s the law as to ijoau ik.is. oilier nioncrt ra K-d under any pro- qualified to vote at tilt h election vision of this art (or roaj aorking shall have voted "Fur Good Road." purpose shall be exm-nded proper- tarn the bonds proiidvd for ia this iiotiaiely fur the build;n2. macadam- at shall be i--su-d and o!d ccoard- t-ing and otherwise improving the ing to the provisions hereinbefore puViir roads ea.li of the several act forth. tuuobliipa in I n ion county, according Sue. 13. That when the board of to the ratio of the amount of prop- commissioners for the county of l'n- ertjr luted for taxation in the coun-' Ion ahall have issued and sold the ty. bond provided for la thi act. said Sec. IS. For the purpose of ascer- board of commissioners ahall there-1 talumg lb wishes of the voters of fore levy no other road Ux than I nlon county upon the question of that provided for in this act, then uuulug bonds and Improving the tbe chain gang heretofore establish- roads as Is provided In this act. an ed for Monroe township, in aaid election shall I? held in all the vol-' county, shall be a chain gang for the ing precincts In said county of in- entire county of I mon. and no free of said county A Act tn Authorise tW t'omiui- tioiu-rs of t niiiu t'uunty to lu" IfaMkU to ItuiliL MaratlamUo Iuipre Uie lnllic IUmuIs of I Inn (uuii;y, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section t. That for the purpose of building, macadamizing and oth erwise improving the public roads of I nlon county, the board of com missioners of said county .is hereby authorized and empowered and di rected to issue bonds of the county to an amount not eireedlns two hundred thousand dollars of the de- ion at such time as said board of; labor on the roads nomination not to exceed one thous-1 commissioners ahall designate and snail thereafter be required under and dollars, bearing Interest from I appoint At said election all quali-the provisions of section IS, chap- the date thereof not exceeding five! tied voters In said county may vote ter 231 of the public laws of 18S7, per cent per annum, with interest a written or printed ticket. Those or any other act. coupons attached, payable annually I no lavor the purposes of this ait I bee. 16. That should the bonds at such time and place as may behall vote a ticket with the words: j hereinbefore provided for be voted, deemed advisable bv said board of r For Good Koads" written or print-' issued and ford, the chain gang for county commissioners, such bonds to Kd thereon, and those who oppose! tbe county, as provided for in seo be of such form and tenor and I mo purpose of this art shall vote mon ia of this chapter, shall be transferable In such way and the a ticket with the words "Against! under the supervision of the coun principal payable at such time or I Good Roads" written or printed ty commissioners of said county, but uin, uw r A - ( uiuk lull u ivai s i - --..., mu m uiwui"i vi uv . uc iuvjcti iiD vaiuo m -, from the date thereof, and at such I qualified voters at said election rules and regulations as now gov suau vote for good roads, IiTOWlONAL SffiWSOIOOL Lesson MMaj uikuiiu, cassmfc LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 25. BAPTISM AND TEMPTATION JESUS. OF LKSSON , TEXT Mark l.S-U; Matt MKMORT VKR8ES M.tt. I U 1UI.IKN TKXT Kr In Dial llm Him. rir hath .ufTrr.nl being l-mpimi. lis U m lo succor tUera tUat a templed.. lieu. place or plaes aa the said board of county commissioners may deter mine: rrovidod. that none of said bonds authorised by this act shall be disposed of either by sale, ex change, hypothecation or otherwise, for a less price than their fare val us. sec. z. The bonds and coupons nail bo numbered and signed by the chairman of said board of com mlssioners and countersigned and at then the bonds provided for In this ait shall be issued and sold according to the provisions hereinbefore contained. The said election shall be held in tho manner provided for by law for the election of members of the Gen eral Assembly, except ns otherwise provided in this act The registra tion of voters for the same length of time prior to siid election and under the same laws as govern gen- tested by the treasurer of said coun-1 oral elections. The registrars and ty and bear the corporate aval of the said county of Union. Sec. 3. A record shall be kept by the said board of commissioners, in a separate book for that purpose, of all bonds sold, and to whom, the amounts and dates of sale and Issu ing of each bond, and its number, Sec. i. In order to pay the Inter est on said bonds, create a sinking fund for taking up said bonds at maturity, and supporting the chain gang or convict force, and estab lishing, alteratlng and maintaining the public roads and highways of said county In good condition, the board of commissioners for the county of Union, or other authori ties vested with the levying of taxes for said county, shall annually com pute and levy at the time of levy ing other taxes a sufficient special . tax on all polls, all real estate and personal property and alt other sub jects of taxation which said com mlssioners or other authorities now or hereafter may be allowed to levy taxes upon for any purpose whatev er, always observing the constitu tional equation between the tax on property and the tax on polls: Pro vided, that there shall not be at any time levied in the county of Union for the purpose of road Im provement, including all expend! lures made necessary by this act. a tax greater in amount than 25 cents on the hundred dollars worth of said county and property and 75 cents on each poll Sec. o. That said taxes when col lected, shall be' kept separate and apart from all other taxes, and shall be used only for the purpose for which It was collected Sue. 6. That It shall be the du ty of the said board of commission ers for the county of Union to an nually invest any and all moneys arising from the special tax for sinking fund In the purchase of any of said bonds at a price deemed ad vantam'oiis to said county by said board of commissioners and to be agreed upon between them and the owners thereof; but in rase said commission! rs shall Invest said sink ing fund, upon approved security and upon terms advantageous to said county. Sec. 7. That any moneys of said sinking fund so loaned shall have the legal rate of interest In North Carolinn, and any interest from said fund shall be annually invested in the tame way. Spc. 8. That the money arising from tho sn!o of said bonds shall be used to purchase improved road working machinery, to survey, lay out, crarte, macadamize, improve and maintain the public roads of said county, by contract or other wise, and in guarding and maintain ing such convict force as may from time to time be assigned to work on said roads. See. 9. That all public roads in said county shall be located where they should permanently remain shall be made as straight us practi cable, and shall bo macadamized only after having been graded to a grade less than three per cent. Sec. 1U. That the bonds herein provided for shall be deposited In some safe-doposit company or hank to be designated by said board of commissioners, and only drawn out on tho Joint order of the board of commissioners and the treasurer of said county, the proceeds of which shall bo applied to the purposes as herein provided for. Sec. 11. That the moneys received from the sain of said bonds nnd all The Implement Co., RICHMOND. VIRGINIA, have just issued a new and complete Farm Implement Catalog giving up-to-date in formation and prices of All Farm Implements, Corn and Cotton Planters, Wheel and Disk Cultivators, Dump and Farm Wagons, Engines, Threshers, Saw and Placing Mills, Metal and other Roofings, Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Barb Wire, Fencing, etc Our prices are very reason able for first-class supplies. Correspondence solicited. Catalog mailed free on request Write for it be The Implement Co 1302 C Main St, Richmond, Va. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmamitMuiQ Judges of election shall be appoint ed by the commissioners of . l'nlon county at least forty days before tbe said election, and the list persons so appointed shall be pub iiahed for two weeks next succeed Ing this appointment in sumo new Paper published in Union county inero snail be appointed one reg istrar and two Judges of election for each precinct, and if practicable to do so the commissioners shall ap point one Judge of election favor able to good roads and one opposed thereto, and said registration and election shall be held in all respects like the elections for members the General Assembly are held, ex cept as is otherwise provided this act At tbe close of the elec tlon In each precinct the votes shall be counted and returned, over the signatures of the registrar and Judges of election, to the board of county commissioners. Abstracts or or blanks for this purpose shall be prepared by the board of county commissioners and furnished to ea- precinct, and the registrar or one Judge of election shall be chosen as a messenger to transmit the said returns to the board of commission ors. Said returns shall be executed in triplicate. One copy shall transmitted, as aforesaid, to th uoara or commissioners, one copy to the Clerk of Superior Court of one copy retained Dy the registrar of each precinct, On the first Monday preceding the election the commissioners of L'nlon county shall meet as a canvassing board and shall receive the returns of said election, canvass and Judl- cally pass upon the same and declare the result of the election. If a ma jority of the voters of Union coun ty qualified to voto ot said elec Hon shall have voted "For Good Roads," then the bonds provided for in this act shall be issued and sold. Sec. 13. This act shall not be con strufid ns repealing any road law now in force and effect in the said county of l'nlon until ratified by tlia people ns shown herein provided nnd then only insofar as such road law or any part thereof may be re pugnant to any part of this ad. Sec. 14. That if a majority of the voters of l'nlon county qualified to vote at the election hereinbefore provided for shall fail to vote for good roads at such election, then and in tVnt event the same question may again be submitted to the voters of I nlon county, by order of the hoard of coiutnlasioners for the coun ty of I nlon at such time or times as the said board of commissioners may designate and appoint In any subsequent year thereafter: Provld ed, that If at any such election 1 majority of the voters of said coun ty qualified t0 vote in anv such election shall vote "For Good Koads," then no further election shall ba held on said question, but me board or commissioners of said county shall proceed to Usue and sell the bonds of said county, to nn amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars,' In the manner and for the Purpose specified hereinbe fore. Such elections shall be held in the manner provided by law for the election of members of the Gen eral Assembly. The registration books shall be open for registration of voters for the same length of time prior to such election and un der the same laws as govern gener al elections, except as otherwise pro vided in this act. The board of commissioners of Union ounty shall at least forty days before any such election, appoint one registrar and two Judges of election for each pre- cimt, and a list of the persons so appointed shall be published for two weeks next succeeding this appoint ment in some newspaper published In said county. At the close of the election in each precinct the votes shall be counted and returned, over the signatures of the registrar and Judges of election or a majority of tlKin, to the board of commissioners for the county of I nlon. Abstracts or blanks for this purpose shall be furnished by said board of commis sioners, and the registrar or one Judge of election shall be chosen as a messenger to transmit the said returns. Said returns shall be executed In triplicate, and one copy shall be transmitted as aforesaid to the board of commissioners for the county of Union, one copy to the clerk of the Superior Court of said county, and one copy shall be re tained by the registrar. On the Monday next succeeding the election the board of commissions s for the county of Union shall meet as a canvassing board and shall receive the said returns of said election. shall canvass nnd Judh tally pass up on the same, and shall declare the result of the elcdlon. If -a major ity of the voters cf Union county ern the chain gang for Monroe town ship. The property of the Monroe township chain gang may be dispos ed of by the chain gang commission era and the money received for the same and all other moneys belong ing to the road fund of said town ship shall be used for the Improve ment of the roads in said township the passage ot this act the secretary of State shall send a certified ropy of the same to the Register of Deeds of Union county. Sac. 18. This act shall be In force from and after Us ratification. Rat ified this the Oth day of March, 1909. Shocking Hounds. In the earth are sometimes heard before a terrible earthquake, that warn off the coming peril. Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache In the back warns you the Kidneys need attention If you wculd escape those dangerous mala dies. Dropsy, Diabetes or Drlght's disease. Take Electric Bitters at once and see bachache fly and all your best feelings returned. "My son received great benefit from their use for kidney and bladder trouble," writes Peter Bondy South Rockwood, Mich.. "It Is certainly a great kidney medicine Try It 60 cents at English Drug Co. NOTICE OK KIJXTIOX. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to Chapter 626 ot the Public Laws of l'JUS of North Carolina, it is ordered by the Board of County Commissioners ot Union County, N. C, that an election ho held in all the voting preclnts in said County of Union on the 23rd da y of March A. D. 1912, for the purpose of as certaining the wishes of the voters of Union County upon tho question of issuing bonds to the amount of Two Hundred Thousund Dollars and Improving the roads as is provided in this act. It is ordered further that tbe fol lowing registrars and JudgeB be ap pointed for said election, viz: (The first named in each precinct is the registrar and tbe other two are judges of election). Lanes Creek H. F. Parker, W'm. Morgan, Henry Helms. Armfielda YV. A. Kubanks, Alfred Funderburk, Minor Melton. Irby's Samuel Lathan, v. G Griffin, P. V. Plyler. Wilson's Store W. P. N'eeley, S. Walkup, Win. McWhorter. Waxhaw P. M. Niven, L. M. Rl ncr Jack Sims. Kast Sandy HIdge IT. L. Price, J. II. Winchester. Will Howie. West Sandy HIdge K. A. Hud son, Geo. Mc.Manus, C. C. .Ucllwuin Vance J. E. Uroom, M. T. Stal lings, Jus. Benton. .North Goose ( reek I. C. Clontz, Washington Clontz, J. K. Halgler. South Goose Creek T. L. A Helms, M. C. Halgler, David Aus tin. lCuto P. J. C. Eflrd, T. C. Bras well, Ellis B. Pusses. Olive Branch H. T. Bauconi, Jno Cnrraway, Lafayette Staton. Marshvllle A. J. Brooks, J. D. Marsh, J. E. Thomas. Wingate H. K. Helms, F. F Williams. J. W. Outen. North Monroe P. H. Johnson, J Wilson Helms, R. L. Gordon. South Monroe L. R. Helms S, Richardson. A. H. McLarty. It Is ordered further that said election shall bo held in the manner provided for tho J lection of mem bers of the General Assembly, ex cept ns otherwise provided in this Act, and the registration books shall be opened for the registration of voters for the same length of time prior to said election and under the same laws as governs general elections. This "th day of Feb., A. D. 1912. T. J. GORDON, Chin. Bd. Co. Commissioners J. E. STEWART. Clerk to Bd. Kxccutlon Hale. On Monday, March 18. 1912, I will sell at public auction at the court house door in Monroe, N. C. for cash, one house and lot, nnd one vacant lot, In the town of Wax haw, N. C, adjoining W. R. McDon ald, and others, being property will ed to W. J. King by Jane Glvens, also 183 acres ot land adjoining J. Blllue, J. L. Osborne, nnd others, known as David Cry land, also 123 acres adjoining J. L. Rodman, T. W, McKlbben, and others, known ai the Weaver lands; sold by order of court to satisfy on attachment In favor of Ed Mellen & Co., Incora ted, against W. J. King, owner of said house and lots and lands, and to pay plaintiff s said claim, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay said claim, and cost of recov ery. This Feb. 13th, 1812. JOHN GRIFFITH, Sheriff of Union County. rnATT, v. J. Att'riiey-ut-Iaw, Having been appointed prosecuting attorney In the Recorder's court, I cannot appear for the defense in criminal actions. All other legal business entrusted to me will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Office: Rooms 21 and 22, Loan it Trust Uuildinff. Telephone 88. Monroe, Jf. C. Three things deserve special notice In connection with the scene of tbe baptism of Christ: Ths baptism It self, the descending dove, and the boavenly voice. The baptism of Christ Is connected with the fact that Christ was thirty years old. This was the age when Le- vitlcal priests were set apart and con set-rated to their office. The baptism therefore, has reference to the priestly office of Christ By submitting to bap tism Jesus identifies himself with the world's sin. Christ's baptism then was not pen sonal for he himself was sinless. The lesson tells us that while others. after their baptism, stood confessing their sins In the Jordan, be Immedi ately went up out of the water, for he had no sins to confess but official and representative. Christ submitted to the same baptism which the genera tion of vipers had received, not be cause he was one of them, but because he was their representative, and had come to take upon himself their sins Christ, In submitting to John's bap tism, set his seal upon the divinely appointed ministry of John as the ful fillment of the Old Testament prophecy. He recognized In John's baptlBm God's plan for him, and he submitted to It without questioning, If any man In his own right did not need baptism. It was Christ By this act Jesus set his seal upon the rite ot baptism, a rite which may be aban doned only when It no longer teaches any truth. Rebellion against customs and rites for rebellion's sake is vicious Individualism. The descent of the Holy Spirit lndi catos Christ's equipment for his serv ice. In his sermon In the synagogue ho referred to this truth when he said, the spirit of the Lord God Is resting upon me, because be bath anointed me to preach the gospel. Even Christ could not accomplish his life work without the aid of the divine spirit. Nor can we. The voice from heaven could scarce ly have been heard by Christ without his associating It with the Identifica tion of himself with the servant of the Lord In the prophecy of Isaiah (chap ters 42 to 60). The temptation Is closely allied to the baptism of Christ; Indeed, It Is based on the proclaimed sonehlp of the baptism. From this we learn that the greatest temptations ofttimes, in deed generally follow the greatest blessings. Tho temptation was a real event and not a mere mental or soul strug gle, ice personality or Satan is as evident as the personality of Christ In tho narrative. Nor Is there any thing in tho story to Indicate that it is nn allegory, but everything prcdl cates a reality. All of the temptations were along the lino of Christ's Intention to estab lish tbe Kingdom of God in tho world Satnna suggestion to Christ was to take a short cut to the obtaining of tho Kingdom Tho adversary did not ask C hrist to do a single wrong thing; ho did suggest doing right things In a wrong way and with wrong motives. There Is nothing wrong In being hungry nnd satisfying hunger, but it is sinful to use wrong measures to satisfy even so natural an appetite. Nor is It wrong to trust in the word and promises of God for deliverance when we find ourselves in places of danger, but It Is wrong to unnecessar ily r'ace ourselves In compromising positions because of tho temptations of the evil one, and then pre3ume to rely upon the promises of God to extricate us from a position Into which we have thus been brought. Such Is not an act of faith, but of presumption it Is templing the Lord God. Nor Is It wrong to engage In the act of worship, but It Is sinful to worship anything or anybody other than God. Christ's method of victory Is signl flrant He does not resort to dazzling Inventions or manifest any attempt at shrewdness In his answers. Ho does not even try to be original. He goes to the quiver of God's word, and takes out an arrow that had been polished by much use, and hurls it at the ad versary. He excraplies the psalmist s expression: "Thy word have I hid In mlue heart, that I might not sin against thee." No doubt Jesus quoted from memory. Herein lies the bless ing of learning gospel texts, and of storing the memory with scripture. Je. us was tempted In all points like as we are. We must rot think that these three temptations were the only onc3 Christ endured, even In the wild erness. The narrative says that "When Satan had finished all the (who'e cycle of) temptations, he left him for a season." This Implies that there were other temptations, and that his whole life was beset by temptations. There is not a single note In the great organ of our humanity, which. when touched, does not produce a sym pathetic vibration in the mighty scope pnd range of our master's being ex- pt the jarring discord of sin. It Takes Many Features TO MAKE A DRUG STORE COMPLETE. First of all, a drug store Is a place where drugs are sold, but the store of today carries a score and more ot other things useful, beneficial and luxurious. Ours U a drug store complete In every detail. DHICH, MKDKIXKS. OfKMIC.tLS, RITH. TOII.LT AXH MltSKKY NKKDS, KHmLK tiOOILS, M IMICAL SITI-UKS NOU.l, CIGARS, CAXDV AND STATIONLKY, Naturally we can offer you the assurance ot class and quality in everything we sell, because we know the goods and we know that they are adapted to the needs of our customers. Anything drug-storey that you want we have. Respectfully, English Drug Co. Tlic Dependable Store. Our Store is very complete with all the latest and best medium priced JFiuiFinijillTuiFe and if there was ever a time when the young; couple going to housekeeping could furnish every room in the house to begin with at a nominal cost and such conditions of purchase to make it a real easy matter, it is NOW. We are in a position to give you the best in every particular, and a com parison willfconvince you. Yours for business. T. P. DILLON. Now For That Crop. TT IS NATURAL that people should tighten up in a year like this. But the time is now at hand when the farmers should spread out, and prepare to make a crop. Nothing is of more im portance in making one than the stock 3Tou use. We have a Fine Lot of Mules and Mares for you to select from. If you don't be lieve we have some good bargains, come and see. We are always glad to show you whether you buy or not. Good Buggies a Necessity. With the roads in the present condition good buggies become a necessity. You are simply bound to have them to trav el safely. It is the part of wisdom and forethought, as well as money in your pockets, to inspect our lino of vehicles. FOWLER & LEE CO, Leading Dealers and'Livermen. There should be a greater Individ-1 The Democratic nnrrr most eftn. ual responsibility to the criminal vlnce the people not what It pro laws on the part of operators ot cor- poses to do for Itself, but what it porations. lean do for them. i