AU OIU L 1 PtK ft XT. AVca! If Impart hiff.U simi!aiiiiu'3croo(laal- ling i.V Sfcchs riix!s i GUI Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought -am Promotes DislUHifkftfd iwss and IfcstXcnuLis :i.v OT NARCOTIC. Bears the Signature OmiSr. Li?tr tl.iiyi i nan Annfai Rem?dv forCnsfip- tion . Sour Sionva: h.lMarrt Wormsfa'WlsKKS.tfwrea wssarelLOSjOFSLELP. ratS'aaic Si;n.-..i? cf NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wraner. fn Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA TMI CtOTMra .MM. NCW OH CIT Buy What You Need Do vnn hnv frtiliviar iin.1. m hrnnit name like ft D&t- n medicine, or do you Dny wrtat your lana neeasr Thira in ni mi.Ti. n.tiliti... n itpciif bv certain hlnnnt. It is only a question of how many pounds of plant food do tney contain. By mixing your fertilizer yourself, you fan suil the pro portion of uii k acting'and gradually available Phospho ric Acid and Ammonia to your soil, and you Know What You Buy The best farmer!, those who produce the best crops for the least money, and make their lands more productive each season, all hnd that Ifome Mixing Pays Our formula book sent free upon request Fertilizer Materials for Home Mixing Thomas Phosphate Total Phospho ric Acid. 17 to Woi Lime, 35-50 Muriate of Potash Potash. W Sulphate of Potash Potash, 4)S Kainit Potash, 12 Nitrate of Potash Ammonia. 15; Potash, 44 Imported Ground Fish Guano Ammonia, 10 to 12; Bone Phosphate of Lime, 15-20 Nitrate of Soda Ammonia, 18 High Grade Dried Blood Ammonia, 16 High Grade Tankage Ammonia, 9 to 10 ft ; bone Phosphate of Lime, 15 FOR PRICES AND FREE LITERATURE, ADDRESS The Coe-Mortimer Co. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHARLESTON, S. C. Our Store is very complete with all the latest and best medium priced FURNITURE and if there was ever a time when the young couple going to housekeeping could furnish every room in the house to begin with at a nominal cost and such conditions of purchase to make it a real easy matter, it is NOW. We are in a position to give you the best in every particular, and a com parison will'convince you. Yours for business, T. P. DILLON. Death of Mr. J. A. Jerome. (Corresiondenee of The Journal) Mnv friends throueoirt the count d learned with regret of the muMcm deatn or -Mr. jauies A Jerome October 2Gth. aUnit sevcu oVl.K-k in the afternoon, at his lnuiie at I'nioiiville. lie ' out side the house when he fell unconscious to the ground aiid died within alnitit half an hour. Ills death wan caused by e. re hral hemorrhage Mr. Jerome was well known throughout this county and al ill Mecklenburg, where he f.nm erly lived, lie was a good mm and will Ih greatly missed in the eommtmitv. II' was 74 tars and ll duvs old. Mr. Jerome was one of the men who erected the l'nitnviJle Meth odist church, and had been a inetnher since its organization. Ills wife and four sons anl five laughters survive. Funeral services were conduct- 1 . . t I O 4 ..... I .. .. .,'... el al Hie KOltie "inuniai m-i- uoon about one o'clock by his pas tor. Hew C. i. Allison. and the remains were interred in the Ptessvn graveyard. President Witnesses Big Naval Review. New York. Nov. 2 Fresh from his cross-continent tour" of W."00 miles, during whieh he reeeivtl senatorial pledges whieh se. tu to indicate the early ratification of the treaties of caee and arhit ra tion with tireat Britain and France. President Taft t lay. standing " windt luiilirc of the little oruisi':--w.eht the Mayflower, reviewed the miirlitMst line of l'!rlitiiisr e:-aft ever assi'tuliled under Ihe A:ni ri can flair. Tin- i'residelil liad illdie;,' ! ill all !lis sjieceltes ill a lvoca' .' of th- treatii s of peace that I eii tertaiiied it. i I'.Mi.l d"lusion that war. hy eonveiiti-ou. could :i .'i;e-iat-ly ! a tiiinv' ol lh-'. Tmlay Mr. Taft let it. he kn. wii that he vuiiM urire ('oiijf!-is the necessity of huildinir two nival KupcrdrcadiioiiL'lit a year iint'.l the Panama canal is in actual op eration. The canal, he declared. would doiiMc 1 1n eff science of tlie navy and from that time on. one battleship a year miht suf fice to keep the American navy in the forefront of the world's military j hi wen. Countless thousands of t'conle joined with the President in pay-! tnlnite to the tiv' score ves sels which lay at anchor in the Hudson. Twenty-four first class battleships were in the line, sur r ninded by armored cruisers, tor pedo boats, submarines and the rank and f:b' of auxiliary vessels that serve as tenders to the fleet. There are ninety-nine in all. Tweiity-( ne of the battleships toward the close of the day pick up their anchors, turned in the teeth of the (-ale and swept out to stii proudly. The President watched the passing pajreant in impressed silence. As ihe hie filihtijijr ships steamed by with foam crested waves spreadiaifr from their armored Imiws and with clouds of black smoke swirling fit in their funnels, the sun was near it.s Met tin? and they spoke with crash ijitf puns the last of a long series of wdutes which had begun wMh the early morning and had been all but iucessant throughout the day. The Columbian National Life Insurance Company of Boston, Mass. Chartered in and doing business under the strict laws and supervi sion of the State of Massachusetts Low Rates . Short form Policies Everything Guaranteed Nothing Left to the Imagination Why Not Get All the Life Insurance You Possibly Can For Your Money? When a man buys life insurance he tdiould rurchae it on the non-participating plan, as on thia plan he knows firm t!ic beginning the exact yearly cost of his policy. The usual difference in premium Wtween a participating and non-participating policy is over 20 per cent, which difference can be advantageously used ui purchasing that inueh more .insurance. Think a moment liow much more satisfactory to the policyholder-it is to have from 20 to 25 per eeut more insurance fur the premium paid than to have a dividend of uncertain amount once a year. To illustrate hy actual figures: at age :.". .f27.(Hl jer thousand or $270.00 annually will pay for a $10.(HK).OO ordi nary life jHiliey in a participating company. The Columbian National Life's non-participating pol icy would cost i.2130. If this difference between $270.00 gross premium in the participating com pany and !,21u.50 fixed premium in the Columbian National is a pp plied to purchase additional insur anee at 21.o3 per thousand. th. policy holder could carry .f 12.300.00 insurance in the Columbian National for the gross cost of $10,000.00 in the participating company. In't it better for the .f.'7o.tHi jou pay down wlun you take the policy to get .12..Hhi.o0 pro tection for your family instead of $lo.(HMi.(N, particularly us the ?12.3oo.oO policy has Jargcr cash values than the other.' In one ease you get in the Winning, always know what the cost will be, and what you are going to get for it. In the other you get less insurance protection and an uncertain dividend. Isn't it better to know than toguess.' :see: WALTER K. MAHONE, MANAGER, Fostofflce Buildlnn Monroe, N. C. 1 Columbus and Oxford Buggies. 'Phone No. 10 for Job Printing The Journal. Cabarrus Farmen' Warehouse Burned. The Cabarrus count v cotton warehouse at llarrishurg, con- taitrug one hundred and twenty bal s of cut ton, was destroyed by fire Thursday morning. The blaze was discovered bv Mrs. Fate Mc- Chartucy, who lives onlv a short listancu from the warehouse. The alarm was given and practically the entire citizenship of the little v il Ln iff rcsHnded, but without the assistance of fire-fighting ap. paratus, they were tumble to do anvtlnng with the flames. The building was not ineuired. It was erected in P.M17 and cost $S00. There was $5,500 inmur 'inee on the cotton, which fully covers the lom. The wtaple was owucd by farmers in various sec tions of the county. A Father's Vengeance would have fallen on any one who attacked the sou of Peter lSoudv, of South Itockwood.Mich but he was powerless before at tacks of kidney trouble. "Doc tors could rout help him," he wrote, "ho at last we gave liim Kleetrifl Hitters and he improved wonderfully from taking six bot ties. It's the. Ixst kidney medi cine I ever saw." Backache, tir ed feeling, nervousness, loss of appetite, wrn of kidnev trouble tliat may end in dropsy, diabetes or Bright 's disease. Beware: take Electric Bittrrs and lte safe. Ev ery bottle guaranteed. 50 oent at The Englkh Drag Oo'a. We have just received fresh shipments of Columbus and Ox ford Buggies. The Columbus Buggies have long stood at the head of perfection in buggy building. The Oiaord in their line have no superior. If you are going to buy, it will pay you to see these buggies. Good Harness. Our harness maker is daily en gaged in making new harness, and we already have a good stock on hand. Get your har ness now, so you will have some thing to stand the long winter strain. r. Home-raised Stock. We have on hand some good home-raised horses, mules and mares, for sale or exchange. We will give you a good trade any time. Fowler & Lee Co. Leading Dealers and Liverymen. r .YOU CAN GET THIS RA ZOR A GOOD ONE FREE BY PAYING ONE DOLLAR FOR THE JOURNAL, IN AD-J VANCE. '

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