THE LCCAL MARKETS. COTTON. Bt craJe today... lO.Oo Svtil, . . 27 PRODUCE. The f.jrures Riven here re prices paid by merchants today. They may be dif ferent tomorrow or next day. Readers are idvised to 'phone ome responsible merchant on the day they expect to come to market nd get figures for that day. Her 30 to 35 Yourg Chicken 15 to 30 RooicM 23 to ucka 2to25 t-ee.Mf 'Si to Kg Sutter 17 to 2t Ham IS to Beowax 2t to Corr. SH to S"i Special Notices. I Advertisement are inserted in thi column Mt the rate tf iNK cknt per word each insertion. Count the words in your adv. and srnd casi with copy. Each 'Vure and initial count a word. No ;id tulit'ii for less than ten cents. J The js.'ul'y School of Musi':. Voice and nr.itory opens in October. I'upiU sol'clteJ. For Sale-Red tail, steel grey Afri can parrot, two years old: well trained, good talker; has not learned profanity. A g"oJ bras cage to go with the bird, ail for .". Apply to M. A. Walters, Monroe Route 10 or Journal Otlice. Highest market price paid for hides, allew and fur. l'lyler & Walter. tal For Rent- Good farm, four miles soutruest of Monroe. Sec G. E. Flow. For Sale or Rent 5t'J acres of land, home tract, 2-horsefarm in cultivation, al.o 0.5 acres, 2-horse farm in cultiva tion, near Altan. See J. H. Laney or W. M. Griffin, Monroe Route 10. Parties who want the Victoria cream, soap or powder, can get them by call ing lit F. II. Ashcraft's store, or phon ing Sfl, rural. Mrs. T. W. Manes. "Second to none" Cloverdale Bread and Jersey Milk. Cloverdale Dairy. Your Eyes, Don't Neglect Them. D. 11. Smith will be at hi office every day until October 1'ith. Will make a scientific examination of your eyes and furnish you with the Li : and most up-to-date glassor. Dr. .'.aii , has many towns to visit this fall, lu- will be ir. his office in Monroe till October 15 and will be glad to serve jou. W ill you not come and get those gl.igM- you have bee" talking about so long. No charge for examination. Lot-Atan pucke' book containing about .vl.Tiii, al.-o v.-,e receipts and notes. Return to posio'Iice ami receive S E. Hnigler. We are low usinc line Temiesse cat tie. Are buying as over eame to this town. l'lyler & Wnltei. Wt have moved o ir -mccof business to the room :;t.-Nt w or to the Glou cester Hotel. If yoi. have hides or fur of n-.y kind, bring them to us and get hitrl.c-t prices. We also buy mule ar.d hor. e hiiles. Monroe Hide & Fur Co. For :-".;t- Four room house on Vann Hcuri.N. I. H. lilair. For Rent 7i acres hind, I! five-room houses on 1'lace. For sale-15 acres of lim ber ti i her, one mile of Wingate School. I.. Medlin, For Rent-Five room house on Wash ington, street, city water ami electric lights. R. W. Lemmoinl. We w; it to buy veal calves. l'lyler & Walters. Wa:. ted-All the chickens und eggs that we can get. Remember we pay the highest prices. W. R. Outen Co. For Side or Lease- My farm, machin ery a:.l store, located nine miles south of Monroe on the Wolf Pond road. This is the intersection of live public roads, good school and church in one-eighth of mile. Good community, thickly settled, and one of the best localities for busi ness und machinery to be found. Farm contains twenty-three acres, nine mod ern buildings, fine young orchard, and a beautiful place to live. Also 1--' acres one-half mile from the above. 1 will sell outright or lease for a period of three or five year. Reason for dis posal: My Florida interests demand my attention. For terms, apply to me or to J. C. Laney or to my wife who is on the property. W. Thos. Ltiney, Chipley, Flu. For Sale A pair of first-class heavy mules. Price and terms on application to Mrs. W. T. Lanev, Laney" mill or to Jerre C. Laney. W. Thos. Laney. See J. E. Preslar. next to PostoihYe, for watch repairing. Wanttd-We want to buy pork. l'lyler & Walters. , Cur rill is running nn full time and we have plenty of fresh meal and hull. Monroe Oil Mill. Docs vour watch keep correct time? If not, take it to J. K. Preslar. He will fix a::d guarantee it. Get your tth brushes and dental preparations from The Union Drug Co. We want to buy all kinds of country produce and will pav highest prices. Doster & Doster. We want 1,000 pounds of country hams. Dojter & Doster. Porch Screens and Window Shades cheap. Monroe Furniture Co. (Copple's.) Automobile supplies and repair parts ' for sale at Repair Department of the Piedmont Buggy Company. Those automatic head-lift, double spooler Sewing Machines are good. Monroe Furniture Co. (Copple's.) Best equipped shop in the Southern States for the complete overhauling nd repairing of Automobile and Bug. gies-Piedmont Buggy Company, Re pair Department Our tr.iU il running on full time and we have plenty of fresh meal and hull. Monroe Oil Mill A few Rood harreU and keg for tale by The Union Drug Co. Money to Loan on approved security in limited amounts. Gordon Insurance and Investment Co. For Rent Two nice offices in Loan & Trust building. One in down stairs and suitable for otfice or small store. The other i up stairs and well lighted. Both have steam heat, electric lights and sewerage connection. McRae Mercantile Co. The rich Jersey milk and cream fur nished by the Cloverdale Dairy is the lest Monroe Hnple havs ever had a chance to buy. Tint's what thoe who are UMng it say. The time of year when most subscri ler renew their subscriptions is now approaching. The Journal ha bought for the season an unusmlly tine supply of high grade cutlery to give free to those who n new tlu ir subscription one year in advance. Come in and gel your choice. Notice - When our mercantile busi ness was discontinued last spring there were a great many account due us on book, by note, mortgage, etc. These were not sold but were held on for the convenience- of ou r old customers. Some of these been carried on from year to year. We have been lenient with all those who owe us, and while we very much appreciate the custom of the past, the time has now come when the nusi ness must be finally settled up. Busi ness is business, and accounts can no longer le carried. We expect settle ment from all who owe us right awav. ur Mr. J. D. McRae will lie at the old stand on the corner, now Flow & Phi fer's, until shout the last of October, ready for settlement. After that he will be out of town. We shall be com pelled to put into the hands of an attor ney all accounts not paid by that time. Don't neglect this matter, but come as soon as possible see him, and arrange matters. McRae Mercantile Co. Everything for the school room at Rudge's. For Rent-One 6 room cottage on Church street; electric lights and bath; possession given September 1st. Mrs. R. A. Totten. Bagging and Ties-Cotton is begin ning to open and you will need them. We have a big stock on hand and can make you a good price on them. See us before you buy. T, C. Lee & Co. One lot of fountain pen Saturday for only l!'c at Rudges. Quench your thirst with the iJe cold drinks at our fountain. The Union Drug Co. Reliable watches, and jewelry of quality, mxt to Postoilice. J. E. Preslar, Let us till your prescriptions. Accu racy, courtesy and promptness our motto. ' The Union Drug Co. Go to the White Star Cafe for meals. Everything new. neat and clean. Hot and cold baths in room in t he rear of the White Star Cafe. Twenty cents. Dr. E. S. Green's denial olhVei over Krauss' jewelry store opposite Uelk Pros. Oilice plione IS.. For anything in the Furniture line, call on the Monroe Furniture Co. (Copple's.) Send a dollar bill to pay one year in advance for The Journal and say what kind of premium you want and the first mail will bring' it. Wanted Twenty thousand feet inch air dried forest lumber. Monroe Manufacturing Company. Get vour school supplies from the W. J. Rucfge Co. WATT ASIICRAFT, Veterinarian Day calls 113, night call 32. Monroe, N. C. Hospital on Hayne street, north east of court house. For Rent cheap, for sale on long time and verv small payments, or for ex change for vacant lots, land or stocks, two new G-room houses, close in. Frank Armfield. We are agents for famous Geiser Threshing Machines, Gasoline Engines, farm implements, etc. Henderson Roller Mills Co. Drugget and Rugs to suit you. at Monroe Furniture Co.'s (Copple's). Notice of Administration. Having this day qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Rosa Houston, deceased, late of Union county, notice is hereby given to all parties having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Weddington, N. C. , on or be fore the 27th day of September, A. D., P.U2, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please niHke immediate settlement. This tiie '.Mb dav of September, If 11. J. D.'HEMHY. Admr. of Rosa Houston, deed. Redwine & Sikes, Attys. A rowdy ii'jrn was put out of of the store lit' a saw mill near Wiirsaw Saturday night. Iy three young white men who were em ployees, lie laid iu wait for the men mid in the dark jumped out among them mid began slushing with a razor, wounding nil three of them seriously. A. II. Parker who is d-scribed is a "prominent business man," was convicted in the recorder's court in Hickory last week of re tailing "and sentenced to 12 months on the chain gang. Some time ago Parker paid a fine of eighty dollars for a similar of fence and as fines didn't prove effective the recorder tried some thing stronger. The case was np-jH'aled. LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. K. S. tire.-ii,- will sing at the Pr -shyteriati church Sni!.. iiioniitiiT. Lee & Company announce j their showing of fall pattern hats Thursday September 2". .. There will In service at the Lutheran church next Sunday at the f veiling liur. There will he service all thi week at Central Methodist church at four in the afternoon and at seven full V five ill til- evening. Muling hi ear".- work IJev. II. II. .lames oi" Monroe, who is pastor of six churches, has Lap-' tied !' p-T-iiis. 11. Ik lit-iithers ntm.oinee their big fall millinery opening to iriii !ihin!Tov nigh', a.ol ! hist all the week. Mr. .1. A. Ta i"i io. iii near tiiie. S. C, h. an Lnir-1 walnut tree t'-'iir ; :.r hi iYiiltl which he Will get l.!s I,rs crop t !.; enr. While walking on the street oil Sunday ai'teriioou. Mr. W. K. Ma hone was inn into by a boy on a bicycle and his eoiar h. tie wa, broken. The Parks lielk Company, com posed of Mr. -I. i. Parks of Wax haw and I'.ilk liros.. has opened a large establishment at Cuitem-d. Mr. Parks is the manager. After a delightful trip through the West. Middle West, and a stay in Atlanta. Miss Scully will return to Monroe October 2nd. Sin- will open her school of elo cution during the nioii'h. The public is invit- d to an oyster supper at Wedding! .m A eademy Friday night, October 7. given by the church improvement SocU-ty, for the b nci'it of W.-d-dingtoii church. Miss Mitti- I J recti.- returned from MarshviUe y.-s'ei-.lay. Sin will t-aeli a short whil- at Mat thews to supply for another teacher, and later on will teach at Wesley Chapel. Mr. .1. T. 1 lay wood of Vance township has been ;:ppoiutcd b Clerk of the Court Houston a magistrate in bis township to take the pli.'ec of Mr. .loe Ko.lg ers. I'i signed. Mr. 0. C. ii;-!!ey. who liv:- lli'ill' 1 lo!'lsli0'ci, IVIioI'ls that ' members of his i'.-imdy on oiie.lay last we. L picked liii.."i pounds oi i-i.ltcli. As tl'; is a guii.l ib-iil ninrt- i'lian - It pounds for each olio, it Was ii -,'ilg some. All this w-i-k the Mack and Hastings Comedy Company wiil bo ill tin- npeni llmis-. Tin li'eek Hill pi'i'ci-s s-i it is on--of the bis! that has cer b. ell there. The prices will be K, 2" ,'lllli ."!." Ci-llts. At tin- hixie tonight there will be ; fine comedy-" Swat tin- Fly.' Also a tine picture showing relies of (ieorge .Washington. Mount Vernon, mid other things connec ted with the J-'jiMier of his Conn trv. Also a song bv .Mr. Kairley. "In the l.iind of Harmony, r. K. V. Sikes of Wake I-'or-cst College lectured at the liap tist church Sunday morning in the absence of pastor Craig, who is holding a protracted meeting at Hamlet. Dr. Sikes was on the way home from the Kings Mountain Association. Last Sunday afternoon a com mission of Mecklenburg Presby tery organized a Presbyterian church lit IJehohetll school house, two and a half miles southeast of Waxhaw, with a membership of o'. The new church begins its existence under very favora ble conditions. Mr. A. J. (ireene. carrier on route !. who keeps ids eyes open for the ipieer ami the quaint, has brought to the .Journal office a big sweet polato ami ils vine. The potato is not so large, but tne vine is a caution, noing eighteen and a half feci long. It was grown by C. F. Ib.ster. colored. Last week, iii mentioning th I k iy s and girls that were going off to school. The loiirnal made a mistake iji saying that Mat I hew Mi-Cauh-y and Percy ami i-ii-iienry I'iiiou nail gone to l-'ishbui-n Military Academy, Waynesboro. Ya. They will, in stead, pursue their studies at the Porter Military School at Charles ton. Mr. Frank Ogburn of Durham came home Saturday to see his parents here. On Sunday morn ing Mr. Ogburn, who has n fine tenor voice, made a valuable ad dition to the choir of Central church. A quartette composed of Mr. Ogburu and his sisters; Mrs. .1. W. Yates and Mrs. II. R. La ney, and Mr. Laney, saug most beautifully, "The King of Love My Shepherd Is." The four voi ces, long trained together, are most harinouioiLs and beautiful. Personal Mention. Mr. W. W. II .rn left ! night for New York on bi,s:ii.-s.s. Mr. A. A. Scales, who is work ing for ihe Sealx'ard at Uockiug- ham. spent last week at Miss Isahclle Liili-y of Char lotte sp. i.t Sunday with her aunt. Mrs. Jennie Davis. Mis. J. .1. Lindsay will return tomorrow front a visit to Mrs. T. P. Smith at Pagelaiid. Miss l.oii Asl.enift of Marsh viUe is visit ing h.-r brother. Dr. I. K. Asio-rait. f'r a few days. Mr. .1. II. Tn.ll visit, d fri. mis and ri laiivi-s in Lam-a;. r Sim da v Stli! Moitdav. Miss l.i.r iia Wis. i.nii , !,o has been is;-i!g !.c- ji.liit. Mrs. I.. 0. 0;u I-, lit. r. !vtur:.i " lo r home es , r.1. . v . Mr. ..:oi Mis. ;.,'.t. King of Charles:, il ;., visiting the 1. li ter's pa-. -:ils. Mr. nli.i Mrs. .las. M.-Nc-ly. Mrs. Clay Wibs'er lilMVcly of Washington City spent a f.-w days wit it her brother this week while eu route south. Mr. II. Y. lb-Ik has gmi- to Cleveland coiiutv on a visit, and will probably move there, hav ing sold his farm near Altan. Miss Lillian Cuthbeitson. who has aeeeptisl a position in the Oherrv villi- liraded School, b -gan teaching there last week. Squire F.llis !. Puss, r and wife of New Salem township returned last night from visiting Mr. M. N. II. Mill -r of Concord. Mr. P. P. lb-Ik. who has a po sition in the postofi'i.-e ;it Jlruns- wiek. (iii.. has returned to bis home from a visit to his father. Mr. S. 1'.. I'.elk. of Lanes Creek. Mr. Mike Hudson will return to Annapolis Wedin s.l.iy to re sume his studies in the Naval A cadeniy. after spending a month with his people here. Mrs. .1. K. Stewart b ft a few days iiuo for her old home at Vernon Hill. Ya.. to attend Ihe inarriag- of ,,-r sist-r. Miss Mag gie McDowell. M i-s, II. I . I 'rnv ha I ii very ill lor so-, era! d.-.ys. possibly w i ' 1 1 typhoid fcv-T. lb -r sis'er. Mrs. John S.evmau of l...iie:is',er. w ho has been ,-, i' h b -!-. ret urn -d ioe.ii vested!. ' c. Woodmen of tho World. The i ' 1 1 1 1 1 : i t oi, lily ( of t Io Wooiiiiiil) of the World Assoeiil- !ion will hold it n ei:iar quarior ly i liiig on ( b-t. 7 at 2 p. in.. ill the l-'raleruily 1 1 ,-1 i I iil Monroe All ciiiiips in this association " i 1 ! please si nd t heir full i;i:iiil-cr of il'-i'giiles. iis tin-re is business of iliipol tanee t-i be transacted. .lilllies N. Price. 1'lVsi.iellt. John Thos. Helms. See. and Tivs Sjit urday night Mr. Mrady Niisl stiil-ted home with a I'lUgy load of groceries, illcludilie; il juif of tnoliisses. which Wiis sitting in tin lilieU ol tin- iMIggv. ,s Me was passing over Thi.- railroad I'l'idy a negro ran up behind the buggy. grabbed the jug. and cut out. Ml Nash jumind out and rmi after him. when the niiiii threw the jug over the rail and jumped about tttelltV feet. Mr. Niish got his jug buck unbroken but the, man Cot away, lie evidently thought Mr. Nash had a jug of blind ti ger liquor. I in Monday of last week Mr. Sidnev Helms moved from Mon- i to Charlotte. On Tuesday. while getting off a street ear, he Wiis thrown violently to the ground and seriously liurt on the head. He was taken to a hospit al, but left pretty sum, thinking that he would be all right, lln-re wiis severe bleeding from the ear and hiter ft i tin- nose and he had to be taken back to I he hos pital. His people Inard from him Sundav. iitul h- wiis then doing very well. .1. M. Miisse. the blind musi cian w ho lived iu this 1 i. ii and sic! ion for ii b-i:g time, gut out of til." pelliteli! i,il about three liioiiths ago and ha gone back In his old tricks. lb- was sent up from Vance for twelve month for passing a worthies c!i -ek. lb has just been arrested by I'ink crtotis iii Ciis.i. Ark., for passing a worthless check on the Hank of Futon. He passed the check at LirkiiiKvillo, Ala., and it was for tell dollars. A few days ago Mr. Charlie l?y rum of Vance tow nship saw a pigeon light on the house and go! his twenty-two rifle and shot it. He was surprised to find that it was a carrier pigeon and had on its leg a silver band with the letters and figures "P. C '01 2:t'' Lee & Lee Company announce their showing of full pattern hats Thursday, September 2S. Lee & Lee Compairv THE LEADING Dry Cools. Notions, Mlllinero. Clotbing anl Shoe Store la MONROE. NORTH CAROLINA. TE sell good Shoes for the money. Not because wc think or say so, but be cause our shoe customers know so out of experience. Shoppers shoe-particular are quick to rec ognize the superiority of our footwear in the way of leathers, workmanship, fitting qualities, and style. It's the little hidden things in shoes that count. You don't have to foot a foot-bill so often in buying good substantial shoes such as sold by us. The styles we are now showing areentircly correct and embodying the latest whims of fashion. "We're ready; walk in and let us show you the latest products from the big manufacturers, such as Dorothy Dodd, The Selby, and Ilarrisburg shoes for women; French, Shriner & Urner, Leonard Shaw & Dean, and King Quality for men; Daddy Duke Shoes for boys and youths. Special bargains in closing lots: Standard makes at 50c to $1.00 reduction on the pair. If you want to save money buy your shoes from us. LEE & ill COMPANY, THE LEADINC DEY GOODS, K0TI0S3, CLOTHING, GENTS' FGB31SHISGS, HIT AID SHOE STORE IN MOSEOE. The Season's Styles reveal a decided English influence in Men's Suits. The shoulders natural and rounded; body lines incur ving; waist rather high, and with the lines of the lower limbs long and slen der, narrowing to the feet. To best appreciate the change slip into one of our Beouttil New Model suits and study the effects in the mirror. You are bound to ibe pleased with Trim, Nifty Clear Cut Reflection. And The New Fabrics, They are Simply Wonderful. You know to be Fashionable, you must have the right shade and character of weave as well as cut. For all that is newest in Shoes, Hats and Furnish ings, see us. Flow C) Phifer. 'PHONE 19 FOR GOOD PRINTING V t 4 6

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