ALC'HKtL 3 PLK ( K X f AVrtrt-W;' IV-pr r' n la;:t'S.'T.ieti:illJvSi.f r.T.r.M:ij:!i.vGf.Trj ivss :;u! .to.ii lbs t XotXa:icot:. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears Signature of - ij;..- .,; !...--..- lur, V. - AnfitT : h.'r.v;iv iV.T;ns ci lion. Sour SatBarii. Dun'!'' WonasJTtw.i.l.xas'.vrisa was wu'.L'JSj OF J UiST. rarSL-A- S ' kew yohk. . I Bears the X, v, I bismature A. J 1 Guaranteed uni-ruTF Exact Copy of Wrapper. lo Use For Over Thirty Years Txc Hinwi fmpmur. mtm o Our Store is very complete with all the latest and best medium priced TTrfin FORM and if there was ever a time when the young couple going to housekeeping could furnish every room in the house to begin with at a nominal cost and such conditions of purchase to make it a real easy matter, it is NOW. We are in a position to give you the best in every particular, and a com parison will convince you. Yours for business. T. P. DILLON. r.'iM v .w i w i Capital Stock, $30,000.00 A School with a reputation for doing high-grade work. One of the best ei-nippcd schools in the Smith. THE LAIJU EST. The strongest faculty. MOKE (iUADl'ATES IX POSI TIONS than all other business schools in the State. I'.ookkeop injr, Shorthand and English. No vacation. Write for handsome catalogue. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte, N. C. We also teach Bookkeeping Shorthand, Penmanship, etc., by mail. Send for home study circular. New and Beautiful Things We have added a new line of Cut Glass, Silverware and fine China to our Drug Store. We now have the prettkst display in the city and can suit you. Also, a most bewitching assort ment of beautiful Box Paper, Tablets, and Stationery of all kinds. Look at our fine show case and window display. Very truly, C. N. SIMPSON, Jr., Druggist. ianjor uijluuw oy sum. ww the Sens of the Big Meeting at Montgomery Hold for 15 Cents. tVminisi r of Agriculture. Majr William A. Graham, who has lately rvt uriicl frui the Montgomery cnltoii confer -iiei. has jrivcii I he Paily New s of (Jr-' an interest inf inter view in rvjiard to the of that conference ami also in re jran I to general cotton ciliil't hois as he ha nlwrvcd Iheiu. Major '"laliani is culifi.lciil that fifteen cent, will !.. received for Ihe sta- .1 if the f.t fillers nh'.e hy the decision of that convention in set tin:: this figure as a minimum. In an interview villi The -vvs Major ( said the reason the convention Was e.iUc.l Was he cause the Secretary of Aui ieult Hie of tie- Ullilcl Mates gave a statement that the euttoii crop was lliofe tll.lll H.IMUHl hales. 'The Secretary was r rhap cor rect. he said. "for. at the time the pfopicts for I he crop had never been c.c cdetl in tin his tory of tli- e it ton raisins: Stales, an I a great many States had re ported the condition at l'Ni per cent or more, .so the Secretary was not much to Maine for t In istimatc. "Ity the middle of July the crop liegan to deterioate in al most every State, in North and South Carolina hy the drought, and many other Slates through the excessive rains. These rains were favorable to the boll wee vil, the worm and ll ateipillar. all of which made their appear ance and began to work a s rious injury. The boll weevil has ef fected each crop for the past S or 10 years, but the boll worm and the ciii Mpillar have not done serious damage for 10 years past. The est mate of the Secretary of Agriculture was received as probably a true amount of the crop. The price was based on this, and as a result of the con ditions, fell to from ." cents to cents. This being the condi tion of affairs, and Alabama be ing affected by til" decline in the ni'obablc amount, the tiovermn' of Alabama, in conjunction with the Commissioners of Auriculi uiv of Alabam iiiid tieorgia. called the meeting of the Commission ers of AlM'iellll HIV of tile cottoll Stales, lo v liieli was in it ! nol only t!i farmers interested. b;n also the banker . iin'rchants ami others whose profits depend oil the farmers receiving a remuner ative pri"e for their goods. "Tile object aiimd ill was to eel as far as possible a correct estimate as t i tin amount of tin1 crop. Each commissioner by cor respondence or observation en deavored to get a true statement as to the average crop in each Stale. At the farmers' conven tion in K'alei'.'h. August -J: to :!1. tile delegates from the different counties were asked to report on the respective counties IIS com pared vvilh the yield of last year. Ki ports were obtained from all but nine, and for these the re ports from adjoining counties as to the increase or decrease were used. Allowing for per cent increase in acreage, the amount of the crop for North Carolina was estimated at (ilt.lKNt bales, and at the Montgomery meeting all the reports were collected. The amount of the total crop was then estimated at iL'.OOO.IMH). "Three reports were received from different sources, one from the Commissioner of Agriculture, which made the amount It.titO.- Odllbales; one from the farmers' union at their meeting in Oklaho ma. 11.747.IHMI, ami another from such other sources as the dele gates to the convention could furnish. l-MoO.OOO. This mad.' tin average amount a little less iik t auioriiia or .Missouri, which usually grow small amounts, the task of cstiiuatiiiir was placed in the hands of cotuittec on statis tics, of which 1 was chairman, and estimated the yield at 12.- ."INMI.INMI. "There Is more of tie Cottoll crop omii at this time than -r-haps at anv other year in histo ry. The red spider and the wilt have caused many plants to shed leaves and tier- is n pov.Mli ty of any further iel.l in such cases. For this reason the con vention thoiiv'ht tbat the crop Mlo!lld colli nalel 1" cell's i. pound, and a Ivis- d the farmers to bold for that amoMht. '"September will show p.-. laps I he largest loimiief of bales gin ned in that mouth at any time, ami the r-e:p;s i;i October wiil be very lai-e-. If the cotton can be gathered, four-fifths will he ready for the mark't by Novem ber 1. and to obtain profit ibe prices for ;! the farmers must hold tul nol oliit tin' market with larger offeriiius than the demand. A hale of cotton is now better security than the good manufactured from it are. and then will be no difficulty in the farmers obtaining from the bunks the money necessary to hold the crop where they desire to do so." Catarrh Sufferers. If You Don't Know About Hyo mei Try It at English Drug Co.'s Risk. Nearly every reader of The Journaf has read about 11VOMEI. but many of them continue to suffer from catarrh just because thev do imt cxactlv understand just what 1IYOMEI is. To these sufferers The English Drug Company says you don't have to know anything about IIYOMEI except that you breathe it and that it does not contain cocaine or opium or any harmful drug. Vou can find out all about IIY OMEI without taking any chan ces uhat'' r. Jiisl iet an out fit, to-day. nad tlie simple in structions, eive it a fair trial and then if V"U are not willing !o say that it is the best remedy for alarm o i nav e ever iis.'ii i no English li'iiir Company wiil ghid- tvl urn our moiii'v . , ciiinloete IIYOMEI -outfit cos.s ii. . . r.x r. O' 'Mies .io ccllls. She is a hold jrirl who wiil al- ti nipt to sit on a weak km ed W IUU iCCl Illli NdJJ IV rJ fcrl H tirrJ out f Vo you u"tael!a thin oa just caa I r ) u .ur prate' j-$-'jf''i ra M ,rtU in1 J ?M' " "r t?e l1.)Xr lue, aaJ nkc at au'J. un.hle lu -vt Ars rii'' v- yur crvr a.l !ie, an-J u.r :uiaah Itji i i bitiua In iri c-lcJ s lie utU Icit Jew? if so. yot t:j:;J t 1 1 mijlit a put (Upl Y'.-u " la'.Try. Vo c Lnij iH d S-iz-z -1 .... ,il IJr. I'wrrc "wl.ra .'-uJicJ Uisco.ry nsake ua oinjrrr.I iai:vidjal. II ..I m.i uor M ort. It ut Mt ti:.r. r.'-.t is 'ur i'.i p-.tch. an J ymir aprt''e vrt e b-tv P1-'- our fcluoJ- It ttwfj iany trnjni-y iauc.r fiinil) lurj c.. im t'.;'.J. it mill Wfv.i tiia JrcaJ Ceir.e,if avi). I'.tii ccn jispliun iiM aliwnl tAa.-i a l'-leU in ihe i.r;a m 1 Wtri i eM.i hro-ichi:.'.. f W "-'' U '. ' ' . ,;"-' cat in vS ,er cu:. i t 1 c a rcn.tfjy frewed h 4V. K. . icr, f liuiU: .. ,. .. .i e ..:..- is ;t pre iu M ! v..,h i fc-w. J. -vit usrt-vi hat ij k trjin l.i wiJi vnri.K-c a-i I ' i-tvl pra.lne. " lioa t Iw wl-cel.-l bv a pemy-.-iMimd ikilcf -no t-.'.x uJcftir nub,tf t-:itrs ler IV. I'.crc:' meJiciiu-s rccuira.z.-ilcJ to he " j : I jcoov. U.-. IVfc' mv''in are or i.s n cov-srsines. Tiicir evrry initredM pr rui n t:.-:r wrappers. Mj.1 ro.e. .t!n:t al-ohi.l. (immn v" " (.'.ini'.'iit Jiu-.. W -rlJ" !)e(v iis-rr McJicat Associa'ion, BuiIjIo. N. You caiini go aiFooodl Wood's Fall Seed Catalogue Just issued tells what crops you can put in to make the quickest grazing, or hay, to help out the short feed crops. Also tells about both Vegetable and Farm Seeds that can be planted in the fall to advantage and profit. Every Farmer, Market Grower and Gardener should have a copy of this catalog. It is the best and most com plete fall seed catalog issued. Mailed free. Write for it. T.W.WOOD Ct SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. FEATHER BE05 AND PILL0WJ SPECIAL OFFER! Let Us Send You a 36 Pound All r.alh.r Bad and Pair of 4A A A 6 Pound Feather Pillows IN Mil Freight Prepaid for ... t Send Express or P. 0. Moaev Order. TURNER & CORNWELL, Ctwattt, 1 1 Ke-5ale of Valuable Lands. Vnrth Carolina Union CountV. Matilda Aloobrooks ct ul. vs. James Perry et al. llu virtue of nn nnler of the clerk of OU'OI"! VVM V V. ...... ........ in the above entitled proceeding, which is a (iroi'eeaing lor me saic 01 me nere inafter described lands for partition among tenants in common, I will, on Monday, October 16, 1911, at 12 o'clock m.. at the court house door in Monroe, N. C, sell to the high est bidder upon the terms hcreinaftei mentioned, the following described lands, to-wit: Lying and being in Mon roe township, adjoining the lands of C N. Simpson, Erwin Medlin and others hounded as follows: Uct?iniiingata stake by a pine and p. o., Mfdlin's line, mid running thence S. '.:U W. 11 lo chains with said line to a pine stump in said Simpson's lino of nis Kubt. Starnes tract; thence with bis line S. i" chains to a stake hy a r. o., pine and b. j., B. J. Whitlev's corner in said line; thence with said'Whitley's line S. SS K. l:f.."H chiinstoa stake in fail line; thence with the division line between this and the balance of the Steeu-s tract N. i.'i) V. 'J.'i chuins to the beginning, contain ing "i'J acres more or less, being the lands conveyed to John V. Perry, now deceased, by W. II. I'hifer and wife by deed dated 22nd March, ls'.ts, a:id recorded in the registry of Union coun ty. N. ('.. look of deeds 2T. pnee 5.W, etc., reference to which is hereby made for more particular description of said lands. SoW subject to dower rights of Amanda Bland, widow of John F. Per ry, deceased. The reversionary inter est in said dower rights will also be sold. Terms of sale: one-third cash, remainder on a credit of four months; title retained until all of the purchase money is paid in full. Bid to commence at $V0. This the 15th day of Septem ber, mi. R. W. LEMMOND, Commissioner. ill a long while and not see cloth ing anything nearly as stylish and distinctive as the suits we are now making to measure for good dressers. Come and have a look at the exclusive, classy fabrics and you'll certainly order a suit from them. Our unusual guarantee of a perfect fit and finished tailoring goes with each suit. We could not afford to turn out anything else. WE GET EIGHT IN SIDE OF A SHOE before we admit it to our shelves. We want to know of what and how it is made. Good looks alone will not satisfy us no matter what pries induce ments are offered us to place an order. The shoe you buy here will wear a3 well as it looks and will keep those good looks till the end. Can you afford not to wear that kind? Sit THE BEST THAT IS MADE is the only shirts we deal in. Our fine white linen and colored shirts are perfect fitting and durable, and give satisfaction till they are worn out. Our stock of fine furnishings for men em braces everything in neckwear, underwear, gloves, umbrellas, shoes and hats that the up-to-date man need3 for business or dress wear. II ft TT H SHE. Machine Shop We are now prepared to repair jour engine or other machinery, do your plumbing and other wor' in our line. Shop near freight depot. AUSTIN & CORRELL. J m. "wit t 1 w.i 11 When the Engine Rattles Up to your door is no time to think of fire insurance. You have de layed just one day too long. The time to think of insurance is the day before the fire. That is to day for the prudent man. Better have us issue you a policy. Your house is just as likely to burn to morrow as any one's. 2 ft . . f,vr r-tf ut III'VT5? ' - T 'fV I PHONE 209. Gordon Insurance & Investment Co. 'PHONE 19 FOR GOOD PRINTING