- I .J-j i 4 j1 5 : I " i j KRAID IX BEING SICK. I r m I r i i The Journal's Gcdlery ol little Sweethearts- Jjr cry:'. .' ,. .:. - , - v . T,'r I I of! M.isI.t John Frank Hi-outi. This is .Master John Kratik l'.ron Mat--r Virninn Shaw James. . . . . . .i.... i We nave nsaru a Rrf.u ur i --"" ",.. ., , i . . . h .., s.-'i or .ir. am! .r. v.. . . i-i itbid .-.nn" I'l'in ;i i iiiiul it in- una , here' to us. He -.W'-5?- "ST-ra "r".F .au n:k him l:icr. W nae 111 '.II . 41 Ilia H O. w i Ma-tor llascom lVrkins. This is Master rtaseom Perkins, little son of Or. and .Mrs. 1. H. Per kins of .Marsh vllle. He Is a prime favorite with a veritable host of friends, all of who are working hard to see him crowned kins of this rare. A most active cawpalsn is beinst carried on for this lit i io eiu.p and the contest im;nas-r is assured it this Is kip tip to the vr tin! of t'.ie race. Master Basooui looks good for first hovr. of I nionville. We look for this vonni; ut uii to be cne of the lead ers before the close of the contest. - . . . . .i - i s u:k fine b ibies entered In the race from YinsaU t s you can plainly see , .:-UCV.' . fiiV:kU'' : las- lit- Master Paul K. (iriffin. Here we have Master Paul F'. r.rlffin. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Griffin of Unionville. His parents are ambitious to have him win the gold and glory of this great contest, and for any who has as many friends as they, this ought not to be too difficult a taak. rather ex pect to hear a great deal of Master Paul before this race Is over. Mi s .!r litli Kiiiko kiiluM ii.TO is uno'hr swtct little -ie- -Miss Jud.th Hl::ke Knight tie daughter of Mr. and Mr; ivtruhi of Monroe Route S- i-oiw without s:"iiu lh.it alio is the pe! an I pride of '.: r parents and fb nds. Wo wis'i that jus: a little greater nctivity v.r.s being shown i-i her behalf and we would bo con strained to brieve that Misa Ju i'.iih wtuld fiaish among the winners. Vi'.t.T JoIiii l'ullt-r WilluiVrd. This young man looks as th.vugh ho w:;s rea.lv for a race, lb? is Mas i. r .li.hn Kull. r Willitford. soil of ti a r. nnii :. :s. i. a. vvuiaioru ii in t. . ... i t.i..t. l:..t.. 1. and nU'lvi ie. lie is a nrii-.ni n-.m- hwh un.-l:il honors in the next few weeks. "j'S 'Mt- I I -Aw I ' 1 Win knows Master farist C :f v.-!::- i J viitl Cf . ll. ('t.-t. Muster t'llde Harkey. Tlila la M.iRter Pliiln H.irkpv. Kon of Mr. and Mrs. William Harkey of Matthews Route 18. He i.) a bright, little chap, cirrylnit sunshine with him wherever he goes. lie has made. excelknt progrevg in The Journal'. j contest, and his friends say they do not propose that he shall stop until he is at the top of theheap. Those friends ore working for him v. !'h all the energy they ran ontmnnd. so look out for .Master Clitlo boforc the end of the contest. .VNs Mary Ixr Privett. Wo v:.'.:;l y.m to n.tt't ilils .voting hi'ly. ;-l '.e is Mb.- Mary I.-e i'rivett. i!:ni.irl:ter rt' Mr. iml Mrs. ii. A. Privet if tb.;.i ii V. Mi vi Mury was one of th? babies to wi:i special hon oma of last week, ;md slie is well In the race for u prize Saturday night. ;te? 11 ! th v o t a :i 1 i '' ; I ' to k"l lv!'.t cu" l.i.i git.- si!d i ':: i.sii '11 wt nt tu'tcr tir.d ar.ld that meant buinem. la i i Lam ( f tne l.v i htivo o.i tii- peopie '.: iU' oil ::!,-. u; Win- it whtttthey ..i.il a KXtie . ,,'J 1 J - f f J(,i - 'v -.v-.f.;.t - a ma ... - a Ul-bealtli U no Longer ruioauiwj It t tvrnmemUt IM-giw. it u nn loncer considered honora ble, polite, or the correct thing to , be ick ana ailing, it w imnj i year ago. in acme psrts or me country. In tne socui worm it usea . U be consideretl ctfeminate. aaiuij., and refined to I la ill-health." or "to be delicate." or "just been sick , all w in'er." This ued to elicit ex pressions of genuine svr.ipatay iroru the hearers; but It does not any ' more. We have passed mat state. Now. when we hear such talk we suspect one of two things either ti-..r rror.ie crur'er or the chon-, to wou'-l-ln-sick Is fuUr.g and offT- Ing a fliwsy o.ruse for K"e r.en- , gence or nonpertoruLtnce of duly, or else, if he should rv;:.!y happen t. be s!k. that sr.ti! a r!e.i is an optn i,!mi.l m thai I.i r.l-.e 1 -'.e o;s. of tea he has leet gel.ty oi iiti-, lug some of na'ures taatt.r.aej-i : laws; that he b.rs tu-i l-d te. i iarlyea'ea fliilt. u. iy tr di.-c'- d , .t:ie oher ci;ua':!.' fur..'..r'er!n.l l.v.', ci health. .. ! lll-luiil.h. say what .u !!; - cates In a Kiajcrity cf casos the lacs of w ill power er pir. pote c r... int:ia fundr.mental habits In rt l ird to e't-. ing. drinking, intending to the cans of nature regularly, baitiinn. und , proper exercise In tV.e i; e air a:id ; nitit ii. itii: k! r is rer.i. .k inio disrenute thei-e drys, for thti simple reason thai t'.iiiiiUag people have seen that th!.' tb.itto of being sick i.i really disgnu-eful. I hey are. ihprefore. inclined to keep it n se cret If they feel badly, nav e.i head ache, or some sii.a minor ttirneni hut Indicates that seine laws or health have been disobeyed. On the other hand, it is strongly presuttiiiiR up-n the credulity ct nnotb.-r to de'lboraiely offer "the sick plea" ns an excuse f r the lion jcrfortnar.ce of duty. This is now j looked np;i largely as a negro ruse. nd to try to perpetrate suon a incK or diH'ention uptiti ni-y tt.liiKir.g per son is an insult. Btii there Is one more eiuototni:. question or belnp everlastingly sick and ailing. It Ii this: You cannot hold ill-health thought:;, or diae:3 thoughts, in the nti:d without ne'u allv having them outpictured In tln body to a certain extent. Kverybod knows it Is liiipossinie ror a petsoa to remain absolutely pure, who ha bitually holds pictures cf Impurity In his mind; bo it is Just as possi ble to be healthy while continuing to assert and holding the disease thought forth. On the other hand. ti. iiiiin-miireestioii that we are not sick, that we are well, that we are not downcast, that we nro happy, and so on, has buoyed up so many a person who otnerwiso wouiu soon have been really sick or despondent. Td sum the whole matter up, one can be either sick or well, to a very Inrce extent, by lust continually ns- Rprtinc to one's self and hearers that he is sick or well. Certain peo pie have found so much trutn in this prlciple or auio-suggeBuon mm thov hnv founded a religious sect that believe in healing entirely by this method, wnne we no noi au vocate taking this advanced ground. vbi there is so much truth in the principle that wo cannot ioo siron- ly urge aoanaoning me oiu iue ui linlnir everlastingly sick and ailing when we are really not. TIio Hanger Alter tirlp tins ofton in a run-down system. Weakness, nervousness, lack of appe tite, energy nnd auihition, witn ai ordered liver and kidneys often fol low an attack cr tins wreicnoa ui-fiu-e. The greatest Deed then Is electric bitters, the glorious tonic, lil.r.d nmifler and regulator cr t tie stomach, liver and kidinys. Thous- ,.n,ij hi.- tirovr.t t il t iey won ier- fnllv Ktrnnirt.hen the lit rven, build Up l!ie !'V8t"in and restore to ueauu aim good'spirita nfier att attack cf grip. If suffering, try Hum. Only 50 cm. Sold a.id perfect satisfaction guar anteed by Kngllsh Drug Company. As the Farmer Prospers so Pros pers the Nation. True to our prediction: Cotton scampered up ward and business bus tled big. :-: :-: Bank The First National Extends to the Farm ers an invitation to continue to call upon us for their needs. :-: TH6 First National Bant R. A. MORROW, President . A. IIOl'STOX, Cashier W. U. rillKKR, Teller J. R. ENGLISH, Vlc-lre8ldent H. M. L'LMElt, Ass't Cashier J. U. CtJlTLK, Hook-keeper JTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTITITITIirilTXIIIIIXIXllIIIXIIZXXr ;it a l'no siiow. It v.aa dJiitg a s.reet fair In a Geordti town. The star attraction was a horse with five Iocs. 1 cost a to see him. A matt with fifteen children stop ped outside. The barker urged him to buy a ticket. "I can't afford it. I've got fif teen children." "What's that?" gasped the as tonished show man. "Are all these shildreti yours?" "Yes, sir; every one." "Wait a minute" yelled the bark er to the father of fifteen. "You stand right here I want to bring the hcrpe out to ace ycu." Master Harold Illgham. This Is Mas.er riaroid Higham. Ken of Mr. and Mrs. Blghani of Monroe Route 5. He U one of tbo bablc-8 that v.-on a gold ring by be ing one cf the first ten babies nom inated. We hope to be ablo to hear MisM From It Hailcy. Wo arc pleased to bo nbbi to pre sent tho picture cf Miss Francis Italley, the cweet little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ilailey of Marsh vlilo. Her parents and friends tare energetic and enthusiastic In their work, rnd why shouldn't they be with such a winsome little lady to work for? We hepo to sea her In first Dlaee before the end of tho Inaied. We hope to be ablo to bear . . wa . .., ,,, mi. a groat deal bow cf Master Harold , , , be far before tho end of tae contest. behind Mis-i Odessa Fumlcrburk. Hats off to Miss Odessa Fundfr burk, little daughter of Mr. end Mrs Funderburk of Route 10. 8h9 Is just the most delightful little lady imaginable and an Immense favorite with everybody. Although Misa Odessa la not quite as high at the present time as some of the contest ants. It does not mean that her pa rents and friends are Vt as ener getic as anyone who baa a baby In the contest. Just watch her stand ing aa the daya go by; It will apeak; tor Itself. i Good for GO Votes in THE JOURNAL GRAND BABY CONTEST. Baby's Name Address. Ton may send In as many of these coupona aa you can get. and each one will count Fifty rotea on your favorite. Notice of Kale. By virtue of a power contained In a certain mortgace deed, oxecuted by Mack Baxter and wife, Jauoy Baxter, on tho 13th day of January, 1911, which Is duly recorded In the offleo of the Keller of Deeds for Cnlon county. In lijok AQ at page 25, default having been made In the payment of the not thereby so- riirnil. ft will on Monday, Arm 13ui, lwia. at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door la Monroe, N. C, 11 to the highest bidder for cash, tho follow ing described tract or iana. con veyed la aald mortgage, to-wu: Lyina ana being in uie uij m Monroe, In said county and State. adjoining the lot or J. kv btaca on th smith und the colored Lutheran church on tho north; John street on the east and an alley on tne weei. fronting 60 feet on jonn strew, lrnn-n lot TEN (10) In BlOC'i J of Monroe Land tt Improvement rnmnnnv'a nditition to the city OI Monroe, being SO by 142 feet aquare ni hainir i ha tame lot conveyed by W. E. Williams, and wife, to aald Mack Baxter January 13th, 1811. SaM In MtUfv the DTOViSlOnS Of aaid mortgage deed. THE BANK OF UNION, Aealjnee This March 12. 1912. Make May 4tli, 1912 An Epoch in Your Life Sxixxxhxxxxxxxxxxi on tltat date the j' 0 S 8TK SERIES 3 2 ol me w S H 3 I 3 A. M. StAcJt J. J. Parker STACK & PARKER, Attorneymt-Law, Mraroe. N. C. ifr Parker urill Bractic- in all Criminal CotirU, either for itat or Defense. OfCcei in Law Bids. M H M H a 3 M H M M H M H M M 4 H M M H H M M M M M M H t! 3 a H M B PEOPLES BUILDING &. LOAN ASSOCIATION opens ttXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIIXXJ Resolve now to take tine road that leads to a Home and Security Call For Particulars at Gordon Insurance & Investment Company miriTTTTttttiirTTTTtTTxtTXXxxiiiiirxx:iriiixiij 1

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