Prescriptions. At all times the health must be carefully guarded; particularly now in the chang ing seasons. Do what you can to prevent sickness, but if it come, place the respon sibility of supplying the medicine upon us. Bring every prescription to us and know that you get the most active drugs, carefully and honestly compounded for best results to the patient always. English Drug Co. The Dependable Store. Pagel&nd Insurance 6 Realty Company DEALERS IN Life Insurance, Fire Insurance, Real Estate, and Real Estate Loans. Three hundred choice Town Lots for sale. Also a number of valuable Farms near Iceland. Write for prices and terms. PACELAND INSURANCE 6 REALTY COMPANY, L. L. PARKER, PRESIDENT. H. X. ASK1XS. SECRETARY. W3? VTV lit If I A- UDIES Batches A Womnae will treasure as her choicest possession a reliable time piece. Ladies watches are made today that will keep time with the same degree of accuracy as the larger sizes. In buying a watch it is essential that it comes from some one who is reliable. Every watch that we sell is timed to give the best of service and we guarantee same for one year. Come in and let us show you the lat est styles. We do only the very best of repair work. Bring us your Jewelry and repair work and have them made as new.1 - The W. J. Rudge Co., LEADING JEWELERS. Make Your by checks on this bank. Then there will be no chance of the money being lost or disputes as to payment. Checks can be mail ed for a two cent stamp. They are thus at the same time the cheapest and safest way of re mitting money. Open your ac count to-day and commence get ting the benefit. Savings, Loan & Trust Company. News in Indnan Trail Vicinity. (Corrcspoudeaic of The Journal The late cotton is very pood. The corn crop in also very good. Mr. J.. I). II. lius will nuke ahou ,VH bushels of com tbi year, lie also raises fine stock in coiinee tii.u with his farm and is an all round progressive farmer. There wits an election held al the new I'liiou drove school house, district 11. for special school tax. ou the 4th ins!., and the tv!ition carried almost to a man. Kcv.. Mr. tiilhspie of Charlotte will hejrin a sries of mi- tinjrs itl Km, mil' I church next Satur day. Tin re will Ik- ju ei.ehiiijr Saturday evening. Sunday at 11 a. m. and irjrht. also the follow ing week. Mr. Henry Kohinsou and sister. Miss FIoksv. of Hugo, Oklahoma, are visiting relatives in and a round Indian Trail. The railroad hat built a new cotton lnt form at this place. Mr. K.. It. Rowell. who haslK'en in the standing army for t lie past three years, has come home on a visit, ami saya he likes th" army line ana exiHcts to return in a short time. Mr. (J. It. Hairier has made au other big laud deal. He has pur- ciiasctl a K-nere tract of well timbered land on the Monroe ami Concord road. He expects to liegi nworking up the timlnr and developing up the land at once. Regardless of the short crops and hard tun s, the cough ira t : n ol the M.. K. church here lias paid thtir pastor. Kev. Mr. Slice- rell. in full and about i y A-bi to the good. Mrother S'i. rrell lias done a fine year's w.ri; here and the church lopes that et n le fence will send him hark.. CONTINUE TO ACT WISELY. Proceedings in Recorder's Court. I Nov. 1 through Nov. ti. ; .Herbert Hiiismi. white, viola tion of oldillilllees 7t and -4. Costs.. I.. A. Iloncycuit mid T. 1!. La ney. assault and battery; lbniey eutt W and c ist.s, Laney. cost's. (bo. Carelock. col.. larceny of a gallon of oil from the city of Monroe. 4 months in roads. Sam Montgomery, white, vio lation ordinance (. costs. Will (itven. coloivl, vagrancy. 'M days on roads.. (Jus llelk. white, earryiiig con cealed weaMUis. (ill days onroads. Appeals. Hugh Caudle, colored, assault with deadly wcipoii. ijC and enst. Wincey Smith, committetl to' jail 1.1 days for failure to pay I coxts iai a recent case against her.' David Hrndlcy, white, viola-' Hon of ordinance 7b'. ensls. I Ihive Parker, colored, larceny of chickens frcni .lanns Leonard.' no I pros. The evidence failed to! show that Have stole the chick-1 ins. He was also chaiged with1 stealing watermelons from J. K..I Moore and failed to eiine off so! lightly. Hut the Recorder tooki judicial notice of the negro's weakness f i r WHtermc hum ami so! said that fill days whs enough.) Tho warrant was changed to ford lile trespass. Mae FoHrd.white, violation of ordiuianee 76. costs. A great effort was nude on the farms this year, but the har vest it disappointing. The lwink ot 1'nion tried to tl-i s much g'Kul as possible and backed up eciy honest effort, but all ouri effoits could not make iHTleet crops and we cannot regulate, priets locally to suit our condi tions. Nevertheless, farmers, as' well as others, should deposit ev ery dollar jHissible iu bank, not only s a means of economy, but iu order to have a perfect rec ord of everything paid out. In these days merchants, and people giuernlly prefer checks to cash i ud it is r.wu-h more easy on yv t r t- pay the exact amount;. If n t :d ready doing btssiinss i.t the !'.a:ik of I'uion, it will be a iave in the right directicu to oj e:i a a account there. You cannot fiud better accommodations, more fa cilities or greater safety. Expe rience- has demonstrated tluse facts beyoud cent rover v. More over, your business is apprecia tea at tins hank, l on n your personal and business affairs re ceive the utmost sympathy, atten tion and protection. Accept the invitation thus offered aud you will never regret the business connection thus formed. Adv. There will be a heap more reli gion when ministers stop setting their dog-ma on their brothers eat-ecli ism. llliLstiatcd song bv Mr.. Henrv Fail-by at the Dixie tonight. etom.vh. Take Chamlrlain'e Tablet ami iwrert that and ill hr.tlachea will d;ap- lear. ror Hue xj au dcslera. Kverything in this world is of some use, although some of the inhabitants seem to he the ex ception to the rule. No man is so worthless that he cannot get a good man to ivcom- Ulelld him. For Sal! Fine lot of those handsome, pure bred Du roc-Jersey Pljs are now ready for delivery. One litter eight weeks old and one six weeks old. All fine. Can be seen two miles nest of Monroe. J. T. YARBROUGH, Route 5. J. W. CcDeland. of Marlon. Olitn chaaed bottle of Cliarabarlain'a Couch Ktmtoj lor mi bo; who bad a cold, tod be fore the bottle waa all uid the boy ' cold fire the bottle waa all ud the boy i cold a cone, la that not better than to pay 6 dollar doctor! bill? bold bj all dealers. B. B. Eedwine, President. H. B. Clark, Cashier. Last Notice. The wheels of law and judg ment will begin to grind out what you owe us tomorrow. November 1st. It may hit yon first, we dont know, but it will surely strike you sooner or later if you dont beat time and settle your aeeount, note, etc., before the law reaches you. This is no child's play. It is business to (lie wire. No Kiian iudirment. it's a fair notice. If you owe im anyl money you have bad due and am ple notice to nettle up. AVe have notified you by letter b person j or through the newspapers, what netter tune or notice can we give, you. Prolines don't go anvwhere !a I . I a . . . ! wiin us as uiey ion t pav debts. ' e are sory cotton w m low, but we eim't help. Don't come to see alsmt your account expect ing io neat time; it will take the hard cash to saUsfy us. You" know we have gone out W the mercantile bmsinesa and it ia un just and nnrcMJtonable fr you to lect iw'to carry you any fur ther, for we cannot do it. Our old business must be wound tin. so come liefore the officer rides' up U your door and settk W believe you intend to nav im onio' tune. Now w the aeccted aud expected time. Now we have had our say, what will be your answer. We can't tell, but we think our lawyer will find out. " Yours truly, , MeRae Mercantile Co. i i 1 aL JO - rs I i rliV - - . 2 M g 2 . ' aa,.gg. Oirysantfiernurn Nov. lO and 11, To be held in connection with the Bazaar piven by tho Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church, in the building formerly used by C N. Simpson, Jr., as a drug store. Send all flowers to be exhibited on the the morning of Friday,10th at 10 o'clock. Miss Katie Fairley requests the children who have geraniums for exhibition to bring them to the building Thursday afternoon, the ninth of November. Wagons, Wagons, Waigjoinis2 ! Columbus wagons are the best wag ons on the market: Car load just re- ceived and must be sold. Don't buy without seeing the Columbus. Harness, Harness! We have just received a big lot of buggy and wagon harness bought from a factory going out of business and can sell you harness while it lasts at less than manufacturers cost. Come quick before it is all gone. Horses and mules always on hand. Come along and do some business. E. M. Griffin & Co. I 1 S. Your note is now due. so come up and settle. If you want to hold V your cotton, all right, but we must have our money regardless of 9 cents cotton, lnis means all who owe us English vs. American! Although we have plenty of the newest English roll sack suits, we can't believe that the majority of American men will prefer to follow the extreme English fashion in Fall and Winter clothes. So for the benefit of the good old loyal Amer ican business man who desires to be faultlessly but not foppishly at tired, we have made a certain num ber of Schloss Americanized English Models, from the very finest imported and domestic woolens and in the very newest shades, which include the popular coronation purples, blues and browns, $7.50 to $22.50. For all that is best in shoes, hats and men's furnishings, see us. Flow & Phifer.

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