THE MONROE JOURNAL 0. M. Beasley & Bro.. Publishers. B. F. Bcjuley, Eduor. Tin ! . S. j-t -mlx-r IV. !'!!. Reciprocity Defeated in Canada. Til-- r.ili l'l: HI H-J'lt" .:.'.l !l l.tst 'i hurs.l.i.i ti I !ti" li'ci'n -tly ipci m nt wa i;i-tl I'.v the A. . rieati ouhiriv. an! it-! i'. o 't'ii i iniiuc'i . -j,., .. ,. i.;-i tel. Ih.t v..- M ., ! , e',''is it it Hi ! ii ! 1 v i V.";. !l !' I.!- ' : u c .i! "'I - ,t:SI,,'' 1 "" i :;, : -1 i '."' . .!.: Child Smothered to Death ia Cot ton. Oils, t!.'- '.'ive yea:- !l oi Mr. aiil M.v I." - -x. v.Uj 1 1 . i -vc:i ititl.-s cast : t"Vi:..Wits iitili,-tv.i ! ..:t!i in a !" ! v-.l .-..tii'ii lit' S.ilnr.iii.v 1 1 r !hM!i. '!"' i!:s!rc:ii'; ci.'u tan. :' :'!. .L-atH w.-r tiii':i: nl. i: "S hail i'tiii lii.s: '11 his i: ess.- all'l ii.t'l i" .!. '!ta m i. r. A i-i I :" ''! ! 1. .. :!i .-in 111, fin' -i. ! r "'in Colored Boy Shot by Whit Lad. ti.iy t'r. !! ai;l Archie I.--vv. two aaj; white Im n'm-t 17 v;U : ;.!; were ill tl:. ea-st-ent jait 1 :' town a'i.ul l'i -ci-.ek ""'.itur.l.iv nitflil an.l vt in ! ;: uiiiiti' with thn-c 't.rt-l . ;a.l I luwcil chid I- injr T.-i.'i-s I:si through tit.- lea.!. Tin w.nt in front !! t!:' rilit car and came tul 1 i.i:ol. Tht' !y rush.. I to l: !. L. I'.i.Mv " .-.iiti c:.IIel him am! i.'ii ,..- . .. 1 - --- -- , ii-., :- tie kitchen. Mr. ' v. ;in !!:;. J ! w.i;a.l Y. J-' ! 1 -T M.j'i'i-r "I;-1 la' h.-nljv !..- j Ifiiiir ami ;!,,. Jl.t;,. ji,.v. II,- ;(' 'I '" ! i'l H ti-'il'-t vii. II 1Vi-.i t-r. T!-.'' !' if si, i- v. 1 vT"ii.' " " ' i! .1 k ' J w'i I ; ;t nit- iijt t.. ri : 1 i r 1 ri' i :. " M: II. ' ,wr li'-r :i' II M-s. t.."s :";,! r. i ;t a-v.;:s '. ! .11 jail. ;i '! I ;!! ;;: v T!.' ii i-' ''!'' v a ! : ;: 'i: a 1 i I. - 1! 1. ;i:a! v as I' ;-. -s ' , x..s ,' i.'t.J. a i.iii.i ,1... f . ' I .'.v 'v ... "v n :t v.ri.l ' ' ! : : ,. ( :l-i i w 1 t '.'.fill. 1 i' i ' i'''- ..!..,:'..: A i'i a :. I. k Ti.i' ;.! :;: ot t!a- i !: t li.-u t ! : I : . I ; l.i'i.ns ! -Iv.a. :i t!l' t.i riMll.i'x en!. '.i 1'lj I'v , "it li. i- a i.t'I.' !.-v r.lii-uI'Mix ;!iaii iliat Midi clnM-r aiul lin--it r l.i!i"iis won!. I 111:11 I'ntli. Hut tin' xani'- ;fir,l'',,l! '',a' k't-'s tin- iuas.-s ot this (.iiiit'- fiisla vi-! lor iH-inlii el tli--i' w was Lr'"l cii'iiiirh iii irunii'M! ill ("ana. la to makf tli" "HI' ii tli n i-"uii!i-. v.iti' in i'ia:- of tin' f w M tin inj'.in "f tli' liianv. Tlia protcctiiiiiiNis of fan Mila iiiio waiitcol to m 011 t'liai'i! ill',' th'-ir i'i'oii' iiiora !': u'cti. tiian tlnv fnidil lniy for from lliis couiitrv toi 1 1 1 j'.-o I'll- ttiat if tlio lvt'iproi'ily hill laNfil it woiiKl iiii'an tin' :im tic,ii ion of Tan. nla liy t!.- I'ni (il St.i'i's. This simitils a'iMiril in ti.'s I'liinliy. wii.-ft' ai;ii '.il ion is li"'.. ! tiatllsrllt of, Imt :.t j.f.n I'll '.."! al Ulllrrlit to t'i t -.n.i As 1 .1 !:i t s, , ' at of I i!.';s';:t l :-. I 1 lia lli'l'. At ii"i ii:.:' : at.!. ' n ' a. . ' i .: - '1 i 1 ' .I. S ; 't 1 " . v ':. '". 1' ' as i.. , .. i ..! 1 : -a i- I l.'.s i.i a.! : 1. 1 11 " -as i iri'V. H'-si.ii- Mr. .!.' at; ! lis Uih-. M .-. ;.!.,! Mis. .1. 1'. 'I :..! Colored t-v Biunrd to Tc,-h. ..: I 1; ... .;.-.x . ;.m s , ,. j s 'M . -' " I- I '.!..:.. 'A- . '," ,',,!,!. 1' 5. 1.1 " !' t o i's . ' . ,i , 11 , .1 v. .i'i .:! lii" I'.. i.:s I : ; ' .. . . I ''..iiitf, t 1 M.'-;k'' ! 1 if !''s ;.M'! W ;;- 11- : . : , I...;.. Ti.. .s s . . .s ! li, ill i ., !;,'! s 'Is i j 1.'- r! ..' ' 1 f.i'.lii-s. an.; xiikI.'i ,i v, .-! i v I'imiii 1 !'. 1 "., ! I ;. . - i-(it'"li. ffi t I,' . ali't : !,. . ' : t i::lil. li.- irol t X.M- I;;: . :. -1 .1 a !-! of il ..'i Iiis 's.-iil ai.'i a!l of !h. m took i-l-'!!.inv; ai .l liaiinsr I'.i-ar I lh tl f i'V! I an I Mofk'-'l ;'!-, i. i - - 1". . v t i . : 1: vj j . 1 1 1 1 to '',-t :! il to .oiis.-ii.ijs:..'Ns. t,iii i; .i":i .ii,'. 1. .I.isi w, tl,.- r.1;!.' .w ias n-'l a'''.f to i'.t 1 ii'..!.' liinr srli' fr.', 11 IV' shil'i'.M li'ilo I'aii.ii't v ti'l.!. i; is shot;-!.! li,a, !" !! ; i.i-ti in i-i'- asi'l liois it '.'is.ii'.;i.' w.1.1!.! I'lirn. In' ': ri a itiatr'i ail ! a''lii'il it t.t U:s sat-t.-a' -l i !":n:!.. Tin' flaip. s v. roi (ti! I is i'.iii; i-.i!li'li'lrl . t "11-11-i:nr I.i"! : 11 ov.'!'. "I'lic li... i.vvil in iiv a :" v' iioiirs. 'j's In- w a i'.'.l it Wiii!" , u nun havi' rra.i and :!...-. I ;.-.-.. ilarr M.-( ,1'i-li- .i .i (":'.'! Ii'i'.iiii!iii t'lilh I it . r.':na!ii!i' story ol !. an 1 1 ft. !!.:. ills. Tin' I M I ! I if I'.ll'l'll's .:': o ..'. i:a,' v it ii : In- s,;,l,l mil s iii.i s. .:'!' . i.i J !;. i'.i!,'!ii:' v , iii in at Woman's Missionary Meeting'. 1 iv annual nitTtuitr ol tli,' "1 ,'ni rut iitv. '"ltr..ilslal'k. is; itr j'Oss.'ii,' !n iji't tin- tlirii'.s, tin I full -si'i-;'; an,-,' nf tli. iiiir.r i.-s. j tin- a'-t;.':i ..: .nhi'iitur , tit-- 1 -1 h'-ar! inVr s!. an, I tin' m'!: .iii; ot ii.-t uality rliarai-ti'fi's llv ,s!,i'' c!'s:, -ii liy ai'tors w ';! li ra 1, i i'i ilnir wins. inaii s .M .ssViiary I'ni'.ii of 'ii j maiio d :'i r M.-ssi-s. l!a!u r kV 1 .is- CiiVn ;.'ij t':M As-soria; i'iii ;!l;l!i. ti.. j-roiiu.-i-:'. to i-.i'l. ilo'i i"' la'l.l in 1 i.i- Ma.slnili. I'.a','-ii''"'i:'.ti:t .-n.l ili-y will I'.nu'j list i-l. I'vli on TiM-Mlay. S. .','u i .:-at.s:.i"!," 1t. :n tin in'afj !! -s. Tin- priiot-am I'ullim : ! fittiiVi . ; m ti. s.'i-v i'-.'s. ; I v ..! ;,.!!. I . Sfi'.-is ' Mrs . V. !',..isM. W s - ' W- .. ,. . 1 ,, ' I.i;:!:. ,: ;-.;i at"! i. 'av ... A : mi, tr m, t.t ' I ' :.!'. s 'its I . , I , , , , , , J .m - !:. ;: M i:m;. !CCMTINUE TO ACT WISELY. ' a , ti ': w as i'i.'' s . a 1 . iui t It; It's 11 tlr t! ti'i,. ''- t.! : j1. o ':'!' s ! i; it ! iv u r ,. 1, .. v "'v l''V ti'..; mi !'! 1 i'' a 1 1 !! aiin.'-l lo i-'i 1 j ;! tl.. ' M , I Another Dcmocr.itis S::u.'.v)' From My ire. tli.V ii...,' I'last..,). il : . ol' Ma in-', lis is i.;.j.o;T"i !' li ah'' to 1 1'f I "nit, , S' ,;i. s .Srli. it" in sn.v.v.i t!i- lit S.'ii.i tor Fry i'. 'i'l. is '.''vrs 1 x-- ! . -' n i'1'at ii- Si i:; ! ia I '-oiii'-. i' tiling 1 ; n '' 1 a t 1 i ol a I--.V vi,i's ajrn. Tiii.s I-;i.-h I In- li.ji.Jiia'.ins niily s. Vi 11 majority in !!;. I'. S. Si'iiatr. r.iil I'lioiiirii of tivs,' arc lllslll'ir-'llts t Ililiina. oil .'I U'l'i'at lilittiy i'.i st inl'.s. witll III' 1 i 1 11 -crats. to w ri si control from t!i Staiiilpatti i's. Ki'iitm ! , I'liio. Wi-s! V'i' irin ia and Mi.s.sissiiii riturnn Ii.hc sent colli rilnit ions to Secretary nf Airricultiirc I'oliuin. of Kan sas, to assist in thf ii'osc( utioii i.f th I'cisoiis who tarred ,'iiiii i'cilN 'l'i'd M;ss Man' I lianincrlin, t'a . Has 1 1,; - i i''' . N.' 1" .i' d'V"' ,,. as a an ;. : r i. r t 1 ; ; Sin 11 1 v lli-nd - Km 11 -as) scli-i-il trin'1,1 r lasl inon'li. Ann-'iiiH'i'- ilitf tiia! lie i-i.tsMcl'i'd tin- :.f fair is a dts;'! ic' .i Kalis .s. Mr. Colilirn I'i'i'i'ii' Ii fst a 1 1 i'il a fiitid to aid ia 1 ('rasivii: i'iii. I 'oa! ri lint ions v 1 -1 - c 'c'i'.I 10,!;, I "mil Kaii' i'';ti. 11s Imt 0 lis-, 1 crs I ! 1 ' i.!-. on i'il.til'-d. Sunday Merry Makers Killed. Tldl'tci-ii Ji- rsolis ( 1'.' killed I'M Sunday at NichhIi, Wis., wiiilc rctiiriiii:'.' from a ccl"l'',it imi. In a fast train. Thirty 'vr.sinis were lidii j.' on a liig wauon an. I di.'ovc on a railroad. Tlvir out fit di'iiiolislii'd and tliirtccn f tlicm killed. A hill hoard 'rc Vcntod tli"in sci-ins tlu train. To Members of Reading Circle. I am cxiH'cliiiK to rxamiin' the nn'inht-rs of tin remling i-ircli" mi the ivailinp I'liinsc if the past year on the l!th of Oct. Those dt and in if a satisfactory examina tion will le (riven a crrtificatc aoknowIrilffinR Hanic. It. N. Xishet. Cn. Supt. 1 11 ;' ! 1 .:u . "I'l .' i -l v. A ,',w ',".:, !!, - M'.l: 1. 'I 's. I 1 il. Nny A . ' ;! -.' ::,u. I . ! i i-s.'.v;. s. ..n.i a : i '.' M-s. i.raxti.ii t 'ti' Si,','"aa,s. Ms (:!.. I.: --a. "Ks-.. ;; -ivi-,'. Miss il. i'. -I . ,; K ..,.,! A'i;l'.'is'..;.i..:s. Mr. F. W. Asi va". i'A' " !.. .M.ll s!; S.ill- ! - iti a'l i !.' 11 id Aniliassi'.i-'is. I.' ..: s : ri 111 'otmiiM '. 1 s atid 1 ei t "ii ..f ..ft'v.'i's. 'I he iNo'iiaii 's M i.ssi. ii.i!. So .i 'ty of Mai-shvillo rordiii'ly in- ;' s aii i i.ivn i.f 1 he I 'iiiim As soeiation who lire int. n sti d in woman ' Work in missions to he I'l'eseii. I iIt'srats and visitors who will arrive oil early inorii ii'U' train.- '. 'ase n.itifv Mrs. F. ::. Marsh. A Mayor Beaten To Death. W'. 11. .lolniMiii. ina.ior of Oak a s;'i ,.f Ailaiiia. uas heat. 'II lo i!e, lib W itil n M'illit lillLT Saill'llll eVeliillJf I .i T. V. 'An her afler the latter lunl l.i'.'ii s!a-t inorl.illy woi;ini. . ii l"!.iisoti. aihi-r v.'.'s nisiiiil in !-" .l!:n ia for in 'die;-,! iitii-liiiv;. hi:'' .Ii III., 11 (li. tl at his I e .'le'ii.t i'i!': 1 ii iiiiniili s a!''-:' ti; I'taht. The .iis.ii;.' it is- Mat-'.! if-'. 1 1 ivl of a sMiail hill v, 1 1 i 1 h '. ,ii" clai:i'"d .loliiisi II nil i .i h;;i. 1 .1 eiT. i In 1 ...I.K I il-' i.s 'i.ieilj . '.I I .; !. : lip ; ;. 1 nl ,'i-i 0,11 j ke ' ""'' I .1:...: :v-',la!. j ;'.! on'' - fa nil Is. ii . Vd .1 ', s : , v - Ml 'i..-:k. Ii"t f 1 em.. 11.1 . hilt it '. 'I ti e' rec- 1 I ! I i.,e .;. , ,, . In ia.. s a ,. ret. all's, . mhtors I 'i e.' VI ;:;!; pCfl'-'l' .0 ivsii itliil it is lii'lch I .',- ' a "I, pit pel' to pay 1 he j cae' ;-::, rial ilesir, ,i. I i not id i r.'iidi ilo'.ti I'li-iti'-ss ,-it liiel.alik j nl' I 'iron, it u ill I"- ii move ill ! til'- I'ilti.t ili; eel ioll to i'I'-ii illl 1 leei -lillt ' ! .- !'.-. 'oll caitnot find l.i-tti'i' a.' -oaoiiiiital ions, i ini'e fa eiliti's or ". iter safety. Fxpc- l'ieliee lli.s ih'llllillst I'ilt ei tlltse fiieis heyoii,! colli I'ol el'sy . More over. I oii!' hlis'lii ss is aiipivriit- te.l ai ihis hank. You in your p -i'snliai ..II. I hllsiiicss iifl'airs re ceive the utmost sympathy, atten tion and protect i..n. Accept the in vitiit ion thus olTefcil iind yen will lielcr rcirivt the hl'.silli'ss eiilllli l t ioll i litis formed. Adv. W. H. BELK & BRO.' FALL MILIMRY OPENING Commences Tomorrow IVigSit at T:30 o'clock and Continues all This Week You are Cordially Invited A'.l the beauty that adorns the Hats cf a Ercadway slon can be found in oar vast collection of Trimmed tr.d Untrimmcd shape.? freatly modified in price but still pojsessiro- that queenly beauty and distinct style that is so much sought after. Don't neglect this great show of Style which is always heralded as displavi::g the most attractive and exact imitaions of Parisian Models. kA Woman is Known by the Hat She Wears" Therefore you should take special interest in seeing our line which insures Correct Fashions. The Arabian Fez, Core and Poke shapes combined with a strong line of Novelty shapes trimmed with the frir-e effect will be shown. Ladies Coat Suits and Separate Skirts Will also be shown in all the lengths, weaves and colors. Special numbers in new mixed goods and all-wool serge suits from $10 ta $25. New Voile and Fancy Skills frcm $3.98 to $10.09 W. II. BELK & BRO. MONROE'S CHEAPEST MILLINERY STORE Daddy's Bedtime ptory i i The Story of Echo Ttlr Tim Time trho An ivkirrJ 1 hrm M Husband and Wife Go To Roads Together. ( i l'eels'l. il V",ls. lest, nlay nioriiiiii; Sarah Tiil'n- '-K'' was jfiven I'll days in the comity workhouse for disorder ly loinliicl. Yesterday miii-niiis I'.er Ini.sLaiid, Dan Tiirnaifc. was tried in Superior court for the larceny of a load of eookiitovos. He received four months on the county roads for his offence. The .success of one man may mean the failure of nianv. (!russ widows sometimes result fivn the sowinsf of wild oats. In the District Court of the Unit ed States For the Westein District of North Carolina. In tin mailer of -I. I. lire, Malik In llaiikriipley . To tl Ifili'ols of I'll' iil.oVC named hiitikriipt. of liii!':a:i Trail. Ill ti.e county of I'liioii sin. .lis- tr'.e! :i foi-es.iii! : j i N'oii. e is la I'i hy f lit u thill tl-." Trustee mi Sept. :M .t. 1:H1. f I .1 his petitimi asking that he !" lltltiior'.eil to s, i ;,t jeil.lic etr-ta-ii aii llic real cst.-ttc U' !"!i'.':tii to sin! h,n, k i iip! s es tat" up. ii the t.'fiiis mill coiuli-i !'..:is es l'"ieu's: that ola - foil rl II ' "f the I'liiiiiiisc price he paid in' e; it in tl:e relli.'i i tn hi' he paid' ;:i th;-. e months, und Iha! siiid' sale In lie lll.lile Miicc III tile riuh! of any party to the hid hy five n r cent at any time within ten days eftcr the sale; Hlld llult II lllectilijf nf cfedit ors will Im held at ( hat lotte, in the county of Mecklciihtirjf, in said district on the 4th dav of A. D.. lull, in the law office of the liUilcrsitniod referee, at 1- o'clock M., for the of coiisi.lcriiiff and tiikinif such action ujwin siii.l petition as may l proper. This Sept. '2 . l!ll. W. S. OH. Iloliinsoti. Jr. Keferee iii I '.iinkniptey. ANY. inn. iv liumlr-'ils of jenrs nea." liean ilailily's srary one even-In.-, "full.s lu'licio.1 thai every tree an.l every rek mnl every foiiiitalii, iind, III fact, nliut everytliiiii.". hail a hpirit or a s-Tt of fairy liiiiii; lu It. Tliey untile ii. many iii.'.t an.l lull resting !'leri"S iiliiint tliesi' s.ii'iu or fairies. Hue of the must beautiful of tliei i "li.-s is the one iiIhuiI Ki ho, u sfirit wild the must .eaiitifiil voice In l!i wnriil. "It iv:,s naltl tli it t Kill,, inn a s'!rit which lunl done Kuineililiitf to ilin .!.'iise (.'iiecii .liiiiii. the (unvu nf n',1 these spirlis, n in order la tninish i'or Kelio i,iic"ii .luini. who was very n.werfiit, s:iid; " 'You may keen your lieiiuiifnl voice. Imt that Is all you shall keep. The rest i.f yni shall fade mi ay, am! to punish ymi furl her yen shall never he able to speak to any one first, but shall be able to answer only when name mie speaks to Jntt.' "And so It really happened. Pour Echo became Ihl'in -r mnl pnler n ml failed ii way until there wai tinthlns nt all left of her but her beautiful voice. She beeiiitie so ashamed that she hid herself in the mountain an.l ntuoiiK trees and rocks and In .pieer out of the way corners of luillillnu'. so that no one ever smv her ncnln. Only her sweet volt e remained, and that was heard only when some one spoke to her first. "If yon call lo Echo she will answer you. Try some day by railing out la the iiii'iitiiains when everything Is still about you, 'Echo, Echo" and In the distance ynu w ill hear faintly and sweetly, 'Echo, Echo." "There Is n very curious thing about Echo. If you penk to her sweetly, In a gentle tone, he will answer bark ia the mime way. If you speak to her angrily she i ill reply angrily. Imt net us loudly ns you do. for she Is naturally gentle and sweet. If y.ui shout nt her she will shout back, and If you speak nicely to h"f sh" will Ik- nice also. It Is the same wny with people. "One day there were (no boys who Infcl heard that Echo lived on a hill near their home. They had never been that wny to speak to her, so they went out to try it. At llrst when they called to Echo she did not reply to tiieiu. fur, yon see, the wind was the wrong way nn.l their voices were enrried uway lusiead of toward Echo. Ho, after trying for some lime to get her to understand them and answer them, they became tired and started to go home. On their way they turned around to speak to Echo again, but this time they were on the other side of the hill, so that the wind blew from them to Echo. So when they called her she answered them, and they went hmue happy." "A Welcome Chance to These who Suffer" Ciin:i h .V.!: !:. X. C, oh Monday, October 9th. fo sf(vi it (!!fiin!( r Unti l, Dr. Francis S. Packard, of (.rceiisboro, N. ('.. Consultation and Examination Confi dential, Invited and FREE ONE DAY ONLY s ''b GREAT STATE FAIR, RALEIGH, N. C, October 16tli-21st 1911 Special Low Rates from all Points in North Carolina on Seaboard Air Line Railway. Special Trains between Hamlet and Raleigh, 18-19. Tickets will be on sale October 1 6th to 2 1st in clusive, bearing final return limit October 23. For Schedule Special Trains See Flyers. H. S. LEARD, Division Poucnger Agent RALEIGH, N. C. To see all of his regular Patient, and mica new Cases, as may wish to conault bim. Dr. Packard enjoysa state wide reputation, among the profession and the Public of North Carolina, where for more than 25 years ho has davotsd his entir tima to the Study, Treatment and Cure of Chronic DiteasM. The Doctor has tiatl wonderful success in his work, tliat of curing chronic sufferers, Men, Women and Chil dren. The Patients he lias restored to Health after they had given up all hope of being Cured are numbered by the Thousands. He is a kind, generous, democratic, pcntlcman to riect, of high scholarly attainments, and dignified per sonality. Coupled with a Krotherly inter est, in all who seek his advice. a lie does not take a Patient for Treatment unless he can foresee a Cure of the Case, s The most commendable feature of his Work, and one that appeals to the ordinary sick person, is the fact of his charges being to reiuonable and moderate as to make it within the reach of even the very ror. At no time do the charges amount to more than $7.00 a month or about $1..V week. He (rives his own medicines, and there are no extra Charges. It takes bim never more than from four to six Months to Cure Case under Treatment. All Cases, even those who have been Riven np as Incurable or Hopeless, have been Cured and rettored to perfect health by this Brilliant Physician and the wonderful method, he employs. If you want to meet him and have him examine you, pi to see him, and talk the matter over with him. It will cost you nothing if he does not put you tinder treatment. If he takes your case. It will cost you a very small sum to get well Remember the Date . ad come early. OCT. Dth. PINEULES for iha 'toys SO DAYS' VRIAk FOH Sl.00.