fSFI , TV. g uuvruZr-dLb i invitation ARREST IX IYX M1TK CASKS. Absolutely Pure Absolutely has no substitute Many mixtures are offered as substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder is the 5ame in composition or effectiveness, or so wholesome and economical, nor will make such fine food. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar 4 "That's funny," talc Mr. Crockett. "Mrs. Hamilton Hurlburt Dtckon re- quest mjr presence at bridge Mon day afternoon and she request It tn the most expensive engraved old Eng lish, too:" "Why funny T" Inquired Crockett. temporarily suspending the reading of the sporting page. -Did you expect her to pick the letters In a pin or make a transparency of It!" Mr Crock turned up her no at Ijauon o?n-u: ti'.m. "It Is funny - she said, "because ped wllh consplrin. Suicide or Runaway. Spencer, Feb. 19. Mystery sur rounds the disappearance of L. IV- rrcsiding Justice Adjournctl Court to Fight. W. H. Knowles presides nt the Vault Hines, a well known travelling commissioner's court a county trih- ruan of Greensboro, whose clot hint was found late Sunday afternoon on a pier of the Piedmont Toll Hridge near Spencer with a note saying: "I have decided to end it all and wish to thank my friends for kind nesses" and signed L. 1. Mines. With the clothing was a valuable gold watch running and a good ring.) unal probably somewhat like our boards of county commissioner at Midland. Texas. The other day Know it s made an assertion about a former ruling of the court. "You're a liar. Judge," said Commissioner Jules Driver, a member of thi court. This court wl'.I stand adjourn I have not the slightest idea who Mrs. Hamilton Hurlburt Dickson is have you 7" Crocket laid down his paper. "Never heard of her," he said. "Put think, Jimmy," begged Mrs. Crockett "Was she on your list when we sent our announcement cards?" "She was not," sang Crockett In de scending scale. "To the best jf my knowledge, she Isn't the sister or mother or relative of anybody I know or ought to know. Why should she in vite you?" "Well, as to that, why shouldn't she?" bristled Mrs. Crockett. "And It's to be at the Northedge club, and I'm dying to see the Inside of that club. It's two weeks off, so It must be a big party." There are a number of theories as l ed," announced Judge Knowles. to tne matter, une Is that Hines was laboring under a melancholia fit and ended his life by jumping into the river. The bridge is about 20 feet above the water, which is about five feet deep at his place. It is said Hir.es was seen making a trip from the Kowan to the David son side of the bridge and was not seen to return late Saturday night. ' It is stated that he travelled for the American Art Works of Coshoc ton, Ohio, and that he attempted to get drafts on this house cashed In Spencer and Salisbury Saturday, but failed. He left his home in Greensboro unceremoniously last Monday and his family believe that he Is tempor arily demented. The officers believe that Hines re turned to Salisbury Sunday night af ter the alarm had been given and boarded a train for the South. The theory of suicide is discredited by the officers who have worked hard on the case. Hines has a wife and child In Greensboro. un il I whip the man who called me a liar." Then it happened. Tho.-o who witnessed the fight say the Judge scored the greatest number of pugil istio points. A few minutes later the Judge reconvened court, fined himself for fighting and paid the fine. The court then went back to Mr. R. II. Yarner. editor of the Lexington Dispatch, who recently an Bounced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the State Senate, has withdrawn from the race. He is too busy looking nfter the Underwood presidential boom and other matters to run for the Senate. work and its dignity was not fur ther ruffled. Had Her Coffin .Made to Order. Lumberton Robesonlan. Mrs. Eliza Pass, who is nearing her "yth birthday, has stored in a barn at her home on the northeast ern edge of the town the coffin In which she wants to be burled. She does not want to be burled in a store bought, machine manufactured coffin, so Borne time ago she gave .Mr. A. A. Ivey. who works nt the Kingsdale lumber mill, an order for a coffin to be made according to her own ideas. The coffin was de livered last week and will be kept against the day when it shall be needed which her friends hope will be many years yet. Georgia Republican State con vention Wednesday endorsed the Taft administration and the four delegates at large to the national convention were Instructed to vote for him. More than half the dele gates to the convention were ne groes and a negro was chairman. Major Albrrt S. Sexton, a promi nent citizen of Alabama, was acci dentally killed in his home at Mont gomery, Ala., early Tuesday morn ing. He was going through his house, pistol in hand, looking for a nurgiar, wnen ne supped on tne polished floor, his pistol was di charged and the ball entered hi brain, killing him Instantly. A open door was evidence of the pres ence of the burglar, but he escape Let us nave neither the cons"rva Hon of stagnation, nor the radle::l tsm of imiiscrlminating destruction permanent j We want progress along right lines MULE Caj: Load Received To day. They are Beauties. Be Sure to See Them. : Yours truly,: THE 518 11 Monroe, North Carolina. Well, why don't you go?" asl-.cd Crockett. "You've got tho ticket let ting you In." "Go to a party given by an utterly strange woman. demanded Mrs. Crockett. "I have heard of women who were social climbers Inviting women they wanted to get In with, even if they hadn t ever met them. Maybe" Darling," interrupted Crockett, "I em loath to blast your sweet Illu sions, but why should anyono as ex pensive as Mrs. Hamilton Hurlburt Dickson looks to be from her inrl tatlon card be sitting up nights plan ning how to get acquainted with a perfectly sweet lady living In a $43 flat and able to afford one tailor gown a year?" "All this," sold his wife, "comes from having a legal mind! Put I slm- ply don't understand! It Is address ed to my full name and the address is right!" Mrs. Crockett stuck the card la her dressing mirror so it would be handy to ponder over. Py diligent search she found that Mrs. Hamilton Hurl burt Dickson lived on a boulevard quits near, and sho walked by the house without getting any further clews. Every night she told Crockett that she simply must find out about the Invitation, so she could either ac cept or decline It. "I'd hate to offend her by declining It If It really Is some ono I ought to know," she walled. "Put, of course, I don't want to thrust myself upon her If sho doesn't know me! Consider how awkward It would be, Jimmy, for a perfectly strange hostess to meet a !erfectly strange guest, and neither of us have the slightest common ground to stand cn! We can't even ask how each other's families are, because wc don't know who belongs to the fam ilies! They say that Xorthedgo club Is perfectly beautiful. Of course I'm not so crazy to go that I want to ac cept this Invitation, still and there's my new velvet dress, and this would be such a good chance to wear it." "Well, go on and go!" urged Crock ett. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of such a thing!" cried his wife, "put do you think it ' would bo awful If I did? If she's asked me she should take tho consequences, shouldn't she? Of course I shan't but. then don't you think that last hat I got looks particularly J well with the velvet? I'm lust dying for a good game of bridge I've got to write my acceptance or regrets today, '.nats all there Is to it!" That afternoon, as Mrs. Crockett sat down at her writing desk, her sister- in-law came in. She saw the card from Mrs. Hamilton Hurlburt Dickson, I ana reached out a casual hand, when Mrs. Crockett told Its story. Oh, that's meant for me!" she said. "Mrs. Dickson Is a bride, and I'm a friend of her mother's and her moth er Is In Europe, and she didn't know my front name, so the looked in the telephone book and when she found a Crockett on this street she thought the nrsi one must be L I wouldn't have missed that party at the Northedaa club for anything!" Crockett heard about It that oven Ing. "rm awfully sorry," he sympa thized, "when you wanted to go so badly!" It waa then that his wife exploded. "Why, James Crockett!" she cried. 'am If I ever dr-r-eamed of loin to her old party! The Idea! I should say not!" I-arcr Xanibr rf IjiImh- VmU ArrrMttl ia I'oowvt in Uh mite 'wiinirv. i The Coiled Statts government has arrested almost all of the fifty-four men indicted ia the dynamite con spiracy rases. It took into custody within a fe hours practically the entire official staff of the International AsMX-iatioa or lindge and Structural Iron Work ers including the chief officers, mem bers of the executive board and about SO business s.;en'.s and former business agents. Those included rrank M. Ryan, the president. John T. Cutler of Puffalo. X. v., the 1st vice president, and Herbert S. Hock- in, the 2nd vice president and suc cessor of J. J. McN'aniara. as secretary-treasurer. Kach of these men was required to five $10,000 bond for his appearance for arraignment March 12. More than 40 of the men. c!.lef!y .s. w ho mv c.ur- to des'r y by uynamiteornitro-giyccr.no the pr p- erty of employers of non union la bor, were under arrest by night and it was declared the apprehen sion or ail the others would follow within 4$ hours. ny us action ine government re vealed the Idem Lies of the men whom It charges with being tho ac- aceompliees of the XUA'anaras n-id Ortic E. McManiga! In the dynamite plots, embracing almost 1 00 explo sions which were begun iu. Massa chusetts in 1905, which were scat tered over the country for six vears uuu kimcii resuneu in me wrccKing of the IyOs Anceles Times' building and an attempt to blow up I'resi dent larts special train at Santa uarbara, Cal., last October. 'Spink of the Vast Loss ffliffraa. -? ty fire ia this country every year. Midi) mmi million of dollar worth of rwrrty goes sip 1 mnke. TtioHp who tuul the for. lght to irwtrrt tlH-niM-lvrs with tire iaoaraare WM nothing. Those who were without li-iea la many re were rained. IV-uer Join the firt rlaMf by having u iuoure )oa t once. 'Phone 209. First !! Year Maringe- in Wilkes. Wilkesboro Chronicle. home of the girls In Wilkes be- ue.ve in exercising tnelr leap year privileges. Out on the Prushies last week a 16-year-old girl derided she wanted a husband und she also decided exactly who she wanted. So she put on her "meeting ciotnes and about dark went over to where he lived, found him and unprotected, kidnapped hi "torce and arms, carried him to Rowan girl's the boy's la Yernon Childers. Gordon insurance & Investment Co. Stock of Goods at Altan For Sale. Until 6 o'clock, Saturday, February 24th, I mZ wiU receive bids for the W. M. Starnes stock of ..VM at Altan N - which inventoried about $2,573.00. Parties interested will see me at once. Will arrange to allow inspection of the a wagon and when found was froze stock any date convenient. stiff in the wagon.which had lodged This February 17th, 1912. O. B. SNYDER, "Trustee W. IU. Starnes, Bankrupt. Andrew Jones, an old colored man who lived in Cumberland county was irozen to uentn in the snow storm Saturday night. He was go ing rrom r ayeiteville t0 his home In against a tree. The mule had brok en loose from the wagon and was wandering in a nearby field After a spelling match nt Pool school house in Providence town ship. Kowan county. Tuesday night a crowd of rowdy boys fired pistols as tney left the place. A ball took effect In the knee of Arthu hrlck, a young man who was walk lng In advance of the party and who had no part In the shooting. The wound will probably render him a cripple for life. bend ten trial subscriptions to The Democrat nt 25 cents each fori a year, and get a $1.50 fountain pen free. Ten names and $2.50 gets! tn pen by return mall. Falsehoods. Falsehoods not only disagree with truths, but they usually quarrel among themselves. Webster. No Chance There. Kind Hearted Ywmian rln conntir -i villager a man lis strung us you me ought to lie nble to find work. Haven I you nny regular occupation? unyfarer (with his mouth fulli- Yes'm: I wnrsn t Is winders o sky scrapers. Chicago Tribune. Difficult Alternative, "What I want to see." said the econ omist, Mls a system which will compel these big enterprises to get out and fight each other to a finish." "In other words, your idea Is that the only way to prevent collusion Is to arrange a collision." Squelched Him. Sir. Hoopah You's de onllest kirl I erer loved, Delia! Miss Cole You kin set heah an' say dat till you turns black In de face, but I ain't gwlnter b'liove yo'!" ruck. What Do you Have ? We have everything; that a first-class grocery store should have to supply the wants of a fine trade. Fresh buddIv of fine hams and breakfast bacon. Dound cakes and fine loaf bread. Respectfully, M. WALLER illlJ i Mbviwd l ryr Plcnmt'U, WE SOUQT THK rATKOX.UJK K LADIKM AM) CHII.lMtK.N at the PASTIME TIIKATKK. Our shows are wholesome, entertain ing snd edifying. It is broad and beneflcial.always showing something from which you may learn something new. Our show is sure to amuse in iii r "i MULES Car load of Mules best of the season to arrive to-day. They are Beauties ? If you need one, two or three, come and save money. c and please you.

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