THE LOCAL MA&XZTS. COTTON. fieri grade today 1L62 Seed. 2s, PRODUCE. The figures given here are prices paid ky merchants today. They may be dif ferent tomorrow next day. Reader are advised to 'phone some responsible merchant on lite day they expect to come to market and get figures lor that dy. Hens 85 Young Chickens 20 to 30 Roosters . 25 to Ducks 20 to 35 Geese 35 Turkeys 15 Eggs 15to- Butter 12 to 15 Hams 15 to 20 beeswax 20 to 1 Advertisements are inserted in this amn at the rate of one cent per word each insertion. Count the words in your adv. and send cash with copy, Each figure and initial counts a word. No ad taken for less than ten cents. J Wanted to exchange Victor graph- opUone in good order with 30 or 35 records for bicycle. J.T. Belk. Special book sale this week, all of the latest fiction for 50c; see them. The V. J. Rudge Co. Jack and the Bean Stalk, a de lightful fairy story for the children at Dixie Theatre No. 2 today, af ternoon and night. Special price of 10c. on stoneware salt boxes, butter Jars, pitchers, spit toons and mixing bowls, Saturday 20th. 5 and 10c. Store. Found Near tho Monroe Oil Mill, pair of spectacles In heavy leather case, with Dr. II. smitn s name on case. Owner can get at Journal of fice. A. S. Pusser. Have you read the Shepherd of the Hills? You can get it now for 50c. at Hudge's special book sale this week. Dr. II. Smith, the eyesight spec ialist, is at home this week and will be in his office till Saturday night, April 20. All who need glasses fit ted should see him this week. Notice I will be at the store or J. W. Outen in Wlngate on Satur day, the 27th of April, for the pur pose of fitting glasses for all who want them. A. L. Parker. New Hue of men's, wouieu's aud children's cvery-Uay and Sunday shoes just received. W. H. McCor kle, Donrlngjild stand. For Sale. Cook's prolific cotton seed, field selected, best seed you can buy; 75c. per bushel. A. I Funderburk, Monroe Routel. If you have ice creara packers belonging to us, please phone us and we will send tor thorn. bug lish Drug Co. The special road committee, of New Salem township will meet at Kuto .Saturday, April 20th. at nine o clock a. m. r. J. C. fcrim, turn. For Rent Four room house on Vaun Heights. 1. II. Blair. Lost One ten dollar bill in or around business section of Monroe, March 28. $1.00 reward. M. C. S., care Journal. llarrel facy l'orto Rico molasses Just opened. Plylor & Funderburk at A. C. Johnson s old stand. For Salo Good surry and har ness, used very little, cheap. J. L. Stack. Lost. Large bbck ni:ilo hound; bushy tail; scar on fore foot. Five dollars rowird f:r tho return or information as to liis whereabouts. 11. A. Shepherd. Good rubber tire bu;;gy for sale. Phono 15-R. Plenty ff yellow seed sweet po tatoes ut Vnna FunderburlCs. Resist ered O. 1. C. famous half ton hogs, prolific type. A limited number of pigs for tale, April aud May tlolivery. They tiro beautioa RitndolphRedfenrn. " Notice I will be at G. M. Mont gomery's store on the 3, 4, and 5 of April and nt Brico Starnes' store April 10, 11, 12, and nt Tradesvllle April 17, 18, IS, with my fine Bel gian stallion for service. I will ap preciate the public patronage. J. W. Melton. We want chickens and eggs and country produce. Plyler & Funder burk. Call at I'lyler & Funderburk's when you want good freBh grocer ies and quick delivery. Phone105. If you like tea you want the fin est flavor. We have It. The fa mous Premier brand from Ceylon nils JbeJblll.I. 8. Estridge ft Co. The newest and best flour on this market is the Jefferson. We have JuBt received a shipment of this high grade patent and can recom mend It as the best on the market. Tryjt.ll. SEstrldge &Co. Hay That hay is here and It Is fine. Com aad get some. J. I). Nash ft Son. Cor cotton seed hulls Just recelv ed today. J. B. Nash & Son. Registered Poland China hogs, fancy poultry, and young stock for sale. Ceo. Taggle, Brush Creek, Tena. We have some big orders for hens and frying size chickens. Give us a chance whsn you bring yours. W. R. Outen Co. Charlotte cotton seed meal plen ty of. Come and buy once and you will buy It all the time. J. B. Nash ft 8on. Remember we are always In the market for chickens and eggs. W. R. Outen Company. Car of good timothy hay we will ell c heap. J. B. Nash & Son. Always ready for a quick job of plumbing. W.W.Iiargett, phone 311. See T. C. Lee ft Co. for seed Ir ish potatoes and cabbage plants. Geod Spanish Jack for service of 1912 at Mr. Tom Fowler's farm two miles north of Monroe on the Con cord ro-d. Fowler ft Lee Co. Special Notices. Tbe Fair Minstrel Cunpaay. At opera house Friday night. ApL 19th. 112. PROGRAMME. Part 1. The first part of the en tertainment will be participated In by the entire strength of the com- f pany. Tne scene Is entitled, a Woodland of Nightingales." j Gravely. Interlocutor Mr. Clarence Laney. Mrs. Hugh McAllister of Lumber Vocalists Messrs. Oscar Davi.lto u Ti8i,ing ner mother. Mrs. Fan- Heary rairley. Herndon Hasty. 'nle junisey. Archie Fairley, Frank Fairley. Glenn' ' Wolfe. Rob Laney. Ogbura Vales. I Reserved seat tickets will be on Comedians Messra. X. C. Eng- for th Fair Minstrel Co. at lUh. Herndon Hasty, Rob Laney. tbe Union Drug Store. Frank Fairley. Mr. R. p. pric, hM bought a r- During this portion of the enter-! i.nce n charlotte and m 111 make talnment the following numbers will nolne there In the future, hav- be rendered: a(t Klltj nls paca ea8l ot t0WB orana vpeuing uitnura py laiMr. M. K. Lee. entire company. "That's What the Knglne Done," Mr. Rob taney and company. "Old Oaken Bucket." by entire company. ".My Baby Rose." Mr. Oscar Davis "The JlnKaboo Man." Messrs. H.f Hasty and F. Fairley. "If I Had You. Mr. H. Fairley. The Trombone Slide." .Mr. Rob Laney. "Annie Laurie." quartette. "The Barber Shop Chord." Fair ley trio. Bass solo: "When the Bell In the Lighthouse Rings Ding-dong.' " Mr. Glenn Wolfe. "The Mississippi Dip." Master Og burn Yates. SPECIALTIES. "Roll 'Em Bones' " quartette. Horse traders.Mr. Rob Laney and Mr. J. H. Beckley. "The Gotta Quit Klckln' My Dog Aroun'," Mr. X. C. English and cho rus. Mr. Herndon Hasty will present a up-to-date oddity entitled, "How Columbus Discovered America," and "Married Life." "Leave That Noise Outside," Mr. Clarence Laney. "Beautiful Doll and Honey Man," rendered by Mr. Herndon Hasty and Frank Fairley. The performance will be conclude with a fro entitled. "Aunt Dinah's Golden Wedding." Aunt Dinah Mr. Clarence Laney. Joe Mr. Herndon Hasty. This will be participated In by the full singing contingent of the company. Prices 25. 35 and 50 cents. Catarrh Gone Xo More Hawking and Snuffling When You Breathe- Hynmci. llyomet (pronounce It lllgli-o-me) Is guaranteed to eud the misery of Catarrh. Breathe It, destroy the catarrh poriiis, nnd soon hawking iitul snuf fling will cense. Breathe it, and crust will no lon ger form in the nose; mucus will not lodge In the throat; all Inflam mation will leave tho membrane of the nos9 and thront and your hend will U el clear and fine. Breathe it for coughs, colds and sore thront; it's soothing, healing, antiseptic action is better than all stomach dosing remedies In crea tion, and there isn't a particle ot opium, cocaine or other habit form ing drug in It. Complete outfit, which Includes in haler. $1.00. Extra bottles of HY- OMEI 50 cents at English Drug Co. and ilrupfrlsts everywhere. At Dixie No. 1 tonight. 'Puthe'a Weekly" and "A Pal's Oath, " a Western drama. 'or Sale N'ico rubber tiro bus- K.v, good bargain. J. U. Uaueom, Irarjngold sjind. CulliiiK of Dan Matthews and other hooks for .Vic. at Hudge's. A choice lot of wash tics, 10c. each,3 for2.1c. 5 atul 1"C Slore. Onion sets, cane seed, fine fruits. I,. M. Howie. For Sale Tlirea lots nnir Grad ed School, oa Griffith road. Vann Funderburk. At The Pastime to-niht, "Saved From the Snow," a fine drama tak- ..n i.. tti;.,n.. ....... i, n. i. tirul Yoyemlto Valley. See this 1 MCtCll'. tlB II t UHU'lljr IVK'i ( containing "Dooley's Reward and : Economy." Fresh lot of AI el rose flour just received nt Yuan Funderburk's. Monroe Cook Book on sale at T. P. Dillon's, price 60c. We buy tildes and veal calves. see us before Belling. Tbe Monroe Cash Market, In front of 1'ontoffice. Wanted. Fresh Jersey cow. W. C. Carlisle. Fresh line of groceries at John son s old stand Plyler & Funder-iand burk. For Rent Good house, the Latta place. C. C. Sikes. Car Charlotte cotton seed meal Get some while It is fresh. J. D. Nnsh & Son. Phone No. 129 for first class beef. pork, sausage, fish, oysters, etc, at the lowest prices. M. A. Alexander. WATT ASHCRAFT. Veterinarian- Day calls 113, night calls 382. Monroe, N. C. Hospital on Hayne street, north east of court house. , . .. ,. , . . Automobile supplies and repair parts for sale at Repair Department of the; neomont ouggy tympany. I Best equipped shop in the Southern tr,ar.t taliitnf 4.67 acres convey tates for the complete overhauling fd ,b A- n,nd.,Jon,nJA' l)nJis nd repairing of Automobiles and Bug-1 to A- B'"T uy deed dated No States anrl mnaimnfl) nf AiirnmrtViilsasi arA Ri nr. gies-Piedmont Buggy Company, Re-, nair Denartment. ' " Money to Loan on approved security in limited amounts. Gordon Insurance and Investment Co. rv P s (W.nt.uffii.. Krauss'' jewelry store opposite Bclk Bros. Office phone 182. i ph. Please call at any time for hack work. Phone 268. Henry Lilly. We have plenty of cotton seed meal and hulls for sale. T. C. Lee ft Co. II. S. Estrldge ft Co. have just re ceived a fresh Bhlpment of the cel brated Prlmero coffee. It makes the best cup ot coffee you ever taBted. Wanted Country ns and eggs. T. C. hams, chick-Co. Local aad PenosaL Dr. E- S. Green Is spending a day or two this week with his pa rents at Louisburg. Mr. W. H. Clark of Stuart's, Va.. The floor of a church full of peo ple at Harrington Park, X. J., col lapsed Sunday and two were killed at once and more than a score se riously wounded. At The pa9tlnie Wednesday night. a very thrilling drama. "A Broth- er. Error," aud a good comedy. The Lucky Dog.' lie sure to see these. Rev. E. L. MlddWon, field secre tary of Sunday school work, will lecture at Corinth on Saturday, April 20th. There will be ail day services, with dinuer on the grounds. Mr. John N. Mullls and Miss Dal sy Crenshaw of Waxhaw were mar ried on the 13th, and Mr. Cleveland Helms and Miss Rosa Rushing of Monroe township on the 14th, by M L. Flow, Esq. Mr. W. O. Lemmond has located In Monroe for the practice of law. as will be seen by his card in The Journal. Mr. Lemmond Is a popu lar young man and will no doubt make a success at the law. The Journal is requested to say that the grocery stores of Monroe have agreed to close at 7:00 o'clock except on Saturday nights, begin ning May first and lasting till Sep tember first. Mr. W. C. Thomas, who moved from Wlngate last fall a year ago, to Kershaw, came up yesterday on business. He Is farming about two miles from Kershaw, and says that the farmers there are not so bad behind with their work. Rev. J. A. Baldwin, president of the Piedmont Industrial Institute of Charlotte, will lecture in North Monroe Methodist church next Sat day night on "North Carolina." Ad mittance free. On Sunday Mr. Bald win will preach Pi Central church. Prof. E. L. MldJIeton. Sunday School Secretary of tho Baptist Con vention of North Carolina, will speak at the Baptist Church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. All Sunday School workers and the pub lic generally are cordially iuvlted. Dr. 11. Smith returned Saturday from an extensive business trip through portions of South Carolina nnd reports that things are looking up all along the line. The better weather and the opportunity of get ting work under headway on the farms have not only made the farm ers feel better but all other folks as well and when folks feel good business Is better. Sale of Valuable lji:d. Under and by virtue of an order and decree mado by the Superior court of Union county. North Caro lina, In a special proceeding there in pending wherein John I). Blggers, administrator of W. A. Diggers, de ceased, plaintiff, and Laura Smith and Carrie Fowler et nl ure defend ants, we will on Momlay, the UOtli day of May, 1!M2. offer for sale at the court house door In Monroe, N. C, all those cer tain pieces, tracts or parc:iu of land or wiiii n tn.. sii Id . A. Bl.wrs which make a good legislator. His (!i,'d, ceased and possessed, describ-1 father was at one limo Union conn ed as follows: 1 1 y " representative In the Leglsla lst Tract: A tract lylns and l'-,ture, and no county ever had a lnt !:i Sandy Miw township, Union better one. Of nil the men we (unity. Xonh Carolina, hounded as, know Bill Eubunks U our choice for Hollows: lit ginning at a stako on T lino near a dwelling and S(i 10. 45.50 poles to John Davis earner; thence with his line X. 5 1-2 W. C3.44 poles to a P. O. R. B. Weddingtou's corner; thence with his line S. fis W. l.'iti 1-2 nolos to a P. 0., A.O. Davis corner; thence with the of his said lines, 1st 5 3-4 W. 100 poles crossing n branch to a small B. J.; 2nd S. 34 1-4 W. 54 poles to a P.O. by a pine; 3rd S. 87 W. 42.t!0 poles to a R. O.: 4th S. 9 IE, 11 poles to a dead persimmon by la spring and fifth S. 81 1-2 E. 8! poles to a pine stumpby a small ce dar; thence N. 23 1-2 E. 62 poles 15 links to a P.O., Geo, E. Da vis corner; thence with his line X. 7 3-4 E. 84 1-2 poles to a black oak stump; thence N. 32 1-4 E. 48 1-2 poles to a small P. O.; thence N. 4 W. 6 poles and 16 links to the beginning containing 83 3-4 acres. Being three tracts consolidated and being the old home plnce of the said W. A. Blggers, less, however, 4 3-4 seres heretofore conveyed to R. B. Redwlne. 2nd Tract: A tract adjoining the above lands containing eight acres more or less conveyed to W. A. Blg gers by G. C. Davis and wife by AnA AntA QC1. IBfil .V. I ..I, MICCU U.llCll AUlll, lOOl, lilt II i. ,iot,j i ni, i ., .? 3rd TrHCt. Alg0 notherHtract ail: Joining the above described 87-acre mer' IS", and registered Book PW "5. less, how in ever. from the several tracts of land about 17 acres which was sold about the latter part of 1907, by Frank Arm field nnd R. B. Redwlne, commis- sloners. This 17 acres being the ex- r fUnd, "J-L" ft,lo'!ln ,0 lya and Thomas Blggers a home Bieati in ine inntis of ineir uoceasea father, which home stead allotment is the land to be sold at the time hereinbefore named. Terms of sale one-third the pur chase money tn cash and the re mainder on a credit of six months, the deferred payments to bear in terest from date of sale and title re tained until purchase money has been paid in full. This April 15th. A.D.. 1912. FRANK ARMFIELD and It. B. REDWLNE, Comrs. AX XOCXCEMXXTS. (Rates tinder this head on cent per word each insertion. Where two or more names are grouped In the same announcement each nam is charged one cent per word each In sertlon. Xo announcement taken for less than one dollar.) Fur lUnister of Peed. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office ot Register of Deeds for Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. FRANK A. KRAL'SS. For HejeUter Uewln. I hereby announce myselt a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds for In Ion county, subject to the action of tbe leuiocnttic pri mary. M. C. LONG. 1'or lU'giMrr of Dwris. I hereby anuounce myself a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds of Union county, subject to the action of the Iemocratie pri mary. J. T. WEIR. For SherLT. I hereby anuounce myself a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic proiniary. R. W. ELLIOTT. For lbfitnli-r. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of Record er, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary. II. B. ADAMS, Jr. Fir Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. B. A. HORN. For Register f Derds. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Register of Deeds for Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic prima ry. T. J. W. BROOM. For Clerk of the Siiicrior Court. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Union county, subject to the action of the Dem cratic primary. C. E. HOUSTON'. For Sheriff. I hereby aunounee myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Union county, subject to tho action of tho Democratic pri mary. JOHN GRIFFITH. For County Commissioner. 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of county com missioner of Union county, subject to the action of the DenuvratU' primary. II. T. BAUt'OM. Ainhrose Seci-est for Commls;!otier. We think Ambrose Secret would niako a mighty good man for Com missioner. SOME OF I11S NEIGHBORS. For County Commissioner. I hereby anuounce myself a can didate for the office of County Com missioner of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary . A. J. BROOKS. W. A, Fiibanks for the Legislature. It is time that Union county, be ing a farming county, send a far mer to the Legislature. It Is also time that the township of Iluford be allowed to furnish one of the Legislators, after a lapse of twenty years. Buford township has a citi zen who would make an ubte Leg- ! Islutor. nml that man is now and always h:'s been a farmer a real progressive farmer. That man Is the fanners' frit ml, known by ev erybody ns Bill Eulmnks. He Is a man who both by training and In clination possesses thoo qualities the Legislature. V? call on the on other townships nnd the fanners of tho county to join u. in electing him. BL'FOKI) TOWNSHIP CITIZENS. The Sewerage Proposition. There nro nil sorts of wild nils' taken ideas about what the plant will cost. Some think It cannot bo built for thirty thousand dollars Koek Hill, S. C. twice ns large as Monroe, put in a plant for $35,000 Abbeville, S. C, with 4,000 people put in a plant with two septic tanks for (25,000. Laurtnburg's plant cost $19,000. Quite naturally then Monroe can put in a large plant for $30,000. Sewerage for the sake of sanita tion, public health nnd public con venience Is Monroe s chief need. People have moved away and pros pective settlers have turned away because .Monroe did not have sew erage. About the cost of Installing sew erage A franchise will require the city to supply sewerage connection as far as the sidewalk In front of your residence. But you cannot be forced to Install the system In your residence a bit more than you can be compelled to put in lights and water. There are all sorts of wild mistaken Ideas about tho cost ot installing tho system in your house. It can be put In your res Idence for twenty to sixty dollars and on upward, according to how good a buyer you are and what kind you purchase; and according to how competent and how straight or how crooked the plumber Is. Where several cottages are grouped together, it would be possible to make the closets on one connection. You can put In a nice set of fixtures for $30. It need not cost any landlord more than thirty to sixty dollars. We cannot stem the tide of prog ress always. These modern Im provements and conveniences are bound to come to every town, even If they come only by fires and fun erals. And the safety of the public health will be Increased a hundred percent. It is your civic duty as a citizen of Monroe to help secure sewerage. Very truly. H. D. STEWART. ! LEE & LEE COMPANY. THE LEADINQ 111 GOODS, I0TI0IS, CL0TEI5G, GEITS1 mHISEHG!, I1T IIS SHOE STOEE II I0IBOL Fancy AND- Notion Offerings. Richard's Pure Linen Crash Pillow Embroidery Outfit. 1 Hamlxmie Pillow Top tliited In colors size 17x! inches; 1 back for Pillow; 1 esMTlally Written 0 skeins of Richardson's Grand all for 25c Linen Towels stamped for euibrlodering, Site. Women's Xcckwear, tlicmcM'ttes and Giumps continue in good re quest. I-aoe Dutch Collars, Embroidered Collars and Cuff Sets. Koine new additions added to our large and attractive line of Dms Trimmings. Ladies and Misses9 Hosiery. "Black Cat" Auieric's Handsome Hosier)- what Sterling means on Silverwhat tlio Pure Food Label means on Food that assurance of first class quality you get In name "Black Cat." In Black, White and the leading shades 13 to 30 cer.ts. Another lot Silk Hosiery at 25c, 50c and $1.00. Lee & THE LEADING Dru Goods, Notions, Mllllneru, Clothing anl Shoe Store In MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA. WITH E VERyM fe CARE That's one thing that goes in KVKRV prescription that gtes out of our store. We follow the DOCTOR'S orders follow them with Fresh, pure Full-Strength drugs. As a result, prescriptions compounded by us ofteu se cure RESI LTS where others fall. Ruck of this policy Is the KNOWLEDGE that too much DEPENDS on tbe medicine your physician prescribes TO PERMIT OF 8UWTITITIOX for the sake of a few cents more profit and there's XO EXTRA CHARGE! for the IT RE ingredients and EXTRA rare. Our PRICES are the same as you'll pay for 1XFERIOR U)OI)S. WE WILL GIVE YOU FREE ONE iR IDl ATEI) MEDIC1XE GLASS WITH EVERY 3c. PRESCRUTIOX. Ak the Doctor to LEAVE your Prescriptions with us. THE Ur)ion Drug Co. Phone 221. A. Lovely Hair for Girls and Boys. The man who Is bald at 30 can usually blame his mother. It U a mother's duty to look af ter her children's hair; to be sure that a dressing Is used that will iestroy the microbes of disease, will banish dandruff and promote a growth cf hair. Goods Lesson, giving every stitch in detail; Prize (recian Wash Embroidery Silk, every piece of Hosiery that lM-ars the Lee Co. M. Secrest, Manager Mothers who use Parisian Sage need never worry about having bald beaded sons at 30 or girls with fad ed coarse looking hair at any age. For English Drug Co. knows PAR 1S1AN SAGE so well that It guaran tees It to abolish dandruff; to stop itching scalp and falling hair, or money bark. And children as well as their pa rents love to use PARISIAN s AflR tor It Is so refined and nleasant unit maltc-t the head feel fine instantly. 50 ccntt.