YOUR DOCTOR KNOW and will 'tell you that unless his prescriptions are tilled with the utmost tiJelitv-with the purest ar.d freshest drags all his ability to cure you wiil be wasted. Your prescriptions should bo bright to this store where we pride ourselves on the care devoted to carrying out your physician's instructions. While our prescription departnwnt is the lest equip ped in town, we also have a selected stock of all the latest necessaries in medical and sanitary appliances. English Drug Co. The Dependable Store. The Gathering of the Democratic Tidal Wave. Prtsidrnt Taft' vrtors f the fniir five list and of the 'downward n-vUit'ii nf the wool tariff M-liedulrs. only si-re In throw into sharp definition the iuir-vii e lrssou f IteniiH-mtie eolllriletiveHeiw uri exemplified at the -re-Ut S evsioll if I'.'ll- The eredit of aehieVeUU'llt . :ilid ?!: n-ponsi'iilitv of uluitruru-ii. !! pi. .(-.! e.iet!y where tli ! i:sr. I'nd-r tin- h.-indieap o- :i I.'. iil !:. ;.n I'.-i ili-nt. and a K'.-pill'li.-aii S. the I Vlt:-. ! Il-.ixi- :' K. pi-.-M iitativ. '; e.irri.-.i ! hriiili n eteiisi. , n.i i'l'i.'l.-l!. j.! .. -;i -il of relief !. ' ' i Uaeked hy the N:''1". I i'JW iVrl. le..lell tl"Vlt S'-:,, ..1 S.-n;ite h.-irrieix li;is in-;-... .! t V'ns ,'Hi l eoidltiiil oil tli- v. : S.-ii i'!' ti .it t ronylioM of ; ! ti. I ,.s won ietury for proi iiv iifler it liad heell r ..:e.l hv the :ist lu'plll'liciili ' Pageland Insurance & Realty Company : DEALERS IN Life Insurance, Fire Insurance, Real Estate, and Real Estate Loans. Three hundred choice Town Lots for sale. Also a number of valuable Farms near Pageland. Write for prices and terms. PACELAND INSURANCE & REALTY COMPANY, L. L. PARKER. PRESIDENT. H. N. ASKINS, SECRETARY. ' gr v. !:;is pitssed tilt' Woman's Real Independence lies in the possession of money of her own. A sav ings bank account means a lot towards a woman's happiness. We are glad to open accounts with wo men. Those whose savings can only be small are wel comed as well as those with larger incomes. Savings, Loan & Trust Company R. B. Hcdvvlne, Pretident H. H. Clark, Cathier i " !- ei- .ii- tree list hill, tile Wool lull. the roMoll .hill, the Statehood hill, the .iireet eieetiiii of Senators resolution. ihesidis inaugurating far-rea iniijr J lvtreiuiiiiitiits. and t'lirhing the ! trusts hy investigations that h.ave done more to eheek lawless ntn lopoly than has any other hit or ! hridle tried in the last twenty ; years. I I Silt now. hetweell the Heiiloe ' raey and the people to whom it ' hrinpi rescue, rises another fort- less of privilege, as in the hattle I of (iermautowti, during the Kv ; chit ion. a single stone house, i;,ir i'isoued hy a company or two of jMritish. stood Ix-tween Vshinr I ton and the eajture of l'hil.i.lel Ipliia. That fort is t lie White House. It is there that Mr. Taft wielding the Veto power. vvjives signals of encouragement to the .standpatters of the Senate, the il'ayiies. Cauiions and Dalel! of Mile Utilise, and Uses the aillhor jity vested ill him to neutralize (the splendid campaign of l:n- j oeratie pl orressiveess. It will not he neutralized. J My his reactionary vetoes, and' , the threat of other reactionary I etoi s to eome. Mr. Til f t oliM I opens the way to a decisive map ping out of a henioeratie tri- , uni.i L-reatcr than that of 1'Mn. The renudy for eoiistrue; ion xciiaccd hy ohstruct ion is niili taliey. The 1 )eiloela1 ie worker ol pill, ha Iked of the just oh- , jicts for which he works, he- collies the soldier of V2. US lie i was the soldier ill lulil. j The hosts which won the na tionwide Democratic victory last iyear. hy a multitude of Kepuhli- cans. who have waited and watched, reserving decision until they should see whether the Ke- puhlicaii crash of lMln had taught their party any states- MASURTS You insure your house or barn as a protection against fire. You wouldn't insure it ia a company you didn't know was re liable. Paint is simply another kind of insurance, a protection against weather. It costs a lot more than fire insurance and is worth a lot more because when you insure a building you don't know it is going to burn down. There isn't one chance in a hundred that your protection is really going to benefit you. If you use good paint you know absolutely that the protec tion is going to save you a big loss. At least the value of the building, for it will make it last twice as long. If the paint isn't good the protection is worthless, so why shouldn't you demand the same reliability with your paint that you do with your fire insurance? You will get it if you buy paint from us. HEATH HARDWARE CO. WHOLESALE MONROE, N. C. RETAIL nianship, whether Mr. Taft had profited by that sever uperi- nee. These sentinels on the watch- tower of Keplllilieall Klitie l.ow have their answer, ilo-v have sccii relief to the country near. They have seen it brought by Mcmoeratie hands. They mt seen President Taft iutcrse his jMtoes lictweclt the irivers and 'the recipients. I hex uae also vn that m Jthe struv"-'!e of the past months !'u t'oiiyrisN. iill the progressive (elements that tons;!,! avraiust , dow nward tariff revision, and jot her measures of rroirress, and. i l. n ;r;cii to hav, hairied for i.'tiy vantage point that misrlil "e!l .ie..iixt the people, and for ' ,!e- ti i ih tre interest,. ure II' - ;.!! heat:. N'lletein t -II Was the of ; revolt of the ilid' p lldent Voters J from ti,.' Republican party. Nine teen twelve Will be the oar ol I lie revolt from that parly of '.hat extensive folhiwiiiii. who. while not thick and thin parly men. are Uuuid tighter by the ordinary tics id' party affiliation than that class jrciierically de scribed as independent voters us ually are. Thus we have a three fold set of eonditinns: 1. The Democracy solidified and strengthened durinj; the interval U'twecn HMO and l!M2. '2. The independent voters, who contributed so much to the ocratic success of last year, eon firmed in their faith by the rec ord of Democratic achievement in 1!M1. !. The warp and woof of the Republican party disintegrated hy the disaffection of those Re publicans who have held their judgment in abeyance until now. hut who have definitely come to the conclusion that the people have nothing to expect from the Republican party. A situation made of such com ponent parts presupposes only out result. What that result will be is shown by the steady and inex orable jrathefiliir of the Demo cratic tidal wave of pip.'. Na tional Monililv. T!.or In mere CiiMrrh !n t'. i" iM-ction of tin- . xiimry t!i. in all ot.,.-r li-.iw P'lt tuC'tii. r. an I i;.::H il.e . I..--I ! o- j.ipi' s' .l to I' la ura'.lt . r a i;rrni many ' il tor s i-rfiamii. ed it a laea! llM'.i a:, I .r .1 1 t ri. ilies. ami by raiuiaiitly falLnn In curt- ith I -eal treatment, pr-mouiv ! It In-nralO.-. S -l-cn liaa .ren fatarrh M lie a rnntl t u 1 1 in . 1 1 ilisi as-, ati'l tin r f"r regain rnamtatieiial treaiment. H. ill's Onlana Cnre. niamifa' I nn-il lv K. .t t"tien v & fe . T. I- !. i hi... la tin- cnlv Camllm ure en the m irk t. It W tak u In-t.-niatly In .lei" from 1" ilrep la a t' a Pliaonf ll. It to t ilir.ctly en the Heetl Bml nuii . mis f nrfaet h nf tla1 pyt.-nt. Thev rff.T one humlr.Ml ilnllnro fur any as.' It fall tn iure. Send far elnularn nnil tf tlmtmlals. A.MrM: F. J. CHESTY CO., TuUMn, . P!.l lr DrupeUtii. 7r. Tke Ui: Family TilU for (onstlpatiim. No Need to Stop Work. When your doctor orders you to slop work, it stagers you. "I can't" you say. You know you arc weak and run down mid fail ing in health, day by day, but you must work as loiijr as you can stand. What you need is Klcetrie ISittcrs to give tone, strength, and vigor to your sys tem, to prevent breakdown and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Klcetrie ISittcrs will beuifit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only ode at English Drug Co. DANDRUFF. Dandruff means that down near the putts of your hair there is a vast army of little invisible germs or microbes. And Ihis army never sleeps; it ua'.'es a war of dcstni.-tion night and day. It destroys the nourish ment that the hair must have in order to grow vigorously and a hundaitth . PARISIAN SACK now sold all over America will destroy these germs ami at the same time fur nish the hair roots with just the proper nourishment to ni.tkc hair grow lustrous ami luxuriant. PARISIAN SACK is guaran teed by English Drug Co. to ban ish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp or money hack. It is a delightful hair dressing that wins instant favor with refined women. Sold for only ode a large bottle by English Drug Co. ami druggists everywhere. ('Sirl.with auburn hair on every cartoon ami Kittle. Notice of Administration. Having this day qualified as the ad ministrator of R. M. Green, deceased, this ii to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them on or before the 2oth day of August, 1912, or this notice will be plead in bar of their payment All perrons indebted to the estate should make payment at once. This 25th day of August, lull. W. S. BLAKENEY, Administrator of K. M. Green. Three Deaths. Marsh ville Home. Mr. J. It. Stateii died Friday at her home in New Salem town ship, aged '!" years. She was a member of Olive ISram-li church and was a good woman and a de voted wife and mother. She leaves a husband and eight chil dren to mourn their lovs. Funer al services were conducted Thurs day at four o'clock by Rev. A. Marsh and the remains were in tcrred in the Simpson graveyard in New Salem township. In a cotton gin at Dig l.iik. Stanly county. Saturday after noon. Mr. Pcarsall Poirrus had an arm so badly luaiiele.l that it had to be amputated. I.oss of blood from the wound caused Mr. Pur riis death Sunday morning about eiirht o'clock. .Mr. Harms was years of age ami leaves a wife and several children. lie was a god cili.eii and his sum ingly untimely death was a great shock to the eouimunitv. His re mains were interred v.-sterd.iv at ten o'clock in the eemetcrv at I'liion (irove. .Mr. .1. C. tiriffin of New Sa lem township, died Friday morn ing, aged 4 years. Of course he was living tin borrowed time, hut dropsy was the immediate cause of his death. Mr. (irifi'in was a good old man and leaves a large family of children to mourn their loss. .Mesrss. J. C. Criffin of New Salem township. I. dntfiii ot tmose ( reek township and .1. S. (iriffin of leniiessee are the surviving sons, md the daughters are Mcsdamcs Ci. W. and .1. R. Williams of New Salem township nd Eli Nance and hhsha Mullis of Marshville township. The burial took place Saturday at two o'clock at the family graveyard near the home of the deceased. Not a Word of Scandal marred the rail of a neighbor on Mrs. W. p. Spangh of .Mauville, Wy, who sand: "she told me Dr. King' New Life Tills had cured her of obstinate kidney trouble, and made her fcl like a new wo man." Easy, but sure remedy for stomach, liver and kidney trouble. Only 2,k at English Drug Company's. Little Boy Burns His Sister to ueatn. Mooresv illc. September Is The little two-year old child of E. ti. Friday of this idace was a vic tim to a malicious and horrible lea th Friday niirht. the fads of which have just been learned. The child ami a four year old brother were playing in the kitch en while the mother was irnniiiir in an adjoining room. The boy secured a small stick ami lighted it at the stove and then applied it to the childs' clothing. The little girl was burned from the waistband to the head and was a terrible sight. In the child's terror it inhaled the flames, which resulted in its death. The Iniv. when asked why he hail set fire to his sister's clothing, said ".lust cause.". He seems to have a mania for burning things., he having applied a torch to the child's hair one day last winter, and set fire to the window curtains. Ricllt in VMlr httip.t tf.enn fek.. nti hy the leant time to (.par TOu ire niiwl likely In tike diurrlnsa and' lose wTeral dura' Aim mthi.a . .. I. -. t 'I.....L. I- ....... ...... iinuinrriaiii Colic, C'hiilrrt and Piarrlioea Keuiedy at liand and take a done cm the firet appear snce of the diee. For sale ly all dialers. DOCTOR H.D.STEWART PHYSICIAN, MONROE, N. C. If too ri!rf mj ervieen. rail me throng! RrHrnre pln.tie 141 ; Otfli-e 'rhi.n HIT. Oltle h'ltirt 11 to I'i. a. m., and Irom 1:10 to I p. m. Ortlt-eovrr In Inn lrui Company . Ker Irtrnr on l.anratr arenue. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Jffcce op stairs, Fitzgerald Building Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. A. M. Stack .1. .1. Parker STACK & PARKER, Attorneys-at-Law, MnnrfM" K C Mr. I'arker will practice in all Criminal Courts, cither for State or Hefeiis.'. Offices in Law Uldg. N'cy MeNccly Vance McW-ely McNEELY & McNEELY, Attorneys-at-Law. Monroe, N. C. Practice in the State and Federal courts. Office up-f tairs over I. O. DR. B. C. REDFEARN, Dentist, Office one door south of C. W. Hruner's Store. Phone 232. Monroe ,N. C. At Marshville on 1st and :Jrd Mondays of each month and Mat thews on 2nd and 4th .Mondavg. J. C. M. VANN, Attorney-at-Law. Monroe.N. C. Office in Loan & Trust Building. Phone 29. Rooms 2" & 3. DR. R. L. PAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, Monroe, N. C. Office over Maddry & Willson' store, Shute's new building. Office hours 11 to 12 a.m.. 2 to 4 p.m. Residence phono 273 R, Franco Swiss Choco lates are Classy Sweets in a Wide Variety of Nifty Packages. Union Drug Co. t 5 V jj Why Not Have the Best? It cost no more and takes no longer. I am prepared to give my customers the best work possible, and so licit your patronage. If our work suits you, tell other; if not, tell us and we will be pleased to make it satisfactory. :: :: :: :: Special Price on Straw Hats lor Thirty Days. Carolina Pressing Club LAWRENCE S. PRESSON, PROP'R PHONE ICS. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday &re good days to look through our Jewelry Stock. The other good days are Thursday, Friday and Saturday. J. E. PRESLAR, Jeweler, Next lo Postolllce. Notice. Pv virtue of a morteaee deed execu ted to me by W E. William and Kiz zie Williams, hid wife, on 1st day of Mav. 19011. and dulv reeintered in office of Register of Deed of Union county, N. C, 1 will on the 19th day of Octoher, 1911, sell for cash to the highest bidder at courthouse door in Monroe, a house and lot in the city of Monroe, known and designated as follows: Beginning at stake in the east edge of Boyte street, northwest corner of lot 18 in Block 6 of the Monroe Realty Co'a purchase from Mrs. A. M. Vann, (nowJ. W.Privett'a lot) and runs with the northern bound ary of said lot S. 86 E. 145 feet to a stake in went edge of an alley; thence with said alley N. 3f E. M feet to a stake, corner of lot 20 in Block 6; thence with lot 20. N. 86 W. 145 feet toa stake in east edge of Boyte street; thence with east edge of Boyte Street S. 3 W. 54 feet to beginning, being lot 29 in Block 6 of Vann Heights property. Sold to satisfy bonds secured hy said mortgage deed. This 19th day of Sept., 1911. martin I'rixett, Mortgagee. r