THE MONROE JOURNAL1 Local and Personal. Mt Ieli-a Klmorr, lajr!itT of Mr. Lattiu C. Trull, who left 0. M. Beasley & Bro., Publishers. R. F. Beasley. Editor. I Tli- Prospect who, ! wi'S ojmv! t!i:j loiinty with liL father. Mr. Ttus!a. N.v.mlitr 7. I 'll. Why Ycu Don't Buy Brown Sa gar Any More. l"..r the w.tttir n-xt Monday C'ii!.'i Tit.!!. f,r I'likm eoiiuty. II.v .1 1. lV w ill .rii li! Arkaii.. Utu yean ago. V. ,w S., m u-x- Satur.Lv ;' ' I1"""' "f par.nK , 1 .... ,i.l...v iHorinii.' itSnr. tMuVr -.. Tin- xolllig Vi mail V.i- Olilv illx'Ul liill -It' 'It Wu i.'ght and on Sunday morning. Mr I.. Maiiifiim has m -! ;o M.-ii and has a pevt.i.ii m, Mr A. L lining, j ,,,. ,v Mr. II ,-ry II, v. M. I. L IWw will, l-...... ... .,. njvi,. i,lllju 7 Ji.r, - .-I; .-it Kin in-a Sunday . " 'm ,t .l i 'II !! II ll j . K uar.tix m-.iv. u -Cuilc f Wills and ivu l.siy granulated t-r ,N ., ir!,.,,." at the l.xi-l.r adv.-rti-wmeiit in this p'p.r. 1 I.!'1.- I.".' in.- l rents int 1 iihi : aUo illu.t rated s-'itg dn't overlook it.. II . 1 II -nth Hardware C It's worth .ii to you to read limid'' l 'iiiids - and you'd rath il i .1 . :'. Conic'., l'.it! it' Noil ...aid l'u. i: a great .1 ! I and kis w that it wax just 41 uood "sw.-. !ii:n'." you'd huy :1 in hard times; certainly you won!.!. Now. when the i-'i'viiifd Mr. AKIi-it-ii t'ix-d up the 'ii:ar lai'lt' to sit'.! the wiln-s of lit. t! In- took car to arraiu'c a !:Ul' ,j"kv on you. that you couldn't t tli.- hrown sugar i ll. ap and would In- forced to huy ill,- irraiiulatrd that the trut inakcvTli;:! 's what known as a jok.-r in tariff makim: just a !ilt!- iirrjitisP-niriit to heiiefit som.' his: interest and ivh tin- u! lir. K. ry t : ni you luy a pound of siiirar oii pay tw.i nuts o! tin- pr'u-.- to tin- Irust I'.v ivas.m of th tariff hill and tin- tariff on Miirar and its litlh- jokrf in hflialf of ill.' trust. P.rown siijrar is tin fin, .1. tiraiiulati'd is iv fiit.d. 'n :vfin'd suvrar tin- du ty is now I.!'!' ci-uls a pound. I il Ls uiti.'fiind sitirar and if it is ahovt No.. Iti Ihilrh standard in i-i'lor !li.' tax U 111.' sain,'. Th-' i'f fn'i ..f this It : ri tariff, apphini: hotli to tin' r,'fiii,', I and tin' un lvfinnl alivi- a ivrtaiii 'olor L'ia,I, ; to ;iv.- th,1 sUL'ar trust rim''.. I ,.f tile A in- ri-;i 1: iirirk.'t. I In- 1 ii"' a v -r I Cll!.. ;tl' ii..-.. Th- :n-ri-Mlsfal'. hut ta-:, a.v hr,i, ti HI ! frtllliUZ 1 1 VT " I ! Is on.', consist Hi: o: ii''i.'. niolass s from th simar cn s.ils, i s the darker tin- s.i tar as pur;t ami c,t I'll, d I lie Mi. Il.i.ry r'airh-y. TI stjttistK- sl'ow that niiK ; -itiis. "w wliitc and four rid-' . 1. si. .-.I d.i'" III! 'i-iohcr. Mrs. .1. V. II. St,-, N I!';.- Siicuc Wit, 1.1 , r Sunday -f i ra iss. t o! in I IL in v '. Uockery l 1 1,-at Ii Hardware i' .111,1 .ILss ill.- trucs's" .-,-ii'd:iii t, tit. I'siimat s if; v.! in the town limits American consuls ahroud. the- de-j ! 11. -in. I t-r Aiiieneait it.ton by lor ' : : . : . i;i. I.. ... i. " l. eiiiii eoiiiu 1 ii s is 111,111 1,1 I.,- tins cai mole than twvlve millions " 11 ,i-i .1 t 1 1;.. ! lules. vi hi It lite ilotuesiM- ne-; J nialid is added to tills, it is fitf ; ' tired that the world's demand foi l i ; ; i;-. i.-1.. 1... ; 1 , . , - . .- . . I . ' .,,,1. I I. ...I I". ,,, I-- , n' ..' 1' , i,',ek.!.ham. ol.e ot the hest ,,. ,,:Ki1ll,Hl f tl.lHKt.(NMl ol j w. d as one ot the h. M known y u, men ,.1 the state, dt.-d x.stentav . )hi. .( ,iMli, Si cial school tax cliH-1'.ous earriisl in distrivt No.. . in Uiites ; ,,,. ll.,. .innnj, ,,urj fie.k. and district No. 11 i : emonstrat.ii 11 We.-k iin.l 1.-; us' li'.nise t reck last S;i!iirday. show you why the (freat audi I'iekets for I'.everlv of (iraits-j -rand Majestic Ran ire is the; Souvonir St1 for Ih verlv of (iraits-J -ra ltd tark on sal.' at the I'uion Pruir 1.,-st on earth. rlit stoic Prices arc fifty, seventy five, nil,' d illar and one fifty. Mrs. V. II. Howie of W'axhaw returned home today after spciid iti s.Mii,-.das with her mother, Mrs. W. II. Kraiiss. The Western North Carolina t'ollfereliee meets at Statcsvi'le to in in- iw. Most of the ministers in this section leaxe lo day for the .-. m !!, nee. A passrii!;rr train was wrecked ..ii the Sealmiird near Coliiinhia yesV-rday. and r.n.inci'r Priteh ar.l of Savannah was killed. A iieifti was arrested and chariied with havimr on-iie,l the switch. Th.' county coiuiiiission.'fs ,-s-t M-day t "k a u'noil s.1 -i:ji l.-t.t:io a contract to have the court room so i-emoihlleil that folks can h" .itdo to hear what ks said. A Hill tiiii ire li'-m has the contract and !i,- prici is .14"ni. and tln-y make 1 fill! s.'ll.i allli-c. WMliaiii Howard, the nineteen of Ware, worth 'r's.lHl. jriveii with .very Majestic K.'iin,v sold. Heath Hardware t o. pM-Vcl-lv of trfilllsJtill k will he at the opera house on tin ninth. It is a sciue to (Ira 11st. -irk and is as lpu!ar. It ouirht to have a aiidiiltce ill Monroe. Miss I'va Kenton, who plays Aunt Fanny. a luixi'iit culoretl inainniy. was fur five seasons the lea,lin clia;ae-i trr wniuaii with liieliaid Mans-1 field.. Miss P.entui lias written! a chatty, intimate collect ion of stori' s an, nt this jriviit character! wliieit will shortly npjiear in se-l lial form in the Theatre MaiM-j i'lle. I? will mote than pay you forj 1 In- lime to read our htrire ti.h, !-1 !is"iii.'iit in tii'.s paper. I the eipial of the refin ed. Tiie purity of siiirar ii ii"t let. l-in'.lled hy the color test. Dr. Wihy. veins air, said that the Color test was ohsoh'te, UlLsi-iell- t if ii an anti.piat -d. So it Is. and tl ily use found for it nowa days in in const iiic.tini' the joker Ihat nieais millions every year for the trust. Consumers have hern educated to h dieve that a sii).'ar is not pun- unless it is white The dark In-own irrades lielow No. hi don't .sell, l'.y makini; those ahove No. Hi dutiahle the same as refined sugar, the iuiHrted -stuff is prac ticallv forced to come in in a 1110- lassis stained condition. This must he whitened for the trade and Ihe suirar trust are the folk- who do the whiteliilljr. As Sella tor h:i i.ll 'tte lllt t HI Ills speech in the s-nate: "The law which makes light Immwii sugars l.av the same diltv as if refilled. iiinl whi'-h makes the duty mi the dark hrown stuff lower as the degree of purity falls off. makes it iinpossihle. as a matter of hus iucss. for any grade of unrefined sugar to come in except that which must he sold to the trust. Ajid the $1 .!)." per hundred on re fined 1 the old rate) makes it .still more imwiNsiblc to imiMil that; mid there you are nicely gaug ed and hound, with your pockets gaping! No wonder sugar stocks have li'cn good investments." Dr. Wiley liately said that t!u greatest nations are the ones who treat tht;r women hint, cat the most, nugar and use the most mvip. In this country wr select on of the most inior!jtikt articles sugar on which to raisi' tin price it wo emts a pound hy tax ation, iim st of is for tin heiiefit of the trust. Are you one of these Wight ideas who are not ''interested in jKdit.iccs" Ims-iiusc you can't sec that "joker" and high sugar are possLhl hecause there are m manv folks that don't "take no intrust in politico?" ths old s u of Mr. and Mrs II. M 'Call. dii I yesicrday af- I'liisui.ted siuig hy Mr. llein . . lit ... 1 1 ..1 f -. . ' 1 . I, rn. on.. I'liiural was In hi at tin c .n ley at 1.11c iixie lonigiu. r -s:.t i i- t his til- 1 uing. I lie lit ( i f ti e hest ways of ham." inir on to oiit- faith in liiiu.aii nature is hy always taking g.,...! si eiintv mi oitr loans. lie fellow had heell sick three w eeks hut w as doing very niei ly till pneumonia set in. Mr. W. T. L'liiey returned last If tou have Tounat children too hare pr Anps'notictd that disorder! of the ttoruach are their moat common ailrotnt. To eorrert ihia Tnu will find tliaiiilivrlmin'a Hlniumrh nnd tlrtt Tableta xcellrnt. Tlier ar mr? and plcaaant to takt, and mild and geotl in Pay Your Taxes. Taxes arc now duo. Conic in and pay. John (irifl'itli, Sheriff. Illustrated song hy Mr. Henry h'airhy at the Dixie tonight. night front Klm-ida, where lie is effect. For aalt by nil dealers. ngaged in the null and gin Ims- 1 1 . 1 ...1,1. unss. II,- is locaieti near lite .i;i- I'. 1:11a and (ieorgia line and the irinning is admit over there. He will remain lu re till Uw first of the year and then take hi fam ily hack with him. The aldermen an t last night and elected Mr.. W. Henry Aus tin Chief of the Fire Department to fill the place of Mr. Daviw Armfichl. The fire limits were extended to take in all the husi-' lless 1 1,1 it of town. The tax col-' lector's report showed si.Ol 4.!'!' eoll-eled during (tctohcr. j The many friends of Mrs. ('.. II. Uii hardsitn. w ho has for sev-! el d Weeks heell at the HopkillK Hospital in l'altiiiiore fi r treat ment, will he to learn that she has improved suffi 'k'litly to com home for a shor.t visit. She will return in the course oil wo or three weeks fnf a eon; inuat ion of the treatment. ! If you don't like to make ex ruses and Apologies, stop making While folks ami mules have I 'allied to dodge autoiiiohilcs.tlie possum tiihe has yet to muster the hsson. While Mr. W. S. Kraiiss was goiusf up to his farm north of town a few nights ago 1 hig missuiu came nut of a cot-1 ton field hv the road side and gut caught under the hig machine and then and there gave up hisl 'e.. It seems thai you can t play posxuin with an tiutotunUilc. i 1 v Don't Drift "A drifting ship gees down with the stoiin." o to one store end stick to it. Our old custom ers get bargains if there are any Our new ones get Full Valus for their money in our Footwear. Get acqainted with these makes: Fi:i.I.OW( KAKT Tuscan Calf Shoes at !ji-..i and KaUton and .lust Wright She for men in all th;- popular shapis nd styles of Tan Huttnns. Patents and (iun Met.tls at $4.00. guaranteed t, give peril tt satisfaction. SPECIAL PRICES PREVAIL i. ii all lines of Shoes which we i ai ry. We fit thf whole family. Something special just now is our high lius-iia Calf. Satin and Velvet lt.-ots. Ladies Patent Hurt, wit Ii cra venetted t;p. $-.00 pair. ikl'.oO New 'Marguerite Style" Patent with fl.-xihl- sde. nt .-MKi. I'.clk's Leader and (ioodininV Shoes in Lace and P.uUon Styles. ,-i gicat haigiiin. at !il.."o. g stock d' M.n's .-2.."0 Shoes, hoiight direct from a large manufacturer, on sale at -t'J-00. in (inn Metal and Jlox Calf Leatlu rs. $l..riO Men's Kangaroo drain Shoes, gimd shapes, at $1.2.). GOODMAN'S SCHOOL SHOES. With Zig-Zag Stitch Guar anteed Not to Rip. We cater especially to the little folks and give them time to see "if it hurls any wlicre." P.ring them in today and let them try on sonic of our (iuodnian's Solid Leather School Shoes. Prices from C5 to $1.43. W. II. BELK & BRO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA. Not a Department Store Lots of Gocd New Things. Fresh Heintz Pickles, Pig's Feet, Jelly, Honey, Pound Cake, And Many Other Good Things. M. WALLER We want vim to call at our store during our Majestic I)em- on.-it ration Week. Novi-inhcr 0 2 and get a Souvenir Set of Majestic Ware.. Heath Hdw t o. A harn. corn erih and granary on hsit. .1. l. A. rveresi a tarm in north Monroe township was destroyed hy f,re Wednesday morning ulmut one o'clock. The harn mid other huildinps were at a tenant place and Henry Steele, colored has Ix-cn living at it for twenty years. Henry lost all his feed, hut woke ill time to save his live stock. The origin of the fire is not known. 1'iiy a range with a reputation, and take advantage of mr fro offer during our ih ministration week, hegiuning Noveuiher 2(th. ('Vine in and let us show y ou. ' Heath Hard ware Co. Fresh Barrel of Cranberries. Dill Pickles 00 . 00 A. L. DEARING. WE MAKE SUITS TO ORDER AND GUARANTEE FIT FROM $10.00 TO $40.00, but one that keeps everything you need, from a tailor-made suit to a cambric needle, and from a ton of cotton seed meal to a pound of sugar. In fact, a general merchandise store, that fills nearly any order in dry goods,groceries, hardware, notions, etc. Buyers and sellers of coun try produce. We make a specialty of Shoes 'Many famous makes on hand. Can fit the whole family, at prices from 25c. to 86. Old style country boots, for hard service. We save you money. T. C. Lee & Company. Fine Premiums for Those WTio Pay a Year In Advance lor The Journal. Call and See Tliem. ii iiii-fi -" -: promises.