Waihaw News. t Knterpriv.) Mr. L-.-e tJrihhle .f Daihw Kihiit Sat unlay and Suuday at K. K. T. SLstarv k. His littlo sou, ilas trr Rolert, who h;i.s In-eu sp-nd-ii.fr me time lure ntuni.-d home with liuu. The cotton nurktttd at this place up to Dm ndier 12 thw sea- M4i amounts to 4,2! lmlos mnoiu t umrktt'd to the same date last vi-ar. r.107 bales. This shows a shortage this year of only 578 I'd It'S. Mr. Liv McCain, sou of Mr. .1. ('. McCain, and Miss Cora Me Caui, daushtep of Mr. II. M. Mc Cain, both of the Jackson Forest fi.mmumty. were married last Thuisday at Unity, Kev. V. S. Young officiating. Fredie James, tlie three year t'KI son of Mr. and Mrs. (tanks .Stevens of Bonds Urove section, tiied Wednesday f last week from attack of diphtheria. Mrs. Stevens is eriticjillv ill. Arthur lirooin, son of Mr. 15. C. Broom, had m arm broken iu a runaway Jjtst. Saturday morn ing. Tlie little fellow was loading wood on a wagon when a cord ol wood began to fall and the mules leeaine excited. As they ixgan to run, Arthur, who was standing on the double - trees climbed inside and in the runa away was thrown from the wag i'n, with the results as above stated Mr. John Ferguson, an aged cit iz-n living near Catawba Jiinet ion, was killed Sundav afternoon by tlie local passenger train, No. .'2. at S pence, a small station on the Seaboard line about one mil south of Catawba. Mr. Fergu wn was walking on the sidetrpek when the train rounded a sharp curve and gave the station blow, and thinking the train was on the switch he stepiied over on the main line and was struck and in stantly killed by the engine PRISONERS WRITE LETTER. Asleep Across Dead Body. Sparta Star. t.ih. i iisi .-Niiuniay eveuing at J'n-' uiiuri store in lilade I'nvk town-! ship, at about 4 o'clock, Mitchell j lUou was shot through th.' heart aud instantly killed bv John Muxley, son of Reed Mox rrom the best information have the facts iu the case are as follows: Wilson Moslev and others were at Jennings store Moslev was drunk and Wilson suggested that he go home. They started off together, Wilson lead ing Moxley by the arm to steady his step and carrying Moxlev's uouuie iHirrei-tiami stiotirim for him. After going a short dis- no far from" it but it wan ,iU,w l,ow ,,u" Moxley saw ilog and asked dsou for the Did Well This Year. Mr. II. M. Nicholson, formerly of I iium county, is doing Home good fanning. Thus yean he work ed one horse and has gathered eleven bales of cotton and. over "00 bushels of corn and did it all himself too. lie says Lee county lins advanced ."((H) p r cent dur in the seven years he Ium been here. The quality, of the hind is superlative and Ihe health unsur passed . It speaks well of th county to have recommendations like thin. Lee County Times. Saved His Wife's Life. "My wife would have been in her grave to-day," writes 0. II. lirnwn of Muscadine, Ala., "if it hud not been for Dr. King's New Discovery. She was down in her bed, not able to get tip without help. She had a severe bronchial trouble and a' dreadful cough. I got Inn a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, and she soon hegiru to mend, and was well in a short lime." Iiil'aHia ble for coughs and colds, its the most reliable remedy on earth for desperate lung trouble, hem orrhages, la grippe, asthma, hav fever, croup and whooping cough oi'.c and 1.00; trial bottle free Guaranteed by Knglitdi Drug Co xoupg Men Who Were Sent Up for Store Breaking Say inzt mey Are Sorry And Ihat Whiskey Caused It. ve desire to say to the good P'onle of Union count v thjif u-p ar sorry for ihe offmce we com- lint till ill our iiiiiiiiimit i- l-..t ....... I we - - .. auat mini nr.nuty List summer. To those whom we wronged we are very grattful fop their with drawal from the prosecution. We likewise appreciate their signatures to the petition asking ttie governor of North Carolina to pardon us. To commit lareenv was not our desire unuer tlie influence of strong tinnk that we committed our f fence No one but ours.-lvft know how very crushed we are over the whole affair. We have come to ourselves and . it.. . . ... satii.v experiencing tne witter results of our transgressions against the laws of our State and man. Life without liberty U a desert, barren and flowerless ami we long to be free once more and do everything possible to wipe not the past by living pure and better lives before God aud man. To all those who have signed the petition asking our release we heir to tender our sincere a shotgun, lie gave it to him and Moxley emptied both barrels at the dog. They went on a little farther when Moxley pulled out a pistol and fired first mto the bank of the road, aud in his lrunken rage waved the pistol and fired again. This shot en tered Wilson's heart. lie walk ed a few steps and fell forward dead. Moxley follow Wilson and fell over Wilson's dead ho ly. Jesse (.ireen, who lives on ly a few hundred feet from the place where the crime was com mitted, saw the shooting from his house and immediately went to the scene. lie saw Wilson ly ing there dead as he thought and thanks and lasting gratitude and Moxl,'y Wi,s amss tm ,MK,-V we earnestly innmlore Hie "sleep. .Moxley was arrested anee and in'flimiee nf ll th.. nnn. "d brought before 'Squire Troy pie aud earnestly assure vou that ('ari'0 "lul ,m,ll,(1 0VPP ,0 Su!,"r , II I sO I CNVf TWTH TXTriTsncl ! vaaxvJ s JLLILI jLa UI?VJ11JL1VJ 1 STJ A x 1 i imp mn II I BlrWf..Wt I your kindness shall ever be rc- niemben'd. Very HespecfuHy, Deu Stanies Everette Melton James Kichardson Dexter Stack. State Farm, Halifax county, ior court in a $")00 bond, which Moxley gave. It is generally be lieved that the killing was not intentioiuilas Wilson and Moxley are good lriencls. Wilson was mi honest, hardworking, good aud sober citizen. I Ami the investigation miirht 'settle the question whether this is the steel age or the age of steal & Tah T S One Pain Pill. JsSOvf then EaSy. N To Head-Off t a Headache Nothiof it Better than Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain PilU They Civa Relief Without Bud After-Effects. "It gives me great pleasure to offer a word of recommendation for Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills, as there arc thousands suffering unnecessarily from headache. I was afllicted intermittently for years with headache and after other remedies failed, I tried Dr. Miles' Anti-rain Tills. For the past ten years I have carried them constantly with me, getting instant relief by using one or two on the approach of headache. They arc also effective for neu ralgia, Riving immediate relief." C. M. LROWN, Lstherville, la. For ball by All DruggliU. 23 Dotes, 2S Cents. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. More Women than 0en. It surprised many North Caro linians to know that there are !), H. more women in this State ti..... ii- i i , uihii men. c nan soinenow or other gotten the idea that in New England the women predominated in number but that in the South Ihe males were more numerous The census disperses that notion. and gives the figures showing that there are !,:!4," more women in North Carolina than men. The fig has arc: l-cuuiles, 1.107,S Hi; inahs. 1,0!IS,471. This menus that if every man should find a mate there would be women who would find no mute. There ur .I..,' , ,. . . ... . oiiiv nve mates in t ne l iium in which the women out number the Men. They are Massachusetts Hho.le Island. Maryland. North 'aioliiia. South Carolina and tin District of Columbia. A gentleman who was asked the ruason why there were more wo nieii than men in North and South Carolina said: "That is easy. Those two States lewt thousands f men in the war between t In states. That U the nvison." I5ut is he right? Virginia mid (i"or gia lost almost as many as the two arolinns and yet the men i. .i .i oiiimniiDcr tne women in lllest States. I'lieniun Ivania and Ohio contributed more soldiers to th reiieml army in proportion to population than Massachusetts aud Ikliode Island and sustained heavier loss.n, and yet these two States have more men than wo men. North Carolina has lost ninny more men than women by emigration. It has been our bane since, lis well as before the war. Hut the tide has turui'd and the next census will show that fewer North Carolinians tire seeking homes in other States thau iu any former period in history. lial- eigh News & Observer. Conscience Watermelon. Statesville Landmark. The news comes Civin Fairfield la., that Lafe Coop, who Ivies at that place, has received a letter from K'.'V. William Whit lock. now residing in l alitorma, ni which the minister writes that nearly fifty years ago. while he was working for Mr. Coop's fatli er. he stole a watermelon from a vine, lie savs the theft has been a weight on ii:m conscience. 11 iisUcd .Mr. t oop to set n price on it, so he may s t'.le the bill. 1 h lli' lt. lie savs. otcureti when he was 1- years old. It took the gentleman a long time to decide to make amends tor tile otleiice. hill possibly it is better late than never. ON THE FAR1VI Save Time, Labor and make money The progressive up-to-date farmer is naturally interested in anything that does this; therefore we ask you to investigate the merit of the engines we sell and what they are doing for other farmers in this vicinity. The designs are attractive and combined with strength, for these engines are built for reliable service. They are simple in construction. There is nothing to get out of order. They are easily regulated and perfect in their working parts. Come in and get particulars and full information. HEATH HARDWARE CO. WHOLESALE MONROE, N. C. RETAIL Low Rates for the Holidays. The Seaboard Air Line offers exet etlUiiMv low rates tor the I lolidavs. Kcdiiced rate tickets on sale on December 1.'). Hi, 17. 1M. 22, 2:1, .'4. 27) ami :il, 1 !1 1 ami .January 1st. 1!)12. (iood to return until January Sth. 1!12. For further information call on your nearest ticitet agent or un dress, II. S. LEAK' I), D.I'.A., Raleigh. X. C. W. A. DENTON. Jr., Ticket Agent, Monroe. N. C. A Terrible Blunder. to neglect liver trouble. Never do it. Take Dr. King's New New Life Pills on tlie first sign of const ipatiou, lLliousness or in active bowcLs and prevent viru lent indigestion, jaundice or gall stones. I hey regulate the liver stomach and WweLs and build up your health. Only 2")e'ts., at English Drug Co. Catarrh Doctor in You Can Get the Best One the World for One Dollar. (Jo to hntrluih Drug Co s. to- lay." Say "I want a HVOME1 outfit," take it home with you, open the mx and pour a few lrois of IIiOMEI (pronounce it iigh-o-me) into the little Jiard rubber inhaler. Then breathe pleasant, sooth ing, healing, germ killing II M)- MEI over the raw, uiflamed.germ ridden membrane for a few min utes and ri-lief is immediate. Stuffed up head will vanish. Keep up the treatment four or five times a day for a few davs and hawking, spitting and form ing of mucus in the nose and throat will cease. IIYOMEI k guaranteed to end catarrh, coughs, colds, croups thma, catarrhal deafness, or the money back. Complete outfit l. subsequent bottles if necdeel 50 cents at English Drug Cos. and druggists everywhere. Invincible Flour, (High Patent). Golden Cream, (Fancy Patent). Baker's Choice, (Half Patent) Graham Flour, (Absolutely Pure.) Buy flour with a reputa tion. Just good, plain, hon est home-made Flour. A flour that is actually cood as can be made from selected Valley of Virginia Wheat. For sale by all dealers. Henderson. Roller Mills Company Sale! Ladies and Misses Sweaters. HERE IS THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY OF THE SEASON TO PURCHASE SWEATERS AT THESE PRICES. EVERY WOMAN AND MISS SHOULD HAVE A SWEATER THEY ARE WORTH THE INVESTMENT MANY TIMES OVER FOR COMFORT AND PROTEC TION TO YOUR HEALTH. $1.75 Women 's all wool Sweaters, red and white. $1.50 Women's part wool Sweaters, red and white. $1.25 Misses all wool Sweaters, white and tan. The Best Argument in favor of our Clothing is the kind of men who wear it. Men who thoroughly understand the art of good dressing and who know styles as well as we do are among our regular patrons.wheth- er they want a business suit or one for more formal wear. Think that over. raf iff TRY ON A PAIR of our new model shoes. If you had your eys shut you would think yo were putting on an old pair. That's how comfortable they are. But a glance will show they are as ideal in appearance as they are in comfort. Light, shapely, stylish they are foot wear that you will be as proud to wear as we are to sell. Try a pair of WALK-OVERS. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, DOCTOR H.D.STEWART PHYSICIAN, MONROE, N.C. Ofiice up stairs, Fitxgerald Building. .,,.7ou dri' .Tl""; through Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. Ney McXeely Vance McNeely McNEELY & McNEELY, Attorneys-at Law. Monroe, N. C. Practice in the State aud Federal courts. Office up stairs over P. 0. Machine Sl)op We are now prepared to repair your engine or other machinery, do your plumbing and other wor in oir line. Shop near freight depot. AUSTIN & GORRFJjL. Dhnn 141 . (mc 'nh(in .? OlUcr hnura 11 to U. t. m.. and lnm iiii Fi. m. omOTr I'M, in Drog Company . Ke dene on Lancaster arenuc. DR. R. L. PAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, Monroe, N. C. Office over Maddry & Willson g store, Sliute's new building. Office hours 11 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m. Residence phone 273 R. A. M. Stack J. J. Parker STACK & PARKER, Attorneys-at-Law, Monroe, N. C. Mr. Parker will practice in all Criminal Courts, either for State er Defense. Offioce in Law Bldg. rEATMER DEOA AND PILLOWJ PILLOWS FREE. Mnil us $10, for :W-H)imd Feath er Ited and receive 6-pound pair pillows free. Freight prepaid. New foathora, lcst tivking, satis faction en.arr.ntml. Ada Wanted. TURNER & CORNWELL, Feath er Dealers, Charlotte, No. Car. If I had to work all tlie week as hard as the man seems to be working at singing tenor in the church choir, I would rest six days aud work on the seventh.