THE LOCAL MARKETS. COTTON. F-cst grille today 9 t) Setl, 30 PRODUCE. The figures given here are prices vaid by intrchar.ts tod-.y. Tbev may be dif ferent tomorrow of next day. "Readers are advised to 'phone torn "retpor.aible merchant on the day they expect to ccrr.e to market and get figure for that clay. He.-a 23 to M Yc.".j Chickens 15 to IS Roosters 25 to lucks 20 to 25 tltese 25 to 35 I'SKs 22 to 23 ...17 to 20 Haras IS to 1J Beeswax 20 to Com SO to 95 Cut prices on everything in our store. Indian Trait Mjpply Co. Special Notices. At a Bsreain The Enr.U Staten al place in New Salem township to quick fujer. L J. bimpon. Notice To those who owe me by si.op account, please settle at once. W. J. Tomberlin. See our Special $2.50 Fountain Pen with the emblem of Monroe High School tor only f Lou. W. J. Kudge Co. We have a nice line of can rood, tea, coffee, olives, pickles, etc. Ask us about them. I'olk & Helms. We are going out of business. Our entire stock for sale as a whole, or will retail at cut prices. Indian Trail Supply Co. Another Phonograph right from fac tory to quick buyer. J no. lhos. Helms. F Dl E..... . I. ........ V I vi nviii ruui iwiii vii w ami , V V . . . . . a nt . I iieignt at i per wetK. i il. umir. (Advertisements are inserted in this column at the rate of ONE cent per word each insertion. Count the words in Your adv. and send eash with cov, Each t'gure and initial counts a word. No ad taken for less than ten cents. Cotton Seed We want them and we will pay the highest price for them. J. B. Nash &. Son. Rawhide Overalls the best dollar goods you ever saw, 7a cents. Indian Trail Supply Co. For Sale or Trade-The Ennis Staten old place. L. J. Simpson. Lost In Monroe, Thursday. October 2nd, $26 in bills (two $10. one $5 and one f 1. If the finder will return same to me or leave at Journal office, I will pay reward. Louis Gordon, Koute 5. Remember that we will engrave free everything that you purchase from us this Christmas. See our lines and make your selections early. W. J. Rudge Co. For sale Country lard at 13 cents. All kinds of country produce bought and told, lave us a call. I'olk & Helms. Closing Out! All who owe us must muke prompt settlement. Indian Trail Supply Co Stafoam Flour, best on the market at 12 t0 cash. J no. Thos Helms. For Sale-Young milk cow, $18.00 nice mare colt (will work some nex spring). ?or. W. L. Starnes, Monroe Koute 10, Altan. Our closing out price on fleece lined underwear and sweaterc for men, hoys, ladies, girls ami children will surprise you. tome ana see. Indian Trail Supply Co. 1 have fresh cotton seed meal on hand at all times. J no. Thos. Helms. Do not make your selection of jewel rv until you have inspected our stock, We have the largest line that we have ever had for you to select from. The W. J. Rudge Co. Boys knee pants suits . the cheapest you ever saw to close out. Indian Trail Supply Co, Where do you buy your meats? If from us, you know what hne service we give, if not, we want to show you. Fine Tennesse beef on hand all the time: the finest pork, sausage, fresh fish and oysters to be had. 1 ry us. Plyler & Walters. For Sale Two good mules, weight about 2200. Will sell cheap. F. W. Walters, Monroe Route 10. For Rent Good one-horse farm. Mrs A. L. Cuthbertson. Monroe 6. Auction Sale-I will sell at public auction at my farm six miles east of Monroe, on Tuesday, Novembers 21st, a lot of corn, fodder, shucks, farming tools, blacksmith tools, two mules, lot of hogs, bale begins at 10 o clock. Ed. J. Hivens. If you owe us anything, dan't make any difference how small, don t forget to settle at once and save cost; we are going to collect. Indian Trail Supply Co. The Monroe Cash Market has been opened at the stand in front of the post office. We will not sell you a cent's worth on a credit, but for the caen we will sell you the best fresh meats to be had, and cheaper than you cn buy at the credit houses. We don't charge you for dead beats. Here are some priees: Pork 15c; nice fish 15c bunch; Stew beef 7Jc; roast 10c; steak 12J and Vc. Try it. Phone 5)1. It will pay you to investigate the im proved roller hearing force pump man ufactured by I. M. bheets & to., Lex ington, N. C., before buying a pump. For Sale A nice location at Stalling. 3 acres with one 3-room house and one 5-mom house, good barn, smokehouse with two floors, i acre garden wired in, good well of water, good school within 150 yards of place, 1 j acres in high state of cultivation; will sell cheap to quick buyer. R. L. Gordon, Matthews, N. a. Route 26. We can use all the geese that we can get this week, also about 1,500 chick ens. W. R. Outen Co. K'Lapp's Cabinet Shop is doing some fine work, such as upholstering and re pairing. Take your work to K'Lapp and have it done up right; his prices are reasonable and work good. . For Sale For cash or good paper three head of first-class heavy mules. You will wait till near spring and pay $150.00 per pair more for this class of mules than these will cost you. Apply Jerre C. Laney. W. Thos. Laney. For Sale Nice 5-room house on 1J acre lot, good bam and well, in center of Unionville; $1000 to quick buyer; on easy terms. Also seven shares of the capital stock of the Unionville Manu facturing Company ($50 each.) J. B. Little, Unionville, N. C. Shoes. Shoes We are selling lots of shoes at our closing out prices. Indian Trail Supply Co. Notice-1 will sell for cash to the highest bidder at my residence in New Salem township on Tuesday 2Sth of Nov. 1911. all of my personal property, consisting of 2 mules, 1 cow, a wagon, a buggy and harness, a lot of corn, forage, farm implements, shop tools, nousenoid and kitchen furniture, etc. W. H. Austin. Fresh evaporated peaches and apples. n. o. csiriuijc oi .o. I will pay 3f cents a pound for seed cotton in trade or on account, or 3.55 cash, bee me before you sell. John Thomas Helms. We have just received for the holi days a new line of Pickard Elite China and Hawks Cut Glass. Let us show you the latest styles. I he W. J. Kudge Co. You don't generally buy furniture at cost. Now is your time; the best $40 suits you ever saw for $:S2; $28.50 suits for (20. Indian lrail bupply to, Will hiive 5ft pig livers Friday morn ing. Come while they last. 25c each. ISO?.1 is the lime to get a nice one. Plyler & Walters. T. M. Sheets & Co.. Lexington. N C, challenge the world on a pump. Be ware oi imitations. All who owe us either for store ac count or ginning are requested to pay oy me zinn oi mis mourn, noDouy ex cepted. Al. A. Walters Si bona. Wanted-A shepherd pup. -E.C. Car penter, lieath Hardware to. Good patent flour $2.25 per sack, not over two sacks to a customer. Closing Oit. Indian 1 rail feupply to. Charlotte Cotton Seed Menl- We have just received a car of that good old reliable Elba Meal and will sell it cheap, tome and try some good meal, J. B. Nash St Son. That genuine old time New Orlean molasses har arrived. M. L. r low. For Jellies, Preserves, Apple and reanut cutter, rnone es. - Polk & Helms. Good old time green coffee that has the right flavor. H. S. Estridge & Co. Jjlfit. between Mnnrop and knmii Vour Cut, S. C., 2 dozen each of Quinine and Paregoric. Finder please leave at The e or notify me. P.eward. n. u. inompson. .... Journal office i lVou can get horse shoeing done a Snute's old stand for 60. 70 and 80cts. Lathan & Richardson, We have several steel aud rubber tire, up-to-date bueeies to be sold at a big discount. Inpian 1 rail Supply Co, Fine red ni-rs for sale, mire hred now ready lor delivery. J. 1. larDrougn, Monroe, Koute 5 Just received a barrel of cranberrier H. S. Estridge & Co. Just opened-a barrel of German bhredded Kraut; it s hne; try it. roiK & Helms. Money to Loan on approved security in umiteu amounts. Gordon Insurance and Investment Co. Reliable watches, and iewelrv of quality, next to rostomee. J.t.rreslar. Ramomho iiuntkm. .,.1,1 . .... flnsinir Ant rrifa ia atii.ttit n ..I. UT a . . vu.. .p. vu i.v (a av.ivvij isaii, lie a I... : i . . e ; ... uuuiiu ivi luise iui oi money in me nexi iew aays. Indian Iran Supply to ut. s. ureen s dental ofhceu over Krflllita IPWPIrv atmA nnrcifn Pilb t rife- U I on rr uiua. vuiuo iiune io For anvthinir in the can on tne Monroe Furniture Co. (Copple's.) Send a dollar bill to pay one vear in advance for The Journal and say what kind of premium you want and the ursi man win uring it. WATT ASHCRAFT. Veterinarian- Day calls 113. night calls 382. Monroe. in. i. nospitai on tiayne street, north east of court house. . We are asrents for famous Geiser 1 hreahing Machines, Gasoline Engines, farm implements, ttc. Henderson Roller Mills Co. . .. Does your watch keep correct time? not. taka it to J. F. Pnlr Ha will fix and guarantee it. If Mule colt for sale-Will be a good worker next spring. J. T. Yarbrough, Monroe Route 5. See J. E. Preslar, next to Postoffice, I For rent Four room house on Vann for watch repairing. j Heights. I. H. Blair. Porch Screens and Winrinv Kh.Hc cheap. Monroe Furniture Co. (Copple's.) Autnmnhifp. annnlipa and rpnnir nnrta for sale at Repair Department of the neumonc nuggy umpany. Those automatic head-lift double- spooler Sewing Machines are good. Monroe furniture Co. (topple s.) Rpat iviiiinnpd ahnn In ihp ftintkp.n States for tne complete overhauling ana repairing oi Automobiles and Buggies-Piedmont Buggy Company, Re pair Department Druggets and Rugs to suit you, at Monroe Furniture Co. 'a (Copple's). LOCAL NEWS. Wi si. l.iri' li ( roe, it I JI:s. J. A. Hiv.iLN of Kjl.-lsth wilt SuHtLlV HI'il M-tii:iV Willi ittiiVK in town. nit lien-, will l-tur- at The iiiL'nte Si-liool in xt Tiiiniav iitlit.. Til.' JMililie is uivitetl. (!et h M.ij stH- Soiiv.-nir Set cf are t the Heath llanlware re iliii inir il. iiinMs'.ra'i 'ii w t . k. iiveiuU'r l.'i'Ui to 2"lli. Jlr. .1. I. Terry of 1 .t ir ln ti. 1 ivns in town yt ster.l iv u the tVllV to il llos'.t;il ill Cli;Tlifte to e treated f r rln ii!ii:itiMii. Mr. .1. .M. H-irj-ett and Mis. 5.-uie llrooni of llnford township re marriiHl Oet ln r lv lis. F.. I. Starin s. Most pt'ople had no nppl.s at ill this v.a.-, ..;t Mr. II. M. Ci,-h-r t-f Vane.- has a late apple ree that lias luitl Inn i-rtnis. The seeoiid erop lo le as rt as iiiarblt's. C'oiuitv survevi.r 11. W. Kllit ft as honirht Hip farm of Kev. A J . i i ... -. . v . lMKer live milts sniitli of .Mon Hi' inav ler!iais move to soiiu' time tlionli li,- has not cUletl tit do so vet. Ikv. Mr. '.akcr will rot urn to (Vliinihia. Stpiire W. A. Austin who lias HVtl in Jolill Hoiikins lnwnitiil in Pxiltinutre for s -veral ' we -ks. nitl whose lite was dispairetl of 'or a li ng time. i.s getting letter Hid the pi-ospeets for his r-eov-ry are hiight. Mr. V.. I'ort 'r of Vance ownsmp tins year and.' ten; Miles ot long staple eott m i.n 1:! icns of lainl. lie Ktild the eot tm in Charlotte week hefoi-e last it 17 1-4 cents per pound ami is HOW Si-Hills' the s:vd t . i...e' Inishel. OiTiecr Knn-vt Manett niutl, i little run last Thursday in looking up a witness wanted in iJlis court, lie li ft :, ; in il.. llloi'llillif ami IMt hack at :v ill niijlit, havinit tlrivt-u lout sixtv milt's. Il,- went to Vug laml.Jef- tt'i-Min. White I'laius, aud other points all ahoiit. lli hroiiirht hack the witness, however.. The Carolina Itank at Mhi-Ji- ville op-tied on Nov.-nihcr .'I. Mr I. 1 W. l'lyl.-r, win, has l.een in the I'.ank of V IllOll fur sniin I iin.i U cashiei'. I'ntil its handsome new liinhliiiK is ready for occu pancy the new hank will ),. housed in the Mai-shville Furni ture A o. 4 store. - . - ritifcssor Carroll of The Win. Pale Solid)! was here SMfnr.luv attending the .teachers inecfuiij ami reported mat Ins school is in fine shape ami that they will move in the fine new ' hrick huilding in a few davs. There is already an enrollment of 243 m the Rclirol. so 0f u-lnun lionidjiig .students. Sir. Thomas Perrv. lives near Wingate, lost his dwel ling hy fiiv Weduesd :lv inn ruin it iihout 10 o'cloek. The' fire origi nated from a stove l'lu. The con tents of the house WPl'P lion i-l - nil saved. The dwelling was a four- room eoMacre ami n n'wa nnmf.,r. . . O- - --.v.. V . 11.1 VI I able buuduifir. Mr. I (i:IOO insuianee, which does not cover half the Ion. Notice of Sale of Valuable Lands. Pursuant to the powers conferred on me by a Iieed of Trust to me executed on the 2"th day of Februarv, l!, by J. A. UuIIedtre" and I. l. (Ju.'ledge. his wife, duly reentered in the ofhc of the Register of Lk-eds of Union County. X. C in Record of Mortices A I. at pige 23, I will, on Thursuav. the 3oth duv of Nov., Ml, at the cojit house in Monroe. N.C. sell forcah. to the high- esi Diduer. at public auction, the lol lowir.g d.'senhed lamis, conveyed in said Trust Deed, which lies in said county on the waters of Brow n Creek, and ia known and described as follows: rlRST lRAtT: Adjoining the lundsof W. D. Vorirun. Felix Moore, tli I.m- anl and J. A. liulledire's lo5 acv trrt of the Hampton Huntley-Morris land. containing sj acres more or k-s. and known as the U. V. V imberlv lands on which said J. A. and I. I. Guiledge re- smeu ai nine or executtrg said Trust, conveyi d to Natcy Culleilge b J. J. Hasty, bncriir, by deed dated 1 1th Feb. 172, and registered in the Registry of suid county on deed book No. I, pages 112 and 'a. reference to which is here by made for a more particular descrip tion, except a part thereof heretofore conveyed to Frank Chambersanda part to Jerry Gulledge, leaving 220 acres, more or less, which is hereby conveyed. Second Tract: Adioininir the We described tract, the knds of Eli Leon ard, F. P. Huntley and the next tract below described, containing 105 acres, more or less, and known as a part of the Hampion Huntlev-Morris land.con veyed to J. A. and V. E. Gulledge by C. N. Sirr.psnn, mortgagee, by deed da ted 5th day of April, l!s, and register ed in Registry of said county on deed book No. 2.1, page 5o, etc., reference to which is hereby made for a more par ticular description thereof. Third Tract: Adjoins the 105 acre tract above described, the lands of Eli Leonard, Mrs. Emma Baraett and Lu ther Huntley, containing 100 acres, more or less, and known as part of said Hampton Huntlev-Morris land, convey ed to J. A. and W. E. Gulledge by C. N. Simpson, mortgagee, by deed dated 2th day of Maroh. l&U. and register ed in Registry of said county in deed book No. 2:;, page 52, etc., reference to which is hereby made for a more par ticular description thereof. Fourth Tract: Adjoining the lands of Paul Huntley, Ralph Chambers. Jas. Martin, Mrs. Lou Stanlv or John B. Rorie estate lands, and H. C. Smith, containing 508 acres, and known as a part of the Dr. Lowery lands, on both sides of Brown Creek, conveyed by Ma ry T. Davis and her husband, to J. A. and W. E. Gulledge by deed dated 4th day of April, 18".i, and registered in the Registry of county in deed book No. 28. piipro o'Xi, etc.. reference to which is hereby made for a more par ticular description thereof. The undi vided half of V. E. Gulledge in above described lands was conveved by him and his wife to T. A. Gulledge by deed dated Eth day of Dec, 1105, and regis tered in rojiistry of said county in deed book No. as, page (k4, etc., and by T. A. Gulledge and wife conveyed to said J. A. Gulledge by deed dated 5th day of Oct., 1W7, and registered in Regis try of said county on deed book No. 41, page 455. Sold to satisfy debts secur ed by said Trust Deed. This 30th day of October, 1911. C. N. Simpson, Jr., Trustee. Lee & Lee Co. THE LEADING Dm Cools, Notions, Mlllineru, Clothing ar.l Shoe Store In MONROE. NORTH CAROLINA. THIS WEEKS SPECIALS FOOTWEAR Now before the winter's snow and ice have come, we have put the slaughtering knife deep into moderate-priced footwear, which eaables you to now buy this high class mer chandise at below prices. Such well known brands of Shoes as KING QUALITY and the MORRIS SHOES for men. and the SELBY SHOES for lades GO AT THESE FRIGES:1 ". JItn8 Patent lllueller lll l'.lltloii Shoes $:l.."rtl. f4.t" iiml .R."0 .M.'iis tJuniiietnl. Patent hii.I Thus .i.". .f l.ixi iiiul sR.IO Miii'a ( ami Patent leathers .."m) i.ii.l .fl.iHi. .M."l hikI !r-!.". Men's Yiei Ki.l Ki.l Line,! nt .f l.iKi. M Men's Patent I. -at hers .2.(NI.. t:Mmi Hoys' Patent Leather 12.(10. $:!.." and $4.00 Ladies' Patent lilueher and llutton fcl.OO. :t.."0 ami $4.00 Latlirs' Tau Rluelier Shoes $-'..10 and J.OO. $'1.00 Ladies' Tan P.iuelier Shoes $2.00 aud $2.50. $2.7." Ladies' (iuiiinetal Hlueher $2.00. $2.00 ami $2.2." Ladies' heavy weight Viei $1.,0. $l.lo iiikI $1.7." Missis patent Viei Kang., $1.2."). $1.7." Misses' Tan rravenette Top $1.2". $l.."o and $l.(iO Woineu's lland-iuatle Kang. Shoes $1..2". $2.."0 Men's Heavy Work Shoes $1.7.1 ami $2.00. One lot Women's Kang SIhm-s 7."e. Oiw 1(4 Women's Fine Shoes "Oe. low Cotton Brings Cheap Cotton Goods: :i2-ineli Heavy Cotton Suiting 7' -e. Heavy Tealed Heps 10c. Lijfli't and Dark Colored Outing ."e. Fine ISrown Sinn-tings 4u. Cotton lilaiiket.s .Vie. the pa'.r. (ioml Weight Cotton J'laiiktts N)e. Heavy Weight Cotton HlankeU $1.00 LEE & LEE GOMPflNY, THE LEADING DRY GOODS, I0TIOSS, CLOTHING, GENTS' FDRIISHIIGS, HIT 1SD SHOE STORE II MONROE. Ciet a Majestic SouvenirSee our inhvi'tis, ment in thisissue. I Itii th Hardware Co. To those indebted fn A r Inhn. -- viievii deed. This is to notify all persons in 1,'hteH to A ' "V . " -" """""""l U llltll their accounts are over thirty days past due and we must insist on settlement bV NOV. lfltll If fnil BM 01.0,1 AM ...... crop is seized under mortgage, do not umiiie me execuiors. inis notice ap- nlie to evprv naruw InKf jkA i - - -.j rvDvt' iiiutuivu w saiu estate in the sum of on pennv or more. I It T L v t J ii. nuiiiiDun, j. ss, Simpson, cxtrs. Administrator's Snlo To lu .nU public auction: Self Binder, Open Rea per, Grain Drill, Mowing Machine and Knke. twn-hnrap flow liian Pino, r-.,! tivators, Harrows, Corn Shredder Cane Mill, I'lanters, ocythe, Cradles, Buggy, wsgon, victor reea unnder, one set French Burr Mill Stones I Kettle. Tanninor Mill, all kinHaaknn arA carpenter's tools, and all such other tools common to well equipped farms; household and liitehrn fnrnitnra Cola to beirin at 10 o'clock, Thursday. Nov. A. I. 1,111 . . . fin, tail, i reBiuence oi J. a. Marsh, deceased, Marshville township. r. a. Marsh, Administrator J. A. Marsh, deed. For Sale. Or will trado for nmnnnit. ed land My machinery plant, stock of kuuuh, ana modern nome located nine mile aouth of Unnnu An U.'nl t DnnJ - WI. MVU . VI 1 U road. Machinery consists of ginning, aUT St TA fri af t-nill v1Hna. avU- I 1 " in", piaucr, uircsiicr ana brick machine. Store has established trade, farm nt 93 nnrsa woM with splendid buildings. This is at the midsection oi nve public roads, good arhoAl and rlinrK 1 aV mOa r.l ..u borhood and a good proposition. My reason for disposal is my Florida inter ests demand mv attention innl in Jerre C Laney. W. Thos. Laney. Sale Notice November 14th. besin- ning at 10 o'clock, I will sell at nublic auction, at my residence 6 miles south of Monroe, a lot of fodder, corn, hay, a fine Jersey milk cow, a disc harrow, farming tools, forge and shop tools, a surry, buggy, wagon, and a pair good mules and other articles. This will be hne time to secure many good bar gains. A. C. Baker. Yont Attention The Bazaar to be giveu by the Woman 'g Auxiliary of the Episcopal church will be held on the ninth, tenth and eleventh of November, in the building formerly used by C. N Simpson Jr., for a drug: store, west of Courthouse. ' The Mending Booth will be beneficial to you. Any Hosiery that needs darning-, linen or cotton articles to be patch- ,u " ". uuiiuus wj uo sewcu on, sena to me Dunatng ai ten o clock, morning- of ninth. The Fancy Work Booth will contain articles suitable for Christmas presents. Come see what we have. Beginning1 at half past five in the afternoons, gunner will h rvH fitcA va - - - - . --rr-- - x.vttu i iu wraicia 25 cents, Chicken Salad, Ham Sandwiches, Coffee or Hot Chocolate 25 cents. At the Candy Booth Home-made Candies, Fudge, Sea Foam, Peppermint Drops, etc., will be for sale, also stuffed Dates, salted English Walnuts and Peanuts. fa 1 m a .. .. selections irem urana opera, (both vocal and instrumental), Famous Songs and Piano Solos Opera Stories by H. L. Mason, Musical Pictures, and Ragtime Music will be for sale at the ' Music Booth. Come make a purchase at the COUNTRY STORE. It will be worth while. For everv purchase amounting to ten rants, from th h VAtt wrill Via mita ..1.. Al 1 a. The one who holds the lucky ticket will be entitled to the chocolate cake to be given away. Don't Forget the Date, the 9th 10th and 11th of November. Doors open the afternoons and nights of the 9th and 10th and all dav and i mM c,... day the 11th. Come. '

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