" . 1 aBB1aBB-i.i1B,.BBBia Don't Oast Tour Money to the Four Winds! Tut it in The First National Bank, where it will grow for you and do you some visible good now and in the future. " As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap That is why the fanner plants in fertile ground; that is why hundreds of people place their meney in a good hank; they see the advantage of having their money in a place where it will grow. There is no pleasure so wholesome in old age as to reap the rewards of an early savings. Five dollars starts an account with THl'l FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Under Government Supervision. R. A. MORROW, President. D. A. HOUSTON, Cashier. 1 y : Don't forget to see The Sikes Company before buying that new buggy, and make them show you a CORBITT for that is the best buggy on the market for the money. We have been selling them by the car load this summer and continue to sell them. ::: ::: ::: If you have a horse, mule or cow that you want to trade for a bug gy or wagon, bring them along and we will give you a good trade. Don't forget that we sell the famous Hackney Wagons and have them on hand. JOHN C. SIKES, President V. DIXON SIKE5, Vlce-Pres. CULL C. SIKE5, Sec. anJ Treas. J. R. H. M. Ml PM: ; 7 Jl s v ,V Every- (u?F? Harness. YMPMM Fine .r Livery. The Sikes 1 1 ENGLISH, Vice-President. ULMER, Assistant Cashier. m s Company. iyTT Or COTTON CONGRESS Recommends Holding: and a Big: Reduction Next Year Finan cial Plan Under Advisement. ni - e .11. .u...iiniin.Llkiiik uere nun! ' ly th' I .mirn-vi or Oovt-ni'Ts at New lrl-aii l.iV I week : ' '"We earnestly recommend to the I'liintt'iH of the Southern ! States to follow the example of ! louisi.iu ul diversify their 'crop as to nduee ver tliinir : necessary for -oiisuintioii oiitlu i farm, and let rot ton W the ur :plus cnp run if til- iuanity liaised shall W 25 M-r rent lev. than the iin-Hiiit rrop. a then tlu'v will irrt juM a nitioh in ro- . , i ...i.... .i . ' turn for nnu-ti h'w uim r man iuh voar Top prk-i-s. will will vii-ld at ir-'nt s'mmi fret tlu'inselvr from ili-lit niul lf in oonitlt'.on without any financial aid. to sell their crops pradiiallr as th-.' .hntaiul shall exist, and not market the work of a year in til) or !h days as they have hern ac customed to do. Cotton Statistics. "We call HNn our represen tatives in Congress to have the present erop reoitinjr syntciu so amended to n port the periodical publication of reliaMe statistics of cotton consumption, manufact urintr and trade information ga!h ered from all cotton consuming countries ami we recommend also and for ourselves apree. that the cimmissioners of aprieulture in the cotton tttatcs path -r and pnh lish like in format ion and we sup jrest to the IiCjrislatures of the cotton States adeiiate appropri ations to this end and uniform legislation cnaliliJip the ngrieul tural commissioners to act in con cert and to constitute a hureaii of cotton inaiiufaeturinir. cotton trade and cotton consuming in forinntu.il to the end that with the estimates td" production which are now furnished hy the Fed eral government, there may. he also estimates of d maud and thus put th,' planter in position to fix a fair price for his product Future Trading. "The ineniheis of the confer ence have been lvliably inform ed that hulls on t li rotten ex changes have Itccn indielcd in the I'nited States courts under the Sherman act for conspiring to huy cotton and advance the price and if this lie in accord ance with the provisions of that act then we respectfully insist that the bear in the exchange! who conspire to sell oottcn which thev do not ivKssess with the ex pectation of a decline in price, or tor the purpose of elteoting a ile dine, 1m' likewise jmweeiitvd. "A fair and comprehensive sys tem of future trading is accepted by the commercial world as es sential to the proivor and ad van- taireous movement and distrihu- tLoii of the crop, but it is urgent Iv recommended that Congress shall pass such laws as will abut;' abuse and regulate lirturc con tract trading in exchanges to Un did that it discharge its function as a trade utility, fair alike to both Inner and seller and to tin commodity which is the subject of the future transactions. "It is earnest Iv recommended that the several State govern incuts shall take appropriate ae tion to bring about such ware housing system, or systems, as will best serve the interests of the producer. Gradual Marketing:. "In view of the apparent de mand for cotton during the next thirteen months, we recommend that the unsold cotton of the pre sent crop he withdrawn from tin market and he disitosett ot oy a svstem of gradual marketing. We urge bankers and business men to co-operate with farmers in this undertakuig. "We report to the cotton farm- I I I I I I buy a piano until you have writ- icii i lie grcai m'mii-c hi . . St.icff It will imlv cost 1i cents and you not only save manfl It I 1 a . I uoiiars in a pu remise, mil run no risk of securing a cheap piano. No matter what agent or dealer is trying to sell you, write Ktieff lie fore you huy. The Stiff f is the only art'iKtic piano sold direct to you by its maker. CHAS. M. STIEFr, Manufacturer of the Artistic Sticff, Stieff Self-Player. Xltaw', Shaw Self-Player Pianos. Southern Wareroonm 5 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. C. II. WILMOTil, Manager. en that tentative ami attraelivr proH!ltiUM havr lwn made by rrsjHUtsible financial iutrrests for puivhitsing ftiine 2.1M0.UIO bales of th. prcaent rrop. This Ufjr -liaii.m w n C-rred for develop ment int piactlral foim to a c otiuniMe e. Seduction of Acreage. 'Keduelum of acr.-age in lf12 Ls urjrcd as a ii.rrir.v part f anv plan of Ih.1Iji niul flnauc- iiiir Uir itr.viit rrop. Wr roeom- iiiciul and for omselvm atrrr? that the tiovcnior of rarh rottou Statr rHi-riI at -wire to apH iut a n'jMvwiitativr in earn pwuut.v. wh in tum will apMiint n r'- reiM'titallve in tsn-li Ht-hool distru'l or voting prt-ciiu-t. to s.-i-uro fr.nn .. i. u-.tji..i cni i . .... pledge to reduce Ira cotton acre age in 1!'12 twenty-five per cent below his acreage in liHl. Wi'hoiit disentails the merits of pending proMsals for moueta rv rctorm we recommend that in anv icphiiaiion wnu'ii congress a .... 11 a inav enact for emergency ciirren rv oascri upon commercial paier underwritten hv hanks or associ ation of hanks, provision he made for including in these acts for such rniergenev currency, com mcrcuil paper, representing trans actions in cotton goods and oth er manufactured products. Stable Values. It Ls our firm opinion that h. prompt and aggressive action uu der co-operation and organization the cotton farmers and business meu of the Southern States can speedily rescue the present croj irom impending saerinee ami can restore the fair price which do monstrated demand warranU. an call insure statue values from year to year, It was decided to hold similar coniercncvs m tne luture on tin1 all of the chairman. Can't Cure Catarrh Stomach Dosing, Sprays and Douches Have All Failed. l Here is oniv one wav to cure catarrh. Keach the raw, tender, iiifhim ctl lneml'iatie that is infested wit catarrh germs, and destroy the genius. You can't reach the nooks and crevices with liquid preparations there is only one w ay breathe the antiseptic germ killing air of 11Y0.MK1 ( pronounced lligh-o-m directly over the infesUd iarts. 11Y0MKI contains no opium, cocaine or other harmful drugs, it is made of Australian eucalyp tus, thymol and other Listerian antweplica. It is guaranteed to end the misery of catarrh, asth uut, croup and bronchitis, or mon ey back. Ask Knglush rul)g Company a hont the HYOMKI outfit to-day. They sell it for only $1.00 nl guarantee it. Starts Much Trouble. If all people knew that neg lect of constipation would result in severe indigestion, yellow jam dice or virulent liver trouble they would soon take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end it. It's the only safe way. Itcst for bil iousness, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25 cents at Knglish Drug Store, W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office np stain, Fitzgerald Building Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. A. M. Stack .1. J. Parker STACK & PARKER, Attorneys-at-Law, Monroe, N. C. Mr. Parker will practice in all Criminal Courts, either for State or Defense. Offices in Law lildg. Soy McXeely Vance MeNeely McNEELY & McNEELY, Attorneys-at-Law. Monroe, N. C. Practice in the State nud Federal courts. Office up-stairs over 1. 0. DR. B. C. REDFEARN, Dentist, Offiec one door south of C. V. Hruner's Store. Phone 232. Monroe ,N. C. At Marshville on 1st and 3rd Monday! of each month and Mat thews on 2nd and 4th Mondays. J. C. M. VANN, Attorneyat-Law. Monroe.N. C. Office in Loan & Trust Building. Phone 29. Rooms 2 & 3. DR. R. L. PAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, Monroe, N. C. Office over Maddry & Willson's store, Shute'i new building. Office hours 11 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m. Kesijence phone 273 It How's This? Ve offer One Handred Dollars Re- vard for any rise of Catarrh that cancct be cured by Ui'St Catarra Cure. F. J. CIIENTT OX. Ti'eJ O. VTt. Ilw up.h-rl;nr.. I iv. I'. J. CK-nry f.r 1 lat IS yrur. an,l l -lin-a hit i nrf-tllv ran'r In all ui!n' Irnnnit -ll -n ai l enan -i.'Uy a... n rrry out ny lMen!r.J ma,l by l.li Hrm. NATIONAL liAXK Or COMilEItl E l!-ill' Calarrli Cuti. I takT Inlimitlr. a.-mu lltv.-ily uua ll IIixhI and inu rua purf- itf liir pvaiiiiii. Ttinioniil . nl fr-, ITi.- n c-:u p. r Uotil.-. ( J by all Inif1t. Tak UaJ'a I anly m fur MMMtlpatloo. Kverv man is supposed to know hia own lus:m-ss, hut it is sur prising how many eople kuow more about it. Miserable Dyspeptics All the world looks gloomy to the man with the upstt stoiiiach. lie sees the world through smok el glasses and never tries to ruli off the sntokc Cheer up.Mr.Dyspeptie, there's bright days ahead of you. Uo to Knglish Drug Co. this very day and say I want a !wx of MIONA tahleta. Take them as directel. and if the misery doesn't leave your stomach and bring a sunny smile to your gloomy countenance go and get your 50 cents Iwick. 511-O-XA stomach tablets will promptly end the distress of in digestion, will stop nervousness, duziness, hiliou.sness, sick head ache and sleeplessness. Fifty e.U. buys a large lmx at Knglwh Drug Store. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are good days to look , through our Jewelry Stock. The other good days are Thursday, Friday and Saturday. J. E. PRESLAR, Jeweler, Next lo Poslolllce. 00000 0 Its double strength OOcutsthecDfeebill 00 tatwojltscerior 00 quality gives it 0 a value double 00 its price. 00 00 The Reily Taylor Ca Machine Sr)op We are now prepared to repair your engine cr other machinery, do your plumbing and other wor" in our line. Shop near freight depot. AUSTIN & CORRELL. DOCTOR H.D.STEWART PHYSICIAN, MONROE, N. C. If yom dmtra bit terrlwa, eall m through aextclenra phon 141 . Oflloa ,phne OlBt houra II to 11, a. ... and Inim tM to t fi. Offlo ever Union Drug Company . kaa denoe oa LanoaaMr aenu. riATHCR DC04 AND PILLOW J SPECIAL OFFER! Lt Ua Snd Yom 36 Pound All M rvana aui $10.00 rathr Bad and Pair of Pound Foathar Pillows Fraliht Pro pa Id for . . Seti Eaartna ar P. 0. Maay Oriar. TURNER A CORNWALL, Cbfbtti, L C These beds and pillows on sale at Mrs. Sudie Howie's Hoarding House. DOOM) Bilils