No Man is Stronger Tfian His Stomach A fnl nana h urocf over. No mzn cia ko atnMf whj is ciCcrirg iron week itoaucH with in coaucqucni inj.i Ja, or from t-m otucr diieata tl the a;Ka,:h and it nsxk-lnl or&uu, whtca im pair liiotiao mad euri:ioa. l-ur txa Cm aiomach ii w; or diacated ilitrs i a k oJ Ibe ajtritma coouir.ej w lucj, whuh h the aourco ol all phriicjl ttrcotth. W hen a ci-a ' tfoeu't Icel juvt ri;ht," whea ha Auen't rn l. .. t . i celi4 m iha UomacS a?:.r eatin. ii laouU, nervous, Irritable ami d.ipoaJ- eat, ha ts kmrf tlis auUiiioa sccJod lo make atrcojJtX SceA aj aConaf via Dr. Pierce Coden UtdUtl Oincovcrr. It ecrem ttoeaaes of fo tranac aaef Mtr cams f t.Jesiojt af matrltio.t. it erticbeu tie blood, tJivlorjt:s ts j:-.-er, itrimitbtmrtho tktocrs, ftoarWaae ? rerrrj. eo-f to Cl'CS UEZLT:i ZZD STSCXUTtt TO Tffc SHom co or. ? Ve",'t ot1 ,j occ,P: oJtruia at a auSotitute lor thi nor akwhiiliu mcJicu or iw eoxmnrriu, ru even thovfM I he ardent deilcr E'y j;r.:-j, nuke a Sitt'e bijcr pnuit. 1 1 ;n Jicnt-i primed on wrepper. Fully Covered The home that is covered by a fire insurance policy is one free from thoughts of adversity, and the fellow that has no insurance on his property is usually the first man to receive a visit from it There is no terror from its menace to the man with a care fully drawn policy such as we make out for you. Your money is as safe as if it were in U. S. bonds. 'Phone 209. Gordon Insurance S Investment Co Make Your by checks on this bank. Then there will be no chance of the money being lost or disputes as to payment. Checks can be mail ed for a two cent stamp. They are thus at the same time the cheapest and safest way of re nutting money. Open your ac count to-day and commence get ting the benefit. Savings, Loan & Trust Company. R. B. Eedwine, President. H. B. Clark, Cashier. The Famous Mdfo Lamp The Rayo Lamp it the best and mo$t lerviceable lamp you can find for any part of your home. It is in use in millions of families. Its strong white light has made it famous. And it never flickers. Ia the dining,.room or lha pallor iht Riyo girn juit the light that it most effec. live. It it a becoming lamp in iltelf and to jrou. Jut the Ump. too, for bedroom of library, where a clear. Mead) light it needed. The Rayo n made ol lolid brati, nickel-plated ; alio in numerou other alylei and fimihrt. Eatiljr lighted without removing ihada or chimney ; eaty to clean and rewick. Aik row dealer la W ymi h Itae of Rro lamp, i or writ, for docrvtm circuUr to anr aimcy of ih. Standard Oil Company Incorporate J) ij mi v m m m mm win 7ri i Chocolats Au The del iciousness only exceeded by the Puritv. The most exquisite blends of the finest nuts, fruits and fondants, making every piece better than "the one before. ' No commonplace sugar and chocolate kinds, delicious down to the last piece in the box. Sold only by us in original sealed packages. C. N. Siropson, Jr. ." Toung Woman Burned in Cabar rus Home. I'ourorJ. Nov. 2. The liom of Mr. Johu K. r.t. nlfonl iu No. a towusliip. this roimtr. -stryMl ly firv aU.tit nix oVIoek tliU afteriuxiii and his daughter, Miss Iirttii ISradforxl, lnit years tId. lost Iter life iu tlu fla me. The house watt razed to the prouitil and raetieally all of the muteiits were lost. The house was a nukstjiitutl two-Ktiry Ktruc lure and the ls w tittite large, the exact figure Wmg unohtain aMe at th'w hour. The insurance will only artly ciiver the loss. The fire started in tin kitelun from a defective fine and in a few moments hail spread to oth er parts of the house. When dis covered it was seen that the Imilditij; was doomed, and Mr. Mack Bradford, who was at home at the time, assisted his aged father from the house, while. Mink lietlie, followed by a iiegio farm hand, rushed up stairs to save whatever iossihie of the house hold effects. While they were up the rear roof fell in and h parently cut off the only avenue of escape. Iu some way, howev er, the negro reached the stair way and fell down, lacing pulled to safety in an exhausted condi tion. Miss Iiradtonl was never seen after the roof gave way, un til her charred remains were found in the smoking ruins sever al hours later. Marriage of Miss Essie Secrest. Mr. (.'la tide A. L ol'liu of Atlan ta, (ia., and Miss Kssie (J. Se crest, daughter of Mr. A. A Secrest of I'lnoiiville. were mar ried last Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride, onlv a few relatives and friends leing present. Dr. J. II. Weaver per tormed the ceremonv and Miss Janie PhitVr played the wedding march. Alter the wedding the young people took the train at Monroe t,r a trip to Washington, New York and other points. They will live in Atlanta. The bride is a yoiinir lady of ctiiMirc ami renin iih itt ami has a great many friends who wish for her much happiiu ss. Saved Many From Death. W. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark..he lieves he has saved nianv lives in his 25 years of experience in the drug business. "What 1 al ways like to do," he writes, "is to recommend Dr. King's New Discovery for weak, sore lungs. hard colds, hoaiHenent, obstinate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bronchial affection, for I feel sure that a nuniWr of mv neighbors are alive and well to day because they took mv ad vice to use it. I honestly Wlieve it's the best throat and lung med icine that's made." Easy to prove he's light, (let a trial bottle free, or regular oik, or 1.00 bot tle. Una ra ut eed by The Knarlish Drug Co. Glorious Hair For Every Woman Who Wants It Any wonnn who neglects her hair cannot expect to have as lovely hair as the woman who doesn't. Wash the hair once a week, use PARISIAN SAUK daily keep your hair brush clean and in a few days you will give to your hair a beautiful lustre tluit you will be proud of. PARISIAN SACK is a most re iable hair tonic; so reliable that English Drug Company guaran tees it to eradicate dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. It should be usul as a dressing by every member of the family ecause tt keeps the scalp clean. prevents hair from tinning gray and baldness. Large bottle 50 cents. You will have no nee for ordinary preparations after once giving delightful PARISIAN SAUK a trial. ' Balked at Cold Steel. "I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot off," said II. I). Ely, of Kantam, Ohio, ' although a hor rible ulcer had beeu the nlaa-in of my life for four years. In stead 1 used Hucklen's Aniici Salve, and IllV foot was mum mm plotely cured." Heals burns, all minis, mills, hruises, sores, ec zema, pimples,, corns. Surest pile cure.. 2."c. at English Drug Store. Much is said of the trials of Job, but Ina wife wlu had to put up witji lum while he was siek, eserves more credit.i Whan tou tiara a bad cold tou want lha bent medicine obtainable aoaa to cure It with aa little delar ai Doaaible. Hera ia a H ftiat'i opinion: "t have told Chamberlain ? (align Kerned? for bfteen yean, aari Enoa Iollarof Saratoaa. Ind.."an t oo lb market." (Sold bj ll dealers. Invincible Hour. (High Patent). Golden Cream, (Fancy Patent). Baker's Choice. (Half Patent) Graham Flour. (Absolutely Pure.) Buy flour with a reputa tion. Just good, plain, hon est home-made Flour. A flour that is actually good as can be made from selected Valley of Virginia Wheat. For sale by all dealers. Henderson Roller Mills Company What is Your Reason for not having a BANK ACCOUNT? The question is a bus iness one. You earn Money, have an income and every own er of an iucome. no matter how small it mav be, has use for a BANK ACCOUNT. If you have given much thought to the problem of ac cumulating something for the future, vou realize that a good serviceable BAN KINO CONNECTION is an esseutial factor in carrying your financial plans to success. Therefore, you are interested in securing this serviceable BANKING CON NIX'TION as soon as you can. TIUS BANK is iu a position to help you and we will be glad to have you identify yourself with us. Farmers 6 Merchants Bank. M. K. LEE, President J. L. EVERETT, Vice President C. B. ADAMS, Cashier. A Choice of ties that will delight the men, who are proud of their appear ance, that will look comfortable and handsome, at the same time is a pleasure when you can select from the rich and elegant assort ment of fine neckwear that we have placed at the disposal of those in Monroe who would be in style, and in comfort at the same time. You'll Admire Yourself. CRN BR M SI when you look in the glass after trying on the suit you have or dered from us. You'll note the perfect fit, the swagger set, the all round dressy . look of the garments. Our tailoring is dis tinctive in style and faultless in taste. Those who know say so emphatically. S WHY Piedmont Buggies are the height of perfection in huggy building. To build a buggylthat combines style, comfort, finish and durability has been our aim since the first conception of Piedmont Buggies. Our fac tory is located in the famous Piedmont section of North Carolina the best, timbered section in this country; our machinery is of the latest improved patterns; every man in our shop is a skilled mechanic, and every inch of material used is carefully selected and inspected by experts. These are some of the conditions that go to make Piedmont Buggies the heightfof per fection in buggy building. 1 We have studied carefully the requirements of buggies in the South, and endeavor to construct our Piedmont Buggies to meet these conditions they are built in the South, by Southern people and for the Southern people. Piedmont Buggies .will give you better service, last longer, and cost less to keep up. For sale by Heath Hardware Co., Monroe, N. C. Most everybody else is paying a year in advance and getting a fine pocket knife, a good razor, or high grade scissors, why not you? The Journal has a fine line of these and can suit you to a T.