1'nlntlng is not Mich a simple matter as some Knplo think. Different paint are made to fill different requirements. A paint exposed U tho weather requires different ingredients than the oth er kind. It most liiimrtnt quality Is to preserve rather than beau tify. We know the tuliit business, the kind to use Inside or outside, on Iron of wood. We have devoted year of study to paint and we will Khtdly give )ou the information in our power for tho asking. We buy tlio pahitM wo handle bcrauso they ore tho best. We will gladly tell you why. Come In and talk It over with u.. MASCRY'tt I'AINT HAS NO KQt'AL. HEATH HAKDWABE CO. WHOLESALE MONROE, N. C. RETAIL iwdg 1m pones Vimn oa III Own Better Half. Judge Irrtng Bemaa fined bU bet ter naif I2S for contempt of court and orered the bailiff to lock her up If the fin was not paid in an hour. Mrs. Beuian paid. The judge was holding court when Mrs. Beuian en tered the court room and seated her self near the bato 'lt fr him to go on a shopping expedition. Wil liam LAWloii was before tne bar. charged with disorderly conduct. After hurrying through the evidence the Judge fined him (10 and coats. Lawton. having no ready cash, was ordered locked up. That's an outrage," esclalnied Mrs. Beman. Silence," thundered the Judge. Jirs. Ueuiau refused to be silenced, and with a woman s lik ing to have t'.e last word, saecon- tinued her argument vith h.-r hus band until the court was la an up roar, in cpera:ion tne juuge im posed a fine of fZi fjr contempt, and Mr s Uemau dared bim to col lect it. The Judge Instructed LU liff Newton to take Mrs. Ileman lu cnarge and lock her up if the flae was cot paid Inside of an hour. Mrs. tieiunn v. as led from the court, sobbing hysterically. She later drew on her private bank ac count for the fine and was releas ed. Judge Ueman stated that he had Imposed the fine, fetliug th:it it was the only thing he could do if the dignity of his court was to be maintained. Sterling, U!.. Dis patch. Help the Hoys Out. Pageland Journal. 1 i ru In baa . roQ 1 wllll-V.'pftt II J VU v in v . " performance, go out next Sunday afternoon ai - ociihi auu wo n..-n Knva villa lueark ftml rut Other shines as near like some of the cheap show performances tney nave been attenaing as uiey cua ou imi performance ring over near Rose Lltll nhnnh YhrtaA nf VOU WhO lilt v im n wuv w. - have boys, and especially those who have Doys ana a cnurcn recuru hw, ,i.rh tinA It tnKwKtinir to eo over and watch the capers, maybe It will be pood recreation tor you oner a week's hard work. Help the boys inn ihn eiihhnth If vnii can't eo iinv. I'll anv Snndar vou can as they are supposea 10 ue mc every sunuay ni ; o ciock suary. Would Linger linger. In a Btorm at sya, the chaplain asked one of the crew If he thought there was any denser. "Oh, yes," replied tho pallor; "if it blobs' r.d hard as It d ies now we shall nil bo In heaven before twelve o'clock toinnht." ty. i.Mrt)nlu trrifloil nt ihr ex pression, cried out "The Lord for- biJ. Liirc. Monroe's New Citizen. Papeland Journal. Mr. T. !'. Smith moves his fmu lv from Pagidand to Monroe today ir Smith nnil fi-mllv have made a great ninny friends during their stay here who regret to see them go. .vir Smith has had a (rood HusluesB Here and his going will bo a loss to the town. He has purchased a grocery business In Monroe, and will douut less make a success of It. Woman's Power Over Man WHY Piedmont Buggies are the height of perfection in huggy building. To btrild a buggy hat combines style, comfort, finish and durability has been our aim Bince the first conception of Piedmont Baggies. Our fac tory is located in the famous Piedmont section of Nrth Carolina the best, timbered section in this country; our machinery is of the latest improved patterns; every man in our shop is a skilled mechanic, and every inch of material used is carefully selected and inspected by experts. These are some of the conditions that go to make Piedmont Busies the heights per fection in buggy building. , . . We have studied carefully the requirements of buggies in the bouth, and endeavor to construct our Piedrwnt Buj35 to meet theseonditions they are built in the South, by Southern people and for the Southern people. Piedmont Buggies will give you belter service, Ust longer, and cost less to keep up. For sale by Heath Hardware Co Monroe, N. C. Almost a Miracle. One of the most startling chan ees cvfr seen in any man, according to W. B. Holsclaw. Clarendon, Tex., was effected years ago in his Drotn- er. "lie nail Biicn a areauiui couch." he writes, "that ell our fam lly thought ho was golag into con sumption, but ho began to use ur. irinir'a Now Discovery, and was comuletely cured by ten bottles. Now he is Bound and wen ana welshs 218 pounds. For many vears our family has used this won derful remedy for cougns auu coins wlih excollent results." lt'B quicn safe, reliable and ffuarnntoed. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial Dottle iroo ai English Drug Company's. Notice of Sale of Lund for Partition A bv virtue of an order by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Union county, North Carolina i, !ii it n uni-i.'il tirocoedine eatl HpiI "W. Hnv Tru 1 ana V. M. iruu vo i.nmi,. Trull. Gertha Trull. Pau line Trull and Kvorett Trull," pond ing before tno sa.u uierK, mo uu- durslgucd w ill on Mondav. Anril 20. 1312. at 10 M., at tho court houso door In Monroe, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for 1-3 cash, bal- credit of 8 months, two city lots, lying and being In the City of Monroe, N. C, and described as follows: Bounded on the north by Brown avenue; on the east Dy sstanoru street; on the south by Lot No. 3 In TtlnrV C: nnd on the west by a branch or drain, same being lots N'os. 1 and 2 in Bl3ck C of the Mon roe Land Improvement Company s addition to tho town or juonroe.A. C. Each lot contains 50x166 feet, mnrck rtr loan nnil nre the same lots conveyed by D. A. Mauney and wife to E. E. Presson, by deed dated May 9, 1898, and later conveyed oy unlit Prodsnn nnd wife to James T. TVnll liv rfeeit listed March 5. 1901. and recorded In book 34 of deeds at page 81, in the office or tne ueg iuT. nf ihpiU nf i;nlon county. N. C, to which referenece is hereby made. Thl3 tho 26th day of March, 1912 U. W. LKIIJIO.MI, tomr. U, V. Iiemmond and J. C. M. Vann, Attorneys-t-lJw, will practice in all State and Fed' ml t'nurts. Soeclal attention glV' b to the settlement of Estates by Administrators, Executors and Guar dians. Offices, Nos. Z ana s, ixwb and Trust Building. Phone 2. DR. B. C. REDFEABN, Dentist, Office one door south of C. W. Bmner's Store. Phone 232. Monroe ,N. C. At Marehville on 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month and Mat thfws on 2nd and 4th Mondays DR. R. L. PAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, Monroe, N. C. Office in Postoffice Building, over Union Drug Co. Office hours 11 to Vonn'i mH jlorioas endowoicnt is the power to swakea sad huM the jmitc (Jul Looot luve t( a wor.ii y mm. V hco im !uet it c--iJ U jl Unt oa, ao oo ia tno wide wen J cu -no- iie hrsrt socy she cajurcs. The wmu who fLCr fnm wck nets and Jcrotitr.icat i4 tu. r xxwl un -u:!y or gtnuia sooa kw the poncr to tm t'.u Lrart J a oisa. He icrcral !i?a,'h i."vV- anj the b n her gaod look, her t:retti- i:r.v, irf amicb;! ?y and her power saJ rcf - Wiiiaii. te. !t. V. fierce, of El'FI, N.V., wih the stiistznce ol Lis lUlit le l iias, Sa "itscri --! ler aid cured a-jry thouiaaJ of .cim. i!e 1 ieci a L-ccefut remot'y l.r 5n'i c:i mcnt. It h k.vjwn ts Ur. i ii-rce'i Tvurite rrorri-fi'-ri. It ii pe:liv pecie for t.e wi-jkne-wt ciJ cjurcers ptvuliar t . voj m. ! . -;re. tr -late, tireriithmi tul l.t.i.. '..t.ifl.ic u'a'c.i ti! i'. N iv-,-: -r U advue ) ou to acctit a jjt.tu'c ia oruc io bii kc a lr!i i.r:r p 4 '. IT ZZJLUFS "WSAr: WQITJZI? ZrSJi.Ci:C, When Times Are Hard money clow, and the ilenionls for bans about three tiinen as large as we ran supply, it is natural that, In case oue of our regular deMKiti:n need nn acrtHiiodation, he should be favored first. Why not protect your future in terest by opeuing an account with us now. The amount of your first deposit is not so material as the fact that you become one of our reg ular UcKxiior. Start an account with us today. Farmers & Merchants Bank. M. K. LEE, President J. L. EVERETT, Vioe Presideat. 0. B. ADAMS, Cashier. Thermometers Vou need some to keep tab on the changing temiM'ru'ure. We buy direct from tho ln-st makers. We have the best ther mometers t all prices. Decorated thermometers for indoors, al Mdutcly rornx't reglsterlun thermoineters for ouUlKr, clinical thermometers for the sick room and reliuble barometers, the sci entific weather prophets. Respectfully, English Drug Co. The Dependable Store. It is a Pleasure to Dress when one lias a k"mh1 as sortment of shirts, collars iiockweur, etc, which he knows are correct and clas sy. And fw-HiiK Rood makes ne lHk good. For tho furnisiiings Hint make self satisfaction and approval of others come rUtbt here. Our haJc erdashory is the kind that marks the wrearer as a man of taste and refinement. for too We can Point to the time when shoos were either stylish or comfortable never both. Hut things are different now. Uoth in our men's and women's footwear you will find tho acme of stylo combined writh perfect comfort. Come see, try on and be convinced. Low cut shoes are now ou display. An)'thing you want for wear ing or living can be found in this big general store. t t Grow Bros. Gash store. 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Residence phone, 273-R. ECU