THE MONROE JOURNAL G. M. Eiasley & Ero., Publishers. R F. Eeailey. Editor I ,. N..vuiU-r 14. I 'll. liar reading Eiatt.r. ar..I the h-- !! will Ik- fooled by who U int rotted iu f I o! iZ'.l'W els Til . : - - - - " j . lie a Always the Knife in the Filth Rib. u p. .1 l I'.' a (1 .1 .1 ... ! . . ... . I... ' ... a i ii " ' i ' ' 1 " " if ii -u! t answer the :ir tli.' I nd -rwood VI r. iii ti.Mi iif tii tat ; ,11 goods V. l i.'li the I il 1 . . 1 ...... I . pa'. I a! i ii - Mr. Th st s ii : g-i'lli'!! !l til i.l" I Vl!''"!--. 4(11 WllVII T.I II -'!-Cli W.iS thr e.'ills, it. ru: iuig "t- al.iff this. Inc.' :li oat be P.- K.i'iii-'i';i!i !;itf..s, mills; t m.ike capital j ! against the l.-i'HHM-:itv lx"-iiUM-j tide aM.tcks latt. I Ii- ..ll-J .)! who mii he inter Vcd) h t, a nt ! fr tin. ..: campaigning arc !..!!. . in. are interest :. j i. iaii- tariff reform. Thev .... k M - T.ift for calling tli p. i s.-s'..ti anil tin ii attar rial s,s :'ir tar-! .11 er a- ' Conference Appointments. ! Tn Western Nt"th Carolina t"oiii'.rvi:ce ill Hi a! St.ltr- vi! . ii.lj- iir.5nl ycst.rday. The f. i;.."ai'j are the apprisim -nts, i. ii i ! divri.-t : IV-. Ih.g !l :-. '- H S.r.-,:gv An- ''i il! ciivu.t. ton! 'iinr' itii'. 1'.,'" nu t. IV. i k. Saii- !.. A. 1 ill l.av-l I ! t n ;:f. in .era Is in that sp, lr ".i'g t reduce I ii- nr.- int -rrl. .1 ,. rrpl. little l;.n! ',!.. s'.td t Iif ,,i!l! .1 'it I ration lnW . The t!;t a man who 1 ii I I'.oilllil sells.' ! ii 'Ilk ii little vii.v to under- i-gum i ' l'1-" urgo' !i hi' illli'liiU'liri- .. Hoi I lit. . 1 tin win in. .m an Tli - v atlfinri) sai.l lii.i t'i. Manu! iriuivr UiM-til lia.l hi.i.l- tin iru'iimrii!. II' w. s ;..i:w-r. i! tliat tliat cavr in tr ' i t ! '' f Hn!'.f i"- i'i' Si 1 Wa.N nf illttMilurUlji ins; h.;it is U tKlUnv: A " tl.ns a''.t nrsia'ri" rn . ivi -l from an I .-rt isi nir a L'i t!'V li t' follow ins! Nt't-rroH n'it niat't r. ith nl'-rv 1o innrrt ;tt lvt' il.T i!ili rtisii:j: rati's at oner. Si. ani 'i;s was .sniiirlKnlv t' vfrt it in tiir p i;ri tlow n lu ll' that tin- s'.e ivol.v prtl plat wa viit liv'lit aloiii; with the or. In with out wait iii-' to ' ' i' i' Wii" l' r. ptr.l ''.v thr i;,pt :. II r is th- ti.imr in printr.i from tli. it' sa plat : fHE PRICE OF COTTON AND THE POLITICAL SITUATION :at a ''ti' i tariff .j $. 1..- h-ut ajra'ii-1 an reform, ait.l tli;-, n tj'.ml t .tur t' fool ! inn 1 of tli' South alone: i',,ir wlirii thr:r cotton i j.ix; for the ri !i the manul.M", 'iiirii an. I c e; l-o.! cUr a.l that tin- M'op U t.i tiir. f courr .ni- othr!' kin. I of hr.r.l thine ! i lii'insr us.-. in nt In I' M'ctioii ,.!" th- r tinitn. In tl. lat ,M-ar j ti e w.i i tniNt has spi t.t hnn- j t iioiisallls It.!' tilt' sir N s.p K.ii Y. Irel s ! pi:!po. of rl'eatilie S'lltlllirllt tariff l'i fo-m. This ail vei! lie is .I. ii seeiitlv w here i r it ran hr. The trust lui s l".r. v: r l Str ; :. W. i!v.,-,v. Y. V. Met; .. I ha.v irk an 1 S vi'1n ':' S. ii;oii:'n. 1 nit i. ! I.. Trm!!. I'.:u..!th. Y. I'. J ... l'lin.-.-a M- iiii'i :al. T. ' p,i..l. ( h.,!v.iv. .1. A -' l ine', ii. TritKi.N . T. l Mk it. Tr i n St et. (i. T. Ii. w 1.. Nieii..lvii. Miprrtiiinu :' .iv . I.ll.svill-. .1. Y. Inirlr. Mai-shvi:ie. J. II. r.ra.lle. Mattlu ws. 1.. I". r.oirrr. Mi n roe station. .1. II. Y.av-r. Nor-h Mm:..-. M. T. M ! . Mo! t I!. -I. I". W.H.sll'V. Mount y.i' ii. A. Woo.! I'H.rMil, . Y. I.. Shemli. il. s. IJowr. I'.lkt.ii. ;. r. Urinkman. I'r .i ret. S. K. I.'irharilst n. ( 'iii n :lir.( '. K. Alliin. Wail shin.. ). Urmia".. Waxhaw. C. K. SlirlTill. Y.-.l'liiitr!i.:i. S-viuour T;:. !-". IV -siili nt l'i-.'.lnniiit ;i I istriai Train' i e Sihtf!. .1. A. in. (ViifrMici Missi.inarx t- .la- Splendid Values in Winter Wear Attractions at Belk's This Week. a tlo.-n pae, s in lit pul'lieations ' pan. S. A. Siew ai t. i . i i. ... , i ,i i,, i Confeivner Missiouarv ainl tin II asks the lull i if., ii. n . in, ii. S jnifif ant ReUtion Bten TriH Activity ind Lo4tat of Cotton Grov.rl Aroustt th South. Iti tl,- a ppritn" ni.'iit of h dolentlou nf roll ill cmwelM Ml the Nol'ttl t liri lla:; mmIc fair re rnlly, wltli Itistrur niii to Hitriiil I tit m.vtinii tu New Or IcHim liavinc fur Iim jiurimsf ttlr Illt I nc hy farniprH huiI otliprs of a eon bltleriilM' report loti of thin jMr'i rot ton rrop nii1 the riirtHtlniiMit of next jmr'ii nerc:n;i. i t I foiiud one of niHiiy liulleiitloii of iltNHiitlMfiiv'tlon el IstliiK over thf present political relM tlotiMlilp to ;hi prl-e of cotton. It In until thnt Prcsliteiit Taft' rs- priiclty cnnipalKti niul the I'nderwool tariff lill'.B not only ndvemely iffected general Im.sineM during the year 1911. Put Kpis-lflcall" eauaed the cotton man ufaetiirer to lose, by shrtukage and decri'UMiHl rolunie of trade, between $.Vi.a0.(HK) and $U)0.000.000. Cripiiled and with a pronpect of mure tariff notation In lt12. cottou manufacturer have naturally boon una Me to make purobaaca of cotton In the naual way, with the result that, with a full crop, political agitation lias crcati'il a ilMine. tu the price of the tapir thus far from 14 centa per pound to S cents per pound, with many . predictions from well posted quarters that a mii' h lower ratine will l ex pe-lctire.!. It In further claimed that without the extra session for the discussion of reciprocity the I'nderwood tariff meas ures would not hav been Introduced and In consequence, there would hate been but little probability that cotton would have l.-rii,.,l under the force of n full crop lower thau 11 cents per pound Instil of regl.terlii In price the low water mark for yuara, as It does today. The farmers In the south and the manufacturers of cotton generally are rbartttnir up a loss on this year'a crop of not less than $tTS,000.000, which losi they claim la rtlrrctly traceabl to political Infiuenca. Soinehoily stalitl.s rnnlv I" y (Ii. ,i:.i:.U 1,1' ih.lhils to irel llllit . . a .. I iru s! i on tai'ill I'etoini. .ini t !ie t liine eoes. Ii is tiivsome j Land Sale. 1 !.tl ilislfllstilte. Some sellemeo ISy il tue of KUthiM ity of a lirtil of ... ., trust ONmited to me lv J. L. Khamea , , p the people tion, oettuio anii wil'r, V. J. Rhamcs, on th.' Jlst, .... ... ii ..: ' .1 t l .... i i i..i.. i 1 'I'll'IM tlie Ifatters allil eiiailll u... i j.ii.j.ii.. i.'u. iuki uuij uti'iu- , j oil in mo ottii'c ot rcKiMcr ot iieei! lor , onl a j ir,jon county in book A I. naer .". toi I -Hit. ' samp li.e Ihr.l ilti Hi, I ik. A f rot ton. ! a x s : till the i.iVi rniiu-ti i:i1- t'!' l! The If .if t tariff aooVr In- way tin' VTafti'fs Upon the pliiilie. tu t )l' iVtlllriioll ill New t -ii ij:'' tnis'4 work pr: vkliich reference in hereby matlr, which j said dr. d of trust was execuUil to ,e- j cure the piiymcnt of certain liomis hear-, ine i veil date therewith, and whereas j the stipulations in said deed of trust j have r.ot hct n complied with and at the r. -quest of the holder of the bonds there by secured, 1 shall exiMjse for sale at t.-si el . pul lie iiuction for eash to the hi-i est bidder on the ir:h day of December, It'll, at l'J o'clock, lit the court house door in Monroe, N. I'.. I'iiion county, the iol- j,. ' lowing property: . I IVuhaiinr at a stake. Ins. A. Williams mil corner in !i. I., (iouion's line, anil runs with said l!or.lo':'a line X 5 E l-.'4 to a .-tone on S nf Xew Town roail: ilLtl'oiluetioii.: thence with edge of said road S N'i Kj 3.5 chs to a stone; then S 7CJ K " chs to a stone in the middle of the old road: thence S M K 9.5 chs on S edire of old road hy P () and B J in W. M. Alexander's line: thence 89 W lt.9ch to a stone, Ja.. Williams corner: thence with said Williams line N SaJ W 15.77 chs to the beginning containing 21 J res more or less, and known and desig nated n lot No. 4 of the division of the estate lands of Thomas Williams, de ceased. And reference is hereby made to the deed of trust above referred to for a more particular description. This l;!th day of Nov.. A. P. It'll. John C. SiKts, Trustee. Redwine & Sikes, Attys. Allgllst tin . il its esti to 1. "i.l II HI. I Mil I hall's ami ruttun began to turn l:-.,.i: .hi to imi i n-;, Is a il.iv i i-.'l. t low lr.vai.l till II' l,,iei,.. 'I i . . .1. . i',' I i.t ss.i e. r.ll'l Vi 1 o I'l I Hi' 1.11 li i ill nil l'i Mo: I go, is ll.lil tin lliofe !':". ,-t mi the prie than water i i-ii. i pnlllill oil a (llll'h s 11,11'h. II li - mainrii at ll'j utiliJ will up in , .. i. i ... Si hleliilief. Wliell lal llleis 11,'KI I" lYr.'ly to meet their hills. AM tin1 lra.ili.iig sprculatorx 1ooi il'.r bear s:,le ol the market, nr- r:iu' lnr governiin in is pro,s, eu- ting hull speculators, an.1 foived thr price ilowtl to the present .. ... . 'ri . i..:i.. lr i I o .i f cents. I lie uain market i-.'irts have never at- tlibiiteil aliv ilrelitie to tile eot- t , in gumis bill, nut Dcany ei v I 1 ..l'i. sharp liei'liiie lias nren i.uu i" L'livrnimi iit figuri'H or tin- iih- ... ii . . ei. i .. ' i : :i selivr ill Dllll Mlpp',11. I lie nrnm, imi a piaiiu iiin ii .oil w ho havr im fear of l.lie peiii'teli liaiv have hi'eii in full control. r" men ret iTfl 11 V J : ; ; ; ; - ! ii n ; i Lj i - , :'M !: 'M At ,0 9m Coat Suits and Long Cloaks for Ladies and Children. Don't put olT the purchase of vour Winter Suit until the last minute. Let us show you while our stock is brimful of new nobby styles. Half a Hundred choice suits ready for vour infection Stvles that possess everything that workmanship and material can have Jo U nTindividuality'to the wearer. Prices $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $19.50 and $25.00. Long Cloaks. We are ellirp: in quantities, and no wonder when you see our varied line of distinct styles in Reversible and Plait! Hack Coats combined with a grand assortment of staple materials at PRICES THAT PLEASE. Buy Your Blankets Now While Our Stocks are Unbroken. White Woolnap Rlankets with pink and blue border at -S1.50 pair; 95c Grey Blanket at 75c ivtir- 1 "5 drev Blanket, solid case direct from mill, at H8c pair; $3.75 Combination oo l'lki'n Rhnkot. with unnoticeablo defect, at .'.S pair; J4.5U all wool Blankets in pink and blue colors at 3.75 pair; Elkin Blankets in extra line quality of wool at $4.98 pair. ALL ELKIN BLANKETS GUARANTEED FULL SIZES. W. II. BELK & BRO. MONROE S BARGAIN CENTER. ! ' f. 1(111 Superior Court Work. The case of Mrs. K- Hamil ton tigaint Ml S. .Minre. wiiicu hrean on .Monday ot the urst week of court, was trrminated on Tursilav u venlcit in fii- vc.r of Nance. Thm thr cnnunal term hrgaii. and endrd last Sat milav night. The folhiwing cas ts were tllslNised of: ,laiii"s Covingtoii. earn ing coii- bil ilays, wmi ctiile.i weapons. Iritvr to hire out. r.trr.iiig ciincalril weapoiis, its sault with deadly weapons ml Stark at thr iluntir was kill w err South Carolina Farmers Say Fertilizer is Too High, ('olmiiliia Stiti'. Thr nirfting of thr Fanners' 1'nion Assioiation of County Hns iiirss Agents yesterday iifternooii was well iittrndtsl, nil sections of the State being represented. It was unanimously decided. aeiMnling to ii statement hy See- rrtjirv b'eid. to recommend to the iurinhei-s of the Farmers' union mill the farmers gmernlly throughout the State nut to buy am- fertilizers or ina- Itnial. except lit ii Militant al ! rrdiirtioii from the prices now bring quoted. our great Mlitieiil tree, while we who represent you in other Hie merely the IumjiciIics on that inag- nihcent tree. 'True, for von, Mike," piped a man in the hack of the liaH ; lint did you ever notice nil lln nit grows on tiie brunches!" ial urk. avr writ till the great house of ('lias. M. ! SUeff. It Will olllv cost 1 WO ! cents ,'ind you not only save mam ! dollars in a purchase, but run no ! risk of securing a cheap juano. 1 No matter what agent or dealer 1 is trying to sell you. write Stirff hrfoiv von bin'. The Sti'iT is tins time that Urn I, of which I he , . . , . .. i i i.i.i. i ,v,K, v,e c aepHi...' ...... .... , Ti,v ,.,.,.,,,.., ,vduct oU sauce. lhe de ,li; wilm. 1-, . .,,,, f, rt iiTS t)) ,,,, ;MI ,. jui gmeni oi " 1 as(l( tH, n.,xt s, jlsn- n gard Two daughters of Mr. .1. .M. Ke .'all nf west Molil towtlslli.!. vv ho have had t pluml fi vi-r, are gi itiiig In tier. Mr. Keziiih has .. . I . . ... . !,, 1.1 I, ,1.1 lillliei i-., ii- i'l .'.i' . . - . . . .ii' , , . , , ., I a;,.,! i.ls1' the only inLusth' piano sold .lirert ThuiMlax night. It will hr re e;tlbsl that Hot many months ago ii.- lost his barn hv fire. Manufacturer of tin to vou bv its maker. CHAS. M. STIEFF, Come and sir the great cook ing wonder at our store all the week, beginning Nov. I'tith. You have a cliani-e to get a Souvenir Set nf Warr Free. See large aihcrtiseiiit nt in this paper. Heath Hardware Co. Artistic Stirff, Stieff Self-Player. Shaw, Shaw Self-Player Pianos Southern Wan-rooms " West Trade Street. Charlotte. X. C. C. II. WILMOTII. .Manager . . . .i i . . i ... com t was mat ui" nciriin.iiiis pay a fine, whirh wi ll thr costs must amount 1o v. it over $-liil. and that they stay out of Norlh and Soiiili Carol ijii from n-nw on. should Ihey b- found 1 1 eitli-r Stati- they arc to be rearrestel ami sent to the roads for two years. Ten day.s vi :v allow ed fi r Ihem to g t away in. Chat lie McDaniel. carrying con cealed weapons: .. tiud eosis or thrrr mouths on roads. less of how low tiir price may be. heli'ving that a. eoii.sidrr.ihlr I'rsi due of this year's frrtilii r wif he available for next year's crop. Thev further recommend that large areas he devoted to sinajl grain mid other pmvision crops. The next, meeting ol the asso ciatieu will he in Columbia Jan uary Hi. PU2. nt 4 p. in. Only Got to Pull Together, fhe democrat;, even accordijig ,i i i i, i MII ,..,. , ,.,,,,,:,. tu.n.Mtntu.rH, ,,,,,,1,1 buttery; :t niouHis or . line ami , . .', . . " in t I I HI '!. - 1 1 hum i.-i - pull M:fi' :n tlie !,- spapi is. Th- refused it. as it nhis 4-s all sueli mair.-is licit sail un der fills'' rol. us. I'.ut since the convetsat'.ou outlined alnive we have decidid l print tin- mat ter fr.e for lhe purpose of show ing our read, i s what underhand methods are pl'a't.'lK'.'d Upon the imld'c. The reoplr wh' '' .ulln.f inonrv to circulate thus -i" . . rot expect to got, ay for it m sonic way. They don't throw money nt hints. Who is doing it and what pay do they exp.K-t to get nut of it? In the first l.biee thev think that the farm ers of the South have got little; enough mw Ut W foob'd by nny old piece of rot. and 11 that Is neccssiiry i In get inat Ijt like this out in boiup seeret wav, making it 0ir s rn' For TnanKsaixina Seeded Raisins, Currants, Malaga Grapes, Grape Fruit, Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Mince Meat, Almonds, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, English Walnuts, Citron, Figs, Many other Toothsome Things too numerous to mention. A. L. DEAR1NG. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are good days to look through our Jewelry Stock. The other good days are Thursday, Friday and Saturday. J. E. PRESLAR, Jeweler, Next lo PostotMce. CON t.S. Pink Smith, f 'lonieus breaking, six in, iiths on roads. This is the .nan who just wanted to get :n jail a while. ' dim McCain and Barnes McCain larceny of cotton from Mrs. Cel tic Plyler, not guilty. .lob u Mm re. forgery, fi months. Dave BllUns. assault i n woman. G moinihs. Bonis Ingram. retailing. .i i.. ' "," ? , I plans to sw.M-p the country 111 . 1 I' nil, idir. u. . ii . l'i '-. ,p. , i ,,, :. . .,. I here seenus to be no way tor Kber lb-bus, sell g whiskey.1 . ... . , , . 1 ' 1 .the repub leans to avoid defeat ,. r. ii- v i 'I th'' democrats keen together Bance Rogers and hnuna .cl-. . . ,, 1 , . . . T, . and work as Ihey have started son in. inra.iM .n- . f( ,f j, Taft ,lic i.rrwer, .kick ricaus hum cssarv to continue to together. The republican party cannot defeat the democratic can didnte for the presidency. Th only imssible thing that can pre vent the election of a democrati president in the failure of demo crals to do their duty, lhe o ixu'tiiuity is here niul from all part.sof the country news reaches i hea d. p la rt el's tluit the 1mvs real I ize the situation and are laying KveryUidy's biiMiiiis is no .oily 's business ; nobody's hiwi- iicns w every noiiy nusims; lllercfore busjness is bus-ino. Tinn Welsh, store breaking. not guilty. This case eoiiMimed iimut of the tune of the eiwA in tho trial of criminal chsik. The de fendants, young whit.- men of th? town, were charged with llie robWry of tlip store of Benton, Crow & Co. is re nominated the insurgents will slash him, and if Senator La Toi lette is nominated the old guard will slash him. Taft lost his home town of Cin eiimatti and Philadelphia went back on the standpatters by electing o Progressive Repub- great body i.litie in this city 1 ieii n over the machine. i i v Where the Fruit Grows. Michael Casey, a politician in Sun Frnnciwo who has Im-cii in office and imi the city payroll for many years, was addressing a meeting of bis fellow citizens. It was a lalior meting. "You iikii must know," spout- eit t asey. mat you lire me are the roots and truuks of.U'dwin i Land Sale. Finder and hy virtue of a ilred of trust executed to me oiilhe 1 lav of May. PHI. by F.rwin Wal ker nun! wife. Addie Walker, to . ... i. . secure ail UUIeliU'.llwss line 10 ine Sikes Company and Vann Sikes. whinh sii'kI deed of trust has hnji registiMi'd in the office of the Reg istr of Uceils for I'liion county. in book A. P., page !4. to which refereiicc is hereby nindr. niul by virtue of the further fact that the .holders of the notes llieiroin II i A ... secured nave nptiwi n me n trustee to foivrlos" said deed of trust. I will on Saturday, the 16th of December, rill, at 12 oehx'k. at the court house door in the city of Mmirot offer tor sale at public auctinni. to the highest bidder for rush, all of the right, title and interest of the said Hrwin Walker niul wife iu and to the following tracts of land : FIRST Tli ACT: Lying on Pole Cat Creek, adjoining 1he landsof F.lizabeth Plyler, Melissa Stai'tres and others, and containing 7H:,li arms, more or less, b.-ing the binds itmvcypd by Lew is Walker and wife, Alice- Walker, to .lohu F. Walker by deed dated Nov. !. PKIH, and iN'gistcretl in the ofiiee of Rcgistir of Deeds for Pnuui county in record of deeils No. 4:l and page 41, to which refereifce w heivhv made. SFCON'I) TRAIT : Lying .m be waters of Lynch 's Cns-k. in I join -ing the lamls of Tlionuis (iriffin. Mark Walker, Douglas Outlaw, and Daniel Startles, containing 17 acres, more or less, being the bwul etiiveyed by W. O. Statins t lohn F. Walker by deed dated on Ian. 'J4. PHi.'t, ami -)r;ilinil in book 4:'. page 1 -". in the office of regihter of di-eds f- the coun ty t f I'tiii n, to which rcferem-e is hereby made. This the 14 day of Nov.. PHI. John C. Sikes. Trustee. 4 Sllus, AtittiK'.v.