvntion !pIr l tpcn Ntw York and Birmingham. Klm-trle livhirrl I'ullman lirawinK Boom H"i I'liarlott to l'ortinou'h. Train- Soa. 41 and ;w, atl. -trp llrlitni PuMman lrwinir Rimm Mir lii-rn Nw York and A llama I'nllmah Broiler larli,r Car ltwn Allan'a and Birmingham. Tralr Sm. .W ami 4i. Parlor far Innn ' liarlnttr and Wilmington. W. A.BESTHS.JR.. T!phon IJ. Local Tickel AganU