he Monroe Journal VOL. XVHX NO. 44. MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1911. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Meeting Has Been Called for Monroe December 11th to Be gin Campaign. Be on Hand. F.vrry man who owiw any piin timlier iii 1'niiio county should he in Monroe on M outlay, Dec. 11, and leam .how to dxtnoy the teeth? lufore thev dcatntr all th timber, which .thev -will do if they once get a strt. Mr M V Houston, who has alren.k l,t nuuvy acres of timlier. has lieen m omspond"iiee with Mr J I. Holmes, the State Forester wl ............ w IR. m-re. came J took liiv stan,! -MCVKIcnmirg SU(I other ttiim-iiirihl. . " ....v....... i r. mv'iuun nuim tran mg counties have alreiwlv !,, ,- . .. i , . v-r nan n i jilt' arcil Of hcanti- ..,. IU,S Itu 1UnvtrB eVergreen On already apiiearcd exteiwtvc v in I tb county, the fight must I .VZrfT .3 opelked here. On another page of relative t i.. .. The Journal will 1 found . ae- nv. Then tl " 7";""': A Merry Marriage in Buford. mere was one of the most beautiful wedding t the home r Mr. W. II. lrg on Xv,.nlK-r -Hh tliat it has been my pleas- to attend m many a war. eontraetjng forties were Mr! cinon Cos, siui of Mr. ami .Mrs. J. H. (ox. and .Mis Maggie ligg daughter of Mr M i; ' The lieautiful all aphnv with young jieople Umg More the bridegroom ar rived, ami then there WHS n fl ter among them 111 lKtitiMau t L . of (the eventful hour. sLx-fl.iwv This eonn,t of the Mecklenburg meet :mg, and a statement of the wax the beetle is -handled .Mr. F.ula Watching Cotton Figures week. New Orleans, Dee. 3. Two things will lie talked about in the eirftoii market this wink hi the excliisiiui f everything else. except, ihmuMv the six.t wtua. tion. Firs will ooiih the giiuiora' n-tuiiM lnm tlie wiwus Imwau, At? it "e MituNi rTblav. ami after that, the irovernm.Mit'a estrmate of the crop, diw a week from Mom la v. The pinners' fiirnren will Kim- ply lead Tin the government 's s timate, which will lie compiled ny ine tlepartnieiu wf Agriculture but they will he ibwd as the ha 'a of many orop estimates from private soitixies. It is too earlv vet to sav wli.it thf trade looks for fixnu the gin liens. Rstimates of tlu figures range all the way from 12,5M.. hales up to 1:1,700.000. W it li all the. crop iriK-ssini' that has been croinir on of late, the markuta Jiave not vet settled on the rooms the attendants: Wiilfpr U'ult,.., l yt: . ).x; Mr. Hosx Tivslur and M Us I what to expect from thn govern v-iuuiat- wMPuiii,. ; Mr. lu; I us Los ' 1 "r w".v m ul csuuiaic i"i .uiivs lyiua ritrir. Fn nv.. i. .wany ih'OPIc pro ha v vt me giKim 1.:,, ...... i Wl'l lauit VUll 1 IT I 111" 1I1MT1 VHUK . .1 . I . I- ... . .. "i , , ."'; ivaim me mamatr ceremony trovei'iuiu ni rigiues will Ih ex- " ii'M nc-JPf.1 u the mt nU. .1... ' invwil in oOO-immi.i,! I,hm 1 a riiw hHikuinr irrav iiiib-wI mm. 1 .... . .uuu ' .1.... : ' . . . .. . ' - r- " 1 itMiaiimiiii. unti iiPttukiMuo.i 1 ...... 1 ll iiit'v w li 1 iwn. m1 unt ntuorv 11. .... u.,vlwl, n, 1 lit ill 1 " --"- an oii hiushand and wkf.-. t'onirraitulm- hxl',,fNsinS I...: .1 . " I .w I I. ..I ueuiir men mi im Thanksgiving Offerings r ...... 1 1 jwu nave neei 011 tlm trtH'1s of Mt uroe on any Thanks- tJMiuij (we w;ll not-say gciitlemaai l)ecue he goea to the pinture show three times a week) g(.Lng around taking up it mllm ton. I liv gentleman 1111 question was Mr. II. li. Adams. mini he was rwivaig cotvtribu- turns for the Oxford Orphaungi- It has In ;n his custom tor main 11 1 . ,;ns niA ne always receives a tug KiMii. He has many stand nig kuiisci'Mh is wtio pay 111 their dues regularlv. It is a le;iuirl'ul eii..t in, a I ning trib ute of manhood to the needs of chxklhood. and Mr. Adanw wrnUliA mjo.v ha 1 iK.nksgiv.ng ,-, ,1Hn(b. ,, duincr if he didrit do it. Mr. A(L'iiiiH in cIuiiL:iiuji of the orphn nage comin'tti'P of the Masons, Cit. S. 11. (!r.'!n and Air. S. ) Hurn heiuig the oth'r members. His colla tion, wiilh .the profits of the incline sl.-.nv amounted to !f l 10.10 and a barrel ef floiur. The c.llect:oii in the (Vnitral .M:'tln:!rit church a moulded t $'10. This iln::vli gives 'J00 venr ly to the ( YrJVrence orplianag at Wii.vtin. As a tliaiiksgiivLng offering the bidivs of the liiit;t (Vngrega t-uni packed a box for the Thorn asville Orpluuieige which was val ul at !fi"0. Tlr Thanksgiving (Mil lection was if.iO, follmved bv JO on Sunday, the regular nioiithlv contribiutHHii ef tlie Sundav school. the i Rsbytci :mi church senit $20.1!.") to their orphanage at Jutmuni Springs. The collection of the Kp'wcopal church was $10.7.). TIils cluuivh J.so makes a nwrnthly cooitribu- tion to the vrphaiiiage. Cantured Another Still. For a stiLl lunat that briing rc sitlts. Deimtv Sheriff .Inb Orif firth is oi the job. Last Saturday naght he wciw vy ui .New Nilem township, found a Mt ill that had lately been i i opcratiim, ami k.v down by it 111. : sit of lie night waiitimg for the owner to come along Hid go to work. Jlut the owner didn't come., and he wen! back noxt momiiir and brokj iii up. It was a seventy gallon ket tle, and gave w.d.w.iiKJM of hav ins? been nucd silii'e the last rain And tlie last nti was made from cane- instead of cont The bwa- tinm was alsnjt the New Salem ami Maitthville linw. liiiii ti e Wcr? the llfliul.s-h:l.lu.v nn.l l..,-f.. ..u iiviiii. .'XprcsKiona. SirpiM'r Was OllLelv ;nm.iinv.,.l and 1 Mas requested to select a partner and lead the way. to the (lining room. 1 hes-towed the oitor uixui Mr. Ah v OJ giandtather of the bride iiiimI I .i.I 4U . . . . . . 1 in.- hi, mi sucli a supper we beheld! A tiible load ed w:''h mcc-p or m.ire DHhitiilil.. . ... 1 . . . w:r.is is seldom wen, and I as sure yiiii that we did a.mple jus tice in ai'iree!:iticn i f ik. l.-;il. had iiiviNUvd .i! Mr. t ox is h wojlhv K.in ,vt tin. lord and a good voung farmer. JIlX. Cox ix (IC of our oret:ti..vl HlUl lIKINt CIlM'HIUllir VOItllL' hnlii-s ami wc cxteiul to them the iiionI smcen wishes for many happy .wars. . c 1. tlie fiirurca in .'00. ound ImiU-s will make the total look larg.-r, so far as spinnable cotton is eoucerned, but the ex clusion of linters will in :iL-1. tli Wguws smaller than- rihssch on the coinmtrcial cnqi. The (miiii mercial crop includes lint era. iTe acks and the like ami does m.t take into consideration the amount of cotton in this cron m irki ted prior to S ejt. 1. " hen it.railers arc not fiL'iirinir on the coming reports tlicv will ne inquiring uito the spot de which alter the eleventh of the month will he the one big thing in sight to influence prices. How ever, it will take extremely in..nl levelopmeiits in the spot depart - imnt to pull the market n-v frnm the influence ef govern ment, relorts this week News Around Indian Trail. (t'WsMi:ideiiee.) The school at tliU place onen. ... - . 1 cd the l.'lth under Mi. 4.ffi....ii' nuinageiueiit of .Mr. T. .1. II ug- guis as piviwipal. Miss Vcnli Snyder intermediate and miiik aiwl .M:ns Mabel Robinson prima ty. lhcre has Immh a 11 cihmII menit 01 onjy Htmlents, but it is thoucht a lartrer iiuihImt u-i.ll he cnrolltMl tli in weok. A lUTCWV IMtt II 11 Kit 111)1 1T1H1T - - r ( ccurred at the horniii (lf Mr .1 k' ... . 4 , J hoin,pui Siuida v nit. rii, uvn. f Ut 2Mb day of vcmlH-r whe,; "f? " 1 1 . ... , . -lujtsi (i irmu ine vear 1 ill in ef Weslev A Memorial Service. I . . O I . . . . . "ii niuuiay mcriiiaig ir. Weav er. luisUir ivi Central chfiivh. held a brief titrvivc in memm-v nf t.i . ... ....1 1 . . iiirmieis ij is cilire 1. nr i lamilics of the church, who .li,., luring the pastoral veur inv osi 11. ne isiatei that mever I i .... iM'iore mi one year ct luis various pastorates had lie Ix-eii (tailed no- . 1 on la bury so innnv iwonh fore beginning lib usual nvoriiing servwM' Dr. Weaver made the ful- lowing reir.. -k.s: lliese are meiiibeiN of (Vntml MetiKxlist church, and nicinhers ot faanJies of the eh This Startling Termination of the Mc namara TnaL The trkil of James J. and Jno I XI..V .. .1 . . .i-.in,ira, ai uoa Aiuvlv. lal., which has for week-s lei-n attracting the attention ef Amer ica, was sml.lenlv and luiexnent- edly terminated bwt Friday by tlie ci nfiKsion ,jf John H. M'aiu ara I hat he was sruiltv of th.- oitmc of hlmving up the lA, An- gel.rs limes oftun ui which 21 K'r.i: werv killed, Ln October. 1!U0. the crime for which the brothers were iH'ioir tried. John J. Me.Namara eon f. -vs... I tli..t I,.. had Ihmii iruiltv of eausuu? the deft ruction of a large ir.n work ing establLshment ii the Kiime city on last Christmas da v. in which no lives were lost, it was understood that by their confes sion the men were to save I lieu livMs. aitil John I... who said he alone was guilty of the first crime, was to have a. life KiJitcnce and John J. to have fourteen years. The first man made hi. coutessioir in oixler (t nave his brother, as it seemed likclv thmt both would Ik' convicted. Tlnme men weie hich officials in ihe Vsss iatioii of the lirklge and Striietiwal Iron Workers, and their gilt luis lieen a luuxl blow to organized labor. Detective innns worked up the case, aiul s nice the setiKatiioiial arrext of the men they have coiistiuitlv declared their innocence, and so stoutly that the oj-ganized labor of the country was led to be. lv ' that they were being per secuted and gave them both fi- nan-'ial and moral lacking. Sam uel (ioniM'ii and John, Mitchell, prcv.dcnt and vi.'i'-prcsidcnt d the Amcriciin Fcdnatkn of La- Iw, were astounded and huiuiJi- tted bv their guilt. It U a in-cut pity that seoimilri'Is of the Mc- X.uiuira type can impni-. iioii the- i'ght thinkijig men of the ii.n,!'j;n and so injure their jirsit cause before the publie. Th" Los Angeles Times had been an in tern jieratc and bitter enemy ofl laiM.r I in 'us, hut the er.me against society in th;' di struct ion f 1 lie building caniMt he e'mii- tenanced by any ruic. and ccr- binghter, MI.lSe, wasgiyen Z ZZ, n '-7. to Mr. 0 C. Morc a" S , f Wesley Iham-l. Only a few . ,'y,. ir u'. I Ltit It boy, . ... .. " .U'(.'llX ITIBI. a VOWIltl? (Illllll IV:.nJ, ,.t .J:,7' Z. " .U.W'X 't'". tllW men ill , v" z: :.' :r: z .. ? ri .,,. ru of ,,. v wl t WIII ft rr-l I UV I ri'MM 1 1(1 I 1 ...... 1 4 ik Ti... S ' ... . 1 (!vciii iht t.i uavis llmLssin .... .B r M1.il V beautiful nose l.n.l trLlu,,.,..! rsi. w. ). iiawr. Mra m,wm . .. . : .: .--1 " ; o 1. ,..,.1 . .: i"""'"" 7 n UI UL It I .IIJ . I'L VP V I UI I.I LU I ,.f . . ... . . i. ........ 7.T -aniMT' em .um. c. A. Wolf. "V miii ii.t iiinu i I I' M' in. ,lr, 1 ....ll,.. ;.. ! I 1 xi,w, ,. .. , " ....M.m-i i.Ni-aei, irue aini ta n iiTKM-!ivu in rini'T 1 r..:.i. c.i . . . '((.i 1111 ill. 11111 A tUVIlllllir Vrfvnn mun Tli...Ml . ... k' ... .. : . January Hth IwIk- of Mr. and ninii.i .lir.llin (lll.liC .111 H.SI11111TM... t 1r . . f.. ii... 1 , , . u. v. laics, an swstcr li v tur them a hue and hannv i.fe. .... ., - . 'tv mm 1111,1 nil niirever. r4. ivroom lias been t ia.u t. . 1 . . juuu join Airs. uopKuis. a Itllt 19 .lllllltVWin.f . num. a . ... ... ....... v. . 1.1., nn v. 1 . . . . ... , 1. . - . I KrlFII V 1IC JIILK1 IllirilU'C January 17 J. AI. Porter H,., in Fkrida. HLs rweird is on high Jantuirv- 20 Mrs. R.N. Pavm wont hoiiu' to lu ivcn. Her nieiii cry u nleKsed. January 20 Pearl A lHaut':fuil white ree for tin Call for Programs. As noticed mi till. last Th Joiirniil the' public schools will wlwervc the 22nd as North Carolina da .v. Kviry school in the county should liavc approprl ate exercwes n that day. J'rof. Nwbet. the count v superintend cr:(t, has plenty of the programs on JiHinl ikI MantM all the teacn era to call at his offke and get a supply. Mrs. J. vcrv t'j'k. Mrs. J. A. limd e,f YorkvilJe S. .. R. F. I). X. is MM-julii.tf seme time with her son Jlr. J I Itovd. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar II...! ins have moved ito Cliarlo'tte Miss Clarabelle Ilovd retwmeI honie WedJiesday fteriMHn after Lr;..'l ..... "siJtiiii. r.m ,u ntrcHH Ub UIIHloIMa .t,innum. .,u t'U,..l....l. Ill.TH- Bin- nriiL MP III HI 1I1CIII i . I I ,,1 . . k.k.:.i 1 . f. m . "'""ion aim rn. rioriua. "an ir. ... . ... . "Kim lauv. wsinc of p "J'" .uw" v" lw February R-N,.th IUi .r. .H g,c vrncam "" your man. loved ami resneet,,! , mOT mTt frth April 3 Wm, H. Krnnss, a rieli SlMWlMV OV.HHtliff A ffMU V till. ... 1 . .. . . .."1 I; : 1" :t:' zw ,m .M . , , die garner iove m jiin-11 nns rii'itM.v . tnijuvco in I T,w. 7 ' T..1 ti .. ... - - 1 Mui: 1 j . . iinii.Kiftri n ."11 ?i it t ' ,0- W-. ' in li inanh-HHl, misting Mr luurl lti liiv n.r ...i...,,,' ..... I I ' . r. ,.I.K.I.',. filial in li.a Wn.......M . . . .... I Ml lltPI .iiwiir wipe umn wc snail nave a ros iHrous vear Mrs. J. M. TonJicil'.!! has been on the mck lust, but is better His Wife Did. She Many men expect their wives to run their homes on prae June 28 Mrs. Ida Curlee. sufferer at nut. Septemlier .'10 Davis Armficld cut iii n m ,!ii young manhood but nut afra:d. He lived well and di"d brsvelv. September 2A Mrs. R. D. Crow lev. iiraxtoti v iwig is expec- .... I till L' .his hmlJicr linn 1.....L.. tically nothing. They forget that Craig of AsheviUe. to spend Sat- a bride of h few weeks peaocfuJ- ..1 l. 1 :.i. . . ... 1 ... .....i j.i. 1 . - no one can inane ura'M wiuioiw hhhm mm finuuiy w:q.ii nun in y paswsl awav .Monroe. .Mr. 1 ri will be 011 September :'.n M.ho 1 1 end. inni inn a loved ami loving moth rest straw. Monroe. Mr. Craig will be 011 Septe He My wife docs ouit of hw way home rroni ntttrr.ling the Turner, flour. Hoston Transcript. Supmie Court at Raleigh. er, at r t a inly it was nit bv Mitchell and (lompei-s, though thev wer" i:u posed upon in licing lend to be lieve these men innocent. Coats With Strings on Them. i-iist nigiu the eitv aldermen snt up late (l:.eusi.ii.g the va- the police depaniment. I'.ut re iiiembering the troubles of Hi nous matters ot bu.shiiess tluit are pressing upon them. Among the business tnniKacte, 1 as 1 ne purchase ot two over coats for the handsome backs of past, the city fathers put worne stmiligs on .these coats. Thev or daiaicd, and so had it stipulated in the bond that slwnild anv of the jiolice dcpartnv;mit who are to use wiese coats die, rcBign, or otherwise dnart from their beats, thev must leave the emit in the custody of the city to Is- used by their successors, heirs, assigns and heradiitaments. No more law suits for the eitv over second band oven-oats. An order was given for 500 more lcet of lire hose, and th chemical engine ordered sold. A contract was let to c om puny to put an air lift in one of the deep wells instead of pump., 1 . I olle-cman liarmt was givji charge of the nt.mt work and inn- MieTKhcnt was put hack on the night foave. Tax Colb'ctoir Crmvcll reiHirted that his collections for the past 1 month were .J,5S.7I. Mr. J. C. M. Vann gave notiee that he would offer hw resigna tion as nmsecutinir atitomcv of the Recorder's court January 1st A Baseball Courtship. 'Ilow'd you like to sign with me for life s garnet 1 mi in red "I'm agreeable." replied the girl. "Where's your diamond?" Kansas City Journal. MaiTiage liceiiNe wa.s seenrisl here yesterday for uuite a vouth- fuj couple of goose Cnvk Mr. Moses Rountrce. ag174. and Mus Sarah hm. rlRic Iledgcmth. agei 65 years. Sotig, "Recause I am in Love wMth You," by Mr. Henry Fair ley at The Dixie tonight. Wingate News. it orrcsMimliicc of Th J.iutnali Mr. and Mrs. W. K. McWImrtcr ami Miw HaLtii- McWhort.r of -Marshville spent Thanksgivii'g at t t ....... - ' -u r. iiugii .Mc h.ntiT s. MLvs Althic Imhtlmii las-t wick from Staid v. where she had employment in the inilliiM-ri d..artiiinit of the Stank M,.r antile Company. Miss Pearle Heftier sm ut sev. ..1 1 1 .... era i oas uisi wcck wiUi Irwiuls at Pokton. Conductor I teuton Rrown. who was caught bet ween two cars at Htewctt Falls and naubfullv I it'iiiv ed about two wwks ago, was able to leave the sanitarium t Char. lotte, where he was earned for treatment, and come to his fath er's, Mr. ('has. K. Itrowu's. la.st Tuesday. He ami his wife return ed to their home at Hamlet Satin' day. .Messrs. Roy Thomas and Wkll CMe of Kershaw. S. C KK-nt. the fourth Sunday in .November with MLs Sue May Parker. Mr. K. P. Sti 'Wart of Piierelsiiul S. C, Spent Friday ami Satuilay wiui relatives here. Mrs. J. W. )uitti 11 nd ter Dan. spwit Saturday amisiai- iay with rclaUvcM ui Monroe. Miss Susie Wiaifu M of U'u,l.. Iniro spent sevTl days last! Week With relatives here ' Mr. I. It. JlulliK of I viKitinl his mother Mr Tin...- Mul lis. List week. Mrs. K, It. hi(m f M,UH. came down for the ulav . lay evening, Messrs. Hugh .Mc Whirl.. r arc ciKnfiiiinl it a their bids with iiiiciiuhhiui un.i rheumatism, and Mr. Charles V. Itrowil Ls 0111 Verv feeble henltli indigistion, being the trouble. i lie p!v. "Ki ntiickv II..II.. " which was given, hv s!n.l.ni .if the school Wednesday evening wes 11 decided siiecevs. The r liiount realized v as :U. whwdi iv to go to the literarv .socidi.s und the library. Rev. II. (J. Iirviuit eondueted srvek'is heiv Thursday morning, preaching a most able sermon. A collection was taken for the or phanage, which jimounhd to . !:!.- 41. I he congregation was divi.l that day, the iii"niltorship of th; Kock Kest community holding ser vices at that place, with Key. Mi Craig of Monroe preaching fu litem. I?.... 1.. . i... I . I 1 1 rt.i . u-. r,. v,. niruier mm HiaiiKs giving servut's wiith two of Jiis churches ami rcmirts that the contiiTibutioiis to the oi-jihanag were uiHisiiiiiiy gmm. jp. also in forms us Jliat bin chiuvhes havi U'ciij very lilMral this vear. Death of Mrs. Fowler. Op. Xovemlwr 2!. l'.Ul, at H:2" a. 111.. the gentle spirit of Mns. Fl.Hhi Ann Fowb r, wife !f Mr. Hiaxton Fouhr. passed away. She had n nk k f,- some weeks With typhoid feVer. Some in iiitlu. ago she had niejusi-s, the effect t Which he had ln.t clitiivlv re. covered when tak-lk with fever She was a sweet vnieit...! ..In.'u.. tian woman ami lme will f.M-get how easily it was Gr her to smile cvn o lor hist in.iiiii iLt ii.. was a jov to the wlmle ein-l ..f her friends but fl tllllKlh .f lk..l hoiksehold she was a peculiar treasure. A.s m.ne wui know .Un real worth if a good wife save her husband, so. none mthcr mn understand or know the real Ions ami the gcuu'nen.-Ks of the sor row in giving her up. Mrs. Fow ler .u survived by her Im.U and two little children Ad. line three years old, and Robert, fif teen mouths and the full, iw ! iinr IN .lllllll Uiggern of Charlotte, Clyde Dig gers of Monroe, Mrs. Cliff Fow ler ot Monroe. Mrs. Clint Dav.ks of the Sih-r co mint rn.it v Mi .1 F. Craig of Mint Hill, '.Mrs. Wm. larkey of Weddanrton. and Mrs Smith of Harrkmiirg. R. J. Mcllwain. Proceedings in Recorder's Court. (Nov. 28 to Dec. 5.) I w ctn. v-f ive dollar cash Ikhk forfeited by Kd WaJker, coiivtk ted of canning eoneeaJed wea ons. collected. M. P. Sisars. trespass: (it.s. Annk' SiM'ncer. c(loivd. ke-obiD. , . , I r- wiusKcy lor sale; luol pif; cvi- dcJMM' not snJ'fieieiit ti convict Arthur Decs and Marsh Van- Kii'hurg. iniilieioiis hiiurv to ner soJial propel ty ; costs. Lizzie W nggiio, ((lored, vkil t Mm ordimaiice 7ti: nraver t'oi judgment coait 'mined for Ho days t ommodore r umlci'burk, col ored, last (triviiKg. no guiJtv: vi- ola.tufli ordinance 7b'. costs. , Rich CuthhcrtwiTi. colored, vio bit ion ordinance 76: eos1s. Tom Sikes, Dozy Stockton, Max tor Stitt, aLI co-bured, gambling; Maxtor Stitt, not guilltv: Tinn Sik's and Itozv Stockton, 24 days on. roads. Wvncic Siiuniii4Ls. kectiing whis key for sale: not guiJtv. J as. Fundenburk, co!er"l, fals pretense; tmiuid ovi-r to suierkr court. Some Old People. Sou ire A. W. Mc.Manns of Creek towiiNliip, tvl! Tlw Journal that there are in his neighbor hood Mnnc old lssple who have reachetl a remarkable nm. Tlo-v Ull reskle w ithin a mdius T fon'r mue. I iwle Jimmie Chintz, who Iksl last litoiHth. was SI: Mr C W. Clontz. w ho wrv ill. 4; Mr. A. J. I'igg ri 85; Mr. R. H. McManiiN m 85: Mm W. R. Small w 87, and Mr. KK II. ll imm is 88. Today i a sad one. the saddest. of any J'hah'ksgivims? I ever ciit. nessed. There seenictl t o be a prevailing sadnos in the whole ooiuiiiuniity for on t.h'w day we buried one of the IsKt women that ever lived in this section. On yes teinlay Mrs. Itraxton Fowhir bivaitlied her hiwt. She Iw-fore Imr marriage was MLssFloda Itig geiX the youngest daughter of the late Amzi Diggers. She was h-111 March 15. lss.1 in.-n-i-;...! 1.. -Mr. Mnixl-.u Fowbr I )ee( hnur 4. l!t07, and died Novemlnr 2!)th, 1!11. She Imhc lu-r affliction iw- t'iiy, without murmur, and cnied to be happy in her afflie- tion. She was a diesis! ei.t mem. her of SiJer Presbyterian ehiuT.h and In 1- body was laid to r;s' in til Siler cein -1. ry, bevkle .that of her brother and parents. Fuii lal siivieis were livid at the church bv her pastor, R -v. l. J. Mcllwain. I knew her pes .i.cilly fr m heir infancy. She was a go d giiil and a good woman. The e n: 111 11 nity is saddeiid. for all who knew her were her frieikls lit is well with In r soul. Sh. has jilt eiosscd ;l I'tlle allied ef iihe rest, of us. (iod ci.mifoit till ' s r rowing on, s and bless hei two little chLldreii. May wo cmiil ito In r virtues and strive 1o meet her in hciiveiu J. Novcinber :?(th, 11)11. x. r News from Stallingsville. (ConrespoiMktu'c.) Mr. Claude Dud f Wedding ton was here Friday ui. bus;ni,ts. Mater Itojui r Stall'r.gs, who has been quite iJI for tlie l.usit ten days, is rapklly kmpiviving. Mr. DasiJ Mc.Mamw of M on roe sinit. Thanksgiviii'g at the home of Mr. K. T. Urns. Miss Onie Noles i.nid Mr. K. J. Sutteii of CharlnMc sjient Friday Willi .Mr. aJi.l Mitt A. M X,Ji Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hall of Pineville are visaing tluir daio-ih- ter. Mi-s. P. I). Drv. Mr. S. V. MeM aci.us of M.um seiit Thanksgiving w ith Mr. Hen ry .Aiciieo . We arc glad to note that Mr. K I. Heath of Matthews who has been to a large hotontnl tjk- . . 1 - imslicHl tueatimiiit. has so much improved that he Ls expected to come li.mie in ten dims Mr. K. T. Iewis has f'niiihe.l grnning and will put his traetkua outfit to sawing lumlH.r u-ith which he exixds Ut build a re. klnuv on th- land he laitelv unr. chastsl from Mr. J. II. HaVkev. The Method:Kt Pmt Mtjoi. church has pun lmsl a two am lot ait th s place on which l bli ed a chin-eh J.iul nuns.- . ...in. i" ' ' ui tJie ncir future. Lititle Mi.vi PattJe Sin it ' tertii'WK'tl uuite a uumlie:- little frietkls last Thursd two till five in the af. Tlu. ptN'Miit ivct Miss s and May Haikiy. Kvylin Myrtle Stallings'. Rinth X to l!, ll Stallrngs. Carrie (i Macy and M. S. Paxton luiur nf departure came. o1. . soon for this merry litrie ; iv TO ' n. ra . a- nv 'lie

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