Majestic Range Demonstration At Our Store ONE WEEK, Beginning Monday FJov. aotflht. Next week we will put in this space the names of prominent peo ple all over this county who use and will heartily recommend the Great Majestic. Watch for them. (-9 rffCS vP?8 VPGS w1oGia ToCQ jpjhPfci vra0 mmmmmmmm ONE WEEK ONLY. No Ware Given After Demonstration Week. BILL CHANDLER DEMOCRAT? The Man Who was Responsible for the Steal of 1876 Has k Been an Erratic and May Now Become a Democrat. (Savoyard.) Some tiirne in the late fifties of the last century, after the death of the Whig party and the overthrow of the Know Nothing party, many thousands of old Whigs of the South were, practi cally without a party, though mot of them, like Archibald Dix on of Kentucky, followed Henry A. Wise into the Democratic par ty. One Jordan Clark, the John Temple Graves of that day.made announcement in a Memphis pa per that the famous Parson Hiwnlow of Tennessee, had con cluded to IxHwroe a Democrat, whereujen Hrownlow made em phatic and indignant denial in a remarkable pronunciamento that contained tilings like these: "I may consent to be a member of j your party when Democrats cease to tie, steal ami tlrink mean whiskey. 1 perhajus will consider the thing when Napoleon III, Emperor of France, and Alexan der II., Czar of Kussia, shall vol untarily abdicate their crowus to become members of the United States from the territo ry of New Mexico. I will advise about it when Queen Veitoria shall apply to some Justice of the Peace in Kansas for a 'divorce a vincule matrimonii from Albert Prince Consort." . And there were other ensanguined stipula tions to the same effect. And now there are rumors dee laden with the portentous tidings that Bill Chandler is to become a Democrat. Mr. Chandler is the one citizen of thus republic who made a President of the Uni ted States "by his lone self." On the night of the presidential election in 1876. when even the head of the . HepnbKcan ticket made a speech of surrender, and1 everybody lese, including Chand ler himselfj had given it np, Mr., Inie&ilh . Mara ware C Barnum, the chairman of the Democratic national committee, addressed a thoughtless and fate ful note of inquiry to The New York Times, a Republican news paper, asking for returns from the election in South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. That note was shown to Bill Chandler. In such a situation as was thus presented to such an observation as his, Bill Chaikdler is the moat adroit, the most resourceful, and the most audacious man iu the world. As quick as a flash his nimble mind discovered that the Democrats were not quite alwa lutely assured. So he wrote a half dozen lines claiming 181 elec toral votes for Hayes ami the election of the Republican candi date, and signed Zaoli Chandler's name to it as chairman of the Re publican national committee, who was then fast asleep in Chica go, having gone to bed utterly defeated and humiliated. The next morning the Republicans took heart, claimed everything, and subsequently they stole ev erything all because Bill Chan dler was not in Tibet, or Tophet, when Barnum sent that momen tous inquiry to The New York Times. Tlwugh bora in Yankeeland, it may be opined tlwit, like Dan iel Wetatcr and Benjamin F.But ler, also natives of New Hamp shire, Chandler is neither Puritan nor Pilgrim, but Scotch-Irish. Be that as may be, he is of Whig antecedents, and reckless as the statement may seem, stranger tilings have hapened than the advent of William E. Chandler into the Democratic camp. A son of William Llovd Garrison became a Democrat, and Garrison himself, who had championed the "the tarif f of abominations," lived to champion absolute free trade, the repeal of all tariff du ties, and the abandonment of all custom houses. A great grandson of Roger Sherman, grandson of Samnel Hoar, son of E. Rockwood Hoar, was a Democratic member of Congress from MasHachusetts 20 '''ll If l '2WLA T -- - - 1 --r r li il !' Iff ifmiTJ- S if M w "IH'NHIMI KtMhlK.SIMIII.l IJ.IMI U IK UN! It 1 I l.Xrr. j 1 Kl Vlll j r '"J1 - J iJl nni Sr-i annTTTn J '"''"'. tu -man t.H. a.m.11- pr al t',e'ti. .11, r-.--l -.1. I' lillol out ! is?!"!ll X '.' ' p I ,f "'"'' " ' ," :- lt . al too u.. lew dial' Will all Ihrwalor. 1 'jc Mi-aiiirr n I uln-j-r l0 on i J. ' i!u ';. -'M ( t.T., V I) 9 (u -t TI-1 R l "I ran Up iwii fruwy l'uiM!r. Iiiluux iiiluiatv!.aiiliiixlt.. Mum. VrW.St. .rj"Jl5Tkin. MAJESTIC in WSfc-j-- -j - ,.-im.m ,- -r- ;-rr..7 .t-... . I "'AJt'Yl lkf-'-i Is'rVlfil I T"r 'K-MIC Kiln THK MiJIVTIf !-. All THK MJMN' 1 1 -or. All axiui LXl' A'HZttJf I ' ' amd Marble. (prr Mi krl-platod Tea (apprr Mrkr-l-pialrd .fir Ll Jviwl i I vB ' V'lJr v' ' IpI Knile, n. U i viiu itn l.otthr. I'si. I-.m Iv i ! tried on Hal. llandnHin-lv m.k.VI uu THE GREflTflND QRND MAJESTIC RANGE THE RANGE UJITM f ir.(DZ. IN LL. Set of f you call Ht our store during our .MiijVstic l')tmui a tion Wftk and allow us to show yu tin- many advautayvs and sum rior iulitii-s of the Oivt Maji-slk' Kangc. and will jtur chasi' 0110 at the rcgul:tr iru, we will give you Free the htau tit'ul and useful Souvi'iiir Set of Ware illustratetl in this ad vertisement. This ware is made to match the quality of the Majestic Hangos, and we know all ladies will see the lteauty und utility of this set, especially the first three pieces, whkdi are entirely new and cannot he had alone hy purchase, ex cept at a very high price. The prices of the Majestic Ranges are the same, but we give the set VllV.V. with each Majestic Hange bought during the demonstration week only. years ago. So was a son of John ! An.liunv flin rviiiut irim . imi, in, hbi fcvn jiin- i-lltr lit illllllil S itIUIIt-l. ernor of Massachusetts, and so In 188!) he took his seat in the also was a son of Kdward Ever-United States Senate, in which ett. But Edward Everett, like body he was conspicuous twelve Daniel Webster, Rufus Choate 'years. and Robert C. Winthrop, was a j His administration of the Na "Cotton" Whig, whereas the val Department was successful in Hoars were "Conscience" Whigs.' that it was a great improvement And right here it may be remark-on that of the twenty years pre ed that there is tradition that ceding j but it was not until Cle Henry Calnt Lodge narrowly es-jveland came in that John Roach caped mugwumpery and it is the was made to take his hand out mere whim of casualtty that he of the public crib. There is this did not become a Democrat, and to be said of Chandler, that in the same may be said of 'Then-J matters of pecuniary nieum et dore Roosevelt, who was cruelly tuuiu he in thoroughly honest, though not fatally, bitten by the' and he will not allow any steal tarantula of mugwumpery in 1884 ing by nylxdy if he can prevent There is a story, and a prosper-; it. It is that inainlv that makes ous anecdote it is, that it was him s cordially hated at Louie the admonition of William C. 1. IJreckinrulge that saved loth Mr Roosevelt and Mr. Idge to the G. 0. P., but it is a little too strange to command full credence Bill Chandler is a Harvard man and therefore he is of the blue blood, by training at least. At the age of twenty he was admit ted to the Iwr and apjointcd re porter of the State Supreme Court. He was rejH-atedly a mem ber of the State legislature and once Seaker of its House of Representatives. Lincoln appoint ed him Judge - Advocate - Gen eral of the Navy Department and Johnson made him assistant; Sec retary of Treasury, an' office he resigned in 1867 when the quar rel between the Prseident and Congress became intensely bitter, lie helped make the present con stitution of New Hampshire in 1876. That winter he went down to Florida and reversed the vote of that Slate by taking it out of the Tilden column, where the people had put it, and throwing it into the column of Hayes.where it was absolutely necessary to "elect." Garfield appointed him Solicitor General, but the Sen ate, for some reason or other his work in Florida, doubtless rejected him, the Senate being a tie, politically, with old Dave Davis president pro tempore ami holding the balance of power. 1 TUT M JRsTIf Marblr. Irrit I noiiwli d I'uildliix I'.n. REPUTRTION rOQ STALES. Ware 7 Subsequently he was Secretary of '1... V...... 1 .. I. . . .. . 1 1. P.. ..4 'and in Washington In the Senate Chandler was not exactly the storm v petrni that LaFollctte is, but he was 'aggravating to a degree. He was the most vigilant member. ceaseless and untiring in indus try and activity. If there was any graft on deck he was mighty apt to detect it, all he saw he exposed, and a great deal of it he defeated. If there was any jsilitical mischief a-brewiug. cer tain it was that he promoted it. From the day Ben Tillman made his vicious and ignoble assault on Cleveland and Carlisle, Chan dler was his friend and Immui com panion, and Chandlers other friend and Iwon companion was Cabot Lodge. But Chandler was a valuable public servant in that he kept the Senate on edge ev ery sitting he attended. If my observation was of any account, Chandler would not hav put, on sackcloth and covered himself with ashes if Bryan bad been elected in 18!Ki. Immediate ly after the inauguration of Mc Kinley he became an insurgent. So far as I remember he was the last member of either house of Congress to advocate the coinage of silver as a full legal tender currency. He appealed to nature as authority, and cited that for any given period of a series of yejrs the- production of silver TfE MAJFSTH rlnt Krrr-burn Wlrril llrlipln( fan. of pin 1 11-) in. x 2ilin. Muilc MiC'Uul) fnrttip Maj'slirS-l. Reasons Why The Great Majestic You Should Buy l.vt. It has the ft piitatinit bi-ing the licst ri'iige niniiev e:n tuy. liud. It not oi'ly lias the ii pntatioii but IS the It -s! rang.' made, and m will pn.c this to uni if you will let us. aid. It i iMiist rue'.iii nf ni;il! 'able iron, uia'trial von e;in'i licit, and of Charcoal iron, it: it. rial that resists nisi oOn pi r cent greater than steel, is riv -ted tig 'tlier air tight. No heal es capes or cold air enters the range, thus ink vtv little I'net 1 do jH-rfeet work. ith. The resc'i-voir alone is worth the price of range over any other reservoir made. It IkuIs ." gallons of wat.-r; is Jieutd like a tea ket:th with pocket against left hand lining, ajid is 'movable and sets on a frame, hence cannot w.-ar out. When water gets too hot it can be moved away from fire. Majestic Ranges Use less fuel; heat more water and licit, it hotter; cosit practically nothing for n pains ; last three times 41s long; bakes better; easier to keep clean ami gives bettor satisfaction than any other range on the market. If you a ro lositive that the above statements are true, wouldn't you buy a Majestic at once? Come in Demonstration Week and We'll prove it to you. was practically 16 to 1 of gold iu the element of weight, which was nothing in the world but a reiteration of Bryan's contention that a bushel of wheat and 412'.. grains of" standard silver were always and everywhere of equal value. The Republican platform of 18!I6 contained a plank that was a pledge to send a commission to Europe to plead with statesmen and financiers to rehabilitate sil- Ver as a money metal on a pari ty witli gold. 1 hat plank was in sertcd to couuteraiit the defec tion of Teller and Stewart, and for the benefit of Woleott. They might have offered to send over there to ask Europe to join with the United States in a declara tion that 'hants" exercised a ma terial influence on the social, po litical, and spiritual affairs of mankind, and they would have done that, too, had they thought ther ewas a vote in it. When Chandler made his speech it was on the proosal to raise the commission, which was done with a solemn face. My old friend, James B. Creary, of Ken tucky, was one of the commission and he was the only man in the world who took the thing seri ously; but then, he would have entered upon the bant expedition with equal gravity. Of course nothing came of it but a junket and silver dropped out of our jKditics with a dull thud. Bill Chamller, a natural born insurgent, kept it up until the Boston and Maine railroad pitch forked him out of the senate giving his seat to one of its attor neys. Subsequently ( handler ran with Roosevelt in the mighty oc topus chase. Daily and dilligcnt ly he fetched and carried be tween the White House and Till man and Bailey until Teddy put him in the Ananias Club. Th late Midas Harrinian did not live to get even with Midas Rvan. Will Chandler ever get even with Roosevelt f You bet he will. And Chandler is to be a Dem ocrat 1 Well, well, well! TWO Mlf TIC r.lrnt NVvrr-lturn H Irt d lrliplits Faun. M of Min V in. x 1 111. Majr ipci-ully fui tlt MajmtK fnt. ONE WEEK ONLY. No Ware Given After Demonstration Week. IF YOU SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE YOU CAN GET THE 52 WEEKLY ISSUES OF THE YOUTH'S COMPANION for 1912 for only ft. 73; also all tho issues for the reinuiuing weeks of 1911, Free. It is your lust cbancc to get the paper at this price. On January L 1912, it will be advanced to '.0t). Serials and Other Stories. The 52 issues of 1912 mill contain the equivalent of 30 volumes of the best reading, including nearly 304 Stories, Articles by Famous Writers, Athletic for Boys, Chats with Girls, the Doctor's Weekly Counsel, etc Srni ftr Anmmtnermtmt or 1912 tnJ Samftt Copti Th4 Youth' i l amtanwrn. Aw. FREE to Jan. 1912 Ctwf N.w SubMrRwr wK. euti wit ad mit Ihn ilip (or M'ntloM thw pwl wilb I1.7S lor Ik 62 iwmif TtMCwapuwafor 112 will rac.iT AD Ik. for Ik. r.miniftff WMlra al 1811 frr., iarladina Ik kMHtif itl Holiday Numbora i alto M TV. Companion's P trior. C.lanaar for 1912, litkotrapkod ra 12 colon aad told (aa .fttra eof v koia tonl Is vory oa. making a gilt oabocriprion). Tb.a Tk. Companies for tk 52 wmIu of 19)2o.ll for 1.7 5 -toot last ckanc. at thitpric. OaJanorry 1. 1912, will U adrancod to S2. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION BOSTON, MASS. N SakKriptiMS R attired at Tail Offic. There w reasmn in all things; but there doesn't seem to be in All people. Kicking nvan when he is down is someine the only way to nwike Mm jk4 np. 4llK I t