Children Cry for Fletcher's ilio Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which bus been In use for over SO years lias borne the signature of . and has boen mado under his per- s fJ-fr?, Ronal miiMTvUlon since its Infancy . Allow uo one to derive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations mid "JustuM-good" are but ExHrlments that trifle m'.' ntul endanger the liealth of Infanta and Children Hi . !cnee ngaiust Experiment. What is CASTORIA CnstorU is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paw gorlvlris and SooUilii; Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, lorphlno nor other Xawotle fsubstaiiee. Its ape is Its guarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays FeverUhness. It cures Plarrha-a and "Wind Collo. It n-lievcs Teetl.lnsr Troubles, eures Constipation and Flatulency. It nssliu Hates the Foh1, regulates the Stomach and I'.owcls, giving healthy and natural bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. . GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TMC CCNTAUR COMPANY. TT MUMT STUtCT HtW TOM CITY. WHEN A WOMAN PAYS BY CHECK she never has any trouble in accounting for her mon ey. For even if she forgets to enter the details in the stub of her check book, the check itself comes back and is at once a record of pay ment and a receipt for the money. The Savings, Loan & Trust Co. invites accounts with women. Every atten tention and courtesy will be paid them. AH information cheerfully given. Savings, Loan & Trust R. n. Rcdwlne, Prtvdtnt H. U. Clark, Canhier Company Pageland Insurance 6 Realty Company : DEALERS IN Life Insurance, Fire Insurance, Real Estate, and Real Estate Loans. Three hundred choice Town Lots for sale. Also a number of valuable Farms near Pagelaiul. Write for prices and terms. PAGELAND INSURANCE 6 REALTY COMPANY, L. L. PARKER, PRESIDENT. II. N. ASKINS, SECRETARY. Our Store is very complete with all the latest and best medium priced :FU1 TI .1 iU o and if there was ever a time when the young couple going to housekeeping could furnish every room in the house to begin with at a nominal cost and such conditions of purchase to make it a real easy matter, it is NOW. We are in a position to give you the best in every particular, and a com v parison will convince you. Yours for business, T. P. DILLON. New Bank For Mamille. Our Home. IViulitless a ii-w stop in the pror4S of Mars.hvill was taken Friday with th urbanization of a lu-w hank at tins plarr. The new institution will. lie railed The Carolina Hank. The stiK-khoM- Fanners Advised to Hold for 13 Cents. Washington, Aug. '21 After discussing what was referred to as the 'Ihnateuiinf eoiiilitioii of the rot tun market." a eohfereiiee of Southern Senators ami lu' resrntiwsi tlin.nirli a eomittee er eieete.1 the following "imi ,,f s, n;.trs William of director: W. S. Uiakeuey. ' lf ii:,,. ;.-, M,i ,,.... ..riik 11. M. (ireen. Kd. M. Marsh. F. i.tH,llM ,, Ij,.,,ri.s,.lltive l$ur L Harn-ll. .1. .M. liunis. C. . f Tl.vil. .i,.,..,!,.,! ,., uive Itail.-y. U K. Ilupt'ins. II. C.foriml H,v,.,. t,i farm. rs" orga NVws.mii. J. K. Tb.uuaH. . I. K. Hai- . .1!,i .,t t.. fr 1:! ley. and J. lirooks. The di- ,...,, .,,n.. nr.... nvtora then .-leete.1 the follow iiiR-.i,,, state Hankers asv iations oflieers: . S. Itlakeiiey, nres- , 1.JM1111.,..1.. u.t it... .. ;.r. idelit; K. M. Marsh, vi. e -pivsi-j : , mv,. Iit of the si eulators l.nt, and I. I'. W. llyh r. eash-. T, ,. ,,. xvlii.-h will ad- ler. .Mr. l.l:iKel.-v is presioviil r; . I,.,.! (r V! Is of the Hank of Inioii of Monroe issH, K,;it(.m,.ut xv,j,., savs and f several other hanks. He j .,ar(: is one ot Hie nest ami mosi sue-' ..i. ..u..i i. there was a cessl ul iiaiiKers in Hie Male all' I 0f I lie t aroiuia liauk is tortiiuaiei in seeiiring him us its president.' .ir. uuer neeus no n-eni u-,,.. r , ... sl,,...ll . ,. ,. t of dation. as his term of register of ,.w York ( ott.ii Kxeliange. opinion precon certed effort leiujr made, princi pally tliroiih the iiistniuiciitali- leeds of Union county and oth- he !ln lirenk .liiwii the nrice of eot- er rcsiHinsihle places wliicli lie,...,, i, ... ;; ..n has so well filled tipeak of his ,,at ,. l)r,.s,.,lt statistical c.n ahihty and honesty in terms that Ljition of cotton did not justif.x cannot lie misunderstood. The , ti. i.,..,,. f ,,n.K-t onoiati.iiis Hank of Marshville has. through a(j t1!lt ,t. ,.sti,ni,te of 15.1HI0, its kind and courteous treatment. m ,a,.s WJS unjust it'itMl he imv done a fine hanking hnsinessandjfaHs i,v prediction "could us pairouage nas grown in a nip- i,,. san,.v ),.,s,., d that more hi rate. People are learning the wisdom or keeping their money iu the hank, and the citizens of this Town ami comiiiunitv hclieve that two hanks at this place will do a thriving business, and there is no reason m the world why they shouldn't. A site will he selected and a new building c rected at an early date and the new institution will open for bus iness some time this fall. The Marriage of Children and the Combs Case. Salisbury Post. There is no more striking ex ample of the folly and shame of children marriages nor of the crime and absolute lack of a moral sense of duty of ministers and others who are vested with authority to perform the mar riage ceremony, than the Combs murder case of Iredell county. The husband and murderer is IS ever, if a l.").(KKMHMl bale crop were in sight the world's supplies still would probaly fall short of the world's demand for cotton to the extent of more than l.tKKI, (MK) bales because of the exhaus tion of the present visible sup ply of carried over spot cotton. In other words, that with a 15. (HM),(KHI American crop, the world crop for lilll would sum tip ou ly i5,000,KK) with 14,000,00 spin tiles creating an active demand for 2(i,(HKi.(MK bales. This opin ion was based upon the latest advices from Kgypt, India. Chi na and other cotton producing countries. "I information was received at the informal conference that as surance would be given to Presi dent (turret t or to Southern bank; outside of the South could be had through the iiistruiiientality of Southern I'inuewil institutions to be hut at the rate of (i ncr years old. his murdered wife was ,. cut, per ;innuni of their cotton lb, and they bad been married I warehouse statistics." six mouths. 1 he couple ran a way ami were married in Soulh Carolina. Some minister or cs Hiiire officiated, giving them the right t" live together legally. The union was not peaceful there were ipiarrels. The young wife wanted to visit her parents, the husband objected. There was a conflict, the woman was murder-! Rev. J. H. Turner. Pagelaiul Scout. licv. ,lolm II. Turner died at his home here yesterday after noon about four o'clock after a lingering illness of several mouths. Mr. Turner whs proba- ill' lln. f.ltivim j.l' lliiu ed. choked to death lying ., ,, WH ,,, Ilv (J l ie knees of the man-brute. us; )lU( W)(S t,.(,.fon. 7:, ;t..ll.s there ever u darker picture-and ; ,, Hn, fiv,, illlvst ,;L jj,. all because a ...mister or justice ( ,M(m.i(,(, Miss Jhrv Sh'w jn ot the peace pronounced tlie!MI, s1(, 4it., Oct.'. '51, 7-1. To U'liPila llisil iiifiili. tlini.i iitun unit ... . ,' """ this union eight children were , , , iboni: Hill, Annie. I.illie, Marga I he State, the law, the custom. 1 , c v I?,..!.....,, i.' i. ...i i all conspired to bring about the murder. A clearer sense of re sponsibility on the part of the ministry and others having the right to marry couples is needed, and until these have come to un derstand their full moral duty in the matter children will continue to marry and tragedies will mul tiply and increase. A King Who Left Home set the world to talking, but Paul the A. The second time Mr. Turner married Miss dune Maiigum. dau ghter of the late William Man gum, and to this union twelve children were born: Kose. Kllen. Henrietta, Itlanche, Prudence. Pl.odie, T. W Robert. Sam. (Jen.. Max and Jefferson. Mr. Turner was a gallant sold ier in the civil war. He has been preaching pver since the close of the war, and has been master of Masonic lodge uearlv fort v Mathulka of Huffulo, N. Y., says years. He bail inanv political of he always KKFd'S AT 1I0MK thc fieis. huving been county c.m King of all Laxatives l)r.King'si missiii.KT, and represented this New Life Pills and that they j county in both bouses of the leg are n blessing to all his family. islatiire. Mr. Turner was prob Cure constipation, headache, in- ably Hie best known max in Ches- ligestioii. dyspepsia. Only 2-e at I terficld count v, having lived here ! his entire life, was always J foremost in religious and politi cal life. i He is survived bv his wife, S ng!isli Drug Company '. A Peculiar Suicide. Pagelaiul Scout. Charles Niekles who lived near sons and " daughters. Sa.ltue. S. C, had been mentally i in. balanced for some days and was .very melancholy, tine day last week he went into his fa ther's barn, covered himself with fodder, struck a match and set fire to the fodder and in that manlier eoiiihiited suicide and de stroyed the barn. Thirty Yean Together. Thirty years of association i thnk of it. How the merit of n good thing stands out in tl.ut lime or the worthlessiiess of a bad one. So there's no guess work in this evidence of (.'has. Ariss, Concord, Mich., who wri tes: "1 have used Dr. King's New Discovery for ItO years, and its the best cough and cold cure I ever used." Ouec it finds on-' trance in a homo you can't pry, it out. Many families have used it for forty years. It's the most infallible throat and lung medicine on earth. Unetpialed for, lagrippe, asthma, hay-fever,eroup,' quinsy or sore lungs. Price 50c, 11.00. Trial bottle free. Guarant eed by English Drug Co. Wood's Fall Seed Catalogue just issued tells what crops you can put in to make the quickest grazing, or hoy, to help out the short feed crops. Also tells about both Vegetable and Farm Seeds that can be planted in the fall to advantage and profit Every Farmer, Market Grower and Gardener should have a copy of this catalog. It is the best and most com plete fall seed catalog issued. Mailed free. Write for it. T.W.WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS and will tell you that unless his prescriptions are filled with the utmost fidelity -with the purest and freshest drugs all his ability to cure you will be wasted. Your prescriptions should be brought to this Ftore where we pride ourselves on the care devoted to carrying out your physician's instructions. While our prescription department is the best equip ped in town, we also have a selected stock of all the latest necessaries in medical and sanitary appliances. English Drug Co. The Dependable Store. Its Humeri Nature for men of the right sort to want to improve their conditions to grow and expand to do bigger and better things. If you are a depositor, we believe we can help you along this line; and if you are not already a depositor, this bank offers you excep tional advantages. Progressive management has brought us up to a high mark, and we are still growing. There is no harm in investigating in fact it is the only way to obtain the real facts. Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals are invited, and the same care and attention is given to small as to large deposits. Deposits may be made by mail, if more convenient, and will be promptly acknowledged. :: :: :: :: :: :: THE BANK OF UNION, MONROE, N. C. W. S. BLAKENEY, President J. R- SHUTE, Vice-President W. C. STACK, Cashier. To Light a Cigar With an Insurance Policy m a . ii w s.j s l sw n l would be considered reckless. Yet it is net a bit more so thai going without insurance at alL If you are not insured you are every day and night risking ev erything you own to destruction. Can you afford that risk? How would you like to b9 homeless to-morrow morning? Better have ns insure you to-day. PHONE 209. Gordon Insurance & Investment Co. MONEY PICKED UP You simply pick up money when you go to our stable for Horses andMules and Vehicles. A car load of Horses just in fron the Western markets, and all qood broke and satisfac tory workers. Come quick and get one BUGGIES. BUGGIES. Dont lose money by go ing elsewhere and buying something "just as good" but come along and buy a Buggy backed up by $64 cash quarantee and youll wear a smile every time you ride. Remember ev ery thing is as represented. E. M. GRIFFIN AND CO.

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