opoihng the Game!?;' frencnmen iueu. ni m pvi.u-uef m lUi d.N,iur .Toulon, Franc. Sept. i'l Thej Mr. Luke Kussell .f the Mcdi hatl.Vxhip Lilt rte of the Fr iu h ra' tVIhgr at Charlotte hjh it t.avy ua t.ini apart aii.l destroy- yesterday ui:h friend I. .-re. il by an t u ..f h r n.air.i- Mr. KMU Snyder, ai: uIo t-( ".lit l'..iv. I.. :v..ii; .in. I oj U.- S. A. L.. mm n. .'nr.l.i oi"fi-vr and isi.-i. w.T.- killitl. '-kI1 at-d s ukI.ix wv.t r.-Sal i v Wan l'tl.- alm-ist I, "1 know you want to hear all about the doing, here at Glen Echo," rol. E!U&bth to hr be fried at bom. lt' a orej Mil place rather quiet, yoo know. Only a few eopl ar here, but most ot them ar erjr con ferral. "A I didn't rom :th any rtpvcta- liua ui emg a uu:nier reo- i 1 ao't th. lea.t ltsturtJ to dta- j JtiuutlK . . i vx'vrr iumi lutrt a. oa:y udc yuuii. nan to tha two girl. They quickly turned tha trio lno a quartet by add ing me to the group and all bad the Jolllcet lim liraglneble for a week. "Tom Denby we all cat him Tom U bright and Interesting and be eenied perfectly content to Bock wtth mm three glrla without alngllng any one Of ua out for special attention. Aa he vaa. ot otfur... by far the beet Wnoll player ot the lot, we took turns play 4ng as bis peitner, and at the MttU bop? There most of the daacers were married women asd their young chll dren. be danced with us turia bout. with stiiotaat Impartiality. "If he liked any one of us better than the others, he neer showed bis preference In the sllghtett degree. I wae-luit beginning to think Mm about the rarest and squarest man I bad ersr met when Luella Penderton ap peared on tbe scene. ImU'umi l K.-i-iii-l:i;i.- Ut.Uy !ai!i.is:l and '.in- K li!-i I.-!i:iH-r.T :- ;m. I W-rtii- u'.w nf!Vrr.l -rely from tin- nmsv, f tuUled in u ;,t!. am.r plaV that .. h.irhd ;,p..,i ;:r lliftv This n '.): irr-.i!t uIsinI.j that has -t !ai!.n ;p..:i t'lc French n.uy ami :ii iiia'! .!,!. h . Y. ;.th. r. Mr. Matl:.-.. rv. M h.r Jiloa.l. Mlv K. 1". Si.w;,lt l!i U.iii an I'tiii.l -j-l-u: i.t )..!!.V l;.st V,v. rn- w; a is. tor in t ll.IV, lit ill ill. -Mrv. .I,i:a K. Li!t , tin n'M i.'a!:iij I,-nt Si!ur.l;. uieii! !ii!. i !n- prut' ui:,!t pr.iNtrai.- !itn. ,.f li liif ilitl an.! ti.iii.ii! i iiii!.!.- Mr. T. Sr.wart. illH'IINV tin- 1M tll.TV ot tin- r-- -.iit r.-virv li, n-. a lu.ta-Mr .i j'lay .f Friitu'i-'k naval ur.-atn-vs, in lii!i tlio (lo.'ii;i .sh.ii was mil' of the fiiii-st fijrurr. Tin- tx out one hi r rau' s wniuint of J't-H' Mr. ; w i .Itiiiij: , f M..ii VI !l Sun- ; M..i.r... i'.it!;.r. Upeming LPispJiay Oh FSS Millineiryo has . 1- w.l! Mr. Hraswi-ll of C;.ir:..:;. r.m.,1 .Mr. K. 11. JI.h.;-, s tug? ii.nr tin- atiulciiiv a'nl move li:s family lu-r s. on. .Mrs. .. . Hut,.,, i;t usion. liih wipdl K,, l" ' lft week it!i In Frauds n.w.'M au.l ."'roth.r. Mr. S. P. Lin!,- in The Lalest Novelties from New York. most iov-rtiil lattltslii.s htiiit-' ri'k townslup. ti at .:.s in the tiiorniii. It -'tis .orn NMiiibcrlx ivHinici was i'rm tlc.1 hy ami was tin re- r''l.v ir" lK-k Hill, ulirrei.hr stilt of an outbreak of fire. Tlii'!1'" w,,lt ' sui'ply for a st.no flames snrea.l r:nillv in si-ite . pranher for a Jew las. of all efforts to master tlnm an.l' reatheil the mara.iii. s hefoivj Sunday School Statistics. mere was time to tloo.l them.' "w uuUiy eliool statist les The ma gaiues exjiloiletl with tre- ,'r Stiiulay in town are as nnn.Ious violenee. souinsr h'.ith 'oiiows, tiie tirst fisnin ln-in She was so extremely ge.tle and sweet, with such an appealing voice and manner, that wt girls never for a moment suspected that a wolf bad come among us garbed In the fleecy softness of baby lamb. The ery first morning after her arrlYal sh asked In a helpless sort ot way how a telegTam could be sent Tou can teiephoce k over to the Tillage.' I said. "'Oh. I shouldn't like to do that. be replied. 'There's always danger Of getting a message confused over the phone. I always like to give It to the operator myself. Is It too far to walk to the villager " No. replied Tom. 'We walk over nearly every day for lie cream. It's only to miles.' "Two miles: I'm sfr.ild I couldn't quite accomplish two miles and tuick. ine looked down at her f ot and signed as if reproaching them for be ing to Ineffectively smiill. Her trim fclgh heeled rsK-nt Paiher pumps did look absurdly little in contrast to the loose tennis shoes the rest of us girl were wearing. I can row you ncross the lake.' aid Tom, laying down his tennis racket rather regretfully, I thought for we were Just Parting for the ten uis court That will save about a mile.' " How kind of you! Hut I hate to take you from the tennis. Pen't you think I could row myself? I never did row, but I'm sure It can't l e so very Bard.' "Tom laughed and said he thought It would be rather too strenuous a beginning to row across the lake at ber Brst attempt. So we three girls watched them set out together. "That my dear Alice, was the be ginning of a duet l.twcen Tom and Lueila. Her eves were nut very strong, she said, and she had a novel which she was simply erlshlng to read. The ffrst thing we knew Tom was reading It to her In the most se cluded hammock on the place. She lld not know how to swim and Tom gave her lessons. Tennis was too vio lent or her and sho couldn't watch the game on account of the sun's flare on the court. So Torn gave up tennis and we three deserted damsels gate up Tom. There was nothing else to do. Luella absorbed almost every hour of his entire dav. and dt'stnietion in everv diree- tion. While the naval authorities es timate the killed at between :!5t and 400. it is feared that the fig ure will be exceeded. It will Ik- ueees-viiiy to go through the ships muster rolls, a task of noine lays, before a full list of the victims can be Mvtared. ; tor tiie attendance and the ond fur the contribution: Lutheran, 47. Methodist. :il.", 547. Haptist. 1.V4, .1.45. Presbyterian, hrj, :4. Fpiscopal. 20, 41. Examination of Teachers. J will Hold the examination lor teachers' certificates. Thursday and rnday, October l'.'ih uid -th. Tiie white Applicant will ie examined on fhurs.l.iv and the colored applicants on Fridav r I I I i- ., iraeiieis Homing lielllier a Slate certificate nor a eountv ocruiiciitc i mm ( m.m county narvey w. w uey. cnier of the cow-ruin me ensuing s'!;on vear DR. WILEY AS FOOD EXPERT Characteristics of the Msn Whose ' Duty It Is to Protect the Peo ple's Health. Dr bureau of chemistry of the depart- will be ment cf agriculture and the pure food nation e(rt of the government, Is one of tile best known and most Interesting characters In pultlic l.fe in Washing ton II" Is a six fooler with a smooth- shaven fice that is alwu.vs Illumined by a genial smile. His he.id is bald, showing thut however learned he may be in (iPiirs. he has not yet found a dm;; t'-.ht will iauso hair to grow on 4 Di.kl pute. There are many earnest workers in the government service. but none of them exceej lr. Wiley In enthusiasm and In solicitude for ,lie food of the people. 1'r. Wiley's first sensational scheme and one tLat attracted world-wide at- reiiiirn to stand exaiui li. X. Xisbct. '. Supl I'l'eaell ihree Snider ,e far- . I..SS i'!-e Oil tcnl.lV. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley. "This had been going on fur five ttays and we were making up our minds that the affair must surely end In an engagement when yes'erduy an other girl arrived at C.len Kcho. iail la looked somewhat startled when the newcomer alighted from the village bus In front of the InnJust as wo all came out after dinner. "The girl didn't even wait fo see fter her bngiage t efore running up on the porch and enthusiastically em bracing I.uel!,".. "'Aren't yon surprised to see me?" he asked exuberantly. '"Yes," murmured Luella In a ttrangely unen hutinstlc tote. 'How did you happen to come?' "'Why. you b,' she laughed, brother Joe is so desolate because he can t be up here with you that he thought the next best thing was to end me. The poor dear is counting ue nours until you get back. Why, Luella, Where's your ring? y0u haven't lost It, have you?" " 'I'm not wearing It Just now.' an wered Luella, a little coldly, I thought "And what do you think, Alice? Tom strolled across the porch non chalantly and asked us three girls If we didn't feel like a set or two of ten nis before swimming time. So with jui suppressed giggle or two took him back Into the fold."- we In Practice. "A man should follow a determined I course regardless of criticism," said tbe resolute Idealist "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne; "but o many of you art that way only iwhen you walti!" tentlon was his organization of the "poison squad" some years ago to test the effect of preservatives in foods The question had been debated at great Wntfth whether salicylic acid and o'h"r urinr used as preservatives for meats and ratimd good were really d"lete:ious, !r. Wiley holding fh;.t they vere Injuries in mine il L'ree and the producers of the fio: denying it. In oiiiei to make a prai ileal test of he iiues-'fiii Ilr. Wiley organized his poison Mjiiad. composed of about a ilu.cn yoe:;g i.ieu, mo t c.f whom were employe of tiie department of ngrl cul'ure ( were sriulents at college, and all of :!em In normal health. They were to have free board If they would agree to live In ijuarters assigned them by the doctor, eat or drink noth ing except what wai -provided for them under the doctor's orders ond leep the hours prescribed. The experiments were carried through and the results were utilized by Dr. Wiley, thougli the practical farts demonstrated were rather lost s'ght of in the novelty cf the tests. I.'ev. W.T. Albright wi: next sun. lay afternoon a o'clock and at night a! school house. As Cllt loll goes ihlWII iners in-,, holding it ha. than seventy-five hales i this niiirl.it vcstenlav an Tin- Mack-Hastings I'.niiedy 'umpaiiy bewail a week's engage ment at the opera house last eve ning. The company is a clean aggregation and gives a very de cent and eiit.i taining show. The stockholders of the Wax haw Hanking and Trust Compa ny had a meitiug vi-stordav and ecided to illerea.se the i-anital sioek from if 17.5H0 to -5.0no, ih. new stock to lie sold entirely to new stockholders at one fifty. Mr. .1. II. Doyle, a machinist who has he, n win king at the round house for two years has gone in Jacksonville. Kla.. to live. Mr. Iloyle is a clever voting in and lias made inaiiv friends here. A must atrocious murder oc curred Friday in Vaneev eountv. Mr. Koheit M.-Cay. member of a const ruction company doing work on the Carolina. Clinehfield and ' iho road, while riding in a bug gy wiih two negro laborers, was fired upon by three mountaineers brothers, and Mr. MeCay was killed instantly ami the two col ored men mortally wounded. The murderers escaped in the moun tains. Tiny fired without a word' ot exphinahori. Ileinhi son villc is enjoying a degree of advertising that it does Hot like. Soon after the coronet's jury declared that it eoiil. In') tell who ill,, miirdereis f Myrtle II. iu kins are. another jury wis called to sit on the ease of a (lend colored man whose in, iy was loiiud on III railroad track. While IhU jurj was at uoi'K one negro woman cut another lo death with a ra zor. Iu Winston this week Snow I. ut let-, colored, was held for trial on a charge of murder, (hi the -Nil of August Snow gave Char ley tiraves and three other ne groes a drink each from a half- pint bottle of whiskev. Three of the negroes could not retain the whiskey on their stomaehes, but were made very sick. Charley ( I raves did retain it ami died the next dav. In our select lines may be found the latest crea tions of C&raJine Rebaux and Camille Rorfer of Paris, as well as the most artistic designs now prevailing among New York's most exclusive deal ers. Notwithstanding this very unusual display and the variety of excellent styles offered for se lection, our prices will be found reasonable and satisfactory. Commencing' Wednesday Night at eight o'clock our Grand Display will continue through Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Maddry & WMson. OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE. CHOPPED THEIR HANDS OFF The death of a Dorse has been agi tating the IcksI lights of the war de partment In Washington. The animal was hired to an officer of the or ganized militia who attended tbe man euver division at San Antonio. Tex While In hi. custody the horse w., ( Ppr,in, , nTfM trntmnl R kicked and Ma leg broken. Tbe division qiet ,d apply Chamberlain. Liniment veterinary ordered It killed. The own- freel. It will remove the tunmm and er advanced ft claim for $100. quickly nstore the part, in a healthy con- The department ha. decided that aiUon. For tale by all dealer., the government I. not liable, a. the militia officer wa. not In the ervlc! Frr .ummer diarrhoea in children al of the I'nlted States. It remain, tot wsvs girt Chamberlain '. Colic, Cholera and tbe militiaman and the owner to fight l'wrrl.cs Itemtdy ami castor oil, and a tt ouL !Te,y car ' certain. For aale by all I, tiers. Negro Guest Gets Axe and At tacks Man and His Wife As they Sleep and Terribly Muti lates Them. Charlotte Ohscrvcr. Ingratitude fur lmsiitality has never assumed a mure ifi-utt-sinic oriii as iu the ease of Adam Sitr- llinll. eiilnfeil, wliii. while lu-uiL' lltertjlilH-d ill the huiue of Wil- lam Link and Ins wile. K . ra. laid (heir kindness yesterday lilt fll 111 jtr hctuiv dawn hy sever inir the hands ,.' l,ih with in ae and nilu iw ise hruiallv mtcherinir th.-iu so that their re- nvery is a matter of douhi. ! The deed occurred on lleiirv! Sloan "s place four miles from i harlotte on the Health's ford' oal. I he lii.iured man and his it'e are nt the Cood Samaritan osital iu this city. The mil v asonahle explanation that has 'ecu advanced lor the mini s a- i ions conduct is the theory that he was hiehlv charired with cocaine. No nissille motive for the deed has hern siiL'L'ested. Sijrniaii is a cousin of Kldora Link, lie went to lu-r home Sun day afleriiooii and was invited to spend the ni(.'ht. lie accepted. They retired early. Some time after midnight, hot ween 1 and - o'clock, the woman wan awaken-j I'd hy Simmon. w ho stood over her w ith a heavy axe. He struck the I woman across the head, making1 an almost fatal wound. Il.ri screaui.s had awakened her lius-j hand, hut a single Mow hurled! Will Link into iusensihility.Wheii ihey recovered consciousness thev I'liind that tin- hands of hoth had heen chopped off ahove their wrists, and cuts down their hack had heen inl'hcted. The two man arrd to shout for help i:( w..er heard hy Henry Link, who re sponded. )e. Lciliini, IloviswiH insiantly siiiiiiuoued and lahoreil faithfully for three hours at the .i: .-(:.... i. .... i. . . . 'uiii.-iih iasi in sow in! up tllell'i terriMe wounds. II.. thinks the negroes have a chalice to recover, although they must have lost much Mood he fore their plight was discovered, in addition to the UervoiLs shock of such an encounter. r HORSES ilULES ! A car load of Horses and Mulesour first this season, just ar rived from Indiana. Fine animals, every one of them. well broken, good size. Just what you need. Come early, get choice. 1 1 E. M. Griffin & Co. MONROE, - - N. C. J The Concord Trihune says I '.en Lonjr. colored, went into the well of Mr. A. C. Linn, at Landis. Monday afternoon, to clean it out. Ilefore he reached the bot tom the well caved in. burying the man at a depth of probably III) feet. The earth was moved as rapidly as possible but it was several hours before the dead body vs recovered. WE nil) give your orJ ers prompt atten tion with The Best the market affords. Phone Us Your Wants. M. WALLER For Sale! The Jackson house and lot on Washington street, lot 86x163. Lights and water. Reasonable terms and right price. N. C. ENGLISH At Savings, Loan and Trust Co. Fine Premiums for Those Who Ray a Year in Advance for The Journal. Call and See Them.

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